Genesee County Fair (2022)

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JULY 23RD - 30TH, 2022

R O U T E 5 , B ATAV I A N Y • W W W. G C FA I R . C O M • ( 5 8 5 ) 3 4 4 - 2 4 2 4
2 • Thursday, July 21, 2022 Genesee County Fair

Genesee County Fair adds new features

By BRIAN QUINN Topolski said the racing event is fairly new.
BATAVIA — Radio-con- “Where we found out about
trolled cars, live music or kara- it is at the New York state
oke each night and admission fair conference in Rochester
prices that are affordable await during the winter,” she said,
fairgoers when they return for referring to the state Associ-
the 2022 Genesee County Fair, ation of Agricultural Fairs in
July 23 to 30 at the county Fair- Rochester in January.. “We’re
grounds, 5056 East Main Street pretty excited about it.”
Rd. Topolski said the Fame Rac-
Fair co-managers Rose To- ing could be similar to the pig
polski and Nick O’Geen said racing at the fair, an event the
Fame Racing, which is ra- fair has adopted.
dio-controlled car racing, is “It has been a huge success,”
new to the fair and will be of- she said of the pig races, which
fered every day. will be back this year.
The attraction puts visi- The venue for the ra-
tors behind the wheel as they FAST ACTION MOTORSPORTS dio-controlled cars looks very
race the radio-controlled cars Fame Racing is a new attraction at the Genesee County Fair that similar to the pig racing site.
around a banked oval track.
“You can participate. You’re
actually racing those race
will allow fairgoers to take the wheel and race radio-controlled
cars around a banked oval track. ‘ You’re actually
racing those race
“It has the same expanse
and a similar fashion with the
expanse and the track,” she
cars,” O’Geen said. “You have
complete control ...”
The racing is primarily
geared toward children and

Genesee County Fair
said. “It’s quite a large show
that is probably going to be,
See NEW T3
teenagers, Topolski said, al-
though anyone can take part.
“They’re going to have tro-
phies and, I believe, some sort
of plaques or ribbons,” she
There are eight cars in each
race. Six of the cars are spon- FAST ACTION MOTORSPORTS
sored by local vendors, Topol- Eight radio-controlled cars will be featured in each of the Fame
ski said. Racing three daily heats. QUALITY READY-MIXED CONCRETE
al cars, one that will be Fame
Racing and the other that will Have fun at the fair! 1-800-873-8826
Phone: 343-6850
638 East Main Street
Batavia, NY 14020
be Genesee County Fair. Each
of those sponsors have given
$250 and they will receive the
shell of the car, not with a ra-
dio-controlled base, but with
a base on it, of which they’ve
chosen the color, the number,
Lamb Farms, Inc
the logo and some of the say-
ings they want on the front and
back bumpers,” Topolski said. 585-948-5777
“They’re pretty excited about
receiving those things.”
The radio-controlled car
racing is one of the daily events
scheduled for the fair. There HOLNBECK ELECTRIC
will be three races a day, with
four races to be held July 30. WHY RISK FIRES? Serving
There will be a final racing • Troubleshooting specialist Batavia area
event for which participants • Old house wiring problems, for 65 yrs
will receive a ticket to come we’ll find it!
back to the fair.
“They will come back and
We do it all • FREE estimates
compete against all of the win- David Holnbeck, Owner • 45 years experience A New York leader in quality
ners,” Topolski said. 585-762-4020 milk production and ag innovation
Genesee County Fair Thursday, July 21, 2022 • 3

is the first year we’ve been able entertainment — such as dai- held under the Entertainment vendors are all coming back
New to sign two different acts out of
the convention. They have a
ly 4-H animal shows, daily pig
races, wood carving and bal-
Topolski said the Exhibition
that we had previously.
They’re excited about it,” she
From T2 trade show where various ven- loon demonstrations. Niagara Building will pretty full this said. “We’re also having some
dors come in that want to take County Down Under will be
part in your fair.” onsite daily, providing educa- year. additional food vendors that
I’m guessing, a similar event
that we will probably ... bring Organizers say the Gene- tional talks and visits with kan- “Outdoor vendors — food we hadn’t had previously.”
forth next year.” see County Fair, returning for garoos, wallabies and tortoises
O’Geen said that on Sunday, its 182nd year, is one of the for an additional fee.
WailOn will perform from 7 to longest consecutively run- “With everything else going
10 p.m. in the Entertainment ning county fairs in the state. up in the world, we’re trying
Tent. The Midway will be open ev- to keep the fair affordable,”
“That is a Waylon Jennings ery day. Admission is free and O’Geen said. “Where else can
tribute band. That’s new to the parking is $10 per carload. you go for $10 a carload and
fair. We’re very excited to bring Attendees will enjoy classic see animals and have all the
that,” he said. “We also found fair foods, meets and greets commercial exhibits?”
them at the New York state with animals and a Midway O’Geen said the fair website,
fair convention this year. We courtesy of Hammerl Amuse-, is updated with
get a lot of ideas. There’s a lot ments. During Kids Days (July current events and listings.
of roundtable discussions that 23, 27 and 30), ride wristbands He’s hopeful people will at-
take place there. Many of the for kids aged 16 and younger tend multiple days.
county fairs in New York state are $15. “We have entertainment
attend. We all share ideas. This This year also includes free every night. We’re going to
have two nights of karaoke
and then every other night,
there will be a band under the fax: 585-548-2743
tent,” O’Geen said. “We’ll also e-mail:
have the fair queen contest,
the talent show will be going 5966 Griswold Road, Byron, NY 14422
again this year. All those will be

WailOn is a Waylong Jennings tribute act.


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4 • Thursday, July 21, 2022 Genesee County Fair

WailOn offers tribute to classic country music

WailOn is a tribute show harmonica/vocals (The Spirit honing their classic country
dedicated to celebrating the of Johnny Cash, Dogtown Ca- skills as the backing musicians
classic country sounds of the dillac); Joseph Woodul, drums for fellow tribute group, The
1960s and 1970s as embodied (The Silver Arrow Band); Rog- Spirit of Johnny Cash and play-
by country star Waylon Jen- er Noyes, pedal steel (Rusti- ing 500- to 800-seat theaters
nings and his band the Way- cator) and Kevin Maul (Robin in New York, New Jersey, Con-
lors. & Linda Williams’ band, The necticut, and New Hampshire.
The group is scheduled to Burns Sisters band, The Lustre For more information about
perform at the Genesee County Kings, Billy Eli, the Nouveaux WailOn, go to its website, www.
Fair from 7 to 10 p.m. July 24 in Honkies, Miss Paula and the waylonjenningstributeshow.
the Entertainment Tent. Twangbusters). com, or its Facebook page,
Debuting in 2021, WailOn Since 2015, multiple mem-
– Tribute to Waylon Jennings bers of WailOn have also been noutlaw.
and Outlaw Country pays
homage to the music Jennings
and his band produced.
Jennings, who died in 2002,
was a pioneer of the Outlaw
Country movement.
Outlaw Country is a genre of
American country music creat-
ed by a number of iconic artists
active in the 1970s and early WAILON
1980s who fought for and won Chris Wiski takes on the role of Waylon Jennings in WailOn –
their creative freedom outside Tribute to Waylon Jennings and Outlaw Country, which performs
of the Nashville establishment July 24 at the Genesee County Fair.
that was dictating the sound of
country music at the time. The 1970s-era Waylon Jennings Cadillac) - and the WailOn
leader of the movement in- and the Waylors stage show band: Archie Anderson, guitar/
cluded Jennings, Willie Nelson, with nods to outlaw country vocals (Steven L Smith Band,
Kris Kristofferson and David greats, Johnny Cash, Willie
South Street Saints, The Spirit
Allan Coe. Nelson and modern “outlaws”
such as Cody Jinks and Chris of Johnny Cash, Dogtown Ca-
The music is rooted in earlier
country music genres such as Stapleton. dillac); Les Wheeler, guitar/
western, honky tonk and rock- WailOn features Chris Wiski
abilly. The music is character- as “Waylon” (Loon Suit, Leg-
ized by a blend of rock and folk endary Losers, Gavel Down,
rhythms, country instrumen- Alter Ego, The Spirit of Johnny
tation and introspective lyrics. Cash, Dogtown Cadillac), Pau-
WailOn recreates a full la Bradley as “Jessi” (Dogtown

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Genesee County Fair Thursday, July 21, 2022 • 5

8 to seek Fair Queen title

BATAVIA — The Genesee Stage. On Friday, all contes- helping to feed and walk the
County Fair Queen and Prin- tants will do public speaking family’s goats, feed the chick-
cess Pageant this year includes and talent portions of the ens and play with the bunnies.
eight contestants. pageant. At 1 p.m. Sunday will Lyza’s favorite bunny is her
The pageant is set for 6 p.m. be the crowning of the contes- bunny named Princess Oph-
Friday and 1 p.m. Sunday on tants. elia.
the Entertainment Tent Stage The mistress of ceremony is She also enjoys collecting
at the Fairgrounds, 5056 East Alianna Baris. The contestants the eggs from the family’s
Main Rd. The pageant is open are: chickens every morning.
to contestants ages 5 to 19. n Little Miss: Lyza Baker, When Lyza grows up, she
“The pageant is a chance Helena Kotarski and Juliet wants to be a princess because
for young women from across Miller; they are beautiful, get to wear Lyza Baker Helena Kotarski
the county to come together n Miss: Morgen Surbien; beautiful dresses and are nice
for a fun and exciting experi- n Duchess: Macy Jean Tam- to everyone.
ence. Contestants learn many burlin; HELENA KOTARSKI
valuable life skills by building n Princess: Corinne Rhoad-
es, Miranda Tamburlin; Helena, 7, attends Elba
courage by speaking publicly, Central School. She lives in
n Grand Princess: Riley
showcasing their individual
talents and become more con- Wall. Oakfield with her family and
will be a third-grader at Elba
C.B. Beach & Son
fident in who they are as an
individual,” said Amanda Gal-
Lyza, 5, is homeschooled
Central in the fall.
Helena lives with her mom
Mortuary, Inc.
lo, county Agricultural Society and will be going into kinder- and dad and she has five 1903 - 2022 • Celebrating 119 years
president. “And most impor- garten this year. brothers and sisters. She takes
tantly, many of the ladies often She lives in Batavia with her dance classes and also plays “The Fourth Generation Serving our Community.”
walk away with new lifelong parents, Nathan and Breanne, softball and soccer. She is a
friends.” and she has four siblings: Lay- 4 - 6 Main Street, Corfu, N.Y. 14036
Cloverbud in 4-H.
All contestants have the la, Liam, Lexton, and Losson. For fun, Helena likes to be in Phone: 585-599-4520
chance to be part of special Her siblings all show ani- her garden and grow flowers.
fair events, Gallo said, includ- mals at the Genesee County She creates bouquets to make
ing handing out awards to 4-H Fair. Her family shows goats, people feel happy.
and Open Show exhibitors rabbits, chickens and ducks.
and the annual parade. This year is Lyza’s first year See QUEEN T6
The newly-crowned fair that she can join 4-H and show
queen and her courts will her animals.
represent the Genesee County Her family is always busy in
Fair during the annual eight- 4-H clubs and she enjoys go-
day fair. ing to volunteer her time and
The pageant will take place lend helping hands.
on the Entertainment Tent In her free time, she enjoys

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6 • Thursday, July 21, 2022 Genesee County Fair
activities and community a platform to bring awareness
Queen socials. Mostly, Juliet loves
spending time with her goats,
to this rare diagnosis and en-
sure proper education is made
From T5 family and friends. available to schools to not only
When Juliet grows up, she stress the importance of eye
She volunteers as a bell ring- plans to continue to raise and health and assist any families
er for the Salvation Army. show dairy goats. She hopes in need with free eyewear.
Helena helps clean up the to attend college to become a Morgenn wants to share
roadside every year during an teacher or veterinarian. her recipe for kindness: Take
Earth Day Cleanup with her She plans to continue to equal parts heart and compas-
community. S share her love of goats and sion, add a dash of empathy,
he has one dog, one fish, two agriculture with those around stir in a pinch of communica-
bunnies, two pigs and a lot of her. tion, and serve others.
When Helena grows up, she Morgenn, 8, represents Macy Jean, 11, attends
wants to be a veterinarian or a Batavia, where it is a sin to dip Juliet Miller Morgenn Surabien
Oakfield-Alabama school. She
dog control officer so that she your chicken wings in ranch lives in Oakfield with her par-
can help other animals. dressing. ents, Teri and Randy, and her
JULIET MILLER In her spare time, she en- sister, Miranda.
Juliet, 7, is also known as joys competitive and sideline One thing she loves to do is
“Juliet of the Goats.” cheerleading, dance, theater dance. She dances at Dance
She will be attending third arts, and discovering ways to Images, where this year she
grade at Oakfield-Alabama further develop her recycling participated in 10 dances and
Central School. Juliet lives platforms and contributing to helped with two special needs
with her brothers, Levi and her community and to fami- classes.
Jase, as well as her parents, Jo- lies in need around the world. She also plays basketball
anna and Brandon Miller, on It is Morgenn’s ambition and is involved in many activi-
their farm, Miller’s Lost Goat to become a baby doctor by ties with her church. She loves
Farm. attending medical school at to swim in her spare time and
Juliet has many interests Johns Hopkins University on a to go shopping.
and hobbies. She is a member cheerleading or dance schol-
When she gets older, she
of Genesee County 4-H Goat, arship.
wants to go to school to be-
Sheep, and Fur and Feather She was inspired to become
come a special education
clubs. She also attends sanc- a baby doctor because of her
teacher and get married.
tioned ADGA shows with her love for her baby brother and
registered Lamancha goats. sister, finding joy in helping See QUEEN T7
She has danced with Denise care for babies and toddlers,
Chatt at the Dancing Place and her own special medi-
Dance Academy in Batavia cal trait of being born with a © Brody Wheeler 64 th Annual
for four years, taking classes freckle on her eye that causes
in acro, ballet and tap. She Morgenn to have one blue eye Attica Championship Rodeo
enjoys camping, swimming, and one brown eye.
fishing, golf cart riding, church She plans to one day create
August 4 th-7 th, 2022

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Genesee County Fair Thursday, July 21, 2022 • 7

From T6 ‘ The pageant ...
is a fun and exciting
experience. Many
Corinne, 13, came all the of the ladies often
way from Le Roy. She current- walk away with new
ly lives with her mom, Katie,
dad, Tim, and older sister, Eva.
Corinne is homeschooled and
entering ninth grade.
Corinne has been in 4-H
lifelong friends.


Genesee County Agricultural
for eight years and is a part of Society President
Family Consumer Science,
Fur and Feather. The club her
Macy Jean Tamburlin Corinne Rhoades Miranda Lea Tamburlin
mom has to drive the farthest
for is the Raptor Club at Cor- MIRANDA TAMBURLIN es to be married, have a couple
nell University. Follow The Daily News:
Miranda Lea Tamburlin, of cows on a small farm and
She enjoys playing tennis
14, attends Oakfield-Alabama become a 911 dispatcher.
at local courts, online gaming
with her friends, raising her school. She lives in Batavia RILEY WALL
with her mother Teri, father
Button Quail, playing piano
and kalimba, and horseback
Randy, and 11-year-old sister
Riley Wall, 15, lives with her
mom, Jennifer, dad, Richard,
and her brother, Tucker. She
Last year, when Corinne
told her mom that she wanted
Miranda enjoys participat-
ing in many sports such as
has a sister who is married
with two children, Delaney
to quit horseback riding to join
the circus, her mom wanted
to put her back on a horse be-
soccer, basketball and track.
She also loves to watch foot-
ball and cheer for the Kansas
and Teagan. She also has a dog
named Al and a bird named
cause it’s safer. She joined the City Chiefs. Riley is an honor student at
circus anyway. There, Corinne She is a member of Indi- Alexander Central School and READY MIX CONCRETE
has learned how to do aerial an Falls United Methodist will be a sophomore in the fall.
arts on hoop, silks and the fly- Church, where she is an active She plays flute in the school • 50' Concrete Conveyor
ing trapeze. member of the church’s Youth band and sings in chorus and • Front & rear mixers
In the future, Corrine would Group. has performed in school plays
like to pursue her career in In her spare time, she loves and musicals since fourth • NYS DOT approved materials
traveling around the world to play video games, do art grade.
performing in different cir- and play guitar. QUALITY SERVICES & MATERIALS
cuses. In the future, Miranda wish- See QUEEN T8 AT COMPETITIVE PRICING


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8 • Thursday, July 21, 2022 Genesee County Fair


From T7

She has been taking dance

for 13 years and her favorite
style is contemporary.
Some of her hobbies in-
clude listening to music, with
an emphasis on heavy metal,
baking and writing.
During the COVID-19 pan-
demic, Riley started writing a
book about a girl with schizo-
phrenia. She hopes to finish
and publish it in the near Riley Wall Alianna Baris
After high school gradu- When Alianna isn’t working Genesee County 4-H Program.
ation, Riley hopes to attend or studying for hygiene school, After she graduates, she
college, majoring in psychi- she is in the barn with her two will become a volunteer and
atry, with the hope to better horses. Alianna has been in Blake Bagley of Spencerport tries to get a cow to move over as
her knowledge about mental would love to have her own he cleans the stall during the 2021 the Genesee County Fair.
4-H for six years and graduates
health. She wants to stop the this year as she turned 18 in horse club one day.
stigma against people with the fall. –––
mental disabilities and dis- Alianna said she has been The photographs accompany
orders and to help those who
so thankful for all the friends this story were provided by Susan
may struggle in silence find
their voice. she’s gained and the things Meier of Photography by Susan
she has learned by being in the Meier, Corfu.
Alianna Baris is a graduate
of Le Roy Junior-Senior High
She is attending SUNY
Broome Community College Real Estate Services
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dental hygienist. She gradu- MICHELLE DILLS




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Cell: 585.314.7269
Alianna currently works at Office: 585.343.6750
Batavia Family Dental as an Fax: 585.343.8502
assistant to gain experience
when she graduates.
26 Cedar St. • Batavia, NY 14020 • 585-343-2678

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Genesee County Fair Thursday, July 21, 2022 • 9

2022 Genesee County Fair Schedule

The Genesee County Fair sponsored by Upstate Niagara n 10 a.m., 4-H Beef Show
runs July 23 to 30 at the Fair- Cooperative, Genesee County (Main Show Ring)
grounds, 5056 East Main Rd., Pamona Grange and Duane n noon, Open Class Beef
Batavia. Schmigel. Show (Main Show Ring)
Daily features available all n 4 p.m., Farm Hitch Draft n 1-10 p.m., Midway open
day, each day of the fair include Horse Show (Horse Arena) n 1 p.m., Fair Queen Pag-
air sculpture balloon display n 5-10 p.m., Midway open at eant (Entertainment Tent)
and demonstration, Niagara regular rates. n 4 p.m., The Big Pig Shindig
Down Under animal show, n 7-10 p.m., Savage Cab- Swine Show (Main Show Ring)
pony rides, and chain saw bage (Entertainment Tent) n 4-7 p.m., Monica Hall —
carving. n 10 p.m., Exhibit halls and band (Entertainment Tent)
The exhibition halls and buildings close n 7-10 p.m., WailOn — trib-
buildings open at 10 a.m. daily.
The fairgrounds will host
SUNDAY, JULY 24 ute to Waylon Jennings (Enter-
a draft horse hitch show on SENIOR CITIZEN DAY tainment Tent)
Friday. n 9 a.m., Open Class Poultry n 10 p.m., Exhibit halls and
Here are selected highlights Show (Merton Building) buildings close
for the 2022 Genesee County MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS FILE PHOTO n 10 a.m., Open Class Rab- MONDAY, JULY 25
Fair: Pembroke residents Anthony Kelsey, Wyatt Schafer, and Kolton bit Show (Merton Building) VETERANS’ DAY AT THE FAIR
Schafer take a spin on the ride Down Draft at the 2021 Genesee n 10 a.m., Western New
DAILY AT THE FAIR County Fair. n 2 p.m., Color War (lawn
n Pig Racing (Saturday 3 York Garden Pullers Tractor
Pulls (Grandstands) See FAIR T10
p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m.; Sunday 3 n 6 p.m. Fair Queen Pageant Building exhibit judging (Ken-
p.m., 7 p.m.; Monday 3 p.m., 7 (Entertainment Tent) nedy Building)
p.m., Tuesday 4 p.m., 6 p.m., SATURDAY, JULY 23 n 12:30 p.m., Open Class
8 p.m.; Wednesday 2 p.m., 4 6 Horse Hitch Classic (Horse
p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m.; Thursday DRIVE YOUR TRACTOR Arena)
4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m.; Friday TO THE FAIR DAY/KIDS DAY n 1-10 p.m., Midway open; Real Estate Services
2 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m.; Fair Opens at 9 a.m. Kids 16 and under ride for $15/ Ask me about the 100% Money Back Guarantee!
Saturday 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., n 8:30 a.m., Open Halter wristband from 1-5 p.m. AR


8 p.m.)

Draft Show (Horse Arena) n 2 p.m. Genesee County

n Fame Racing — ra- Licensed Real Estate Salesperson



n 9 a.m., Empire Classic


Fair Talent Show (Entertain-


570 East Main Street • Batavia, NY 14020

dio-controlled car racing
Youth Sheep Show (Main ment Tent)
(three races a day, four rac- Cell: 585.749.8951
es July 30, times to be an- Show Ring) n 3:30 p.m., Small Fry Trac- Office: 585.343.6750 ext. 2133

nounced) n 10 a.m., 4-H Kennedy tor Pull (Exhibition Building),
n Johnny Muttville Comix
(Saturday to Tuesday).

FRIDAY, JULY 22 Charter Partner

$5 carload entry to the fair
Friday, July 22 only. Nancy M. Crocker
n 11 a.m., Draft Horse Hitch Lic. Real Estate Salesperson
Show (Horse Arena) Cell: (585) 314-7982
n 4:30 p.m., Draft Farm
Team Show (Horse Arena) 7133 W. Main Road • LeRoy, NY 14482 3282 West Main St. Rd. • Batavia, NY 14020
n 5:30 p.m., North American office • (585) 502-5250
Monday - Friday
6 Horse Hitch Classic (Horse Main Office: 2112 Empire Blvd • Webster, NY 14580
8:00 - 4:30 Phil Hinrich

(585) 344-3285
Good Luck 4-Her’s
Have fun at this year’s fair!
10 • Thursday, July 21, 2022 Genesee County Fair

Demolition Derby
roars to life July 29
By BRIAN QUINN “The feature winner will get $2,000. Heat winners
BATAVIA — The collisions each get $250,” Bruce Sco-
and the sound of metal on field said.
metal will fill the air July 29 He said the crazy driver in
as the popular Demolition each heat — the driver who
Derby returns to the Genesee gives the crowd the most
County Fair. thrills and puts on the most
The derby will start at 7 exciting performance, will
p.m. and Bruce Scofield, who get $100.
will run the event with his “Last year we had about 55
son, Tyler, with help from (vehicles) and we’re hoping
volunteers, said there will be for about the same amount,
prizes for the winners in each maybe more,” said Scofield,
heat and the feature winner. owner of Scofield Transfer
There are three classes: & Recycling Inc. of Stafford,,
compact, full-size and junk said. “Everybody had a good
run. There will be four or five
Jessica Sharp of Byron holds a baby kangaroo at the Niagara Down Under amimal petting area at See DERBY T11
heats, Scofield said.
the 2021 Genesee County Fair.

n 4 p.m., 4-H Market Steer WEDNESDAY, JULY 27

Fair Show (Main Show Ring)
n 4-10 p.m., Midway open
From T9 n 6 p.m., Parade lineup
(Racing Pit Area) n 9 a.m., 4-H Meat & Dairy
n 6:30 p.m., Genesee Coun- Goat Show (Main Show Ring)
north of fair restrooms), spon- n 9 a.m., 4-H Western Horse
sored by LuGia’s on Wheels ty Fair Parade — around fair-
grounds Show (Horse Arena)
n 3 p.m., 4-H FCS Club ac- n 12:30 p.m., Small Fry Trac-
tivity (Kennedy Building) n 7 p.m., Karaoke (Enter-
tainment Tent) tor Pull (Exhibition Building),
n 4-10 p.m., Midway open sponsored by Upstate Niagara
n 10 p.m., Exhibit halls and
n 4 p.m., 4-H Market Lamb Cooperative, Genesee County
buildings close
Show (Main Show Ring)
n 6 p.m., 4-H Goat Agility See FAIR T11
(Main Show Ring) We can do custom
Bill Sr.
n 7 p.m., Karaoke (Enter-
tainment Tent) 356-4992
Estimates Small to Large Jobs... bends with our new tubing
bending machine.

n 10 p.m., Exhibit halls and Let us save you money repairing!

buildings close
TUESDAY, JULY 26 • Custom Design
CELEBRATE 4-H DAY/ - Fabrication & Repairs
CHAPIN MANUFACTURING DAY • Welding Steel, Aluminum,
n 8:30 a.m., 4-H Market
Stainless Steel
Goat Show (Main Show Ring) • Full Machine Shop
n 10 a.m., 4-H Market Hog • Equipment/Tractor
Show (Main Show Ring) Restoration
• Mobile Welding and
Repairs Available
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Genesee County Fair Thursday, July 21, 2022 • 11

n 4 p.m., Faith at the Fair n noon, 4-H Master Show- n 1-10 p.m., Midway opens,
Fair (Entertainment Tent)
n 5 p.m., Color War (lawn
man Contest (Main Show
Kids 16 and under ride for $15/
wristband from 1-5 p.m.
From T10 north of fair restrooms), spon- n 1-10 p.m., Midway open n 1-4 p.m., OHMS Band
sored by LuGia’s on Wheels n 1 p.m.,4-H Working Goat (Entertainment Tent)
Pamona Grange and Duane n 6:30 p.m., 4-H Market Ani- Show (Main Show Ring) n 3:30 p.m., Small Fry Trac-
Schmigel mal Auction Sale begins (Main n 4 p.m., 4-H FCS Club Ac- tor Pull (Exhibition Building),
n 1-10 p.m., Midway opens, Show Ring) tivity (Kennedy Building) sponsored by Upstate Niagara
Kids 16 and under ride for $15/ n 10 p.m., Exhibit halls and n 7 p.m., Demolition Derby Cooperative, Genesee County
wristband from 1-5 p.m. MARK GUTMAN/DAILY NEWS FILE PHOTO buildings close (Grandstands), fireworks at Pamona Grange, and Duane
n 1 p.m., 4-H Breeding Addy Rae Bozeman of Naples FRIDAY, JULY 29 the completion of the derby Schmigel
Sheep Show (Main Show Ring) grooms her cow at the 2021 n 7 to 11 p.m., BB Dang (En- n 6 p.m., Racing at Genesee
n 4 p.m., 4-H Hog Show Genesee County Fair. GENESEE COUNTY
tertainment Tent) Speedway
(Main Show Ring) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NIGHT n 7-11 p.m., Audibull (En-
n 7 p.m., 4-H Alumni Mas- n 9 a.m., 4-H Gymkhana tertainment Tent)
ter Showman Contest (Main HP HOOD DAY Horse Show (Horse Arena) KIDS’ DAY
n 10 p.m., Exhibit halls and
Show Ring) n 9 a.m., 4-H Dairy Show n 10 a.m., 4-H Livestock n 8:30 a.m., NIOGA Dairy buildings close
n 7 p.m., Genesee Speedway (Main Show Ring) Costume Contest (Main Show Showmanship Show (Main –––
GoKart Racing (Grandstands) n 9 a.m., 4-H English Horse Ring) Show Ring) Events times times on the sched-
n 10 p.m., Exhibit halls and Show (Horse Arena) n 11 a.m., 4-H FCS Club Ac- n 10:30 a.m., NIOGA Dairy ule are subject to change. Follow
buildings close n 4-10 p.m., Midway open tivity (Kennedy Building) Show (Main Show Ring) the fair on Facebook for updates.

ing contest, Scofield said. The field said.

Derby contest will be held once.
“The person who can drink
Scofield said the Demolition
Derby includes a mix of spec-
From T10 five pints of milk the fastest tators — people who have nev-
gets $100,” he said. Scofield er seen the vehicles collide and
time. They wanted to come said last year, the prize was those who have seen several
back.” $200 because people chipped derbies.
Tickets are available for in. A 50-50 raffle that night will
purchase at the gate, starting “I’ll do random pickouts benefit the Le Roy Ambulance
at $10 for children ages 5-12, from the crowd. I look for Service.
$15 for ages 13-adult, and $40 unique people — five volun- There will also be a fire-
for pit passes. Kids ages 4 and teers who want to enter the works show to conclude the
younger are free. Car entry is milk drinking contest,” Sco- event.
The admission has re-
mained the same as it was pre-
viously, Bruce Scofield said.
“When everything else has
gone up, we keep it afford-
able,” he said. “This year, I’m KIDS AND
going to have a section for QUEEN SIZE ADJUSTABLE BEDS
overflow into the infield. If AGRICULTURE! Starting At $1395 With Bedding
people come late, they can
watch it from the infield and
they can bring their own
chairs. We don’t want to turn
anybody away.”
Before the derby starts,
Scott Roblee of Le Roy will play
179 ea. pc. 249 ea. pc.

the national anthem on his

“It’ll give you goose bumps
when he does it. He did it last
$ $
year,” Scofield said. “I’ve got
four different people who are 599 799
going to parachute in holding
American flags.”
Jesse Coots is the announc-
er/master of ceremonies for
the derby.
Drivers can register to par-
ticipate in the derby right up
until 6 p.m. July 29, the night of
the event.
When the track is being
cleared between heats, there 9 7 7 8 C R E E K R OA D • ( 5 8 5 ) 3 4 4 - 4 4 5 2 Monday-Friday 9-5, Saturday 10-4
will be a chocolate milk-drink-
12 • Thursday, July 21, 2022 Genesee County Fair

Draft Horse Show to feature over 100 horses


‘ It’s one of the biggest
BATAVIA — This year’s Draft Horse
Hitch Show will feature more than 100 draws that we have,
draft horses and take place on two days besides the demolition
at the Genesee County Fairgrounds,
5056 East Main Street Rd.
“We’ll have up to 12 six-horse teams.
Every year it gets bigger and bigger.” said
Amanda Gallo, county Agricultural So-
Genesee County Agricultural Society
ciety president. “It’s one of the biggest
draws that we have, besides the Demoli-
tion Derby. They’re the two most asked-
for and most-attended things. Every- have this many coming to a small fair like
body looks forward to it.” this. We also have many other classes,
The Draft Horse Hitch Show is sched-
We’ll have a team (two horses together),
uled to start at 11 a.m. Friday in the Horse
we’ll have a single horse, than we build
Arena. The Draft Horse Team Show is
scheduled for 4:30 p.m. that day in the up to the six-horse hitch with six togeth-
arena. At 5:30 p.m. will be the North er.”
American Six-Horse Hitch Classic. Draft Horse Hitch Show organizers
Mark Barie and Robert Lagenus from Lor Rob Farms in East Bethany are shown in
On Saturday, at 4 p.m., the Farm Hitch are excited, Barie said.
the Six Horse Hitch Classic at the 2019 Genesee County Fair.
Draft Horse Show takes place at the Clydesdales, Percheron and Belgian
Horse Arena. “Scott grew up showing draft horses coming that’s based out of the state of horses are the main breeds of horses
“I grew up in Genesee County and it’s himself,” she said. “It’s a group effort. We Wyoming. One of the exhibitors is com- participating.
always been a big draw,” Gallo said. work with Dave and Mark through the ing from New Hampshire.” “We’ve got a bunch of our faithful ex-
Gallo said she and Scott Adams are fair year.” No exhibitors are coming from Cana- hibitors that we’ve had for this year, but
board members who help Draft Horse Earlier this month, Barie said there da for this year’s show, Barie said. we also have some new exhibitors,” he
Show Superintendents Mark Barie and were 11 six-horse hitch teams entered. “We take as many (exhibitors) as we said. “We’ve had great support from our
Dave Dermody to make sure the arena is “They’ll be coming from New York, can. We have more people who would sponsors. We have great support for our
ready and that Barie and Dermody have Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and like to come, but we can only hold so fair board and Ag Society. Now, we just
everything they need. Maine,” Barie said. “I know we have one many,” he said. “We’re very fortunate to need a big crowd to come and support.”

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