Cuet PG Exam Pattern
Cuet PG Exam Pattern
Cuet PG Exam Pattern
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Candidates should be passed from any
Pattern 1 (25 MCQs on recognised university/institution with
Language minimum 50% marks or an equivalent grade
Education either in the Bachelor and/or in the Masters
Comprehension + 75
(Special Guru Ghasidas degree in Sciences/ Social sciences/
Domain knowledge
13 PGQP01 Education) B.Ed. Vishwavidyalaya Humanities; Bachelor‟s in Engineering or
Questions comprising of Technology with specialization in science and
Learning , Chattisgarh
Teaching Aptitude, mathematics with 55% marks or any other
Social Sciences, Maths & qualification equivalent thereto, are eligible
Science) for admission to the programme. No upper
age limit.
Pattern 1 (25 MCQs on
Language Mahatma
Comprehension + 75 Gandhi
Domain knowledge Antarrashtriya
14 PGQP01 Education M.Ed. As per NCTE Regulations, 2014
Integrated Questions comprising of Hindi
Teaching Aptitude, Vishwavidyalaya
Social Sciences, Maths & , Wardha
Pattern 1 (25 MCQs on
Language Mahatma
Comprehension + 75 Gandhi
Domain knowledge Antarrashtriya
15 PGQP01 Education B.Ed. As per NCTE Regulations, 2014
Questions comprising of Hindi
Teaching Aptitude, Vishwavidyalaya
Social Sciences, Maths & , Wardha
(a) The candidates who have passed
Bachelor‟s Degree and/or Master‟s Degree in
Sciences/Social Sciences/ Humanities with
Pattern 1 (25 MCQs on minimum of 50% marks or Bachelor in
Language Engineering or Technology with
Comprehension + 75 Indira Gandhi specialization in Science and Mathematics
with minimum of 55% marks from a
Domain knowledge National Tribal
16 PGQP01 Education B.Ed. recognized Indian or foreign University /
Questions comprising of University Board (as per the AIU foreign equivalence
Teaching Aptitude, Amarkantak list) or any other qualification equivalent
Social Sciences, Maths & thereto are eligible to apply. (b) The
Science) reservation and relaxation for
SC/ST/OBC/PWD shall be as per the rules of
the Central Govt./IGNTU whichever is
Candidates having three years / five years
LL.B. Degree from a recognized Indian or
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central foreign university (As per AIU list) with at
17 PGQP02 Law LLM 75 Domain Specific University least 50% marks or equivalent grade in
Knowledge Questions) Haryana aggregate (Relaxation of 5% to the
SC/ST/PWD/ OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)
Bachelor‟s degree in Law (LL.B.) from a
recognized Indian or Foreign University
(as per the AIU Foreign equivalence list
and Bar Council of India) with at least
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central 50% marks aggregate (45% for OBC
18 PGQP02 Law LLM 75 Domain Specific University {NON-CREAMY LAYER}, SC, ST, PWD
Knowledge Questions) Karnataka and Kashmiri Migrant and Non-migrant
Pandits) at graduate level.
All seats will be filled on the basis of merit
in the Central Universities Entrance Test
2022 to be conducted by NTA.
Bachelor‟s Degree in Law (LLB) 3 Years
OR 5 Year Integrated BA LLB from a
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central recognised University with at least 55%
19 PGQP02 Legal Studies LLM 75 Domain Specific University marks from a recognised University or its
Knowledge Questions) Kashmir equivalent on Grading Scale of respective
Universities/ Institute (50% for OBC/
SC/ST/ PWD candidates).
Bachelor‟s Degree in Law (LLB) 3 Years
OR 5 Year Integrated BA LLB from a
Legal Studies
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central recognised University with at least 55%
(Cyber Security PG
20 PGQP02 75 Domain Specific University marks from a recognised University or its
and Cyber Diploma
Knowledge Questions) Kashmir equivalent on Grading Scale of respective
Universities/ Institute (50% for OBC/
SC/ST/ PWD candidates).
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
foreign University.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 1 (25 General + Graduation degree with 50% marks (45
149 PGQP06 Hindi M.A. 75 Domain Specific % for SC/ST/PwD) in any discipline from
Knowledge Questions) recognized University/Institute
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
45% marks with adequate proficiency in
the concerned language. (All OBC
category (non creamy layer) candidates
Pattern 1 (25 General + are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
150 PGQP06 Hindi M.A. 75 Domain Specific percentage of marks in the qualifying
Nehru University
Knowledge Questions) examination in relation to open category.
The SC/ST and Person with Disability
(PWD) candidates who have passed the
qualifying examination irrespective of
their percentage of marks are eligible to
appear in the Entrance Examination.)
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
45% marks with adequate proficiency in
the concerned language. (All OBC
category (non creamy layer) candidates
Pattern 1 (25 General + are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
Hindi Jawaharlal
151 PGQP06 M.A. 75 Domain Specific percentage of marks in the qualifying
Translation Nehru University
Knowledge Questions) examination in relation to open category.
The SC/ST and Person with Disability
(PWD) candidates who have passed the
qualifying examination irrespective of
their percentage of marks are eligible to
appear in the Entrance Examination.)
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate including all subjects studied at
B.A. level except those subjects where only
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Banaras Hindu pass marks are required and which do not
152 PGQP06 Hindi M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University contribute to the total in the final (degree)
Knowledge Questions)
mark sheet. The subject in which
admission is sought must be Hons. subject
at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
in all the three years at B.A. level
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Apex University, Pass in Bachelors degree (any discipline)
153 PGQP06 Hindi M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Rajasthan or equivalent.
Knowledge Questions)
Pattern 1 (25 General +
University of Bachelor's degree in any subject(s) with at
154 PGQP07 Philosophy M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Hyderabad least 50% marks in aggregate.
Knowledge Questions)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General +
75 Domain Knowledge - B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent Bachelor„s
Transport Sc./Mech. Degree in Mechanical/Energy and Power/
Engg./Food Engg./Civil Aerospace/ Aeronautical/ Automobile
Engg./ Elec. Comm. Engineering or in any other relevant
Mechanical Engg./Communication Engineering Discipline with minimum
Engineering and Information Tezpur 50% aggregate marks or equivalent
168 PGQP08 M.Tech.
(Specialization: Systems/ University Grade Point, Relaxation of 5% marks or
Thermo Fluids Nanoelectronics/ equivalent Grade Point for reserved
Geophysics/Bioinformati category candidates as per Rules.
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material **Note: Common Question paper will be
Sc./MPT/Structural used for Mechanical Engineering-Machine
Engg./ MABM/ Food Design and Thermo Fluids.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General + B.E./B.Tech. /M.Sc. in Food Engineering
75 Domain Knowledge - and/or Technology/ Agricultural
Transport Sc./Mech. Engineering/ Chemical Engineering
Engg./Food Engg./Civil and/or Technology/ Dairy Engineering
Engg./ Elec. Comm. and/or Technology with minimum 50%
Engg./Communication aggregate marks or equivalent Grade
and Information Tezpur Point. Also, candidates must have
169 PGQP08 Engineering M.Tech.
Systems/ University Mathematics at 10+2 Standard with
and Technology
Nanoelectronics/ minimum 50% marks or equivalent
Geophysics/Bioinformati Grade Point, where applicable or as a
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material subsidiary subject in the specified Degree
Sc./MPT/Structural Programmes. Relaxation of 5% marks or
Engg./ MABM/ Food equivalent Grade Point for reserved
Technology) category candidates as per Rules.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General +
75 Domain Knowledge -
Transport Sc./Mech.
Engg./Food Engg./Civil
Engg./ Elec. Comm. B.E./B.Tech. Degree in Civil Engineering
Engg./Communication with minimum 50% aggregate marks or
Civil and Information Tezpur equivalent Grade Point, where applicable.
170 PGQP08 M.Tech.
Engineering Systems/ University Relaxation of 5% marks or equivalent
Nanoelectronics/ Grade Point for reserved category
Geophysics/Bioinformati candidates as per Rules.
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material
Engg./ MABM/ Food
Pattern 2 ( 25 General +
75 Domain Knowledge -
Transport Sc./Mech. B.E./B.Tech. Degree in Electronics/
Engg./Food Engg./Civil Electronics and Communication
Engg./ Elec. Comm. Engineering/ Electronics and
Engg./Communication Telecommunication Engineering with a
Electronics and
and Information Pondicherry minimum of 55% of marks.
171 PGQP08 Communication M.Tech.
Systems/ University
Nanoelectronics/ **Note: Common Question paper will be
Geophysics/Bioinformati used for Electronics and Communication
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material Engineering and Communication and
Sc./MPT/Structural Information Systems.
Engg./ MABM/ Food
Pattern 2 ( 25 General +
75 Domain Knowledge -
B.E./B.Tech. Degree in Electronics/
Transport Sc./Mech.
Electronics and Communication
Engg./Food Engg./Civil
Engineering/ Information Technology/
Engg./ Elec. Comm.
Electronics and Telecommunication
Communication Engg./Communication
Engineering with a minimum of 55% of
and and Information Pondicherry
172 PGQP08 M.Tech. marks
Information Systems/ University
Systems Nanoelectronics/
**Note: Common Question paper will be
used for Electronics and Communication
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material
Engineering and Communication and
Information Systems.
Engg./ MABM/ Food
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
1. 10+2+4 years undergraduate degree is
2. Candidates with B.Tech. (Dairy
Pattern 2 ( 25 General + Technology) OR B.Sc. (Dairy
75 Domain Knowledge - Technology)/Dairying/Dairy Science OR
Transport Sc./Mech. B.Sc. (Food Technology/Food
Engg./Food Engg./Civil Science)/B.Tech. (Food Technology), OR
Engg./ Elec. Comm. B.Sc/B.Tech. (Specialization in Post-Harvest
Engg./Communication Engineering/Technology); degree with credit
Dairy M.Sc./M. and Information Banaras Hindu based course programme under the
177 PGQP08
Technology Tech Systems/ University guidelines of ICAR or an equivalent
Nanoelectronics/ examination recognized by the University;
Geophysics/Bioinformati 3. At least 6.0/10 or 2.5/4, 3.5/5, 4.0/6 OGPA
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material for general candidates and 2.0/4, 3.0/5, 3.5/6
Sc./MPT/Structural and 5.5/10 OGPA for SC/ST/OBC/PWD
Engg./ MABM/ Food candidates in qualifying examination, as per
University guidelines.
4. Has not secured more than one III-division
or equivalent OGPA in his/her academic
Candidates with 4 years B.Sc. (Ag.)/B.Sc.
(Hons) Ag. OR B.Sc. (Food Technology/Food
Science), OR B.Tech. (Food Technology)/
B.Tech. (Dairy Technology), OR B.Sc. (Dairy
Pattern 2 ( 25 General + Technology/Dairying Science), OR B. Voc. in
75 Domain Knowledge - Food Science/Food Processing and
Transport Sc./Mech. Management/Food Engineering (with 10+2
Engg./Food Engg./Civil Science Stream), OR B.Sc./B.Tech.
Engg./ Elec. Comm. Horticulture (Specialization in Fruits &
Engg./Communication Vegetables /Post Harvest
Engineering/Technology). Secured at least
Food M.Sc./M. and Information Banaras Hindu
178 PGQP08 6.0/10 or 2.5/4, 3.5/5, 4.0/6 OGPA for general
Technology Tech. Systems/ University category candidates and 2.0/4, 3.0/5, 3.5/6
Nanoelectronics/ and 5.5/10 OGPA for SC/ST/OBC/PWD
Geophysics/Bioinformati category candidates under the Course Credit
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material System in qualifying examination, as per
Sc./MPT/Structural University guidelines and has not secured
Engg./ MABM/ Food more than one III-division or equivalent
Technology) OGPA in his/her academic career.
Note: The students coming with B.Tech.
Degree will get M.Tech. Degree and
B.Sc./B.Sc. (Ag)/ B. Voc will get M.Sc.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General +
B.Sc./ B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics / Chemistry
75 Domain Knowledge -
/ Life Sciences / Material Science /
Transport Sc./Mech.
Nanotechnology or any relevant subject
Engg./Food Engg./Civil
with minimum 60% marks at the
Engg./ Elec. Comm.
qualifying degree level (55% in case of
Material Central SC/ST and person with disabilities) from
and Information
179 PGQP08 Sciences and M.Sc. University the recognized University/ Institute
Technology Jammu OR
B.E. / B.Tech. (in any relevant subject)
with minimum 60% marks at the
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material
qualifying degree level (55% in case of
SC/ST and person with disabilities) from
Engg./ MABM/ Food
the recognized University / Institute.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General +
75 Domain Knowledge -
Transport Sc./Mech.
Engg./Food Engg./Civil
MPT- Engg./ Elec. Comm.
Orthopedics | Engg./Communication
Neurology | and Information Apex University, Passed with 50% Marks for All categories
180 PGQP08 MPT
Sports | Systems/ Rajasthan aggregate in BPT or equivalent
Cardiopulmonar Nanoelectronics/
y Geophysics/Bioinformati
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material
Engg./ MABM/ Food
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General +
75 Domain Knowledge -
Transport Sc./Mech.
Engg./Food Engg./Civil
Passed B.Tech./B.E. in Civil Engineering/
Engg./ Elec. Comm.
Civil and Infrastructure
Central Engineering/Construction Engineering/
Structural and Information
181 PGQP08 M.Tech. University appropriate branch with 55% or above
Engineering Systems/
Haryana marks or equivalent grade (Relaxation of
5% to the SC/ST/PWD/ OBC (Non-
Creamy Layer) candidates)
cs/Dairy Tech./ Material
Engg./ MABM/ Food
Shastri (Sanskrit)/ B.A (L/OL). / B.A.
(Honors) /B.Sc. with Sanskrit as a main
subject having 1000 or more marks in
three years degree program OR
Vidwanmadhyama / Siromani (Sanskrit)
(Integrated course) in 10+2+3 Scheme OR
Acharya / M.A. (Sanskrit) /
Vidwaduttama OR equivalent degree
from any recognized Indian University
OR recognized examining body having
National obtained at least 50% marks or equivalent
Siksha Pattern 1 (25 General +
Sanskrit grade.
182 PGQP09 Education Sastri 75 Domain Specific
University, Eligibility conditions for candidates
(B.Ed.) Knowledge Questions)
Tirupati belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PwD categories
will be 45% marks in the qualifying
A candidate seeking admission into
Shiksha Shastri (B.Ed) program must
have completed 20 years of age on or
before 1stOctober of the respective
Calender Year. No age relaxation will be
**The question paper would be in
Sanskrit only.
1. Shastri or B.A. (With Sanskrit) and / or
Acharya/ M.A. (Sanskrit) or equivalent
traditional degree from any University or
recognized examining body having
obtained at least 50% marks or equivalent
2. Those who are appearing for qualifying
Shiksha- Pattern 1 (25 General +
Central Sanskrit examination can also apply.
183 PGQP09 Education Shastri 75 Domain Specific
University 3. As per the rules of Central Govt.
(B.Ed.) Knowledge Questions)
eligibility conditions for candidates belong
to SC/ST/OBC/Person with Disability
categories will be 45% marks in the
qualifying examinations as mentioned in
Para (i)
**The question paper would be in
Sanskrit only.
Students who have passed Shastri/B.A.
(Sanskrit)/ Equivalent degree or Acharya /
M.A. Sanskrit/ Equivalent degree and
Shiksha Shastri/ B.Ed. with Sanskrit
Teaching Methodology with minimum
50% of marks from any recognized
University are eligible. For the candidates
Shiksha Acharya (M.Ed.) belonging to
SC/ST/OBC/PwD category, a relaxation of
Siksha Pattern 1 (25 General + 5% marks will be allowed in the minimum
184 PGQP10 Education Acharya 75 Domain Specific pass percentage.
(M.Ed.) Knowledge Questions) Atleast 50% of marks in both theory and
practicum and 50 % of marks in
aggregate are required in Shiksha Shastri.
/B.Ed. (with Sanskrit Teaching
Methodology) for admission into Shiksha
Acharya (M.Ed.) programme.
A candidate seeking admission into
Shiksha Acharya (M. Ed.) program must
have completed 22 years of age on or
before 1st October of the respective
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Passed in the final examinations of:
1. B. Mus. in Vocal and Kathak Dance from
UGC recognized University or Appeared/
appearing in final examination of B. Mus.-
2022 in above mentioned Discipline.
2. B.A. Hon./Pass in Vocal and Kathak
Dance from UGC recognized University or
Appeared/ appearing in final examination of
B.A. Hon./Pass-2022 in above mentioned
3. B.P.A. (Bachelor in Performing Arts) in
Vocal and Kathak Dance from UGC
recognized University or Appeared
/appearing in final examination of B.P.A.
(Bachelor in Performing Arts) - 2022 in
above mentioned Discipline.
Pattern 1 (25 General + OR
217 PGQP12 Music M.A. 75 Domain Specific 4. Graduation in any Discipline (Arts,
University commerce, Science) from UGC recognized
Knowledge Questions)
University or appeared /appearing in final
examination of above mentioned Discipline
with Passed in the following Diploma
course(06/07 years) minimum 60%: Sangeet
Visharad Purna, Sangeet Prabhakar, in
Vocal and Kathak Dance, from recognized
following Music Boards of India :
I) Akhil Bhartiya Gandharav Mahamandal,
II) Bhatkhande Music Institute,
Lucknow(Deemed University), Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh
III) Prayag Sangeet Samiti ,Allahabad,Uttar
IV) Prachin Kala Kendra,Chandigarh,
V) Bangiya Sangeet Parishad, West Bengal
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
B.A. with Music/Sangeet Prabhakar or
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna
Visharad with 55% Marks in Practical
222 PGQP12 Music (Tabla) M.P.A. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal
45% Marks in B.A. for GEN/OBC/EWS
Knowledge Questions) University,
and for SC/ST as per University rules.
Bachelor in Performing Arts (BPA) /BA in
Music/ B. Music with 40 % marks /
Pattern 1 (25 General + equivalent grade / Honours graduate with
223 PGQP12 Music M.P.A. 75 Domain Specific 40% marks / equivalent grade with
Knowledge Questions) proper theory and practical knowledge of
music. Practical/viva test after the
entrance test for final selection.
Bachelor Degree with 50% marks (45% in
case of SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PWD) from a
recognized Indian or foreign university such
as Bachelor Degree with any subject
Music/Gurmat Sangeet or B.P.A./B.Mus.
Bachelor Degree in any discipline with 50%
marks (45% in case of SC/ST/OBC
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central
(NCL)/PWD) from a recognized Indian or
224 PGQP12 Music(Vocal) M.P.A. 75 Domain Specific University
foreign university with any Diploma/
Knowledge Questions) Punjab Prabhakar/ Visharad/ Sangeet
Shiromani/any PG diploma in music.
Note: Selection will be done on the basis of
aptitude test of 100 marks with 60%
weightage to practical and 40% weightage to
viva voce examination of the candidates
shortlisted on the basis of entrance
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
B.Mus./B.P.A. in Dance in Indian Classical
Dance (Kathak/Bharat Natyam) from this
University or an equivalent Examination
from recognized University securing a
minimum of 50% marks in Dance Practical.
OR B.P.A. Indian Classical Dance/B.A.* or
an equivalent Examination with Dance
(Indian Classical) as the main subject from a
recognized University securing a minimum
of 50% marks in Dance Practical. OR Any
Bachelor‟s Degree under 10+2+3 pattern
from a recognized University provided the
candidate has also passed one of the
following Examinations securing a minimum
of 50% marks in Dance Practical.
a) Sangeet Prabhakar (Nriyta) Exam of the
Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad, (b)
MPA in Dance: Pattern 1 (25 General + Sangeet Visharad (Nritya) Exam of the
Banaras Hindu
225 PGQP13 Kathak/Bharat M.P.A. 75 Domain Specific Bhatkhande Sangeet Vidyapeeth, Lucknow,
University (c) Sangeet Prabudha (Nritya) Exam of
Natyam Knowledge Questions)
Bhatkhande Music Institute (Deemed
University), Lucknow, (d) Vid (Nritya) exam
of Indra Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya,
Khairagarh (Chhattisgarh), (e) Uttama
(Nritya) exam of Banasthali Vidyapeeth,
Rajasthan, (f) Sangeet Visharad (Nritya)
exam of A.B.G.M.V. Mandal, Mumbai, (g)
Passed full time Diploma of Kalakshetra,
Chennai, (h) Sangeet Visharad of Pracheen
Kala Kendra, Chandigarh, (i) Examination
of 8 years Sangeet Kala Ratna (Diploma) of
Raja Man Singh Tomar University, Gwalior,
(j) Examination of 3 years Diploma (Hons) of
Kathak Kendra, National Institute of Kathak
Dance, New Delhi. *Only for those
Universities which are giving the Bachelors
Degree only in Dance.
Any graduate with an aptitude for
Pattern 1 (25 General +
University of Theatre. Experience in Theatre or any
226 PGQP13 Theatre Arts M.P.A. 75 Domain Specific
Hyderabad Performing Art will be an added
Knowledge Questions)
Bachelor‟s degree in dance;
Bachelor‟s degree in any subject with a
professional diploma or certificate in
dance recognized by the University;
Bachelor‟s degree in any subject with a
certificate from a reputed Guru
Pattern 1 (25 General + recognized by the University to the effect
Dance University of
227 PGQP13 M.P.A. 75 Domain Specific that the candidate has undergone training
(Kuchipudi) Hyderabad
Knowledge Questions) in dance under him/her for a period not
less than five years. (The
experience/training certificate should be
furnished during the practical test.)
A candidate with 10+ 4 years fulltime
diploma from Kalakshetra Foundation,
Chennai with one-year practical work
experience in an institution.
Bachelor‟s degree in dance;
Bachelor‟s degree in any subject with a
professional diploma or certificate in
dance recognized by the University;
Bachelor‟s degree in any subject with a
Pattern 1 (25 General + certificate from a reputed Guru
Dance University of
228 PGQP13 M.P.A. 75 Domain Specific recognized by the University to the effect
(Bharatanatyam) Hyderabad
Knowledge Questions) that the candidate has undergone training
in dance under him/her for a period not
less than five years. (The
experience/training certificate should be
furnished during the practical test.)
A candidate with 10+ 4 years fulltime
diploma from Kalakshetra Foundation,
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
B.A. in
Pattern 1 (25 General + /Acharya OR Graduate from any
University of
237 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific discipline with Sanskrit as one subject at
Knowledge Questions) School/ Higher Secondary/College level
OR Graduate from any discipline with a
certificate or PG Diploma in Sanskrit
Bachelor's degree in Sanskrit or in any
other subject under 10+2+3 pattern of
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central educaton with a minimum 45 % marks or
238 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific University equivalent grade in aggregate for General
Knowledge Questions) Jharkhand Category and 40% or equivalent grade in
aggregate for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy
layer)/ PWD.
A Graduate with Sanskrit as a subject at
the graduation level with minimum 45%
marks (or an equivalent grade in a point
scale wherever grading system is followed)
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central
in the respective subject and aggregate
239 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific University of
from a recognized University/Institution.
Knowledge Questions) Odisha
(5% relaxation will be given to
SC/ST/PwD candidates).
Maximum age limit: 30 years as on 01-07-
Passed BA (Hons. /Pass) in Sanskrit
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Tripura OR
240 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University Appeared/ appearing in final examination
Knowledge Questions)
of B.A. (Hons./Pass) -2022 in Sanskrit
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna Graduation in any discipline with 40% for
241 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST as per
Knowledge Questions) University, University rules.
Bachelor‟s degree in Sanskrit with a
minimum of 50% of marks or Sanskrit as
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Pondicherry a subject under part I or II/ minor/
242 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University optional in the Bachelor‟s degree or
Knowledge Questions)
traditional degree of (Sastri/ Siromani/
Vidya Praveena)
B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit / B.A. (Pass)
Sanskrit / Acharya / Shastri or
Graduation from any stream with
dialectical efficiency and competence in
Sanskrit Language and Literature from a
Pattern 1 (25 General + Mahatma
recognised Indian or Foreign University
243 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific Gandhi Central
(foreign recognition to be as per AIU list)
Knowledge Questions) University Bihar
with a minimum 50% marks or equivalent
grade for unreserved category and 45%
marks or equivalent grade for
SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/PWD
Bachelor‟s degree from a recognized
university/ Institute with a minimum 50%
Mahatma Gandhi marks or equivalent grade in aggregate
Pattern 1 (25 General + Antarrashtriya
for General Category and 45% or
244 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific Hindi
equivalent grade in aggregate for
Knowledge Questions)
Wardha SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/ PWD
Sanskrit as subject in 10+2 or Graduate
Graduation in any Discipline: Candidates
belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
OBC-NCL categories must have secured
Pattern 1 (25 General + Dr. Harisingh
at least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA.
245 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific Gour Vishwa
A relaxation of 5% marks in the
Knowledge Questions) Vidyalaya
qualifying examination will be given to the
candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD
A Bachelor degree in any discipline from a
recognized Indian or foreign university (as
Indira Gandhi per the AIU foreign equivalence list)
Pattern 1 (25 General +
National Tribal having secured a minimum of 50%
246 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University aggregate in case of General, EWS and
Knowledge Questions)
Amarkantak OBC categories and 45% in case of
candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD
categories are eligible to apply.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 1 (25 General + Graduation degree in any subject with
247 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PwD) from
Knowledge Questions) recognized University/ Institute.
Bachelor‟s Degree in Sanskrit or in any
other subject under (10+2+3) pattern of
education with at least 45% marks. (All
OBC category (non creamy layer)
candidates are eligible to 10% relaxation
Pattern 1 (25 General + in the percentage of marks in the
248 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific qualifying examination in relation to open
Nehru University
Knowledge Questions) category. The SC/ST and Person with
Disability (PWD) candidates who have
passed the qualifying examination
irrespective of their percentage of marks
are eligible to appear in the Entrance
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate including all subjects studied at
B.A. level except those subjects where only
pass marks are required and which do not
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Banaras Hindu contribute to the total in the final (degree)
249 PGQP14 Sanskrit M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University mark sheet. The subject in which
Knowledge Questions)
admission is sought must be Hons. Subject
at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
in all the three years at B.A. level 2.
Shastri (Hons.) shall also be eligible for
admission to M.A. in Sanskrit.
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with at
250 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific University least 45% marks or equivalent grade (5%
Knowledge Questions) Gujarat relaxation for SC, ST & OBC candidates)
Graduation from any recognized
university with a minimum 50 % marks
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central
or equivalent grade in aggregate
251 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific University
(Relaxation of 5% to the
Knowledge Questions) Haryana
SC/ST/PWD/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)
Central A minimum of 50% marks or an
Pattern 1 (25 General +
University equivalent grade in Bachelors/UG degree
252 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Himachal from a recognised University or an
Knowledge Questions)
Pradesh equivalent examination.
With at least 50% marks in the Bachelor‟s
degree and at least 50% marks in the
subject concerned OR with at least 50%
Pattern 1 (25 General +
University of marks in aggregate in the allied subjects
253 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Hyderabad viz., all Social science subjects,
Knowledge Questions)
Philosophy, Communication, Linguistics;
OR Bachelor‟s degree in any subject (s)
with 60% marks in aggregate.
Any Graduate with minimum 50% marks
(or an equivalent grade in a point scale
wherever grading system is followed) in
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central
aggregate from a recognized University /
254 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific University of
Institution. (5% relaxation will be given to
Knowledge Questions) Odisha
SC/ST/PwD candidates).
Maximum age limit: 30 years as on 01-07-
Bachelor's degree in any discipline with at
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central least 50% marks {45% in case of
255 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific University SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PWD} in aggregate
Knowledge Questions) Punjab from a recognized Indian or foreign
Bachelor's Degree in any Subject from
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central any recognised University with a
256 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific University South minimum of 50% marks for General /
Knowledge Questions) Bihar OBC/EWS candidates and 45% marks for
SC/ST/PWD candidates.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 1 (25 General + Graduation degree with 50% marks (45
271 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific % for SC/ST/PwD) in any subject from
Knowledge Questions) recognized University/Institute.
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
45% marks. (All OBC category (non
creamy layer) candidates are eligible to
10% relaxation in the percentage of
Pattern 1 (25 General + marks in the qualifying examination in
272 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific relation to open category. The SC/ST and
Nehru University
Knowledge Questions) Person with Disability (PWD) candidates
who have passed the qualifying
examination irrespective of their
percentage of marks are eligible to appear
in the Entrance Examination.)
Rajiv Gandhi
Pattern 1 (25 General + National
Bachelor‟s Degree in any discipline with a
273 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific Institute of
minimum of 50% of marks.
Knowledge Questions) Youth
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A./B.Sc. (Hons)/B.Sc.
under 10+2+3 pattern, securing a
minimum of 50% marks in the
Pattern 1 (25 General + aggregate including all subjects studied at
Banaras Hindu
274 PGQP15 Sociology M.A. 75 Domain Specific B.A./B.Sc. level except those subjects
Knowledge Questions) where only pass marks are required and
which do not contribute to
the total in the final (degree) marksheet.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna Graduation in any discipline with 45%
329 PGQP20 Social Work M.S.W. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal marks for GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST
Knowledge Questions) University, as per University rules.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS candidates.
Bachelor‟s degree in
Microbiology/Zoology /Botany/Life
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central
cy/any other discipline of Biological
370 PGQP22 Microbiology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific University
Sciences with a minimum of 50% marks
Knowledge Questions) Rajasthan
(or equivalent grade) in aggregate for
general category and 45% (or equivalent
grade) for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS
Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology or any
branch of Biological Science
(Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Bioscience/
Environmental Science/ Biomedical etc.)
or B.Sc. (Hons) in
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central Zoology/Botany/Chemistry or B.Sc./
371 PGQP22 Biotechnology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific University South Integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. of threeyear
Knowledge Questions) Bihar duration with any of the two subject
among Zoology, Botany & Chemistry in
3rd year with a minimum of 55% marks
for General / OBC/EWS candidates and
50% marks for SC/ST / PWD candidates
from any recognised University.
Bachelor's degree in any branch of
Biological Sciences (Botany/ Zoology/
Microbiology/ Biochemistry/ Bioscience/
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central Biotechnology/ Environmental Science/
372 PGQP22 Life Science M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific University South Agricultural Science/ Biomedical) or
Knowledge Questions) Bihar Integrated B.Sc B.Ed. with a minimum of
55 % marks for General/OBC/EWS
candidates and 50% marks for SC/ST /
PWD candidates.
Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences /
Agricultural Science / Pharmaceutical
Science/Veterinary Science/ Medical
Science/Mathematics/ Physics/
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central
Chemistry/Computer Science/Information
373 PGQP22 Bioinformatics M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific University South
Technology or Integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. with
Knowledge Questions) Bihar
55% marks for General/OBC /EWS
candidates and 50% marks for
SC/ST/PWD candidates from any
recognised University.
Bachelor‟s degree in Microbiology,
Human Genetics, Nutrition and Dietetics,
Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry,
Biotechnology, Plant protection, Dairy
Sciences, Agriculture and Horticulture,
Home Science, Fisheries and Public
Health from a recognized university or
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central
equivalent. Candidates should have
374 PGQP22 Microbiology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific University Tamil
secured a minimum of 60% marks or 6.5
Knowledge Questions) Nadu
CGPA (on a 10-point scale) in the
qualifying degree examination for General
Category, 55% marks or 6.0 CGPA (on a
10-point scale) for OBC (non-creamy
layer) and 50% aggregate marks or 5.5
CGPA (on a 10-point scale) for
SC/ST/PWD candidates.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna B. Sc. in Mathematical/Biological science
382 PGQP22 Biotechnology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal with 45% for GEN/OBC/EWS and for
Knowledge Questions) University, SC/ST as per University rules.
Hemvati Nandan
B. Sc. (Life Sciences, Forestry,
Himalayan Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna
Aquaculture and Fishery science) with
383 PGQP22 Aquatic M. Sc. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal
45% for GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST
Biodiversity Knowledge Questions) University,
as per University rules.
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna B. Sc. (Botany, Chemistry, Zoology) with
384 PGQP22 Microbiology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal 45% for GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST
Knowledge Questions) University, as per University rules.
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna B.Sc. (any stream of Life Sciences) with
385 PGQP22 Biochemistry M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal 45% marks for GEN/OBC/EWS and for
Knowledge Questions) University, SC/ST as per University rules.
The candidates must have passed B.Sc.
(Honours/Major) or equivalent
examination in Biochemistry with a
minimum of 45% marks,
B.Sc. (general or equivalent examination)
with Chemistry and any two of the
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Manipur subjects: Biochemistry/ Botany/Zoology/
386 PGQP22 Biochemistry M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
University Microbiology/ Genetics with a minimum
Knowledge Questions)
of 50% marks in aggregate,
B.Sc. (Honours/Major) or equivalent
examination in Chemistry/Biotechnology/
Biomedical sciences/Botany/Zoology/
Microbiology with a minimum of 50%
marks in aggregate.
Candidates must have passed with 45%
Honours/Major in B.Sc. Biotechnology
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bachelor Degree with a minimum of 55%
387 PGQP22 Biotechnology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific in aggregate in
Knowledge Questions) Biotechnology/Biochemistry/
Botany/Zoology/Microbiology/ Chemistry
with Biology subject as one of the
subsidiary subjects.
Pattern 1 (25 General + B.Sc. Hons. in Microbiology / Bio-
388 PGQP22 Microbiology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Technology with 45% marks/equivalent
Knowledge Questions) grade
B. Tec./B. Sc./B. Sc. (Hons) in
Biological/Life Sciences subjects such as
Biotechnology/ Botany /Zoology/
Pattern 1 (25 General + Guru Ghasidas
Biochemistry/ Microbiology/Biophysics/
389 PGQP22 Biotechnology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Vishwavidyalaya,
Life Sciences/ Bio-Sciences/Bio-Medical
Knowledge Questions)
Science with atleast 50% marks in
Max. age limit: 25 years
Pattern 1 (25 General + Guru Ghasidas At least 45%in aggregate in B. Sc. With
390 PGQP22 Microbiology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Vishwavidyalaya, Microbiology as one of the paper/course.
Knowledge Questions) Chattisgarh Max. Age limit- 25 years
Bachelor‟s degree in Biochemistry/ B.Sc.
(M.L.T.)/ Chemistry/Biotechnology/
Biochemistry & Pattern 1 (25 General +
Pondicherry Zoology/Botany/Plant Sciences/
391 PGQP22 Molecular M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
University Physiology/Microbiology/Life Sciences or
Biology Knowledge Questions)
in any oher related areas with a minimum
of 55% of marks.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Microbiology Babasaheb
Pattern 1 (25 General + Graduation degree in any branch of Life
(Food Bhimrao
409 PGQP22 M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Sciences with 50% (45% for SC/ST/PwD)
Microbiology Ambedkar
Knowledge Questions) from recognized University/Institution.
and Toxicology) University
Microbiology Pattern 1 (25 General + Graduation degree in any branch of Life
410 PGQP22 (Industrial M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Sciences with 50% (45% for SC/ST/PwD)
Microbiology) Knowledge Questions) from a recognized University/Institution.
Graduation degree in any discipline of
Babasaheb Life Sciences /Agricultural Science or
Microbiology Pattern 1 (25 General +
Bhimrao other allied subjects like Biotechnology/
411 PGQP22 (Industrial M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
Ambedkar Microbiology/Biochemistry with 50%
Biotechnology) Knowledge Questions)
University (45% for SC/ST/PwD) from recognized
Graduation degree in any discipline of
Babasaheb Life Sciences /Agricultural Science or
Microbiology Pattern 1 (25 General +
Bhimrao other allied subjects like Biotechnology/
412 PGQP22 (Industrial M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
Ambedkar Microbiology/Biochemistry with 50%
Biotechnology) Knowledge Questions)
University (45%for SC/ST/PwD) from recognized
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Passed B. Pharm. degree of an Indian
University established by law in India from
an institution approved by Pharmacy
Council of India with not less than 55% of
the maximum marks (aggregate of four years
of B. Pharm). For SC/ST candidates the
prescribed percentage of marks will be 50%
of the maximum marks (aggregate of four
years of B. Pharm). OR Appeared/
Appearing in the final examination of B.
Pattern 1 (25 General +
M.Pharm Tripura Pharm. from PCI recognized Institutes.
443 PGQP24 Pharmacy 75 Domain Specific
. University Provided that – Every student, selected for
Knowledge Questions) admission to postgraduate pharmacy course
in any of the pharmacy institution in the
country should have obtained Registration
with the State Pharmacy Council or should
obtain the same within one month from the
date of his/her admission, failing which the
admission of the candidate shall be cancelled.
* Students having valid GPAT score will be
exempted from entrance & will be selected
based on merit/rank/score of the GPAT.
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna B. Pharm. with 50% marks for
Pharmaceutical M.
444 PGQP24 75 Domain Specific Garhwal GEN/OBC/EWS and 45% for SC/ST
Science Pharm.
Knowledge Questions) University, Category.
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna B. Pharm. / B.Sc. 45% GEN/OBC/EWS
445 PGQP24 M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal and 40% for SC/ST categories, with
Knowledge Questions) University, Chemistry as one of the subjects.
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul
Pattern 1 (25 General + Kalam Technical
M. B. Pharm. (Minimum Percentage as per
446 PGQP24 M Pharma 75 Domain Specific University, Uttar
Pharm. AICTE)
Knowledge Questions) Pradesh,
B.Pharm. with 55% or equivalent CGPA
and valid GPAT/GATE Qualified Score.
Registration with State Pharmacy
Council: Candidates seeking admission to
this programme should be graduate in B.
Pharm.course with 55% or equivalent
CGPA and valid GPAT/GATE score.
Pattern 1 (25 General + Dr. Harisingh
Pharmaceutical M.Pharm Relaxation of 5% marks in the qualifying
447 PGQP24 75 Domain Specific Gour Vishwa
Science . examination will be given to the
Knowledge Questions) Vidyalaya
candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD
categories. The candidates should have
registration with respective State
Pharmacy Council or should obtain the
same within 2 months from the date of
admission failing to which the admission
shall stand automatically cancelled.
A pass in the following examinations:
a) B. Pharm. degree examination of an
Indian University established by law in
India from an institution approved by
Pharmacy Council of India and has scored
not less than 55% of the maximum marks
(in aggregate of four years of B. Pharm.)
in case of General, EWS and OBC
Categories. b) For SC/ST/PWD
candidates the prescribed percentage of
Indira Gandhi
Pattern 1 (25 General + marks will be 50% of the maximum
Pharmaceutical M.Pharm National Tribal
448 PGQP24 75 Domain Specific marks (in aggregate of four years of B.
Chemistry . University
Knowledge Questions) Pharm.).
c) Every student, selected for admission to
postgraduate pharmacy course in any of
the pharmacy institution in the country
should have obtained Registration with
the State Pharmacy Council or should
obtain the same within one month from
the date of his admission, failing which the
admission of the candidate shall be
cancelled. Admission preference will be
given to the candidates with valid GPAT
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Chemistry | Apex University, Pass with 50% Marks For All categories
453 PGQP24 M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
Industrial Rajasthan aggregate in B.Pharm or equivalent.
Knowledge Questions)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna B. Sc. (Chemistry) with 45% marks for
474 PGQP25 Chemistry M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal GEN/OBC/EWS and 40% for SC/ST
Knowledge Questions) University, category.
The candidate should have passed the
recognized Bachelor‟s degree in science
stream of minimum three years duration
Madan Mohan from any University of India as
Pattern 1 (25 General + Malaviya recognized by UGC. The candidates must
475 PGQP25 Chemistry M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific University of have passed qualifying examination with
Knowledge Questions) Technology, Chemistry as a subject for all the three
Gorakhpur years and obtained minimum 50% marks
(45% in case of candidates belonging to
SC/ST category) in the qualifying
A graduate with 45% marks as Chemistry
Honours/Major in the Degree
A graduate with 50% marks in the
aggregate and 50% marks in Chemistry
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Manipur for candidates who do not have Chemistry
476 PGQP25 Chemistry M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
University as Honours/Major in the degree
Knowledge Questions)
Candidates (general) must have offered
Physics or Mathematics as one of the
elective subject in the B.Sc. examination
No Cut-off marks for SC/ST PWD
Pattern 1 (25 General + B.Sc. Hons. in Chemistry with 45 %
477 PGQP25 Chemistry M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific marks / equivalent grade with Physics or
Knowledge Questions) Mathematics as subjects.
B.Sc. (Hons)/B.Sc. under 10+2+3 pattern
with Minimum 50 % marks in aggregate
Pattern 1 (25 General + Guru Ghasidas
or equivalent with Chemistry as one
478 PGQP25 Chemistry M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Vishwavidyalaya,
subject from recognized
Knowledge Questions)
university/institution. Max. age limit: 25
Bachelor‟s degree in Chemistry with a
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Pondicherry minimum of 55% of marks in Part III.
479 PGQP25 Chemistry M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
University Candidates should have studied Maths at
Knowledge Questions)
the +2 level.
B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Chemistry or
Bachelor‟s degree of three year duration
with Chemistry as a subject till 3rd year
as one of the subject of study from a
Pattern 1 (25 General + Mahatma recognized Indian or foreign University
480 PGQP25 Chemistry M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Gandhi Central (foreign recognition to be as per AIU list)
Knowledge Questions) University Bihar with a minimum 50% marks or equivalent
grade for Unreserved category and 45%
marks or equivalent grade for
SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/PWD
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Science & Pattern 1 (25 General + Any graduate with Computer
503 PGQP26 Sanskrit M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Science/Computer Applications and
Language Knowledge Questions) Sanskrit at +2 level or degree level.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
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Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
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Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
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Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
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Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
SC/ST category.
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna B.Sc. Agriculture with 45% marks for
657 PGQP33 Agronomy M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal GEN/OBC/EWS and 40% for SC/ST
Knowledge Questions) University, category.
B.Sc. (Hons)/B.Sc. under 10+2+3 pattern
with minimum 50% aggregate or
Pattern 1 (25 General + Guru Ghasidas equivalent with Rural
658 PGQP33 M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Vishwavidyalaya, Technology/Forestry/Biology/ Maths/B.Sc.
Technology Chattisgarh
Knowledge Questions) Agri./BE/B.Tech. from any recognized
Max. age limit: 25 years
(Agronomy/Hor Pattern 1 (25 General + Pass in B.Sc. (Hons.)Agriculture/B.Sc. +
Apex University,
659 PGQP33 ticulture/Plant M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific MBA Agriculture. Obtained at least 48%
Breeding/Genet Knowledge Questions) Marks for all categories.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna Graduation in any discipline with 40% for
674 PGQP36 Yogic Science M.A. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST as per
Knowledge Questions) University, University rules.
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna Graduation in any discipline with 40% for
675 PGQP36 Yogic Science 75 Domain Specific Garhwal GEN/OBC/EWS and SC/ST as per
Knowledge Questions) University, University rules.
Any one of the following examination
passed with at least 50% marks for Gen
Pattern 1 (25 General + and 45%marks for ST/ST/OBC(Non
676 PGQP36 Yogic Science M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Creamy layer) : BPEd-4 years integrated
Knowledge Questions) /BPE/ MPEd /PGDY/BNSY /any
equivalent degree or foreign University
(foreign recognition to be as per AIU List.
Graduation (Bachelor‟s Degree) in any
discipline with minimum 50% marks
Pattern 1 (25 General +
PG Manipur from a recognized university. Upto 5%
677 PGQP36 Yoga 75 Domain Specific
Diploma University relaxation in marks for SC/ST /OBC
Knowledge Questions)
candidates Disability criteria: Except loss
of limb or leg. No upper age limit
Only those candidates who have passed
any Bachelor Degree / Sammanita Sastri
National examination or an examination recognised
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Sanskrit by the University as equivalent are eligible
678 PGQP36 Yoga Therapy M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
University, to apply. In addition, they have to enclose
Knowledge Questions)
Tirupati Physical Fitness Certificate obtained from
not below the rank of Assistant civil
Graduation in any Discipline: Candidates
belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
OBC-NCL categories must have secured
Pattern 1 (25 General + Dr. Harisingh
M.A./M.S at least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA.
679 PGQP36 Yogic Science 75 Domain Specific Gour Vishwa
c. A relaxation of 5% marks in the
Knowledge Questions) Vidyalaya
qualifying examination will be given to the
candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD
A Bachelor degree in any discipline from a
recognized Indian or foreign university (as
Indira Gandhi per the AIU foreign equivalence list)
Pattern 1 (25 General +
M.A./M.S National Tribal having secured a minimum of 50%
680 PGQP36 Yogic Science 75 Domain Specific
c. University aggregate in case General, EWS and OBC
Knowledge Questions)
Amarkantak categories and 45% in case of candidates
belonging to SC/ST/PWD categories are
eligible to apply.
Babasaheb B.A./B.Sc. In Yoga/ Graduate in Sc./ Arts/
Pattern 1 (25 General +
M.Sc./ Bhimrao Commerce with 50 % marks (45 % for
681 PGQP36 Yoga 75 Domain Specific
M.A. Ambedkar SC/ST/ PwD) form recognized University/
Knowledge Questions)
University Institute.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
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No. Code (Subject)
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Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
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Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 3(PGQP38) (100
Marketing |
Questions comprising of
Finance |
Human Passed in Bachelor‟s degree (any
Comprehension/ Verbal Apex University,
802 PGQP38 Resource | M.B.A. discipline) or equivalent. Obtained at least
Ability, Numerical / Rajasthan
Information 45%
Quantitative Ability,
Systems |
Data Interpretation and
Operations &
Logical Reasoning)
Supply Chain
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
Graduation with Drawing & Painting as
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna
Drawing & one subject and 40% for GEN/OBC/EWS
813 PGQP39 M.A. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal
Painting and for
Knowledge Questions) University,
SC/ST as per University rules.
Candidates with Bachelor in Visual Arts
Pattern 1 (25 General + or Bachelor‟s degree in Fine Arts are
814 PGQP39 Fine Arts M.F.A. 75 Domain Specific eligible to apply; 45% Marks in
Knowledge Questions) Honours/Major in the subject concerned
in the Bachelors Degree Examination.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Defence and Comprehension/Verbal Central
815 PGQP40 Strategic M.A. Ability, General University Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline.
Studies Awareness, Computer Gujarat
Basics and Logical
Three Year Law Degree Course: An
applicant who has graduated in any
discipline of Knowledge from a University
established by an Act of Parliament or by
Pattern 3 (100 a State legislature or an equivalent
comprising of Language national institution recognized as a
Comprehension/Verbal Central Deemed to be University or foreign
816 PGQP40 Law L.L.B. Ability, General University University recognized as equivalent to the
Awareness, Computer Haryana statues of an Indian University by an
Basics and Logical authority competent to declare
Reasoning) equivalence. Minimum qualifying marks
in graduation: 45% for General Category
(Relaxation of 5% to the
SC/ST/PWD/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
PG University A Bachelors/UG degree from a recognized
817 PGQP40 Tribal Studies Ability, General
Diploma Himachal University or an equivalent examination.
Awareness, Computer
Basics and Logical
Although this programme of study has
nomenclature of Bachelor Programme,
Pattern 3 (100
but this programme is a PG programme
Bachelor of comprising of Language
Central which can only be pursued after
Library & Comprehension/Verbal
B.Lib.I.Sc University Bachelor/UG Degree). A minimum of 50%
818 PGQP40 Information Ability, General
. Himachal Marks or an equivalent grade in
Science(One Awareness, Computer
Pradesh Bachelors / UG degree of a recognised
Year) Basics and Logical
University or anequivalent examination in
any discipline. The admissions are made
through entrance test.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Central
Ambedkar PG Ability, General University A Bachelors/UG degree from a recognized
819 PGQP40
Studies Diploma Awareness, Computer Himachal University or an equivalent examination.
Basics and Logical Pradesh
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Jammu & Comprehension/Verbal
PG University A Bachelors/UG degree from a recognized
820 PGQP40 Kashmir Ability, General
Diploma Himachal University or an equivalent examination.
Studies Awareness, Computer
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Central
Deen Dayal
PG Ability, General University A Bachelors/UG degree from a recognized
821 PGQP40 Upadhyay
Diploma Awareness, Computer Himachal University or an equivalent examination.
Basics and Logical Pradesh
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Central
PG Ability, General University A Bachelors/UG degree from a recognized
822 PGQP40 Hindu Studies
Diploma Awareness, Computer Himachal University or an equivalent examination.
Basics and Logical Pradesh
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal With at least 50% marks in the Bachelor‟s
Ability, General University of degree in any stream from Social Sciences
823 PGQP40 Gender Studies M.A.
Awareness, Computer Hyderabad or Humanities or Sciences with a
Basics and Logical minimum of 50%
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Ability, General University of At least 50% marks in the Bachelor‟s
824 PGQP40 Anthropology M.A.
Awareness, Computer Hyderabad degree.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Bachelor‟s Degree of at least three years
Central duration from a recognized University
National Ability, General
825 PGQP40 M.A. University with not less than 55% of total marks
Security Studies Awareness, Computer
Jammu (50% in case of SC/ST and persons with
Basics and Logical
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Indian Scripts- Central Graduation in any stream from a
PG Ability, General
826 PGQP40 Brahmi and University recognized University or equivalent with
Diploma Awareness, Computer
Sharda Jammu knowledge of Indian language.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
PG Ability, General Graduation in any stream from a
827 PGQP40 Shavism University
Diploma Awareness, Computer recognized University or equivalent.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Central
Indian Mystical PG Graduation in any stream from a
828 PGQP40 Ability, General University
thoughts Diploma recognized University or equivalent
Awareness, Computer Jammu
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Bachelors Degree in any Discipline with a
Tibetan Comprehension/Verbal Central minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade
829 PGQP40 language and M.A. Ability, General University in aggregate for General Category and
culture Awareness, Computer Jharkhand 45% or equivalent grade in aggregate for
Basics and Logical SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/PWD.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Bachelors‟ Degree in any Discipline with a
Comprehension/Verbal Central minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade
830 PGQP40 Anthropology M.A. Ability, General University in aggregate for General Category and
Awareness, Computer Jharkhand 45% or equivalent grade in aggregate for
Basics and Logical SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/ PWD.
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline from a
recognized Indian or foreign university (as
Pattern 3 (100
per the AIU foreign equivalence list) with
comprising of Language
at least 50% marks aggregate (45% for
Comprehension/Verbal Central
Folkloristic and OBC {NON-CREAMY LAYER}, SC, ST,
831 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General University
Tribal Studies PWD and Kashmiri Migrant and non-
Awareness, Computer Karnataka
migrant Pandits).
Basics and Logical
All seats will be filled on the basis of merit
in the Common University Entrance Test
2022 to be conducted by NTA.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Central Tribal
Graduation in any stream from a
832 PGQP40 Tribal Studies M.A. Ability, General University
recognized University or equivalent.
Awareness, Computer Andhra Pradesh
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Bachelor‟s Degree in any Discipline from
Comprehension/Verbal Central recognised University with at least 50%
833 PGQP40 Islamic Studies M.A. Ability, General University marks or its equivalent on grading scale of
Awareness, Computer Kashmir respective University (45% for
Basics and Logical OBC/SC/ST/PwD/Candidates.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Bachelor‟s Degree in any discipline from a
Comprehension/Verbal Central recognised University with at least 50%
834 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General University marks or its equivalent on grading scale of
Awareness, Computer Kashmir respective Universities (45% for OBC/SC/
Basics and Logical ST /PWD candidates)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 3 (100
Bachelor‟s Degree from a recognised
comprising of Language
University/ Institute having 50% marks or
Comprehension/Verbal Central
Guidance & PG its equivalent on
835 PGQP40 Ability, General University
Counselling Diploma Grading Scale of respective Universities /
Awareness, Computer Kashmir
Institutes (45% for OBC/ SC / ST/ PWD
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
Bachelor‟s Degree from a recognised
comprising of Language
University/Institute having 50% marks or
Comprehension/Verbal Central
Peace and PG its equivalent on
836 PGQP40 Ability, General University
Conflict Studies Diploma Grading Scale of respective Universities /
Awareness, Computer Kashmir
Institutes (45% for OBC/ SC / ST/ PWD
Basics and Logical
Bachelor‟s Degree from a recognised
Pattern 3 (100
University/Institute with
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Central
Alternate PG Islamic Studies as one of the subject or
837 PGQP40 Ability, General University
Banking Diploma B. Com. or BBA with 55% or its
Awareness, Computer Kashmir
equivalent on Grading Scale of respective
Basics and Logical
Universities/ Institutes (45% for OBC/ SC
/ ST/ PWD candidates)
Pattern 3 (100
Graduation degree (three years) in any
comprising of Language
discipline from a recognized University
Media Writing Comprehension/Verbal Central
PG possessing a minimum of 50% marks or
838 PGQP40 and Digital Ability, General University
Diploma equivalent grade in aggregate for General
Communication Awareness, Computer Rajasthan
category and 45% marks for
Basics and Logical
SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS candidates.
Pattern 3 (100
Graduation degree (three years) in any
comprising of Language
discipline from the recognized University
Comprehension/Verbal Central
Cultural possessing a minimum of 50% marks or
839 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General University
Informatics equivalent grade in aggregate for General
Awareness, Computer Rajasthan
category and 45% marks for
Basics and Logical
SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS candidates.
Graduation degree (three years) in any
disciplines from the recognized university
Pattern 3 (100 possessing a minimum of 55% marks or
comprising of Language equivalent grade in aggregate for General
Comprehension/Verbal Central category and 50% or equivalent grade for
840 PGQP40 Digital Society M.Sc. Ability, General University SC/ST/OBC/PWD/EWS candidates. The
Awareness, Computer Rajasthan Graduate Degree may be in any of the
Basics and Logical following areas: Sciences, Social Sciences,
Reasoning) Commerce and Management, Arts and
Humanities, Computer Sciences, and
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Bachelor's Degree in any discipline with a
Comprehension/Verbal Central minimum of 50% marks for General /
841 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General University South OBC/EWS candidates and 45% marks for
Awareness, Computer Bihar SC/ST / PWD candidates from any
Basics and Logical recognised University.
Bachelor„s Degree in any Discipline with
Pattern 3 (100
minimum 45% marks or equivalent
comprising of Language
Grade Point, in the Major/Honours
Cultural Tezpur Subject, or 50% aggregate marks if not
842 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General
Studies University having any Major/Honours Subject.
Awareness, Computer
Relaxation of 5% marks or equivalent
Basics and Logical
Grade Point for reserved category
candidates as per Rules.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Bachelor„s Degree in any discipline.
Women‟s PG Tezpur Relaxation of 5% marks or equivalent
843 PGQP40 Ability, General
Studies Diploma University Grade Point for reserved category
Awareness, Computer
candidates as per Rules.
Basics and Logical
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 3 (100
Passed Bachelor‟s degree (Pass/Hons) in
comprising of Language
any area
Library and Comprehension/Verbal
B.Lib.I.Sc Tripura OR
844 PGQP40 Information Ability, General
. University Appeared/ appearing in final
Science Awareness, Computer
examination-2022 of any Bachelor‟s
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Passed Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline
Comprehension/Verbal OR
Finance & PG Tripura
845 PGQP40 Ability, General Appeared/ appearing in final examination
Taxation Diploma University
Awareness, Computer of Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline in
Basics and Logical 2022.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Graduation (Bachelor‟s Degree) of 3 year
Comprehension/Verbal Central
PG (6 semesters) duration in any discipline
846 PGQP40 NRI Laws Ability, General University
Diploma from a recognized university.
Awareness, Computer Kerala
No upper age limit.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Bachelor‟s Degree (studied in 10+2+3
Comprehension/Verbal Central
Life Skills PG system) in any discipline from a
847 PGQP40 Ability, General University
Education Diploma recognized University.
Awareness, Computer Kerala
No upper age limit.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Hemvati Nandan
As per BCI Rules of Legal Education,
Comprehension/Verbal Bahuguna
2008 (Eligibility for General Category-
848 PGQP40 Law L.L.B. Ability, General Garhwal
45%, OBC- 42%, SC&ST- 40% in
Awareness, Computer University,
Basics and Logical Srinagar
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Hemvati Nandan
B.Sc./BA Defense & Strategic Studies)
Defense & Comprehension/Verbal Bahuguna
M.A./M.S with 45% for GEN/OBC/EWS and 40%
849 PGQP40 Strategic Ability, General Garhwal
c. for SC/ST
Studies Awareness, Computer University,
Basics and Logical Srinagar
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Hemvati Nandan
Library & Comprehension/Verbal Bahuguna Graduation in any discipline with 40% for
850 PGQP40 Information Ability, General Garhwal GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST as per
Science Awareness, Computer University, University rules.
Basics and Logical Srinagar
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Hemvati Nandan B.A. with 40% for GEN/OBC/EWS
Comprehension/Verbal Bahuguna category and SC/ST as per University
851 PGQP40 Anthropology Ability, General Garhwal rules or B. Sc. (Bio group) with 45%
Awareness, Computer University, marks for GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST
Basics and Logical Srinagar as per University rules
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Hemvati Nandan
Comprehension/Verbal Bahuguna Graduation in any discipline with 40%
852 PGQP40 Women Studies Ability, General Garhwal marks for GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST
Awareness, Computer University, as per University rules.
Basics and Logical Srinagar
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
South East Ability, General Manipur Any Graduate from a recognised
858 PGQP40 M.A.
Asian Studies Awareness, Computer University university with 45% marks in aggregate.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Ancient Indian Comprehension/Verbal Graduates from any discipline having
859 PGQP40 Management MAIMT Ability, General secured a minimum of 50% marks are
Techniques Awareness, Computer eligible to join in this programme.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Min. 50% aggregate at Graduation or
Library and Guru Ghasidas
B.Lib.I.Sc Ability, General Post Graduation from any recognized
860 PGQP40 Information Vishwavidyalaya
. Awareness, Computer university/institution. Max. age limit: 25
Science , Chattisgarh
Basics and Logical years.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
PG Comprehension/Verbal Guru Ghasidas Minimum 50% aggregate at Graduation
861 PGQP40 Diploma Ability, General Vishwavidyalaya Level from any recognized university or
(PGDCL) Awareness, Computer , Chattisgarh equivalent.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Certificat Comprehension/Verbal Guru Ghasidas Minimum 50% aggregate at Graduation
862 PGQP40 e Course Ability, General Vishwavidyalaya Level from any recognized university or
(CCCL) Awareness, Computer , Chattisgarh equivalent.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Guru Ghasidas
Physical As per NCTE norms (Graduation) Max.
863 PGQP40 B.P. Ed. Ability, General Vishwavidyalaya
Education age limit: 25 years.
Awareness, Computer , Chattisgarh
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Women's Pondicherry Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
864 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General
Studies University minimum of 50% of marks.
Awareness, Computer
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Human Rights Comprehension/Verbal
Pondicherry Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
865 PGQP40 and Inclusive M.A. Ability, General
University minimum of 50% of marks.
Policy Awareness, Computer
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
South Asian Pondicherry Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
866 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General
Studies University minimum of 50 % of marks.
Awareness, Computer
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Intellectual PG Pondicherry Any Bachelor's degree with minimum of
867 PGQP40 Ability, General
Property Rights Diploma University 50% marks.
Awareness, Computer
Basics and Logical
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Mahatma Bachelor‟s degree from a recognized
Comprehension/Verbal Gandhi university/ Institute with a minimum 50%
Ability, General Antarrashtriya marks or equivalent grade in aggregate
871 PGQP40 Women Studies M.A.
Awareness, Computer Hindi for General Category and 45% or
Basics and Logical Vishwavidyalaya equivalent grade in aggregate for
Reasoning) , Wardha SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/PWD
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language Mahatma Bachelor‟s degree from a recognized
Comprehension/Verbal Gandhi university/ Institute with a minimum 50%
Dalit and Ability, General Antarrashtriya marks or equivalent grade in aggregate
872 PGQP40 M.A.
Tribal Studies Awareness, Computer Hindi for General Category and 45% or
Basics and Logical Vishwavidyalaya equivalent grade in aggregate for
Reasoning) , Wardha SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/PWD
Pattern 3 (100
Mahatma Bachelor‟s degree from a recognized
comprising of Language
Gandhi university/ Institute with a minimum 50%
Buddhist Antarrashtriya marks or equivalent grade in aggregate
873 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General
Studies Hindi for General Category and 45% or
Awareness, Computer
Vishwavidyalaya equivalent grade in aggregate for
Basics and Logical
, Wardha SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/PWD.
Pattern 3 (100
Mahatma Bachelor‟s degree from a recognized
comprising of Language
Gandhi university/ Institute with a minimum 50%
Antarrashtriya marks or equivalent grade in aggregate
874 PGQP40 Anthropology M.A. Ability, General
Hindi for General Category and 45% or
Awareness, Computer
Vishwavidyalaya equivalent grade in aggregate for
Basics and Logical
, Wardha SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/PWD.
Bachelor‟s degree (Majors or Pass) course
Pattern 3 (100
(10+2+3) or its equivalence in the relevant
comprising of Language
subject shall ordinarily be considered for
North-Eastern admission to the Master‟s Degree Course.
875 PGQP40 Folkloristics M.A. Ability, General
Hill University However, subject to availability of seats,
Awareness, Computer
up to 10% of seats may be offered to
Basics and Logical
students from other allied/cognate
Pattern 3 (100 A Candidate who has passed B.Voc. or
comprising of Language Graduation in any discipline with
Indira Gandhi
Comprehension/Verbal minimum 50% in aggregate in case of
Media National Tribal
876 PGQP40 M. Voc. Ability, General General, EWS and OBC categories and
Technology University
Awareness, Computer 45% in case of candidates belonging to
Basics and Logical SC/ST/PWD categories are eligible to
Reasoning) apply.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
(i)(a) Bachelor‟s Degree in any discipline
with 50% marks and having at least
participation in the Inter-College/Inter-
Zonal/District/School competition in Sports
and games as recognized by the
AIU/IOA/SGFI/Govt. of India or (b)
Bachelor Degree in Physical Education with
45% marks or(c) Bachelor's Degree in any
discipline with 45% marks and studied
Physical Education as compulsory/elective
subject or(d) Bachelor‟s Degree with 45%
marks and having participated in National or
State or Inter-University competition or
secured 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in Inter
competition in Sports and games as
recognized by the AIU/IOA/SGFI/Govt. of
Pattern 3 (100 India or (e) Bachelor's Degree with
comprising of Language participation in International competitions
Comprehension/Verbal or secured 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in
(Bachelor of Banaras Hindu
891 PGQP40 B.P. Ed. Ability, General National/Inter-University competition in
Physical University sports and games as recognized by respective
Awareness, Computer
Education) federations/AIU/IOA/SGFI/Govt. of India or
Basics and Logical
Reasoning) (f) Graduation with 45% marks and at least
three years of teaching experience (for
deputed in service candidates, i.e., trained
physical education teachers/coaches).
(ii) AGE: Not to be more than 25 years on
1st July 2022 (applicant should be born on or
after 2ndJuly of 1997); and
(iii)Candidates shortlisted for Physical
Fitness Test of B.P.Ed. would be required to
produce the highest sports participation
certificate, if any, for consideration of Bonus
Points for sports participation (see Section
4.2.2. (2) Professional Course Duration of
Test and Structure of Question Paper of B. P.
Ed.). The shortlisted candidates are required
to bring the original certificate along with
one Photostat of that certificate at the time of
Physical Fitness Test for verification.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Bachelor‟s Degree in any discipline under
Public Banaras Hindu
892 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General 10+2+3 pattern OR equivalent with a
Administration University
Awareness, Computer minimum of 50% aggregate marks.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100 Graduate degree under 10+2+3 pattern
comprising of Language securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
M.Lib &
Comprehension/Verbal aggregate including all subjects studied at
M.Lib.I.Sc. Informati Banaras Hindu
893 PGQP40 Ability, General Graduate level except those subjects
Library Science on University
Awareness, Computer where only pass marks are required and
Basics and Logical which do not contribute to the total in the
Reasoning) final (degree) marksheet.
B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com./ Shastri (at least 10+2+3
pattern) securing a minimum of 50% marks
in aggregate considering all the subjects in
the three years except those subjects where
only pass marks are required and which do
not contribute to the total in the final
Pattern 3 (100 (degree) mark sheet OR any other Degree
comprising of Language under at least 10+2+3 pattern recognized by
the Bar Council of India for the purpose of
LL.B. (Hons.) Comprehension/Verbal
Banaras Hindu admission to LL.B. Course securing a
894 PGQP40 (Bachelor of L.L.B. Ability, General
University minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate
Laws) Awareness, Computer considering all the subjects in the three years
Basics and Logical (aggregate being calculated as mentioned
Reasoning) above). (Note- As per directive of the Bar
Council of India, the candidates who have
obtained 10+2 or Graduation/ Post-
graduation through open Universities system
directly without having any basic
qualifications for pursuing such studies are
not eligible for admission in Law Courses.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language B.A. (Hons.) in History under 10+2+3
Archival Comprehension/Verbal pattern, securing a minimum of 50%
Banaras Hindu
895 PGQP40 Studies & M.A. Ability, General marks in the aggregate. The subject
Management Awareness, Computer History must have been studied in all the
Basics and Logical three years at undergraduate level.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Banaras Hindu Passed Graduation in any discipline with
896 PGQP40 Gender Studies M.A. Ability, General
University at least 50% marks.
Awareness, Computer
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Apex University, Pass in Bachelors degree (any discipline)
897 PGQP40 Home Science M.A. Ability, General
Rajasthan or equivalent.
Awareness, Computer
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Apex University, Pass in Bachelors degree (any discipline)
898 PGQP40 MAYS/MSYS M.A. Ability, General
Rajasthan or equivalent.
Awareness, Computer
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
M.Lib & Passed in B. Lib. Inf. Sc.
Library and Comprehension/Verbal
Informati Tripura OR
899 PGQP40 Information Ability, General
on University Appeared or appearing in the final
Science Awareness, Computer
Science examination-2022 of B. Lib. Infn. Sc.
Basics and Logical
Graduation in any Discipline: Candidates
Pattern 3 (100
belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
comprising of Language
OBC-NCL categories must have secured
Comprehension/Verbal Dr. Harisingh
Business at least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA.
900 PGQP40 M.B.A. Ability, General Gour Vishwa
Management A relaxation of 5% marks in the
Awareness, Computer Vidyalaya
qualifying examination will be given to the
Basics and Logical
candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD
Graduation in any Discipline: Candidates
Pattern 3 (100
belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
comprising of Language
OBC-NCL categories must have secured
Comprehension/Verbal Dr. Harisingh
Rural at least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA.
901 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General Gour Vishwa
Development A relaxation of 5% marks in the
Awareness, Computer Vidyalaya
qualifying examination will be given to the
Basics and Logical
candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD
Graduation in any Discipline : Candidates
Pattern 3 ( 100
belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
comprising of Language
Bachelor of OBC-NCL categories must have secured
Comprehension/Verbal Dr. Harisingh
Library & B.Lib.I.Sc at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA.
902 PGQP40 Ability, General Gour Vishwa
Information . A relaxation of 5% marks in the
Awareness, Computer Vidyalaya
Science qualifying examination will be given to the
Basics and Logical
candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD
Graduation in any Discipline : Candidates
Pattern 3 ( 100
belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
comprising of Language
OBC-NCL categories must have secured
Comprehension/Verbal Dr. Harisingh
Bachelor of at least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA.
903 PGQP40 L.L.B. Ability, General Gour Vishwa
Law A relaxation of 5% marks in the
Awareness, Computer Vidyalaya
qualifying examination will be given to the
Basics and Logical
candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD
Pattern 3 (100 Graduation in any Discipline : Candidates
comprising of Language belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
Comprehension/Verbal OBC-NCL categories must have secured
Dr. Harisingh
Bachelor of Ability, General at least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA.
904 PGQP40 B.J. Gour Vishwa
Journalism Awareness, Computer A relaxation of 5% marks in the
Basics and Logical qualifying examination will be given to the
Reasoning) candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Graduation from any recognized
M.Lib & Comprehension/Verbal
Library and Central university with a minimum 50 % marks
Informati Ability, General
905 PGQP40 Information University or equivalent grade in aggregate
on Awareness, Computer
Science Haryana (Relaxation of 5% to the SC/ST/PWD/
Science Basics and Logical
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates).
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Comprehension/Verbal Babasaheb
Library and
B.Lib.I.Sc Ability, General Bhimrao
906 PGQP40 Information
. Awareness, Computer Ambedkar
Science Graduate degree in any discipline (3yrs or
Basics and Logical University
Reasoning) more) with 50% marks (45% for
SC/ST/PwD) from recognized board.
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Library and Comprehension/Verbal B. Lib. Sc/ B. Lib. I Sc. With 50% marks
907 PGQP40 Information M.Lib. Ability, General (45% for SC/ ST/ PwD candidates) from
Science Awareness, Computer recognized University/Institution.
Basics and Logical
Pattern 3 (100
comprising of Language
Mass Banaras Hindu
908 PGQP40 M.A. Ability, General
Communication University
Awareness, Computer B. Lib. Sc/ B. Lib. I. Sc. with 50% marks
Basics and Logical (45% for SC/ ST/ PwD candidates) from
Reasoning) recognized University/Institution
Graduation from any recognized
Journalism and Pattern 1 (25 General + Central university with a minimum 50 % marks
909 PGQP41 Mass M.A. 75 Domain Specific University or equivalent grade in aggregate
Communication Knowledge Questions) Haryana (Relaxation of 5% to the SC/ST/PWD/
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates).
Central A minimum of 50% marks or an
Pattern 1 (25 General +
University equivalent grade in Bachelors/UG degree
910 PGQP41 New Media M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Himachal from a recognised University or an
Knowledge Questions)
Pradesh equivalent examination.
Central A minimum of 50% marks or an
Journalism & Pattern 1 (25 General +
University equivalent grade in Bachelors/UG degree
911 PGQP41 Mass M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Himachal from a recognised University or an
Communication Knowledge Questions)
Pradesh equivalent examination.
Central A minimum of 50% marks or an
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Data Certificat University equivalent grade in Bachelors/UG degree
912 PGQP41 75 Domain Specific
Journalism e Course Himachal from a recognised University or an
Knowledge Questions)
Pradesh equivalent examination.
Central A minimum of 50% marks or an
Pattern 1 (25 General +
News Certificat University equivalent grade in Bachelors/UG degree
913 PGQP41 75 Domain Specific
Anchoring e Course Himachal from a recognised University or an
Knowledge Questions)
Pradesh equivalent examination.
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Communication University of Graduate in any degree with a minimum
914 PGQP41 M.A. 75 Domain Specific
(Media Studies) Hyderabad of 55% marks.
Knowledge Questions)
Communication Pattern 1 (25 General +
University of Graduate in any degree with a minimum
915 PGQP41 (Media M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Hyderabad of 55% marks.
Practice) Knowledge Questions)
Bachelor‟s Degree of at least three years
Mass Pattern 1 (25 General + Central duration from a recognized University
916 PGQP41 Communication M.A. 75 Domain Specific University with not less than 55% of total marks
and New Media Knowledge Questions) Jammu (50% in case of SC/ST and persons with
Bachelor Degree in any Discipline with a
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade
917 PGQP41 M.A. 75 Domain Specific University in aggregate for General Category and
Knowledge Questions) Jharkhand 45% for SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
Journalism & Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna Graduation in any discipline with 40% for
929 PGQP41 Mass 75 Domain Specific Garhwal GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST as per
communication Knowledge Questions) University, University rules.
Pattern 1 (25 General + Graduate in any discipline; 50% marks in
Mass Manipur
930 PGQP41 M.A. 75 Domain Specific aggregate or equivalent grade for General
Communication University
Knowledge Questions) and OBC.
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Mass Sikkim Hons. Graduate with 45 % marks or Pass
931 PGQP41 M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Communication University Graduate with 56 % marks.
Knowledge Questions)
Pass in the Bachelor‟s degree in any
discipline with 55% marks for
general/OBC candidates, and 50% marks
for SC/ST/Differently-abled category
The English and candidates OR pursuing the qualifying
Journalism and Pattern 1 (25 General +
Foreign programme mentioned above (provided
932 PGQP41 Mass M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Languages the candidate will have passed the
Communication Knowledge Questions)
University examination by the time of the admission
and has scored the minimum eligibility
marks as mentioned above)
(Note: In the case of Hons. degree, only
Hons. marks will be considered.)
Graduation in any Discipline with Min.
Journalism and Pattern 1 (25 General + Guru Ghasidas
50% aggregate or equivalent from any
933 PGQP41 Mass M.A. 75 Domain Specific Vishwavidyalaya
recognized University /institution.
Communication Knowledge Questions) , Chattisgarh
Max. age limit: 25 years.
Bachelor's degree with a minimum of 55
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Electronic Pondicherry % of marks in any discipline from a
934 PGQP41 M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
Media University recognized university under 10+2+3
Knowledge Questions)
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Mass Pondicherry Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
935 PGQP41 M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Communication University minimum of 50% of marks.
Knowledge Questions)
Graduation in any Discipline from a
recognized Indian or Foreign University
Journalism and Pattern 1 (25 General + Mahatma (foreign recognition to be as per AIU list)
936 PGQP41 Mass M.A. 75 Domain Specific Gandhi Central with a minimum 50% marks or equivalent
Communication Knowledge Questions) University Bihar grade [5% relaxation for SC/ST/OBC
(Non-Creamy Layer)/PWD category
Master of
Bachelor's degree in any discipline with
Mass Media/ m and Pattern 1 (25 General + Central Tribal
50% marks (45% in case of SC/ST/PWD)
937 PGQP41 Mass Mass 75 Domain Specific University
from a recognized Indian or foreign
Communication Communi Knowledge Questions) Andhra Pradesh
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Politics and Pattern 1 (25 General + Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
970 PGQP42 International M.A. 75 Domain Specific minimum of 50% of marks or equivalent
Relations Knowledge Questions) grade.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna Graduation in any discipline with 40% for
1015 PGQP44 Economics M.A. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST as per
Knowledge Questions) University, University rules.
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. (Three-Year Courses);
45% Marks in Honours/Major in the
subject concerned in the Bachelors Degree
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Manipur Examination Or 45% marks both in
1016 PGQP44 Economics M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University aggregate and in the subject concerned in
Knowledge Questions)
the Bachelors Degree Examination for
candidates who do not have Honours/
Graduate degree in Economics with 50 %
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Sikkim marks / equivalent grade for General and
1017 PGQP44 Economics M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University 45 % marks / equivalent grade for SC/ST/
Knowledge Questions)
B.A (Hons)/ B.A under 10+2+3 pattern
with Minimum 50 % marks in aggregate
Pattern 1 (25 General + Guru Ghasidas
or equivalent with Economics as one
1018 PGQP44 Economics M.A. 75 Domain Specific Vishwavidyalaya
subject from recognized
Knowledge Questions) , Chattisgarh
university/institution. Max. age limit: 25
Bachelor‟s degree in Economics (with
Quantitative Techniques / Statistics) or
any Bachelors degree in Social Sciences
with Economics as a subject, mathematics
as a subject at +2/ Higher Secondary
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Pondicherry level or Bachelor's degree in Commerce or
1019 PGQP44 Economics M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University Bachelor's degree in Engineering/
Knowledge Questions)
Mathematics/ Statistics/ Operations
Research/ Cooperation and Banking with
a minimum of 50% of marks, as
recognized by Pondicherry University or
as recognized by the UGC
Bachelor's Degree from a recognised
Indian or Foreign University (foreign
recognition to be as per AIU list) having
Economics/ Commerce / Statistics /
Pattern 1 (25 General + Mahatma
Management / Mathematics as a subject
1020 PGQP44 Economics M.A. 75 Domain Specific Gandhi Central
(Hons./General) with a minimum 50%
Knowledge Questions) University Bihar
marks or equivalent grade for Unreserved
category and 45% marks or equivalent
grade for SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy
Layer) / PWD candidates.
Bachelor‟s degree (Majors or Pass) course
(10+2+3) or its equivalence in the relevant
subject shall ordinarily be considered for
Pattern 1 (25 General +
North-Eastern admission to the Master‟s Degree Course.
1021 PGQP44 Economics M.A. 75 Domain Specific
Hill University However, subject to availability of seats,
Knowledge Questions)
up to 10% of seats may be offered to
students from other allied/cognate
Graduation with Economics/Mathematics/
Commerce/Management: Candidates
belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
Pattern 1 (25 General + Dr. Harisingh OBC-NCL categories must have secured
1022 PGQP44 Economics M.A. 75 Domain Specific Gour Vishwa at least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA.
Knowledge Questions) Vidyalaya A relaxation of 5% marks in the
qualifying examination will be given to the
candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD
A Bachelor degree with Economics
/Psychology/Statistics/ B.Com./B.B.A./
B.Sc. from a recognized Indian or foreign
Indira Gandhi university (as per the AIU foreign
Pattern 1 (25 General +
National Tribal equivalence list) having secured a
1023 PGQP44 Economics M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University minimum of 50% in aggregate in case of
Knowledge Questions)
Amarkantak General, EWS and OBC Category and
45% in case of candidates belonging to
SC/ST/PWD categories are eligible to
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
Graduation with Psychology as a subject
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna
or B.Sc. B.Ed. with 40% marks for
1052 PGQP46 Psychology M.A. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal
GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST as per
Knowledge Questions) University,
University rules.
A Bachelor‟s degree with 45% marks in
Honors/Major in the subject concerned in
the Degree Examinations OR 50% marks
Pattern 1 (25 General +
M.A./ Manipur in Psychology for those who do not have
1053 PGQP46 Psychology 75 Domain Specific
M.Sc. University Honors/Major in Psychology OR 50%
Knowledge Questions)
marks in aggregate for those who do not
have psychology in Degree Examination
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
d)Minimum one Information
System/System Analysis/ Software
Engineering subject
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sardar Patel
University of
Pattern 1 (25 General + B.E./B.Tech. in CS/ECE/IT., MCA or
Police, Security
1126 PGQP54 Cyber Security M. Tech. 75 Domain Specific M.Sc.(cs) min 55% marks (5% relaxation
and Criminal
Knowledge Questions) for SC/ST/PH)
Justice, Jodhpur
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Engineering |
Power System
Engineering |
Pattern 1 (25 General + Pass in B.E/B.Tech (Engg.) or AMIE or
Thermal Apex University,
1130 PGQP54 M. Tech. 75 Domain Specific equivalent. obtained at least least 55%
Engineering | Rajasthan
Knowledge Questions) (50% in case of SC/ST).
Engineering |
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Technology , Pharmaceutical
Engineering/ Technology, Fiber Science
and Technology, Textile Engineering/
Technology, Nanoscience,
Nanotechnology, Environmental
Engineering/ Technology, Civil
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Library and Pattern 1 (25 General + Guru Ghasidas B. Lib. & Inf. Sc. with 50% marks or
M.Lib &
1156 PGQP59 Information 75 Domain Specific Vishwavidyalaya equivalent from any recognized university
Science Knowledge Questions) , Chattisgarh / institution. Max. age limit: 27 years
Library & Pattern 1 (25 General + A 3-year degree course (Majors) in any
1159 PGQP59 Information M.Lib. 75 Domain Specific subject securing an aggregate of 50%
Hill University
Science Knowledge Questions) (relaxable by 5% for SC/ST).
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Library and Pattern 1 (25 General + Central Bachelor‟s degree with 50% marks {45%
M.Lib &
1162 PGQP59 Information 75 Domain Specific University in case of SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PWD} from
Sciences Knowledge Questions) Punjab a recognized Indian or foreign University.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Questions- With at least 50% marks in the Bachelor's
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi degree with at least 50% marks in Telugu
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ as an optional subject; OR with at least
French/Assamese/ 50% marks in the Bachelor's degree with
University of
1169 PGQP60 Telugu M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ at least 55% marks in Telugu as the
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch compulsory subject.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
Limbu/Nepali/German/A **Language specific questions would be in
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ Telugu language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
With at least 50% marks in the Bachelor's
degree or equivalent with at least 50%
marks in Urdu, Persian or Arabic as
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
optional papers; OR Bachelor‟s degree or
University of equivalent with at least 55% marks in
1170 PGQP60 Urdu M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
Hyderabad Urdu, Persian or Arabic as a compulsory
subject i.e. as a second language.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
**Language specific questions would be in
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Urdu language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Bachelor‟s degree from a recognized
Comprising of GK,
Indian or foreign university (as per the
Logical Reasoning &
AIU foreign equivalence list) and secured
Quantative Aptitute + 75
a minimum of 50% aggregate (45% for
Language Specific
PWD, Kashmiri Migrant and non-
migrant Pandits) marks and having
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
studied Kannada as an optional subject in
French/Assamese/ Central
all the semesters at undergraduate level
1171 PGQP60 Kannada M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ University
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Karnataka
All seats will be filled on the basis of merit
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
in the Central Universities Common
Entrance Test 2022 to be conducted by
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
**Language specific questions would be in
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Kannada language only.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Bachelor‟s Degree from a recognized
University with at least 50% marks or its
equivalent on Grading Scale of respective
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
Universities having Urdu as one of the
French/Assamese/ Central
subjects during each Semester /Year (45%
1172 PGQP60 Urdu M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ University
for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Kashmir
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
**Language specific questions would be in
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Urdu language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
A Graduate with Odia as a subject at the
Quantative Aptitute + 75
graduation level with minimum 50%
Language Specific
marks (or an equivalent grade in a point
scale wherever grading system is followed)
aggregate and in the respective subject
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
from a recognized University /Institution.
French/Assamese/ Central
(5% relaxation will be given to
1173 PGQP60 Odia M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ University of
SC/ST/PwD candidates).
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Odisha
Maximum age limit: 30 years as on 01-07-
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
**Language specific questions would be in
Odia language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Minimum 50% marks in graduation,
Relaxation in minimum marks will be
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
given as per Government of India policy
French/Assamese/ Central
Punjabi Certificat for reserved categories.
1174 PGQP60 Bengali/ Kokborok/ University
Translation e Course
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Punjab
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
**Language specific questions would be in
Punjabi language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Bachelor‟s degree with 50% marks {45%
in case of SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PWD} in
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
Central aggregate from a recognized Indian or
1175 PGQP60 Punjabi M.A. University foreign University.
Bengali/ Kokborok/
**Language specific questions would be in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
Punjabi language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi Minimum 50% marks in graduation,
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ Relaxation in minimum marks will be
French/Assamese/ Central given as per Government of India policy
1176 PGQP60 French Bengali/ Kokborok/ University for reserved categories.
e Course
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Punjab
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ **Language specific questions would be in
Limbu/Nepali/German/A French language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Bachelor's degree with at least 55%
marks for General Category, 50% marks
for OBC (Non-creamy Layer), 45% marks
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
for SC/ST/PWD candidates with Tamil as
French/Assamese/ Central
Classical Tamil a major subject or as one of the subjects.
1177 PGQP60 M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ University Tamil
Studies [Candidates admitted may be provided
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Nadu
scholarships and book grant by CICT].
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
**Language specific questions would be in
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Tamil language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Questions- Bachelors degree with at least 45% in
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi major/ honours in Assamese or Bachelor's
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ degree with Assamese (MIL) having at
French/Assamese/ least 50% in aggregate. Relaxation of 5%
1178 PGQP60 Assamese M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ marks or equivalent Grade Point for
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch reserved category candidates as per Rules.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
Limbu/Nepali/German/A **Language specific questions would be in
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ Assamese language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi Passed B.A. (Hons /Pass) in Bengali
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ OR
French/Assamese/ Appeared/Appearing in final examination
1179 PGQP60 Bengali M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ of B.A. (Hons./Pass) -2022 in Bengali.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ **Language specific questions would be in
Limbu/Nepali/German/A Bengali language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Passed /appeared/ appearing in final
examination-2022 of B.A. (Hons./ Pass) in
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
Tripura OR
1180 PGQP60 Kokborok M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University PG Diploma in Kokborok.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
**Language specific questions would be in
Kokborok language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Bachelor‟s Degree (studied in 10+2+3
Language Specific
system) in any discipline with not less than
50% marks or equivalent grade in
aggregate and also in Malayalam from a
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
recognized University. Up to 5%
French/Assamese/ Central
relaxation in the minimum requirement of
1181 PGQP60 Malayalam M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ University
marks is granted to SC/ST candidates.The
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Kerala
candidates should not have completed 25
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
years of age as on 01.07.2022.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
**Language specific questions would be in
Malayalam language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK, Bachelor‟s Degree (studied in 10+2+3
Logical Reasoning & system) in any discipline from a
Quantative Aptitute + 75 recognized University with not less than
Language Specific 50% marks or equivalent grade in
Questions- aggregate and having studied Kannada as
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi an optional subject/ Language at
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ undergraduate level and having secured a
French/Assamese/ minimum of 50% marks or equivalent
1182 PGQP60 Kannada M.A. University
Bengali/ Kokborok/ grade. Up to 5% relaxation in minimum
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch requirement of marks is granted to SC/ST
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ candidates. The candidates should not
Limbu/Nepali/German/A have completed 25 years of age as on
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ 01.07.2022.
/Marathi/Pali/ **Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit Kannada language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi A graduate with Manipuri Honours/
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ Electives (Who have studied 4 papers);
French/Assamese/ The candidates should have secured 45%
1183 PGQP60 Manipuri MA Bengali/ Kokborok/ marks in aggregate.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ **Language specific questions would be in
Limbu/Nepali/German/A Manipuri language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
B.A. Chinese with 50% marks / equivalent
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
grade for General and 45% marks /
Sikkim equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC/DA.
1184 PGQP60 Chinese M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
**Language specific questions would be in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
Chinese language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
BA Hons. In Bhutia with 45% marks.
1185 PGQP60 Bhutia M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University **Language specific questions would be in
Bhutia language only.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
BA Hons. in Lepcha with 45% Marks.
1186 PGQP60 Lepcha M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University **Language specific questions would be in
Lepcha language only.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
BA Honours in Limbu with 45% marks
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
for ST & SC candidates and 50% for
Sikkim remaining categories.
1187 PGQP60 Limbu M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
**Language specific questions would be in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
Limbu language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ Honours graduate in Nepali with 45%
French/Assamese/ marks/equivalent grade.
1188 PGQP60 Nepali M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch **Language specific questions would be in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ Nepali language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
A Bachelor's degree in German OR a
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
Language Specific
certificate of *B1 level proficiency
equivalent to Advanced Diploma in
German OR Pursuing the qualifying
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ The English and
German programme mentioned above (provided
French/Assamese/ Foreign
1189 PGQP60 Language and M.A. the candidate will have passed the
Bengali/ Kokborok/ Languages
Literature examination by the time of the admission
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch University
and has scored the minimum eligibility
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
percentage as mentioned above)
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
**Language specific questions would be in
German language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75 A Bachelor's degree in Arabic OR a
Language Specific Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
Questions- certificate of *B1 level proficiency
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi equivalent to Advanced Diploma in
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ Arabic OR Pursuing the qualifying
The English and
Arabic French/Assamese/ programme mentioned above (provided
1190 PGQP60 Language and M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ the candidate will have passed the
Literature Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch examination by the time of the admission
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ and has scored the minimum eligibility
Limbu/Nepali/German/A grade as mentioned above)
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Hispanic(Spanish)/Tamil **Language specific questions would be in
/Marathi/Pali/ Arabic language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75 A Bachelor's degree in French OR a
Language Specific Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
Questions- certificate of *B1 level proficiency
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi equivalent to Advanced Diploma in
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ French OR Pursuing the qualifying
The English and
French French/Assamese/ programme mentioned above (provided
1191 PGQP60 Language and M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ the candidate will have passed the
Literature Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch examination by the time of the admission
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ and has scored the minimum eligibility
Limbu/Nepali/German/A grade as mentioned above)
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Hispanic(Spanish)/Tamil **Language specific questions would be in
/Marathi/Pali/ French language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75 A Bachelor's degree in Japanese OR a
Language Specific Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
Questions- certificate of *Japanese Language
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi Proficiency Testing (JLPT) N – III level
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ OR Pursuing the qualifying programme
The English and
Japanese French/Assamese/ mentioned above (provided the candidate
1192 PGQP60 Language and M.A Bengali/ Kokborok/ will have passed the examination by the
Literature Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch time of the admission and has scored the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ minimum eligibility grade as mentioned
Limbu/Nepali/German/A above)
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Hispanic(Spanish)/Tamil **Language specific questions would be in
/Marathi/Pali/ Japanese language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75 A Bachelor's degree in Russian OR a
Language Specific Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
Questions- certificate of *B1 level proficiency
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi equivalent to Advanced Diploma in
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ Russian OR Pursuing the qualifying
The English and
Russian French/Assamese/ programme mentioned above (provided
1193 PGQP60 Language and M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ the candidate will have passed the
Literature Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch examination by the time of the admission
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ and has scored the minimum eligibility
Limbu/Nepali/German/A grade as mentioned above)
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Hispanic(Spanish)/Tamil **Language specific questions would be in
/Marathi/Pali/ Russian language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75 A Bachelor's degree in Spanish OR a
Language Specific Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
Questions- certificate of *B1 level proficiency
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi equivalent to Advanced Diploma in
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ Spanish OR Pursuing the qualifying
The English and
Hispanic French/Assamese/ programme mentioned above (provided
1194 PGQP60 Language and M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ the candidate will have passed the
Literature Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch examination by the time of the admission
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ and has scored the minimum eligibility
Limbu/Nepali/German/A grade as mentioned above)
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Hispanic(Spanish)/Tamil **Language specific questions would be in
/Marathi/Pali/ Hispanic(Spanish) language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Bachelor‟s degree in Tamil/ B.Litt. with a
minimum of 50% of marks or any
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
Bachelor‟s degree (other than Tamil)
Pondicherry having Tamil under part I with a
1195 PGQP60 Tamil M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University minimum of 50% of marks.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
**Language specific questions would be in
Tamil language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Bachelor‟s degree in French with a
Logical Reasoning &
minimum of 50%. (or) any
Quantative Aptitute + 75
undergraduate degree with 2 years of
Language Specific
French in Part-1 with atleast 55% of
marks in French and 50% in the
aggregate of the main subjects in Part-III.
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
French (or) any undergraduate degree with an
French/Assamese/ Pondicherry
1196 PGQP60 (Translation & M.A. aggregate of 50% in the main subjects in
Bengali/ Kokborok/ University
Interpretation) Part-III with 3 years of French(from
Certificate to Advanced Diploma) in a
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
university, or an accrediated institution
(or) DELF B1 from CIEP, Paris.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
**Language specific questions would be in
French language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific 3-year Bachelor‟s degree (Majors or Pass)
Questions- course (10+2+3) or its equivalence in the
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi relevant subject shall ordinarily be
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ considered for admission to the Master‟s
French/Assamese/ Degree Course. However, subject to
1200 PGQP60 Khasi M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ availability of seats, up to 10% of seats
Hill University
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch may be offered to students from other
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ allied/cognate disciplines.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ **Language specific questions would be in
Hispanic(Spanish)/Tamil Khasi language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific Graduation in any Discipline : Candidates
Questions- belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi OBC-NCL categories must have secured
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ at least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA.
French/Assamese/ Dr. Harisingh A relaxation of 5% marks in the
1201 PGQP60 Urdu M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ Gour Vishwa qualifying examination will be given to the
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Vidyalaya candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ categories.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ **Language specific questions would be in
Hispanic(Spanish)/Tamil Urdu language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ Shastri/Bachelor's Degree or equivalent
French/Assamese/ with Sanskrit Subject.
Central Sanskrit
1202 PGQP60 Prakrit Acharya Bengali/ Kokborok/
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch **Language specific questions would be in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ Prakrit language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ Shastri/Bachelor's Degree or equivalent
French/Assamese/ with Sanskrit Subject.
Central Sanskrit
1203 PGQP60 Pali Acharya Bengali/ Kokborok/
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch **Language specific questions would be in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ Pali language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi B.A. in Chinese OR Graduation in any
/Urdu/ Discipline + Diploma/Advanced Diploma
Kannada/Odia/French/A Central in Chinese OR Graduation in any
1204 PGQP60 Chinese M.A. ssamese/ Bengali/ University Discipline + HSK-5
Kokborok/Malayalam/M Gujarat
anipuri/Chinese/Bhutia/ **Language specific questions would be in
Lepcha/Limbu/Nepali/Ge Chinese language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi B.A. in German OR Graduation in any
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ Discipline + Advanced Diploma / B2.2
French/Assamese/ Central level with 50% marks (5% relaxation for
1205 PGQP60 German Studies M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ University SC, ST & OBC candidates)
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Gujarat
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ **Language specific questions would be in
Limbu/Nepali/German/A German language only.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK, Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning & 10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75 45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific the concerned language. (All OBC
Questions- category (non creamy layer) candidates
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ percentage of marks in the qualifying
French/Assamese/ Jawaharlal examination in relation to open category.
1206 PGQP60 Persian M.A.
Bengali/ Kokborok/ Nehru University The SC/ST and Person with Disability
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch (PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ qualifying examination irrespective of
Limbu/Nepali/German/A their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ appear in the Entrance Examination.)
/Marathi/Pali/ **Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit Persian language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning &
10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75
45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific
the concerned language. (All OBC
category (non creamy layer) candidates
are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
percentage of marks in the qualifying
Jawaharlal examination in relation to open category.
1207 PGQP60 Pashto M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
Nehru University The SC/ST and Person with Disability
(PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
qualifying examination irrespective of
their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
appear in the Entrance Examination.)
**Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
Pashto language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning &
10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75
45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific
the concerned language. (All OBC
category (non creamy layer) candidates
are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
percentage of marks in the qualifying
Jawaharlal examination in relation to open category.
1208 PGQP60 Arabic M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
Nehru University The SC/ST and Person with Disability
(PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
qualifying examination irrespective of
their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
appear in the Entrance Examination.)
**Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
Arabic language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning &
10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75
45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific
the concerned language. (All OBC
category (non creamy layer) candidates
are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
percentage of marks in the qualifying
Jawaharlal examination in relation to open category.
1209 PGQP60 Japanese M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
Nehru University The SC/ST and Person with Disability
(PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
qualifying examination irrespective of
their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
appear in the Entrance Examination.)
**Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
Japanese language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning &
10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75
45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific
the concerned language. (All OBC
category (non creamy layer) candidates
are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
percentage of marks in the qualifying
Jawaharlal examination in relation to open category.
1210 PGQP60 Korean M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
Nehru University The SC/ST and Person with Disability
(PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
qualifying examination irrespective of
their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
appear in the Entrance Examination.)
**Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
Korean language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning &
10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75
45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific
the concerned language. (All OBC
category (non creamy layer) candidates
are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
percentage of marks in the qualifying
Jawaharlal examination in relation to open category.
1211 PGQP60 Chinese M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
Nehru University The SC/ST and Person with Disability
(PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
qualifying examination irrespective of
their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
appear in the Entrance Examination.)
**Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
Chinese language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning &
10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75
45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific
the concerned language. (All OBC
category (non creamy layer) candidates
are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
percentage of marks in the qualifying
French and French/Assamese/
Jawaharlal examination in relation to open category.
1212 PGQP60 Francophone M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
Nehru University The SC/ST and Person with Disability
Studies Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch
(PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
qualifying examination irrespective of
their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
appear in the Entrance Examination.)
**Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
French language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK, Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning & 10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75 50% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific German. (All OBC category (non creamy
Questions- layer) candidates are eligible to 10%
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi relaxation in the percentage of marks in
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ the qualifying examination in relation to
German French/Assamese/ Jawaharlal open category. The SC/ST and Person
1213 PGQP60 M.A.
Literature Bengali/ Kokborok/ Nehru University with Disability (PWD) candidates who
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch have passed the qualifying examination
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ irrespective of their percentage of marks
Limbu/Nepali/German/A are eligible to appear in the Entrance
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ Examination.)
/Marathi/Pali/ **Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit German language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK, Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning & 10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75 50% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific German. (All OBC category (non creamy
Questions- layer) candidates are eligible to 10%
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi relaxation in the percentage of marks in
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ the qualifying examination in relation to
French/Assamese/ open category. The SC/ST and Person
German Jawaharlal
1214 PGQP60 M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ with Disability (PWD) candidates who
Translation Nehru University
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch have passed the qualifying examination
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ irrespective of their percentage of marks
Limbu/Nepali/German/A are eligible to appear in the Entrance
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ Examination.)
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit **Language specific questions would be in
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/ German language only.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK, Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning & 10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75 45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific the concerned language. (All OBC
Questions- category (non creamy layer) candidates
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ percentage of marks in the qualifying
French/Assamese/ examination in relation to open category.
1215 PGQP60 Urdu M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ The SC/ST and Person with Disability
Nehru University
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch (PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ qualifying examination irrespective of
Limbu/Nepali/German/A their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ appear in the Entrance Examination.)
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit **Language specific questions would be in
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/ Urdu language only.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK, Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning & 10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75 45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific the concerned language. (All OBC
Questions- category (non creamy layer) candidates
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ percentage of marks in the qualifying
French/Assamese/ examination in relation to open category.
1216 PGQP60 Russian M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ The SC/ST and Person with Disability
Nehru University
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch (PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ qualifying examination irrespective of
Limbu/Nepali/German/A their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ appear in the Entrance Examination.)
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit **Language specific questions would be in
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/ Russian language only.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK, Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline under
Logical Reasoning & 10+2+3 pattern of education with at least
Quantative Aptitute + 75 45% marks with adequate proficiency in
Language Specific the concerned language. (All OBC
Questions- category (non creamy layer) candidates
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi are eligible to 10% relaxation in the
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ percentage of marks in the qualifying
French/Assamese/ examination in relation to open category.
1217 PGQP60 Spanish M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ The SC/ST and Person with Disability
Nehru University
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch (PWD) candidates who have passed the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ qualifying examination irrespective of
Limbu/Nepali/German/A their percentage of marks are eligible to
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ appear in the Entrance Examination.)
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit **Language specific questions would be in
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/ Spanish language only.
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
aggregate including all subjects studied at
Comprising of GK,
B.A. level except those subjects where only
Logical Reasoning &
pass marks are required and which do not
Quantative Aptitute + 75
contribute to the total in the final (degree)
Language Specific
mark sheet. The subject in which
admission is sought must be Hons. subject
at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
in all the three years at B.A. level. OR
Banaras Hindu B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
1218 PGQP60 French M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University with PG Diploma/Advanced Diploma in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
concerned subject (Chinese/ French/
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Persian/Russian/Nepali/Telugu) securing a
minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate both at B.A. and Diploma
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
**Language specific questions would be in
French language only.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning & B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
Quantative Aptitute + 75 with PG Diploma/Advanced Diploma in
Language Specific the concerned subject (Arabic) securing a
Questions- minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi both at B.A. and Diploma levels. OR B.A
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ under 10+2+3 pattern with Arabic in first
French/Assamese/ two years at under graduate levels along
Banaras Hindu
1219 PGQP60 Arabic M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ with documentary evidence to prove that
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch candidate has studied Arabic literature
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ earlier securing a minimum of 50% in the
Limbu/Nepali/German/A aggregate at B.A level.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
/Marathi/Pali/ **Language specific questions would be in
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit Arabic language only.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
Quantative Aptitute + 75
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
Language Specific
aggregate including all subjects studied at
B.A. level except those subjects where only
pass marks are required and which do not
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
contribute to the total in the final (degree)
Banaras Hindu mark sheet. The subject in which
1220 PGQP60 Bengali M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University admission is sought must be Hons. subject
at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
in all the three years at B.A. level.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
**Language specific questions would be in
Bengali language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
Pattern 2 ( 25 General - aggregate including all subjects studied at
Comprising of GK, B.A. level except those subjects where only
Logical Reasoning & pass marks are required and which do not
Quantative Aptitute + 75 contribute to the total in the final (degree)
Language Specific mark sheet. The subject in which
Questions- admission is sought must be Hons. subject
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ in all the three years at B.A. level. OR
French/Assamese/ B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
Banaras Hindu
1221 PGQP60 Chinese M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ with PG Diploma/Advanced Diploma in
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch the
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ concerned subject (Chinese/ French/
Limbu/Nepali/German/A German/Marathi/
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/ Persian/Russian/Nepali/Telugu) securing a
Hispanic(Spanish)/Tamil minimum of 50% marks in the
/Marathi/Pali/ aggregate both at B.A. and Diploma
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit levels.
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
**Language specific questions would be in
Chinese language only.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75 The candidate who has passed B. A.
Language Specific (Hons.)/B.A. under 10+2+3
Questions- pattern/Shastri(BLevel Nepali passed)
Telugu/Gujarati/Punjabi with P. G. Diploma/advanced Diploma/ 1
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/ year Bridge Course in Nepali Subject
French/Assamese/ securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
Banaras Hindu
1222 PGQP60 Nepali M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ aggregate both at B. A. and Diploma
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Levels will be eligible for admission in M.
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/ A. Nepali.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Hispanic(Spanish)/Tamil **Language specific questions would be in
/Marathi/Pali/ Nepali language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
B.A. (Hons.) in Pali/Buddhist Studies
Comprising of GK,
under at least 10+2+3 pattern OR
Logical Reasoning &
Pali/Buddhist Studies, studied in all the
Quantative Aptitute + 75
three years at B.A. level The candidate
Language Specific
must have secured at least 50% marks in
aggregate both at B.A. (Hons.)/B.A. Level.
NOTE: In case of students having
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
Pali/Buddhist Studies, courses from the
Banaras Hindu University other than BHU or Foreign
1223 PGQP60 Pali M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University Students having different course types in
Pali/Buddhist Studies, eligibility and
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
equivalence shall be decided by the
Departmental Admission Committee for
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
M.A. in Pali.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
**Language specific questions would be in
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Pali language only.
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
aggregate including all subjects studied at
Comprising of GK,
B.A. level except those subjects where only
Logical Reasoning &
pass marks are required and which do not
Quantative Aptitute + 75
contribute to the total in the final (degree)
Language Specific
mark sheet. The subject in which
admission is sought must be Hons. subject
at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
in all the three years at B.A. level. OR
Banaras Hindu B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
1224 PGQP60 Persian M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University with PG Diploma/Advanced Diploma in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
concerned subject (Chinese/ French/
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Persian/Russian/Nepali/Telugu) securing a
minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate both at B.A. and Diploma
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
**Language specific questions would be in
Persian language only.
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
aggregate including all subjects studied at
Comprising of GK,
B.A. level except those subjects where only
Logical Reasoning &
pass marks are required and which do not
Quantative Aptitute + 75
contribute to the total in the final (degree)
Language Specific
mark sheet. The subject in which
admission is sought must be Hons. subject
at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
in all the three years at B.A. level. OR
Banaras Hindu B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
1225 PGQP60 Telugu M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University with PG Diploma/Advanced Diploma in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
concerned subject (Chinese/ French/
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Persian/Russian/Nepali/Telugu) securing a
minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate both at B.A. and Diploma
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
**Language specific questions would be in
Telugu language only.
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
Quantative Aptitute + 75
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
Language Specific
aggregate including all subjects studied at
B.A. level except those subjects where only
pass marks are required and which do not
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
contribute to the total in the final (degree)
Banaras Hindu mark sheet. The subject in which
1226 PGQP60 Urdu M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University admission is sought must be Hons. subject
at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
in all the three years at B.A. level.
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
**Language specific questions would be in
Urdu language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
aggregate including all subjects studied at
Comprising of GK,
B.A. level except those subjects where only
Logical Reasoning &
pass marks are required and which do not
Quantative Aptitute + 75
contribute to the total in the final (degree)
Language Specific
mark sheet. The subject in which
admission is sought must be Hons. subject
at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
in all the three years at B.A. level. OR
Banaras Hindu B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
1227 PGQP60 German M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/
University with PG Diploma/Advanced Diploma in
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
concerned subject (Chinese/ French/
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Persian/Russian/Nepali/Telugu) securing a
minimum of 50% marks in the
aggregate both at B.A. and Diploma
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
**Language specific questions would be in
German language only.
Pattern 2 ( 25 General -
Comprising of GK,
Logical Reasoning &
Quantative Aptitute + 75
Language Specific
Bachelor‟s Degree from a recognized
University with at least 50% marks or its
equivalent on Grading Scale of respective
/Urdu/ Kannada/Odia/
Universities having Kashmiri as one of the
French/Assamese/ Central
subjects during each Semester /Year (45%
1228 PGQP60 Kashmiri M.A. Bengali/ Kokborok/ University
for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates).
Malayalam/Manipuri/Ch Kashmir
inese/Bhutia/ Lepcha/
**Language specific questions would be in
rabic/Russian/ Japanese/
Kashmiri language only.
Garo/Khasi /Prakrit
/Persian/Pashto /Korean/
Bachelor's degree in social
sciences/natural sciences/physical
sciences/biological sciences/clinical
sciences/law/commerce/ any other
professional stream with 55% marks from
a recognized University/Institution. (All
Pattern 1 (25 General + OBC category (non creamy layer)
1229 PGQP61 Disaster Studies M.A. 75 Domain Specific candidates are eligible to 10% relaxation
Nehru University
Knowledge Questions) in the percentage of marks in the
qualifying examination in relation to open
category. The SC/ST and Person with
Disability (PWD) candidates who have
passed the qualifying examination
irrespective of their percentage of marks
are eligible to appear in the Entrance
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Pattern 1 (25 General + 75
Domain Specific
Knowledge Questions- MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY
Painting/ Applied Arts/ REQUIREMENTS (B. Ed.):
Plastic Arts/Pottery & (a) Candidates with at least fifty percent
Ceramics/ Textile Design/ marks either in the Bachelor‟s Degree
Jyotish and/or in the Master‟s Degree in
(Falit)/Jyotish(Ganit)/ Sciences/Social Sciences/
Dharamshastra/ Jaina Humanities/Commerce, Bachelor‟s degree
Darshan/ Baudha in Engineering or Technology with
Darshan/ Vedanta/ specialization in Science and Mathematics
Biochemistry/ with 55% marks or any other
Mathematics, Mathematics, Special qualification equivalent# thereto are
Special Education Mathematics/
Banaras Hindu eligible for admission to the programme.
1268 PGQP74 Education B.Ed. Language, Special
Education Language/
University (b) A candidate must have studied at least
Science, Special Education one School subject* at the graduation
Science/ Humanities and level or post- graduation as a main
Social Sciences, Special subject**.
Education Humanities and * Hindi, Sanskrit, English, Science
Social Sciences (Physics and/or Chemistry), Biology
(**Only applicable for (Zoology and/or Botany), Mathematics,
Mathematics, Special Economics, History (or AIHC & Arch.),
Education Mathematics - Geography, Political Science (or Civics),
Domain knowledge Home Science, Statistics
Questions comprising of ** Mathematics, Statistics & Computer
Teaching Aptitude, Science
Mathematics, Statistics &
Computer Science )
Pattern 1 (25 General + 75
Domain Specific
Knowledge Questions- MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY
Painting/ Applied Arts/ REQUIREMENTS (B. Ed.):
Plastic Arts/Pottery & (a) Candidates with at least fifty percent
Ceramics/ Textile Design/
marks either in the Bachelor‟s Degree
and/or in the Master‟s Degree in
Dharamshastra/ Jaina Sciences/Social Sciences/
Darshan/ Baudha Humanities/Commerce, Bachelor‟s degree
Darshan/ Vedanta/ in Engineering or Technology with
Biochemistry/ specialization in Science and Mathematics
Mathematics, Special with 55% marks or any other
Education Mathematics/ qualification equivalent# thereto are
Science, Special
Language, Special Banaras Hindu eligible for admission to the programme.
1269 PGQP74 Education B.Ed.
Education Language/ University (b) A candidate must have studied at least
Science (VI,HI) Science, Special Education one School subject* at the graduation
Science/Humanities and level or post- graduation as a main
Social Sciences, Special subject**.
Education Humanities and * Hindi, Sanskrit, English, 21Science
Social Sciences (Physics and/or Chemistry), Biology
(**Only applicable for
(Zoology and/or Botany), Mathematics,
Science, Special Education
Economics, History (or AIHC & Arch.),
Science - Domain
knowledge Questions Geography, Political Science (or Civics),
comprising of Teaching Home Science, Statistics
Aptitude, Botany/Zoology/ ** Botany/Zoology/ Chemistry/ Physics/
Chemistry/ Physics/ Home Home Science@/ Computer Science
Science/ Computer
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Hemvati Nandan
Pattern 1 (25 General + Bahuguna B. Sc. (Botany, Chemistry, Zoology) with
1290 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Garhwal 45% for GEN/OBC/EWS and for SC/ST
Knowledge Questions) University, as per University rules.
Candidates who have passed B.Sc with
45% marks in Honours/Major in the
concerned subject in the Degree
Pattern 1 (25 General + Examination
1291 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Or
Knowledge Questions) 50% marks in the aggregate and 50%
marks in the subject concerned for
candidates who do not have
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Sikkim B.Sc Hons in Botany with 45% marks /
1292 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific
University equivalent grade
Knowledge Questions)
B.Sc. (Hons)/ B.Sc. under 10+2+3 pattern
Pattern 1 (25 General + Guru Ghasidas with Minimum 50 % marks in aggregate or
1293 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Vishwavidyalaya equivalent with Botany as one subject from
Knowledge Questions) , Chattisgarh recognized university/institution. Max. age
limit: 25 years
Bachelor‟s degree in Botany / Plant / Life /
Biological or Agriculture sciences with
Botany as one of the major subjects for at
least for one year or two semesters from a
Pattern 1 (25 General + Mahatma
recognized Indian or foreign University
1294 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Gandhi Central
(foreign recognition to be as per AIU list)
Knowledge Questions) University Bihar with a minimum 50% marks or equivalent
grade for Unreserved category and 45%
marks or equivalent grade for SC/ST/OBC
(Non-Creamy Layer)/ PWD candidates.
Bachelor‟s degree (Majors or Pass) course
(10+2+3) or its equivalence in the relevant
Pattern 1 (25 General + subject shall ordinarily be considered for
1295 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific admission to the Master‟s Degree Course.
Hill University However, subject to availability of seats, up
Knowledge Questions)
to 10% of seats may be offered to students
from other allied/cognate disciplines.
Graduation with Botany: Candidates
belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
Pattern 1 (25 General + Dr. Harisingh OBC-NCL categories must have secured at
1296 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Gour Vishwa least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA. A
Knowledge Questions) Vidyalaya relaxation of 5% marks in the qualifying
examination will be given to the candidates
belonging to SC, ST and PWD categories.
A Bachelor degree with Botany as a core
subject from a recognized Indian or foreign
Indira Gandhi university (as per the AIU foreign
Pattern 1 (25 General + equivalence list) with minimum of 50% in
National Tribal
1297 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific aggregate marks or equivalents in grading
University system for General, EWS and OBC
Knowledge Questions)
Amarkantak categories and 45% or equivalent for
candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD
categories candidates.
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Banaras Hindu
1298 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific B. Sc. (Hons.) Botany.
Knowledge Questions)
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Apex University,
1299 PGQP76 Botany M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific **As per University website.
Knowledge Questions)
Graduation with Anthropology/
Sociology/Life Sciences: Candidates
belonging to Unreserved (UR), EWS and
Pattern 1 (25 General + Dr. Harisingh
M.A./ OBC-NCL categories must have secured at
1300 PGQP77 Anthropology 75 Domain Specific Gour Vishwa
M.Sc. least 45% marks or equivalent CGPA. A
Knowledge Questions) Vidyalaya relaxation of 5% marks in the qualifying
examination will be given to the candidates
belonging to SC, ST and PWD categories.
B.A./B.Sc.(Hons)/ B.A/ B.Sc. under 10+2+3
Pattern 1 (25 General + Guru Ghasidas pattern with Minimum 50 % marks in
1301 PGQP77 Anthropology 75 Domain Specific Vishwavidyalaya aggregate or equivalent with Anthropology
M.Sc. as one subject from recognized university/
Knowledge Questions) , Chattisgarh
institution. Max. age limit: 25 years
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Majors in Anthropology, second preference
Pattern 1 (25 General + to candidates with Major in Geography,
1302 PGQP77 Anthropology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific Sociology, Zoology, Biochemistry,
Hill University Biotechnology, Home Science and Mass
Knowledge Questions)
Majors in Anthropology, second preference
Pattern 1 (25 General + to candidates with Major in Geography,
1303 PGQP77 Anthropology M.A. 75 Domain Specific Sociology, Zoology, Biochemistry,
Hill University Biotechnology, Home Science and Mass
Knowledge Questions)
Honours graduate with 45%
Pattern 1 (25 General +
M.A./M.S Sikkim marks/equivalent grade or 56%
1304 PGQP77 Anthropology 75 Domain Specific
c. University marks/equivalent grade for pass graduate
Knowledge Questions)
marks from any recognized university.
Pattern 1 (25 General +
Pondicherry Bachelor‟s degree in any discipline with a
1305 PGQP77 Anthropology M.A. 75 Domain Specific
University minimum of 50 % of marks.
Knowledge Questions)
Any Science or Arts Graduate with
minimum 50% marks (or an equivalent
grade in a point scale wherever grading
Pattern 1 (25 General + Central system is followed) in aggregate from a
1306 PGQP77 Anthropology M.Sc. 75 Domain Specific University of recognized University /Institution.
Knowledge Questions) Odisha (5% relaxation will be given to
SC/ST/PwD candidates).
Maximum age limit: 30 years as on 01-07-
45% Marks in Honours/Major in the
subject concerned in the Bachelors Degree
Pattern 1 (25 General + Examination, Or 50% marks in aggregate
M.A./M.S Manipur
1307 PGQP77 Anthropology 75 Domain Specific and 50% marks in the subject concerned
c. University
Knowledge Questions) in the Bachelors Degree Examination for
those candidates who do not have
Pattern 1 (25 General + 75 B.A. (Hons.)/ B.A. under 10+2+3 pattern
Domain Specific securing a minimum of 50% marks in the
Knowledge Questions- aggregate including all subjects studied at
Ancient Indian Hist, B.A. level except those subjects where only
Culture & Archeology/ pass marks are required and which do not
Linguistics/History of Art/ contribute to the total in the final (degree)
Prayojanmoolak(Hindi)/ mark sheet. The subject in which
Agricultural Science/Agro- admission is sought must be Hons. subject
Ancient Indian Forestry/Soil Science- Soil at B.A. (Hons.) level OR a subject studied
& Water Conservation/
History, Banaras Hindu in all the three years at B.A. level
1308 PGQP78 M.A. Medical Laboratory
Culture & Technology/ MPA-
University NOTE: Candidates having passed B. A.
Arch. Instrumental Music (Sitar, (Hons.)/B.A. in Ancient Indian History as
Violin, Flute &Tabla/ a
Shukla Yajurveda/ subject in all the three parts at B.A. Level
Krishna Yajurveda/ are also eligible for admission in M. A.
Samveda/ Rigveda/ in Ancient Indian History & Arch.
Sahitya/Home Science/ **Note: Common Question paper will be
Plant used for Ancient Indian History, Culture
Biotechnology/Applied & Archeology for BHU & Dr. Harisingh
Microbiology) Gour Vishwa Vidyalaya
Pattern 1 (25 General + 75
Domain Specific
Knowledge Questions-
Ancient Indian Hist,
Culture & Archeology/ A student holding Bachelor Degree
Linguistics/History of Art/ (10+2+3) with minimum 50% marks with
Prayojanmoolak(Hindi)/ Honours/Major in History of Art/Art
Agricultural Science/Agro- History (BA/BFA/BVA) of this University
Forestry/Soil Science- Soil or any other University recognized by
& Water Conservation/
Banaras Hindu Banaras Hindu University is eligible to
1309 PGQP78 History of Art M.A. Medical Laboratory
Technology/MPA- University apply for the course. Note: In case of
Instrumental Music (Sitar, students having qualifying subject,
Violin, Flute &Tabla/ courses from University other than BHU,
Shukla Yajurveda/ the eligibility and equivalency shall be
Krishna Yajurveda/ decided by the concerned Departmental
Samveda/ Rigveda/ Admission Committee
Sahitya/Home Science/
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
Sr. Test Paper Programme
Degree Paper Pattern Universities ELIGIBLITY
No. Code (Subject)
North Eastern Hill Pondicherry
University University Apex University, Rajasthan Sikkim University
Tezpur University
The English and Tripura University University of Hyderabad
Foreign Languages
Madan Mohan National Rail and Dr. A.P .J Abdul Kalam Devi Ahilya Vishvavidyalaya,
Malviya University of Transport Institute Technical University
Information Bulletin
(An autonomous organization under the Department of
Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)