The Definition of Learning Process
The Definition of Learning Process
The Definition of Learning Process
Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 2 The definition Of Learning Process:............................................................................3 1.1 Learning............................................................................................................3 1.2 The principles & theories of Learning Process...................................................3 1.3 Definition of Health Education:..........................................................................4 The relationship of learning process with behavioral changes...................................5 Theory of learning process.........................................................................................6 3.1 Stimulus-response theory..................................................................................6 3.2 Transformative theory.......................................................................................6 3.3 Gestalt theory....................................................................................................6 3.4 Education experts distinguished learning theory as follows: ............................7 3.4.1 Memorizing theory......................................................................................7 3.4.2 Mental Discipline Theory.............................................................................7 Social Learning........................................................................................................... 8 4.1 Theory from the Millers and Dollard..................................................................8 4.2 Theory of Bandura and Walter........................................................................10 References:.............................................................................................................. 11
A process where an individual put effort to master anything that is useful in their lives, and being able to acquire perfection on the potential & ability of biological and psychological organism needed in human relationships with the outside world and society.
1.2 The principles & theories of Learning Process Exercise: Practice makes perfect. There are 2 forms of exercise, biological and psychological. When both are mastered, the person can perform the things they learn subconsciously. Examples of such exercise are dancing, singing, talking, walking and so much more. Perfection of such movements can be made via continuous exercises.
To acquire a new behavior: Behavior can be classified as knowledge, proficiency, skills and values. Can be described as: o Acquire things that are new, that once had not, had become.
o Things that once not knew, is now understood. It is also a transition where an individuals potential becomes from subjective to active.
Characteristic features of Studying: Learning process, not only includes things which are new, but those which are already learnt. The role of the teacher is to provide conditions and stimulus that is interactive for the student to learn. Of course, the students have to be able to participate in this activity. If not, it is not considered as learning. Key Points:
Learning is an activity that produces changes in the individual self who is studying.
o It is when the new ability is able to be applicable for a long time. Not abilities that are sustainable for a short time due to medicine or fatigue. o All these changes are due to hard work, and not because of maturity of an individual (Such as walking) 1.3 Definition of Health Education: As per National Conference on Preventive Medicine (1977) USA, health education is a process that informs, motivates and help people to adopt and maintain healthy practices and lifestyle, advocates environmental changes as needed to facilitate this goal, and conducts professional training and research to the same end.
Behavioral theory: Change of behavior by means of reinforcement or punishment. It is useful when the learner has cognitive limitation and also the educator has full control of feedback system. (Usually seen in the practice of teaching between parent and children)
ii. Social Learning theory: Changing beliefs and expectations by providing information. If
they believe that outcome is desirable, they are more likely to change their behavior. (Can be described as the ignorance of people outskirt the modernized cities. Their inability to understand the importance of dental hygiene)
iii. Cognitive theory: This theory in changing thought patterns and providing information,
thereby learners behavior. (Such as the inability of children to cope with the understanding of an adult. Hence, children will have a development in their thought pattern as they grow.)
iv. Humanist theory: This theory emphasizes the influence of feelings, emotions and
personal relationships on behavior. It aims at self-determination of learners that is to do what is for them.
v. Developmental theory: This theory believes that learning occur differently in each stage
of development. One should provide learning opportunities matching with readiness to learn which, in turn, depends on the individuals developmental stage. (Hence, there is a system in schooling education, Primary school, junior high, etc)
vi. Critical theory: This theory facilitates ongoing dialogue and open enquiry leading to
increase in depth of knowledge. This process ultimately changes thinking and behavior. (Tutorials and discussion can improve an individuals learning process, as it allows the individual to ask and comment on others. The person is able to criticize others and also have to be able to accept critics.
3.2 Transformative theory The learning process is the transformation of inputs, then the input is reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered, and utilized. Transformation of sensory input is active through the selection process for inclusion in the memory. This theory is considering the internal and external factor
3.3 Gestalt theory Every phenomenon consists of an essential unit which exceeds the number of its elements The whole of learning situation is very crucial because learning is a interaction between the learner and their environment One is said to learn when he gained an understanding in a problematic situation Understanding is marked by the presence of: A prompt changes from a helpless situation into a situation which are able to master the situation or solve problems Good retention
Transfer events
Understanding gained from any situation were taken and used, or transferred to other situations which have the same or nearly the same structure or pattern
3.4 Education experts distinguished learning theory as follows: 3.4.1 Memorizing theory Learning is memorizing, and memorizing is an attempt to gather knowledge for later use when needed. This theory is not entirely true, since in the learning process of learning the subject is a human who can think and have a purpose, namely the occurrence of new things in themselves useful. Rote memorized will disappear when it was not functional, and not directly used, or used in daily life. Humans have several types of power resources such as thought, and the power of fantasy, memory, power to observe and so forth, and these forces are strengthened, developed and sharpened through certain exercises. In the train of mind, there are two important factors: Brain sharpen factor : not only mastered the field of study, but the power that has been trained can be used to solve whatever problem in our life transfer factor : when we learn something new, we will be facilitated by knowledge that has been previously owned 3.4.2 Mental Discipline Theory Learning is a mental discipline Obtained through continuous training Humans have several types of power such as thinking power, and power fantasies. These powers are strengthened, developed and sharpened through certain exercises.
Social Learning
2 types of learning: Physical Psychics (social learning)
How someone learn his role and the roles of others in a social context. Have 2 theory:
social learning and imitation theory from the Millers and Dollard social learning theory of Bandura and Walter. .
4.1 Theory from the Millers and Dollard From hull theory People behavior is the result from learning Consist 4 aspects: Drive The strong stimuli toward organism to act. The stimuli usually in biology forms. The stimuli are called primary drive. All behavior is based on the primary drive. Cue Stimuli that determine 'when' and 'where' of a response would occur, and occur.
In social learning, the most important signaling is the behavior of others, whether it is directed to a particular person, whether or not. This is where the importance of learning by trial and error. in social behavior, learning trial and error reduced by artificial learning, where a person lives imitate the behavior of others. Response Reward Stimulus which determines if the behavior is repeated or not. 2 types: primary reward and secondary type. Mechanisms of Imitation Behavior 3 types Same behavior occurs when two people who behave the same reply to the same stimuli or cues Dependent behavior This behavior arises in the interaction between the two parties, whereby one party has the advantage of another party. In this case the other party will adjust behavior and will depend on the party more. Copying behavior Same with dependent behavior
In depends behavior, the imitator only act when cues given, whereas the behavior of copies, also taking into account the copycat behavior models in the past or in future. 4.2 Theory of Bandura and Walter Replacement processes theory States that behavior is a form of artificial associations of the stimulus with
other stimuli. Application of this theory is: if someone sees a stimulus and he saw a
particular model of reacting to stimuli, then in a fantasy or imagination will occurs circuit symbols that portray the stimulation of behavior. Series of symbols is a substitute for a real relationship back stimulation
and through associations; the impersonator will perform the same behavior with the behavior model. According to Bandura, the influence of the model behavior of copycat
behavior is divided into 3 types: Modeling effect- impersonators perform a new behavior through associations to fit the model behavior Inhibition and disinhibition- where the behavior that is incompatible with the emergence of inhibited behavior model, while appropriate behavior with the behavior of his model eliminated barriers. Facilitation effect- behavior has been studied by copycat reappear easier by observing the behavior model. Finally, Bandura and Walter state that, this theory could also explain the
emergence of emotion in the imitators is same emotions that exist in the model.
1. Notoatmojo,S.2005. Promosi Kesehatan Teori dan Aplikasinya.PT.Rineka Cipta.Jakarta