PLC Training
PLC Training
PLC Training
To Techno India NJR Institute of Technology Udaipur Rajasthan Kind Attn : Ritesh Tirole - Assistant Professor Subj : Offer for 6 days Industry Automation training in college Dear Sir , We thank you for your inquiry .
Automation and Control Systems (ACS ) is one of the leading turnkey automation solution provider and are a very renowned training centre in Automation with ISA USA approval and located in Pune .We are conducting Automation training since past 12 years and are the most preferred company amongst Indian Industries for their employees. Because of the high level of teaching , best infrastructure , and the top modules taken ,we can give you the ISA certificate. We have students coming from all over India for our courses ,as the training level is the best . The topics that we offer cover in great details the wide varieties of diversified hardwares and softwares of many manufacturers . There are different batches for students and industry professional for the full year. But the summer courses are a very good opportunity for students to join us in Pune as they have the best rates. The rates are almost less than half in the summer schedules, for students Apart from this we want to reach to the students at your college. As per discussion we are giving you a very special offer for the proposed training at your college . Eligibility - Students from the 2nd ,3rd , Final year from different streams of Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Mechatronics and other colleges can also be combined for the training from different years Duration 6 days workshop Fees is Rs 1800 per student for 40 65 students Timing 9.30am 5.00pm or as decided Dates : As mutually decided and with a months notice. Confirmation is given only after college pays advance amt and gives confirmation letter min 4weeks before batch start as we have to book tickets and adjust trainers schedules in Pune. (pl ask us for format of confirmation letter ) Payment terms are followed strictly Payment Mode By NFT in favour of
Address : ACS Plot No 144-A , 2nd Floor , Sector 7 PCNDTA , MIDC Bhosari Pune 411026 , Tel/fax: +91-20-27119405 / 505 /27125981 email: , , for PLC Trg
A/c no : 000505016204 . Branch : Bund garden Pune . Type of A/c : Current A/c Only the students paying will be given certificates and there will be no dispute in it.. Also the payment structure as agreed is binding on the college. What ACS will be getting 2-3 trainers will be getting the PLCs ,software cables . Each student will get the manual guide and ISA certificate. As token of Good will 2 faculties will get free training and the certificate. A unique copy protected PLC training CD will be gifted free to the college . A free manual CD will be given to the college . (It is sold for Rs 5500 in the market .) Syllabus We cover four PLCs :Allen Bradely , Siemens, Messung , Mitsubishi and AC drive ,MMI and SCADA . We will be bringing all the hardware and equipment with us required for the training. The training will be half time theory and half time practicals . What college has to arrange : We will require app. 1 LCD projector , a white board in the theory room, 1motor of 0 .75 KW single phase , 30 PCs with window XP in Lab (for 60students ). (If 2 persons sit on 1 PC .then even 15 pcs will do.) Accommodation ina near by hotel or a decent college guest house which should be clean , with 2 clean beds, working lights , fan , mirror and hot water facility. All Meals for the 2 -3 Trainers . Why ACS Our course is designed totally from the industry point of view where all the examples are live ones and will throw light on the different PLC based applications used in the industry. Our excellent modules, rich experience and clear teaching methodology will definitely have a strong impact for the students careers . We also assure that after going through the training most of your technical doubts on automation will be sorted out and you will have insight in the industry actual working. The program will help your students to get a suitable opportunity and take up the automation field as a career We are open to your suggestions for timing , dates etc but please give us confirmation soon by sending us the letter from college and advance amt as the dates discussed is a peak period for us and we have to plan for trainers tickets . We hope to receive a positive feedback on the same . Thanking you and looking forward to long standing relationship For Automation and Control Systems Dimple B Trg Coordinater 09604855369 Address : ACS Plot No 144-A , 2nd Floor , Sector 7 PCNDTA , MIDC Bhosari Pune 411026 , Tel/fax: +91-20-27119405 / 505 /27125981 email: , , for PLC Trg
Syllabus for the Course for the course We cover the the PLCs used world wide like Allen Bradley, Messung , Mitsubishi, Siemens, and also include MMI , AC Drives and SCADA. These are the world leaders and we believe a person trained on these can use any PLCs in the world . Basics of electrical This covers topics involving AC, DC voltages, hydraulics, pneumatics. Electrical symbols used in industries, 1Phase & 3Phase power supply. Basics of electrical Control panel basics, Use of wiring & different PBs, Limit switches & Proximity sensors PLC Details History of PLC, difference between relay, contactor & PLC logic, PLC architecture. A detail description of different PLC modules & cards. I/O configuration & Memory Mapping Why I/O configuration is required? How the I/O modules are addressed for Messung, Mitsubishi, AB & Siemens - PLCs. Programmers & Ladder diagrams First steps with the programming device, introducing the basic ladder logic instructions, contacts, coils, and PLC scan. Introduction to Ladder Software Covers Introduction to Allen Bradley, Siemens, Mitsubishi and Messung PLC ladder programming softwares. PLC Instructions Set NO/NC, Set, Reset Instructions with examples PLC Instructions Set Timer and Counter related Intruction with examples. PLC Instructions Set Move, Compare, Arithmethic and Logical Instructions with examples. PLC Instructions Set Jump and Subroutine Instructions. Trouble-Shooting & Fault Finding Discussion on Fault Findings in PLCs, possible causes & its remedies. Address : ACS Plot No 144-A , 2nd Floor , Sector 7 PCNDTA , MIDC Bhosari Pune 411026 , Tel/fax: +91-20-27119405 / 505 /27125981 email: , , for PLC Trg
MMI Introduction to MMI, its need, operation details and fundamentals of MMI, fault display in MMI, timer counter setting from MMI.Interfacing with PLCs. SCADA Introduction to SCADA, configuration of different drivers,gateway.Database of tags and its se.Interfacing with PLC and simulation of PLC application in SCADA. AC Drive Fundamentals of AC Drive, block diagram of AC drive,configuration of different drives. Control of drive with and without PLCs.Various applications of AC Drive. Interfacing with PLCs. The 6 days course will have the basics of above topics
Address : ACS Plot No 144-A , 2nd Floor , Sector 7 PCNDTA , MIDC Bhosari Pune 411026 , Tel/fax: +91-20-27119405 / 505 /27125981 email: , , for PLC Trg