Swinburne Việt Nam - HB Xuất Sắc - HS Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu
Swinburne Việt Nam - HB Xuất Sắc - HS Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu
Swinburne Việt Nam - HB Xuất Sắc - HS Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu
Award of Scholarship
Swinburne Vietnam congratulates
Upon winning
Scholarship of Merits
Bachelor of Media and Communication
Academic Year of 2022-25
Offer Attached
Swinburne Vietnam is an international alliance between Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, and
FPT University, Vietnam. Swinburne University is ranked in the top 321 universities in the world, according
to QS-2021. Graduates will receive their testamurs directly from Swinburne University.
The scholarship covers your three (03) years of study in the enrolled programme, but is subject to a
review should you be found in breach of Swinburne’s regulations; or fail to achieve above a ‘pass’
result in any subject, as this may affect the scholarship funding available in subsequent semester(s).
To accept our Scholarship Offer, please make full payment to both Application Fee & Enrolment
Fee on or before the deadline below. Our scholarship offer will lapse after this date.
Deadline for Accepting Scholarship Offer, and Application/Enrolment Fee Payment: 20/04/2022.
20/04/2022 : Payment of Application Fee (4,600,000VNĐ) to accept the Offer. No refund available.
25/07/2022: Payment of Global Citizen Fee (28,000,000 VNĐ) for Enrolment Registration. This is
also the fee for the Global Citizen course of the first semester after academic opening. If a student
withdraws before 10/8/2022, refund 50%; however, after 10/8/2022, No Refund available.
10/08/2022: The Enrolment Date of the academic year 2022.
22/08/2022: The Academic Opening & Orientation Date of the academic year 2022.
Student countinues to make payment of the Swinburne Course/Major Fee for the first academic semester
(if qualified in English requirement) before Academic Opening & Orientation Date.
After 25/7/2022, students must confirm the study plan for the process of Enrolment Registration relating to
international admission and academic placement. We will send you the digital version of the offer by email
and the hard copy by post.
Where you have your Senior high-school Reports, as soon as possible, submission of the following
documents is required:
a) High-school Graduation Examination Certificate (or equivalent if in international programme)
showing a Year-12 GPA ≥7.0; and
b) IELTS Certificate. If the IELTS≥6.0 and no band <6.0, a student may enrol in one (01) subject of the
main programme from Semester 01 (in parallel of the Global Citizen).
Submission of enrolment documents (in person or via post) online and send hard copy to campus:
Documents must be notarised, and, where necessary, translated into English as follows:
1) One (01) certificate (or temporary statement) of high school graduation exam (or equivalent in
international programme), notarised and English translated;
2) One (01) photocopy of Senior high-school Reports: notarised and English translated
3) Application form (Online or from Registrar Office);
4) Two (02) 3x4 photos (full name and DOB written at the back of each photo);
5) Birth Certificate and National ID Card; and
6) One (01) photocopy of most recent IELTS’s test result [less than two (02) years].
7) Personal statement and related information if gap year or transfer from other univeristies.
We can support the notarisation and English translation documents with fee.
Once again, Our warmest congratulations and We look forward to
welcoming you at the Swinburne./.