The Contribution of Electronic Marketing in The Increment of Grape Sales in Dodoma A Study of Bihawana and Mpunguzi Village

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Contribution of Electronic Marketing in the

Increment of Grape Sales in Dodoma
A Study of Bihawana and Mpunguzi Village
Ruhembe Nioshima Samweli

The Dessertation Submitted For Approval In The Partial Between the years 2010 and 2018, FAO show grapes had
Fulfillment Of Requirements For The Award Of Master Of been rising in global market and made a significant contribution
Business Administration (Mba-T&L) Department Of to the economy of various countries in world. VinIntel (2014)
Accounting And Finance Of The Open University Of and Stephen (2017) both found that grape sales has increased as
Tanzania 2021 a result of wine production.

Abstract:- The study sought to examine the contribution of South Africa is the world's largest grape and wine in
e-market in increment of grape sales in Tanzania. Was African also the world's seventh largest grape and wine
specifically sought to determine the effect of e-mail, mobile producer, with over 100,000 hectares of land dedicated to grape
phones-advertisement and ICT on sales for grape farmer in cultivation (VinIntel, 2014). South Africa's grapes and wine are
Dodoma. Number respondents (70) who are farmer used primarily export to Europe (VinIntel, 2014).
selected based on simple random sampling. Data gathered
by filled questionnaires were coded, tabulated and analyzed In Tanzania missionaries introduced grapes Dodoma in
using STATA version 12 by descriptive statistics based on 1960 at Bihawana and farming of grape in start in 1963, Isanga
frequencies and percentage used to present cross tabulate. prison began to produce grapevine with four acres (Daily News,
The study results indicated that few number of grape 25th November 2011). After three years the crop was
farmers use e-marketing This is attributed to the fact that transferred to Mpunguzi, Msalato, Nala, Nkulabi, and
many farmers do not possess the ICT skills as well as ICT Mundemu village’s. As a result, the National Service was
tools to be used in e-marketing. It was concluded that the established. Start increasing the acreage and the yields rising
farmers need to be facilitated with these required tools. And high from the grapes used for fresh table to wine production.
farmers have to be taught about electronic market variable The first government institution to invest much in wine
that affects the sales of grape Recommend is training about production was Isanga prison which prompted the construction
marketing and the way of accessing the marketing of a winery plant in 1969 a company was the sole buyer of
information by using of e marketing tools. The obstacle of grapes from farmers for wine processing (VinIntel, 2014). Due
the study is the farmer are not knowing what were ask and to this the government establishments of a Makutupora
the study based on Dodoma villages further researcher will Research Centre to determine appropriate types of grapes of
based on other product how affected by Electronic market wines and encouraged more and more farmers to come forward
in Tanzania. and open grape farms (VinIntel, 2014).

Keywords;- Marketing , Electronic -Marketing, Grape, Marketing is an important aspect in developing countries
Farmers And Dodoma. that increased investment, but grape producers faced difficult to
participate in markets due to increased market freedom
I. INTRODUCTION pressures (Makhura, 2001). Nonetheless, grape production and
sales in the Dodoma is increasing, despite the face with both
 Background to the Study chances and obstacles (Kacharo,2007). According to this point
This study looked into the role of e-marketing on the of view, it shows that the evolution of digital marketing
increment of grape sales in Dodoma. This is due to fact that necessitated many businesses to engage on digital platform in
electronic marketing is rapidly becoming a new phenomenon in selling and marketing of their Products and Services and such
modern business practice at this days when internet dominates traditional marketing functions are becoming being minimized
(Taylor et al., 2018).According to world grape farming data, (Monnapa, 2017).
grape production was 477,909.28 thousand tons in 2018,and is
18% of total fruit production worldwide(FAO, 2018).. However  Statement of the Research Problem.
European Union takes the lead in grape production, with Italy The world has become the use of digital that lead to
leading by15.48 percent, followed China with 15.73 percent, electronic marketing is a major area of interest in business
and United States with 11.93% (FAO, 2018). entities as they are force to undertakings (Adikesavan, 2015).

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
However, despite the buzz word that e-marketing it is easy and The application of TAM to this study in regard to its two
good strategy of marketing, there is still little knowledge about elements: perceived usefulness of that technology and ease of
how it is used in business circles, especially in the areas of use. In the use of TAM is relevant to this study given the way it
farmer and the consumer of grape in Tanzania. Most of the is applicable to farmer of grape to in the uses of electronic
studies so far conducted with regard to e-marketing and its role marketing tools (form) to sell grape. Farmer they have consider
in business have been undertaken in Tanzania (Ngowi, 2015). how easy of used e market tools in the daily ways of marketing
However, many study like VinIntel, (2014). Makhura, (2018) of grape (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980)
and Kacharo, (2007) tell about the market situation and
challenge face of grape in Dodoma the study looks how  Empirical Literature Review
practical knowledge of used electronic market tools that to ass’s Trendo,(2019) the study of digital technology in
market information of grape and the theoretical knowledge of agriculture and rural area of Italy Rome that aim to identify
how to accept the new market strategy of e-marketing of grape the different process of digital transformation in a rural area it
for farmer of grape in the village. the outcome of this study identify that the education , infrastructure and network support
will lead to the uses of electronic device to market grape which the digital transformation and factor that can for the adaptation
lead increase of spread information and sales of grape also it of technology is production the used a case study design but
can educate the farmer about the issue of global market the weakness is not show the impact the marketing information

 Purpose of this study Tertell (2018) the study of precision agriculture

The study was to examine the contribution of e-marketing monitoring system in Germany using green internet of thing
in increment of grape sales in Tanzania. the existing of the agriculture application help in increase the
production of crop because the study used of email to send mail
 Objectives of the study to the farmer how are in a group about the how the right time
The objective was based on look the relationship between emitting gas , pest control in a green housing but they have a
electronic marketing and increment of grape sale challenge of adopt this because farmer are not familiar in uses
of application
 Limitation of the study
The study was focus on the uses of electronic marketing Panda (2019) the study of the role of the mobile phone
of a farmers to the increment of sale of grape in two village of in agriculture and allied activity of rural house hold in India
Dodoma region of mpunjguzi and bihawana and the uses of most farmer in the county are small in nature the study it is
internet to many farmer was a new knowledge so it was show how is the difficulty to provide information to many
difficulty when you collect data du farmers are not understand farmer so the uses of mobile phone will provide easy way of
what was ask . get information by using many application of agriculture
which provide the information about weather and price of
II. LITERETURE REVIEW input the weakness is they base of the use of mobile phone in
advisor of farmer not used has promotion tool.
The study was used a theory in regard to electronic
marketing is Technology Acceptance Model Propagated by  Conceptual Framework
Davis (1986), the Technology Acceptance Model as an A graphically showing the relationship of independence
information systems-based theory shows the behaviors behind and dependent variable variables (Miles & Huberman, 1994).
the acceptance of use of technology for various activities; the This study investigates the contribution of electronic marketing
knowledge of the model is that in any new technology is form usage form in the increment sales of grape.
introduced, there are factors that come into play before that
technology is started used by the people among of the factor
One is the how usefulness of that technology. The degree to
which an individual person believes that by using that particular
technology, this would eventually enhance someone’s
performance of the work (Davis ,1986 ). in this study of the uses
of the form of e marketing like e mail, mobile phone and e
advertisement purchasing to sell the grape in Dodoma at
mpunguzi and bihawana . Another key component of the TAM
is the perceived ease-of-use, which according to Davis (1989),
entails the extent to which an individual believes that that using
a particular system would not entail a lot of efforts (Davis,
Source: Researcher through literature review (2021)

IJISRT22APR1365 1531

Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The table show the measurement of conceptual framework  Ethical considerations
Conceptual Definition (s), Measurement (s) and Source (s) For ethical requirements in the conduct of the study
Variable Measurement Sources respondents were duly informed of the fact that the study was
(independent for academic purpose and that they were under no compulsion
variable ) to respond to the questionnaire. The respondents were asked to
E-mail Do you used e marketing to Grape participate voluntarily whilst assuring them of anonymity and
marketing grape 1.yes farmer confidentiality on the information given. In order to avoid
Mobile phone Do you have mobile phone 1 Grape plagiarism, all sources of information were duly acknowledged.
(social media) yes if yes used in farmer
E– Do u know e advertisement Grape
advertisement 1.yes 2 .no farmer  Distribution of respondents according to demographic
if yes do you used e characteristics
advisement for marketing of
grape Variable Frequency Percent
Ict Do you know information Grape Sex
communication technology farmer Male 40 57%
(ict) has a search engine 1. Female 30 43%
Yes 2. No if yes do you have a Age
skill used computer and used Below 20 years 8 11.4%
that ict has form of searching 20-50 years 48 68.5%
engine to market Above 50 years 14 20.1%
Marital status
But if the answer is yes in variable it shows the increment
of grape sale if is no it show the uses of traditional method that Single 36 51.4%
lead to grape market problem. Married 25 35.7%
Divorced 4 5.7%
III. METHODOLOGY Widowed 5 7.2%
The sample for the study was a farmer of the grape at Primary education 23 32.8%
Dodoma city in mpunguzi and bihawana village totally of 70 Secondary 26 37.1%
farmers was get by raosoft online chosen by simple random Education
selection. Certificate 10 14.2%
Diploma 8 11.4%
 Data collection method Bachelor 5 7.1%
The primary data was collected by Self-administered
Above bachelor 3 4.2%
questionnaires were distributed to seventy (70) respondents
who filled them and the researcher administered filling process
 Statistical tools 1-10 years 17 24.3%
The data was collected by questioner and put into cross 11-20 years 43 61.4%
tabulated. A pilot study was done to checked questioner and the 21 and above 10 14.3%
analysis of data the validity and reliability of questioner Source: Field data (2021).
measured by a pilot study was of the farmers whereby
questionnaires were distributed to 10 respondents in order to  Findings according to specific objectives
identify questions that might be unclear or ambiguous to them.
The data was analyzed by quantitative methods which data was 1.Using E-mail in marketing Grapes
coded, edited, and analyzed statistically by using STATA
software version 12 based on descriptive statistics of frequency Frequency Percentage
and percentage that will show relationship between variable E-mail usage 20 32.8%
that presented for interpretation and summarized in tables and Traditional marketing 50 67.2%
pie charts followed by short and brief explanations of the
Total 70 100%
contents so as to fulfill the objectives of this study.
Source: Research Data (2021)

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
2. Using Mobile Phones (smart phones) as e-marketing tool send to the user in the process of marketing their grapes while
for Grapes 72.8 % uses normal traditional techniques
4 frequency table of Using ICT as e-marketing tool for Grapes5
Frequency Percentage results showed that ICT is used by only 25.7% of grapes farmers
while 74.3 % uses normal traditional techniques. Therefore, the
Mobile (smart) Phone usage as e- 19 27.1%
results obtained implied that among the two villages only small
Traditional tool
marketing 51 72.9% number of respondents have a knowledge and ability of using
Total 70 100% ICT to market their products. The low percentage is attributed
Source: Research Data (2021) to the fact that most farmers do not possess electronic like
computers, smart phones and lack of skills on how to use ICT.
3 Using E-advertisement as e-marketing tool for Grapes
Frequency Percentage
Based on the findings, four independent variables which
E-advertisement as e-marketing 19 27.2 % are, usage of emails, usage of smart mobile phones, usage of e-
Traditional marketing 51 72.8% advertisement and usage of ICT by farmers, are the factors
Total 70 100% which affecting the grapes marketing which resulted in
increment of sales in Dodoma region. These four significant
Source: Research Data (2021)
variables are the factors affecting e-marketing of grapes in
Dodoma. Policy Implications towards the grapes marketing in
4 Using ICT as e-marketing tool for Grapes
the country may help to improve the growth of sales of grapes
market in Dodoma in order to get reliable market e-mails, smart
Frequency Percentage phones, e-advertisement and ICT are the very important factor
ICT as e-marketing tool 18 25.7% hence implies that there should the improved technology should
Traditional marketing 52 74.3% be taught to grape other way experience farmer
Total 70 100% should increase their skills and knowledge on the use of
technology on how to contact the customers. Also the study
Source: Research Data (2021) was Recommend training and workshop must be provided to a
farmer in order to build they are knowledge of marketing by
 Analysis of result and discussion. using electronic marketing and further study be done in other
Frequency table of Distribution of respondents according product and in a different area out of grape and mpunguzi and
to demographic characteristics. Was showing the Age of bihawana village in Dodoma
Respondents majority of grapes farmers (68.5%) of all
respondents who participated in the study were in age between REFERENCES
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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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