Financial Accounting Chapter 9: Accounts Receivable: Classification of Receivables
Financial Accounting Chapter 9: Accounts Receivable: Classification of Receivables
Financial Accounting Chapter 9: Accounts Receivable: Classification of Receivables
This reduces Rosalyn Monte’s account to zero and recognizes the expense.
Accounts Receivable Bad Debt Expense
538,000 4,200 4,200
The problem with this method is that it does not match the revenues with the expenses in the same period.
When we use the allowance method for uncollectable accounts, the company is following
the idea of the matching concept. The matching concept requires us to match the revenues
earned with the expenses incurred to earn them
Allowance method: Records bad debt expense by estimating uncollectible accounts at
the end of the accounting period.
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts: The contra asset is used to recognize the
decrease in the accounts receivable account rather than reducing the balance directly.
When a fisherman goes fishing, he must first get bait. The credit adjustment to the
Allowance account fills our Allowance (bait) bucket with our estimated uncollectible.
Throughout the accounting period as accounts become uncollectible, we simply debit the
allowance account and zero out their accounts receivable. We don’t use the Bad Debt
Expense account because we recognized all the bad debts at the beginning of the period when we did the adjustment.
Analysis Of Receivables Method Percentage Of Sales Method
(Aging Of Receivables) This method estimates the expected uncollectable amount
The analysis of receivables method is based on the based on industry averages or past history. If Azteck Co,
assumption that the longer an account receivable is found that 2% of all sales in 2012 became uncollectible,
outstanding, the less likely that it will be collected. 1.98%, in 2011 and 2.1% in 2010, then they can use 2% as a
realistic expectation of what will become uncollectible in the
Receivables are grouped by the length of time outstanding current year.
and then each age group is multiplied by the percentage that (2% + 1.98% + 2.1% = 6.08% ÷ 3 = 2.026666667 = 2%)
is believed to become uncollectible.