B.SC Zoology Sem Ii

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Total No. of Questions : 4+4] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 4 Roll No. ses BS/Sem Il/24 (AB) B. Sc. (Hons) Semester II Examination 2013-14 ZOOLOGY Paper No, ZOB-201 : Animal Form and Function and Elementary Biochemistry Time : 3 hours Full Marks : 70 (Write your Roll No. at the top immediately on the receipt of this question paper} The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks USE SEPARATE ANSWER BOOK FOR EACH SECTION Section—A (Animal Form and Function) (Marks : 35) Answer three questions including Question 1 which is compulsory 1, (a) Define the following terms : 3x1 (i Deposit feeding (i) Longitudinal binary fission fii) Dorsal ocelli. D/4(282}—609 (rum over} (2) (b) State whether the following statements are ‘Truc or False giving reasons : 4x2 (y Ammonia is a major nitrogenous waste in aquatic animals. (i) Each hair cell in fish ear has single kinocilium, {ii) Spiracle regulates _ tracheal respiration in aquatic insects. (iv)’ Parthenogenesis occurs in mammals. 2. (a) Describe the structure and function of vertebrate lungs. Explain the double ventilation process in bird: 42 (b) What is nerve net? Explain the pattern of nervous system in invertebrates with labeled diagrams. 6 3. (a) Draw # ucat labeled diagram of an ommatidium. Describe the mechanism of photoreception in insect. 6 (b) Explain the structure and function of primary and accessory sex organs of mammals 6 4. Write short notes on the following : 3x4 (a) Intracellular digestion fo) Parental care in amphibians (c) Sympathetic nervous system. D/4(282) (Continued) (3) Section—B (Elementary Biochemisty) (Marks : 35) Answer three questions including Question 1 1. (@) (b) D/4(282) which is compulsory Select and write the most correct alternative for the following : 2x%h (9 Which one of the following enzymes is a transferase? (1) Glucokinase (2) Malate dehydrogenase (3) Acetylcholine esterase (4) Fumarase (i) Which one of the following is the principal component of the bone? (Q) Fibroin (2) Keratin (3) Collagen (4) Elastin Select if the following statements are True or False. Justify in 2-3 lines each : 3x2 (i) Ester linkages of triglycerides can be hydrolyzed by acid or alleali (i) There is an asymmetrical distribution of charge in water molecule. Hydrogen nucleus (Turn Over} (4) draws electrons from oxygen nucleus which results in a net positive charge (ii) Peptidoglycan is a_hetropoly- saccharide of _ alternating NAGNAM of B (1-4) linkages in the bacterial cell wall. (c) Define the following : 2x1 (j) Annomers (i) Conformation. (@)_ Draw the structures of the following: 21 () 2 -deoxy thymidine (i) Phenyl alanine 2. (a). Describe the process of transcription in prokaryotes with well-labeled diagrams. 6 (2) What is Michaelis Constant (Km)? Ilustrate the mechanism of enzyme action by explaining the binding of substrate to enzyme. 6 3. (a) Describe diagrammatically the process of replication in E. coli 6 (b) Differentiate between reducing and non-reducing sugars. 6 4. Write short notes on the following : 3x4 (a) Unsaturated fatty acid (b) Peptide bond (6) Applications of recombinant DNA techniques. tk D/4(282)—600 BS/Sem 11/24 (AB) Totil No, of Printed Pages :7] BS/Sem 11/28 Roll No. . B. Sc. (Hons.) Semester Il Examination, 2013-14 ZOOLOGY (Ancillary Course) Paper : ZOB-203A : Ancillary Biology (Animal Biology) Time : Three Hours ] (Bull Marks : 70 [Write your Roll No. at the top immediately on the receipt of this question paper] Note : Answer five questions including Question 1 which is compulsory, 1. (a) Select and write the best option in the following wx8=4 (i) Which of the following is not in the correct order of hierarchy for classification ? (1) Phylum > Class > Family > Order (2) Phylum — Class > Order > Genus (3) Class > Order > Genus > Species (4) Class > Order -> Family > Genus P.T.0. BS/Sem 1/28 (i) The theory of Natural Selection was given by (Lamarck Q). Darwin (3) Wallace (4) Crick (iii) The alleles are (1) the genes present on same chromosomes (2) the two genes on two different chromosomes (3) alternate form of same gene (4) a pair af difforont gonos (iv) Which Law of Mendel is revealed by a mono-hybrid cross ? (1) Law of dominance (2) Law of independent assortment (3) Law of heterozygosity (4) Law of segregation (2) BS/Sem 11/28 (vy) Maltotriose is an example of: (1) monosaccharide (2). polysaccharide @) disaccharide (4) oligosaccharide (vi) Testostarone is secreted by : (1) granulosa cells (2) leydig cells (3) sertoli cells (4) sperms (vii) Which one of the following is a principal digestive gland ? (1) Bladder 2) Liver (3) Kidney (4) Stomach (viii) Diabetes mellitus is a disease associated with metabolism of : (1) carbohydrate 2) lipid 8) protein (4) nucleic acid (3) P.T.O. BS/Sem 1l/28 (b} ©) Identify the best match for terms in Column T with those in Column Il: wxB=4 Column I Column It (i) Homology (1) a and B forms of ring structure of sugar (i) Homoerectus 2) differ in configuration around specific carbon (ii) Golgi complex (8) transient, dissociable binding, to enzyme or to substrate (iv) Down syndrome (4) Same origin bul may differ in function (©) Inspiration (5). secretion (vi) Epimers (© closest to modern man (vu) Anomers (7) chromosomal abnormality (vii) Cofactors (8) external intercostal muscles (9) protein synthesis Write whether the following statements are True or False : YexB=4 (i) Classi fication of living organisms reflects their evolutionary relationship. i4) BS/Sem 11/28 (i) Cell membrane is mainly made up of phosphoprotein bilayer. (iii) Chromosome number becomes half in first meiotic division. {iv) Reverse translation is also a way of genetic information flow, (v)_ Macrophages produce antibodies. (vi) Prosthetic groups in enzyme are small non- protein molecules and metal ions that participate directly in cataly: (vii) Transferase catalyses geometric or structural changes within a single molecule (viii) The pH inside stomach is 89. (d) Define the following, 1x 10=10 (i) Organic evolution (ii) Bukaryote (ii) Apoptosis (iv) NK cells (v) Cytokine (5) P.1.0. BS/Sem 11/28 (vi) Binding energy (vii) Endocrine gland (viii) Residual volume of lung (ix) Homology (x) Hormone 2. Illustrate the following with labelled diagram : 6x2=12 (a) An eukaryotic coll, (b) Anephron. 3. Distinguish between : 6x2=12 (a) Mitosis and ineiosis, (b)_ Immune response mediated by T-cells and B-cells. 4. (@)_Give an example of Natural selection ? Discuss it in brief, 6 (b) Describe the mechanism of enzyme action. 6 5. (a) Prepare a chart to show the major events that Occur in different phases of meiosis 6 (6) BS/Sem 11/28 (b) Wustrate the counter current mechanism in Kidney during urine formation. 6 6. Write short notes on any three of the following 4x3=12 (a) Human evolution, (b) Cellular respiration, (c) Peptide bond, (a) Sickle cell anemia (7) 800 Bs/Sem 1/23 (AB) Old Roll No. «.. B.Sc. (Hons.) SEMESTER II EXAMINATION 2013-14 ZOOLOGY (Old Course) Paper No. : ZOB ~ 201 : Cell Biology and Biochemistry Time : Three hours Max. Marks : 70 (WRITE YOUR ROLL NO. AT THE TOP IMMEDIATELY ON THE RECEIPT OF THIS QUESTION PAPER) NOTE : USE SEPARATE ANSWER BOOK FOR EACH SECTION. Section - A : Cell - logy (Marks ; 35) NOTE : ANSWER THREE QUESTIONS INCLUDING QUESTION NO. 1 WHICH {S COMPULSORY. 1. a) _ State and write the best option in the following ax% i) Resoiving power of a microscope is 0.61%, es b) a Sin @ ) Si of HSae 9a) 061 ii) Which one of the following is a intermediate fiament a) Protofilament b) Action filament ¢) Myosin d) __ Keratins b) Write whether the following statements are True or False, giving reasons in 2 - 3 sentences each © 3x2 i) Endoplasmic reticulum is involved only in lipid metabolism ii) B cells are an essential component of the humorai immune response. iti) _ Polytene chromosome are found in amphibian oocytes ©) Define the'totiowing 2x4 i) Nucleosome ii) Transformed cell 4) Match the terms in Column - A with the best options in Column - B an Column A Column B i) Active transport 1) Lysosome ii) Histone 2) Na-K Pump il) Rb 3) Nucleosome iv) Multivesicular Bodies 4) Tumor Suppression gene 2, a) Whats cell theory? Expiain the tenets of ceil theory. 4 b) _ Expiain the fluid Mosaic Model of Plasma membrane with the help of labeled diagram. 5 ¢) Illustrate the functions of Golgi body. 3 5. a) What are cytoskeletons? Explain any cytoskeleton in detail 6 b) What is Chromatin? Explain how chromatin are organized in a nucieus. 6 4. Write notes on the following aa a) Functions of mitochondria b) Biogenesis of ribosome ¢) Lampbrush chromosome pro ne questior No.2 which is compulsory answer Taree our Coioured skeicnes are allowed Biochemist (Marks : 35) 7{A) Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answer in 2-3 sentences {i) Water molecules are held together by intra-ionic interactions {i Disulohice ponds are found in tertiary structure of proteins fit) Amylopecun is @ heteropalysacharide {iv The two strands of DNA are hele together by phospno-diester bonds (8) Draw structure of a lactose {C) Weite Michaelis-Menten equation 2A) With all possible details draw achelix structure of a protein (6) llustrate Heisey & Chase exoerimentt to show that ONA serves es genetic material 2 Michaelis-Menten kinetic plot for an enzyme and define Km of the enzyme 3 {A} Constr (8) lustrate steawise events during transcription of @ gene in prokaryotic system 4. Write short notes on the following & Cheracteristics o* ¢ peptige bong &. Genetic code ¢. Phosaholip'ds as component of lipid brlayer — X— 2nd 6 6 Koll No, SEMESTER II (OLD COURSE) EXAMINATION, 2013-14 Zoology (Andllars) Paper No. : BSC-024 : Ancillary Biology-I] Time : Three hours Full Marks : 70 WRITE YOUR ROLL NO. AT THE TOP IMMEDIATELY ON THE RECEIPT OF THIS QUESTION PAPER) NOTE: The figures in the right hand margin indicated marks. SECTION - A (Marks 40) Note: Answer three questions including question no. 1 which is compulsory. ect and write the best option in the following. Bx Loa i. Historie Arimalia is a book by (a) Lamark ——(b) Anztone (ec) Cuvir (d) Linnacus ii, Translation is the process of formation of fa) RNA from DNA. (b) DNA from RNA (cProtwin irom RNA (d) DNA from DNA, ii, In human being ses-determining chromosome is (a) Autesome (>) Only X Chromosomes. (c) Onk Y Chromosome (d} Both X and Y Chromosomes ix. Which is the deviation from Mendalism (a) Law of independent assessment (b) Law of dominance (c} Law of Segregation (d) Linkage phenophena v. Separation of protein by its molecular weigitt is done by the following separation technique (a) Southern blot (b) Norther blot ic) Wesem blot (d) Liquid Chromatography vi. Which is the property of cancerous cell (a) Definite no. of cell division (b) Anti oncogesie activity (¢) Normal Mociality (d) Metastasis and angiogenesis vii. What is the full from of AIDS. (a) Adapted Immune Deficiency Syndrome (b) Acquired immune Deficiency syndrome (c) Assimalated Immune Deficiency Syndrome (d) Anti Immune Deficiency syndrome vill, Mitotic apparatus is formed by (a). Centriole (b) Astral rays (©) Spindle fiber (d) protein fiber a (b) (© @ fa) (i) «ip Svjatets the terms in Column ~ A vith tiese oF Columns 8 4 B i, Plant fossiles ii, Use of thumb iii, RNA Polymerase inheritance Carrying one Human evolution ine with another I 4. iv. Central dogma AG \. Gene Transcription yi. Genetic Hitchhikir 6. Coal vii, Haman Chromosome No, 7. Limulus vili. Living Fossites 8. DNARNA— Protein Whether the following siatemenis are true or false_with reason Chromosome no. reduces during mitosis Topasomerases play important role in DNA replication. XX-Y individuals are human females ‘Triplet codon means a sequence of three nitrogen base pairs in a -RNA Define the following : (a) Ceutriote (&) Transeription (©) Dihybrid Cross (@) Divergent evolution. Draw labeled diagrammes or flow chart to demonstrate any three of the following: (a) Law of independent assortment (>) Evenis in mitosis (c) Generation of transgenic animals (d) Fermentation Differentiate beween any three of the following (a) Hlomogygons and heterogygons {>} Autasomes and Sex-chromasome (c) Transgenic plant and transgenic animals {d) Sickle Cell anemia and chronic myeloid leukemia Write notes on any three of the followings (a) Genetic code (0) Down's Syndrome (c) Transgenesis (a) Meude’s Law of inheritence SECTION -B (Marks 24) Answer to questions including question no.1 whieh is compulsory Select and write the best option in the following : Silver fish isa member of phylum (a) Arthropoda {b) Annelida (2) Mollusca (d) Behinodermata In Triplobtast 3 layers are (a) Fetoderm + endoderm + protectoderm (b) Ectoderm + endoderm + enteroderm (c) Eetoderm + mesoderm + endoderm (d) Echinoderm + mesoderm + endoderm 4x1 ant 4x (ivi tb) © (a plasma Nk eeils (dh) Proteins ~ Hormones» Nuvients ‘Testosterone is secreted by (ay Pituitary (by Ovary (ei Testis di Pineal Match the terms in Column A with those of Column B, Column A Column B I. Presence of pinna Echidna 2. Unit of kidney ii, Estrogen 3. Fag laying Mammal iii, Mammals 4. Ovary iv, Nephron Write whether foliowing siatements are true or false with reason, (a) Poikilotherms are warm blooded animals, (b) Panerease is both endo and eacerine gland, Define the foliowing: (a) Viviparity (b) Antigen (c) Hemoglobin Draw labelled diagrams or flow charts to demonstrate anv three of the followings: (a) Steps involved in protein (b} Constituents of blood (c Steps in fertilization (d) Oxygenation of blood sstion Write notes on any 3 of the followings. (a) Gametogenesis, (b) Salient features of arthropods ¢) Hormones of piuitary gland (d) immunity

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