The Contribution of Electronic Marketing in The Increment of Grape Sales in Dodoma A Study of Bihawana and Mpunguzi Village
The Contribution of Electronic Marketing in The Increment of Grape Sales in Dodoma A Study of Bihawana and Mpunguzi Village
The Contribution of Electronic Marketing in The Increment of Grape Sales in Dodoma A Study of Bihawana and Mpunguzi Village
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The Dessertation Submitted For Approval In The Partial Between the years 2010 and 2018, FAO show grapes had
Fulfillment Of Requirements For The Award Of Master Of been rising in global market and made a significant contribution
Business Administration (Mba-T&L) Department Of to the economy of various countries in world. VinIntel (2014)
Accounting And Finance Of The Open University Of and Stephen (2017) both found that grape sales has increased as
Tanzania 2021 a result of wine production.
Abstract:- The study sought to examine the contribution of South Africa is the world's largest grape and wine in
e-market in increment of grape sales in Tanzania. Was African also the world's seventh largest grape and wine
specifically sought to determine the effect of e-mail, mobile producer, with over 100,000 hectares of land dedicated to grape
phones-advertisement and ICT on sales for grape farmer in cultivation (VinIntel, 2014). South Africa's grapes and wine are
Dodoma. Number respondents (70) who are farmer used primarily export to Europe (VinIntel, 2014).
selected based on simple random sampling. Data gathered
by filled questionnaires were coded, tabulated and analyzed In Tanzania missionaries introduced grapes Dodoma in
using STATA version 12 by descriptive statistics based on 1960 at Bihawana and farming of grape in start in 1963, Isanga
frequencies and percentage used to present cross tabulate. prison began to produce grapevine with four acres (Daily News,
The study results indicated that few number of grape 25th November 2011). After three years the crop was
farmers use e-marketing This is attributed to the fact that transferred to Mpunguzi, Msalato, Nala, Nkulabi, and
many farmers do not possess the ICT skills as well as ICT Mundemu village’s. As a result, the National Service was
tools to be used in e-marketing. It was concluded that the established. Start increasing the acreage and the yields rising
farmers need to be facilitated with these required tools. And high from the grapes used for fresh table to wine production.
farmers have to be taught about electronic market variable The first government institution to invest much in wine
that affects the sales of grape Recommend is training about production was Isanga prison which prompted the construction
marketing and the way of accessing the marketing of a winery plant in 1969 a company was the sole buyer of
information by using of e marketing tools. The obstacle of grapes from farmers for wine processing (VinIntel, 2014). Due
the study is the farmer are not knowing what were ask and to this the government establishments of a Makutupora
the study based on Dodoma villages further researcher will Research Centre to determine appropriate types of grapes of
based on other product how affected by Electronic market wines and encouraged more and more farmers to come forward
in Tanzania. and open grape farms (VinIntel, 2014).
Keywords;- Marketing , Electronic -Marketing, Grape, Marketing is an important aspect in developing countries
Farmers And Dodoma. that increased investment, but grape producers faced difficult to
participate in markets due to increased market freedom
I. INTRODUCTION pressures (Makhura, 2001). Nonetheless, grape production and
sales in the Dodoma is increasing, despite the face with both
Background to the Study chances and obstacles (Kacharo,2007). According to this point
This study looked into the role of e-marketing on the of view, it shows that the evolution of digital marketing
increment of grape sales in Dodoma. This is due to fact that necessitated many businesses to engage on digital platform in
electronic marketing is rapidly becoming a new phenomenon in selling and marketing of their Products and Services and such
modern business practice at this days when internet dominates traditional marketing functions are becoming being minimized
(Taylor et al., 2018).According to world grape farming data, (Monnapa, 2017).
grape production was 477,909.28 thousand tons in 2018,and is
18% of total fruit production worldwide(FAO, 2018).. However Statement of the Research Problem.
European Union takes the lead in grape production, with Italy The world has become the use of digital that lead to
leading by15.48 percent, followed China with 15.73 percent, electronic marketing is a major area of interest in business
and United States with 11.93% (FAO, 2018). entities as they are force to undertakings (Adikesavan, 2015).