Weightlifting Movements: Do The Benefits Outweigh The Risks?
Weightlifting Movements: Do The Benefits Outweigh The Risks?
Weightlifting Movements: Do The Benefits Outweigh The Risks?
SUMMARY weightlifting can provide athletes and because greater levels of power output
then review the literature for the occur in weightlifting than powerlift-
safety/injury rates associated with ing. During the relatively slow move-
weightlifting to aid coaches in deter- ment speeds that occur in powerlifting,
THE READER HAS A CLEAR IDEA mining the best use of the weightlifting approximately 12 watts per kilogram of
OF THE ACTIVITY. WE INCLUDE A movements in program design. body weight is produced in male
DETAILED LOOK OF THE athletes. In contrast, the second pull
BE DERIVED FROM INCLUDING Weightlifting is a sport in which ath- may generate 4 times as much power,
WEIGHTLIFTING MOVEMENTS IN letes attempt to lift as much weight as averaging 52 watts per kilogram for
THE TRAINING PROGRAMS OF possible in the snatch and clean and male athletes (13).
ATHLETES FROM A VARIETY OF jerk (5, 19, 32). The snatch and clean
and jerk (and their related training exer- Further, on the basis of information
cises) are explosive exercises. It is from Garhammer (13), power output
THE LITERATURE EVALUATING THE diminishes in both weightlifting and
INJURY RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH important for strength and conditioning
professionals to differentiate between powerlifting as the weight increases
PERFORMANCE OF THE WEIGHT- toward 100% of 1 repetition (1RM).
LIFTING MOVEMENTS IS PRE- the terms weightlifting (describing the
sport and the associated movements) This effect is more significant in
SENTED. THE GOAL IS TO PROVIDE powerlifting because of the biome-
and weight or resistance training
STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING chanics of the lifts. For example, power
which, in general, can be thought of
COACHES WITH RELEVANT IN- output can be twice as great for a 90%
as any form of exercise against
resistance. The term ‘‘Olympic lifting.’’ effort as compared with a 100% effort
although common, is incorrect except in the powerlifting movements. This is
REGARDING INCLUSION OF THE for elite athletes who are competing in the result of the dramatic increase in
WEIGHTLIFTING MOVEMENTS IN weightlifting at the Olympic Games. time it takes to complete the move-
THE TRAINING PROGRAMS OF The term weightlifter is reserved for ment as the resistance increases in the
THEIR ATHLETES. individuals training and competing in bench, squat, and deadlift (13). Power-
the sport of weightlifting (25). lifters require maximal force produc-
tion at slow velocities. Although the
INTRODUCTION COMPARING WEIGHTLIFTING AND initiation of the movement during
he inclusion of the weightlifting powerlifting is explosive, the ensuing
movements and associated TO ATHLETICS movement is at a slow velocity because
training exercises has become There are 2 primary forms of compet- of the high loads and the biomechanics
an area of emphasis in the training itive lifting, weightlifting and power- of the lifts. As a result, weightlifters
programs of athletes from a variety of lifting. As mentioned, weightlifting generate greater power and move at
sports. However, despite the increase consists of the snatch and clean and
in the use of the weightlifting move- jerk whereas powerlifting includes the
ments, questions persist in regard to squat, deadlift, and bench press. In both
both the effectiveness and safety of this forms of competitive lifting, the goal is improving sports skills; power; power-
form of training. The purpose of this to lift as much weight as possible. The lifting; risk of injury in weightlifting;
article is to examine the benefits that term powerlifting is a misnomer weightlifting
Copyright © N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
26 VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2008 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
faster velocities than powerlifters across power or high velocity training appears movements and that the requirements
a load spectrum (5,10). to emphasize greater improvements of for strength, power, and force devel-
Developing and assessing maximum force at the high velocity end of the opment during performance of the
strength has received a great deal of spectrum (18). Some evidence exists weightlifting movements are similar
that suggests if the exercise is per- to many movements found in sport.
attention, however, maximal strength is
formed with the intent to accelerate Further, despite the fact that the
required in only a few athletic activities
the resistance as quickly as possible, weightlifting movements require more
such as powerlifting. Most sports require
even if the actual movement speed is time for learning than do more tradi-
strength at faster velocities (2,18). Many
slow, that increases in high speed tional exercises, the short-term training
strength and conditioning coaches be-
strength (power) will occur (22). effects of the weightlifting movements
lieve that, as slow velocity strength seem to be more beneficial for improv-
increases, power output and dynamic For example, squat training with heavy
resistances (70–120% of 1RM) has ing performance (34). The greater skill
performance will also improve; how- complexity required for the weightlift-
ever, evidence to support this is lacking. been shown to improve maximum iso-
metric strength (26). Although some ing exercises facilitates the development
To maximally improve power, both the exercises (i.e., jumping) always require of a broader physical abilities spectrum,
force and velocity components must be one to develop force rapidly, other exer- which seems to be better transferred to
trained (2,17,18,26). A program com- cises (i.e., squats) can also be performed performance (4,5,11,13,19,20,30,34).
bining high force and high velocity so that force is rapidly developed (26). Few studies have investigated the effects
training results in greater improve- In contrast, activities that require the of weightlifting as compared with
ments in the generation of force at athlete to attempt to develop force other types of resistance training on
high velocities. This combination of rapidly, such as explosive jump training improving athletic performance
high force and high power training with resistances of 30–60% of 1RM, (13,18,24). However, there is no reason
appears to result in adaptation occur- increase the athlete’s ability to develop to believe that the benefits derived
ring during the most critical portion of force rapidly (26). More specifically, from weightlifting would not transfer
the force–velocity curve and thus has explosive resistance training increases positively to improving performance in
a greater impact on improving athletic the slope of the early portion of the a variety of sports (5,21,26,34). This
performance (26). As movement speed force time curve, or the maximum transfer to improving performance
increases, less force production is pos- power. Although heavy resistance would be strongest in sports that
sible (16). However, with high force training increases maximum strength, involve movements similar to those
and high power training (as occurs in this type of training does not appre- used performing the weightlifting move-
weightlifting), the ability to generate ciably improve power performance, ments (e.g., generating force against
force at high velocities is enhanced, especially in athletes who have devel- the ground as when running and triple
increasing power capability (9,26), oped a strength training base (i.e., more extension of the ankles, knees and hips
which is advantageous in terms of than 6 months of strength training). as when jumping) and less effective in
improving athletic performance. This occurs because movement time sports with less biomechanical similar-
As a result, it may be advantageous to during explosive activities is typically ity to the weightlifting movements
develop resistance–training programs less than 300 ms and most of the force (e.g., open water swimming).
that increase both strength and power increases cannot be realized during
(19). However, dispute continues as to such a brief period (26).
Defining power is an important con-
what combination of loading, move- sideration because, for most athletes,
ment velocities, power outputs, and SPORTS SKILLS optimal sports performance is based
exercises should be included in resis- Although empirical evidence suggests upon the ability to develop power (14).
tance training programs to optimize that there is a relationship between the Power has been defined as the amount
the development of muscle power and weightlifting movements and improv- of work produced per unit of time
physical performance (22). ing athletic performance (5,30) limited (9,16,26). In most sports, power is more
According to Hoffman et al. (18), stud- studies have evaluated the relationship important than force production for
ies have reported that combining high of performing the weightlifting move- enhancing performance (5,25). The
force and high velocity may be more ments and improved performance in specific combination of strength,
effective than training programs that activities such as sprinting, stopping, speed, and power required for optimal
emphasize high force or high velocity changing direction, and throwing performance capabilities varies by
training (18). Training programs (17,19). It is believed by many that sport. Training to recruit a maximum
emphasizing high-force, slow velocity performance of the weightlifting move- number of motor units in the most
training (i.e., powerlifting) appear to ments is similar to the joint/muscular efficient use of time requires the use of
improve force at the high force end of recruitment patterns that occur during multiple joint multiple muscle group
the force–velocity curve, whereas high the performance of many athletic exercises (14). It is believed by many
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Weightlifting Movements
that weightlifting movements best This method allows for the use of both performance of both the snatch and
meet these requirements and that the heavy loads and high velocities simul- clean (11). It is this phase of the lift
complex nature of the weightlifting taneously, thus producing high power (occurring immediately after the first
movements aids in the development of outputs (24,34). pull in both the snatch and clean and
a wide range of physical skills that The classic weightlifting movements commonly known as the second knee
transfer to enhanced performance bend) that needs to be developed in
(snatch, clean and jerk) and related
(4,5,19,20,30,34). athletes for maximal benefits of the
training exercises (hang pulls, hang
POWER DEVELOPMENT weightlifting movements to transfer to
cleans, power snatch, power clean,
Performing weightlifting movements sports performance (32). This is impor-
push press, power jerk) have been
has become quite common, especially tant because, according to Stone et al.
suggested as being of value for devel-
among athletes involved in power (32), most critical aspects of sports
oping power (13,21). This is likely
events (e.g., football, volleyball, throw- performance occur in very short time-
because during execution of the
ing events in track). This popularity is frames (,250 milliseconds). If athletes
weightlifting movements, despite the
based partly on the fact that weightlift- can develop the ability to produce
significant resistance used, the intent is
ing does improve power capability and greater forces within this time frame,
always to move the load as quickly as then greater acceleration and, thus,
partly on the opinion of many authors possible. This emphasis on speed of
(5,19,20,32). Competitive weightlifters greater velocities, can occur.
movement may stimulate greater mo-
are perhaps the most powerful of all tor unit synchronization and increase ADDITIONAL BENEFITS OF THE
athletes. Indeed, it could be said that power generation capabilities (14,31). WEIGHTLIFTING MOVEMENTS FOR
weightlifting is one of the best exam- Training programs that emphasize ATHLETES
ples of athletic power (32). For exam- As has been established, power devel-
high velocity training, such as those
ple, in the second pull of the clean and opment capabilities may be the primary
found in the sport of weightlifting, are
the snatch (which is where the greatest physiological factor in determining
believed to be superior for bringing
power development occurs) (6), power successful performance for many ath-
about increases in power output and
output is notably greater than what letes, and the performance of the
speed (34). This is based on the high
occurs in the squat, bench, or deadlift weightlifting movements result in high
levels of force development and im-
(13,14,18,20,27). Because of the impor- power outputs. However, there are
proved contractile speed associated
tance of power in many sports, the additional potential benefits resulting
with high force, high velocity resis-
ability to generate power can be used from performance of the weightlifting
tance training. The greatest advantage
as a measure of performance (12). movements that are of potential benefit
occurs in sports that require explosive
In contrast to weightlifting, powerlift- dynamic movements (5,14,19,20,34). to athletes, as discussed to follow.
ing training programs emphasize ex-
ercises that require high force and low High velocity training combined with BIOMECHANICAL BENEFITS
velocity movements. This method of plyometric training may be advanta- An examination of movements com-
training is thought to be most benefi- geous (9,28,34). According to Harris monly found in many sports indicates
cial in developing muscle strength. The et al. (17), it better develops the elastic that the majority of exercises compris-
rationale for athletes performing slow properties within the muscle as com- ing the training program for athletes
velocity, heavy resistance training typ- pared with slow speed training. As should be closed kinetic chain move-
ically is based on the fact that all a result, training programs for athletes ments because most sports involve
explosive movements start from zero should include both plyometric drills closed kinetic chain actions (1).
or from slow velocities, and it is at and resistance training exercises that Further, these exercises should result in
these phases of the movement that involve stretch–shortening movements the generation of high power outputs
slow velocity strength can contribute (where a concentric muscle action in the large muscle groups (especially
to power development as the body immediately follows an eccentric mus- around the legs, hips, and trunk) in
attempts to overcome the inertia of the cle action) (28) emphasizing quick a brief period of time. Performance of
mass being acted upon it (2,9,26). amortization phases. Shortening the the weightlifting movements specifi-
amortization phase (the time between cally meets both of these requirements.
In contrast to training for powerlifting,
the rapid deceleration of the body
or in programs in which a powerlifting Another biomechanical benefit of the
followed almost immediately by rapid
approach to training is used, weightlift- weightlifting movements is the rapid
ing emphasizes exercises that combine acceleration of the body in the oppo- acceleration of the resistance that
both high force (i.e., squats) and high site direction) is trainable when correct occurs with no intention to decelerate
velocity (i.e., cleans) movements and, coaching and training methods are the resistance at the end of the range of
according to Hoffman et al. (18), this implemented. motion (9,20). In weightlifting, there is
approach is likely better suited for This stretch–shortening cycle can be no need to limit the upward movement
developing strength, power, and speed. observed in experienced lifters during speed to decelerate the barbell because
Copyright © N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
this slowing occurs naturally as a result similarity to movements that occur in with the weightlifting movements (26).
of gravity. Although gravity is always the sport being trained for in terms of Further, depending on the sport, it may
acting on mass, regardless of velocity, both muscle actions and contractile also be appropriate to include specific
the difference is that, unlike what forces. injury-prevention exercises if the vul-
occurs in weightlifting, in other types The musculature involved when perfor- nerable joints are not effectively trained
of strength training, slowing the imple- with the weightlifting movements (e.g.,
ming the weightlifting movements (i.e.,
ment must occur because the athlete is strengthening the hip flexors for sprint-
dorsiflexion of the ankle, extension at
required to decelerate the load at the ing) (27).
the knee and hip) are the extensors of
end of the range of motion (2,19). If this
the hip and knee and the plantar flexors NEUROMUSCULAR BENEFITS
slowing does not occur, the weight has
at the ankle (5,19). The movement pat- One important aspect related to use of
to be released from the hands or injury
tern that occurs in weightlifting is bio- the weightlifting exercises is that this
may occur because of the stresses on
mechanically very similar to movements type of training may assist with
the musculoskeletal system. For exam-
found in a variety of sports (4,5,19). neuromuscular adaptations, which po-
ple, when performing a bench press,
the athlete must decelerate the bar as This requirement to push aggressively tentially can result in improved sports
he or she nears the lock out position so against the ground when performing performance (14). Because the weight-
as to not injure the elbows and the weightlifting movements is evident lifting movements involve multiple
shoulders. Further, as the speed of in the strong biomechanical relation- joints and multiple muscle groups,
movement increases the deceleration ship that has been shown between these total body movements require
phase must be initiated earlier and performance of the weightlifting move- intra/inter sequential muscle co-
earlier in the range of motion. ments and vertical jump (4,12,19). It ordination which has a positive effect
has been reported that performing the on neural efficiency and balance (4,12–
Again, this need to decelerate the bar 14,26,33) (Figure 1). As with other
does not exist in the sport of weightlift- weightlifting movements improves ver-
tical jump performance significantly. sports that have a technical compo-
ing because this is achieved by the nent, training in weightlifting is asso-
influence of gravity. Athletes never For example, Carlock et al. (3) showed
a strong correlation (r = 0.98) between ciated with improvements in motor
intentionally decelerate the upward control. The most noticeable changes
movement in weightlifting exercises weightlifting performance and coun-
termovement jump performance. Al- in motor control are an improved
until extension is complete. Thus, coordination of the activation of mus-
weightlifting exercises, from a biome- though these studies are not definitive,
they suggest that weightlifting exer- cle groups and motor units. Regarding
chanical evaluation, are an excellent motor unit activation, weightlifters are
method to train high-load speed cises are effective for improving jump
better able to activate more fast twitch
strength. In contrast, other types of performance. This assertion is supported
fibers than nonweightlifters during
strength training movements intrinsi- by the fact weightlifters are consistently
submaximal muscle contractions (10).
cally contain deceleration movements. shown to be among the most powerful
of athletes when measured by vertical FIBER ADAPTATION
An additional benefit of the weightlift-
jump performance (3,26). Athletes in strength or power sports
ing movements is the relationship
between the weightlifting movements Simply increasing maximal strength in (i.e., football, volleyball, basketball,
and performance in explosive sports untrained individuals will increase throwing or sprint events in track)
(4,5). Canavan et al. (4) note that vertical jump height. However, in possess greater percentage of fast-
empirical observations suggest there strength-trained individuals, training twitch fibers than do athletes in
is a strong relationship between the only for maximal strength will not endurance sports (10). Although ge-
weightlifting movements and athletic improve vertical jump performance (5), netic factors contribute greatly to fiber
performance, and Chiu and Schilling which suggests that power training is type characteristics, nongenetic factors,
(5) point to the similar mechanical most important for jump performance such as neural and endocrine environ-
structure between weightlifting move- in trained individuals. Thus, although ments and functional demands, also
ments and explosive sports. Although heavy strength training is necessary for can influence muscle morphology and
some contend there is no benefit to optimal performance adaptations, this physiology (10). Skeletal muscle is
include sport-specific exercises because training should be performed in an quite elastic and possesses the ability
exercises cannot replicate sport move- explosive manner, as occurs in weight- to adapt to functional demands.
ments, the most common method used lifting (5). In power sports involving It is probable that different training pro-
in selecting exercises included in the rotation, lateral and unilateral move- grams used by various strength/power
strength/power training programs of ment exercises that replicate these athletes (i.e., bodybuilding, powerlift-
athletes is based on the concept of movements should be added to the ing, weightlifting) result in training-
specificity (4,5,18,30,31,33). That is, exer- training program because these move- specific muscle adaptations. Further
cises are selected based on their ments may not be optimally enhanced study of the muscular characteristics
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Weightlifting Movements
variations of those such as the hang (19,30,33). As a result, coaches instruc- possible, athletes should add 10 to 20 lb
snatch, hang cleans, and clean pull. ting these movements should, at a to each set as their technique pro-
Perhaps the most commonly used minimum, have completed a course of gression. If the strength coach notices
weightlifting exercise variation is the study involving hands-on practice of that an athlete does not use correct
hang power clean. However, the hang the snatch, clean, jerk, and their technique, he or she should have the
power clean is just one of a variety of variations (5). Because of the high athlete use lighter weights until proper
exercises that can and should be used to degree of technical difficulty involved technique is learned (19).
enhance performance. The benefits of in the performance of the weightlifting
weightlifting are best attained by stra- movements, it is essential that these RISK OF INJURY IN
tegically using a variety of weightlifting exercises be taught by well-qualified WEIGHTLIFTING
exercises (5). The majority of time and experienced instructors who know A limited number of studies have been
spent training should involve the squat the correct technique of the exercises. performed evaluating the injury rate of
and power versions of the snatch and Equally important is the knowledge of speed–strength exercises such as those
clean, as well as the push and split jerk. the correct progression leading up to used in weightlifting (31). One problem
Depending on the needs of the ath- performing these movements, thus is that this type of study is difficult to
letes, lifts from the hang or boxes may minimizing injury potential (31). perform from a practical standpoint
be of value, as would the clean or split because this type of training is usually
Some coaches are reluctant to use the performed in conjunction with other
snatch. One important variation of the weightlifting movements, even though
weightlifting movements that may not types of training.
they may be of value for the athletes
have been given adequate attention they coach. There can be 3 reasons for Unfortunately, as noted by Faigen-
during training is the pulling move- this (33): 1) The coaches do not baum and Polakowski (8), it has been
ments in both cleans and snatches (21). incorrectly suggested that the weight-
understand the relationship of weight-
The pull is responsible for the majority lifting movements are more dangerous
lifting exercises to training for other
of the power in the clean and snatch to perform than more traditional types
sports. 2) The coaches believe these
movements. For example, an elite 125- of training. Further, as suggested by
exercises are not safe and may cause
kg lifter can generate almost 7000 Newton and Kraemer (26), some
excessive injuries 3) The coaches do
Watts during the top of the clean pull strength and conditioning coaches focus
not know how to teach their athletes
(21). As a result, when training for on single joint exercises with the belief
the proper technique.
sports other than weightlifting, that these types of exercises are as
a greater emphasis should be placed Because beginners have difficulty in effective as the weightlifting movements
on developing a proper pull than any learning the correct techniques of the in terms of increasing power and thus
other phase of the movement (21). clean and snatch from the floor, it may enhancing performance.
be better for strength coaches to However, as long as the weightlifting
When deciding the value of including the
introduce the clean and snatch from movements are performed with good
pull in a training program, peak power
production should be one of the first the hang position so that the technique technique and proper equipment, they
considerations. Peak power is the highest is simplified and lifters can take are as safe or safer than other sports or
amount of power an individual can advantage of the second pull phase. training activities. There is no evidence
produce. Any athlete who requires very A 12-step approach for teaching the that weightlifting causes excessive in-
high power outputs in a very short time clean has been proposed (19): educa- jury. Indeed, the rate of injury in
period should train for peak power (21). tion, modeling, foot position, hand weightlifting is less than many sports,
position, grip, start position, jump including football, basketball, and gym-
The pulls by themselves should not shrug, low pull, high pull, catch, adjust-
replace snatches and cleans, either nastics (Table 1). Although injury
ing foot position, and squat clean. This certainly does occur both in weightlift-
from the floor or from the hang
teaching progression can also be ap- ing and weight training, injuries are
position, but instead be used to com-
plied for teaching the snatch. By uncommon (15,31,33).
plement them. There are numerous
following the 12 steps, athletes will
benefits to be gained from the snatch The most common injuries in weight-
learn the second pull phase of the
and clean done both from the floor or lifting occur to the soft tissue of the
snatch and clean more easily.
hang position, including, but not lim- wrists, shoulders, hips, back, knees, and
ited to, balance, coordination, flexibil- To learn correct techniques of weight- ankles. Typically, the injuries that
ity, and overall athleticism. lifting exercises, athletes should begin occur in weightlifting appear to be
the teaching progression with weights the result of overuse, poor technique,
IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY that can be lifted easily. When initiat- or excessive collisions with the bar,
INSTRUCTION ing training, athletes may want to particularly when performing heavy
Proper technique in performing the initially use a wooden pole and then clean and jerks. Program design that
weightlifting movements is essential a bar without weights. As quickly as limits the number of heavy clean and
Copyright © N ational S trength and Conditioning A ssociation. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1 weightlifting, which may explain the than do the more traditional exercises.
Multisport comparative injury low injury rate. However, as was shown, the extensive
rates Because of the complex nature of the list of potential benefits that can result
weightlifting movements, a knowledge- from performing these movements
Sport Injuries per 100 warrant the inclusion of the weightlift-
participation able coach is required (15). Also aiding
in the low injury rate is the need to ing exercises in the training programs
learn the movements while first using of a variety of athletes. Finally, on the
School Age Soccer 6.2 light resistances (8). In fact, it is common basis of the evidence presented, it can
in some countries for children as young be stated with confidence that the risk
U.K. rugby 1.92
as 8 to begin learning the weightlifting of injury is as low or lower than most
U.S. basketball 1.03 sports as long as there is qualified
movements, but weight is not added to
the bar until they have perfected the supervision provided by certified
U.S. track and field 0.57
necessary coordination and skill (19). strength and conditioning specialists
Squash 0.10 who have been trained in coaching the
Because children are required to learn weightlifting movements.
Badminton 0.05 the weightlifting movements with
Powerlifting 0.0027 a light weight while being supervised
by experienced coaches, these move- Allen Hedrick is
U.S. tennis 0.001 ments may be safer than other training the Coordinator of
methods commonly used (8). It is also Education Pro-
Weightlifting 0.0017
interesting to note that a review of the grams at the Na-
*Adopted from Hamill (15).
incidence of injury rates in retired tional Strength
Swedish weightlifters shows that these and Conditioning Association.
jerk repetitions should be considered athletes demonstrate the same inci-
(27,29,33). dence of low back and knee pain as the Hiroaki Wada
general population (5). It does not is a strength and
However, compared with most sports, conditioning intern
the injuries that occur in weightlifting appear that weightlifting increases the
incidence of degenerative joint disease. at Colorado State
do not seem to be excessive and are gen- University–Pueblo.
erally not serious. To further reduce the As a result of the relatively low inci-
chance of injury attention should be paid dence of weightlifting injuries relative REFERENCES
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