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SB 1123a

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The New Piper Aircraft, Inc.

2926 Piper Drive
Vero Beach, Florida, U.S.A. 32960

Date: November 30, 2004 (M)

This Service Bulletin supersedes SB 413 and SB 1123 in their entirety.




PA-34-200 Seneca 34-7250001 through 34-7450220

PA-34-200T Seneca II 34-7570001 through 34-8170092
PA-34-220T Seneca III 34-8133001 through 34-8633031; 3433001 through
3433172 and 3448001 through 3448037
PA-34-220T Seneca IV 3448038 through 3448079 & 3447001 through
PA-34-220T Seneca V 3449001 and Up
NOTE: The instructions contained in this Service Bulletin are in effect until the contents are incorporated into the
appropriate Seneca Maintenance Manual at which time, this Service Bulletin becomes obsolete.

COMPLIANCE TIME: To coincide with the next regularly scheduled maintenance event, but not to
exceed fifty (50) hours time in service or unless otherwise specified in the
“Instructions” section of this service bulletin.
APPROVAL: The technical content of this Service Bulletin has been shown to comply with the
applicable Federal Aviation Regulations and is FAA approved.
PURPOSE: A review of the service difficulty reports concerning PA-34 Nose Landing Gear
failures and inadvertent retractions indicates a need to emphasize and expand
upon the periodic inspection requirements currently listed in the applicable PA-34
series Maintenance Manuals. In addition, a design review of the installation
identified a few components that could be modified to improve their long term
service life. This publication introduces the revised inspection requirements and
identifies those parts that have been modified to improve their service life. Also
included are corrections and clarifications of the rigging procedures pertaining to
the Nose Gear installation.
1. Inspections
The following Table 1 lists scheduled maintenance actions and inspections pertaining to the Nose Landing
Gear that will be included in all PA-34 series Maintenance Manuals. These Inspections are in effect until the
contents of this service bulletin are incorporated into the appropriate Maintenance Manuals. All other
Landing Gear inspections as called out in the “Scheduled Maintenance” section of the appropriate Aircraft
Maintenance Manuals are still valid and must be complied with in addition to these inspections.

ATA: 3220

Nature of Inspection Inspection Time (hrs)

50 100 500 1000
1. Inspect nose gear steering control and travel. (Refer to the “Alignment of
Nose Gear” section of the applicable Maintenance Manual. 0 0 0
2. Inspect gear struts, attachments, torque links, retraction links, bolts and
bushings for condition and security. (Refer to the “Cleaning, Inspection,
and Repair” section of the applicable Maintenance Manual). See section 0 0 0
3 of this service bulletin for wear limits.
3. Visually inspect (2000 hrs. initial) the nose gear trunnion (P/N 95723-00,
-05, -06) for cracks in the area of attachment to the nose gear mount
assembly (See Figure 1) using supplemental lighting and a 10X
magnifier 0
4. Inspect nose gear upper drag link AN7-35 attach bolt or the (alternate
NAS6207-50D bolt (Ref. Instruction Step 2. a. in this Service Bulletin).
Replace the drag link bolt AN7-35 or NAS6207-50D every 500 hours. 0 0 0
5. Inspect the nose gear retraction link retention spring (P/N 96178-0) for
damage, distortion, or corrosion. 0 0 0
6. Remove triangular shaped, nose gear strut servicing access panel
located in the forward baggage compartment.
a. Inspect nose tiller roller, steering arm channel and tiller track for
condition. 0 0 0
b. Examine the tiller, tiller roller, and steering arm channel, turn-stop
bosses for damage caused by exceeding nose wheel turn limits
when towing with power equipment. 0 0 0
c. Inspect the AN4-10C bolts attaching the P/N 95393-00 arm to the
steering channel for proper torque (50-70 in. lbs). If found loose,
replace bolts and re-torque. 0 0 0
7. Inspect the nose gear drag link center pivot and attachment bolts for
condition and security. (Replace as required.) 0 0 0
8. Inspect the nose gear down lock link assembly for binding, worn spring
retention pin, and any noticeable elongation of the hole associated with
the spring retention pin. Inspect the down lock link spring for damage,
distortion, or corrosion. Clean and lubricate the link using MIL-L-7870 oil. 0 0 0
9. Inspect the actuator mounting bracket for cracks, elongation of the .250
dia. holes where the retraction link attaches, and for loose mounting
rivets. (Reference Figure 1A for rivet inspection details) See paragraph
2. c. for aluminum -vs- steel mounting bracket inspections. See section
3 of this service bulletin for wear limits. See applicable S/N below.
a. 34-7250001 through 34-7570050 0 0 0 0
b. 34-7250051 and Up 0 0 0
For aircraft in category 9.a. that have had the steel mount bracket
installed (95724-004 thru –007, as applicable), inspection requirements
shall be per category 9.b.
10. Inspect the bolt and bushing associated with the attachment of the P/N
95712-00 or –04 retraction link to the actuator mounting bracket.
Replace if “wear grooves” are noted in either the bolt or bushing. 0 0 0
11. Inspect the AN23-25 stop bolt that is installed in the actuator mounting
bracket for condition and security. 0 0 0
12. Lubricate the nose landing gear per the lubrication chart located in the
applicable aircraft Maintenance Manual. 0 0 0 0
13. Verify proper adjustment of the nose gear down lock link by performing
the rigging procedure per the “Installation and Rigging of the Nose Gear”
section of the applicable Maintenance Manual, as modified by section 4,
Rigging Instructions, of this service bulletin. 0 0 0

Table 1
Scheduled Maintenance
PAGE 3 of 12

14. Inspect the Tunnel Bracket 95554-000 installation for loose

attachment rivets to the tunnel and nose gear mount fitting 95555-
000 and visually inspect for cracks in the bracket attachment flange
adjacent to the fitting. This inspection can be accomplished through
an access opening located in the bottom skin at B.L. 00.00, just aft
of Sta. 49.5 bulkhead. Insect for loose rivets by observing the area
during the landing gear cycle test performed per Inspection No.
9. (Ref Figure 1A) and looking for any relative motion between
riveted components. 0 0 0
Table 1 (Continued)
Scheduled Maintenance

Figure 1
Trunnion Inspection
(See Table 1, Item 3)

Inspect for Cracks in

Flange Radius


STA. 49.5

Inspect These (4 Rivets) for

Attachment of Tunnel Bracket Inspect These 11 Rivets

Inspect for loose mounting rivets that attach the actuator mounting bracket to tunnel aft of Sta. 49.5
bulkhead by placing aircraft on jacks, extend and retract landing gear and note any relative motion
between the subject bracket and the tunnel. It will be necessary to pull carpet away from the side of
tunnel to inspect noted rivets.

Figure 1A
Actuator Mounting Bracket Rivets
PAGE 5 OF 12


2. Modified Components
The following parts have been modified to increase their service life. This Service Bulletin does not require
the immediate replacement of the currently installed part, but are recommended as replacements.
NOTE: Aircraft serial numbers 3449264 and up have had these parts factory installed during production.
a. Drag link-to-nose gear strut bolt, P/N 400-274 (AN7-35).
The Nose Gear Installation has been revised to change this AN7-35 bolt to P/N 693-215, (NAS6207-50D)
bolt that is stronger. This bolt change is approved for all PA-34 Series aircraft, and is an Alternate Method
of Compliance as a substitute for the P/N 400-274 (AN7-35) bolt per AD 93-24-14.
b. Steering Channel Assembly 95394-000.
The Steering Channel has been revised to increase the material thickness by 25% and the
height increased to prevent “ball-out-of-track” failures. The par t number for the redesigned
Steering Channel is 95394-005. The 95394-005 Steering Channel is Approved for all PA-34
Series aircraft.
c. Actuator Mount Bracket P/N 95724 and Bushing P/N 95061-89.
The Actuator Mount Bracket has gone through two major design changes, from aluminum to steel, and a
recent change of adding reinforcements to increase the bearing surfaces for the P/N 95061-089 bushing.
For all PA-34-200 and PA-34-200T serial numbers 34-7250001 through 34-7570050 (with aluminum
bracket), visually inspect the aluminum mount bracket for wear, cracks, loose rivets and other damage,
within the next 50 hours and at 50 hour intervals thereafter (Ref. Table 1, item 9).
For PA-34-200T aircraft, serial number 34-7570051 and up, for all PA-34-220T aircraft through serial
number 3449193, visually inspect the steel mount bracket for wear, cracks, loose rivets and elongation of
the attachment hole for the P/N 95061-089 bushing, within the next 50 hours and at 100 hour intervals
The following kits are required if the aluminum or steel Actuator Mount Brackets are discrepant and must
be replaced for the noted aircraft and serial numbers. The kit includes the latest design mount bracket and
new required hardware for the attachment of the Nose Gear retraction Link Assembly P/N 95712-00/-04.


767-357 PA-34-200 34-7250001 thru 34-7350135 95724-007 Replaces 95724-000
767-358 PA-34-200 34-7350136 & Up
95724-005 Replaces 95724-002
767-358 PA-34-200T 34-7570001 & Up
34-8133001 & Up
767-359 PA-34-220T III
3433001 & Up
3448001 thru 3448037 95724-006 Replaces 95724-004
3447001 & Up
767-359 PA-34-220T IV
3448038 & Up
767-359 PA-34-220T V 3449001 thru 3449193

Table 2
Actuator Mount Bracket Kits

d. Turn-stop boss failure on the strut upper tube assembly P/N 95720.
Service Kit 767-368 has been established to add a Turn Limit Indicator on PA-34 Series aircraft prior to
serial number 3449060. (PA-34-220T Seneca V aircraft serial numbers 3449060 & up have a factory
installed turn limit placard.)

3. Service Wear Limits
These Wear Limits are in effect until the contents of this service bulletin are incorporated into the appropriate
Maintenance Manuals.
Table 3 is a “Wear Limits Chart” that can be used to determine the acceptable /or replacement condition for
the listed parts that were inspected per Instructions Step 1. in this Service Bulletin. Visually inspect all
bolts/pins for wear, damage, or corrosion. Replace as required.

Table 3
Service Wear Limits
5 6




Figure 2
Service Wear Limit Locations
PAGE 7 OF 12

Figure 3
Drag Link Over-Center Measurement
Nose Gear Installation

Figure 3A
Nose Gear Installation
PAGE 9 OF 12

4. Rigging Instructions
These Rigging Instructions are in effect until the contents of this service bulletin are incorporated into the
appropriate Maintenance Manuals.
All other rigging instructions as called out in the “Installation and Rigging of the Nose Gear” section of the
appropriate Aircraft Maintenance Manual are still valid and must be complied with in addition to these
4.1 Nose Gear Drag Link Inspection and Adjustment
a. For Senecas serial numbers 34-7250001 through 34-7450220: Rigging of the nose gear installation
(Item 13, Table 1) shall be accomplished per this Service Bulletin. The ‘over center’ measurement for
the Seneca, as for all Seneca’s, shall be 0.250 or greater as measured from the center (See Figure
3). The Service Manual will be revised to delete reference to Service Bulletin 413. All required
measurements are in this service bulletin and will be incorporated into the Service Manual.
b. For Senecas II through V: Rigging of the nose gear installation (Item 13, Table 1) shall be
accomplished per the appropriate Service Manual with the following exception for the Seneca II. The
‘over center’ measurement for the Seneca II, as for all Seneca’s, shall be 0.250 or greater as
measured from the center (See Figure 3). The 0.250 dimension supersedes the 0.300 dimension
which was incorrectly stated in the Seneca II Maintenance Manual. Refer to the Maintenance Manual
for the procedure to make the over center measurement. This Service Bulletin supersedes Service
Bulletin No. 413, Nose gear Drag Link Dimension Check.
4.2 Steering Arm Channel Clearance
a. Turn the nose gear full travel and make sure the clearance between the steering arm assembly and
the tiller track is a minimum 0.03 of an inch at both the left and right stops. (see Figure 4). If
insufficient clearance is obtained, loosen the upper mounting bolts for the tiller track and move the
track upwards in the slotted holes where the track is attached to the gear mount assembly. Adjust to
obtain a minimum of 0.03 inch clearance. Tighten the upper mounting bolts.

Figure 4
Steering Arm Channel Clearance

4.3 Installation and Rigging of Nose Gear (Refer to Figures 3 and 3A)
NOTE:. Installation and rigging instructions for the Seneca II aircraft will be revised to match the rigging
instructions for the later Seneca models as follows.
NOTE: With reference to Chapter 12 for proper lubricants, ensure affected parts of the landing gear such as
bearings, bushings, etc, are lubricated prior to and following assembly.
a. Position the gear assembly between the mounting points, making certain the tiller roller is properly
inserted in the steering arm channel.
b. Align the mounting points of the strut with those on the mount and install the appropriate hardware.
The bolt heads should be inboard, with the nuts outboard and just loose enough to allow the gear to
swing freely.
c. If necessary, assemble the drag links. Installed or removed, use the appropriate instructions in this
section to check their rigging.
d. The drag links are installed with their through center stops facing up, the upper link connection
aligned with the right side of the gear's upper ring block and the lower link connection positioned in its
bracket on the bottom rear of the nose gear mount (refer to Figure 3). With the links in position,
install the connecting hardware and move the gear to assure free movement.
e. At the actuator housing attachment assembly (see Sketch B, Figure 3A), disconnect the retention
spring from the retraction link fitting.
f. Position the gear in its down locked position and check that the drag links have fully extended to their
through center position with the stop surfaces in contact.
g. With the actuating piston rod extended, adjust the piston rod end such that 0.25 of an inch of rod
travel remains in the actuator before full extension. Connect the rod end to its mount on the gear
assembly. The retraction link to which the actuator is attached should be near its stop.
h. Reconnect the retention spring to the retraction link fitting.
i. Install the down lock link (see Figure 3) with the rod end connected to the retraction link and the other
end to the bottom drag link.
j. Adjust the down lock link as necessary until the guide pin is completely bottomed out at the top of its
slot and the retraction link is moved against its stop.
NOTE: If the down lock link is adjusted properly, the retraction link will be moved completely to its stop by the
down lock link therefore taking up some of the extra actuator piston rod travel and activating the down
and locked limit switch.
k. Retract and free fall the landing gear at least three times. Remove the down lock link, shorten it by
1/2 turn and reinstall.
l. The down and locked limit switch should be adjusted to have it actuated when the retraction link is
back against its stop.
m. Using a tow bar to reach full travel against stops, rig the nose gear steering rod ends as necessary to
allow full deflection.
n. Refer to Figure 3A, Sketch D and set the up stop to the dimension shown. Retract the gear and
ensure the nose gear housing engages the stop under retraction pressure. Adjust as necessary.
NOTE: After any up stop adjustment, the gear must be cycled to ensure the strut engages the stop under
PAGE 11 OF 12

o. Retract the gear and check that the up switch is just activated when the gear contacts the stop.
Following this, adjust the switch upward another 0.02 to 0.04 of an inch.
p. Support the gear in its up locked position and adjust the rod end of the actuator piston rod to allow a
minimum of 0.06 of an inch actuator travel remaining with the gear up and locked.
q. Cycle the gear a few times and check down lock, and up stop action, and switch activation. Include
short pickup cycles which simulate gear sag pickup in flight. Leave gear up.
r. Check up switch bracket override action to ensure proper activation.
s. Extend the gear and check that the actuator piston travel remaining till full extension is not less than
.15 of an inch.
t. Retract and free fall the gear to ensure the retraction link retention spring moves to the assemblies aft
causing the down lock link to fully compress and the drag links to lock in their over center position.
u. Turn the nose gear full travel and make sure the clearance between the steering arm assembly and
the tiller track is between 0.06 and 0.03 of an inch at both the left and right stops.
v. Verify free and correct movement of the tiller roller between the steering arm channel and the tiller
track and up and down the tiller track.
w. Refer to the appropriate paragraph in this section for rigging of the nose gear doors.
x. Lube the system as specified in Chapter 12.
y. Ascertain the gear is down and locked and check alignment of landing gear. Refer to the
appropriate section of this chapter.
z. Remove airplane from jacks.

MATERIAL REQUIRED: One (1) each, Nose Gear Hydraulic Jack Mount Assembly Kit, Piper part
number 767-357; 767-358 or 767-359 (See Table 1 for correlation between the
aircraft serial number effectivity and the correct Kit number required), Turn Limit
Kit, Piper part number 767-368, NAS6207-50D bolt, Piper part number 693-
215, Steering Channel, New Piper part number 95394-005, if required, per

AVAILABILITY OF PARTS: Your Piper Field Service Facility.

EFFECTIVITY DATE: This Service Bulletin is effective upon receipt.

SUMMARY: Warranty is not available for this Service Bulletin. The kits available through this
Service Bulletin are considered ‘product improvements’.
Please contact your Factory Authorized Piper Service Facility to make arrangements for compliance with this
Service Bulletin in accordance with the compliance time indicated.

NOTE: If you are no longer in possession of this aircraft, please forward this information to
the present owner/operator and notify the factory of address/ownership corrections.
Changes should include aircraft model, serial number, current owner's name and

Corrections/changes should be directed to:


Attn: Customer Service
2926 Piper Drive
Vero Beach, FL 32960

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