CAD Handout - Cambridge University
CAD Handout - Cambridge University
CAD Handout - Cambridge University
In this exercise a simple figure shown below will be drawn. From the diagram
you can see the four point of the shape have coordinates that can be used to
draw the shape.
Figure 1.
AutoCAD draws lines using coordinates, and this can be illustrates in Figure
1.(b). above. To be able to produce this shape in AutoCAD the following
steps can be can be used
Figure 2.
In this exercise we are going to learn how to use the object snap function on
AutoCAD to allow you to draw shapes and geometries relative to each other.
Figure 3 show a shape with annotated dimensions. Use what you already
learnt to try and draw this shape.
1. Use the “OSNAP” command to turn on all functions for object snap.
2. When drawing circles, the software by default will ask you to specify
the diameter not the radius.
Figure 3.
Shown in figure 4 below is a drawing that has a shape that has been had two
corners with a FILLET and two with a CHAMFER. Further more it has two
circles placed inside the object with both being shaded using the HATCH
Figure 4.
Using the information and given in the earlier exercise recreate the drawing
illustrated in figure 5.
Figure 5.
1. Start the drawing by creating a Line AB and which will help you locate
the positions for the two circles radius 40 and 20.
2. To obtain the two large circles, you will have to make sure the OBJECT
SNAP mode is set on and use the CIRCLE command shown below.
Figure 6.(b).
In this exercise the use of the ARRAY command will be made to make the
shape shown in figure 7.
Figure 7.
Figure 8 shows a schematic with annotations. In this exercise the use of the
OFFSET and MIRROR command will be illustrated for drawing this schematic.
Figure 8.
7. Draw a circle of radius 0.9 as shown below and rotate the circle using
the ROTATE command by 30 degrees from the centre point of the
inner circle.
10. Complete the drawing and annotate the drawing with dimensions. In
addition change the line type to show which lines are hidden detail and
which are centre lines. Do this follow the instructions below:
11. Load a new line type as shown
14. After loading it, it will appear in the Linetype Manager, and to change
the line type simply click on the object or line and select the Linetype
you want the object/line to be made of.
Using the information given above about the various features on AutoCAD,
reproduce the following schematics for assessment and marking.
Assessment 1.
R181.0 R156.5
R293.5 R269.0
Assessment 3.