(IJCST-V10I4P3) :esther C, Kalaiselvi P, Jena Catherine Bel D, Gomathy G
(IJCST-V10I4P3) :esther C, Kalaiselvi P, Jena Catherine Bel D, Gomathy G
(IJCST-V10I4P3) :esther C, Kalaiselvi P, Jena Catherine Bel D, Gomathy G
have applied CN2, LME2, AQ and in discernibility Apoorva Chaudhari, et al [7], have used data mining
algorithms on the data set which contains data of 23 techniques based on climatic factors such as rainfall,
crop varieties and 22 attributes like Ph, Mn, Fe, N, P, temperature and location are used and classification
K, etc. techniques such as
S.Pudumalar, et al [3], have developed a crop Decision tree classifier, K-Nearest Neighbour
recommendation system using ensemble model with Classifier, Random Forest Tree Classifier, etc are used
majority voting technique using K – Nearest Neighbor, and web scrapping technology is also used to get crops
Naïve Bayes, CHAID, Random tree. The attributes for best price.
used are Depth, Texture, Ph, Soil Color, Permeability, Ansif Arooj, et al [8], have used data mining
Drainage, Water holding and Erosion of various crop classification algorithm such as Decision Tree, BF
varieties. (Best First) tree, OneR and Naïve Bayes on the dataset
Aoqi Liu, et al [4], have discovered a crop which contain attributes of soil properties of various
recommendation system using clustering centered crop types the attributes are Ph level, organic and
optimized algorithm by synthetic modeling inorganic matter, texture and temperature, etc and
oversampling technique which overcomes the real- hence a crop recommendation system is built.
world data imbalance and have also used Random Priyadharshini A, et al [9], have built a system for crop
Forest Support Vector Machine (RFSVM) algorithm. recommendation, profit analysis, crop sustainability
Nidhi H Kulkarni, et al [5], present a recommendation predictor the system uses neural networks and linear
where they use a ensemble model for data processing regression which is applied on dataset which contains
and using Random Forest, Naïve Bayes and Linear soil characteristics, environmental characteristics and
SVM algorithm using majority voting technique best cost of different varieties of crops.
accurate algorithm is used. The dataset used contains Rashmi Priya, et al [10], have presented a crop
the physical and chemical properties of soil and climatic recommendation system using naïve bayes supervised
condition such as average rainfall and surface learning algorithm which is applied on the data
temperature. obtained from satellite images, sensor recorded data,
Mummaleti Keerthana, et al [6], have done research on irrigation report, crop data, weather data, after data
crop recommendation system which uses ensemble of pre-processing and after extracting features such as
AdaBoost regression and decision tree regression this soil moisture, rainfall, temperature, atmosphere
system gives recommendations based on weather pressure, etc.
condition that particular area.
[1] R. Reshma, V. Sathiyavathi, T.Sindhu and
K. Selvakumar, L.SaiRamesh. IoT
based Classification Techniques for Soil Content
Analysis and Crop Yield Prediction,2020