475 Field Communicator
Product Data Sheet
May 2013
475 Field Communicator
= Full-color graphical user interface
= Powerful field diagnostics
1 Bluetooth® communication
= Long-lasting Lithium-lon power module
1 Universal support for HART? and Fouoxon
fieldbus devices
The 475 Field Communicator builds on the industry-leading
technology ofthe 375 Field Communicator while adding
innovative new capabilities including color dlsplay Bluetooth
‘communication, and advanced field diagnostics
with applications like ValveLink” Mobile
‘What yousget isthe most powerful handheld avalable~
Universal ser upgradeable, intrinsically safe, rugged and
feliable. Only the 475 Feld Communicatar can deliver ll
this na single handheld communicator
Tlie 475 Pleld Communicators designed to suppart all HART ond
Feuncuron fieldbus devices fio al vandors.
Product Description
The 475 Field Communicator I designed to simplify yourwork
Inthe fied, The intuitive full color user interface allows you
toleverage the same practices farboth HART and Fouxowto
fieldbus devices. t includes a larger touch sereen than PDAS
cor Packet PCs, supports HART versions, 6, and 7 (including
UirlessHART" devices, and allows you to upgrade your
475 Fleld Communicator onsite using the Intesnet.
See and Feel the Difference
The touch screen display uses translective technology, making
\teasy o readin both bright sunlight and normal lighting. To
‘make sure all conditions are covered, a multi-level backightis
ncludd, allowing bright, rsp splay ever in plant areas with
dim light.
Process Management475 Field Communicator
May 2013
diagnostics in the field through Veh=link Ml
a dlisplay and large physical navigation buttons
provide for efficient se both on the bench and i the fal.
The cor-based user interface allows you to navigate quickly
and efficient
The ful colar graphics capabilityis provided as standard
with every 475 Field Communicators uses powerful EDDL
technology to allow youto read data from ld devices ina
graphical manner Charts, graphs, gauges, and product images
re [usta fewof the waysin which important device datacan
be displayed using the 475 Feld Commuiicator’scolor LCD
ne weight of
for comfortable one-handed operation in Ue il Itrunson
bust, rel time operating system. The 75
147 Field Communicators evenly distributed
Field Communicator has plenty of memory toallow for future
expansion. Ithas 32 MB of application memory and 1 G8 of
‘memory onits System Card,
New HART and Fost
functional updates to exist
continually by device vendors. K
plant can be areal challenge
ow fieldbus devices, aswell as
1g devices, reintroduced
ing up-to-date with the
Descriptions (DDs) forall the devices in your
\With acy Upgrade, when new HART and Fouxanenfetdbus
DDS become avilable, you can simply download ther fom the
«dupgrade your 475 Field Communicator: Update at
yoursite, within your contro, when it's eorwenient fr you.
Online Licensing
The Oaline Licensing capability provided with Easy Upgrade
allows yau to enable new options for your 475 Feld
Communicator aver the Internet. With Ole Licensing,
povverful options ike F
‘imply purchasing the license anc downloading it directly
to your communicator.
owas fieldbus can be added by
wow fieldcommunicator.com475 Field Communicator
May 2013
The 475 Fell Communcato, with ts handy crying ese, provides single ool orc
Universal - HART and Fourdst.oa fieldbus
{With ever 1,300 different HART and Founosnow fieldbus
vices available from more than 100 manuf
475 Field Communicator works with all yourdevices to
positively impact your batt lin
ures, the
Through Easy Upgrade, you rays have access othe atest
HART and fieebus drivers. With the 475 Feld Communicator,
you ate guaranteed universal HART and Fouvosi leldbus
support ina single, intrinsically safe handheld commuicator.
Intrinsically Safe
‘The:475 Feld Communicator meets the intrinsic Safety
requitements of the listed regulatory agencies and standards
[Allof the available Hazardous Locations approvals are
Ina single model option (see Ordering Information)
1 CENELECJATEXWibration is present.
f= Factory Mutual (FM)
‘= Canadian Standards Association (C34
Q&S é
9 and diagnosing HART end Foon
hazardous areas.
1e power module s approved fr instalation in
Rugged and Reliable
tes called “Field Communicetor* Fora reason, Some tasks just
have tobe performed at the device inthe fed. The 475 Field
‘Communicators designed for tough use in yourplantor mil. ts
lbege keys and physical navigation buttons allan for one-handed
‘operation, evenvuith your work loves on. The rugged display
Is designed to Lake the knocks and shocks fromm normal usein
he plant
re and print device caniguretions for analysis and
tation vequiernents
www fieldcommunicator.com475 Field Communicator
The 475 Field Communicator’ Protective Rubber Boot provides
added protection in the fee end in your toolbox. Soth the
rubber boat and 475 housing are designed in accordance
wlth Inrinsc Safety standards to imit the bulé up of state
electrical eneray
‘The 475 Field Communicatoris designed, manufactured,
and tested to very demanding specifications. tis ready to
gowherever you need to go to get the jab done.
Powerful Diagnostics
Interface with AMS Device Manager
‘The 475 Feld Communicator is fully compatible vith
[Aus Device Manager, the Industry standard for asset
‘management software. n fact, Control Magazine readers
have selected AMS Device Manager asthe #1 Cabration
Sofeware package for aver 13 yearsin arow
KIS Device Manager uses the Intligence from fed
devices to create o predictive maintenance environment.
[AMIS Device Manager allows you to configure, calibrate,
document, and troubleshoot HART, Fouscaiss Fldbus,
and WirelessHART devices,
Transfer device configuration date to AMS Device Manger
Via the IDA port or Bluetooth interface on your 475 Fld
Communicator and PC. Take your 475 Feld Communicator
‘ut tothe field to configure or update one or move devices.
‘Save upto 1,000 device configurations in your communicator
‘or transfer them to AMS Device
Together, the 475 Field Communicator and AMS Device
Manager enable yout efficiently manage all af your devices.
Device Configuration Management
Using the fasy Upgrade Utility, you can back up hundreds of
device configurations and can transter them between your
‘communicator and a PC. This library of device configurations
[easy to view and print for analyss
Identify Valve Problems
Run value diagnostics in the field with the Valvetink Mobile
application. You can quickly perform tests including valve
signature, dynamic eror band, PD one button sweep, and step
response on HART and Fowsonos fieldbus Fisber® FIELOVUE”
digital valve controle.
The intuitive userinterface makes ValveLink Mobile easy to
Use and understand. Diagnose sues in the ior transfer
the results toan asset management system ike AMS Siite
for in-depth analyss and documentation,
Diagnose Network Problems
‘The.475 Field Communicator can be used to coniigure al
the Fooxoxon fieldbus devicesin your plant. Use itto perform
lagnostes for effective start-up and troubleshooting of
fieldbus segments Create a quality segment by diagnosing
the network DC voltage and average noise.
Detect power supply problems by manitarng lv frequency
noise ana segeet. Locate incorrect terminations and faulty
devices by diagnosing the communications signalleve,
For HART oops the 475 Field Communicator allows youto
verify whether the DC voltage in the loop is correct.
vw fieldcommunicator.com475 Field Communicator May2013,
Processor And Memory
Microprocnsr sonic tiachir st
Memory intra Fish Ne
Sate cad secede cand
7AM ve
weight Aproniately 1.65 (075k) sth bt
Diy TWA VGA 240 by 320 pac aor, 3.5 (Ben wane play ath ToUchSceeR
ep 25 eysrclading action ays: 1 alphanureic keys (a ey Toncton Key, bachight ey, power key, ort
‘cuts const avon) keys. memibranedesign wth taciefeedback
Power Supply /Characr
Batter) Rechargable Utiurion power mole
‘Fateny Operating Tine 2Ohous—contnuaususe
hous ype oe
Whours —eanay mode
“Battery ager Options ‘put voltage 100-240 ¥AC, 50-50 He
ThblesincladedwahUS.tuopewndUKpnG SS~“~*~*s~‘“—s*s*s*s~—~s~sSC*S
stenyCharoee nin spina
Tan ona Thse i barana cls (one Conon to HART and Fossa fatibs
OAR TOA raved Gat vous) por pportingup to TS Kbps
gies revemmended maine mana Fomcenter tne
Apnrcmatly nS cn) recommended medium ate
Hostcath Opto J28 [lo m)conmmneston dstance
Uses andar d Windows ers
FCC. Kad approvals
“Cai ori in vor 6 counts
Usage ore (uaT ts ssoC(1227
ate Oto 95E RN mon condensing) for "COE TN to SUE (IEA)
enege TWO Fee MOLTO
Storage With ateres Wear ATCA
Storage Without ateries DOE [ AF BOO
Endowre ang TSI fon tion)
“Stock Tested sivea torete dp et onlaconeree
soy Ubarade Requirements
Usage Poi tamer acces
TDA poor adap) Benth fo adap)
SD Cod ear (oe
or crip)
‘Wino AF (SF 0 SPR, Nandi Va sles SPI) or Windows
5 ‘wwenifieldcommunicator.com475 Field Communicator May 2
475 Field Communicator Spare Parts List
00275 008-0007 Rungevineg 250 Ohm inn Renae |
oars eR OO Rechargeable um lon Poses Node _|
‘0a75 OOO OOD Powe Supply & Charge Hl NNN) US/UKTEU connection typesclude
1057590010002 Tose Suppl charger Standard Cord Set USTUNTEU co)
03750005 0005 [ Rastalan (A) cord Power Supa Charger
0375 0004 O00T (eid Set th connects ~
‘0475 0005 0002 end Sp (aark 2)
0475 0005 0005 [ary Cone (th par Hand Sap sd ~
‘a7socaso008 Wasrevcranger
00475-0005 005 Protective uber Bost wih Stand
‘ao75-9006000" ‘Syluipackof 2)
‘eoa750015-0002 WDA o USB Adapter
OB7S 0018 0022 ‘ater Cand (SD) Reales (with USB oerface}™
‘oars 0018 0073 Bietoot ter
cor7s ona aT San
COATS DTTOKT Field Acceorykt
COATS DUTOSKOT Shop Accessiy Ri Bheteoih) 7
0475 0019 SOE ‘ShopAccenry it (non Bhestoay™
‘00875-0045-3007 Getting Started Guide
‘20475 0099:0007 Remureeco™
00475-0045-0V01 ResaurcaOv0
ooaT ONTO TechekalianngeD
00375.9142.0002 Feunowro eldbus cen Via Web
DOATFOT2 2005 sy Una Ne Reno Lease wa WED
See eer
‘AW 7005H4COOD25 ‘AMS Device Manager Feld Comaricator Interface Kt (25153),
RATCRSHCIOONO ‘AMS Dee Manag Field ComnuicatoIteriae KA(V00 Tags and above)
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Process Manageme!