Smart Home System: June 2021
Smart Home System: June 2021
Smart Home System: June 2021
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ahmad Maassarani on 17 June 2021.
Abstract— This paper presents an alternative business • Solar panel or PV are used to generate power and
model for smart home system. The concept of a smart house save the regular power.
has entered our lives, and technology now supports the
processes that occur in our houses. Because of its ease, • Not connected to the internet.
efficiency, and other characteristics, smart home systems have • Can be controlled by any smart device or tablet.
drawn the attention of users and intelligent device developers • Easy to be maintained moved to a new place or add
[1]. A smart device located in the house working on its own new futures to it.
platform and network system, it can be connected to the
internet or on its own local network where this micro • Easy access parking with additional space from
controller is supported with an AI system and connected to all parking and pool.
the sensors, security, power, parking, and swimming pool to
provide the uses the heist security, comfortability, B. Vision
management, and power consumption [2]. Furthermore, the
proposed system supports several of the sustainability
development goals. Grey areas and new business models in the • Finding a better comfortable atmosphere for living.
energy sector are summarized in detail in the studies [3],[4]. • Monitoring personal health system for a better
I. INTRODUCTION • Provide a better security.
• Extra energy generated can be sold.
Smart House System Is an additional device can be
added to any apartment, villa, company, or a hospital to be
transformed into smart with AI. Smart phone, computer link C. Cost
or even smart TV can control our system to modify and set
all the requirement as the user recommend [5]. Our System Every system can be deferent then the other, it can be
is consistent form multiple devices and sensors connected to regarding the difference in the house itself or from the
the main system to control them either via AI system or by system needed to be applied it can be for specific area,
the user [6]. Therefore, we built a Machine learning inside, outside, or entire property. Therefore, our system is
software to give the best security, comfortability, and considered as main brain system where all other applications
healthy house to the owner, where our system will learn and are connected to it, in that case the cost will start from them
improve itself every day [6]. Sensors are applied to control main system and increase by adding additional application
house temp, PV are used to generate electricity, power [7].
management device is used to control power usage,
mechanical pool is used for safety and space management,
hot water usage control, security system applied to give the Table 1. Cost
owner the high security, and health care system is applied of Main System 600$
a better health care and specifically for the people who have Sensors: Temp, Gaz, Water, 100$
a serious problem. The main system will be located in the Humidity, Fire, IR,
best area chosen by professional to have the perfect earthquake. / Each.
connection and maintenance. Health care sub-system or 300$
Vital cam.
A. Advantages Health care Bracelet, necklets 200$
Movpool 20000$
• It can give the best home experience for the owner Garage 10000$
by applying the best temp he needs to the room Energy Sub-system 200$
automatically. Solar Shading Windows / 250$
• It can save lives, using the medical device to send
some rescue signal to the right people to the right
II. SMART HOME SYSTEM standards. This rearrangement can be easily done by
installing the smart parking in front of the existing garage or
in the driveway [11]. Smart parking is designed for driving
A smart device located in the house working on its own
over the top platform. This will increase the value of your
platform and network system, it can be connected to the
property. With one car parked on top of the closed smart
internet or on its own local network where this micro
parking, the second parking space remains out of sight below
controller is supported with an AI system and connected to
ground. With the application on smart phone, the CARPUG
all the sensors, security, power, parking, and swimming pool
can be opened any time and everywhere the user is. Parking
to provide the uses the heist security, comfortability,
incorporates a two-vehicle hydraulic lift and is designed to
management, and power consumption [8]. An application is
accommodate virtually any production car, including luxury
used to be able to set, monitor, or modify the system using
saloons and four-wheel drives [12][13].
any smart device or personal computer that have a user
interface to be installed and direct use with an easy mode [9].
D. Movpool
A. Sensors
Movable Floor swimming pool with AI lifeguard is the
revelation in the world of indoor and outdoor pools and the
Sensors of Temp, Gas, water Level, Humidity, Fire, IR,
result of years of dreaming, daring [14], and doing. It is the
Security, Hot water, and Earthquake are being applied all
most sustainable pool solution available: the moveable floor
around the house where it will make it easier to control, more
is both practical and beautiful. In no time at all you can turn
comfortable and safer to live. Those sensors are connected to
your patio into an outdoor pool. Or your indoor pool into a
the smart house system where the AI system and the user are
party room. You can set the floor to different depths via the
able to monitor and control the house. In addition,
electronic control in the wall. In swimming mood all that our
Temperature and humidity sensor are applied all around the
movable floor wants to do is float. The floor is pulled down
house where it can check and calibrate the room temperature
by means of a cylinder and the private swimming pool is
according to the user choice where it can turn on heater,
created [15]. Then in covered mood floor is activated again
cooler or open the window of the room. Gas and fire sensor
and the entire floor comes up and the room can be used for
are located in the kitchen and the kombi area, and it will shut
other purposes and live video stream from our underwater
down the gas valve in case of any gas leakage. Water sensor
cameras is automatically monitored by our “state-of-the-art”
is located in the water storage where it can detect if the water
object recognition software[16].
pressure or level is high or low where it can control the pump
to support the house needs. IR sensors are located in every
room where it can detect movement to provide lighting and E. Energy Storage System and On-site Electricity
save energy. Hot water sensor and valves are located in Generation
bathrooms and kitchen where it can direct the hot water for
the most need. Earthquake sensor is responsible to provide A compact system that consists of an inverter, smart
the family an early alarm for evacuation in the right time. rechargeable batteries, and a controller to optimize charging
Security system is applied for all external doors and windows and discharging cycles of batteries [17]. Energy stored in the
to provide for the owner full protection and information batteries is mostly obtained by photovoltaic panels, as an
about unlocked door, window, or garage. optional choice to make an alternative way to generate
electricity small wind turbines can be utilized. Storage
B. Home Health Care System system is integrated with an energy management system.
Bracelet, necklace, or Vital cam are used to monitor F. Energy Management System
blood pressure, heartbeats, oxygen, or body temperature are
connected to the smart AI system where it can detect any Energy management system can monitor energy
heath issue, illness, accident, or heart attack to notifies three consumption of the house, manage energy storage and
phone number supported by the user and call the rescue team generation, with the various energy saving and optimization
for help. Cams can be placed in every room to be able to methods it can conserve power and increase overall
cover every corner in the house and provide it service, it can efficiency in the smart home [18]. System can collect data
either connected weird or wirelessly. Easy to ware and from integrated smart meters and plugs to create weekly
comfortable, can be connected directly to the system or energy reports including demand predictions and can
through the tablet or phone provided with the system visualize it with graphs for easy interpretation [19]. System
application. Health record and personal doctor are provided has ability to provide uninterrupted continuous power to
to the system to be able to detect and understand the case of smart home by responding to scheduled power outages or to
each user individually. unscheduled potential power outages by storing custom
determined power capacity value before outages. In addition
C. Carpug to houses existing rechargeable batteries, system can utilize
battery of an electric vehicle to buy/sell electricity to grid to
underground parking system, hydraulics lower and raise a make money in a multi-time electricity tariff [20].
platform containing your vehicle. Not only does it save space
in your garden, it also provides better security but hopefully
there's no flooding problem [10]. Underground parking
system operates with an application on smart phone and a
remote-control safety factor is engineered to the highest
G. Solar Shading at Windows constantly from their surroundings. When the artificial
intelligent learns the habits of customer such as preferred
Smart system that controls the sun rays entering the environment temperatures or energy consumption schemes
houses directly from the window. Shading system thinks for it can manage energy storage and generation in a optimal
itself, taking the position of the sun into account to adjust way increasing efficiency or can set the temperature in a
the slats. This makes clever use of the sun's energy room into desired level without human input.
depending on the time of year. In doing so, it saves heating C. Key Resource
and cooling energy [21]. Effectiveness in summer and
winter, they prevent the heating of the rooms on summer
Key resources of the system to perform its duties are
days, it stays outside 90% of the heat, and the rooms stay
technologic devices that provided or already included in the
cool even without air conditioning, saving electricity. The
house. Some of these devices are batteries and photovoltaic
reason for the loss of heat in houses during winter is 92% of
panels, health tracking and other various sensors, smart
the cold coming from the windows. When we turn this
parking place that providing space management or anti-
system off completely at night, we save about 18% heating
drowning system integrated to pools.
energy [22]. As safety as you can hide yourself without
losing daylight in order not to be disturbed by the looks D. Revenue Stream
from outside. It looks contemporary that massive designs
give home a modern home look. Every customer has option to customize the service
he/she gets by choosing the features that will be applied to
their house. Primary revenues come from the equipment
sold to customer, maintenance of the systems and monthly
subscription of the Smart Home System’s software that
connects every device together to work in harmony.
E. Channels
F. Key Partners
Figure 1. Movpool [23], Energy System [24], Carpug
[13], Solar shading window [25], Sensor, Energy Agreements can be made with construction companies
management [26], Health care. that are advancing and developing simultaneously with
technology in today's construction areas. It is important for
III. BUSINESS CANVAS construction companies to understand what we do and be
able to apply it in the contemporary homes they build. but
A. Cost Structure also, hospitals and private homes.
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