1) The document appears to be an internal assessment test for a course on Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits.
2) It contains 3 parts - short answer questions in Part A worth 10 marks total, and two longer answer questions in Part B worth 40 marks total.
3) Part B includes questions about topics like gain boosting in operational amplifiers, one stage op amps, slew rate, PTAT generation, constant gm biasing, and band gap references.
1) The document appears to be an internal assessment test for a course on Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits.
2) It contains 3 parts - short answer questions in Part A worth 10 marks total, and two longer answer questions in Part B worth 40 marks total.
3) Part B includes questions about topics like gain boosting in operational amplifiers, one stage op amps, slew rate, PTAT generation, constant gm biasing, and band gap references.
1) The document appears to be an internal assessment test for a course on Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits.
2) It contains 3 parts - short answer questions in Part A worth 10 marks total, and two longer answer questions in Part B worth 40 marks total.
3) Part B includes questions about topics like gain boosting in operational amplifiers, one stage op amps, slew rate, PTAT generation, constant gm biasing, and band gap references.
1) The document appears to be an internal assessment test for a course on Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits.
2) It contains 3 parts - short answer questions in Part A worth 10 marks total, and two longer answer questions in Part B worth 40 marks total.
3) Part B includes questions about topics like gain boosting in operational amplifiers, one stage op amps, slew rate, PTAT generation, constant gm biasing, and band gap references.
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Register Number:
M.E - Applied Electronics Second Semester (Regulation 2013) AP7201 – ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INTERNAL ASSESSMENT TEST---III Time: 1 ½ hours Maximum : 50 marks Answer all questions PART A—(5*2=10)
1. What are the methods to lower the effect of Vos?
2. Why we go for temperature and supply independent biasing? 3. What are the performance parameters of operational amplifier? 4. Define PSRR. 5. What are the differences between two stage and gain boosted op-amp?
PART B (8+16+16=40 marks)
6. a) Explain in detail about gain boosting in operational amplifier. (8) (or) b) Discuss about negative temperature coefficient voltage. (8) 7. a) Explain in detail about one stage op Amps. (16) (or) b) Discuss about slew rate in operational amplifier. (16) 8. a) (i) Briefly describe about PTAT generation. (8) (ii) Explain in detail about constant gm biasing. (8) (or) b) Discuss about band gap reference. (16)