01-07-2022grade 8B FA 1 Circular Circular 10 01.07.2022

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9th mile, Hessarghatta main road, Bonemill, Bengaluru – 560073

Dear Parents, Cir 10/2022-2023
Kindly make a note of the dates and pointers of Formative Assessment I for Grade 8B.
Subjects Assessment tools Date of submission/ Date of
English Unit test 12.07.2022
Honeydew: Unit 1; It So Happened: Lessons 1
and 2.
Submission 15.07.2022
CW: Honeydew: Unit 1; It So Happened:
lessons 1 and 2;
HW: Descriptive writing, diary entry and
story writing of Unit 1; WS 1
Subject enrichment activity: Listening 08.07.2022
Kannada II language Unit test 13.07.2022
Lesson - 1 Maggada sahebha, Poem - 1
Kannadigara thayi , Varnamale ,
Submission 15.07.2022
CW - Maggada sahebha,
Worksheets - 1 and 2
Subject enrichment activity: OTBA -Unseen 12.07.2022
Kannada III language Unit test 12.07.2022
Poem1-Kamana billu kamanu kattide ,Poem
2-Kannadada kahale molagali
Submission 15.07.2022
Poem1-Kamana billu kamanu kattide ,
Poem 2-Kannadada kahale molagali(CW,HW)
Subject enrichment activity: 07.07.2022
Show and tell about Kannada poet
Material required: Photograph of a Kannada
Hindi II language Unit test 13.07.2022
Vasant bhag 3 - Poem-1 -Dhvani ,Visheshan,
Submission 15.07.2022
Poem-1 -Dhvani CW,HW
Subject enrichment activity: 12.07.2022
OTBA - Unseen passage
Hindi III language Unit test 12.07.2022
Poem- 1- Andhakar ki nahi chalegi
Submission 15.07.2022
Poem-1 CW ,HW ,WS
Subject enrichment activity: 07.07.2022
OTBA - Unseen passage
Sanskrit II language Unit test 13.07.2022
Lesson1- Subhashitani,
Submission 15.07.2022
Lesson1- Subhashitani,Uchharanstanani
Subject enrichment activity: 05.07.2022
Lesson 1-Subhashitani Shloka chanting
Sanskrit III language Unit test 12.07.2022
Lesson1 Ashtami kaksha and Dhaturupani
Submission 15.07.2022
Lesson1 Ashtami kaksha and Dhaturupani
Subject enrichment activity: 06.07.2022
Pick and Speak-Dhaturupani,Aatmaparichaya.
French III language Unit test 12.07.2022
Unseen passage- True/ False
Demonstrative adjectives
Verbs of the 1st group (Present tense)
Verbs of the 2nd group (Present tense)
Match the preposition of time and place
Ordinal numbers 1 to 20
Culture of France
Submission 15.07.2022
Unseen passage- True/ False
Demonstrative adjectives
Verbs of the 1st group (Present tense)
Verbs of the 2nd group (Present tense)
Match the preposition of time and place
Ordinal numbers 1 to 20
Culture of France
Subject enrichment activity 11.07.2022
Chart making on monuments, cuisine,
designers of France
Materials required: A4 sheets, pictures, sketch
pens,glue stick
SSt Unit test 14.07.2022
Geo- Chapter 1-Resources
Chapter 2- Land,Soil,Water,Natural
Vegetation and Wildlife resources
Submission 15.07.2022
CW,HW,Text book-
Resources; Land,Soil,Water,Natural
Vegetation and Wildlife
Subject enrichment activity: 04.07.2022
Just a minute
Topic :Resources; Land,Soil,Water,
Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
Maths Unit test 14.07.2022
Chapter 2- Linear equation with one variable
Submission 15.07.2022
Chapter-1 Rational numbers
Chapter 2-Linear equations with one
variable[CW and HW]
Subject enrichment activity: 08.07.2022
Quadrilateral tree
Science Unit test 13.07.2022
Phy- Force and pressure
Chem- Synthetic fibres and plastics Unit test question paper shall be
a combination of physics,
Bio-Crop production and management
chemistry and biology for a total
of 20 marks
Submission 15.07.2022
Chapter 11 - Force and pressure CW,HW,WS.
Chem- Synthetic fibres and plastics CW,WS-1
Bio-Crop production and management

Subject enrichment activity: Physics – 05.07.2022

Phy-Debate on friction- "boon or bane"
Che -Album making on various fibres Chemistry – 06.07.2022
Materials required: Photographs of different
fibres along with the samples of fibres .
Biology -07.07.2022
Decorative items for the front page and
Bio - Pick and speak -Crop production and
➢ All these assessments shall be done during the regular classes only.
➢ Attendance mandatory for all the assessments.
➢ No change in the assessment schedule shall be entertained for any reasons.
➢ Assessments shall not be re conducted in case of absence due to any reasons.
➢ These assessments shall be Graded.
➢ Assessments of Computers shall be held on a later date and the details of the same shall be
➢ Unit test weightage shall be 20 marks.

Dr Deepti Chaturvedi
Principal 01.07.2022

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