Wildlife Rescue Organizations - Riverside & San Bernardino Counties
Wildlife Rescue Organizations - Riverside & San Bernardino Counties
Wildlife Rescue Organizations - Riverside & San Bernardino Counties
IMPORTANT: Most wildlife rehabilitators do not provide services to pick up wildlife. They rely
on you to get animals to them. Be courteous and mindful of this when you are calling for their
Never drop off animals at a location, unless you are instructed to do so.
Wildlife rehabilitators often work out of their homes. They are not on-call (24
hours/7 days).
Wildlife rehabilitators often specialize in certain species. They may limit the number of
animals they can accept.
Wildlife rehabilitation facilities are non-profit entities. They operate with often limited
resources and/or dedicated volunteers.
(951) 279-
Riverside Corona Hope Wildlife
(951) 588-
Riverside Riverside Sunshine Haven – All, including reptiles
see notes below
(760) 552-
Riverside Blythe Tracks and Tales
Local CDFW office contact info: [email protected] (909) 484-0167. For urgent issues
dial 911.
If you have found a squirrel or bird: -Contact HOPE WILDLIFE in Corona, where all our
birds and squirrels are being rehabbed: (951) 279-3232
If you have found a dog/cat/Guinea pig/domestic animal: -Report the animal as FOUND
to the closest city shelter where the animal was found. It is illegal for animal rescues to take
in strays. It is equally illegal for you to hold on to this animal without reporting it as
FOUND. If you worry about the animal being at the shelter, get the unique ID # the shelter
will assign the pet, then follow the updates on this animal. You will be able to adopt it, foster
it and network it when the "stray wait law" waiting period is over. *We will NOT break the
law in order to accommodate your feelings. If you want to surrender your cat/dog/Guinea
pig/domestic animal: -We will NOT take your pet. We only do WILDLIFE here. The only
time we take in domestic pets is when we do agency assist for other city/county animal
shelters or for the police and fire departments.
If you want to surrender/rehome your illegal exotic pet: -You can surrender this animal
with all the confidence that you will not be tipped off. Call and arrange for anonymous
transfer with: Forever Wild Exotic Animal Sanctuary (760) 868-2755 8545 Buttemere Rd,
Phelan, CA 92371
If you have wildlife in your attic, basement, crawl spaces or shed: -
Place a radio close to the animal’s quarters and play it very LOUD all day, until late at night
(check your local city ordinance about loud music at night). The animal will move out, along
with babies/mate. Then patch the entrance where the animal had access. This is called
“humane eviction”. If the animal did not move out after you’ve tried humane eviction, call
your local PEST CONTROL AGENCY for wildlife removal. **We are not allowed to take
in healthy animals. We can only rehab the injured, sick or orphaned wildlife.
If you have seen a diseased animal: -Call your local rabies control for pick up.