Sadyapranahara Marma Shareer With Respect To Traumatology
Sadyapranahara Marma Shareer With Respect To Traumatology
Sadyapranahara Marma Shareer With Respect To Traumatology
Volume 6 Issue 2, January-February 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Two countries India and China has old medical marma denotes the seat of jeeva and also it depicts
history. China is popular for acupuncture and marma as the juncture of mamsa, sira, snayu, asthi,
pedestrian doctors. While India has its own system of sandhi.3
medicine that is Ayurveda. Ayurveda is in presence Marma Vigyan can be taken analogous to
since very old times. It has many different principles traumatology. The history of trauma can be
and Marma is one of them. The concept of Marma is anticipated as survival of the fittest-exists. In old
improvised and adapted through the time Indian times the trauma and its management are
immemorable. The word Marma and its utilization recorded from the Vedic period where in ancient
exist from the Vedic period in India. The term Marma wars, surgeons use to attend and treat the Aryans
is originated from the Sanskrit root word “Mr1”, chief and soldiers. In Vedas the reference of
which shows gist of vital part present in the body and amputated legs and its rehabilitation by substitutes are
term most probably is used in sense of Jivasthana. traced. Injured eyes were constructed, and arrow
Word Marma simply means which on injury causes shaped objects were extracted from the body of
death.2 In Halayudha kosha: it is stated that the term warriors. In Rig Veda4 we get reference related to
म-ृ म नन जीव थाने (श दो तोम माहा न ध) 3
म–ृ सवधातु यो म नन इ त म नन। जीव थाने: सि नपात:
'मारय ती त ममा ण'(Sushruta. YadavjiTrikamji Acharya, सरा नायुसं धमांसअि थ संभव:।(Halayudha kosha page -518)
editor, Sushruta Samhita with Nibandha Sangraha of N.S. Sontakke, editor Rigveda, commentary by- Shri
Dalhanacharya. 8th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; Marsyachandra, Vedic Samshodhana Mandal Tilak Smarak
2008.Pp-824, p-369) mandir, Vol 1 to 10 (6/675/180)
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49247 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 630
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Marma, use of some kind of corselet or body Armor to protect the body from assault of enemies by their
weapons so that these vital points can be saved. The surgical knowledge of the ancient times has been compiled
systematically in Sushruta Samhita, which is the first documentation of its kind. Marma is formed by the union
of five elements of body that are Mamsa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi and Sandhi. Acharya Sushruta has stated that the
Marma are the intersection of Mamsa (muscular tissue), Siras (blood vessels), Snayu (nervous tissue), Asthi
(osseous tissue) and Sandhi (joints)5. The Prana is naturally situated in Marma specifically, therefore any kind
of injury to these Marma causes physical disproportion or unnatural sensations or even death according to the
Marma affected. In further context Maharishi Sushruta has also described the presence of Tridoshas in the
Marma. In his view the Soma (Jala Tattva), Maruta (Vayu Tattva), Teja (Agni Tattva) represents the Tridosha in
the Marma hence injuries to them are not to be taken casually. Acharya Sushruta mentioned Marma in terms of
traumatological aspect by explaining Mulaviddha Lakshanas and their treatment. If we see these five elements in
modern science they form major part of body in the form of muscles, veins, ligaments, bones and joints. Thus,
any sort of damage to such a vital part causes death or structural, functional impairment. Trauma injury is the
leading cause of mortality and hospitalization worldwide in present, better understanding of the nature of
trauma, structures involved, risk and outcome could guide to more effective prevention and treatment.
Acharya Caraka also mentioned Trimarma namely Hrudaya, Shiras, Vasti6 which appears to be relevant with
traumatology as injury to these can lead to severe ill effects or death.
Classification of marma
All the 107 Marma are classified into following divisions.
1. Structural classification (Asryabhedena)
2. Regional classification (Shadangabhedena/Avayavabhedena)
3. Prognostic classification/traumatological classification (Vyapathbhedena)
4. Dimensional classification (Manabhedena)
Prognostic/traumatological classification of Marma7 –
S. no. Prognostic classification No. of Marma Guna predominance
1. Sadyapranahara 19 Agneya
2. Kalantarapranhara 33 Agneya+soumya
3. Vishalyaghana 3 Vyavaya
4. Vaikalyakara 44 Soumya
5. Rujakara 8 Soumya+agneya+vyavaya
total 107
S. No. Name of Marma Number of Marma Structure
1. Adhipati 1 Sandhi
2. Guda 1 Mamsa
3. Hrdaya 1 Sira
4. Kantasira 8 Sira
5. Nabhi 1 Sira
6. Shankha 2 Asthi
7. Sringataka 4 Sira(dhamani)
स तो रं ममशतम ् |
ता नममा णप चा मका नभवि त; त यथा- मांसममा ण, सराममा ण, नायम
ु मा ण, अि थममा ण, सि धममा णचे त
नखलुमांस सरा ना वि थसि ध य तरे केणा या नममा णभवि त, य मा नोपल य ते(Sushruta Samhita. KavirajaAmbikaduttaShastri,
Chaukhambha Sanskrit SansthanVaranasi; reprint 2015 p-67 Sharir Sthanam 6/3)
ममा णबि तं दयं शर च धानभूता नवदि तत ाः(The Charka Samhita. Pt. Kashinath Shastri, Chaukhamba Bharti Academy
Varanasi; reprint 2015 p- 716 Chikitsa Sthanam26/3)
ता येता नप च वक पा नभवि त; त यथा- स यः ाणहरा ण, काला तर ाणहरा ण, वश य ना न, वैक यकरा ण, जाकरा णचे त |(Sushruta
Samhita. KavirajaAmbikadutta Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit SansthanVaranasi; reprint 2015 p-68 Sharir Sthanam 6/8)
श ृ गाटका य धप तःश खौक ठ सरागुदम ् | दयंबि तना यौच नि तस योहता नतु |(Sushruta Samhita. KavirajaAmbikadutta Shastri,
Chaukhambha Sanskrit SansthanVaranasi; reprint 2015 p-69 Sharir Sthanam 6/9)
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49247 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 631
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
8. Basti 1 snayu
total 19
Any trauma is closely related to the shock. If we traumatology. They know it’s important to study the
comprehensively analyse the symptoms of shock, we reason, nature and effects of any injury for the proper
would find the symptoms corresponding to described treatment. They have recognized Marma points as a
by Sushruta in Marmaghaata Lakshana. As injury to part of traumatology as these are important structure
SadyaPranahara Marma causes death within seven where Prana resides and need to be saved otherwise,
days10 which clearly shows similarity to events on trauma have harmful effects on body and
happening after serious trauma causing shock and sometimes also death. Out of these Marma
death. The first symptom after any trauma is Sadyapranahara have more similarity in symptoms to
haemorrhage which Sushruta has mentioned in most those of modern era traumatology because they have
of Sira Marma of SadyaPranahara Marma. For immediate and harmful consequences on body and if
example, Sringataka Marma can lead to profuse left unattended may lead to death. Although fatal in
bleeding after head injury. Haemorrhage should be the past a timely diagnosis with appropriate medical
tackled immediately otherwise results in an and surgical intervention now can offer an excellent
emergency condition then death as mentioned by outcome in Marmabhighaatas.
Another symptom is asphyxia that is linked to Marma
present in chest region such as Hridya, Stanmoola,
Aplapa etc of which Hridaya is directly responsible
for primary asphyxia which is quickly fatal.
The symptoms of Haemorrhagic shock comprise
inadequate blood flow to vital organs or the inability
of the tissues of these organs to utilise oxygen and
other nutrients similarly the neurogenic shock has
catastrophic consequences of injury leading to
irreversible damage to nervous system, ultimately
brings transient unconsciousness. This condition is
usually irreversible which is alarming and needs care.
The hypovolemia due to haemorrhage impels the
vessels to starve for blood resulting into ischemia.
The concept of Ayurveda has elucidated these aspects
with the help of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The
consumption of oxygen (Vata) and nutrients (Kapha)
depends upon the normal function of Pitta, which is
responsible for biotransformation. Pranavayu is the
principal and essential element of living subject.
Recuperation from shock depends upon the functional
status of Tridosha. Trauma comes under Agantuja
Vyadhi where abrupt and unneeded Vayu comes into
action to disorganize the nutritional status of the
tissue due to vitiated Pitta which is responsible for
metabolism of nutritional substances.
From this study it was concluded that the worthwhile
theories given by our Acharyas are eternal, factual
and undeniable since ages. Roots of Subject
traumatology are hidden in Ayurveda in the form of
Marma Sharir. Above refences clearly support the
fact that our Acharya’s were very well known to
त स यः ाणहरा णस तरा ा य तरा मारयि त|(Sushruta
Samhita. KavirajaAmbikadutta Shastri, Chaukhambha Sanskrit
Sansthan, Varanasi; reprint 2015 p-71 Sharir Sthanam 6/24)
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49247 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 632