Lesson Plan: Working With Numpy

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Lesson Plan

Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

Teaching learning activities planned for

Gist of Lesson Targeted learning achieving the TLO using suitable Assessment
with other
Focused skills/Competencies outcomes (TLO) resources and classroom management Strategies
strategies Planned
Working with NumPy: Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task NumPy can be
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. used to
Application: python Group Task calculate
Introduction, Anatomy of NumPy arrays, NumPy arrays vs. programming MLL: covariance,
Python Lists. NumPy Data Types, Creating NumPy Arrays- Knows uses of Q. What is NumPy? Quiz correlation and
Creating NumPy 1 D Arrays, Creating 2 D NumPy Arrays, various Q. What is the relationship between linear
Some Alternative Array creation methods. Working with programming syntax the rank of an array and the shape of Questionnaire regression. .
NumPy Arrays – Accessing Individual elements using array Identifies type of the array?
indexing, array slices, joining or concatenating NumPy Arrays, Demonstration
Obtaining Subsets of Arrays, Arithmetic Operations on 2 D paradigm HOT: Method
Arrays. Applications of NumPy Arrays – Covariance, Applies the concept Q. Create a 4x4 ndarray having values
Correlation , Linear Regression. practically ranging from 0 to 15 (both inclusive). Weekly test
Q. What are array slices?
Monthly test
Q. Write code to create a 1 D ndarray
of size 10 with all elements as zero, but
the fifth element is 10.

Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

Lesson Plan
Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

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strategies Planned
Python Pandas: Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task Python Pandas
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. can be used in
Application: python Group Task mathematics
Introduction, Descriptive Statistics with Pandas- functions programming MLL: projects for
min(), max(),mode(),mean(), median(), count(), sum(), Knows uses of Q. How does dataframe object specify Quiz operations like
quantile(), var() , Applying functions on a subset of Dataframe. various indexes to its data rows? descriptive
Advanced Operations on DataFrame – Pivoting, programming syntax Q. What is a quartile? Questionnaire statistics,
Sorting,Aggregation, Creating Histogram, Function Identifies type of aggregation,
Application – pipe(), apply(), applymap(), groupby(), Demonstration
programming HOT: sorting .
transform(), Reindexing and altering labels. paradigm Q. What is the difference between Method
Applies the concept pivot() and pivot_table() functions?
practically Weekly test
Q. A dataframe fdf stores data about
Monthly test
passengers, flights and years. Write
commands for the following:
i) compute total passengers per year.
ii) compute average passengers per

Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

Lesson Plan
Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

Teaching learning activities planned for

Gist of Lesson Targeted learning achieving the TLO using suitable Assessment
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strategies Planned
Plotting with Pyplot I – Bar Graphs and Scatter Plots: Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task Data
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. Visualization
Application: python Group Task (graphical
Introduction, Data Visualization, Using Pyplot of Matplotlib programming MLL: representation
Library- installing and importing matplotlib, working with Knows uses of Q. What is data visualization? What is Quiz of information)
PyPlot Methods. Creating Line Charts and Scatter Charts – various its significance? can be used in
Line Chart using plot() function, applying various settings in programming syntax Q. What is pyplot? Is it a Python Questionnaire any Subject.
plot() function, creating scatter charts. Creating bar charts – Identifies type of library?
Changing widths, colors of the bars in a bar chart, creating Demonstration
multiple bars chart, creating a horizontal bar chart. paradigm HOT: Method
Customizing the plot – Anatomy of a chart, adding a title, Applies the concept Q. Given an ndarray p as ([1,2,3,4]).
setting X and Y labels, limits and ticks, Adding Legends, practically Write code to plot a bar chart having Weekly test
Saving a figure. bars for p and p**2(with red color) and
Monthly test
another bar for p vs p*2(with blue
Q. Given two arrays namely arr1 and
arr2, each having 5 values. Create a
scatter chart so that each data points
gets a different color, different size.
Keep the marker style as square.

Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

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Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

Teaching learning activities planned for

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strategies Planned
Plotting with PyPlot II- Histograms, Frequency Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task Data
Distribution, Boxplots: basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. Visualization
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, python Group Task (graphical
Application: programming MLL: representation
Introduction, Creating Histograms with Pyplot, Creating Knows uses of Q. What is histogram? How is it useful? Quiz of information)
Frequency Polygons, Creating Box Plots, Customizing /Adding various can be used in
Details to the Plots. programming syntax HOT: Questionnaire any Subject.
Identifies type of Q. Create a histogram that plots two
programming ndarrays x and y with 48 bins, in
paradigm stacked horizontal histogram. Method
Applies the concept Q. Create a boxplot from the following
practically set of data: Weekly test

Monthly test

Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

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Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

Teaching learning activities planned for

Gist of Lesson Targeted learning achieving the TLO using suitable Assessment
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Focused skills/Competencies outcomes (TLO) resources and classroom management Strategies
strategies Planned
Introduction to Software Engineering: Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task Software
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. engineering
Application: python Group Task basically means
Introduction, Software Engineering, Software Process programming MLL: applying
Activities – software specification, software design and Knows uses of Q. What is Software Engineering? Quiz engineering
implementation, software verification and validation, software various Q. What is the need of Software principles on
evolution/software maintenance. Software Process Models – programming syntax Engineering? Questionnaire the
the Waterfall model, Evolutionary Model, Component based Identifies type of development
Model. Delivery Models – Incremental Delivery model, the Demonstration
programming HOT: methods of
spiral model. paradigm Q. What are software process Method software.
Applies the concept activities?
practically Q. What is feasibility study? Weekly test

Monthly test

Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

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Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

Teaching learning activities planned for

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strategies Planned
Agile Methods and Practical Aspects of Software Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task Software
Engineering: basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. development
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, python Group Task can be used in
Application: programming MLL: any subject
Introduction, Agile Software Development, Pair Programming, Knows uses of Q. What is agile software Quiz related project.
Scrum – working with scrum, the scrum team, scrum events. various development?
Version Control Systems- Utility of version control systems, programming syntax Q. What is Scrum? Questionnaire
version control system terminology, types of version control Identifies type of
systems, Git – a distributed version control system. Business Demonstration
programming HOT:
Use – Case Diagram, elements of Use – Case Diagram , rules paradigm Q. What is agile manifesto? Explain its Method
and guidelines for creating Use – Case Diagrams. Applies the concept four guidelines.
practically Q. What is the difference between a Weekly test
Commit and a Push request on a
Monthly test
version control system?
Q. Draw a use-case diagram for a taxi
booking app.

Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

Lesson Plan
Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

Teaching learning activities planned for

Gist of Lesson Targeted learning achieving the TLO using suitable Assessment
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strategies Planned
MySQL SQL Revision Tour: Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task MySQL is used
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. to create
Application: MySQL Group Task database.
Introduction, Relational Data Model, MySQL and SQL, programming MLL:
Common MySQL Data types. Accessing Database in MySQL, Knows uses of Q. What is SQL? What are different Quiz
Creating tables in MySQL, Inserting data into table, Making various categories of commands available in
simple queries through select command- selecting all data, programming syntax SQL? Questionnaire
selecting particular rows, eliminating redundant data, viewing Identifies type of Q. Differentiate between DDL and DML
structure ,condition based on range , list and pattern matches. Demonstration
programming commands.
Creating tables with SQL constraints – SQL constraint, paradigm Method
applying table constraints, viewing a table structure, inserting Applies the concept
data, modifying data, deleting data, altering table, dropping practically HOT: Weekly test
table, SQL joins and indexes in database. Q. Differentiate between CHAR and
Monthly test
VARCHAR datatypes.
Q. Consider the table named
“Garment”. Write SQL command
i) to display name of those garments
that are available in XL size.
ii) to display codes and names of those
garments that have their names
starting with ‘ Ladies’
Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

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Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

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strategies Planned
More on SQL : Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task MySQL is used
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. to create
Application: MySQL Group Task database.
Introduction , Ordering records in result – order by clause – programming MLL:
recalling SQL select order by clause, ordering data on multiple Knows uses of Q. What are the different types of SQL Quiz
columns, ordering data on the basis of an expression , various functions?
specifying custom sort order. Aggregate functions, Types of programming syntax Q. What is the difference between Questionnaire
SQL functions, Grouping Result – GROUP BY – Nested Identifies type of WHERE and HAVING Clause?
Groups, placing conditions on groups, non-group expressions Demonstration
with GROUP BY paradigm HOT: Method
Applies the concept Q. Write a query to display the number
practically of employees with same job. Weekly test
Q. Write a query that counts the
Monthly test
number of salespeople registering
orders for each day.

Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

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Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

Teaching learning activities planned for

Gist of Lesson Targeted learning achieving the TLO using suitable Assessment
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Focused skills/Competencies outcomes (TLO) resources and classroom management Strategies
strategies Planned
Creating a Django based Basic Web Appliation: Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task Python is used
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. to create
Application: python Group Task software.
Introduction , Web framework, web, websites and web programming MLL:
applications work, installing Django- installing Django in Knows uses of Q. What is Django? Quiz
Virtual Environment. Activating Virtual Environment , Django various Q. What are Django templates?
Basics and Project Architecture. Steps to create a basic Django programming syntax Questionnaire
Web application. Creating Models, Views and Templates- Identifies type of HOT:
creating models, creating templates , creating views, creating Demonstration
programming Q. You need to display a webpage
URL Confs, Writing Dictionary Data to CSV and Text Files, paradigm first.html in response to URL Method
Practically Processing Get and Post Request Applies the concept <server?/about/work/ for app work in
practically your Django project (EasySell). Write Weekly test
the following:
Monthly test
i) View function namely mywork for
work app
ii) URL Conf for views.mywork
The template file first.html is available
under templates folder of BASE
Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

Lesson Plan
Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

Teaching learning activities planned for

Gist of Lesson Targeted learning achieving the TLO using suitable Assessment
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Focused skills/Competencies outcomes (TLO) resources and classroom management Strategies
strategies Planned
Interface Python with MySQL: Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task Python is used
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. to create
Application: python Group Task software.
Introduction , Connecting to MySQL from Python- steps for programming MLL:
creating database connectivity applications. Parameterised Knows uses of Q. What is database connectivity? Quiz
Queries, Performing Insert and Update Queries. various Q. What is connection? What is its
programming syntax role? Questionnaire
Identifies type of
programming HOT:
paradigm Q. Which package must be imported in Method
Applies the concept Python to create a database
practically connectivity application? Weekly test
Q. Write a Python database
Monthly test
connectivity script that delete records
from category table of database items
that have name =’Stockable’.

Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

Lesson Plan
Class/Section………… Subject……………… Chapter………………. No. of periods……………

Date of Commencement …………………. Expected date of completion ………….. Actual date of Completion ……………...

Teaching learning activities planned for

Gist of Lesson Targeted learning achieving the TLO using suitable Assessment
with other
Focused skills/Competencies outcomes (TLO) resources and classroom management Strategies
strategies Planned
Society , Law and Ethics: Understands the Use of e-content : e-book, powerpoint Individual Task Python is used
Focused Skills -Understanding, Knowledge,Identification, basic concepts of presentation, images and videos. to create
Application: python Group Task software.
Introduction, Ethical Issues- Intellectual Property rights, programming MLL:
Plagiarism, Digital Property Rights. Open source Philosophy Knows uses of Q. What is Online Fraud? Quiz
and Software licences- terminology, philosophy of open various Q. What are intellectual property
source, definitions, Licenses and domains of Open source programming syntax rights? Questionnaire
technology. Privacy, Online Fraud, Cyber Crime, Computer Identifies type of
Forensics, Cyber law and IT Act, Technology and society – Demonstration
programming HOT:
economic benefits, E-waste management – e-waste disposal paradigm Q. Expand the following: Method
process, benefits of e-waste recycling. Identity Theft. Gender Applies the concept i) OSS ii) SDLC
Issues while Teaching/Using computers. Disability Issues practically iii) GNU iv) FLOSS Weekly test
while Teaching and using computers. Q. Mr. Jayanto Das is confused
Monthly test
between Shareware and Open Source
Software. Mention atleast two points
of differences to help him understand
the same.
Date: Name and Signature of the Teacher: Principal:

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