International Standard
International Standard
International Standard
First edition
Reference number
ISO 898-7: 1992(E)
ISO 89807:1992(E)
ISO 898 consists of the following Parts, under the general title Me&an-
ical properfies of fasfeners:
-_-- Part 2: Nuts with specified proof Load values - Coarse thread
-- Part 5: Set screws and similar threaded fasteners 170t under tensile
-- Part 6: /Ws with specified proof Load values -- Fine pitch thread
--- Part 7: Torsional tesf and mit Iimurn torq ‘ues for bolts and screws
Willi nominal diameters I mm to 10 mm
0 ISO 1992
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l W-l211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
Part 7:
Torsianal test and minimum torques for bolts and screws with
nominal diameters 1 mm to 10 mm
2 Normative reference
The following Standard contains provisions which,
throuqh reference in this text, constitute provisions 3.3 Test conditions
of this part of ISO 898. At the time of publication, the
edition indicated was valid. All Standards are sub- The bolt or screw shall be exclusively subjected to
ject to revision, and Parties to agreements based on torsion whereby the respective minimum breaking
this part of ISO 898 are encouraged to investigate torque according to table2 shall be reached before
the possibility of applying the most recent edition of rupture occurs. The test result shall not be influ-
the Standard indicated below. Members of IEC and enced by head friction or by thread friction.
ISO maintain registers of currently valid Inter-
national Standards.
3 Torsional test Clamp the bolt or screw into the test device over at
least two full threads, having a free thread length of
3.1 Principle at least one thread diameter present between the
head of the bolt or screw and the threaded insert
Determination of the breaking torque by clamping (see Figure 1). Apply the torque in a continuously in-
the holt. or screw to be tested into a test device. creasing tnanner.
ISO 898-7:1992(E)
The following formula applies to the determination wP is the polar moment of resistance;
of the minimum breaking torques: n3 min is the minimum value of the minor di-
AffB min = TB min eJvP min
ameter of the external thread;
Blirld hc
Property class
8.8 9.8 10.9 12.9
ISO 898-73 992(E)
Annex A
Explanatoty note
ISO 898-1 contains propet-ty ciasses for bolts and time being, minimum breaking torques tan be
s~rews but only indicates minimum breaking loads specified for property classes 8.8 to 12.9 only, be-
and proof loads for threads equal to or greater than Cause for lower property classes the test results are
M3 because in the case of smaller bolts and screws widely scattered and therefore more studies are re-
the influence of the tht-ead tolerantes and the toler- quired.
ances of the test device is such that an exact deter-
mination of breaking loads and proof loads is not The indicated minimum breaking torques are to be
possible. applied without taking account of friction and the
type of test device is optional according to this part
of ISO 898. Figure 1 is only an example of a suitable
Also since bolts and screws with threads greater
test device.
than M3 up to approximately MIO often cannot be
subjected to a tensile test (or proof load test) due to The minimum breaking torques have been deter-
their short lengths, minimum breaking torques have mined on the basis of Cross-sections resulting from
been specified for bolts and screws Ml to MIO (in- the minimum values of the minor diameter of the
cluding the fine pitch threads M8 x l? MIO x 1 and thread tolerante 6g. Tests have shown that the
MIO x 1,25) which allow an evaluation of the func- torques tan also be used for bolts and screws with
tional properties of the bolts and screws. For the thread tolerantes 6f and 6e.