Characteristics of A Fully Functioning Person

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1) Fully functioning persons are aware of their experience:

A fully functioning person is that who accept both negative and positive
experiences avoid to use defensiveness and self-protection. By this
person aware in actual what happens and less react like knee jerk way.

2) Fully functioning persons trust in their own organism (self):

Self-trust is most important element of a fully functioning person. It is
about judgment and use of own ability appropriately in any given
situation. Believe on your own sense of value and moral.

3) Fully functioning persons live fully and richly in every moment:

Live in present moment is best quality of a person. In this way person
touch with different life experiences and aware from what is happening.
This thing save person to make prejudice and misconception. This
requires us to develop a degree of mindfulness and live each moment

“Non Scholae Sed Vitae” Jenica Aira Verin-Doblon

4) Fully functioning persons feel free to make choices without
constraints or inhibitions:
When a person trust on his internal process and aware from his external
behaviors than a greater ability of freedom of choice develops in person.
By have this ability person take agency on their decisions and behavior
and take decision according to his value and in light of right and wrong.

5) Fully functioning persons are creative and live constructively and

adaptively as environmental conditions change:
With the develop of self-trust and freedom of choice a person become
more creative. As Rogers’s points out, we can also be more creative in
the way we adapt to our circumstances without feeling a need to
conform to norms and value that conflict with our own. Because creative
thinking and risk taking is feature of a person.

6) Fully functioning persons may face difficulties:

A full functioning person experience joy, happiness, pain, love,
heartbreak, and a lot of difficulties more intensely. When we numb is
known as negative emotion, we numb everything. A full functioning
person opens his self to face all type of good, bad challenges.

“Non Scholae Sed Vitae” Jenica Aira Verin-Doblon

7) Being fully functional is “a direction, not a destination”:
Roger’s belief is that when people have a congruent view of themselves
(i.e., one in which their self-worth, self-image and ideal self-overlap
rather than exist as separate entities), even aggressive needs are
matched by an intrinsic goodness within the person.
photos’/images from google

Yes, we can say that fully functioning person is self-actualized because Self-
actualized people accept themselves and others as they are. They tend to lack
inhibition and are able to enjoy themselves and their lives free of guilt. Not only
do self-actualized people fully accept themselves; they also embrace other
people for who they are.

Even though life may be difficult, still we find meaning and joy to it, this
makes us special.

“Non Scholae Sed Vitae” Jenica Aira Verin-Doblon

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