H408 Fluid Friction Datasheet 0517

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fluid mechanics

H 40 8
Fluid Friction Apparatus
Shows flow and losses in different pipes, fittings and valves.
Shows popular flow measurement instruments.

Learning Outcomes
• Velocity profile and the Pitot-static tube
• Flow measurement using a Venturi meter and an
orifice meter
K ey F e at u res
Pressure (head) losses in:
• Works with TecQuipment’s Hydraulic Bench for
• Smooth and roughened straight pipes
easy installation
• Sudden expansion and contraction
• Includes different valves, pipes and fittings to
• Bends and elbows
show losses
• Valves and in-line strainer
• Includes experiments on roughened pipes
• Pipes of different diameter
• Uses Bernoulli’s equation for incompressible fluid
flow Key Specifications
• Venturi and orifice meters
• Shows how to use Venturi and orifice meters to
measure flow • Three circuits
• Three downstream valves
• Includes a traversing Pitot tube to measure
velocity profile and flow • Three 90° bends
• Three-way piezometer
• Pressure gauge

TecQuipment Ltd, Bonsall Street, long eaton, Nottingham NG10 2AN, UK

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 115 972 2611 [email protected]

DB 0517 Page 1 of 4
H 40 8

Fluid Friction Apparatus

Description The Venturi meter and orifice plate instruments show
students two common methods of measuring water flow.
TecQuipment’s Fluid Friction Apparatus allows detailed
They also give applications of Bernoulli’s equation for
studies of flow, flow measurement techniques and losses
incompressible fluid flow. Students use them to measure
in a wide variety of pipes and fittings.
flow and compare the losses of each.
The equipment has three water circuits with instruments,
The equipment also includes a Pitot-static tube. By
pipes and pipe fittings including a different valve on each
traversing the Pitot across the pipe diameter, students can
circuit. The valves are downstream of each circuit to avoid
find the velocity profile and flow coefficients. They also
upstream turbulence. The innermost of the three circuits
find the relationship between the flow rate and pressure
has interchangeable sections that include the orifice,
Venturi, Pitot, roughened pipe and the strainer. A mobile,
space-saving vertical panel holds all the pipes and fittings An artificially roughened pipe allows students to study
for easy use. friction factor at different Reynolds numbers. They can
compare results to those predicted by Nickuradse’s results
TecQuipment’s Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F, available
and a Moody chart.
separately)* supplies the circuits with a controlled and
measured flow of water.
Standard Features
To measure pressure loss across each part, students use a • Supplied with a comprehensive user guide
piezometer set and differential pressure gauge (included).
To adjust the datum water level in the tubes of the • Five-year warranty
piezometer set, students connect a hand-pump (included) • Manufactured in accordance with the latest European
to the air valve above the tubes. Union directives
To perform experiments students set the hydraulic bench • ISO9001 certified manufacturer
to pump water through a circuit and measure pressure
losses through the pipes and fittings. They also find the
losses in a rapid enlargement and contraction. Several
Essential Base U nit
pipe sections are of different diameter to show how this • Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F)*
affects pressure loss. *This product will also work with existing TecQuipment
Gravimetric and Volumetric Hydraulic Benches (H1 and

2800 mm

500 mm

1850 mm

1700 mm

S h ow n wi t h T ec Q u i p m en t ’ s D i gi ta l Hy d r au l i c
B e nc h (H1 F ) – ava i l a bl e s epa r at ely

TecQuipment Ltd, Bonsall Street, long eaton, Nottingham NG10 2AN, UK

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 115 972 2611 [email protected]

DB 0517 Page 2 of 4
H 40 8

Fluid Friction Apparatus

Pressure gauge Interchangeable sections

Ha n d p u m p

Three circuits

Gate Va lv e
G l ob e Va lv e
Ba l l Va lv e

TecQuipment Ltd, Bonsall Street, long eaton, Nottingham NG10 2AN, UK

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 115 972 2611 [email protected]

DB 0517 Page 3 of 4
H 40 8

Fluid Friction Apparatus

Detailed Specifications O per ating C o nd itio ns
TecQuipment is committed to a programme of continuous O perat ing enviro nment:
improvement; hence we reserve the right to alter the Laboratory
design and product specification without prior notice.
Storage temperature range:
Nett d imens io ns and w e i gh t of m a i n un i t:
–25°C to +55°C (when packed for transport)
2.8 m long (assembled) x 1.85 m high x 0.8 m front to back
and 130 kg O perat ing t emperat u re ra nge:
+5°C to +40°C
Nett d imens io ns and w e i gh t of P i e zom e te r S e t:
500 mm wide x 500 mm front to back x 1.7 m high O perat ing relat ive hu midit y ra nge:
(assembled) and 27 kg 80% at temperatures < 31°C decreasing linearly to 50% at
Apporximate total packed dimensions and weight:
5 m3 and 250 kg
M ain parts :
• Smooth pipes of various lengths and internal diameters
from 4 mm to 17 mm
• Artificially roughened pipe
• 90-degree mitre and elbow
• 90-degree smooth bends (up to 150 mm radius)
• Sudden enlargement
• Sudden contraction
• Gate valve, globe valve and ball valve
• Venturi meter and orifice meter
• Pitot-static tube
• In-line strainer

TecQuipment Ltd, Bonsall Street, long eaton, Nottingham NG10 2AN, UK

tecqu ipment. c o m +4 4 115 972 2611 [email protected]

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