Action Plan Curr and Instr

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Curriculum and Instruction Action Plan

Goal statement: To ensure the success of all students.

Objective: To develop a plan to integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) into multiple disciplines of
study, including existing curriculum and new courses; implement Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop; develop a math program designed
to increase the number of students successfully completing Algebra 1 prior to the 9th grade; inclusion of Response to Intervention
(RTI) Methodology in I&RS Program; reorganize the current special education program continuum in order to provide greater
opportunities for students with disabilities to be educated in the least restrictive environment (LRE).

Major Activities/Strategies Staff Resources Timelines Indicators of Success

Develop a K-8 Academic Camp that Assistant Model districts Summer 2015 PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
is integrated with Pre-12 extended Superintendent of report card grades, SGO/benchmark
school year program for children C&I, Director of assessments, graduation and other formal
with disabilities for the purpose of Special Education, and informal assessments
providing credit completion, Supervisor of
academic skill maintenance, Special Education,
enrichment, recreation, and social CST, K-8 GED and
skills development. SPED faculty
Implement Reader’s and Writer’s Assistant Reader’s September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
Workshop and integrate it into K-12 Superintendent of Workshop 2014 – June report card grades, SGO/benchmark
social studies and science instruction. C&I Curriculum, 2016 assessments, graduation and other formal
ELA Supervisor Writer’s and informal assessments
Elementary Workshop
Supervisor Curriculum,
Principals Teachers College
at Columbia
Summit School

Develop a comprehensive district- Assistant Supervisors of July 2015 PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
wide professional development superintendent, C&I/Technology report card grades, SGO/benchmark
program that promotes professional supervisors of professional -6 assessments, graduation and other formal
growth and meets the instructional professional C&I/Technology and informal assessments
needs of novice and master teachers. development, Coaches, model
C&I/Technology school districts
Replace the K-1 District Central Edusight, September PARCC, report card grades,
Standardized ELA and Math test administration, NJ DOE Model 2015 SGO/benchmark assessments, and other
with assessment portfolios. principals, Curriculum, formal and informal assessments
supervisors, CCSS Website,
directors, and PARCC Website,
faculty Model districts
Create a uniformed K-5 schedule Assistant School schedules September PARCC, report card grades,
consisting of the same number of superintendents, Physical 2015 SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
periods and the following related arts principals, directors, education and other formal and informal assessments
or special periods: PE, Art, Music, supervisors, related teachers, media
and Media Arts, as well as push-in arts faculty specialists or
Spanish and 21st Century Skills. computer
teachers, art
teachers, music
teachers, Spanish
teachers, guidance
Reassign Elementary ASI Math Assistant ASI Literacy September PARCC, report card grades,
Teachers to ASI Literacy superintendents, Teachers 2015 SGO/benchmark assessments, and other
principals, formal and informal assessments
supervisors, ASI
Explore and implement a variety of Central ST Math, IExcel, September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
remedial math programs, particularly administration, SRA Math, 2015 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
electronic programs that will principals, SEMPLe Math assessments, graduation and other formal
supervisors and informal assessments

accelerate the performance of
struggling students.
Align 9-12 Science Curriculum with Assistant 9-12 Math and September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
math curriculum so that perquisite Superintendent of Science Curricula, 2015 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
math concepts and skills are learned C&I, STEM NJDOE Model assessments, graduation and other formal
by students prior to taking science supervisor Curriculum and informal assessments
classes where they will have to apply
Provide a self-contained educational Assistant K-2 Daily September PARCC, report card grades,
environment for students in grades Superintendent of Schedules 2015 SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
K-2. C&I, Elementary and other formal and informal assessments
Create a liberal and language arts Assistant K-12 ELA, World September PARCC, report card grades,
block into the K-2 self-contained Superintendent of Languages, and 2015 SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
instructional day, and into the 3-5 C&I, Liberal and Social Studies and other formal and informal assessments
split instructional day. Language Arts Curricula
Create a STEM block into the K-2 Assistant K-12 Math, September PARCC, report card grades,
self-contained instructional day, and Superintendent of Science, and 2015 SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
into the 3-5 split instructional day. C&I, STEM Technology and other formal and informal assessments
supervisor Curricula
Implement an I&RS program that Director of Special I&RS Process and September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
utilizes a Response to Intervention Education, Procedural 2015 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
Approach for the purpose of Assistant Manual, RTI assessments, graduation and other formal
accelerating the performance of at- Superintendent of Direct, Branching and informal assessments
risk general education students so as C&I, Principals, Minds
to ensure their success and to prevent Supervisors, faculty
them from being referred to special

Implement a K-5 ELA and Math Assistant Literacy Academy September PARCC, report card grades,
Skills before or after school tutoring Superintendent of STEM Academy 2015 SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
program for students with I&RS C&I, Director of Model districts and other formal and informal assessments
intervention plans and IEPs. Special Education,
Supervisors, faculty
Implement the RTI methodology for Director of Special IEP Direct and September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
the purpose of accelerating the Education, RTI Direct 2015 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
performance of students with Supervisor of software assessments, graduation and other formal
disabilities so as to increase their Special Education, and informal assessments
skill proficiency in ELA and CST, SPED faculty
Reorganize the current special Director of Special Model districts September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
education program and services Education, 2015 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
continuum so that it provides Supervisor of assessments, graduation and other formal
students with disabilities the Special Education, and informal assessments
opportunity to be educated with their CST, SPED faculty
nondisabled peers in the least
restrictive environment to the
maximum extent possible based
upon the nature and extent of their
Fund AP Testing and require that all Assistant BOE Policy and September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
students who take an AP course take Superintendent of Procedural 2015 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
the respective AP test. C&I, Principals, Manual assessments, graduation and other formal
Supervisors, faculty and informal assessments
Purchase and implement software for Assistant Oncourse September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
the purpose of writing lesson plans, Superintendent of 2015 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
building curriculum, evaluating C&I, Director of assessments, graduation and other formal
certificated staff, analyzing special and informal assessments
longitudinal student assessment data, projects/Technology
and for creating teacher class web

Create schools within a school in Central School districts September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
SUES and SMS using clusters, administration, with similar 2015 – June report card grades, SGO/benchmark
teams, and in SWMHS using career principals, configurations 2017 assessments, graduation and other formal
clusters. supervisors, and informal assessments
directors, and
Explore the development of before Central East Brunswick September PARCC, report card grades,
and after care services that enrich, administration, Schools 2015 – June SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
extend, and support student learning principals, BASC 2017 and other formal and informal assessments
and enhance student achievement supervisors, Other service
directors, and providers
Create literacy and math intervention Assistant September PARCC, report card grades,
coach positions to work with superintendents, 2015 – June SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
teachers and to provide math and principals, 2017 and other formal and informal assessments
literacy development to struggling supervisors
readers in grades K-5.
Develop and implement a literacy Central GED Reading September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
continuum in grades K-12 that meets administration, anthology and 2015 – June report card grades, SGO/benchmark
the literacy development needs of all principals, exemplar novels, 2017 assessments, graduation and other formal
students and includes alternative supervisors, Lindamood-Bell and informal assessments
literacy programs for struggling directors, and Talkies and
readers and students with disabilities. faculty visualizing and
Project Read,
Wilson, Reading
Achieve 3000,
Read 180, SRA
Reading, Edmark

Develop and implement units of Assistant K-12 ELA, World September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
study that integrate social studies and Superintendent of Languages, and 2015- June report card grades, SGO/benchmark
world languages with English C&I, Liberal and Social Studies 2017 assessments, graduation and other formal
Language arts. Language Arts Curricula and informal assessments
Develop and implement STEM units Assistant K-12 Math, September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
of study into existing and new math Superintendent of Science, 2015- June report card grades, SGO/benchmark
and science curricula. C&I, STEM Technology, and 2017 assessments, graduation and other formal
supervisor Business and informal assessments
Develop a K-12 math program and Assistant BOE Advanced September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
curricula that will allow for 85% or Superintendent of Courses Policy, 2015 – June report card grades, SGO/benchmark
more of students to successfully C&I, STEM K-12 Math 2017 assessments, graduation and other formal
complete Algebra 1 by the end of 8th supervisor, grades and informal assessments
grade and PreCalculus before 5-12 math teachers
graduating; and 20% to successfully
complete Geometry by 8th grade and
Calculus before graduating.
To reorganize the World Languages Assistant World Languages September World language formal and informal
Program to include a K-2 program Superintendent of Curriculum, 2015- June assessments
that develops an appreciation for C&I, Principals, Rosetta Stone 2017
Spanish and a base level of language Supervisors, faculty Software
within the classroom, a 3-8 program
that immerses general education
students in Spanish Language
acquisition while continuing to
provide a base for students with
disabilities, and a high school
program that allows for students to
expand their verbal and expressive
writing skills in Spanish or provides
them with the opportunity to learn
another language.

Identify, purchase, and administer a Assistant NJ DOE Website, January 2016 PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
Grade 2 ELA and Math Diagnostic Superintendent of CCSS Website, report card grades, SGO/benchmark
standardized assessment, preferably C&I PARCC Website, assessments, graduation and other formal
computer –based that is aligned to ELA Supervisor Model district and informal assessments
the CCSS and PARCC or that will Elementary report cards
yield validly predictable results for Supervisor
such. Principals
Reorganize the district into five pre Central School districts September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
K-2 primary elementary schools, one administration, with similar 2016 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
grades 3-5 intermediate elementary principals, configurations assessments, graduation and other formal
school, one middle school, and one supervisors, and informal assessments
high school. directors, and
Revise K-12 Science curriculum to Assistant K-12 Science September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
align with the Next Generation Superintendent of Curriculum 2016 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
Science Standards. C&I, STEM assessments, graduation and other formal
supervisor and informal assessments
Revise 6-12 Science Curriculum so Assistant K-12 Science September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
that students and Grade 9 will take Superintendent of Curriculum 2016 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
Biology, students in Grade 10 will C&I, STEM assessments, graduation and other formal
take Chemistry, and students in supervisor and informal assessments
Grade 11 will take Physics.
Develop and implement a modified Assistant 6-8 Master September PARCC, report card grades,
block schedule at the middle school. Superintendent of Schedule 2016 SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
C&I, Supervisors, and other formal and informal assessments
Middle School
Principal and Vice
Develop and implement a block Assistant 9-12 Master September PARCC, report card grades,
schedule at the high school. Superintendent of Schedule 2016 SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
C&I, Supervisors, and other formal and informal assessments
High School

Principal and Vice

Reorganize the current Gifted and Assistant BOE Policy and September PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
Talented Program so that it identifies Superintendent of Procedural 2016 report card grades, SGO/benchmark
and provides appropriate enrichment C&I, Principals, Manual, TAG assessments, graduation and other formal
and extension services for 15-20% of Supervisors, faculty Curriculum and informal assessments
the students in grades K-8 and
ultimately expands the amount of
students who take honors and
advanced placement courses in high
Loop students with the same teacher Assistant Model schools September PARCC, report card grades,
in grades K-1, 2-3, and 3-5 or K-2 superintendents, where looping has 2016 – June SGO/benchmark assessments, attendance,
and 4-5 based upon the district principals, been successfully 2017 and other formal and informal assessments
organization of students. supervisors, K-5 implemented.
classroom teachers.
Align the K-2 and 3-5 Report Card Assistant NJ DOE Model K-2 by PARCC, SAT, AP, college placement,
with the CCSS. Superintendent of Curriculum, September report card grades, SGO/benchmark
C&I, CCSS Website, 2016 and 3-5 assessments, graduation and other formal
ELA Supervisor, PARCC Website, by September and informal assessments
Elementary Model district 2017
Supervisor, report cards

Finance and Infrastructure Action Plan
Goal statement: To develop an efficient and fiscally responsible budget.
Objective: To increase "new revenue" (transportation, advertising, etc.), total revenue for facility usage, tuition, and food services,
and to decrease energy and utility expenditures.

Major Activities/Strategies Staff Resources Timelines Indicators of Success

Inventory all forms of revenue Business CSI Budget July 2014 – Increase in "new revenue" (transportation,
generation for the district. Administrator, Software December advertising, etc.) for the 2014-15 school year.
BOE Finance 2014 Increase in total revenue for facility usage,
Committee tuition, and food services for the 2014-15
school year.
Work collaboratively with the Business CSI Budget July 2014 – Increase in "new revenue" (transportation,
Business Administrator and BOE Administrator, Software June 2015 advertising, etc.) for the 2014-15 school year.
Finance Committee to identify other BOE Finance Increase in total revenue for facility usage,
potential revenue sources for the Committee tuition, and food services for the 2014-15
district. school year.
Review and potentially revise the Business BOE Policy and July 2014 – Increase in "new revenue" (transportation,
BOE facility usage policies and Administrator, Regulations June 2015 advertising, etc.) for the 2014-15 school year.
temporary leasing rates. BOE Finance Manual Increase in total revenue for facility usage,
Committee, tuition, and food services for the 2014-15
BOE school year.
Dialogue with Borough regarding the Business BOE Policy and July 2014 – Increase in "new revenue" (transportation,
usage of facilities for community and Administrator, Regulations June 2015 advertising, etc.) for the 2014-15 school year.
recreation purposes. BOE Finance Manual, Borough Increase in total revenue for facility usage,
Committee, Ordinances tuition, and food services for the 2014-15
Jerry Ust, Tom school year.

Collaboratively investigate and Business EIRC July 2014 – Increase in "new revenue" (transportation,
implement a plan to generate print, Administrator, June 2015 advertising, etc.) for the 2014-15 school year.
field sign, website, and bus advertising BOE Finance Increase in total revenue for facility usage,
revenue. Committee tuition, and food services for the 2014-15
school year.
Work collaboratively with the Business CSI Budget July 2014 – Increase in “new revenue” (transportation,
Business Administrator and the Administrator, Software June 2017 advertising, etc.) for the 2014-15 school year.
Directors of Transportation and Food BOE Finance Increase in total revenue for facility usage,
Services to develop a plan to Committee, tuition, and food services for the 2014-15
maximize transportation and food Director of school year.
services revenue. Food Services,
Supervisor of
Generate revenue from the Assistant Model programs January 2015- Increase in tuition revenue.
development of tuition-based general superintendent from other June 2017
and special education programs of C&I, Director districts
before, during, and after school, as of Special
well as during the summer. Services
Seek, apply for, and obtain financial Business NJ DOE July 2014 – Increase in “new revenue” (transportation,
grants, donations, and endowments. Administrator, June 2017 advertising, etc.) for the 2014-15 school year.
Assistant Increase in total revenue for facility usage,
Superintendents, tuition, and food services for the 2014-15
Principals, school year.
Directors, BOE
Reduce paper distribution to conserve Business July 2014 – Decrease in paper and copying expenditures
paper consumption and reduce costs Administrator, June 2017 during the 2014-15 school year as compared
for paper, copiers, and copying Assistant to 2013-14.
supplies. Superintendents,

faculty and
staff, Green
Purchase and implement a software Business InfoSnap January 2015 Decrease in paper and copying expenditures
for registering new and existing Administrator, – June 2017 during the 2014-15 school year as compared
students in order to conserve paper, Finance to 2013-14.
postage, labor, and to centralize Committee
district enrollment services.
Explore the purchase and installation Business EIRC January 2015 Decrease in energy and utility expenditures
of solar panels. Administrator, – June 2017 during the 2014-15 school year as compared
Director of to 2013-14.
Buildings and
Supervisor of
BOE Finance
Purchase and replace all lighting with Business January 2015 Decrease in energy and utility expenditures
energy efficient fixtures. Administrator, – June 2017 during the 2014-15 school year as compared
Director of to 2013-14.
Buildings and
Supervisor of
BOE Finance

Upgrade boiler systems in each school Business January 2015 Decrease in energy and utility expenditures
in order to ensure energy efficiency. Administrator, – June 2017 during the 2014-15 school year as compared
Director of to 2013-14.
Buildings and
Supervisor of
BOE Finance
Implement strategies district-wide for Business January 2015 Decrease in energy and utility expenditures
the conservation of electric energy, Administrator, – June 2017 during the 2014-15 school year as compared
gas, and oil. Director of to 2013-14.
Buildings and
Supervisor of
BOE Finance
Reduce transportation costs by Business Other districts September Decrease in transportation costs.
implementing a three tiered bus Administrator, with three tiered 2015
routing schedule in the morning for and Supervisor bus schedules
pick-up and he afternoon for of
dismissal. Transportation
Demolish Selover and construct a new Business Referendum, September Reduction in class sizes
elementary school/central Administrator, building designs 2017
administration building in its place. Director of
Buildings and

School Climate Action Plan
Goal statement: To enhance School Climate.
Objective: To reduce confirmed student HIB incidences and out of school suspensions.

Major Activities/Strategies Staff Resources Timelines Indicators of Success

Develop and implement a “hazing” or Assistant Hazing or Bully March 2015 Reduction of confirmed HIB incidences and
HIB in extracurricular activities Superintendents, Prevention in out of school suspensions
training module for staff, students, and SMS and Athletics
parents. SWMHS Programs
Director of
Develop and implement a contract for Assistant Hazing or Bully March 2015 Reduction of confirmed HIB incidences and
all extracurricular activity participants Superintendents, Prevention in out of school suspensions
to sign which pledges that they will SMS and Athletics
not participate in acts of HIB or SWMHS Programs
demonstrate any form of behavior that Principals,
is in conflict with the student code of Director of
conduct. Athletics
Staff each elementary school with a Assistant September Reduction of confirmed HIB incidences and
guidance counselor and two Superintendent 2015 out of school suspensions
counselors at the SUES. of HR, Business
supervisor of

Develop, adopt, and implement a 21st Assistant NJDOE 21st September Reduction of confirmed HIB incidences and
Century Skills Curriculum Superintendent Century Skills 2015 out of school suspensions
of C&I CCCS, and Model

Develop, adopt, and implement a K-12 Director of Skills Streaming September Reduction of confirmed HIB incidences and
social skills and emotion coping skills Special 2016 out of school suspensions
curriculum for children with Education

Explore, identify, purchase, and Assistant Character September Reduction of confirmed HIB incidences and
implement a K-8 Character Education Superintendent Education 2016 out of school suspensions
Program. of C&I, Programs, such as
Supervisor of Character Counts
Explore, identify, purchase, and Assistant Behavioral September Reduction of confirmed HIB incidences and
implement a K-8 behavioral Superintendent Programs, such as 2016 out of school suspensions
modification program. of C&I, Ripples Effect,
Supervisor of Positive
Guidance Behavioral

Staff Morale Action Plan
Goal statement: To increase staff morale.
Objective: Increase in teacher and administrator retention and staff satisfaction through the development of a comprehensive
professional development program.

Major Activities/Strategies Staff Resources Timelines Indicators of Success

Audit the district’s current Superintendent, July 2014 – Needs identified
professional development program at Assistant June 2015
the district and building level. Superintendents,
Ascertain the professional SBOE, SEA July 2014 – Philosophy and outcomes identified
development philosophy and the June 2015
outcomes desired by the Sayreville
Board of Education and the Sayreville
Education Association.
Create job description for and hire a Assistant May-June Appointment of Supervisor of Professional
supervisor for professional superintendent, 2015 Development/Middle School
development. supervisors of

Assign technology professional Assistant May-June

development responsibilities to superintendent, 2015
District Chief Technology and supervisors of
Information Officer and Technology C&I
Integration Teacher.

Research model professional Superintendent, Model districts September
development programs. Assistant 2015 – June
Superintendents, 2016
Visit model professional development Superintendent, Model districts September
programs. Assistant 2015 – June
Superintendents, 2016
Attend local, state, and national Superintendent, Model districts September
workshops, and conventions Assistant 2015 – June
pertaining to the design and Superintendents, 2016
implementation of model professional Staff
development programs. Development
Work collaboratively with central and Superintendent, General Fund, September 2016-17 Professional development Budget
building administration and the Board Assistant NCLB Title 2 2015 – June
of Education to develop a plan for Superintendents, Grant, NJ DOE 2016
acquiring the funding required to Business Notice of Grant
incrementally provide the resources Administrator, Opportunities
for a model professional development BOE Finance
program. and
Hire stipend and potentially full time Assistant September Appointment of stipend and potentially full
C&I and technology professional superintendent, 2016 time C&I and technology professional
development coaches/trainers. supervisors of development coaches/trainers.

Develop and implement a Assistant 2 Supervisors of September Increase in teacher and administrator
comprehensive district-wide superintendent, C&I/Technology 2016 retention and staff satisfaction
professional development program supervisors of professional
that promotes professional growth and C&I/Technology development, 5-6
meets the instructional needs of professional C&I/Technology
novice and master teachers, supports development, Coaches, Edison
targeted initiatives, promotes C&I/Technology Public Schools
leadership, and supports the needs of Coaches
non-certificated support staff.

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