Tugasan/Assignment: 1. Answer in Malayor English.
Tugasan/Assignment: 1. Answer in Malayor English.
Tugasan/Assignment: 1. Answer in Malayor English.
MAY 2022
2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words for question 1 and 1000 – 1500 words for
question 2 excluding references /
Jumlahpatahperkataan: 2500-3000 patahperkataanuntuksoalan 1 dan 1000 -1500
patahperkataanuntuksoalan 2 tidaktermasukrujukan.
6. This assignment accounts for 50% of the total marks for the course. /
Part 1
Group counselling has been increasingly in popularity, and in many agencies and institutions they
are the primary form of treatment. Write an essay regarding group counselling exercise and support
your arguments/ideas with relevant examples and review of related literature from reputable
1. In carrying out group counselling session, propose FOUR (4) reasons why group members would need to be screened first before the initial meeting can
be held.
2. Elaborate THREE (3) reasons why patients or people who have been diagnosed with some mental-illnesses such as acutely psychotic individuals and
antisocial personalities would not get the benefits from group counselling sessions.
3. State THREE (3) different ways for the group leader to ensure that the group counselling work can benefit the group members who participate in the
QUESTION 2: ESSAY (15 Marks)
Write an essay about counselling ethical principles and support your arguments/ideas with relevant examples and review of related literature from reputable
1. In your opinion about ethical principles, describe some possible outcomes if a counsellor conducts his or her counselling session according to the code
of ethics.
2. Confidentiality in counselling can be defined as the counsellor’s ethical duty to protect private client communication.However, as you have learned,
counsellors cannot promise that everything they discuss will always be kept confidential. There are some situations where counselors need to break
[Total: 40 marks]
Part 11
This part requires students to participate actively in the MyINSPIREeforum. Discuss the following
topics in the forum and submit proof of your participation with your tutor and peers in the eforum
online discussions.
Bahagian 1
Kaunseling kelompok sedang meningkat popularitinya di mana kebanyakkan agensi dan institusi
perkhidmatan kaunseling telah memanfaatkan perkidmatan kaunseling kelompok sebagai
perkhidmatan utama. Tuliskan esei berkaitan kaunseling kelompok dan sokong hujah anda dengan
member contoh yang bersesuaian serta tinjauan literature berkaitan dari sumber-sumber yang
1. Dalam menjalankan sesi kaunseling kelompok, cadangkan EMPAT (4) sebab mengapa penyertaan ahli-ahli kelompok yang baru perlu di tapis terlebih
2. Huraikan TIGA (3) sebab mengapa pesakit atau mereka yang menghidap penyakit mental seperti penyakit psikotik yang serius dan penyakit personaliti yang
anti social tidak akan mendapat manfaat dari sesi kolompok yang disertai.
3. Nyatakan TIGA (3) cara berbeza bagi seorang ketua kelompok dalam memastikan kerja-kerja kaunseling kelompok dapat member manfaat kepada ahli-ahli
Tulis esei berkaitan dengan prinsip-prinsip etika kaunseling dan sokong hujah anda dengan member contoh yang bersesuaian serta tinjauan literature berkaitan
1. Pendapat anda tentang prinsip-prinsip etika, gambarkan beberapa hasil jika kaunselor menjalankan sesi kaunseling mereka dengan mengikut ketetapan
2. Kerahsiaan boleh ditakrifkan sebagai tanggungjawab kaunselor untuk tidak mendedahkan matlumat seperti yang dibincangkan kepada orang lain.
Walaubagaimanapun, seperti yang anda telah pelajari, kaunselor tidak boleh berjanji yang semua bentuk perkara yang dibincangkan semasa sesi akan kekal
rahsia. Ada beberapa keadaan yang membolehkan kaunselor untuk mendedahkan maklumat kerahsiaan. Nyatakan keadaan-keadaan di mana kerahsiaan
[Jumlah: 40 markah]
Bahagian II
Bincangkantopikberikutdalam forum dan serahkanbuktipenyertaanandadengan tutor dan
Excellent and very Good and Quite good and Poor introduction. There is no
comprehensive comprehensive quite introduction
introduction. introduction. comprehensive provided.
Introduction introduction.
1 1 0.5 2
Pengenalan yang Pengenalan yang Tiadapengenalan.
sangat baik dan baik dan Pengenalan yang
Pengenalan yang
sangat komprehensif. agakbaik dan
Pengenalan komprehensif. agakkomprehensif.
1 1 Propose FOUR (4) reasons why 1.75 The four The four The four proposed The four proposed There is no 7
group members would need to proposed reasons proposed reasons reasons explanation
be screened first before the weredeliberated reasonsweredeli weredeliberated weredeliberated – provided.
initial meeting can be held. comprehensively berated clearly briefly with no but vague and
with relevant with relevant examples. confusing.
examples and examples and
supported by supported by
literature from literature from
reputable reputable
sources. sources.
1 1 Elaborate THREE (3) reasons 1.25 The three reasons The three The three reasons The three reasons There is no 5
why patients or people who weredeliberated reasons weredeliberated were deliberated – explanation
have been diagnosed with some comprehensively weredeliberated briefly with no but vague and provided.
mental-illnesses would not get with relevant clearly with examples. confusing.
the benefits from group examples and relevant
counselling sessions. supported by examples and
literature from supported by
reputable literature from
sources. reputable
Penerangankompr Peneranganringkast Penerangansamar-
ehensifdengancon Peneranganjelasd anpasebarangconto samar dan
HuraikanTHREE (3) tohrelevan yang engancontoh h. mengelirukan.
sebabmengapapesakitataumereka jelas dan disokong yang relevan dan
yang menghidappenyakit mental
tidakakanmendapatmanfaatdaris oleh disokong oleh
esikolompok yang disertai. tinjauanliteraturd tinjauanliteraturd
aripadasumber aripadasumber
yang bereputasi. yang bereputasi.
State THREE (3) different ways The three ways The three ways The three ways The three ways There is no
for the group leader to ensure were deliberated were deliberated were deliberated were deliberated - explanation
that the group counselling comprehensively clearly with briefly with no but vague and provided.
work can benefit the group with relevant relevant examples. confusing.
members who participate in examples and examples and
the session. supported by supported by
literature from literature from
reputable reputable
Nyatakan TIGA (3) sources. sources.
1 2 mpokdalammemastikankerja- 1.25 5
Penerangankompr Peneranganjelasd Peneranganringkast Penerangansamar-
ehensifdengancon engancontoh anpasebarangconto samar dan
ahlikelompok yang
tohrelevan yang yang relevan dan h. mengelirukan.
jelas dan disokong disokong oleh
oleh tinjauanliteraturd
tinjauanliteraturd aripadasumber
aripadasumber yang bereputasi.
yang bereputasi.
Conclusion introduction, content and is the introduction abruptly.
content and is well summarized. and content.
well summarized.
Kesimpulan Kesimpulan
Kesimpulan adalahbaik, memuaskantetapiti Tiadakesimpulandi
sangat baik, menyimpulkanse dakmenyimpulkanb berikan.
menyimpulkanse muabahagianpen ahagianpengenalan
yang jelas.
muabahagianpeng genalan, dan kandungan.
enalan, kandungan dan
Kesimpulan tusahaja.
kandungan dan diringkaskandeng
diringkaskandeng anbaik.
1 0.75 More than four Four citations Four citations and Less than four There is no 3
citations and and references references provided citations and citation or
references provided and all but not according references reference
References provided and all citations sources to APA style. provided. provided in this
citations sources and references assignment.
and references according to APA
according to APA style.
daripadaempatpe Empatpetikan
tikan dan dan
rujukandiberikan rujukandiberikan Empatpetikan dan Kurang
dan dan rujukandiberikantet daripadaempatpeti Tiadapetikan dan
semuasumberpeti semuasumberpeti apitidakmengikutga kan dan rujukandiberikanda
kan dan kan dan
rujukanmengikutg rujukanmengikut ya APA. rujukandiberikan. lamtugasanini
aya APA. gaya APA.
Total 6.25 25
Introduction. Excellent and very Good and Quite good and quite Poor introduction. There is no
comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive introduction
introduction. introduction. introduction. provided.
2 3 0.5 2
Pengenalan yang Pengenalan yang baik Pengenalan yang Tiadapengenala
sangat baik dan dan komprehensif. agakbaik dan n.
Pengenalan. sangat agakkomprehensif. Pengenalan yang
komprehensif. lemah.
2 3 Possible outcomes The explanation The explanation was The explanation was The explanation was There is no
if a counsellor was clear with relevant brief with no vague and explanation
conducts his or her comprehensivewith examples and examples. confusing. provided.
counselling session relevant examples supported by literature
according to the and supported by from reputable sources.
code of ethics. literature from
reputable sources.
mengikutketetapans Penerangankompre
eperti yang hensifdengancontoh
relevan yang jelas Peneranganjelasdengan
dan disokong oleh contoh yang relevan dan
mkodetikamereka 1.25 Peneranganringkasta Penerangansamar- Tiadapeneranga
tinjauanliteraturdari disokong oleh
padasumber yang tinjauanliteraturdaripad npasebarangcontoh. samar dan n.
asumber yang mengelirukan. 5
Describe the state The explanation The explanation was The explanation was The explanation was There is no
of confidentiality was clear with relevant brief with no vague and explanation
that needs to be comprehensivewith examples and examples. confusing. provided.
broken. relevant examples supported by literature
1.0 and supported by from reputable sources.
literature from
reputable sources.
2 3
Nyatakankeadaan- hensifdengancontoh
keadaan di mana relevan yang jelas Peneranganjelasdengan
kerahsiaanmakluma dan disokong oleh contoh yang relevan dan
tbolehdidedahkan disokong oleh Peneranganringkasta Penerangansamar- TiadaPeneranga
padasumber yang tinjauanliteraturdaripad npasebarangcontoh. samar dan n.
asumber yang mengelirukan.
2 3 Conclusion. 0.5 The conclusion is The conclusion is good The conclusion is There is no definite. There is no 2
excellent and links and links the satisfactory but does The writing ends conclusion
the introduction, introduction, content not link with the abruptly. provided.
content and is well and is well summarised. introduction
summarised. andcontent.
Citation and More than four Four citations and Four citations and Less than four There is no
References. citations and references provided references provided citations and citation or
references provided and all citations sources but not according to references provided. reference
and all citations and references APA style. provided in this
sources and according to APA style. assignment.
according to APA
2 2 0.5 2
ripadaempatpetikan Empatpetikan dan Tiadapetikan
rujukandiberikan dan Empatpetikan dan dan
dan Kurang
semuasumberpetikanda rujukandiberikanteta rujukandiberika
rujukandiberikan daripadaempatpetik
n rujukanmengikutgaya pitidakmengikutgaya ndalamtugasani
dan an dan
APA. APA. ni
Petikan dan rujukan. semuasumberpetika rujukandiberikan.
n dan
a APA.
Total 3.75 15
Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.
Pilih LIMA (5) postings anda yang terbaikdariperbincangandalamtalian yang telahdisediakan oleh tutor anda.
Marks for the forum will be given based on the following rubric:
3 3 Quality of 2.5 All five comments Four of the comments Three of the comments None of the comments No postings given as 10
Postings are good, are good, are somewhat good, are good and relevant. / proof of participation in
appropriate, appropriate, relevant, appropriate, Comments are short discussion
relevant, meaningful, and meaningful,and responses that are not
Kualiti meaningful, and respectful substantial nor
respectful meaningful. Minimum
Postings respectful effort (e.g. “I agree with
Total Marks/
2.5 10