Direct Time-Domain TAN Model of 3D Multilayer Hybrid PCB: Experimental Validation
Direct Time-Domain TAN Model of 3D Multilayer Hybrid PCB: Experimental Validation
Direct Time-Domain TAN Model of 3D Multilayer Hybrid PCB: Experimental Validation
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873042, IEEE Access
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number
ABSTRACT The multilayer technology constitutes the ultimate solution for the design of high density
printed circuit board (PCB). Challenging modelling method is required to predict the signal integrity (SI) of
multilayer PCB. This paper addresses an unfamiliar direct time-domain model of a 3D multilayer hybrid
PCB. The subnetwork primitive elements of the equivalent graph are constituted by lumped components,
interconnect lines, vias, pads and anti-pads. The tensorial analysis of networks (TAN) is used to solve the
problem related to the graph topology in function of the PCB design parameters. The TAN concept is based
on the interaction between the primitive elements. The mesh currents constitute the proposed computational
unknowns. The unfamiliar model is validated with a three-port network prototype constituted by six-layer
PCB including passive SMD components. In the frequency domain, S-parameter validation from 100-kHz
to 5-GHz is presented. By using 80-Mbps and 0.5-Gbps rate data patterns, the proposed TAN model is
validated by both simulations and measurements in the time domain. The transient results present vector
magnitude relative error accuracy lower than 15-%. Thanks to the computation speed and adaptability to
multilayer hybrid structures, the TAN model is a prominent approach for the SI and power integrity
analyses of 3D multilayer structures.
INDEX TERMS Circuit theory, Direct time-domain, Kron-Branin (KB) formalism, Interconnects,
Modelling method, 3D Multilayer PCB, Hybrid structure, Signal integrity (SI), Tensorial analysis of
networks (TAN).
formulated under the TAN formalism ensure the accuracy General Electric research engineer, Gabriel Kron in 1930s
of the results. In addition, the TAN formulation allows to [29-30]. Inspired by the concept, Kron established an
establish the equations of the problem quickly and electrical machine unfamiliar modelling based on the tensor
understand theoretically. This capability cannot be realized calculus. He defined the TAN as modern physics
with the nodal approaches. The TAN formalism is the computational method. In the 1950s, he envisioned to
unique way to generate a compact and direct Lagrangian extend the TAN computational method for the universal
expression of the circuit [9]. complex system analyses. To do this, he proposed an
Recently, the designs of transmission line (TL) based- innovative method to analyze the complex systems based
structure and multilayer circuits using more effective on the decomposition method called “diakoptics” approach.
analysis technique were proposed [10-11]. With respect to In the 1950s, few research groups as the tensor society of
PCB technology progress, improved analysis techniques Japan explored the Kron’s formalism for the electrical and
and methodologies are necessary [12-14]. As reviewed in electronics engineering [31]. In the 1960s, a complementary
[15], various computer-aided design (CAD), circuit approach of Kron’s formalism has been initiated by Branin
analyses and simulation tools have been developed. for the TL transient analysis [32]. The Branin model
However, global simulations of the complete multilayer enables to calculate the signal propagation through TLs by
PCB using 3D full wave electromagnetic (EM) solvers are considering the voltage source coupling between the TL
time-consuming. Based on the TL RC- [13], RLC- [14] and terminations [32-33]. Since the 1990s, Olivier Maurice and
RLCG- [15] network models, analytical computational his group have introduced an extension of Kron’s
approaches of planar PCB microstrip symmetric tree formalism by creating the modified Kron’s method
interconnects were proposed. However, these approaches (MKME) for the EMC complex system analyses [34-35].
cannot be used for higher level asymmetric trees [16] By combining the Kron’s and Branin’s models, they
because of the necessity to calculate successively with Z-, developed more general TAN computational method for
Y- and T-matrices. electronic systems including PCBs. More recently, the
For this reason, modelling and simulation methods of the Kron-Branin (KB) formalism was applied to the tree
multilayer interconnect structures constitute one of the interconnects of single layer planar PCB [36]. It was found
hottest topics for component packaging technology design that the KB formalism enables to analyze rapidly and
engineers [17-18]. Nowadays, the prediction of signal accurately, the tree interconnect SI. The frequency-domain
distribution in the HDI as multilayer PCB traces is still an KB model applied to simple cases of 3D multilayer PCB
open challenge [17]. Further research work is expected to was proposed in [21-22]. However, the TAN model was not
reduce the cost of SI and EMC characterizations of applied in fully time-domain to treat the problem of 3D
multilayer PCBs with acceptable performances [19-20]. To multilayer PCB structures. The present paper is devoted to
face up this challenge, the unfamiliar TAN was recently the direct time-domain TAN modelling applied to 3D
introduced to analyze the SI and power integrity (PI) of multilayer hybrid PCB with multi-branch interconnects. In
multilayer interconnect structures [21-22]. Simple tree addition, the unfamiliar model is validated experimentally
interconnect structures with single-input and double-outputs with fabricated 3D six-layer hybrid PCB prototype.
were considered [21-22]. The proof-of-concept (POC) The paper is organized in three main sections. Section II
structures were designed following the standard stack-up focuses on the analytical modelling and the methodology of
described in [23]. The POCs were mainly composed of the 3D multilayer PCB structure. After the problem
elementary TLs, vias, pads and anti-pads. The TAN model formulation, the graph topology is elaborated. Then, the
enables to compute rapidly the multilayer interconnect S- analytical abstraction of the graph with time-domain
parameters and voltage transfer function. The model operator is described. The validation results with a
integrates the TL and via characteristics as proposed prototype as proof-of-concept (POC) are examined in
respectively in [24] and [25-26]. Compared to the classical Section III. Last, Section IV addresses the conclusion.
circuit analysis methods, the TAN is advantageous in terms
of flexibility to be hybridized with different circuit II. DIRECT TIME-DOMAIN TAN MODELLING
simulators [27-28]. In difference to the previous works [21- METHODOLOGY
22], this paper investigates the direct time-domain TAN This section focuses on the direct time-domain TAN
modelling of 3D multilayer hybrid PCB including SMD modelling methodology for 3D multilayer PCB. The graph
components. topology of this multilayer hybrid structure is elaborated.
Before the elaboration of the paper main content, it is The time-domain tensorial approach is analytically
worth to get clear insight about the TAN model. It acts as described.
an unfamiliar circuit analysis approach for most of
electrical and electronic engineers. Therefore, it would be A. FORMULATION OF THE MULTILAYER PCB
necessary to describe the state-of-the-art about the TAN STRUCTURE PROBLEM
computational method. The TAN was initiated by the
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873042, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
The considered hybrid structure can be assumed as a B. ELABORATION OF THE DIRECT TIME-DOMAIN TAN
multiport system. It is mainly constituted by the subnetworks MODEL
composed of interconnects, vias, pads and anti-pads. Each The KB graph shown in Fig. 3 is equivalent to the 3D hybrid
subnetwork is transcribed in its equivalent electrical scheme. structure introduced in Fig. 2(a). To establish this graph, the
The global system synoptic representing the posed-problem basic subnetworks must be defined as initial objects. The
is shown in Fig. 1. The 3D multilayer structure is a three-port subnetwork model combination gives the final KB graph.
circuit. It is hybridized with surface mounted devices With the diakoptics approach [21-22], the posed-problem can
(SMDs) RSMD and CSMD. be assumed as the combination of primitive objects. The
The structure is excited by the voltage source vin and problem resolution is proceeded with the tensorial
loaded by the resistor R0. The perspective 3D view of the six- mathematical conversion. The main parameters and
layer structure is depicted in Fig. 2(a). The electrical network unknowns must be defined in function of the considered
configuration can be referenced with the nodes Mn structure.
(n={1,2,…,15}). For further illustration, Fig. 2(b) shows the 1) TAN Model General Description
PCB configuration profile and top views. The TAN The MKME formalism [34-35] enables to group all electrical
modelling of the system under investigation is inspired from interactions into the subsystems implemented in the same
the electrical equivalent circuit. tensor space. The abstracted TAN model is built from each
subsystem with different vector spaces of variables (as
currents and voltages) referenced in edge or mesh or branch
spaces. The extended TAN method can be summarized
mainly as follows:
• First of all, the global system can be decomposed into a
set of primitive objects;
• Each object needs to be represented as a graph element
in order to build the equivalent network comprised of
mesh, node, branch, edge and moment elements;
• The analytical tensorial translation is established with
the connection relation represented by mathematical
transformations corresponding to the scenario of
FIGURE 1. Global configuration of the hybrid 3D structure under study. physical phenomena;
• And solve the analytical equations of the posed-problem
formulated as the tensor metrics of the system.
2) Graph Topology of the 3D Multilayer Hybrid PCB
As aforementioned, this TAN modelling must begin with the
structural segmentation analysis. It is necessary to elaborate
the graph in Fig. 3. The basic elements constituting the
primitive graph are:
• R1,2,3 = R0 are the resistive loads connected to the
interconnects on each port.
• Vias, pads and anti-pads are modelled by LC lossless
lumped networks [24-26];
• And interconnect TLs are parametrized by their
characteristic impedances Zk and their propagation
constants k with k = {1,2,…,9}.
These characteristics can be defined differently in function
of the implementation technology such as microstrip and
strip lines constituting the multilayer PCB. The internal
source covariables Em with m = {1,2,…,n} represent the
Branin’s electromagnetic force (EMF) coupling sources. The
KB graph topology presented in Fig. 3 is established from
these primitive elements. This graph includes the external
excitation voltage source Vin. It is composed of B=36
branches, M=23 meshes and nodes connecting different
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10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873042, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
FIGURE 3. KB equivalent graph topology of the 3D multilayer hybrid structure shown in Figure 2(a).
3) Mathematical Abstraction and Tensorial Object The rank 1 tensor Jm(t) with m={1,2,…,M} represents the
Definition contravariable current in the mesh space with dimension M:
The analytical abstraction consists in converting the graph
into tensorial objects. The network current and voltage J 1 (t )
J (t )
variables must be assigned as tensorial vectors reported in the
appropriate spaces. In this situation, the physical laws
governing the system are explored from mesh, nodal and J m (t ) = . (4)
M −1
branch current relations. Based on the graph of Fig. 3, the t J ( t )
JM t
time-dependent excitation sources are assumed as a rank 1
( )
tensor covariant variable in the branch space:
Ea (t ) = Vin (t ) 0 0 . (1) The rank 2 tensor Cmb represents the connectivity matrix. It
acts as a time-independent intrinsic parameter.
The TAN is elaborated from the graph fictive mesh
4) KB Characteristic Matrix in Mesh Space
currents. The compact multilinear relation is formulated by
the Einstein tensorial notation: The via tensors are merely deduced from the equivalent
lossless LC networks of the simple structure connecting the
nodes MbMb+1 as introduced in Fig. 4. The pads and via
I b (t ) = Cmb J m (t ) . (2)
holes are modeled as capacitors and inductors respectively.
The branch space tensor of via1 can be easily expressed
In this compact tensorial equation, the rank 1 tensor Ib(t) with the time-domain integro-differential operator as in (5).
with b={1,2,…,B} represents the contravariable current in This model can be extended and applied to all via structures
branch space with dimension B: of the multilayer 3D structure. To extract the contravariant
mesh current, the analytical implementation of Kron’s
I 1 (t ) method allows changing the branch space into mesh space.
I (t )
I b (t ) = . (3)
I (t )
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873042, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
Em (t ) = C t Ea (t ) = V1 (t ) 0 0 0 0 0 . (11)
FIGURE 4. (a) Via structure and (b) its equivalent model.
The impedance comatrix in mesh space without Branin’s
1 t internal coupling is given by:
d () 0 0
C1 0 Z mn (t ) = C t Z ab (t )C . (12)
d ()
Z via1 (t ) = 0 L1 0 . (5)
dt The Branin’s internal coupling will be added and discussed
in the next section.
0 0 d ()
The branch space impedance matrix is denoted Zab(t). This subsection describes the most innovative part of this
Based on the Einstein notation, this relationship between paper. It is dedicated to the direct time-domain KB
the mesh and branch spaces is reduced as follows: formalism. In difference to the frequency domain, the time-
domain model is defined by the iterative time-difference
Em (t ) = Cma Ea (t ) , (6) resolution of discretized integro-differential equations.
Z mn (t ) = C Z ab (t )C ,
a b
(7) 1) Time-Domain KB Modelling Principle
m n
The time-domain analysis of the graph drawn in Fig. 3
Z b1 (t ) 0 0 0 0 needs more exhaustive parameter analyses. The internal
0 0 0 0 Branin’s EMF sources must be represented by the voltage
Z ab (t ) = 0 0 Z b10 (t ) 0 0 , (8) source vectors. All the EMFs in the considered network can
be implemented into the internal coupling matrix in mesh
0 0 0 0 space. Following the Branin’s model, this matrix size will
0 0 0 0 Z bn (t ) be the same as Zmn(t) defined in (12). The mesh impedance
tensor and covariable sources are respectively expressed as:
where {a,b}=1,2,…,B and {m,n}=1,2,…,M. Zbn(t) is the
branch impedance expression. In this configuration, the Z e (t )
Kron’s connection matrix is defined from the relationship 1
between branch and mesh currents in (4). The connectivity
matrix compact form expressed in (10) is derived from the
Z mn (t ) = C Z ab (t )C =
Z ek (t )
coefficients of following mesh currents:
Z e7 (t )
I 1 = 1J 1 + 0 J 2 + ... + 0 J 23
, (13)
I 4 = 0 J 1 + 0 J 2 + 1J 3 − 1J 4 + 0 J 5 + ... + 0 J 23 Em (t ) = C t Ea (t ) = 0 V1 (t − D0 ) 0 0 0 0 , (14)
I = 0 J + 0 J + 0 J + 1J + 0 J + ... + 0 J
1 2 3 4 5 23
with D0 is the TL induced delay. The formulation of the
mesh tensor leads to the generalized Ohm’s law:
I 36 = 0 J 1 + ...0 J 22 + 1J 23
Em (t ) + Em (t ) = Zmn (t ) + Zmn
(t ) J n (t ) . (15)
1 0 0 0 0
This relation represents the abstraction of the initial
0 0 1 −1 0 0 physical posed-problem sketched in Fig. 2(a) into a purely
0 0 0 1 0 0 mathematical problem. The mesh currents Jn(t) are the
posed problem unknowns. In a nutshell, the problem can be
summarized with the KB characteristic matrix:
0 0 0 0 0 (10)
M KB (t ) = Z mn (t ) + Z mn (t ) . (16)
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10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873042, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
E (t ) = e0 (t ) e0 (t − D1 ) 0 0 . (19)
where Dk is the induced delay from the TL TLk for k =
2) Time-Difference Tensorial Expressions To confirm the relevance of the proposed direct time-
The time-domain KB model integrodifferential equations domain modelling, validation results with a 3D multilayer
depend on the properties of lumped via-pad inductors Lk based hybrid PCB prototype are examined in the next
and capacitors Ck with k={1,2,…} as illustrated in Figs. 5. section.
Accordingly, the time-dependent operator of:
• The inductor L is defined by: III. VALIDATION RESULTS
This section describes the validation results of the previously
L developed TAN modelling methodology. The designed and
J (t ) = V + J (t − t ) . (20)
L t fabricated six-layer hybrid PCB prototype is presented. The
KB model computations are validated by simulations and
In this expression, δt is the time differential, δt/L is the measurements.
inverse of impedance operator in the time domain, V is
the extrinsic source term, J(t-δt)L/δt is an intrinsic A. DESCRIPTION OF THE POC 3D HYBRID
source term, generated by the inductance load which STRUCTURE
should appear in the Wronskian vector W. As aforementioned in Section II, the device under test is a
• The capacitor time-domain operator is defined by the three-port hybrid multilayer circuit. It is a six-layer passive
instantaneous charge Q with respect to the number of structure with SMD components. The tested prototype is
meshes m and the following formula: built on the FR4 epoxy dielectric with relative permittivity
εr = 4.5, loss tangent tan(δ) = 0.012. The fabricated PCB
Q p (t ) = Q p ( t − t ) + J p ( t ) .
metallization parameters are shown in Table I. The
interconnect TLs present the same physical width and
different lengths. Fig. 5(a) represents the SIwave® design
The mesh current J(t) is calculated at each instant time of the fabricated PCB prototype.
step with the capacitor Ck integral operator:
t t
(t ) = (t − t ) ,
t =n p m
t =0
Ck Ck Board Board Board Substrate Loss Metal
width length height permittivity tangent thickness
30 mm 40 mm 1.6 mm 4.5 0.012 0.035 mm
where the left-side quantity δt/Ck is the impedance INTERCONNECT LINE PARAMETERS IN mm
operator in time domain and the right-side quantity is Width TL1 TL2 TL3 TL4 TL5 TL6 TL7
the element of Wronskian internal source vector W. 0.2 10.47 14.30 18.90 7.20 47.86 27.20 29.20
The time-domain impedance comatrix is derived from VIA AND SMD COMPONENTS PARAMETERS
these operators. Instead of the classical scalar product Via Pad Capacitor Package Resistor Package and
between the tensor elements, in this case, the computations diameter diameter and Value Value
must be performed with the finite time-difference. 0.4 mm 0.6 mm 1 nF - 0603 49.9 Ω - 0603
Accordingly, the innovative Wronskian covariable of the
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10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873042, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
The PCB stack up was designed with respect to the simulated and measured reflection and transmission
multilayer fabrication standards [23]. Layers 1, 3, 4 and 6 are parameters are plotted in Fig. 7(a) in linear scale and in Fig.
dedicated to the signal distribution. Layers 2 and 5 are the 7(b) in x-axis logarithmic scale.
power and ground planes respectively.
The signal, power, ground planes, layer interconnects,
anti-pads and vias are constituted by Cu-metallization. The
test signals are obtained via identical SMA connectors
placed at ports 1, 2 and 3. The top and bottom layers are
highlighted in Fig. 5(b). This layout figures out the
placement of the lumped SMD capacitor and resistor. The
photographs of the top and bottom views of the fabricated
PCB are displayed in Fig. 6.
FIGURE 5. (a) 3D design and (b) top/bottom layers of the fabricated PCB
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873042, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873042, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
k =0
KB ( tk )
structure analysis
Based on the analytical Cannot be used to the 3D
analytical solution of TL theory which structure which cannot be
is good for the traditional represented as a TL
with tk = k t represents the sampling time varying from 0 circuit analyses
TAN The fast solution for TL Sensitive to the inaccuracies
to kmax. The EVMs related to 80 Mbps and 0.5 Gbps rate based on the Branin approach related to the constituting
inputs are respectively lower than 10-% and 15-%. and good for analyzing entire hybrid elements
The performed TAN modelling computation speed is of hybrid system
about tens milliseconds by using a PC equipped a single-
core processor Intel® CoreTM i7-3120M CPU @ 2.50 GHz
and 16 GBytes physical RAM with 64-bits Windows 10. IV. CONCLUSION
An innovative unfamiliar TAN modeling methodology of
D. DISCUSSION ABOUT THE ADVANTAGES AND 3D multilayer hybrid PCB is developed in direct time-
DRAWBACKS OF THE TAN MODEL COMPARED WITH domain. The TAN model is fundamentally based on the
THE OTHER CIRCUIT ANALYSIS SOLVERS graph description and tensorial analytical abstraction. In
Table II describes the advantages and drawbacks of the difference to the conventional computational methods in
TAN modelling compared to the familiar computational electronic PCB engineering, the direct TAN model enables
methods as SPICE, full wave and analytical approaches. to treat the problem originally, here 3D hybrid PCB, with
Despite the mentioned disadvantages, the authors future the tensor calculus. The TAN approach basic principle is
work is to develop an improved method allowing to described. The TAN model was applied to a complex 3D
increase the TAN model accuracy in function of the multilayer PCB constituting the problem to be treated. After
specific applications. the modelling of primitive sub-networks with lumped SMD
components, TLs, vias, pads, and anti-pads, the KB graph
of the structure under study is established. To solve the
problem, the graph was traduced into the tensorial objects.
The problem resolution is converted into the tensorial
calculations of the contravariant mesh currents of the graph.
To validate the developed direct time-domain TAN model,
a six-layer PCB is designed and fabricated. Then, this three-
port test prototype was modelled, simulated and measured.
As expected, TAN computed transient output voltages are
in good agreement with measurements. The time-domain
experiments have been performed with 80 Mbps and 0.5
Gbps rate square wave signal as input. A very good
prediction of the transient signal behaviors is verified by
simulations and experiments of tested PCB prototype.
In the future, the proposed TAN model could be useful
for the SI, PI and EMC analyses of multilayer HDI PCBs.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2873042, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
Y. Liu received the B. Sc. degree in technics of J. Gantet holds his master's degree in electronic
control, measurement and instrumentation from Dalian University of engineering and signal processing from INPT ENSEEIHT, Toulouse in
technology, Dalian, P. R. China in July 2004, another B. Sc. degree in 2011. He is currently working as electronic engineer on innovative
electronic engineering from University of Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC), automotive electronics packaging applications in VALEO.
Paris, France in July 2007, the M. Sc. Degree in electronic engineering
from UPMC, France in July 2009 and the Ph. D. degree at
IRSEEM/ESIGELEC from University of Rouen, France, in October 2012.
Actually, he is working as EMC engineer in the transport and energy
2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.