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Revision and Errata List, March 1, 2003 ISC Design Guide 11: Floor Vibrations Due to Human Activity The following editorial corrections have been made in the First Printing, 1997. To facilitate the incorporation of these corrections, this booklet has been constructed using copies of the revised pages, with corrections noted. The user may find it convenient in some cases to hand-write a correction; in others, a cut-and-paste approach may be more efficient. ‘Steel Design Guide Series = Floor Vibratio1 Due to Human Activitythe duration of vibration and the frequency of vibration events, A time dependent harmonic force component which ‘matches the fundamental frequency of the floor: F = Paces 2) ey where P__=person's weight, taken as 0.7 KN (157 pounds) for design ‘= dynamic coefficient for the ith harmonic force component i harmonic multiple of he step frequency Say = Step frequency Recommended values for o, are given in Table 2.1 (Only one harmonic component af Equation (1.1) is used since all other harmonic vibrations are small in compari- son to the harmonic associated with resonance.) + Arresonance response function ofthe form: a_ Ror Soop Ola!) @2) where .a/@= ratio ofthe floor acceleration tothe acceleration of gravity R= reduction factor ‘modal damping ratio W_ effective weight ofthe floor ‘The reduction factor R takes into account the fact that full steady-state resonant motion is not achieved for walking and that the walking person and the person ‘annoyed are not simultaneously atthe location of maxi- ‘mum modal displacement. Its recommended that R be taken as 0.7 for footbridges and 0.5 for floor structures with two-way mode shape configurations For evaluation, the peak acceleration duc to walking can be estimated from Equation (2.2) by selecting the lowest harmonic, i, for which the forcing frequency, f = i fu can match a natural frequency ofthe floor structure. The peak acceleration is then compared with the appropriate limit in Figure 2.1. For design, Equation (2.2) ean be simplified by approximating the step relationship between the dynamic coefficient, «,, and frequency, shown in Figure 2.2 by the formula a = O.83exp(-~0.35/). With tis substitution, the fol- lowing simplified design eriterion is obtained 4, _ Bexpl-0.35f)
Uy rede a, by Ly /8, 20 Caleta f,0.8Vg7t53,) 44%, Bea, Bray Coos frm Table 1 (02,003,005) 91-035) Bw Compare with rom Table 4.1 (05% 15) F,_ CHECK STIFFNESS CRITERION IF 7,>9 Hz F._ REDESIGN IE NECESSARY (Calclate W: Cates where & = 0.29 KN (65 1b) Fig. 4.2 Floor evaluation calculation procedure. Beam Properties Ws30%66 A= 8370 mm 1, ~350«10'mm* d= 525mm Cross Section 000mm seer seas GS ea foo W530 66 A. FLOOR SLAB ratte 42. Reeerence eens ‘Summary of Walking Excitation Examples Calculate D,= 22/120 Example | Units Description B._ JOIST PANEL MODE a a Oui Footbridge Caeulat (Se Setons 3.5 and 3.6 wh 42 | usc Sane as Example 41 lela wy and Calculate and S46, a3 s “Typical ntrer Bay ofan Offce aleulate 7 018 e/a find 0, «475 Buing—Hot Rolled Freing Calculate B, = 4D, /D))"“L, $2/3 x floor width 44 usc. Same as Example 4.3 6 -Ecaloeineioe panels LAr edge panels a == ewe culate = i, (TS soins Bing —Open Web Jost Framing, © GIRDER PANEL MODE fh> 10 He colultios on gid with Sassen) Dee ee as [use ‘Same as Example 45 Calculate (See Setions 3.5 and 36 if ss or joist girder or if sider suppors open wed nists) a7 St__| Mezzanine wih Beam Edge Member Slt Calculate, and, = "EE with comestion if aly on beam. 48 | usc ‘Same as Example 47 Cale f, 018 Va 7Bgfnd D, = 1/1, 49 St_| Mezzanine wih Grier Edge Membr ‘Use average of supported joist span lengths, we a8 Brame i aiterent, foe eu Eee Rpt eieabed For interige gan, calelte Nes USC means US Cua Because the footbridge is not supported by girders, only the jist or beam panel mode needs to be investigated. Beam Mode Properties Since OAL, = 0412 m= 4.8 m is greater than 1.5 m, the full width of the slab is effective. Using a dynamic modulus of clastcity of 135E,, the transformed moment of inertia is calculated as follows: n= modular ratio = E,/1.35E, = 200,000/(1.35 x 24,000) = 6.17 5 = 283701525 /2)~ (,000/6.17\150)0150/2) 19 sy u 2 8.370 + (3,000/6.17X150) = 12 mm above the top flange ofthe beam 1, = 21380 x 10° + 8,370(525 /2+ 12)) + (3,000 /6.17 150) /12 ++(2,000 /6.17)(150\150/2— 12 2,388 x 10° mm The weight per linear meter per beam is: 6x 3+ 2x66 x 0.0098 1kNim and the corresponding deflection is Swit 5x 12.1 x 12,000" = 3848 ~ a4 x 200,000% 2,388 x10"183718, FA) (52) where 4, = the elastic deflection of the floor joist or beam at ‘mid-span due to bending and shear A, = the elastic deflection of the ginder supporting the ‘beams due to bending and shear the elastic shortening ofthe column or wall (and the ground ifit is soft) due to axial strain and where each deflection results from the fofal weight sup- ported by the member, including the weight of people. The ‘flexural stiffness of floor members should be based on com posite or partially composite action, as recommended in Section 3.2. Guidance for determining deflection due to shear is given in Sections 3.5 and 3.6. n the case offoists, beams, ‘oF girders continuous at supports, the deflection due to bend- ing can be estimated using Section 34, The contribution of column deflection, 4, is generally small compared to joist and girder deflections for buildings with few (I-5) stories but, becomes significant for buildings with many (> 6) stories because of the increased length of the column "spring". For a building with very many stories ( 15), the natural fre- ‘quency due to the column springs alone may be in resonance with the second harmonic of the jumping frequency (Alien, 19%), ‘A more accurate estimate of natural frequency may be ‘obtained by computer modeling ofthe total structural system Acceleration Limit: a,/g Itis recommended, when applying Equation (5.1), that a limit ‘of 0.05 (equivalent to 5 percent ofthe acceleration of gravity) not be exceeded, although this value is considerably less than Table 52 Estimated Loading During Rhythmic Events Weight of Dynamic Load Forcing : Dynamic Frequency | _Parteipants’ Wo | costhcient| aos Activity tHe | kPa pat o wa, pst Dancing Fst Harmonic 153 | 08 vs | os os | 82 Lively concert lorspors event: Fst Harmonic 1s3 | 15 sto | 025 | 04 78 Second Harmonic | 3-5 15 aro | 005 | oo | 16 iunping exerdses: Fie Harmonic 227 | 02 a2 | 1s 03. 63 Second Hamovic | 4-55 | 02 a2 | os ona 25 ThitHamonic | 6-825 | 02 42 | 04 oe | 042 asec aia dnsty of paricpanis en tho ocala re othe foo for carmen encoured cndons, Fr specal events he dor of paripanis can be eraser. 8 that which participants in activities are known to accept. The (0.05 limit is intended to protet vibration sensitive occupan- cies of the building. A more accurate procedure is first 10 estimate the maximum acceleration on the activity floor by using Equations (2.5) and (2.6) and then to estimate the accelerations in sensitive occupancy locations using the fun- damental mode shape. These estimated accelerations are then ‘compared tothe limits in Table 51. The mode shapes can be determined from computer analysis or estimated from the deflection parameters A, A, and A. (see Example 5:3 or $4). Rhythmic Loading Parameters: w,, Oyand f For the area used by the rhythmic activity, the distributed ‘weight of participants, w,, can be estimated from Table 5.2. In cases where participants occupy only part ofthe span, the value of w, is reduced on the basis of equivalent effect (moment or deflection) fora fully loaded span, Values of and fare recommended in Table 5.2 Effective For a simply-supported floor panel on rigid supports, the effective weight is simply equal to the distributed weight of the floor plus participants. If the floor supports an extra ‘weight (such as a floor above), this can be taken into account by increasing the value of w, Similarly, ifthe columns vibrate significantly, as they do sometimes for upper floors, there is an inerease in effective mass because much more mass is attached fo the columns than just the floor pant supporting the rhythmic activity, The effec ofan additional concentrated weight, W,,can be approximated by an increase in w, of 2W,»°/LB Weight, wy, whererable 5:3, Application of Design Criterion, Equation (6.1), for Rhythmic Events Effective Worntor | Totar [Minimum Required Prtcipants | Weight | Fundamental Activity Forcing oi Natural ‘Acceleration Limit | Frequeney"| _"# bd Frequency” ‘Construction itt | xpa| pot | wa | pat tHe Dancing and Dring Jas/g=0.02 Heavy tor 5 KPa (100psf) | 3 os | 125 | 56 |n25 64 ght or 2.5 kPa (50 pst) 3 os | 125] 31 | 625 84 ively Concert ox Sports Event ao/9=0.05 Heavy tors kPa 100 pe) | 5 15 | sto | 65 | 1310 so”) ght floor 2.5 kPa (60 pst) 8 15 | 310 | 40 | 810 4? [aerobics ony ao/9=0.06 Heavy oor ska (t00ps | 825 | o2 | 42| 52 | 1042 20? Light flor 2.5 kPa (60 pst) 2s |o2 | 42/27 | 542 92 [sumping Exercises Shared wth Weight Liting a2/9=0.02 Heavy floors kPa (100ps) | 825 | 0.12 | 25 | 5:2 | 1005 922 Light oor 2.5 kPa (60 pst) 55 _|ote| 25|e6e| ses| 106” Nets Tate 53 " Equation (51) © supped fo all amen stein Table 52 and he govering forcing requeney shown. ay be rece ecard o Eqn 250, davpng tes mass sullen to reduce Cala ‘ecnarc oon accepiabe ve > Fem Easton (51) y= ratio of modal displacement at the location of the ‘weight to maximum modal displacement L =span B= effective width of the panel, which can be approxi ‘mated as the width occupied by the participants Continuity of members over supports into adjacent floor panels can als increase the effective mass, but the increase is unlikely to be greater than 50 percent, Note that only an approximate value of wis needed for application of Equa- tion (5.1). Damping Ratio, B ‘This parameter does not appear in Equation (5.1) but it appears in Equation (2.Sa), which applies ifresonance occurs. Because participants contribute to the damping, a value of approximately 0.06 may be used, which is higher than shown, in Table 4.1 for walking vibration ‘53 Application of the Criterion ‘The designer initially should determine whether rhythmic activities are contemplated in the building, and ifso, where. ‘Atan early stage in the design process its possible to locate both rhythmic activities and sensitive occupancies s0 as to ‘minimize potential vibration problems an the costs required to avoid them, Its also a good idea a this stage to consider altemative structural solutions to prevent vibration problems. Such structural solutions may include design ofthe structure to control the accelerations in the building and special ap- proaches, such as isolation of the activity floor from the rest ‘ofthe building or the use of mitigating devices such as tuned ‘mass dampers. ‘The structural design solution involves three stages of increasing complexity. The first stage is t0 establish an ap- proximate minimum natural frequency from Table 53 and to estimate the natural frequency ofthe structure using Equation (5.2). The second stage consists of hand calculations using Equation (5.1), or alternatively Equations (2.5) and (2.6), to find the minimum natural frequeney more accurately, and of recalculating the structure's natural frequency using Equation (52), including shear deformation and continuity of beams and girders. The third stage requires computer analyses to determine natural frequencies and mode shapes, identifying the lowest critical ones, estimating vibration accclerations throughout the building in relation to the maximum aecelera- tion on the activity floor, and finally comparing these accel- » Silathe dancing area shown, The floor system consists of long span (45 ft.) joists supported on concrete block walls. The effective weight ofthe floor is estimated to be 75 psf, includ- ing 12 psf for people dancing and dining. The effective composite moment of inertia of the joists, which were se- lected based on strength, is 2,600 in.” (See Example 4.6 for calculation procedures.) First Approximation ‘Asaafirstcheck to determine ifthe floor system is satisfactory, the minimum required fundamental natural frequency is est mated from Table 5.3 by interpolation between "light and "heavy" floors, The minimum required fundamental natural frequency is found to be 73 Hz The deflection ofa composite joist due to the supported 75 psf loading is Swf _ 5x (75x48 /12) x45! x 1,728 384E J,” 384% 29x 10° 2,600 1367 in, ‘Since there are no girders, A, = 0, and since the axial defor- mation of the wall can be neglected, A. 0. Thus, the floor's fundamental natural frequency, from Equation (5.2.), i ap- proximately fz = 386 ed = 018 pag7 58H Because f,= 5.8 Hz is less than the required minimum natural frequency, 7.3 Hz, the system appears to be unsatisfactory. Rs er Area. Used Attra, — Joist Spacing 45 ft Fig. 5.2 Layout of dancefloor for Example 52 41 Second Approximation To investigate the floor design further, Equation (5,1) is used. From Table 5.1, an acceleration limitof2 percent is selected, that is @,/g= 002. The floor layout is such that halfthe span will be used for dancing and the other half for dining. Thus, ww, reduced from 125 psf (rom Table $2) to 6 psf. Using Inequality (5.1), with f= 3 Hz and a= 05 from Table 5.2 and k = 13 for dancing, the required fundamental natural frequency is opin 8 es0fin dd OE Sona =F Aafia w, ee +002 15 25.7 Ha, Since f, = 58 Hz, the floor is marginally unsatisfactory and further analysis is warranted. From Equation (2.5), the expected maximum acceleration 13am, ___13 __05x6 GAT, ~GR/307-1 75 = 0.019 equivalent to 1.9 percent g we & Since the recommended maximum acceleration for dancing combined with dining i 2 percent g and since the floor layout might change, stiffer joists should be considered. Example 53—Second Floor of General Purpose Building Used for Aerobies—SI Units Aerobics is to be considered forthe second floor ofa six story health club) The structural plan is shown in Figure 53. volst Specing 125 m Fig. 5.3 Aerobics lor structural layou for Example 5.3. a0Soo The floor construction consists of a concrete slab on open- ‘web steel joists, supported on hot-olled girders and steel columns. The weight of the floor is 3.1 KPa. Both the joists and the girders are simply supported and in the aerobies area the girders are composite, ic, connected to the conerete with shear studs, The effective composite moments of inertia of thejoists and girdersare 108 = 10'mm‘and2,600 * 10'mm', respectively. (See Example 45 for calculation procedures.) First Approximation ‘Table 53 indicates thatthe structural system should have a ‘minimum natural frequency of approximately 9 Hz. The natural frequency of the system is estimated by use of Equa- tion (5.2) The deflections due to the weight supported by each clement (joists, girders and columns) are determined as fol lows: ‘The deflection of the joists due tothe floor weight is Sw _ 5x G.L x 1.25) x (6,000)* > 384E J, ~ 384 x 200,000 x 108 x 10° ‘The deflection ofthe girders due tothe floor weight is 3.03 mm Sw} __5X(B.1%60)x (10,500) 5 6g ‘JB4ET, 384% 200,000 x 2,600 x 10° ~ The axial shortening ofthe columns is calculated from the axial stress due to the weight supported. Assuming an axial stress, 6,,of40 MPa and a column length of m, ‘The total deflection is y= A +A,+A,= 3.03 + 5.66 + 1.0=9.69 mm and the natural frequency from Equation (5.2) is levy £ =0.1819806 79.69 = 5.7 Hz ie ‘which isconsiderably lesthan theestimatedrequired mini- mum frequency of 90 Hz. Second Approximation Inequality (5.1) is now used to evaluate the system further. ‘The required frequencies for each of the jumping exercise hhamonies are calculated using k= 2.0 forjumping, a,/g= 0.05 fthe accel. mit of 0.05 applios to the activity Moor, not 1] fadi-areasJand fw, and a, values from Table 5.2. For the Fist Tharmonie of he forcing frequency, f= 2.75 Hz, of, = 1 Sand w,= 0.2 kPa, =n ke 20 15x02 Cmca =F N+ gw, 271+ 005° 5 Hz Similarly, for the second harmonic with f= 5.5 Hz, and w, = 0.2 kPa, . 20 06x02 Geie= SSN 995° 3.1 And, for the third harmonic with f= 8.75 Hz, o = 0.1 and 8Hz Because the natural frequency (5.7 Hz) is less than the re- quired frequency forall three harmonies, lage, unacceptable vibrations are to be expected. Also, because 5.7 very close to a forcing frequency for the second harmonic of the step frequency (5.5 Hz), an approximate estimate of the acceleration can be determined from the resonance response formula, Equation (2.Sa) a 13,4 13 06x02 2B ww, 2x06 3 = 0.42 equivalent to 42 percent g here the values of the parameters ot, and w, are obtained from Table 5.2 forthe second harmonic ofjumping exercises and 0.06 is the recommended estimate of the damping ratio ofa floorpeople system. An acceleration of 42 percent of gravity implies that the vibrations will be unacceptable, not only for the aerobics floor, but also for adjacent areas on the second floor. Further, other areas of the building supported by the aerobics floor columns will be subjected to vertical accelerations of approxi- imately 4 percent of gravity, as estimated from the mode shape, ‘where the ratio ofcolumn deflection (1.0 mm) to total deflec~ tion atthe midpoint ofthe activity floor (9.69 mm) is approxi- mately 0.10. Accelerations of this magnitude are unaccept- able for most occupancies Conclusions ‘The floor framing shown in Figure $4 should not be used for aerobic activities. For an acceptable structural system, the natural frequency of the structural system needs to be in- creased to at least 9 Hz, Significant increases inthe stiffness of both the joists and the girders are required. An effective method of stiffening to achieve a natural frequency of 9 Hz, {sto support the aerobics floor girders at mid-span on columns directly to the foundations and to increase the stiffness ofthe aerobics floor joistsBev, Bia Example 54—Second Floor of General Purpose Building Used for Aerobies—USC Units Acrobies is to be considered forthe second floor ofa six story The structural plan is shown in Figure 54. The floor construction consists of @ conerete slab on open- web ste! joists, supported on hot-olled girders and stel columns. The weight ofthe floor is 65 psf. Both the joists and the girders are simply supported and in the aerobics ara the girders are composite ie, connected to the conerete with shear studs. The effective composite moments of inertia of the joists and girders are 260 in, and 6,310 in. respectively (Gee Example 46 for calculation procedures.) First Approximation Table 5.3 indicates thatthe structural system should have a rninimum natural frequency of approximately 9 Hz. The natural frequency of the system is estimated by use of Equae tion (52). The required deflections due t the weight sup- ported by each element (joists, girders and columns) are determined as follows The deflection ofthe joi Swf _ 5x (65 x4) x (20) x 1,728 384 X29 x 10° 260.0 duc to the floor weight is 124 in, The deflection ofthe girders due to the floor weight is a= SEL - SX (65 20) 26x 1.728 BRMEJ,— 384x 29 x 10x 6.310 The axial shortening of the columns is calculated from the axial stress due to the weight supported. Assuming an axial stress, 6,,0f6 ksi and a column length of 16 ft, Gel, _ 6.0% 16x12 “E 29K18 The total deflection is then = 0.269 in. A = 0.040 in. Ay= A +A, +4, =0.124 + 0.269 + 0.040 = 0.433 in, and the natural frequeney from Equation (52) is 18) £ =0.18V386 70483 = 54 He Is which is considerably less than the estimated required mini- mum frequency of 9.0 Hz, Second Approximation Inequality (5.1) is now used to evaluate the system further. Tre required frequencies for each of the jumping exercise bhamonies are calculated using k= 2.0 for jumping. a,/g = (0.0 the accel. limit of 0.05 applies to the activity floor, not to fadi_areas)Jand fw, and o, values from Table 5.2. For the fist 3 hhamonie ofthe forcing frequency, f=2.75 Ha, cy = 1.5 and a Eom 20 , 15x42 oucs=IN V5 Tg ve, = 2N 1 * 0.05 =61Hr Similarly, for the second harmonic with f= 5.5 Hz, 0 = 0.6 and w, = 42 psf, 20, 06x42 S514 jos" es nae And, for the third harmonic with f= 8.25 Hz, zy = 0.1 and w,=42 psf, . 20 01x42 ones= 825\] 14+ 95° gg 793 He Because the natural frequency (54 Hz) is less than the re- quired frequeney fora three harmonics, larg, unacceptable vibrations are expected, ‘Abo, because 54 Hz is very close toa forcing frequency for the second harmonic of the step frequency (5.5 Hz), an approximate estimate ofthe acceleration can be determined from the resonance response formula, Equation (2.5) B13. 01Wp__13_ 06x42 8 2B w, 2x006 65 A2 equivalent to 42 percent g 38. Fig. 54 Aerobies floor structural layoutfor Example 5.4.62 Estimation of Peak Vibration of Floor due to Walking, ‘The force pulse exerted on a floor when a person takes a step has been shown to have the idealized shape indicated in Figure 63. The maximum force, F,,and the pulse rise time (and decay time), t,, have been found to depend on the ‘walking speed and on the person's weight, W, as shown in Figure 6.4 Galbraith and Barton 1970), ‘The dominant footfall-induced motion ofa floor typically ‘corresponds to the floors fundamental mode, whose response may be analyzed by considering that mode as an equivalent spring-mass system. Insuch system, the maximum displace- ment Xu Of the spring-supported mass due to action of a force pulse like that of Figure 6.3 depends on all of the parameters ofthe pulke, as well as on the natural frequency ‘f, of the spring-mass system, The same is true of the ratio Xu t0 the quasi-static displacement Kyu of the mass (Agi Figure 6.5), where Xjqcis the displacement of the mass due to a statically applied force of magnitude F, (Ayre 1961) However, a simple and convenient upper bound to A,which [P6000 400 ee er 8.000 200 ge 7 ra the 000 100 aS a A ge Depl = ooo" jc 200% 8 0 t3 3 60 on 53 63 a 1000 OS aot 5. 4a Zé ae 50 so eS fist 3 Zo 72 250 63 am 125 315 2 4 8 16 IS 639 128 250 500 FREQUENCY (Hz) Fig. 62 Suggested criteria for miroscopes Forn=wen-coomrei) — | Sts oO Os Lo ou to to Time t Fig. 63 Idealzed footstep force pulse. a7Melking Speed
>05, VaUA/f, (64) where = HEL 5) ‘The parameter U, has been introduced to facilitate estimation and isa constant fora given walker weight and walking speed, For example, for a 84 kg (185 Ib) person walking at a rapid pace of 100 steps minute (which represents a somewhat conservative design condition), from Figure 64, fy W’= 1.7 and F,= 1.7 (9.81 » 84)= 14kN (GIS Ib), andf, =1/t,=5.0 Hz. Thus, U,= xx 1.4% 5.0°= LIOKN- Hz? (25,000 lb-Hz’), 9 Table 6.2 shows values of U, for other 84 ky (185 1b) walker speeds. [tis noted that U,,and therefore the expected velocity forapatticularfloor, for moderate walking speed is about Yth of that for fast walking and for slow walking is about ‘sth of that for fast walking. Rearranging Equation (6.4b) results in the following de- sign criterion 66) ‘That is, the ratio Ap/f, should be less than the specified velocity forthe equipment, divided by U,.For example, for the above fast walking condition and a limiting velocity of 25 umisec, A,/f, should be less than V/U, = 25 x 10/110 = (0.23 x 10" mIkN-Hz.(1,000% 10°25,000 = 4% 10-inJ/b- Hz). For slow walking, ,/f, could be permitted to be about 15 times greater, or about 3.7 x 10" KN-Hz (67 * 10% in/Ib-Hz). Locations where "fas," "moderate," and "slow" walking are expected are discussed later. Since the natural frequency ofa floor is inversely propor- tional to the square-root of the deflection, A, due toa unit load, from Equation (6.6) the velocity Vis proportional to ‘43 This proportionality is useful forthe approximate evalu- ation of the effects of minor design changes, because quite significant flexibility (or stiffness) changes can often be ac- complished with only minor changes in the structural system. In absence of significant changes in the mass; the change in the stiffness controls the change in the natural frequency, enabling one to estimate how much the flexibility or stiffness ofa given floor design needs to be changed to meet a given velocity criterion. If an initial flexibility Ay, results in a velocity V,then the flexibility Athat will result in a velocity Vemay be found from bn wysvye Baws Co) For example, if'a particular design ofa floors found to result imawalker-induced vibrational velocity of 0 um/sec( 2.000 hin/sec) and if the limiting velocity is 12 pmisec (500 hinsee), the floor flexibility needs to be changed by a factor RewRev, Bho thus, an isolation system should not be expected to overcome ‘vibration problems resulting from extremely flexible structures Unless isolation systems are used, it is important that sensitive equipment be connected rigidly to the structural floor, so that vibrations transmitted to the equipment are not amplified by the flexibility ofthe intervening structure. It is usually not advisable to support such equipment on a raised "computer" floor, for example, particularly where personnel also can walk on that floo. If itis necessary that this equip- ‘ment have its base at the level of a raised floor, then this equipment should be provided with a pedestal that connects it rigidly to the structural floor and that itis not in direct contact withthe part ofthe raised floor on which peopfe can walk, 65 Example Calculations The following examples illustrate the application ofthe cri- terion. The examples are presented first in the SI system of ‘units and then repeated in the US Customary (USC) system of units Example 6.1—SI Units The floor framing for Example 4.5, shown in Figure 4.5, isto be investigated for supporting sensitive equipment with a velocity limitation of 200 782 ]The floor framing consists ‘of8.5 m long 30KS joists at 750 mm on center and supported by 6 m long W760*134 girders. The floor slab is 65 mm total depth, lightweight weight conerete, on 25 mm deep metal deck. As calculated in Example 45, the transformed moment ofinertia ofthe joists is 174 10% mand that ofthe girders is 1,930 * 10 mm*,The floor fundamental natural frequency is932 Hz The mid-span flexibilities ofthe joists and girders are 8,500" I, 48% 200,000 x 174 10° #368 10% mms a 6,00" “SBE JT, 96 x 200,000 x 1,930 x 10° = 5.83 x 10 mavkN (See Section 42 for explanation of the use of 1/48 and 1196 inthe above calculations.) ‘The mid-bay flexibility, using W.y= 3.08from Example 45, is pout Bir _ 36810 5.8310 Ng 2 308 2 = 122 10 mavkN Since f,/f, >> 0.5 forall values off, in Table 62, the maxi- ‘mum expected velocity is given by Equation (64b). Using 31 U, values from Table 6.2, the maximum expected velocity for 2 84 kg person walking at 100 steps per minute is UAr 10x 122 10% y ORR 440 x 10 mise = 1,440 mise that at 75 steps per minute is 5 x 122% 10% aoe = 327 x 10“Isec = 327 jum/sec ‘and that at 50 steps per minute is 8x 122 x 10* az = 89x 10%sec ‘Thus, the mid-bay location (and all other locations) of this floor is acceptable for the intended use (limiting V = 200 m/sec) ifonly slow walking is expected. According to Table 61, the floor would be acceptable for operating rooms and forbench microscopes with magnifications up to 100« in the presence of only slow walking. Example 6.2—USC Units ‘The floor framing for Example 46, shown in Figure 4.6, is to be investigated for supporting sensitive equipment with a velocity limitation of 8000 yin sec. The floor framing con- sists of 28 ft long 30K8 joists at 30 inches on center and supportedbby 20. ong W30=90 girders. The floor slab is 2.5 in. total depth, lightweight weight conerete, on I-in. deep metal deck. As calculated in Example 46, the transformed ‘moment ofinertiaofthejoists is 420 in*. and that ofthe girders §s 4,560 int. The floor fundamental natural frequency is 9.29 We The mid-span flexibilities ofthe oists and girders are : 28° 1,728 a 99° BRET, = Gex 2910
> 0.5 forall values off, in Table 6.2, the maxi- mum expected velocity is given by Equation (6:40). UsingU, values from Table 6.2, the maximum expected velocity for 2185 Ib person walking at 100 steps per minute is ‘Ar _ 25,000 x 22.1 x 10 ho 9.29 0,059 inJ/see $9,500 pin /sec that at 75 steps per minute is 3,600 pin sec Thus, the mid-bay location (and all other locations) ofthis floor is acceptable for the intended use (limiting = 000 {in/sec) ifonly slow walking is expected. According to Table 6.1, the floor would be acceptable for operating rooms and for bench microscopes with magnifications up to 100%in the presence of only slow walking. Example 63—SI Units The floor system of Example 4.3 is 10 be evaluated for sensitive equipment use. The floor framing consists of 105 long W460%52 beams, spaced 3 m apart and supported on 9'm long, WS30*74 girders. The floor slab is 130 mm total depth, 1,850 kg/m conerete on 50 mm deep metal deck. As calculated in Example4.3, the transformed moment ofinertia ofthe beams is 750 10° mm and that ofthe girder i 1.348 10 mm, The floor fundamental frequency is 4.15 Hz ‘The mid-span flexibilities ofthe beams and girders are u (10,500? BET, ~ 96% 200,000 x 750% 10° y = 804 10% mm/kN y= alte (9,000)" B6ET, ~ 96% 200,000 x 1,348 x 1 8.2 x 10 mm/N (See Section4,2 forexplanation ofthe use of 196 in the above calculations.) From Equation (4.7) with d, = 80 + 50/2 effective number of tee-beams is 105 mm, the 149+ 342% + 00x sos oes) som "00% on osonr $049 + 34215 09 "150 x 10° (10,500) 750 x 10° = 16.2 x 10° 257 x 10" The mid-bay flexibility then is A, 804%10% | 282x104 27 1832 Since f,/f, is not >>05 forall values of f, in Table 62, Equation (6.4b) cannot be used and the more general ap- proach is required. For a 84 kg person walking at 100 steps per minute, from Table 62, fy/W= 17 and F,= 17 * 81 * $4) =1.4KN, From Table 62, the corresponding pulse rise frequency is f,=5 Hz; then f,/f,= 4.15/5 =08 for which ‘Aq= LI from the solid curve in Figure 6. Then, from the definition of 4, in Equation (6.2), Xag = Anfiy = 1.1(1.4)(58.0 x 10) = 89.3 10%m=92.1 pm and from Equation (6.4) V= Kaa =20(4.15)89.3) 330 usec Comparison of this value of the footfall-induced velocity to the criterion values in Table 6.1, indicates that the floor framing is unacceptable for any ofthe equipment ited in the presence of fast walking Ifslow walking, 50 steps per minute, is considered, then f-=[[afifand f)W?= 13 from Table 62. thus F,=13* (O81 84) = LIEN, Then f/f, =[&15714 = 2.96}ind fom the equation in Figure 65 1 2G,/1F Pass Sos \nFip {0 OSTI(1.1(58.0°x 10°) -EDum and from Equation (65)Rev St V= 2m Xpuq = 24.1513. 2D}-DES] umsec According to Table 6.1, the mid-bay postion of this floor is acceptable for operating rooms and bench microscopes with ‘magnification up to 100%, ifonly slow walking occurs. Even with only slow walking, the floor would be expected to be _nacceptable for precision balances, metrology laboratories ‘or equipment that is more sensitive than these items. To reduce the mid-bay velocity for fast walking 10 200 tum/se, the floor flexibility needs tobe changed by the factor calculated using Equation (6.6): bn (Va V4 = (20002,330)" = 0.195 = 115.1 On That i, the floor mi-bay stiffness needs to be inereased by factor of 5.1, Such a stiffness increase is possible by use of a considerably greater amount of steel of by using shorter ns “"ifie beam span is decreed to 7.5 m andthe gir gan to 6 m, the fundamental natural frequency, fis increased to 88 Hz, and _# 7,500)" 0" DET, ~ 565 200,000 x 750% 1 = 29.3 x10 mavkN, _# (6.0007 Ae SGET, ~ 96 x 200,000 x 1348 % 1 = 8.35 x 10° mm/KN ng=049-+342%-+ 0010 -ooms2) . 105 (7.500) 049 240{ tp} 0% Oe 7,500 y — 0.00059 (33) 13 Ae , Ser 293x104 | 8.35% 10% ena iB te =21.1 x 10% mm/kN Since f,/f, 8 now much greater than 0.5 forall values of f, in Table 62, the maximum expected velocity is given by’ Equation (6.4b) Using the U, value for 100 steps per minute from Table 6.1, Udy _ 100x211 x 10% aa 88 = 240 m/sec Using the U, value for 50 steps per minute 68% 21.1 10° 88 = 16.3 psec Comparison of these mid-span velocities with the criterion values of Table 6.1 indicates thatthe mid-bay location of his floor still is not acceptable for any ofthe equipment listed that table if fast walking is considered, but is acceptable for rmicro-surgery and the use of bench microscopes at magnifi- cations greater than 400x if only slow walking can occur, Example 64—USC Units The floor system of Example 44 is to be evaluated for sensitive equipment use, The floor framing consists of 35 ft long W18*35 beams, spaced 10 ft. apart and supported on 30 ft long, W21%50 girders. The floor slab is 525 inches total depth, 110 pef concrete on 2 in. deep metal deck. As calcu- lated in Example 4.4, the transformed moment of inertia of | the beams is 1,833 in and that of the girders is 3.285 in, The floor fundamental frequency is 403 Hz. ‘The mid-span flexibilities ofthe beams and girders are 2B 35° 1,728 40 OBE, ~ 96x29 x 1x 18a3 ~ 452% 10" indtd ape 30" x 1,728 = 96ET, 963 29 10F x 3,285 10 x 10° ind (See Section 4.2 for explanation ofthe use of 6 inthe above calculations.) ‘Using Equation (4.7), with d,=3.25 + 2.022 =4.25 in, the effective number of tee-beams is g=049 +3424 +,00x10°f -o0052) _ 4.25 (35 x 12)" ~ossenta( 25, eon iota asxi2 -oon( 22) = 185 Equation (4.7) is applicable since 425 oss 4. 425-0035 <0.208 E_@sx 129 "a 45x 10's = S35” = 170 10° 257 x 10° ash ase The mid-bay flexibility then isRew ae Me 1452108 MeN a Tas = 104% 10 ina Since f/f, is not >> 05 forall values of f, in Table 6.2, Equation (6.40) cannot be used and the mote general ap- proach is required, For a 185 Ib person walking at 100 steps per minute, from Table 62, F/ W'= 1.7 and §,= 17 » 185 315 Ib, From Table 6.2, the” corresponding pulse rise fre- quency is f,=5 Hz, then f,/f,= 4085 =08 forwhich A,= 1 from the solid curve in Figure 65. Then, from the defini- tion of A, in Equation (6.1), Xe = Anfathy = LIGIS\ 0.4 x 10-9 = 3,600 10 in, = 3,600 pin, ‘and from Equation (6.5) V=2Rf ou = 2R(4.03)(3,600) = 91,160 pin /see ‘Comparison of this value of the Footfall-induced velocity to the criterion values in Table 6.1, indicates that the floor framing is unacceptable for any ofthe equipment iste in the presence of fast walking, If-slow walking, 50 steps per minut, is considered, then fo=[A Hzhind F,/ = 13 trom Table 62 , thus F,=13% 185 = 240 tb, Then f,/f, =[403/14 = 288)and from the equation in Figure 65 Kay = AnFiy =[00601240)(10.4 x 10°, ‘and from Equation (6.5) V= 20 Xe = 2MLODISO) ERO in see According to Table 6.1 the mid-bay postion of this floor is acceptable for operating rooms and bench microscopes with ‘magnification up to 10s ifonly slow walking occurs. Even with only siow walking, the floor would be expected to be unacceptable for precision balances, metrology laboratories (or equipment that is more sensitive than these items. To reduce the mid-bay velocity for fast walking to 8,000 HinJsee, from Equation (6.6) the floor flexibility for fast walking needs to be changed by the factor calculated using Equation (66) «49 = 01901169 0197-5 54 That is, the floor mid-bay stiffness needs to be increased by a factor of 5.1 Such a stiffness increase is possible by use of a considerably greater amount of steel or by using shorter spans. Ifthe beam span is decreased to 25 ft and girder span to 20 fi, the fundamental natural frequency, fs increased to 8.9 Hy, and 7 25° 1,728 _ 40° GET,“ 56X29 x 10x 1835 79% 10 L 20° x 1,728 in Se ET, - Bex DI I 3a” NSTI inl g=049 +42 eon 109i -oanss 2) - 425), 99x 125212 =o (3245) 00x 25x12 an (22) = 173 a,x Bu g Ber 529% 104 | 1.51108 wae neliaee Ts 2 = 3.81% 10* inh ince f,/f, is now much greater than 0.5 forall values of f, in Table 6.2, the maximum expected velocity is given by Equation (6.40) Using the U, value for 100 steps per minute from Table 6.1, Uy _ 25.000 x 3.81 x 10% 0h 39 0.0107 inJsec = 10,700 pinJsee Using the U, value for 50 steps per minute 1,500 x3.81 x 10* v 89 = 642. 10% inJsec = 642 pinJsec Comparison of these mid-span velocities with the eriterion values of Table 6.1 indicates thatthe mid-bay location of this floor stl is not acceptable for any ofthe equipment listed in that table if fast walking is considered, but is acceptable for micro-surgery and the use of bench microscopes at magnifi- cations greater than 400% ionly stow walking ean occur.
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