Predict Cambodian
Predict Cambodian
Predict Cambodian
Derivation of Empirical Relationships to Predict Cambodian
Masonry Strength
Nurmurat Kandymov 1, * , Nor Fazilah Mohd Hashim 1, *, Syuhaida Ismail 1 and Serdar Durdyev 2
1 Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 54100, Malaysia;
[email protected]
2 Department of Architectural and Engineering Studies, Ara Institute of Canterbury,
Christchurch 8011, New Zealand; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (N.K.); [email protected] (N.F.M.H.)
Abstract: Masonry material characteristics, such as compressive strength, and the relationship be-
tween brick, mortar, and masonry compressive strengths are required for the analysis and assessment
of masonry structures. This paper aimed to investigate the compressive strength relationship of Cam-
bodian masonry. A total number of 42 prisms were constructed in the laboratory using six different
brick/mortar combinations. Two brick types, solid and hollow, and three—1:3, 1:4, and 1:6—cement–
sand mortar combinations were used. The effects of brick and mortar strengths were analysed. Using
regression analysis, a simple empirical relationship was derived for masonry compressive strength as
a function of brick and mortar strength in the Cambodian context.
1. Introduction
Citation: Kandymov, N.; Mohd Brick masonry is a common building construction option in the world due to the
Hashim, N.F.; Ismail, S.; Durdyev, S.
low cost of materials, good insulation, and a simple construction process. Masonry is
Derivation of Empirical Relationships
constructed using individual bricks and mortar; thus, assemblage properties are affected
to Predict Cambodian Masonry
by both brick and mortar properties [1]. Compressive strength of masonry is an important
Strength. Materials 2022, 15, 5030.
parameter for the structural design of masonry. The relative strength of units and mortar,
shape of the units, mortar joint thickness, and testing type of specimen are factors that affect
the behaviour of masonry under an axial compression test [1–4]. Gumaste et al. [5] relate
Academic Editor: Łukasz Sadowski masonry strength to brick strength, directly stating that masonry strength is 25–50% of brick
Received: 1 June 2022
strength, while other researchers, namely Murthi et al. and Padalu and Singh [6,7] found
Accepted: 26 June 2022
that masonry compressive strength increases with increasing brick strength. Thaickavil and
Published: 20 July 2022
Thomas [8] found other additional parameters pertinent to masonry compressive strength,
slenderness ratio of prism, volume fraction of masonry unit, and volume ratio of bed joint
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
to mortar. In general, the strength of the brick masonry will increase proportionally with
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
brick/mortar strengths [5].
published maps and institutional affil-
There are different ways to obtain mechanical properties for existing masonry build-
ings: in situ field tests, laboratory tests on specimens extracted from the field, and testing
prisms constructed in the laboratory [9]. With flat-jack in situ tests conducted by re-
searchers [10], however, the results are generally not precise enough for structural design.
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
It is not always possible to extract masonry prism samples to conduct compression tests
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. due to the structure type, function, and more importantly cost. Moreover, removing and
This article is an open access article transporting them to the laboratory without any damage constitute another challenge [7].
distributed under the terms and Therefore, researchers [1,5,8,11–14] attempted to develop an empirical relationship between
conditions of the Creative Commons brick, mortar, and masonry compressive strength to predict the compressive strength of
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// masonry by mortar and brick unit strengths. However, there is a significant difference, geo- graphically, in both material properties and proportion of the cement in mortars adopted in
4.0/). the construction industry. For instance, the compressive strength of bricks used in Western
countries’ brick masonry is between 15 and 150 MPa, while in India the value is between 3
and 20 MPa [6–8,11,12,14–23]. These differences in properties of brick and mortar indicate
the urgent need for the derivation of the empirical relationship for brick masonry regionally.
Therefore, this paper attempts to investigate properties of brick masonry prisms under
axial compression using the solid and hollow local bricks of Cambodia with different ratios
of mortars. Results of compressive strength will then be used to derive coefficients in order
to predict Cambodian brick masonry strength by brick and mortar strengths.
f’m = K fb α × fj β (1)
where K, α, and β are constants, and fb , fj , and f’m are masonry unit (brick), mortar, and
masonry compressive strength, respectively. Eurocode 6 [37] recommends a variety of K
values depending on the brick-unit properties and bond configuration, where α and β are
described as 0.7 and 0.3, respectively.
Lumantarna et al. [1] developed the coefficient to predict masonry compressive
strength from brick and mortar for New Zealand unreinforced masonry. They investi-
gated both existing masonry structures and laboratory-based constructed prisms. There
were 45 prisms extracted and 75 were built in the laboratory from 14 brick–mortar combi-
nations. Mortar grades consisted of cement, lime, and sand with different water ratios. The
highest compressive strength mortar was one with the highest cement proportions, where
five specimens were tested for each mortar grade. The field-extracted sample test results
were combined with laboratory-based samples, and nonlinear regression analysis was
carried out with DataFit 9.0 software (Oakdale Engineering 2010, Oakdale, PA, USA). The
software examiness the resemblance between the field-extracted and laboratory-constructed
samples and, according to the results of their study, they converged. The coefficients they
found for K, α, and β were 0.75, 0.75, and 0.31, respectively.
Kaushik et al. [14] investigated the stress–strain characteristics of clay bricks in the
Indian context. Prisms from combinations of four brick and three mortar types were
investigated, and each prism type tested seven specimens for the accuracy of the results.
Coefficient values for K, α, and β were found to be 0.63, 0.49, and 0.32, respectively.
Coefficient of determination (R2 ) and standard error for estimate (σ) were also calculated
for the derived empirical relationships. The coefficient of determination shows the reliability
of the relationship between experimentally obtained values and regression analysis. On
the other hand, the standard error for estimates provide an idea of the scatter of actual
data from the value estimated by linear regression analysis. For empirical coefficients, the
values R2 and σ were found to be 0.93 and 0.48 MPa, respectively.
Materials 2022, 15, 5030 3 of 11
In addition, Gumaste et al. [5] studied the empirical relationship with both prisms and
wallettes in the Indian context. Two types of bricks—table moulded and wire cut—and five
different mortar grades were used. Unlike other studies, [1,14,19], soil was also used in
some mortar grades. Combinations were used for stack and English bonded prisms and
wallettes. Coefficients were found to be 0.317, 0.866, and 0.134 for the stack bond, and 0.225,
0.855, and 0.146 for English bond-type walls for K, α, and β, respectively.
Christy et al. [13] studied short prisms of 3.63 h/t ratio under axial compressive test
for clay brick and fly ash brick. A weak mortar of a 1:6 ratio was selected and fine aggregate
was replaced with fly ash of 0, 10, and 20% in order to examine the effect of fly ash on
prism bond. Prisms were also reinforced with woven wire mesh at alternate bed joints, and
the results were compared among reinforced and unreinforced prisms. In all specimens,
reinforced prisms obtained greater compressive strength values compared to unreinforced
prisms, and those differences decreased while fly ash value in mortar increased from 0%
to 20%. Coefficients were derived to predict masonry compressive strength and E of the
prisms, and K, α, and β values were found to be 0.35, 0.65, and 0.25, respectively.
Thamboo and Dhanasekar [19] investigated correlations between the performance
of solid prisms and wallettes in the Sri Lankan masonry context. Five different clay and
compressive earth bricks and two mortar proportions were used to test 50 prisms and
40 wallettes under compression testing. Prism compressive strength was higher than
wallette compressive strength, but a linear relationship was found between prisms and
wallettes. Nonlinear regression analysis was conducted to predict the masonry compressive
strength for prism and wallettes separately. K, α, and β were found to be 0.2, 1.26, and 0.15,
and 0.25, 1.09, and 0.12 for prisms and wallettes, respectively.
Coefficients derived in the literature to predict masonry strength are provided in
Table 1. The common property of those studies is that the value of constant α is greater
than constant β, which means that masonry strength depends more on brick strength than
mortar strength. Only few researchers [12,30] found greater value for β, indicating that
the prism strength relies more on mortar strength. Only Dayaratnam [27] suggested equal
weights for both brick and mortar, while Basha and Kaushik [12] found very little effects of
brick and mortar strengths by suggesting a K value over 1.
Table 1. Coefficients for specific models in the literature to predict masonry compressive strength.
Research Year K α β
[19] 2019 0.2 1.26 0.15
[32] 2019 0.25 1.03 0.28
[30] 2018 0.1 0.34 1.93
[11] 2016 0.69 0.6 0.35
[12] 2014 1.34 0.1 0.33
[1] 2014 0.75 0.75 0.31
[13] 2013 0.35 0.65 0.25
[29] 2012 0.61 0.51 0.36
[14] 2007 0.63 0.49 0.32
[5] 2007 0.32 0.86 0.13
[5] 2007 0.22 0.85 0.14
[27] 1987 0.27 0.5 0.5
[33] 1986 0.32 0.53 0.21
[35] 1982 0.83 0.66 0.33
[34] 1973 0.9 0.67 0.33
[36] 1963 0.68 0.5 0.33
(a) (b)
Solid clayclay
Solid brick; (b) hollow
brick; clay brick.
(b) hollow clay brick.
study,three types
three of mortar
types of mortarwith with
mix proportions are usedare
mix proportions to used
construct the
to construct the
prisms in combination with two types of brick units. Portland cement-to-sand
prisms in combination with two types of brick units. Portland cement-to-sand ratios ratios of of 1:3,
andand 1:6 1:6
forfor mortar
mortar mixing.Strong
mixing. Strongmix
denoted asas A;
A; weak, 1:6,
weak, 1:6, is denoted as B, whereas the most-adopted ratio in the construction industry of
is denoted as B, whereas the most-adopted ratio in the construction industry of Cambodia,
Cambodia, 1:4, is denoted as type C in the following discussion. Dry sand and cement are
1:4, is denoted as type C in the following discussion. Dry sand and cement are mixed first,
mixed first, and then water is added to the dry mixture in the ratios of 0.7 and 1.1 for types
and then water is added to the dry mixture in the ratios of 0.7 and 1.1 for types A and B,
A and B, respectively. For type C, the ratio at which water is added is based on the expe-
rience For type
of the mason who C, the ratioinatthe
is assisting which water is
preparation addedofiscubes.
process basedSix oncube
the samples
experience of the
of 70 mmwho sizeiswere
taken in theeach
from preparation processand
mortar mixture of cubes. Sixfor
were left cube samples
28 days curing of at
70 mm size
room taken from in each mortar
order mixture
to prepare and were lefttesting.
for compression for 28The
days curing at room
compressive temperature
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
order to prepare for compression testing. 5 of mortars
of mortars is determined as per the ASTM C109The
[40] compressive
standard (Figure strength
2). of the is
determined as per the ASTM C109 [40] standard (Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Figure 2.Mortar
3.2. TestingProcedures
3.2. Testing Procedures
In this
study,a atotal ofof
total 4242
prisms with
prisms 6 different
with brick/mortar
6 different combinations
brick/mortar were
combinations were
prepared with occasional assistance provided by an experienced mason,
prepared with occasional assistance provided by an experienced mason, and and they were
they were
cured for 28 days at room temperature before assessing the masonry strength. Length and
height conform to the ASTM standard, which are a minimum of 100 mm length and a
minimum of 2 units of height, with height in the lowest dimension between 1.3 and 5,
respectively [41]. Complete test matrix and specimen dimensions are provided in Table 2
below. Seven prisms were built for each of the six combinations. Four to seven bricks are
Materials 2022, 15, 5030 5 of 11
cured for 28 days at room temperature before assessing the masonry strength. Length
and height conform to the ASTM standard, which are a minimum of 100 mm length and
a minimum of 2 units of height, with height in the lowest dimension between 1.3 and 5,
respectively [41]. Complete test matrix and specimen dimensions are provided in Table 2
below. Seven prisms were built for each of the six combinations. Four to seven bricks are
used in each prism depending on the brick type (Figure 3), as the heights of solid and
hollow bricks are different.
(a) (b)
Figure3. (a)
3. Solid brick brick
(a) Solid prism; prism;
(b) Prism(b)
Prism failure.
All bricks and prisms are capped using a gypsum plaster in order to make a smooth
Mortar thickness in both prisms is kept at a constant of 20 mm to replicate the common
surface so that the applied load can be distributed equally (Figure 4). In addition, speci-
mens unreinforced
were aligned carefully
(a) masonry
between platensconstruction (b)practice.
to avoid eccentricity All Prisms
in loading. brickswere
are kept in water for
10 min
tested before
in accordance construction, as
with ASTM C1314-16 suggested
[42] usingby
Figure 3. (a) Solid brick prism; (b) Prism failure.
theSarangapani et
2000 kN universal al. [18],
testing to avoid poor brick–
mortar bond because of dry bricks.
All bricksandand prisms
prisms are capped
are capped using plaster
using a gypsum a gypsum plaster
in order to makeina order
smoothto make a smooth
surface sosothat
surface thethe
that applied load load
applied can becan
distributed equally (Figure
be distributed equally4). (Figure
In addition,
4). speci-
In addition, specimens
mens were aligned carefully between platens to avoid eccentricity in loading. Prisms were
were aligned carefully between platens to avoid eccentricity in
tested in accordance with ASTM C1314-16 [42] using the 2000 kN universal testing ma-
loading. Prisms were tested
in accordance
chine. with ASTM C1314-16 [42] using the 2000 kN universal testing machine.
Table 4 shows the mortar unit properties for all three types of mortars: weak (1:6),
intermediate (1:4), and strong (1:3). For weak mortar, compressive strengths varied from
3.8 to 5.9 MPa, with an average strength of 4.81 (COV 14%). Intermediate mortar-type
compressive strength varied from 9.1 to 12.1 MPa, with an average compressive strength of
10.56 MPa (COV 12.4%). Strong mortar obtaineded the highest value, as was expected, rang-
ing from 12.3 to 15.3 MPa, with an average compressive strength of 13.8 MPa (COV 8.3%).
The highest compressive strength value of intermediate-type mortar was less than the
lowest value of strong mortar. In addition, the coefficient of variation was the lowest
in strong mortar specimens. The density of the mortar types also demonstrated a linear
relationship with the compressive strength of the respective types.
Masonry prisms of six combinations from two brick and three mortar types were
tested for compressive strength. Table 5 shows the results for all combinations, which
Materials 2022, 15, 5030 7 of 11
were found to be in good agreement with studies from the literature [5,7,8,12,14,15,21,22].
The mean value of f’m was found to be 1.99 MPa (COV 11.9%), 2.01 MPa (COV 9%), and
2 MPa (COV 9%) for hollow brick prisms constructed with weak, intermediate, and strong
mortar, respectively. The coefficient of variation values was also around 10%, which is quite
acceptable. The mean value of f’m was found to be 4.31 MPa (COV 13%), 8.11 MPa (COV
10.7%), and 8.23 MPa (COV 12.9%) for solid brick prisms constructed with weak, intermediate,
and strong mortar, respectively. The coefficient of variation values for all three groups was
between 10.7% and 13%, which is good and acceptable. The lowest value for solid brick
compressive strength was obtained from weak mortar prisms, as expected, and the value
was twice that of the hollow brick prism strength. Padalu and Singh [7] illustrated, using a
graph, that the compressive strength of a prism increased with mortar strength. However,
hollow brick prisms demonstrated the same results for compressive strength for all three
mortar types. The reason for this observation may be due to the bond strength between
brick and mortar. The debonding of the brick–mortar interface decreases the effectiveness
of load transfers through the mortar layer [7], and the surface of the hollow brick is very
smooth, which significantly affects the brick–mortar bond. Moreover, prisms tend to bulge
laterally when the axial load is applied with the top and bottom parts of the specimen under
compression with confinement pressure, while the middle zone is subjected to tension [7].
Masonry is weak in resisting tension forces [46] and has poor brick–mortar bonding with
respect to hollow brick prisms due to the smooth surface; hollow brick prisms resulted in
poor performance with all three mortar ratios. Another reason for compressive strength
differences between brick and hollow prisms is due to the bricks’ unit strength, as Padalu
and Singh [7] found a clear relationship between brick unit strength and prism strength.
Additionally, the later expansion of mortar under compressive loading is restricted due to
the frictional forces at the brick–mortar interface, and mortar may resist direct load transfer
and attributes and increase in prism strength [7]. Prism compressive strengths, factored in
accordance with ASTM C1314 [42] based on the prism height to least lateral dimension, are
also provided in Table 5 below. The correction factors are calculated by linear interpolation
since the h/t ratio of the prisms lies between the given values in the ASTM standard [42].
not depend as much on mortar strength as it does on brick strength. In other words, mean
mortar compressive strength had less influence on mean masonry compressive strength
compared to mean brick compressive strength. In addition, the K value was found to be
0.24. The derived coefficient values provided results similar to those of recent studies in the
literature [11,13,14,29]. The latest six studies’ [1,11,12,19,30,32] proposed coefficients were
applied to the present data, and masonry compressive strength was predicted with those
coefficients from the respective studies. The coefficient of determination was calculated for
each prediction, and the R2 results obtained were a very poor match, with values of −71,
−243, −79, −158, −12, and 0.29. The results support the objective of deriving the coeffi-
cients of empirical relationships for brick masonry regionally. Experimentally obtained
and predicted compressive strength values are depicted separately for each type of prism
in Figure 5.
R2 is the coefficient of determination between experimentally obtained values and the
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 12
value obtained by regression analysis, and the results, which are close to unity, indicate
a good fit for the obtained analysis. σ is the standard error of estimate that provides an
idea of the scatter of actual data from the value estimated by regression analysis. It is
with values that σ is −243,
of −71, at the−79,
minimum value,
−158, −12, andmeaning
0.29. Thethat scatter
results in the
support thedata with respect
objective of de-
to thethe
riving estimated value
coefficients is at the minimum
of empirical [14].forInbrick
relationships the masonry
present study, Equation
regionally. (1) had
a coefficient
tally obtainedof determination
and (R2 ) and standard
predicted compressive strength error
values ofare
estimate (σ)separately
depicted values of 0.94 and
for each
0.78 MPa, respectively,
type of prism in Figure 5. which were deemed satisfactory and acceptable.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Prism Samples for weak (1:7), intermediate (8:14), and strong (15-21)
Experimental Predicted
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Figure 5. Experimental and
5. Experimental andpredicted
predicted compressive
compressive strength
strength values
values for hollow
for hollow andbrick
and solid solidprisms.
5. Conclusions
The compressive strength of masonry is an important parameter for the structural
design of masonry, and there are different methods for obtaining this property of masonry,
namely, in situ field tests, laboratory tests on specimens extracted from the field, and testing
prisms that are constructed in the laboratory [9]. However, there are some disadvantages
and limitations in the first two methods [7,10]. Therefore, researchers [1,5,11–14,19,29–36]
attempted to develop an empirical relationship to predict masonry strength from brick
and mortar strengths, However, there is considerable difference geographically in material
properties [5–8,11,12,14–23], and these differences indicate that there is a need of derivation
of these coefficients for each region. The objective of the study was to determine coefficients
to predict masonry compressive strength with masonry constituents of brick and mortar in
the Cambodian context. This paper presents the experimental investigation of masonry
prisms under uniaxial compression testing. In the laboratory, 42 prisms were constructed
using the six brick–mortar combinations. Two masonry unit types, solid and hollow, and
three mortar types were used for the prism construction. Experimental results were used
to develop empirical relationships to predict the compressive behaviour of brick masonry
using only brick and mortar compressive strengths in order to assist designers in detailed
analysis. The following summary can be drawn from this research:
• Significant variation has been observed in compressive strength of hollow and solid
bricks. Physical properties, such as hole, height, and density, and production technol-
ogy such as burning temperature could constitute the difference in variation of the
compressive strength.
• Mechanical properties of masonry and its constituent materials were obtained by uniax-
ial compression testing according to the respective standards. The average compressive
strengths of the masonry prisms constructed with 1:3, 1:4, and 1:6 cement-sand mortar were
found to be in good agreement with past studies in the literature [5,7,8,12,14,15,21,22].
• The mean masonry compressive strength was found to increase with the increase in
brick compressive strength, which was found to be in good agreement with previous
researchers [7].
• It has been observed that increase in mortar strength increases the masonry’s compres-
sive strength in solid bricks, in agreement with the literature [7]. However, that effect
could not been observed in hollow bricks, and this observation could be due to the
weak brick–mortar bond of hollow bricks, which has very smooth surfaces.
• A predictive equation relating brick and mortar compressive strengths with masonry
compressive strength in the form of the Eurocode 6 [37] expression was derived, and
constants were found to be 0.24, 0.59, and 0.32 for K, α, and β, respectively.
• Brick constant (α) in the prediction equation was found to be greater than the mortar
constant (β), in agreement with past studies [1,5,11–14,19,33,35,36], and it indicates
that the brick units have more influence on masonry compressive strength compared
to mortar strength.
Lastly, the bricks used in this study were only from two manufacturers, and both of
them are located in the capital city. More comprehensive research with different manufac-
turers from a variety of locations in the country is recommended, since the types of brick
production method, burning temperature, clay used as raw material, etc., affect the me-
chanical properties of the brick. Moreover, a limited number of samples were tested for the
compression test. Therefore, derived coefficients cannot be generalized to all Cambodian
masonry due to the limited number of samples and limited brick manufacturer variety.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.K. and N.F.M.H.; methodology, N.K.; software, N.K.
and S.D.; writing—original draft preparation, N.K. and S.I.; writing—review and editing, N.K. and
S.D.; supervision, N.F.M.H. and S.I. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Materials 2022, 15, 5030 10 of 11
Funding: The authors of this paper would like to acknowledge the Faculty of Technology and
Informatics Razak Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for the support under research grant UTM
Encouragement Research Grant, Vot No. Q.K130000.2656.18J25.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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