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DLP NO.: Learning Area: TVL-Cookery Grade Level: 11 Date: Quarter: 2 Duration: 120 mins.

Learning Competency/ies: Present egg dishes Code: TLE_HECK9-11ED-Id

Key Concepts/ Understandings to Prepare and present Egg Dishes
be developed
Learning Objectives 1. Perform Mise en Place
2. Measure the right amount of ingredients and follow the recipe in cooking egg dishes.
3. Present creatively the egg dishes prepared.
4. Display interest in doing the performance.
Content Suggested projects:Variuos vegg dishes
Learning Resources LM, TG (Cookery) , Recipe,ingredients,tools and equipment

1. Introductory Activity • Prayer/Greetings
(10 minutes) • Checking of Attendance
• Review of the previous discussion
2. Activity Ist Batch:
(15 minutes) They will Cook 2 egg dishes but you are only to prepare 1 today. Next dish
will be the 2nd batch.
Let the learners go to their original group for the preparation of egg dish.Let each group will going Perform Mise
en Place.After preparing,each group will going to demonstrate in front of the class.
3. Analysis
What is the recipe you are going to cook?
(10 minutes)
What type of Cooking method of the egg dish you prepared?
How would you encourage your classmate to perform the dish you are going to prepare?

4. Abstraction Group Performance:

( 35 minutes) 1.Basted
3.Poached egg
4.Sunny side up
5. Application Each group should help one another in preparing the egg dishes. Follow the recommended recipe given. Apply the
(30 minutes) proper way of cooking egg dish.

Assessment Your performance will be rated using the rubrics below:

( 15 minutes)

Criteria Very Satisfactory 3 Satisfactory 2 Unsatisfactory 1

Mise en Place / Wear cooking outfit, Wear cooking outfit, Wear cooking outfit,
Workmanship always maintain sometimes maintain seldom maintain
cleanliness in the cleanliness in the cleanliness in the
working area working area working area
General Characteristics of Characteristics of Characteristics of
Appearance egg dishes are egg dishes are egg dishes are
evident partly evident slightly evident
Taste /Flavor Original taste of egg Original taste of egg Original taste of egg
is present is partly present poorly retained
Speed Finished less than Finished within the Finished more than
the allotted time allotted time the allotted time
Assignment Next meeting another round of cooking and this time you are going to sell your product. Prepare all the necessary
(10 minutes) materials need.
Concluding Activity (Optional) Helpful tips: Food presentation is the art of modifying, processing ,arranging or decoration food to enhance its
aesthetic appeal.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have

caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?

G. What Innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I

wish to share with other

Activities and Worksheets

DLP NO.: Learning Area: TVL- Grade Level: 12 Date:September, 2018 Quarte Duration: 120 mins.
Cookery Time:8:00-10:00 WED. r: 2
Learning Competency/ies: Present vegetable dishes Code: TLE_HECK9-12VD-IId-11
Key Concepts/ Prepare and present vegetable Dishes
Understandings to be
Learning Objectives 1.Identify the ingredients and measure using the tools and equipment.
2.Prepare and present their vegetable dish.
3.Describe the feelings of earning income through their hard work.

Content Prepare Suggested projects:Variuos vegetable dishes

Learning Resources LM, TG (Cookery) , Recipe,ingredients,tools and equipment

1. Introductory Activity • Prayer/Greetings
(10 minutes) • Checking of Attendance
• Review of the previous discussion
2. Activity Go to their original group and prepare the ingredients using the tools and equipment. Group
(15 minutes) 1 and 2 – Pinakbet
Group 3 – Lumpia
Group 4 – Mongo with egg

3. A nalysis How m u ch is the total co st of you r m enu?

(10 minutes)
How to g et the m a rk up price in yo ur project pla n?
4. Abstraction The tea cher ob se rve ea ch group in preparing their m enu and guide the m as they prepa re it.
( 35 minutes)

5. Application Observe the group if they cooperate in coo king their dish.
(30 minutes)

As sessm ent Your perform a n ce will be rated using the rubrics below:
( 15 minutes)

Criteria Very Sa tisfa ctory 3 Satisfa ctory 2 Un satisfactory 1

Mise en Pla ce / W ea r coo king outfit, W ear coo king outfit, W ea r cooking outfit,
W o rkm a n ship alwa ys maintain so m etim e s m aintain seld o m m aintain
clea nline ss in th e cleanline ss in the clea nliness in the
working area w orking area working area
G eneral Cha racteristics of C haracteristics of Cha racte ristics of
Appearance Vegetable dishe s Vegetable dishes Vegetable dishes
are e vident are partly evident are slightly evide nt
Profit M ore that 2 5% Low er than 25% of No profit
M ark up p rice. the m ark up p rice

As signm ent Rea d the n e st topic about seafoods on p age 157-16 0.

(10 minutes)
C onclu ding A ctivity (Optional)

R em arks
DLP NO.: Learning Area: TVL-Cookery Grade Level: 12 Date:September 17-18 Quarter: 2 Duration: 120 mins.
Learning Competency/ies: Present vegetable dishes Code: TLE_HECK9-12VD-IId-11
Key Concepts/ Understandings Prepare and present vegetable Dishes
to be developed
Learning Objectives 14. Perform Mise en Place
15. Measure the right amount of ingredients and follow the recipe in cooking vegetable dishes.
16. Present creatively the vegetable dishes prepared.

Content Suggested projects:Variuos vegetable dishes

Learning Resources LM, TG (Cookery) , Recipe,ingredients,tools and equipment

1. Introductory Activity • Prayer/Greetings
(10 minutes) • Checking of Attendance
• Review of the previous discussion
2. Activity Ist Batch:
(15 minutes) They will Cook 2 vegetable dishes but you are only to prepare 1 today. Next dish
will be the 2nd batch.
Let the learners go to their original group for the preparation of vegetable dish.Let each group will going Perform
Mise en Place.After preparing,each group will going to demonstrate in front of the class.
3. Analysis
What is the recipe you are going to cook?
(10 minutes)
What type of Cooking method of the vegetable dish you prepare?
How would you encourage your classmate to perform the dish you are going to prepare?

4. Abstraction Group Performance:

( 35 minutes) Group – Glazed Sweet Potato Group 2-
Vegetable Tagliatelle
Group 3- Lumpiang Ubod with Egg wrapper
Group4- Sauteed Mushroom
Group 5 - Braised Celery
5. Application Each group should help one another in preparing the vegetable dish. Follow the recommended recipe given. Apply
(30 minutes) the proper way of cooking vegetable dish.

Assessment Your performance will be rated using the rubrics below:

( 15 minutes)
Criteria Very Satisfactory 3 Satisfactory 2 Unsatisfactory 1
Mise en Place / Wear cooking outfit, Wear cooking outfit, Wear cooking outfit,
Workmanship always maintain sometimes maintain seldom maintain
cleanliness in the cleanliness in the cleanliness in the
working area working area working area
General Characteristics of Characteristics of Characteristics of
Appearance Vegetable dishes Vegetable dishes Vegetable dishes
are evident are partly evident are slightly evident
Taste /Flavor Original taste of Original taste of Original taste of
vegetable is present vegetable is partly vegetable poorly
present retained
Speed Finished less than Finished within the Finished more than
the allotted time allotted time the allotted time

Assignment Next meeting another round of cooking and this time you are going to sell your product. Prepare all the
(10 minutes) necessary materials need.
Concluding Activity (Optional) Helpful tips: Food presentation is the art of modifying, processing ,arranging or decoration food to enhance
its aesthetic appeal.

1. Identify the different classification/types of desserts.
2. Give the characteristics of desserts.
3. Appreciate the essence of dessert in a meal.


a. Topic: Different Classification/types of desserts and their characteristics
b. References: LM-Cookery Hand-outs
c. Materials: Visual Aid, Pictures, Activity Cards
d. Value Focus: this may develop student’s skills; creativeness and can help boost
their self-esteem.


Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Okay, please everybody stand. Jhosua,

please lead us the prayer. (Students will satnd and Jhosua will lead the

Good afternoon class! Good aternoon Ma’am

Okay, you may now take your seats. (students will take their seats)

Who are absent for today?

None ma’am
Very good, nobody is absent.
Okay, last meeting we discuss about the
different tools and equipment used in
preparing dessert, right?

Who recall some tool and can describe? Yes Ma’am

Yes Shera?

Very good. another one? Ma’am!

Yes, Kentred? Measuring caps and spoon, it measures quantity

of Ingredients.


Okay. How about equipement? Kitchen knives, used for peeling and slicing
fruits and vegetables.
Yes Danny?

Exactly, who else? Range, used for cooking food.

Yes Angelica? Ma’am!

Okay Very Good. Blenders, used to chop, blend, mix, whip, puree,
I believe each one of you know the grate and liquefy all kinds of food.
different tools and equipment used in
preparing Desserts and can identify
B. Motivation

Who among you here experience eating

in a formal meal? Ma’am!

Yes Gwen? What kind of dessert was

served? An Ice Cream ma’am.

Yes, thank you.

Don’t you know that there are

different types of dessert classified
according to its ingredients used?

So today, we will tackle new topic.

First, let us altogether read our lesson

objective. (student will read lesson objectives)

C. Presentation of the topic

Our Lesson for today is all about the

Classification/types of Desserts and
their characteristics.

We have:
Cheese “Fruits, Cheese, Gelatin dessert, Custard,
Gelatin dessert Pudding, Fruit Cobblers,
Custard Frozen Dessert”
Fruit Cobblers
Frozen Dessert

Lets us know each meaning and its


D. Lesson Proper
Who can read what fruits are? Ma’am!
Yes Glennie? Fruits are the simplest type of dessert and one of
the best,
Okay thank you. Why it is called as
one of the best? because they are
nutritious, appetizing, and easy to
prepare and serve.

As we, all know there are many

kinds of fruits, and each fruits
provide different nutrition.

Like for example a citrus fruits is a

good source of vitamin C. and many

Next we have Cheese. Ma’am!

Yes Carl? Cheese is another excellent dessert that is ready

to serve. It is made in all parts of the world from
a variety of milks cow, goat and sheep.
Thank you.
Cheese differs depending on the kind
of milk used, the kinds of cheese-
making procedures, the seasonings and
the ripening processes distinguish its
variety. Each variety has definite
character, a special appeal and
particular uses.

Then we have, Gelatin Dessert Gelatin Desserts are easily prepared, economical
Yes Rhealyn. and vary in many ways.

Thank you.
There are two forms of gelatin to be
market: first, the unsweetened,
granular type that must be softened in
water before use, and the fruit gelatine
to which flavour, color and sugar have
already been added.

Next we have, Custard. Please read

Jessa. Custard. Baked and soft custard vary in many
ways. Made with creamy, delicate ingredients.
Like milk, egg, flour and corn starch
Thank you, custards are served with
their baking cups or may it be unmolde
and served with fruit garnishes or with
Then we have Pudding. Please read
Judelyn. Pudding are relatively simple to prepare and vary
with sauces.
Thank you. Pudding are classified as
Cornstarch, Rice and Bread pudding.

Please read, Ferlyn what Fruit Fruit Cobblers are not fruit pies, have a depth
cobblers are. of two or three inches and are topped with
biscuit dough rather than being made with pie
Thank you. They may be served either
hot or cold.

Last we have Frozen desserts, like ice

cream, Sherbet and Ices and Frozen
Soufflés and Frozen Mousses.
The difference between the three is
Ice cream is a smooth frozen mixture of
milk, cream, sugar, flavourings and
sometimes egg.
Sherbet is made up of fruit juices, water
and sugar.
And Frozen Soufflés and Mousses
made like chilled mousses and
Bavarians, whipped cream, beaten egg
whites or both.

Based on the definition given I believe

you can tell what type of dessert
E. Activity
Okay, let’s have an activity. I will
group you into seven groups. Choose
your leader, secretary and a reporter.

Have you chosen your leader? Yes Ma’am

Okay leaders, please come (leaders will pick their activity cards)
forward. Pick your type of Dessert. ACTIVITY:
Each group will give atleast three characteristics
of the given type of desserts. Students will make
gestures/movement of one characteristics they
give to describe the specific type of dessert.
They will be presenting it by group.
Group 1. Custard
Group 2. Fruit Cobblers
Group 3. Cheese
Group 4. Pudding
Group 5. Gelatin Dessert
Group 6. Frozen Dessert
Group 7. Fruits
I will give you 10 minutes to do your
Any clarifications? None ma’am.

Okay. You may start your work.

(teacher will give praise to every group (students presents their work)
F. Analysis

Let us check whether the work of each Characteristics of:

group is correct. 1. Fruits
 Appetizing aroma
(paste visual aids; teacher will add  Simple
inputs and correct misunderstanding  Slightly chilled
about the lesson) 2. Cheese
Three Types:
 Soft
 Semi-hard
 Hard
3. Gelatin dessert
 Jelly
 Soft
 Colourful
4. Custard
 Baked
- firmness of shape
- smooth, tender texture
- rich and creamy consistency
- excellent flavor
 Soft
- Velvety smooth texture
- Rich flavour
- Has poring consistency of heavy
5. Pudding
 attractive appearance
 firmness of shape
 excellent consistency
 well-blended flavour
 an accompanying sauce to add
6. Fruit Cobblers
 Savoury filling
 Thick crust
 Fruit filling
7. Frozen Dessert
 Cold
 Sweet
 savoury
G. Abstraction

Okay, what are the different types of “Fruits, Cheese, Gelatin dessert, Custard,
Desserts class? Pudding, Fruit Cobblers,
Frozen Dessert”

Very good. when we say pudding, what

is it Jhana? Pudding are relatively simple to prepare and vary
with sauces and are classified as Cornstarch,
Rice and Bread pudding.

Very good. How about Frozen Dessert

Risha? Frozen desserts, sweet frozen mixtures of
ingredients. like ice cream, Sherbet and Ices
and Frozen Soufflés and Frozen Mousses.
Yes, very good.
What are the characteristics of fruits
Earl Joy? Fruits :
 Appetizing aroma
 Simple
 Slightly chilled
Very good.
How about the characteristics of Baked
Custard May-Ann? Baked Custard
- firmness of shape
- smooth, tender texture
- rich and creamy consistency
- excellent flavor
Okay, thank you.
H. Application

What are the reasons why a dessert is

served? Ma’am!

Yes Arlyn? Desserts balances out a meal

Very Good. Another Junny? By eating dessert is an opportunity to experience

different flavour that you cannot get from other
Yes Exactly. foods

How can it help in our daily lives? Ma’am!

Yes Recelyn? It helps us to be creative and can help develop

Okay, very good.
How can we use this at home? Have
you experience having dessert? Ma’am!

Yes MaryJoy? Yes ma’am, it will give aroma and flavour on

your family meals. It feels relaxing and we are
Very good. thank you for sharing

Studying the Different

Classification/types of desserts and their
characteristics may help us in many
ways. As a cookery student, this will
help you develop your skills and
creativeness. you already have the idea,
so you can used in whenever needed
and anytime you want to experience it.
this will also enhances yourself esteem,
in what way? Your parent will be proud
of you having those kind of skills and
you can help the needs in the family,
physically, mentally and it can be
financially. Right?

Any clarifications? None Ma’am.

If none. I will give you a quiz.

Prepare ¼ sheet of pad paper and a pen.


DIRECTIONS. Give atleast two examples of the given types below. Write it in a ¼ sheet of pad


1. Cheese

2. Frozen Desserts

3. Fruits

4. Gelatin desserts

5. Custard
Video Lesson Pasta Dishes
Video Lesson Egg Dishes
Video Lesson Vegetable Dishes

Video Lesson Dessert

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