(R, θ, z) Φ = Φ (R, z) : spheroidal ellipsoidal
(R, θ, z) Φ = Φ (R, z) : spheroidal ellipsoidal
(R, θ, z) Φ = Φ (R, z) : spheroidal ellipsoidal
2 ∂Φ
R̈ −
R θ̇ = − ∂R
R2 θ̇ = 0
z̈ = − ∂Φ
R̈ = − ∂Φ
z̈ = − ∂Φ
with Φeff (R, z) = Φ(R, z) + z
the effective potential. The
L2z /R2 -term serves as a centrifugal barrier, only allowing orbits with
Lz = 0 near the symmetry-axis.
This allows us to reduce the 3D motion to 2D motion in Meridional Plane
(R, z), which rotates non-uniformly around the symmetry axis according to
θ̇ = Lz /R2 .
In addition to simplifying the problem, it also allows the use of
surfaces-of-section to investigate the orbital properties.
For the energy we can write
h i
1 2 2 2 1 2 2
E= 2
Ṙ + (Rθ̇) + ż +Φ= 2
Ṙ + ż + Φeff
so that the orbit is restricted to the area in the meridional plane satisfying
E ≥ Φeff . The curve bounding this area is called the zero-velocity curve
(ZVC) (since for a point on it ~v = 0).
Epicycle Approximation I
We have defined the effective potential Φeff = Φ + z
. This has a
minimum at (R, z) = (Rg , 0), where
∂Φeff ∂Φ L2
= ∂R
− z
The radius R = Rg corresponds to the radius of a circular orbit with energy
1 2 L2
E = Φ(Rg , 0) + v
2 c
= Φ(Rg , 0) + z
= Φeff .
∂Φeff ∂ Φeff ∂ Φeff
Φx = ∂x (Rg ,0)
Φxx = ∂x2
Φxy = ∂x∂y
(Rg ,0) (Rg ,0)
κ2 ≡ Φxx ν 2 ≡ Φyy
we thus have that, in the epicycle approximation,
ẍ = −κ2 x ÿ = −ν 2 y
Thus, the x- and y -motions are simple harmonic oscillations with the
epicycle frequency κ and the vertical frequency ν .
In addition, we have the circular frequency
vc (R) 1 ∂Φ
Ω(R) = R
= R ∂R (R,0)
= R2
R(t) = A cos(κt + a) + Rg
z(t) = B cos(νt + b)
2Ω A
φ(t) = Ωg t + φ0 − κRgg sin(κt + a)
Note that there are three frequencies (Ω, κ, ν) and also three isolating
integrals of motion in involution: (ER , Ez , Lz ) with ER = 1
(ẋ 2
+ κ 2 2
x )
and Ez = 1 2
(ż 2
+ ν 2 2
z ) . all orbits are regular.
The motion in (R, φ) can be described as retrogate motion on an ellipse (the
epicycle), whose guiding center (or epicenter) is in prograde motion around
the center of the system.
Epicycle Approximation IV
An important question is: “When is the epicycle approximation valid?”
First consider the z -motion: The equation of motion, z̈ = −ν 2 z implies a
constant density in the z -direction. Hence, the epicycle approximation is
valid as long as ρ(z) is roughly constant. This is only approximately true
very close to equatorial plane. In general, however, epicycle approx. is poor
for motion in z -direction.
In the radial direction, we have to realize that the Taylor expansion is only
accurate sufficiently close to R = Rg . Hence, the epicycle approximation is
only valid for small librations around the guiding center; i.e., for orbits with
an angular momentum that is close to that of the corresponding circular
Epicyclic Motion
Orbits in Axisymmetric Potentials III
thin tube
parent ZVC
The orbit shown on the previous page is a so-called short-axis tube orbit.
This is the main orbit family in oblate potentials, and is associated with
(parented by) the circular orbits in equatorial plane.
Orbits (c), (e) and (f) above are from the same orbit family. Orbits (a), (b) and
(d) are special in that Lz = 0.
Orbits in Axisymmetric Potentials V
Because of the centrifugal barrier only orbits with Lz = 0 will be able to
come arbitrarily close to the center.
However, not all orbits with Lz = 0 are box orbits. There is another family of
zero-angular momentum orbits, namely the two-dimensional loop orbits (e.g.,
orbit (d) on previous page). Their meriodional plane is stationary (i.e., θ̇ = 0)
and their angular momentum vector is perpendicular to the z -axis. Hence,
I3 = L; note that [L, Lz ] = 0.
Numerous authors have investigated orbits in axisymmetric potentials using
numerical techniques. The main conclusions are:
• Most orbits in axisymmetric potentials designed to model elliptical
galaxies are regular and appear to respect an effective third integral I3 .
• The principal orbit family in oblate potentials is the short-axis tube family,
while two families of inner and outer long-axis tube orbits dominate in
prolate potentials.
• In scale-free or cusped potentials several minor orbits families become
important. These are the (boxlets) associated with resonant parents.
• The fraction of phase-space occupied by stochastic, irregular orbits is
generally (surprisingly) small.
Orbits in Triaxial Potentials I
Consider a triaxial density distribution with the major, intermediate, and
minor axes aligned with the x, y , and z axes, respectively.
In general, triaxial galaxies have four main orbit families: box orbits, and
three tube orbits: short axis tubes, inner long-axis tubes, and outer long-axis
Orbit structure different in cusp, core, main body, and outer part (halo).
In central core, potential is harmonic, and motion is that of a 3D harmonic
oscillator. . all orbits are box orbits, parented by stable long-axial orbit
Outside of core region, frequencies become strongly radius (energy)
dependent. There comes an energy where ωx = ωy . At this
1 : 1-resonance the y -axial orbit becomes unstable and bifurcates into
short-axis tube family (two subfamilies with opposite sense of rotation).
At even higher E the ωy : ωz = 1 : 1 resonance makes z -axial orbit
unstable → inner and outer long-axis tube families (each with two
subfamilies with opposite sense of rotation).
At even larger radii (in ‘halo’ of triaxial system) the x-axial orbit becomes
unstable . box orbits are replaced by boxlets and stochastic orbits. The
three families of tube orbits are also present
Orbits in Triaxial Potentials II
box orbit short−axis tube orbit
In triaxial Stäckel potentials all three integrals (E, I2 , I3 ) are analytical, and
the orbits are confined by contours of constant ellipsoidal coordinates (see
next page).
Although Stäckel are a very special class, the fact that they are separable
makes them ideally suited to get insight. Most triaxial potentials that do not
have a Stäckel form have orbital structures that are similar to that of Stäckel
Stäckel Potentials III
box orbits
B = box orbits
S = short-axis tubes
I = inner long-axis tubes
O = outer long-axis tubes
Libration versus Rotation
Three-dimensional orbits
All tube orbits are build up from 2 librations and 1 rotation.
All box orbits are build up from 3 librations.
All boxlets are build up from 2 librations and 1 rotation.
Two-dimensional orbits
All loop orbits are build up from 1 libration and 1 rotation.
All box orbits are build up from 2 librations.
All boxlets are build up from 2 librations.
Rotating Potentials I
The figures of non-axisymmetric potentials may rotate with respect to inertial
The example of interest for astronomy are barred potentials, which are
rotating with a certain pattern speed.
~ p = Ωp ~
We express the pattern speed in angular velocity Ω ez
In what follows we denote by d~
a/dt the rate of change of a vector ~
a as
measured by an inertial observer, and by ~a˙ the rate of change as measured
by an observer corotating with the figure.
It is straightforward to show that
a˙ + Ω
=~ ~p ×~
r˙ 2 + Φ(~
EJ ≡ 12 ~ ~p ×~
r ) − 12 |Ω r |2
Rotating Potentials III
The importance of EJ becomes apparent from the following:
r˙ dt
= ~ d
r˙ +
~ dΦ
− ( ~p ×~
Ω r ) · d ~
(Ω p × ~ r)
h i
r˙ ~
= ~ r¨ + (Ω~p ×~ r˙ ) + ∇Φ~ ·~ r˙ − (Ω ~p ×~ r˙ )
~p ×~
r ) · (Ω
r˙ · ~
= ~ r¨ + ~
r˙ · ∇Φ
~ − (Ω ~p ×~
r ) · (Ω~p ×~ r˙ )
~ · (A
Here we have used that A ~ × B) ~ p /dt = 0. If we
~ = 0 and that dΩ
r˙ we obtain that
multiply the equation of motion with ~
h i
r˙ · ~
~ r¨ + ~
r˙ · ∇Φ r˙ · (Ω
~ + 2~ ~p ×~ r˙ ) + ~
r˙ · Ω ~p ×~
~ p × (Ω r) = 0
r˙ · ~
⇔ ~ r¨ + ~
r˙ · ∇Φ
~ + (Ω
~p ×~ r˙ × Ω
r ) · (~ ~ p) = 0
~ · (B
Where we have used that A ~ × C)
~ =C
~ · (A
~ × B)
~ . Since
A ~ = −B
~ ×A
~ we have that
The Jacobi Integral is a conserved quantity, i.e. an integral of motion.
Rotating Potentials IV
For comparison, since Φ = Φ(t) the Hamiltonian is explictely
time-dependent; consequently, the total energy E is not a conserved
quantity (i.e., is not an integral of motion).
The angular momentum is given by
~ =~
L r× d~
=~ r˙ + ~
r×~ ~p ×~
r × (Ω r)
This allows us to write
h i
Ω ~ = Ω
~p ·L ~ p · (~
r×~r˙ ) + Ω
~p · ~
r × (Ω~p ×~
r˙ · (Ω
= ~ ~p ×~ ~p ×~
r ) + |Ω r |2
from which we obtain that
~p ·L
EJ = E − Ω ~
Note that EJ is the sum of 1 ˙ 2 + Φ, which would be the energy if the frame
were not rotating, and the quantity − 1 | ~p ×~
Ω r | 2
= − 1 2 2
Ω R , which can
2 2 p
be thought of as the potential energy corresponding to the centrifugal force.
Rotating Potentials V
If we now define the effective potential
Φeff = Φ − 12 Ω2p R2
r¨ = −∇Φ
~ r˙ )
~b ×~
~ eff − 2(Ω
Lagrange Points
Illustration of Lagrange points (L1 to L5 ) in logarithmic potential. The
annulus bounded by circles through L1 , L2 and L3 , L4 (depicted as red
Lindblad Resonances I
Let (R, θ) be the polar coordinates that are corotating with the planar
potential Φ(R, θ). If the non-axisymmetric distortions of the potential,
which has a pattern speed Ωp , is sufficiently small then we may write
Φ(R, θ) = Φ0 (R) + Φ1 (R, θ) |Φ1 /Φ0 | 1
It is useful to consider the following form for Φ1
Φ1 (R, θ) = Φp (R) cos(mθ)
where m = 2 corresponds to a (weak) bar.
In the epicycle approximation the motion in Φ0 (R) is that of an epicycle,
with frequency κ(R), around a guiding center which rotates with frequency
1 dΦ0
Ω(R) = R dR
Lindblad Resonances play important role for orbits in barred potentials.
Lindblad Resonances IV
As an example, we discus the orbital families in a planar, rotating,
logarithmic potential