EGN UIX10205 - Airodek Decking

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Equipment Guidance Note UIX10205

Airodek Decking System

1.0 Introduction
This guidance note is for the erection, use and
dismantling of the Airodek Decking System –
This document does not cover assembly of the
support system to the decking, which may be of
RMDK or other supply. Refer to the documents
specific to the system used for guidance.
This document shall not be used as a working
method statement. It is the customer’s
responsibility to assimilate this information into a
method statement specific to the site conditions.

2.0 References
This document must be read in conjunction with
the RMD Kwikform (RMDK) drawings, when
Please refer to the RMDK Airodek brochures and
Technical Data Sheets and the attendant RMDK
Risk Assessment. Reference should also be
made to the Project Work Method Statement and construction drawings provided by the
contractor for specific details and sequences.

3.0 Health & Safety

This document is for general guidance only and does not relieve the customer of
responsibility for the safe erection, use and dismantling of the equipment.
Work with Airodek should only be undertaken and supervised by appropriately trained
personnel familiar with safe use of the equipment. Where needed, Airodek product
demonstration can be provided by RMDK but it remains the customer’s responsibility to
determine competence of erectors & supervisors.
Provide safe access and a safe working platform at all times. Safe systems of work shall
reflect industry best practice and comply with applicable local legislation.

4.0 Design Parameters

The Airodek Decking is designed to support reinforced concrete dead load and the live
loads associated with placing the concrete. The design parameters used are indicated on
the RMDK scheme drawings. If any of this information is believed to be incorrect, the
relevant RMDK office must be contacted prior to erection.

Issue M Further info: +44 (0) 1922 743743 Sheet 1 of 9

The information contained within these data sheets remain the property of RMD Kwikform and is not to be altered or reproduced without permission.
13/03/14 RMD Kwikform reserves the right to change any specification without giving prior notice
It is the customers responsibility to incorporate this generic information into a document specific to the site conditions
Equipment Guidance Note UIX10205
Airodek Decking System

5.0 Assembl y of the Support S ystem

RMDK Alshor Plus, Rapidshor or Kwikstage Shoring may be used to support the Airodek
Decking System. Refer to the documents specific to the system used for guidance. The
system is also readily supported by Hunnebeck GASS and Ischebeck Titan aluminium
shoring equipment. Peri Multiprops can be used to support non-perimeter areas as
individual props provided bracing frames are not required between the legs.
If an RMDK drawing has been supplied, the position of the support grid will be clearly set
out. It is important that the falsework system is in the correct location relative to the
structure in order for the infill and perimeter details to work correctly as shown.

5.1. Erection Sequence Overview

The support equipment to the perimeter will be detailed as braced tables. Erect these
tables inboard from the slab edge first complete with their deck beams, soffit panels and
perimeter edge protection. Use the castors/trolleys/wheels appropriate to the support
system to advance the tables to the slab edge. Ensure that adequate measures are taken
to prevent overrun of tables. Once the soffit perimeter is in place, erect the internal areas
of falsework followed by the infills to the columns and walls.

5.2. Fitting Airodek Dropheads and Crowns

Different arrangements are required at the top of each support variant to enable
connection of the soffit equipment. The main description in this document is for use of
Airodek Dropheads. Procedures related to the use of HD Crowns, i.e. no dropheads are
indicated in bracketed text.


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The information contained within these data sheets remain the property of RMD Kwikform and is not to be altered or reproduced without permission.
13/03/14 RMD Kwikform reserves the right to change any specification without giving prior notice
It is the customers responsibility to incorporate this generic information into a document specific to the site conditions
Equipment Guidance Note UIX10205
Airodek Decking System

5.2.1. Alshor Plus - Arrangement A with Drophead (D with HD Crown)

Insert the Alshor Drophead into the top of the Alshor leg. The orientation in plan is
important and the claws on the drophead must run parallel with the direction of the Airodek
Decking Beams. (Insert the Alshor Adapter into the top of the Alshor leg. The cross-drilled
holes in the smaller tube must fall in a direction perpendicular to the line of the Airodek
Beams. Add an Alshor Straight Pin to secure. Add an Airodek HD Crown and secure with
a Sleeve Clip.)
5.2.2. Rapidshor - Arrangement B with Drophead (E with HD Crown)
Insert an Adapter Drophead/Rapidshor in the top of the falsework. Add an Airodek
Drophead (Airodek HD Crown) and secure with a Sleeve Clip.
5.2.3. Kwikstage Shoring - Arrangement C with Drophead (F with HD Crown)
Add an Airodek Drophead (Airodek HD Crown) directly to the top of the standard.
5.2.4. GASS, Titan or Multiprop Systems
Add an Airodek Universal Adapter to the top of the leg and bolt in situ with two M12 bolts
and nuts. The orientation in plan is important. The cross-drilled holes in the tube fall in a
direction perpendicular to the line of the Airodek Beams. Add an Airodek Drophead
(Airodek HD Crown) and secure with a Sleeve Clip.

5.3. Airodek Deck Beams

Set all of the dropheads prior to erecting decking equipment as follows:
Raise the drop-plate up the drophead stem, slide it across and secure in situ with the
integral safety catch - left-hand figure. Where the drophead is positioned close to a wall or
obstruction set the unit so that the drop plate is positioned remote from the wall. This will
enable the unit to be struck with a hammer later to effect early removal of the decking.

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The information contained within these data sheets remain the property of RMD Kwikform and is not to be altered or reproduced without permission.
13/03/14 RMD Kwikform reserves the right to change any specification without giving prior notice
It is the customers responsibility to incorporate this generic information into a document specific to the site conditions
Equipment Guidance Note UIX10205
Airodek Decking System

Lift the first deck beam, hook and hang one end onto the drophead claw - central figure
(HD Crown). Raise the other end and seat over the claw of the remote support. Place the
cantilever deck beams at the perimeter. Connect the inboard end of the beams to the slab
with ratchet lashings as shown on the drawing to prevent overturning - right hand figure.
Take up the slack but do not tighten at this stage in order to avoid application of
unacceptable side loads to the free-standing falsework. Connect the Airodek beam down
to the edge line of supports as detailed.

5.4. Placing Airodek Panels

Place the Airodek Panels working from below. Lift the panels using the integral grab
handles. Raise one end and then the other above the deck beam and seat over the
castellated lugs. At drophead locations use a drophead panel, recognisable by the
triangular cut outs at the ends of the panel. (Where HD Crowns are used drophead panels
are not required and the end section of the panel frame must span over the gap between
the ends of the deck beams). Level the soffit with the progress of work to minimise gaps
between the panel perimeters.

5.5. Infill Formwork

Controlled personnel access is permitted on the soffit before the infills are placed for the
carpenters to secure the infill plywood. Appropriate safety
measures shall be taken to ensure that these operatives
work at a safe distance from unguarded edges and/or
wear appropriate fall arrest equipment.
Add infills around the columns and the perimeter of the
soffit as shown on the RMDK drawing supplied. Infills
should be constructed using the Airodek 1800mm and
900mm Infill Beams and 17-19mm thick plywood.
Customer supplied timber may also be required. Ensure that the plywood is cut tight
around the columns/walls, see details below.

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Issue M Further info: +44 (0) 1922 743743 Sheet 4 of 9

The information contained within these data sheets remain the property of RMD Kwikform and is not to be altered or reproduced without permission.
13/03/14 RMD Kwikform reserves the right to change any specification without giving prior notice
It is the customers responsibility to incorporate this generic information into a document specific to the site conditions
Equipment Guidance Note UIX10205
Airodek Decking System

Ancillary equipment maybe required to construct infills, refer to the RMDK drawing for

5.6. Placing Airodek Panels outside Perimeter Columns

Place the Airodek panels from above. Before access is permitted onto the cantilevering
deck beams the following shall be in place;
• Place the panels to the internal area of the building - see 5.4.
• Place and secure sufficient infill formwork and/or connections to columns and or walls
to ensure that the falsework is fixed at the head. I.e. there is sufficient connection
between the top of the system and the permanent works to prevent the equipment from
falling over - see 5.5.
• Once the infills are in-situ, tighten the perimeter ratchet lashings described in 5.3.
• Install appropriate fall arrest equipment to enable harnessed operatives to work near to
the unguarded areas external to the perimeter columns.
5.6.1. Panel Handling Equipment
Place and remove these isolated panels using the Airodek Panel Handling Clamps and
Hooks. Two handling clamps, hooks and operatives are required for 1800mm long panels
and one of each for 900mm long panels as follows:
• Either cordon off the area beneath the
cantilever soffit to prevent personnel access
or take appropriate precautions to ensure the
arrest of accidentally dropped materials.
• Release the wedge (B) to enable the clamp to
open. Fully insert the nose (A) of the clamp
through the circular cut outs on the side
members of the panel. Re-engage the wedge
(B) to secure the panel in the closed position.
Drive the wedge (C) to tighten.
• Engage the handling hook into the loop (D).
With one operative positioned on either side
of the column, lift and place the panel onto
the cantilevered deck beam. Remove the
hooks and release the panel wedges (C then
B). Retrieve the clamp

Issue M Further info: +44 (0) 1922 743743 Sheet 5 of 9

The information contained within these data sheets remain the property of RMD Kwikform and is not to be altered or reproduced without permission.
13/03/14 RMD Kwikform reserves the right to change any specification without giving prior notice
It is the customers responsibility to incorporate this generic information into a document specific to the site conditions
Equipment Guidance Note UIX10205
Airodek Decking System

6.0 Edge Protection

Make good any outstanding areas of edge protection which is fitted as shown using a
combination of the arrangements below. Provide barriers and warning notices to prevent
access to incomplete sections of the soffit. Ensure that safe access and egress routes are
provided to all working areas, and that such routes are clear.
6.1. End of Cantilever Deck Beams
Engage Airodek Deck Beam
Handrail Sockets into the end of
the deck beams. Add
Rapidshor Sleeves and Sleeve
Clips followed by a 1m
Rapidshor Standard. Add a
further Sleeve Clip to secure.
Add Ultraguard Barriers to the
Rapidshor Standards. Secure
the barriers to the Rapidshor
Standards at the base with a Airodek Deck Beam Handrail Socket - Code ADX20016
single Airodek Panel Strap
As an alternative to the above
Use Rapidshor Ledgers and Airodek Drophead Guard
Rail Adaptor
scaffold board toeboards Code ADX10004
secured with Toeboard Clips to
complete the edge protection.
6.2. Drophead Position
Engage an Airodek Drophead
Handrail Post with the
drophead. Complete the edge
protection as described in 6.1.
Where 3m deck beams are
present use 3150mm
Ultraguard Barriers to form the Airodek HD Guard Rail
Adaptor Code ADX20018
edge protection.
6.3. HD Crown Position
Engage an Airodek HD
Handrail Post with the HD
Crown. Complete the edge
protection as described in 6.1.
Where 3m deck beams are
present, use 3150mm
Ultraguard Barriers.

Issue M Further info: +44 (0) 1922 743743 Sheet 6 of 9

The information contained within these data sheets remain the property of RMD Kwikform and is not to be altered or reproduced without permission.
13/03/14 RMD Kwikform reserves the right to change any specification without giving prior notice
It is the customers responsibility to incorporate this generic information into a document specific to the site conditions
Equipment Guidance Note UIX10205
Airodek Decking System

7.0 Wind Precautions

Airodek panels are lightweight. Controlling the accidental
movement of large area, lightweight materials on a windy
day on site will always be an issue and Airodek panels are
no exception. Between uses in windy conditions, panels
should not be left loose on the slab or leaning against
columns or falsework but should be stacked in Airodek
panel stillages which more effectively contain the panels
and can be readily handled using a pallet truck thus easing
the transport of materials between levels.
Erected panels are vulnerable to uplift in high winds.
Connect equipment together in accordance with 7.1 and
7.2 through each use. If the deck is to be left unloaded
during wind conditions above the maximum working wind
speed of 18m/s then connect the structure to the slab in
accordance with 7.3.
7.1. Securing Panels to Deck Beams
Use Airodek Panel Beam Clips (ADX20030) passed
through the rectangular holes on the panel ends as shown
in the upper picture.
On edge beams if the outer half of the clip fouls a timber
infill the unit can be snapped in half on site at the central
weakening hole to make two ‘half clips’ both of which can
be used. The corners of half clips can have sharp edges.
Take appropriate care or round the corners before use.
7.2. Securing Deck Beams to Legs
Lift and rotate the Collar on the Drophead so that the two
lugs sit above and in line with the Decking Beam. (lower picture)
7.3. Securing Legs to the Supporting Slab
Where the perimeter of the falsework is to be left exposed during wind conditions above
the maximum working wind speed of 18m/s, use one M12x75 Excalibur Screwbolt
(FAU10056) per leg installed through one base plate hole to every leg on the entire
falsework perimeter and to any interim internal perimeter resulting from the falsework
being only part erected at the end of a working period.

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The information contained within these data sheets remain the property of RMD Kwikform and is not to be altered or reproduced without permission.
13/03/14 RMD Kwikform reserves the right to change any specification without giving prior notice
It is the customers responsibility to incorporate this generic information into a document specific to the site conditions
Equipment Guidance Note UIX10205
Airodek Decking System

8.0 Checks and Loading

Ensure that bins or stillages loaded out onto the Airodek soffit are not stacked and that the
weight of materials in each container does not exceed 1000kg spread evenly over the four
feet of the unit. Timber bites supporting bundled reinforcement should be placed such that
each bite attracts a maximum weight of 250kg.
Check the level of the soffit. It may be appropriate to set the soffit high to allow for panel
and deck beam deflection and elastic shortening of the support system. If there are no
details indicated on the RMDK drawing contact the RMDK Technical Office who will advise
you accordingly.
Fix the reinforcement together with any embedments. Place edge formwork and stop-ends
and blow out to remove debris.
Prior to placement of concrete, check the system to ensure that all connections are sound
and that required bracing is installed. Consult the drawings for any specific requirements
for placement of concrete and any restrictions to loading. Issue Permit to Load.
Place the concrete ensuring that heaping is avoided throughout.

9.0 Striking and Dismantling

After appropriate curing periods fit the slab-edge mounted perimeter edge protection and
strike and dismantle equipment in the following sequence
9.1. Perimeter Preparation
Preparation of the falsework perimeter for retraction into the building requires the use of
appropriate fall arrest equipment.
With the falsework still loaded remove the falsework-mounted perimeter edge protection
and the deck beam guardrail sockets and recover to the slab area
Using the panel handling hooks and clamps remove the soffit panels outside the perimeter
columns (see 5.6) and recover in the same manner
9.2. Internal Areas
Raise and lay back the safety latches on the dropheads. Strike the drop plates and drive
them to their central position to effect removal of the load from the panels and deck
beams, which will drop 70mm.
During this operation ensure that hands are kept clear of the drophead and keep heads
clear of the 70mm drop zone.
Remove the Airodek Panels and the drop beams in the reverse sequence to erection.
Take care not to let one end of the decking beams freefall, damage to the claw on the
remote end drophead (crown) will result. Stack and remove from the work area to the next
Remove the soffit infill areas with the progress of the work.

Issue M Further info: +44 (0) 1922 743743 Sheet 8 of 9

The information contained within these data sheets remain the property of RMD Kwikform and is not to be altered or reproduced without permission.
13/03/14 RMD Kwikform reserves the right to change any specification without giving prior notice
It is the customers responsibility to incorporate this generic information into a document specific to the site conditions
Equipment Guidance Note UIX10205
Airodek Decking System

9.3. Perimeter Tables

If undisturbed support is required to the slab area supported by the perimeter tables, leave
the tables undisturbed for the appropriate duration. It may be possible to add props
beneath the plywood of Airodek panels that lie between the tables before unloading them
in order to provide semi-undisturbed support thus enabling earlier removal of the perimeter
Release the jacks in the outer line of legs and lower by approximately 10mm. Activate the
drop head on the inner line of legs to lower the soffit 70mm. Lower the jacks on the outside
line of legs further to provide adequate soffit clearance.
Mount the perimeter tables on the appropriate trolleys/castors/wheel units and retract the
unit into the building. Dismantle in the reverse sequence to assembly
9.4. Backpropping
In the case where the suspended slabs in multi-storey
construction are all of the same thickness being 350mm or
less the equipment may be left in the undisturbed
condition as backpropping.
When the slabs are thicker than 350mm or vary in
thickness from level to level and for the level of
support immediately above a ground bearing slab
strike the load from the system and allow the
supported slab to deflect under its own weight before
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that loads can
be adequately transferred by the cast slabs into the
backpropping and onward into the permanent works
without detriment.
9.5. Support System
Release the load from the support system and dismantle in the reverse sequence to
assembly. Ensure that the sequence of unloading is controlled so as to avoid overloading
support equipment in areas yet to be unloaded.

10.0 Return of Equipment

Lower the equipment from the structure. Bombing of equipment causes damage and is
illegal. Clean and stack the dismantled components neatly in the appropriate containers or
stillages. Oil the ply surface if appropriate.

Issue M Further info: +44 (0) 1922 743743 Sheet 9 of 9

The information contained within these data sheets remain the property of RMD Kwikform and is not to be altered or reproduced without permission.
13/03/14 RMD Kwikform reserves the right to change any specification without giving prior notice
It is the customers responsibility to incorporate this generic information into a document specific to the site conditions

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