Bispensgade: Brit J. Pp. 161-164
Bispensgade: Brit J. Pp. 161-164
Bispensgade: Brit J. Pp. 161-164
161-164 161
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.19.3.161 on 1 September 1985. Downloaded from on July 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
The Rheumatological Unit, Hjarring Central Hospital, Bispensgade 37,9800 HJ0RRING, Denmark
During a soccer tournament with participation of 6,600 boys and girls (9-19 years) all injuries were evaluated, 5.2% of the players
were injured; out of these 51% had "slight injuries", 42% "moderate injuries" and 7% "severe injuries". For the individual player
the incidence of injury was 19.1/1,000 playing hours including all degrees of injuries; if "slight injuries" were excluded the inci-
dence was 9.4/1,000 playing hours. The incidence rose with increasing age, girls were injured more often than boys.
There were 81% of all injuries localised to the lower extremity, especially the ankle and foot. Contusion was the most frequent
diagnosis, amounting to a third of all injuries. Blisters and exoriations amounted to nearly a fifth, 4% of the injuries were fractures,
especially in the upper extremity; overuse injuries were seen only in 5.2% of the cases. Based on examination of the injury pattern
in these children, injuries of youth seem to be relatively rare and mostly of a non-severe character.
Key words: Soccer injuries, Sports epidemiology, Tournament
INTRODUCTION the first two days, thereafter as a cup tie with a final round on
After its dissemination on the North American Continent the last three days. With the exception of a mild drizzle on
soccer is probably the most popular organised sport in the the last day, the weather was dry, calm and sunny with
world with about 40 million registered players, approximately temperatures around 200C (680F); all matches were played on
one per cent of the population of the world, according to the grass.
FIFA news (1982). On the playing fields were first-aid tents where the primary
Up to now we have seen many investigations of the injury diagnosis and treatment of injuries were attended to. The tents
pattern of adult soccer players. Most of them have been under- were manned by Home Guard members who were trained in
taken retrospectively and have been based on casualty records first-aid and constantly there was a doctor at hand. Injuries
(Roaas and Nilsson, 1979; Jdrgensen, 1981; Thorseth, 1972). which demanded further treatment or X-ray examination were
A few recent investigations have been undertaken prospec- sent to local hospitals; the majority of the injuries could be
tively (Peterson and Renstrom, 1980; Ekstrand, 1982, Hinge handled at the playing fields.
and Brass~e, 1984). All treatments were registered, and case records of the
Soccer injuries in children have hardly been examined and patients sent to hospital were examined. Only injuries
only in a retrospective way (Nilsson and Roaas, 1978). We connected with soccer figure in the investigation. The degree
have, therefore, found it of interest to register and examine of the injuries was estimated by the following scale:
the injury pattern connected with two large international "Slight injury": Injury which only requires minor first-aid
soccer tournaments for youth during the summer of 1984. and for which no advice of reduced activity is given.
PURPOSE "Moderate injury": Injury which requires medical care, but
no hospitalisation and for which advice of reduced activity is
The purpose of this investigation was to estimate the incidence, given.
type, severity and site of soccer injuries by direct registration "Severe Injury": Injury which requires hospital treatment
of all injuries at the playing field and to form an impression of and for which advice of reduced activity is given.
the need of medical services at international tournaments for
youth of both sexes.
Of the active players 5.2% suffered from a soccer injury,
METHOD 2.6% had moderate and/or severe injuries; 0.4% had serious
At the end of July, 1984, international youth soccer tourna-
injuries. All in all an incidence of 19.1 injuries/1,000 playing
hours was found, and with slight injuries excluded the inci-
ments were held in two Danish towns at a distance of thirty- dence was 9.4 injuries/1,000 playing hours. It was observed
five km from one another. that the oldest girls had the greatest injury incidence, 47.2
The participants were 9-19 years old. Altogether there
injuries/1,000 playing hours, compared with that of the boys,
were 6,600 players, representing most parts of the world
20.6 injuries/1,000 playing hours, whereas the youngest girls
have the lowest incidence. Totally the girls are twice as often
including many European countries, North and South injured as the boys, 29.9 injuries/1,000 playing hours for girls,
America, Asia and Africa and comprising all in all 410 teams. 16.1 injuries/1,000 playing hours for the boys; expressed in
In the course of five days 945 matches were played in percentages the distribution was 8.83% compared to 4.34%
altogether 8211/2 hours. (Table 11). For both sexes the frequency of injury increased
with increasing age.
Conditions of the games and the medical services were
identical in the two places. Injuries to the lower extremities predominated, amounting
to 80.9% of the total number (Table 111); but severe injuries
The tournaments were organised with opening matches on were mainly located in the upper extremities; the majority of
the fractures appearing here (Table IV). Injuries in ankle joints
Address for correspondence: and feet amount to 43.9%. There are only few injuries to the
Siren Schmidt-Olsen, MD head and face, 4.9%. Injuries to the body were rare, 3.8%.
Hulda Lutkensvej 14
9900 FREDERIKSHAVN The most frequent diagnosis was contusion, which
Denmark amounted to 33% of all cases. Blisters and excoriations
Number of injuries and the degree of thin In relation to ag and sex.
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.19.3.161 on 1 September 1985. Downloaded from on July 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Age Active players Injuries
boys girls boys girls Total
slight moderate severe slight moderate severe injuries
17-19 1,292 232 36 31 6 17 11 2 103
14-16 1,932 732 65 39 6 26 44 5 185
12-13 11,55 361 22 10 5 5 6 1 58
9-11 497 ~6 3 0 1
5,275 1,325 129 83 17 48 61 8 346
There was a significant difference in number of injuries between boys and girls; and between different age groups.
X2-test. P < 0.01
Incidence of injuries and the relation to age and sex (injuries per player/1,000 hours of play).
boys girls
Age slight moderate severe total slight moderate severe total
17-19 10.1 8.7 1.7 20.6 26.8 17.8 3.1 47.2
14-16 11.3 6.8 1.0 19.2 13.3 22.6 2.6 38.6
12-13 5.9 2.7 1.3 9.9 0.4 0.45 0.07 0.92
9.11 5.3 2.6 0 7.9
All degrees
"moderate + severe" 7.4 16.1 17.6 29.9
Localisation of injuris.
Boys Girls
slight moderate severe total slight moderate severe total %
Headandface 3 5 3 11 2 4 6 17 4.9
Shoulder 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 6 1.8
Arm 4 2 6 1 1 2 8 2.3
Trunk 2 2 1 4 5 7 2.0
Back 4 1 5 1 1 6 1.8
Hand and fingers 5 7 8 20 2 2 22 6.3
Groin and hip 2 1 1 4 1 2 3 7 2.0
Thigh 21 15 36 5 10 15 51 14.8
Knee 10 13 2 25 2 7 1 10 35 10.1
Lower limb 16 12 28 3 3 1 7 35 10.1
Ankle 5 22 2 29 1 23 2 26 55 15.9
Foot and toes 56 5 61 32 4 36 97 28.0
amounted to a little less than 20%; 13% of the injuries were
The severe injuries. foot joint distorsions of all degrees. There were only few
overuse injuries (e.g. tendinitis) 5.2% (Table V). Altogether 14
Fractures fractures were found, of which only two were in the lower
clavicular 3 extremities, both being malleolus fractures (Table IV). In
supracondylar humerus 1 addition there were three ruptures of ligaments of which two
hand 6 were ruptures of the medial collateral ligament of the knee
fingers 2 and one was a talofibular rupture. Altogether there were 4
malleoli 2 concussions of which three were considered rather serious and
Dislocation of hip joint 1 were admitted to hospital for observation.
Knee sprain 1
Ankle sprain 1
Rupture of the medial collateral The total number of consultations to the medical services
knee ligament 2
Rupture of ligament talo- was 392, of which the soccer injuries amounted to 346. The
fibulare remaining 46 were due to ordinary illness and other accidents
Contused wound of thigh 1 on and around the playing fields, including those to officials
Cerebral concussions 3 and spectators. So the soccer injuries amounted to 88% of the
Facet syndrome 1 registered injuries. In the 46 non-soccer injuries traumas made
up about 54% of the cases, 46% were due to illness (e.g. otitis,
gastroenteritis, etc.).
Diagnosis of injuries.
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.19.3.161 on 1 September 1985. Downloaded from on July 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Boys Girls
slight moderate severe slight moderate severe %
Blisters 36 24 60 17.3
Skin abrasions and cuts 15 3 5 1 24 6.9
Contusions 40 37 11 26 114 32.9
Upper extremities 4 7 1 12 3.6
Knee 1 6 1 4 12 3.6
Ankle 6 19 1 18 1 45 13.0
Rupture of ligament with
dislocation 3 1 4 1.1
Muscle strain 15 9 4 6 34 9.8
Overuse 9 2 2 5 18 5.2
Clavicular 1 2 3 0.8
Upper extremities 8 1 9 2.6
Lower extremities 1 1 2 0.6
Concussions 3 1 4 1.2
Others 3 1 1 5 1.4
129 83 17 48 61 8 346 100
Hinge, H. H. F. and Brassle, J. 0. K., 1984 "Fodboldskader hos old Peterson, L. and Renstrom, P., 1980 "Fotbollskader - frekvens och
boys fodboldspillere". Ugeskrift for Lager 146 (16): 1253-56. art". Likartidn. 77: 3621-3.
JOrgensen, U., 1981 "Skademjnstret i dansk divisionsfoldbold". Uges- Roaas, A. and Nilsson, S., 1979 "Major injuries in Norwegian football".
krift for Lager 143 (34): 2185-88. Brit.Journ.Sports Med. 13: 3-5.
Br J Sports Med: first published as 10.1136/bjsm.19.3.161 on 1 September 1985. Downloaded from on July 23, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Nilsson, S. and Roaas, A., 1978 "Soccer injuries in adolescents". Am. Thorseth, K., 1972 "lIdrmtslmsioner'". Dissertation, Copenhagen
Journ.Sports Med. 6 (6): 358-361. University. F.a.d.L.s forlag.
Dr. James Henry Cyriax, MD, MRCP
With the sudden death of Dr. Cyriax on June 17th at the age of 80, orthopaedic medicine has lost its founder and prin-
cipal practitioner, and a man who has had an important influence on sports medicine. He qualified with MRCS, LRCP
in 1929, having trained at Caius College, Cambridge and St. Thomas' Hospital, London and gained MB, BChir Cantab in
1931. In 1938 he obtained the MD Cantab, and MRCP in 1954. His interest in soft tissue and joint diseases led to the
award of the Heberden prize in 1943. He served St. Thomas' Hospital for 40 years from qualification in 1929 until
retirement in 1969 but he continued in private consultant practice almost until the time of his death.
He established a department devoted to massage and manipulation at St. Thomas' Hospital in 1938 which became
the "department of orthopaedic medicine" and pioneered methods of manipulation which could be carried out by
physiotherapists, and carried these ideas further when, with other enthusiasts, he founded the Association of Manipu-
lative Medicine, a society in which he was rightly President for some time. He held many other part-time appointments
- to the King Edward Memorial Hospital, Ealing and St. Andrew's Hospital, Bow, as well as Civilian Consultant to the
Ministry of Aviation and to British Airways. Besides these UK commitments he was Visiting Professor to the University
of Rochester, USA and in 1966 was awarded the Gold Medal by the University of Verona. In recent years he
established the Cyriax Foundation for promotion of education by lecture-demonstrations, video tape recordings and
other means. He was known world-wide for his various textbooks of Orthopaedic Medicine, some of which have in the
past been reviewed in this journal.
Dr. Cyriax joined the British Association of Sport and Medicine in 1957 and kept up his membership until the end
of 1971, several years after his retirement. He participated in several of our meetings and no-one who was present can
forget his masterly simultaneous translation feat of all speeches in both languages when our Association entertained a
large group of Italian football doctors at the Royal Society of Medicine in 1966 during the Football World Cup.
I last spoke to Dr. Cyriax a couple of years ago at a meeting of the Society of Orthopaedic Medicine at Nottingham.
His enthusiasm for his life interest had never waned and he was telling me about the Cyriax Foundation and its objects.
He was still keenly interested in medicine right up to the moment of his death.
Medicine, especially orthopaedics and rheumatology, is a family tradition for him. Both his parents were doctors, his
mother, Dr. Annjuta Kellgren-Cyriax, was a descendant of the Swedish therapist who, together with Ling, virtually
founded the profession of physical education, based on anatomical and physiological principles rather than the military
type of drill and exercises then in vogue. Dr. James Cyriax' sister - Dr. Anna Violet Kellgren Cyriax, now living in New
Zealand, was a founder member of BASM, and qualified in both medicine and physical education. His aunt, Dr. Hedvig
Kellgren-Cyriax was the Newcastle Medical School's oldest graduate and I was privileged to sit opposite to her at an
official banquet in Newcastle last year, soon after she had celebrated her 100th birthday, but we regret died in January
1985. Her daughter Enid Houghton was in general practice in Birmingham, and her grand-daughter, Helga, is a
venereologist in London.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Dr. Cyriax' widow and their children who are keeping his memory alive with
their involvement in the Cyriax Foundation.
H. E. Robson