Catalogue of Works
Catalogue of Works
Catalogue of Works
"as one of an older generation that used to think corbusier had the final answer, I am constantly having to revise my ideas since the beginning of the twenty-first century. Nowadays we have had to get accustomed to a new kind of expressionism, a kind of no-holdsbarred radicalism, affected to a large extent by the conceptualism of contemporary art. what matters with libeskind is his narrative, with Hadid is her unbridled dynamism, with koolhaas is his surrealism. with woolf we have a clear originality that eschews any overriding ideology, but for all its understatement projects a hidden strength. It's a quality that I feel grateful for."
leaves oN a tree
by tony fretton at the foot of the hill that leads to Brick leaf House, his latest project, Jonathan woolf is murmuring apologies for the failure of his citroen XM to start that morning; my colleague Matthew Barton mulls over woolfs recent tough criticism of his fellow students at Bath school of architecture; and I am inwardly resisting the relentless climb ahead in the unfolding heat.
at different times lived the painter John linnell and raymond unwin, designer of Hampstead garden suburb. the road here has narrowed to a wooded lane, strikingly similar to how it would have been when william Blake came to visit John linnel and constable painted on the heath. woolf is an acute observer of things. while designing Brick leaf House he studied the suppleness and adaptability of vernacular and arts & crafts buildings and the formality and social representation of grand houses such as kenwood, reflecting as lutyens did on how these could be brought together in a contemporary house. But the buildings made by woolf architects are unlike these models, or the work of Mies van der rohe and Mendelssohn that I know he also studies. for him buildings and their situation and cultural history are material for his creative imagination to be reworked into architecture of his own. this is not surprising. woolfs generation felt the influence of gehry and siza, architects who worked by creative conviction, drawing on the architectural and cultural vernacular of the regions where they grew up, to make an abstract architecture for these times. Brick leaf House displays the cultivated instinct of this kind of process. the principle facade is unexpectedly at right angles to the road and consists of a wall enclosing a garden court stepping up to two taller facades which are sparely
as we walk, woolf reveals an intense knowledge of this part of Hampstead, where he grew up. approaching the house, we detour to look at some of the things he has spoken of. the house of Michael ventris, architect and decipherer of 14th century greek script linear B, is a handsome brick mid-20th century building in a swedish humanist style with generous windows. Nearby is the sober victorian cottage in wildwood terrace where Nicholas Pevsner lived while writing the Buildings of england. further back is the 17th century wyldes farm where
fenestrated and slightly inflected to each other about a vertical set back. the two taller facades are the only indication that this is not one house but a connected pair, commissioned by two brothers and their families, and sharing a sophisticated basement swimming pool and gym. the materialisation is economical and sure: brick and paving related by textures, brick chosen as an analogy to the leaves of trees the most abundant element in the surroundings - its colour somewhere between that of tree bark and copper beech leaves. throughout
the interior, stone floors of Pietra serena, american walnut joinery, bronze metalwork and plaster painted a pale taupe colour provide calmness and dignity. each house of the pair has similar plan, within which a two-storey entrance hall, four bedrooms, four bathrooms and two living rooms are differently disposed. the walled garden court belongs to the easterly house and contains a ceramic studio. the other house has a garden to the Heath. Plans, section and elevations come together in a single statement, the form of which was present in the models woolf first showed his clients. It is a measure of his skill that they accepted this scheme at the outset and did not vary. there are evident lessons from Mies van der rohes houses in krefeld, which woolf visited during the project. living rooms are connected in sequence where they can be seen only partially one from another ending in views of the garden or ambiguous places that are the start of another sequence. the interior elements are both highly abstract and very habitable. the external envelope is a simple and striking statement in which subtle complexity has accrued as the plan was worked out, and windows positioned for light, compositional effect and framed views of the garden and wider landscape. some aspects of this and other schemes may appear awkward - the large framed metal windows in the house in a markedly asymmetrical
arrangement for example, or the slate mansard on his building in swinton street. But given the considered way that these architects work, I do not think that they are mistakes. as was said of robert lowell: the things in Mr lowells
eye this is an area without distinctive history or character. But woolf explains the scale and decorous qualities of the lion Building and two similar ones nearby, by telling that they were the hotels for cattle dealers, and part of the caledonian market to which animals were driven through the street from kings cross station. In the mid-20th century the market was replaced by local authority apartment blocks. lacking an urban plan that took account of human experience and architectural and social continuity, the area became junk space. woolf architects works to the building, although an alteration, reveals an intelligent stance towards its original architecture and the state of affairs in the world that surrounds it. By managing contact with the surrounding world, the architect gives the interior calm and security. gated courts are created at the entrances which operate in a similar way to the original windows with their solid panels below tall glazed lights, and strike a note of exoticism in their pebble floors. the courts also provide outlook for original windows that extend down to the floor. complimenting them are a number of skilfully and unusually managed light wells around the ground floor and basement. there is a strong sense that for woolf the fabric of the original building is artistically alive and open to change. every alteration, from the placing of an up-light on a wall or radiator before a window to the design of substantial stone-topped
poems... keep an extraordinary degree of their stubborn, unmoved toughness, their senseless originality and contingency. In time I think their messages will come through. the scale and openness of fenestration is already compelling, and the way it follows the ground line, allowing the shadows of the trees to spread over the floors. a taxi ride away from Hampstead and woolf and I are standing across from the stately Italiante victorian building in copenhagen fields which he has redesigned and where his office is situated. to the uninformed
kitchen furniture in relation to an original giant pilaster participates in the dignity of the original interior. woolf architects daylight objects and spaces very well to create a calm habitability absolutely of this time. In swinton street near kings cross, surrounded by railways and forbidding levels of road traffic, he has made an existing building into lofts. every view is used to turn the outlook over railways roads and rooftops from disaster to a magical urban event. copious entrance spaces provide exactly the right transition between the grittiness of the street and sophisticated interiors
of the apartments. the plans and minimal finishes and fittings look peculiar in illustration. In reality they are absolutely savvy with the way that people buying these apartments will want to live. woolf architects have arrived where they are by way of a series of smaller projects. Many of these I recognised when interviewing from the images and models scattered in his studio and found them still propositional and fresh. each is eminently habitable, contains original ideas and says something powerfully intelligent about the world around it. the assured realisation and the narratives that sort, combine and explain the world around each of them are fundamental strengths of woolfs practice. In the Netherlands, architects with these practical and conceptual powers would be urban planning whole areas, as Maccreanor lavington already are. Brick leaf House is a statement of real capacity from woolf architects that places it among the most interesting architects of its generation. In doing so it opens new questions: how will it differentiate its work from that of its peers, and what risks will it take to make an architecture of ideas? Building Design Magazine september 2003
ProJects lIst
01 IJaz aPartMeNt 1991 the transformation of an existing corner apartment establishes a volume whereby domestic activities of cooking, eating and resting are presented one above the other in a theatrical set piece. Project duration: 6 months contract value: 45,000 gross internal area: 45m2 client: Patricia Ijaz
02 DuBlIN urBaN regeNeratIoN 1991 competition The architects were awarded first prize in the international design competition for reinvigorating a run-down area of Dublin through the rediscovery of an 18th century georgian square, which languished as a carpark and intermittent horse market. these ideas formed the basis for the redevelopment of what is now a flourishing part of the city. Project duration: 3 months contract value: Ir 1 mill gross internal area: client: Irish Distillers ltd
03 offIce of tHe future 1991 competition 1st prize winner judged by Dieter rams and terence conran in the international Milan furniture fair competition to design the office furniture system of the future. the new furniture workstation module would re-cast the relationship between work, meeting and display areas of the space. Project duration: 3 months contract value: n/a gross internal area: n/a client: Milan furniture fair 1991
04 BatHrooM 1992 competition the project focused on the arrangement of sanitaryware as if a single object.
05 BIcycle House 1992 The ground floor of a London mews house is converted from a double garage into a studio space and garage for a client who spends most of his time abroad and requires a london base for short stays. the plan is developed as a small sequence of connected spaces revolving round a partially freestanding element that separates bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Project duration: 1992 contract value: 35,000 gross internal area: 45 m2 client: Brian Mindel
06 glass cottage 1993 remodelling and extension to small house in kensington. Project duration: 1991-1993 contract value: 75,000 Internal area: 70m2 client: sarah Ingham
07 PIaNo House 1993 a detached house set back from the street is entered via a faux rural courtyard. The ground floor is a single rectangular room structured into three parts by adjustment of floor and ceiling heights. A built-in wall of storage furnishes the space, for cooking, relaxing and study. Project duration: 6 months contract value: 95.000 gross internal area: 150m2 client: David Jermyn
08 zIggurat stuDIo 1 1993 this project for a graphic design company in central london featured an especially constructed lighting rig of folded sheet metal forming trays for fluorsecent ambient light. Below this spine an wood storage system. Project duration: 5 weeks contract value: 17,500 gross internal area: 200m2 client: ziggurat Design
09 Narrow House 1995 a 3.8m wide terrace house in knightsbridge, london is adapted to link the lower 3 floors by a glass enclosure, forming patios from its atrium. Project duration: 13 months contract value: 185,000 gross internal area: 220m2 client: ronald lim
10 fellNer Dellal House 1994 House remodelling over four floors with a 3- storey rear extension. the interiors makes a spatial link between the entrance from upper ground and lower level garden to the back. Project duration: 16 Months contract value: 240,000 gross internal area: 300m2 client: eric fellner and gaby Dellal
11 HulMe HousINg 1995 competition this entry for the europan young architects compeition proposed a return to terrace forms of housing (in brick) with the possibility for adaptation to a range of flat sizes and finally housed. The project was fieatured on Channel Four News examining the possibilities for urban regeneration in the Hulme area of Manchester. Project duration: competition contract value: 12.5 million gross internal area: 3 hectares client: Manchester Housing co-op
12 PHotograPHers stuDIo 1997 the evocative atmosphere of two painted brick rooms in a former victorian school building offered ideal spaces for a photographer to play with types of daylight for model shoots. the design strategy was to allow these rooms to be inhabited without obviating these qualities and so focused solely on a new raised floor of Oak under which all heating and power would be run. Project duration: 8 weeks contract value: 19,000 gross internal area: 210m2 client: robert fairer Photography
13 DB stuDIo 1 1995 the project accepts the existing forms and textures, retaining and adding to them to reveal their particular qualities. three types of purpose made furniture (lighting, storage and work desks) elements were deployed in such a way as to bring attention to the particularities of the existing room. Project duration: 3 weeks contract value: 20,000 gross internal area: 250m2 client: Design Bridge ltd
14 wooD lIgHts 1995 This prototype light fitting was entered into an international competition promoting the use of finnish Plywood. they are made from 4mm birch plywood in long slightly skewed troughs containing fluorescent lights, all held from fine nylon thread. Project duration: competition contract value: Prototype
15 DB stuDIo 2 1997 the economics of the project dictated that the existing speculative office shell was retained. Attentions were focused on building two lightweight walls, which appear suspended between the carpet and ceiling tiles. set at an oblique these walls contradict the orthogonal logic of the building, adhering themselves to the edges of the room. this creates a dynamic spatial quality. the new lighting is a reference to the existing fluorescent ceiling lights, but turned 90 degrees and set in the walls. Project duration: contract value: 22,500 gross internal area: 230m2 client: Design Bridge ltd
16 sculPtors House 1997 the existing mid-19th century london building was constructed for a royal portrait sculptor and comprised a ground floor of servant quarters below a double volume studio, dominated by the arched fanlight window to the street. In adapting this as a house for a painter an l-shaped storage mezzanine is conceived as a shelf (for stacking canvasses or sleeping) that lines two sides of the volume. the shelf has a 10 metre span in steel and is 15cm thick. Project duration: 9 months contract value: 115,000 gross internal area: 250m2 clients: sloane and candida Hickman
17 Pocket House 1998-2000 located behind a narrow street facade, in a corner between two large regency villas, the house has an upper and lower ground floor each with its own distinct atmosphere. the tall upper room is of a formal pavilion in shape, rich in natural light and faced in warm wood. Below ground the cavernlike qualities are intensified by the mirroring effect of polished hard floors and gloss finishes, with a view out into the walled garden. Project duration: 14 months contract value: 170,000 gross internal area: 190m2 client: private
18 east Molesey HousINg 1998 project focusing on the typology of terraced houses and detached suburban houses, this hybrid proposal forms a terrace of buildings at ground level, becoming detached pavilions on the 1st floor. The buildings have a taller formal side to the south and west and a lower modest side to the north responding to the prevailing winds from the river. formally ambiguous in appearance: part-terrace, partdetached house. Design collaborator: Juan salgado Project duration: competition contract value: 4.5mill gross internal area: 7,500m2 client: Barratt Homes
19 DevereuX House-Hotel 1998 project the Devereux House-hotel in alderney channel Islands contain 8 large suites, which can be inhabited as self-contained apartments. the original 18th century house, with its wartime extension and the new additions, combine to form a close ensemble of objects in the tradition of rural farm and domestic architecture. Project duration: 24 months contract value: 1.2 mill gross internal area: 1,100m2 client: private
20 car MuseuM 1998 project a new car museum in essex to house 50 of the most prestigious cars made since 1940. the building is located partially below ground under the formal lawns of the existing Neo-palladian villa. the glazed facade of the museum is revealed by a change in level, as steps lead down to the landscaped gardens. Project duration: 18 months contract value: 3.2 mill gross internal area: 2,000m2 client: private
21 HIDDeN aPartMeNt 1998 project the owner of a 16th century palace on amsterdams Prinsengracht canal required a hidden apartment within the loft area, accessed via a concealed staircase. Project duration: feasilbility stage contract value: 250,000 gross internal area: 125m2
22 cocooN 1998 project the owner of a Dauphin N1 helicopter (black) invited woolf to refurbish the cabin interior removing the seating and replacing as a single egg-like space with all necessary safety harnesses and accessories made especially to suit. Design collaborator: Petra Blaisse Project duration: 2.5 months contract value: 65,000 gross internal area: 9m3 client:private
23 Blue MarlIN offIces 1998 refurbishment of a low ceilinged large floor plate set of mews buildings for a creative branding company in Bath took the picture views out the windows and into very narrow alleys as the main narrative to organise the way people would be invited around the eopn plan floor space. Design collaborator: Juan salgado Project duration: 2.5 months contract value: 65,000 gross internal area: 215 m2 client: blue marlin
24 aDolfo DoMINguez store 1998 woolf architects were invited to collaborate with fashion house adolfo Dominguez in the design of their flagship Manchester store. Design collaborator: Juan salgado Project duration: 12 weeks contract value: 120,000 gross internal area: 190m2 client: adolfo Dominguez
25 zIggurat stuDIo 2 1998 this creative brand identity company was interested in making things clear presenting a brand or a product in its essential nature, through intrigue and subtlety rather than superficial image. the project is analogous to this and attempts to make the process of adaptation from warehouse to multi-use work spaces legible. the ancillary spaces; are recognised as clashing with the clear spaces of the warehouse. the new insertions are integral lightweight parcels sitting in the bigger, brick volume. It is through using them, ie. climbing the stairs, that their intrigue unfolds, and their as the bright colours, unexpected interiors are revealed. Project duration: contract value: gross internal area: client: ziggurat Design ltd
26 QueeNs gate Place Mews 2000 through examination of an existing volume and the functions needed, a mews house is reprogrammed from three into four floors featuring a 1.9m ground level for cars ; 2.1m level 1st floor for photographic archives; 2.2-2.5 metres upper levels for living. floor thicknesses are 15cm including finishes. Project duration: 11 months contract value: 185,000 gross internal area: 215m2 client: private
27 aMsterDaM regeNeratIoN 1998 competition this area of amsterdam invited a proposal for the redevelopment of a former industrial zone into a vibrant new quarter for living and working, with public leisure facilities. collaborator: Juan salgado Project duration: 3 months contract value: 42 mill gross internal area: 15,000m2 client: europan Netherlands for amsterdam council
28 swINtoN street stuDIos 1999-2001 this substantial brick warehouse building dating from the 1850s is converted into work/live studios. Timber frame walls define the new domestic spaces on each floor. The slate clad roof addition is a scaled down repeat of the trapezium building below. Project duration: 25 months contract value: private gross internal area: 850m2 client: Heights uk ltd
29 kItcHeN 2001 product architects used to design kitchens in projects, but this is no longer a necessity. this was the last one made for an apartment/workspace in kings cross. It describes the key components reduced to an abstract. Below the sink; a dishwasher and a cupboard, below the hob a drawer for cooking and eating cutlery, with foodstuffs and table ware above. Other loose fit, off the peg storage may be added as required. Project duration: 2001 contract value: 3,000 gross internal area: client: Heights uk
30 eND House 2003 project a new house in Holland Park forms at the end of two back-to-back rows of houses and mews. the new building is made of blueblack brick facade to ground and basement commercial floor below two floors of luxury apartments. Project duration: 1999-2003 contract value: 1 million gross internal area: 435m2 client: Private
31 tHe lIoN rooMs 2002-2003 a former grand victorian pub is converted into two live work apartments on two levels. the strategy of rooms making is enhanced with a series of new courtyard spaces. Project duration: 18 months contract value: private gross internal area: 370m2 client: heights uk ltd
32 BrIck leaf House 1999-2003 the new building comprises homes for two brothers and their families with a combination of shared and privates spaces. Below the living areas a pool is lit from a tall skylight and a glass floor in the garden. the house, which is faced entirely in handmade brick and matching flush pointed mortar for sculptural effect, has a similar texture, colour and tone to that of tree bark. Project duration: 1999-2003 contract value: 2.4 mill gross internal area: 1,000m2 client: Private
33 Hat House 2003 project In converting a former corner pub into a house the plan allowed the possibility for a single open plan living floor of 12x12m. Above is a new mansard addition of bedrooms facing an inner courtyard. New steel framework spans between a central stairwell and small columns located against the outer wall of the 19thc brickwork. Project duration: 2002-2003 contract value: 750,000 gross internal area: 350m2 client: Private
34 york way aPartMeNts 2003 twinned live-work maisonette apartments of 1,250ft2 each within a 19th century former hotel in camden. Project duration: 2003-2004 contract value: private gross internal area: 233m2 client: Heights uk
35 HIgHgate HIll House 2004 project the sites pronounced step across its mid point led to a proposal in two part: a tower house of bedrooms atop a broad pavilion of living spaces with two large courtyard gardens. Project duration: 2004 contract value: 1.75mill gross internal area: client: Private
36 NewlyN art gallery 2004 competition a limited invited competition to propose an extension concept to the cornish arts centre. the new building abuts the old at the rear and is made of flush faced ribbed pale sandstone. Project duration: 2004 contract value: 1.85mill gross internal area: 1,300m2 client: art lottery funding for Newlyn and Penzance arts
37 towN House 2004 project the rear of this 19th century townhouse in Hampstead overlooks the whole of london. the openings in the lower two floors of the facade are enlarged without losing the inherent character of windows in walls. Project duration: 2004-2005 contract value: 175,000 gross internal area: 270m2 client: Private
38 House aND tHe cIty 2004 the archetypal scottish bothy inspired this arts festival installation of timber house models in the citys main square. the layout reflects the desire we hold to live on the land and how this affects the landscape when proposed in numbers. the installation travelled to londons Paternoster square in 2005, following which the models were donated to local schools. Project duration: 16 weeks contract value: 5,000 gross internal area: 30m2 client: look festival for the scottish executive and aberdeen county council
39 yeNtoB House 2005 project the early victorian house in Notting Hill gate is refurbished over four floors plus a new roof living level. Project duration: 13 months contract value: private gross internal area: 250m2 client: alan yentob
40 gIaNts causeway ceNtre 2005 competition approaching the site by car or boat, the building serves as a landmark whose presence is strong and silent, like a castle ruin. the quietly monumental external presence will temper and support the exhibitions inside, which are temporary and virtual. the building is walled externally by in-situ poured black concrete, with a reflective aggregate which sparkles in the sunlight. the external walls , coupled with the pale in-situ concrete floor, form a container of substance equating with the solidity of the causeway columns. Project duration: 2005 contract value: 5mill gross internal area: 2,750m2 client: Northern Ireland tourist Board
41 olyMPIcs PavIlIoN stratforD 42 workytHINk 2005 competition a one-day workshop for an invited competition hosted by architecture today Magazine. a temporary pavilion to engage local public participation in the olympics bid. the proposal took the form of a formalised white canvas tent on the roof of the highest office building in the central stratford. accessed at weekends via the office lifts, the views over the bid model and out across the lea valley site would enhance appreciation of the olympic enterprise. Project duration: 1 day contract value: 50,000 gross internal area: 150m2 client: architecture today Magazine uk olympic committee ongoing the project arose from two observations: 1. study usually requires either a table (for writing/ drawing/reading) or a easy chair (thinking/dreaming). 2. spare rooms tend also to be used as individual study spaces but also need to be sleep-over rooms from time to time. this timber prototype object is a table which, when rotated through 90deg, becomes a single bed/chair. Its solid sides offer visual privacy from the rest of the room and the firm, slightly sprung, seat base allows glassware to be placed on it. It also has storage space. Project duration: ongoing client: practice-led
43 lootcH Moscow 2006 competition Invited competition for the renovation and regeneration of a whole urban block of prerevolutionary brick factory buildings and courtyard squares into grade A office and work space. Project duration: 2006 contract value: Private gross internal area: 32,000m2 client: Horus capital group
44 MayfaIr offIces 2006 The existing 1950s office was refurbished to provide 18,500ft of grade A speculative office space. key repetitive elements such as lighting and ventilation fittings are of bespoke design, in collaboration with the manufacturer. Project duration: 2006-2007 contract value: Private gross internal area: 18,500ft2 client: great Portland estates
45 two MayfaIr PeNtHouses 2007 two 125m2 apartments with a row of window-sized dormers to the street and a window in wall rhythm to the rear. Project duration: 2007 contract value: 2,883,000 gross internal area: 250m2 client: great Portland estates
46 MoNkey Puzzle PavIlIoN 2007 Made entirely from wood, and resting directly on the citys granite floor, this de-mountable prefabricated public building is positioned as a centrepiece of the festival in the main square of the city. the structure is demounted after it has performed its public function to become a local sculptors studio in the aberdeenshire landscape. Project duration: 2006-2007 client: scottish executive in collaboration with the lighthouse gallery glasgow, the robert gordon university and aberdeen city council. Donnie ross (phase two)
47 PuBlIc lIBrary DuBlIN 2007 competition the project presents the public library as a forest at ground level supporting a raised public park which overlooks the sea in Dunlaoghaire. the park contains a small scale but dynamic pitched-roof arts building. Design collaborator: cullen Payne contract value: e35 million gross site area: 2,478m2 client: Dun laoghairerathdown county council
49 BatH couNtry House 2007 competition a two storey country house of 1,000m2 on a ridge overlooking a valley of fields. The main body of house is configured around a central top-lit hall offering a compact plan in which no rooms are far from each other. the entrance courtyard is bounded to the hill by a low block of guest and work rooms. Below the courtyard an indoor cave-like swimming pool has views across the valley. contract value: 4 million gross internal area: 1,100m2 client: private
50 uNIversIty BuIlDINgs zurIcH 2007 competition Masterplan and architectural proposal for rapperswill university campus, on the banks of lake leman near zurich. the three new buildings for faculty and student housing, are proposed in timber, both outside and within. formally comprising a low building and a modest tower, with housing standing separated by a proposed watercourse. contract value: cHf 23 Million gross internal area: 7,500m2 client: university of rapperswill, zurich
51 MouNt PleasaNt 2007 project this graduate research programme with 22 students studied the possibilities for redeveloping a large site in central london currently used by the mount pleasant postal sorting office .The project examined a range of options for living, working, and retail/hotel space. gross internal area: 78,000m2 client: graduate research Programme, laccademia di architettura di Mendrisio, switzerland
52 stockHolM NatIoNal lIBrary 2007 competition This project, one of ten finalists in a major international competition that attracted 1170 entries, required to extends eric gunnar asplunds famous 1930s circular library from 7,500m2 to 29,500m2. the new building is composed of two major volumes: a grand civic meeting forum in the form of a partially excavated plinth cut into the hill. above it a tall square building of urban character and presence, forming an ensemble with two existing 1960s offices. Unlike typical new libraries, each floor of the main building is both spatially and structurally different from the others to allow for curatorial independence. Project duration: 2006-2007 contract value: sk 55 million gross internal area: 29,500m2 client: stockholm city
53 BlooMsBury aPartMeNts 2008 project Backing onto a quiet walled garden on a london side street, this 4 storey timber-clad volume creates six live- work apartments of 175m2 each, with private outdoor space. Project duration: 2008 contract value: 1.1mill gross internal area: 1,050m2 client: Heights uk
54 MuseuM of etHNograPHy 2008 competition the project in geneva proposes a freestanding building which fronts a new garden square that encloses the old museum. the new building is like a large villa with faceted roof and walls of stone. key blackout rooms are below ground, with dance and library spaces on levels 1 and 2. Project duration: 2008 contract value: cHf 55 million gross internal area: 6,000m2 client: city of geneva, switzerland
55 PaINteD House 2009 two typical 1940s semis in a north london suburb have been converted into a large double house for an extended family of eleven people. Design collaborator: Bharat Patel Project duration: 2003-2009 contract value: private gross internal area: 700 m2 client: private
56 orDINary works 2010 exhibition this exhibition at house 101 during london festival of architecture focused on new projects, and provided an opportunity for the public to see the building prior to development. Project duration: 3 weeks client: practice-led
57 House 101 ongoing the terraced building in kings cross London has a flat-iron shaped plan over 5 floors. Each floor achieves acute spatial variation through ceiling and window heights. In the refurbishment into a househotel for single occupancy each floor will offer a different function (library hall, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, sitting, cinema). Project duration: ongoing contract value: private gross internal area: 85 m2 client: private
58 HollaND Park House ongoing Refurbishment over 6 floors in a conservational area in Notting Hill Project duration: ongoing contract value: private gross internal area: 430m2 client: private
59 House oN a HIllsIDe ongoing two houses with part shared area on a steep forested hillside on the outskirts of Nairobi. Project duration: ongoing contract value: private gross internal area: 1,700m2 client: private
10 m
60 tHree Houses IN a garDeN ongoing three houses in Nairobi for two brothers and their families Project duration: ongoing contract value: private gross internal area: client: private
Jonathan woolf was born in london and educated at kingston school of architecture, surrey before apprenticing at practices in rome and later to london where he was project architect for the house of art collector charles saatchi. He established his own practice in 1990 winning international competitions in Milan (furniture) and Dublin (urban regeneration). In 2003 he completed brick leaf house in Hampstead, an rIBa award winning building that became the first private house to reach the mid-list of the uk stirling Prize. Brick leaf house has been published in many countries and is the subject of the monograph a new english house. Jonathan has taught throughout the uk and europe, most notably at the university of Bath , the architectural association, and the scott sutherland school of architecture at the robert gordon university, aberdeen where he was made a full professor. He is currently guest professor at the laccademia di architettura di Mendrisio in switzerland.
07 Honorary Mention in the stockholm Public library international architectural competition 06 selected as one of 20 perfect houses for grand designs magazine by kevin Mccloud 05 Proposal to european union Prize for contemporary architecture - Mies van de rohe award 2005 06 the book a New english House reached the last four of the British Book Design awards . 04 Brick leaf (Double) House in
london received an rIBa award as well as becoming the first private house to reach the mid-list (final 12) for the 2004 stirling Prize. 04 architect of the year award for Double House In the Building Design architect of the year awards 04 runners up architecture Journal awards, the Brick association awards and the aJ first Building award.
07 | 08
guest Professor at
laccademia di architecttura di Mendrisio, switzerland 03 | 07 Professor of architecture robert gordon university, aberdeen, scotland. 97 | 03 visiting critic at london Metropolitan university/architectural association/Bath university/ Bartlett 95 | 97 Diploma Design studio university of Bath, uk 95 | 98 unit Master architectural association, london eXHIBItIoNs
10 ordinary works an exhibition of six projects kings cross, london 10 50 years of london architecture Mall galleries during london festival of architecture 10 smother, an artangel interaction set in House 101 kings cross, london 95 exhibition at the architecture foundation, london.
7.10 De aedibus Monograph Published by Quart verlag 6.10 ordinary works exhibition catalogue Published by the practice 4.10 Piso sobre la construccion de la imagen by Diego calderon 3.10 architectural Journal through the keyhole by Irina Davidovici 3.10 Painted House By ellis woodman 3.10 architecture today Painted House 10 Brick Bulletin Painted House 02.10 Darco lion rooms Brick leaf House Monkey Puzzle Pavilion 10.08 reusable and adaptable wood structures Published by 6.07 Building Design Magazine Between the campidoglio and the Builders yard by ellis woodman 4.07 architecture Ireland a New english House Book review By robert Payne 06 21st century House Jonathan Bell Published by lawrence king 4.06 architects Journal a New english House book review by edwin Heathcote
2.06 Doppelhauser und reihenhauser by katharina Heider, Published by Deutche verlagsanstalt 1.06 Building Design Magazine a New english House Book review By ellis wodman 12.05 New london architecture By kenneth Powell Published By Merrell 11.05 grand Designs Magazine Brick leaf House By kevin Mccloud 7.05 Building Design Magazine House and the city 4.05 larchitecture Daujoudhui france Brick leaf House 05 a New english House Published by categorical Books 10.04 grand Designs Magazine 04 architecture 04-a guide to the riba awards Published by Merrell 8.04 the architects Journal Brick leaf House by Barrie evans 7.04 sunday times Property Brick leaf House by Hugh Pearman 5.04 casabella Italy Brick leaf House by robert Maxwell 4.04 financial times supplement Brick leaf House 11.03 architecture today Brick leaf House 10.03 a + u Magazine Japan Brick leaf House
09.03 Building Design Magazine Brick leaf House by tony fretton the lion rooms swinton street studios 7.03 architectural research Quarterly Doubleness by charles rattray 10.03 architecture today Pocket House 4.01 space by fay sweet Published by conran octopus 99 Building Design Magazine by will self 7.99 financial times supplement by Helen kirwin-taylor 5.99 times Magazine Piano House by victoria obrien 1.98 wallpaper Magazine Narrow House 12.97 tatler Magazine Piano House 4.97 vogue Magazine fellner House 12.96 Harvey Nichols Magazine by Helen kirwin-taylor 1.95 architecture Journal 3 Projects by Marcus field 1.95 the conran essential House Book Published conran octopus 94 financial times Ijaz apartment by lucia van der Post 5.93 Metropolitan Home Ijaz apartment 6.91 Making small spaces
ProJect INDeX
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Ijaz apartment 1991 Dublin regeneration 1991 Office of the Future Bathroom 1995 Bicycle House 1992 glass cottage 1993 Piano House 1993 ziggurat studio 1 1993 Narrow House 1995 fellner House 1995 Hulme Housing 1995 Photographers studio 1997 DB studio 1 1997 wood lights product 1995 DB studio 2 1997 sculptors House 1997 Pocket House 1998 Housing east Molesey 1998 Devereux House-Hotel 1998 car Museum 1998 Hidden apartment cocoon 1998 1998 1991
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Highgate Hill House 2004 Newlyn art gallery town House 2004 2004
House and the city 2005 yentob House 2005 giants causeway 2005 olympics Pavilion stratford workythink product 2009 Moscow Offices 2006 Mayfair Offices 2006 Mayfair Penthouses 2007 Monkey Puzzle Pavilion 2007 Public library Dublin 2007 Beulah road 2007 Bath country House 2007 university zurich 2007 Mount Pleasant 2007 stockholm library 2007 Bloomsbury apartments 2008 Museum of ethnography geneva 2008 Painted House 2009 ordinary works 2010 101 House ongoing Holland Park House ongoing House on a hillside ongoing three houses in a garden ongoing 2005
Blue Marlin studio 1998 adolfo Dominguez store 1998 ziggurat studio 2 1998 Queens gate Place Mews 1998 urban strategy amsterdam 1998 swinton street studios 2001 kitchen 2001 product end House 2003
the lion rooms 2003 Brick leaf House 2003 Hat House 2003 york way apartments 2003
JoNatHaN woolf