Symmetric Cipher": A) Passive Attack

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Chapter No.

Symmetric Cipher”

1) Traffic Analysis is:

a) Passive attack b) Active attack
c) Not an attack d) Security mechanism

2) -------involves capture of data unit and its subsequent

retransmission to produce an unauthorized effect.
a) Masquerade b) Man in the middle attack
c) Timing attack d) Reply

3) The use of a trusted third party to assure certain properties

of a data exchange is known as
a) Event Detection b) Trusted Functionality
c) Notarization d) Security Audit Trial

4) -------are sophisticated pre computer hardware devices that

use substation techniques.
a) Steganography b) Malicious hardware
c) Rotor machines d) None of these

5) Symmetric Encryption is also known as-----

a) Single-key Encryption b) Conventional Encryption
c) Secret-key Encryption d) All of these

6) A substitution technique in which every new message

requires a new key of the same length as the new message is
known as
a) Hill Cipher b) Playfair Cipher
c) One-time Pad d) Caesar Cipher

7) Rail Fence technique is

a) Substitution technique b) Transposition technique
c) Mano alphabetic cipher d) None of these
8) ------ is a technique for hiding a secret message within a larger one
a) Encryption b) Steganography
c) Cipherment d) Substitution

9) A connection-oriented integrity service deals with no _________of

a) Modification b) Duplication
c) Insertion d) All the above

10)-------- is a technique which uses Vignere table for encryption and

a) Ceaser cipher b) Hill cipher
c) Playfair cipher d) Polyalphabetic cipher

11) ITU-T Recommendation X-800 defines

a) Security attacks b) Security services
c) Security mechanisms d) All the above

12) ----- technique, substitution is determined by Linear equations.

a) Caeser cipher b) Hill cipher
c) Playfair cipher d) Polyalphabetic cipher

13) the process that is designed to detect, prevent or recover attach is

a) security b) security mechanism
c) security service d) Threat

14) The area of cryptography and cryptanalysis together are called

a) Cryptology b) Security
c) Cipher System d) All the above

15) OSI security architecture focuses on

a) Security Attack b) Security Mechanism
c) Security Services d) All the above

16) Playfair Cipher is ------- cipher

a) Monoalphabeti b) Polyalphabetic
c) Multiletter d) Blinding
Chapter 2

Block Cipher & Data Encryption Standard

1) A symmetric encryption scheme has _________ ingredients.

a) Four b) Five
c) Three d) Six

2) _________ is the original message or data that is fed into the

algorithm as input.
a) DES b) Ciphertext
c) Encryption key d) Plaintext

3) _________ mode requires only the implementation of the

encryption algorithm and not the decryption algorithm.
a) CTR b) CBC
c) DKS d) ECB

4) A __________ processes the input elements continuously,

producing output one element at a time, as it goes along.
a) Keystream b) stream cipher
c) cryptanalysis d) block cipher

5) if both sender and receiver use the same key the system is
referred to as _________ encryption.
a) Symmetric b) public-key
c) Asymmetric d) two-key

6) If the sender and receiver each use a different key the system
is referred to as __________encryption.
a) secret-key b) asymmetric
c) conventional d) single-key

7) With the ________ mode if there is an error in a block of the

transmitted ciphertext only the corresponding plaintext
block is affected.
a) ECB b) CTS
c) CBC d) TSR
8) A symmetric block cipher processes _________ of data at a
a) four blocks b) one block
c) two blocks d) three blocks

9) In _________ mode a counter equal to the plaintext block size

is used.
a) CBC b) ECB
c) CFB d) CTR

10) The _________ key size is used with the Data Encryption
Standard algorithm.
a) 128 bit b) 56 bit
c) 32 bit d) 168 bit

11) In a block cipher , the advantage of larger block size is

a) Greater Security b) Increase Encryption
/Decryption time
c) Hardware Implementation is d) None of these

12) In _______ block cipher mode of operation, each block of

plaintext is encrypted using the same key
a) CBC b) CFB
c) ECB d) OFB

13) ______ mode is used to convert DES into stream cipher

a) CFB b) OFB
c) CBC d) a or b

14) ____ mode is ideal for short amount of data

a) CFB b) OFB
c) CBC d) ECB

15) To transmit the key of AES and DES which mode of

operation is appropriate.
a) CFB b) ECB
c) CBC d) OFB
16) DES has initial and final permutation block and _____
a) 14 b) 15
c) 16 d) 32

17) ECB and CBC are what types of cipher

a) Block b) Stream
c) Field d) None of above

18) DES uses 64 bit data block and a 56 bit key

a) True b) False
c) Can’t say d) None of above

19) What is Data Encryption Standard

a) Block Cipher b) Stream Cipher
c) Bit Cipher d) None of mentioned

20) S-Boxes has ___ bit input and ____ bit output
a) 5, 3 b) 6, 4
c) 6, 3 d) 8, 4

21) NIST Stands for

a) National Information Security b) National Information
Technology standard Technology
c) National Institute of d) National Institute of
Standard and Technology security technology

22) DES takes ____ bit plaintext and generate ____ bit ciphertext
a) 56, 56 b) 64, 56
c) 56, 64 d) 64, 64

23) ::DES round key generator create ___ bit keys out of ___ bit
cipher key.
a) 48, 56 b) 48, 64
c) 56, 64 d) 56, 64

24) _____ hides the relationship between cipher text and plain
a) Confusion b) Diffusion
c) Avalanche effect d) None of these
25) _____ hides the relationship between the cipher text and
a) Confusion b) Diffusion
c) Avalanche Effect d) None of these
Chapter 3

Public Key Cryptography

1) Public key cryptography is __________ .

a) Asymmetric b) one key
c) symmetric d) bit patterned

2) If the message includes a _________ the receiver is assured that

the message has not been delayed beyond that normally expected
for network transit.
a) shared key b) timestamp
c) error detection code d) sequence number

3) The purpose of the _________ algorithm is to enable two users to

exchange a secret key securely that then can be used for
subsequent encryption of messages and depends on the difficulty
of computing discrete logarithms for its effectiveness.
a) DSS b) Diffie-Hellman
c) Rivest-Adleman d) RSA

4) The most widely accepted and implemented approach to public-

key encryption, _________ is a block cipher in which the plaintext
and ciphertext are integers between 0 and n-1 for some n.
a) SHA b) CTR
c) RSA d) MD5

5) A typical block size in RSA algorithm is

a) 64-bits b) 128-bits
c) 512-bits d) 1024-bits

6) Diffie Hellman Protocol for key exchange is insecure from

a) Timing attack b) Man-in-middle attack
c) Brute force attack d) Masquerade attack

7) In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by

a) Sender b) Receiver
c) Sender and Receiver d) All the connected devices to
the network
8) Following is/are the possible attack on RSA Algorithm
a) Brute Force b) Mathematical Attack
c) Timing Attack d) Chosen Cipher text Attack
e) All of these

9) 11^7 mod 13 =
a) 3 b) 2
c) 9 d) 4

10) In the RSA public key cryptosystem, which one of the following
numbers will always be largest?
a) E b) N
c) P d) Q

11) If Rahul wants to send an encrypted message to Satish using a

public key cryptosystem, which key does he use to encrypt the
a) Rahuls public key b) Rahul’s Private key
c) Satish’s public key d) Satish’s Private key

12) Ashok would like to digitally sign a message he is sending to

Kapil. Kapil can be sure the message came from Ashok without
modification while in transit. Which key should he use to
encrypt the message digest?
a) Ashok’s Public Key b) Ashok’s Private Key
c) Kapil’s Public Key d) Kapil’s Private Key

13) Matthew and Richard wish to communicate using symmetric

cryptography but do not have a prearranged secret key. What
algorithm might they use to resolve this situation?
a) DES b) AES
c) Diffie-Hellman d) 3 DES

14) The Basic RSA algorithm is vulnerable to a

a) Chosen Ciphertext Attack b) Chosen Plaintext Attack

c) Brute-Force Attack d) Man in Middle Attack

15) If end to end connection is done at a network or IP level, and if
there are N hosts, then what is the number of keys required?
a) N(N-1)/2 b) N
c) N(N+1)/2 d) N/2

16) ______ is a very crucial for success of RSA Algorithm.

a) Integer b) Prime Numbers
c) Negative Number d) Fraction

17) For 1000 nodes in IP level, how many keys would be required?
a) 499000 b) 499500
c) 500500 d) 500000

18) Communication between end systems is encrypted using a key,

often known as.
a) Temporary Key b) Section Key
c) Secrete Key d) Session Key

19) public key system is useful

a) it uses two keys b) there is no key distribution
problem as public key can
be kept in a commonly
accessible database
c) private key can be kept d) it is symmetric key encryption

20) How many keys are required if two parties communicate using
Asymmetric Encryption
a) One b) Two
c) Three d) Four
Chapter 4

Message Authentication & Hash Function

1) The most important hash function is ________ .

a) MAC b) ECB
c) SHA d) OWH

2) __________ is a procedure that allows communicating parties to verify

that received messages are authentic.
a) Encryption b) Message authentication
c) Passive attack d) ECB

3) The purpose of a ___________ is to produce a "fingerprint" of a file,

message, or other block of data.
a) public key b) message authentication
c) cipher encryption d) hash function

4) "It is easy to generate a code given a message, but virtually

impossible to generate a message given a code" describes the
__________ hash function property.
a) collision resistant b) strong collision resistant
c) preimage resistant d) second preimage resistant

5) Secure Hash Algorithms with hash value lengths of 256, 384, and
512 bits are collectively known as_________ .
a) SHA-3 b) SHA-1
c) SHA-0 d) SHA-2

6) The __________ property protects against a sophisticated class of

attack known as the birthday attack.
a) collision resistant b) one-way
c) preimage resistant d) second preimage resistant

7) The hash function can be used for

a) Intrusion detection b) Virus detection
c) Both a and b d) None if these
8) Which of the following are used to generate a message digest by
the network security protocol
1) RSA 2) SHA – 1 3) DES 4) MD5
a) 1 and 3 only b) 2 and 3 only
c) 2 and 4 only d) 3 and 4 only

9) Which of the following is true

i) MAC algorithm need not be reversible
ii) It is many to one function
iii)MAC is used to provide authentication but not confidentiality
a) Only i b) i and ii
c) Only ii d) All

10) Which of the following is not possible through hash value?

a) Password Check b) Data Integrity check
c) Digital Signatures d) Data retrieval in its
original form

11) A hash function guarantees the integrity of a message. It

guarantees that the message has not be
a) Replaced b) Over view
c) Changed d) Violated

12) MAC stands for

a) Message authentication code b) Message arbitrary
c) Message authentication control d) Message authentication

13) For a 150-bit message and a 10-bit MAC, how many values are
the MAC value dependent on?
a) 2^140 b) 2^150
c) 2^15 d) 2^10

14) HA-1 Has message digest of

a) 160 b) 128
c) 512 d) 256
Chapter 5

IP Security & Email Security

1) The finical institute that establishes an account with a merchant and

processes a payment is called
a) Issuer b) Acquirer
c) Payment- Gateway d) Certificate Authority

2) Dual signature is the concept used in

a) PGP b) S/MIME
c) SET d) SSL

3) In PGP services , for providing digital signature …… algorithm is

c) Both a and b d) IDEA

4) …… can operate on top of SSL

a) POP b) HTTP
c) IP d) SMTP

5) …….. provides security services at IP layer by selecting required

security protocols, algorithms and cryptography keys as per the
services requested
a) PGP b) SET
c) S/MIME d) IPSec

6) One security protocol for E-mail system is

a) IPSec b) SSL
c) PGP d) None of these

7) ….. Provide security at transport layer

a) SSL b) TLS
c) Either a or b d) Both a & b

8) PGP (Pretty Good Privacy )provides

a) Confidentiality b) Authentication
c) Both a and b d) None of above
9) Simple Mail Transfer protocol is an example of
a) One way Authentication b) Two way authentication
c) Three way authentication d) None of these

10) In PGP services, SHA -1 is used to generate

a) 56 b) 64
c) 160 d) 256

11) _______ is an open encryption and security specification designed to

protect credit card transaction on internet
a) SSL b) TLS
c) SET d) SMTP

12) A security Association is uniquely identified by ….. parameter

a) 4 b) 2
c) 3 d) 1

13) SSL Record protocol provides

a) Confidentiality b) Message Integrity
c) Neither a nor b d) Both a and b

14) In transport mode ESP protocol of IPSec

a) IP header is protected b) IP header is not protected
c) IP payload is encrypted d) Both B and C

15) _______ Provides privacy, integrity, and authentication in E- mail

a) IPSec b) SSL
c) PGP d) None of these

16) _______ was invented by Phil Zemmerman

a) IPSsec b) SSL
c) PGP d) None of these

17) SET is an open Encryption and Security Specification designed to

a) E – mail b) Credit Card Transaction
c) Intrusion detection d) All of these
18) An internet standard approach to E- Mail Security is provided by
a) SET b) RSA
c) PGP d) S/MIME

19) The TLS is an Proposed internet standard defined in

a) RFC 2248 b) RFC 2246
c) RFC 2244 d) RFC 2240

20) _________ is a collection of protocols designed by the IETF (Internet

Engineering Task Force) to provide security for a packet at the
network level.
a) IPSec b) SSL
c) PGP d) None of these

21) _________ operates in the transport mode or the tunnel mode.

a) IPSec b) SSL
c) PGP d) None of these

22) In the ______ mode, IPSec protects information delivered from the
transport layer to the network layer.
a) Transport b) Tunnel
c) Either a or b d) Neither a nor b

23) IPSec in the ______ mode does not protect the IP header
a) Transport b) Tunnel
c) Either a or b d) Neither a nor b

24) The _______ mode is normally used when we need host-to-host

(end-to-end) protection of data.
a) Transport b) Tunnel
c) Either a or b d) Neither a nor b

25) In the _______ mode, IPSec protects the whole IP packet, including
the original IP header.
a) Transport b) Tunnel
c) Either a or b d) Neither a nor b
26) IPSec defines two protocols: _______ and ________.
a) AH, SSL b) PGP, ESP
c) AH, ESP d) None of above

27) ______ provides authentication at the IP level

a) AH b) ESP
c) PGP d) SSL

28) ______ provides either authentication or encryption, or both, for

packets at the IP level.
a) AH b) ESP
c) PGP d) SSL

29) IPSec uses a set of SAs called the ________

a) SAD b) SAB
c) SADB d) None of these

30) In _______, the cryptographic algorithms and secrets are sent with
the message
a) IPSec b) SSL
c) TLS d) PGP
Chapter 6

Introduction to Blockchain

1) what month\year did the bitcoin network start ?

a) January 2009 b) September 12, 2001
c) November 2008 d) 40299.0

2) What is the output of SHA-256 character.

a) 64 character b) 32 character
c) 16 character d) 128 character

3) value of 1 BTC is.

a) 10^-4 santoshi b) 1o^-5 santoshi
c) 10^7 santoshi d) 10^-8 santoshi

4) computer that process transactions for bitcoin network are

commonly called.
a) Miner b) Truckers
c) GPU d) Lineman

5) How many total bitcoin can be exist.

a) 32 million b) 21 Million
c) 11 Million d) 3 Million

6) Average size of block is.

a) 1MB b) 2 MB
c) 3MB d) 4 MB

7) Hight of block parameter indicate

a) total block exist b) current block number
c) maximum data available in d) None of these

8) smart contract help to exchange anything as value in transperent,

conflict free way.
a) True b) False

9) Adjusted parameter by miner in block of blockchain is

a) Timestamp b) Nonce
c) Hash of Previous d) Markle Tree
10) what was the reward of genesis block received to Santoshi
a) 40 BTC b) 50 BTC
c) 60 BTC d) 70 BTC

11) Following applications for which smart contract can be written

a) KYC b) Healthcare
c) Voting d) All of above

12) Following is not a fault in distributed system

a) Crash Fault b) Partition Fault
c) Byzantine Fault d) None of These

13) This property ensures that the consensus value should not deviate
from the values which are proposed by individuals in the network
This is the one of the property of Distributed consensus.
a) Termination b) Integrity
c) Agreement d) Scalability

14) we have a strong guarantee on the message passing delay in

a) Synchronous message b) Asynchronous message
passing system passing system

15) In Byzantine General Problem, if traitors are more than ---

consensus is not achieved.
a) 1/3 b) 2/3
c) ½ d) 3/2

16) In Byzantine General Problem we can reach consensus as long as

____ actors are honest.
a) 1/3 b) 2/3
c) 4/3 d) 3/2

17) What is not a ledger type considered by users in Blockchain?

a) Distributed Ledger b) Decentralized Ledger
c) Both a & b d) None of These
18) How many new bitcoins should be created each day with the
current block reward, on average?
a) 2,200 except for February b) 1,800
29 on leap years
c) 5000 d) 7200

19) What is a hash function?

a) A Fork b) UTXO
c) Takes an input of any d) Gas
length and returns a
fixed-length string of
numbers and letters

20) When a record is on a blockchain, who can access it?

a) Multiple people b) One person at a time.
c) Only the people involved in d) Only 5 people at a time
the transaction.

21) Are blockchain fully public?

a) Yes b) No
c) It depends d) Can’t Say

22) What is the process of creating new bitcoins popularly known as?
a) Finding b) Panning
c) Sourcing d) Mining

23) What is a miner?

a) A type of blockchain b) An algorithm that predicts the
next part of the chain
c) A person doing calculations d) Computers that validate and
to verify a transaction process blockchain

24) What incentivizes the miners to give correct validation of

a) A Nonce b) A Block Reward
c) Thumbs up from the d) More Memory
25) Bitcoins can be divisible down to the eighth decimal point. What
is that unit called?
a) Bit b) Santoshi
c) Naki d) Bitsat

26) what is node?

a) types of cryptocurrency b) A Blockchain
c) A Computer on d) An Exchange
Blockchain Network
Chapter 7
Cyber Law and Forensic

1) Cybercriminal those are insider come under ------- category

a) Type – II b) Type - III
c) Type – I d) Type - IV

2) ----- is a fraud involving another person’s identity for an illicit

a) Software Piracy b) Computer Sabotage
c) Hacking d) Identity Theft

3) A ---- attack involves alternative raw data just it is processed by

the computer and then changing it back after the processing is
a) Salami b) Computer Sabotage
c) Data diddling d) Identity theft

4) ---- are programs that monitor and record the name & password of
network users as they login , jeopardizing security at a site.
a) Password Sniffers b) Mail Bombs
c) Web Jacking d) E – mail Bombing

5) ---- refer to sending a large number of E-Mails to the victim to

crash victim’s E-Mail account or to make victim’s mail server
a) Software Privacy b) E-Mail Spoofing
c) Web Jacking d) Computer Virus

6) The left of software through the illegal copying of genuine programs

or the counterfeiting and distribution of products intended to pass
for the original is known as
a) Web Jacking b) Data Diddling
c) Software Piracy d) All of these

7) Any illegal activity done through the internet or on the computer is

known as
a) Cybercrime b) Cybersecurity
c) Cyberspace d) All of these
8) ----- means protecting information, equipment, devices, computer,
computer resources, communication device and information stored
therein from unauthorized access, use, disclosure , disruption,
modification or destruction.
a) Cybercrime b) Cybersecurity
c) Cyberspace d) All of these

9) --- is the abuse off electronic messaging system to send unsolicited

bulk message indiscriminately
a) E-Mail Spoofing b) Cyberdefamation
c) Spam d) Data Diddling
1) one of the main advantage of a proxy server is that its cache memory
serve all users
a) True b) False
c) Can’t say d) None of the above

2) ----- is a program in which malicious or harmful code is contained

inside apparently harmless programming or data in such a way that it
can get control and cause harm
a) Spam b) Trojan Horse
c) Virus d) Keyloggers

3) A ---- is means of access to a program that bypasses security

a) Proxy b) Backdoor
c) Virus d) Trojan Horse

4) ---- is a software program that can copy itself and infect the data or
information, without the user’s knowledge.
a) Computer virus b) Computer Worm
c) Antivirus d) All of these

5) ----- is a software program, self-replicating in nature, which spread

through network also it can send copies through the network with or
without user intervention.
a) Antivirus b) Computer Worm
c) Computer virus d) All of these

6) ---- acts like a “chameleon” that changes its virus signature every time
is spreads through the system.
a) Mulpartite Virus b) Program virus
c) Boot sector virus d) Polymorphic virus
7) ---- is quicker and easier way of capturing the passwords and
monitoring the victims IT savvy behavior.
a) Mail Bombs b) Phishing
c) Hacking d) Keylogger

8) --- attacks usually require physical access to the computer and

copying the passwords file from the system onto removable
a) Phishing b) Online
c) Offline d) All of these

9) ---- is a computer on a network which act as an intermediary

for connections with other computers on the network
a) Proxy Server b) Anonymizer
c) Both A & B d) Neither a) nor b)

10) ---- is a process of recovering passwords from data that have

been stored in or transmitted by a computer system
a) Phishing b) Password Cracking
c) Data Diddling d) All of these

11) Following is a tool which attempt to make activity on the

internet untraceable
a) Proxy Server b) Anonymizers
c) Logic Bomb d) Spywares

12) ----- infect the storage media on which OS is stored and

which is used to start the computer virus
a) Program virus b) Multipartite virus
c) Boot Sector virus d) Polymorphic virus

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