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Strongholds of Sorcery

The Glain Campaign

A Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Adventure Series
For 4 to 8 Player Characters, Levels 4 to 8
Copyright © 2007-2018, 2020 Chris Gonnerman, Stuart Marshall, J. D. Neal, and Steve "Longman" McKenzie
All Rights Reserved. Distributed under the terms of the Open Game License version 1.0a

1st Edition (Release 43)


Dedicated to Alan Jett, who was always a hero.

Contributors: Gentleman Ranker, apprentice, R. Kevin Smoot, David Gerard, Martin Serena, Chuck
Schoonover, Rachel Ghoul, James Lemon, and mwest
Proofreading: James Lemon and Chris Hall
Art: Alexander Cook, Cory "Shonuff" Gelnett, Stephen Bennett, Erik Wilson,
Biswarup Ganguly, Borgar Olsen, Bruce Ripple, Brian DeClerq, Rodger Dean,
and Tracy Gonnerman
Playtesters: Alan Jett, Mike Brantner, Jason Brentlinger, Chris Wolfmeyer, Robert Cook,
Craig Phillips, Jared Thrapp, Richard Rittenhouse, Josh Eaton, John Rigdon,
Thomas Evans, and Jacob Saul
Strongholds of Sorcery Introduction

Introduction About Glain

Strongholds of Sorcery: The Glain Campaign is an I've written about the beginnings of the world of
adventure series for the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Glain before, in the introduction to my
Game. The adventures herein are intended for 4 preceding adventure series, BF2 Fortress, Tomb,
to 8 player characters of levels 4 to 8. and Tower. These adventures are a continuation
These adventures were all created for use in my of that series, and in many ways, a continuation
campaign world, Glain. Of course, you may wish of the campaigns I ran as a much younger GM.
to use the adventures herein with a different I hope you find them as enjoyable as we did.
campaign world; there is no reason they can't be You can find more information about Glain here:
tailored to fit well into any Basic Fantasy RPG
campaign. http://tower.gonnerman.org/glain/

Castle D'Angelo: Duke Pons III, wizard and This module is dedicated to Alan Jett, long-time
member of the Regency Council, was player and good friend. He was one of the first
inexplicably absent from an important meeting. to adventure in Glain, back in 1982 when it all
Now word has come of a green glow began for us. Castle D'Angelo was the last
surrounding his castle. Able adventurers are adventure he participated in before his untimely
needed to investigate... are you up to the passing, and House of Coldarius was the first we
challenge? played after he was gone. He is now and will
always be missed at my table.
Page 2
Some of the monsters found in these adventures
Tower of Light: On a bluff outside a small village are detailed in the Basic Fantasy Field Guide
in the desert land of Kel stands a long-ruined Volumes 1 and 2, available for free on the
tower. Brilliant light streams into the sky from the www.basicfantasy.org website. An effort has been
stump of the tower every night, and the villagers made to ensure that you do not actually need
warn that those who go to the tower wither and that book to use these adventures, but it might be
die in mere days. All has been quiet for useful for the GM to have a copy.
decades, but now skeletal figures have been
seen near the tower...
Page 70

House of Coldarius: A young woman has been

kidnapped, and the trail seems to lead to a
wizard's tower on the edge of town. Who will
dare to enter?
Page 80

Thaumerion's Tower: The mighty wizard vanished

long ago. Eventually, brave adventurers visited
his tower, and looted it over and over... yet no
one ever discovered what became of the
wizard, or of his mighty Staff of Power. It has
been years since anyone explored Thaumerion's
dungeon. Do you dare?
Page 101

If you might be a player in this adventure, stop reading now! Beyond this point lies information meant
only for the Game Master's eyes!

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Castle D'Angelo
This adventure was created for use in the author's campaign world, Glain, and in particular in the nation
of Enterone. Of course, you may wish to use this adventure with a different campaign world; some work
will be required to do this, but a clever Game Master should have little trouble with it.
Also, this adventure is in many ways a sequel to Fortress of the Iron Duke, an adventure found in module
BF2 Fortress, Tomb, and Tower, available for free on the www.basicfantasy.org website. A party
containing at least one character who was involved in the successful completion of that adventure will
have a definite advantage in this one; in fact, if the GM has not run that adventure, or no character who
was involved is available for this one, it may be necessary to introduce an NPC who knows how that
adventure was completed.

Game Master's Background Information discovered artifact in need of refurbishment, and

as Duke Tarkan did not have a wizard of adequate
Enterone (en-ter-own) is ruled not by a king, but by skill, he had turned to the house of D'Angelo to
the Regency Council. Years ago the last king, complete the repairs.
Gallus Oberon, left no heir to his throne; he did this
deliberately, as he was a believer in democracy. So the clockwork man was led into the castle and
Sadly, no one else in Enterone really believed such taken to the Duke. When the Duke entered the
a system could work, so despite his final orders to presence of the machine for the first time, it
create an elected council to rule the country, the responded by opening its chest and revealing a
hereditary nobility continued to rule their individual huge, cracked jewel.
fiefdoms under the control of the Regency
Council. The jewel was the prison of Khaadk, the demon
who had previously caused havoc in the Duchy of
Recently, Lord Jarvan Margrave, a landless noble Freestead. Jarvan had stolen the jewel from the
and wizard of the dishonored house of Margrave, keep of Freestead and placed it inside the
has discovered a way to fool the ancient Orb of clockwork man. As before, when the cracked
Regency into recognizing him as a legitimate heir jewel was exposed, a powerful force field
to the throne of Oberon. His method is so clever appeared which allowed creatures to enter the
that he is sure that any lesser mage or priest will be castle grounds but not to leave. However, instead
unable to discover it, thus allowing him to take the of turning the inhabitants to stone as it had before,
throne and become the next King of Enterone. this time the power of Khaadk drove them all mad.
But among the six members of the Regency The player characters must enter the castle, survive
Council is Pons III, Duke D'Angelo. The Duke is a the various unpleasant events that will ensue, and
great wizard like all his predecessors. The exploits secure the jewel again in order to free the Duke,
and power of the house of D'Angelo are well his family, and his subjects.
known and stretch back more than a thousand
years to the time when Roland D'Angelo founded Some interesting facts: The guards of the castle
the duchy, then a mere barony, in the lawless are all women, no exceptions. This is in honor of
northwestern frontier of Enterone. Jarvan knew that Sara D'Angelo, younger sister of Roland, who was
the Duke might see through his ruse, so he plotted herself a warrior. Many if not most of these warriors
to prevent it. Fortunately, only five of the six are from other countries, where their choice of
Regency Council members were required to form arms over "approved" feminine activities would
a quorum; after biding his time until the Duke make them outcasts. They are led by a virtuous
returned from the capitol to his own duchy, Jarvan woman warrior of Enteronean descent named
sent him a gift. Valor True. She was quite recently an adventuress,
traveling with Sevras D'Angelo, the Duke's third
A clockwork man, obviously the work of the cousin; he is also present within the castle.
ancient Wizard of Clocks, arrived at the front gate
of Castle D'Angelo unaccompanied, bearing a All the male members of the D'Angelo family are
letter with the seal of Duke Tarkan. The letter expected to learn magic, but there are those who
indicated that the clockwork man was a recently- have not done so well; there are several family

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

members who are quite old and yet still low level, iron, lead, or silver which has been welded or
or who turned to alchemy when magic proved otherwise sealed with one of those same metals.
beyond their grasp. Similarly, all female D'Angelos As soon as the gem is contained, the force field will
(by birth, not by marriage) are raised as warriors, disappear and all characters driven insane will
and again not all found that career entirely regain their senses.
Note: Khaadk is described in detail in BF2 Fortress,
The Duke's wife, on the other hand, is a magic-user; Tomb, and Tower, as previously mentioned. It is
as with many before him, Pons hoped this would recommended that the Game Master review that
make his heir more likely to be wizardly. module for additional information about him.

Khaadk's Power How The Castle Was Built

As soon as the clockwork man revealed the Roland D'Angelo (the first Duke) hired the best
cracked green jewel which imprisons Khaadk, his available dwarven artisans to build him a tower,
power again flooded into the world. A green glow four levels high, with a single dungeon level
now extends out in a hemisphere around the beneath it (storage, including a wine cellar). Later,
fortress, just large enough to enclose it; it is possible his younger brother Arcan arrived in the area and
to enter the sphere without harm, but anyone hired local (human) builders to construct a tower
attempting to leave will be prevented from doing for him, five levels high plus a single dungeon level;
so (by a force field) and further will suffer 1d4 the two towers were connected underground at
points of damage on each attempt. this time. Not that long after, little sister Sara
showed up with her troop of elite woman warriors,
Khaadk wishes to be freed from the gem; when and arranged the construction of a two-story keep
first the jewel was cracked, Khaadk's power turned encompassing the two towers; this structure is
most of the inhabitants of Duke Vadarin's fortress to areas 9-24 on the ground-level map (and the
stone. This time, his chaotic magic has driven most areas above them on the 2nd floor).
of the inhabitants insane. His magic affects only
intelligent creatures; he chose to ignore creatures This was all done within a fifteen year period, a
of lower intellect, as a rampaging horse (for long time ago (almost a thousand years). The
instance) would be much less likely to free him remaining construction, consisting of two single
than a mad human. story sections (2-4 and 28-33), the gatehouse (area
1) and the six smaller towers (5-8, 29, and 34) were
The GM should remember that the insane (and built later, as were the dungeon levels.
potentially dangerous) residents of the fortress are
not evil, and a heroic party should thus try not to As it is a historical location and dwelling place of
harm them if at all possible. the Duke, the castle has not been expanded
further. Rather, the Duke maintains a number of
Every 2d6 hours, Khaadk will release a wave of other, more military castles in the area, occupied
chaotic magical energy which will move through by more conventional (i.e. male) soldiers.
the fortress in a single round. Every sentient
creature with an Intelligence of 7 or higher, which About Sigils
is not presently insane as a result of Khaadk's
magic, must save vs. Spells or become insane. The Long ago, it was customary for magic-users trained
GM must rule on the form of insanity for each in the Argossean tradition to have sigils. A sigil is a
character so afflicted. In addition, if the gem itself wizard's personal mark, used in lieu of a signature
is touched by an ungloved hand, such a wave will on spellbooks, magic items, and anywhere else the
be released immediately. Note however that wizard wished to indicate ownership.
Khaadk cannot release another insanity wave for
The tradition of sigils is old and out of fashion, and
at least an hour after releasing one, so touching
most wizards in the world of Glain do not have
the gem within an hour after a wave has been
them. However, the D'Angelo family has kept the
released is safe.
tradition alive. All magic-users in the D'Angelo
Khaadk's power can be contained within the chest family will have their own sigils, as will any magic-
of the clockwork man, or within a box made of user apprenticed to a D'Angelo. Even those

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

wizards who are merely friends with the D'Angelo towers. The mere existence of this level is officially
family will tend to have them, if for no other reason secret, but most of the castle residents at least
than to reserve laboratory space in the castle suspect it exists.
Experience Awards
Sigils are important in many places in this
adventure. For your convenience, a page of sigil This is an unusual adventure. The majority of the
drawings for the most important wizards in this "monsters" described in Castle D'Angelo are in fact
castle (both living and historical) can be found on innocent victims which the player characters
page 67. Note that the sigils are intended to print should be protecting (if the adventurers are good
on the opposite side of the paper from the names; people, or alternately if they wish to gain the
if you print your own copy of this adventure, please Duke's favor when the adventure is complete). But
keep that in mind. This page can be printed and these innocent victims may, in their insanity, try to
cut into slips, which you can then show your do harm to the player characters. Even those who
players at any point where their characters do not harm them directly may act to slow them
encounter a sigil. down, thus making the adventurers subject to
additional danger.
Important Features Of The Castle
If you play this adventure "by the book," following
There are several rather odd features of this castle the usual method of awarding experience, the
which the Game Master must know about. player characters will get very little XP for their
trouble. For this reason it is recommended that any
First, though the main keep is just two stories tall, time the player characters succeed in getting past
there are two second floors (identified as Level 2A the various insane inmates of the castle through
and Level 2B). At some time in the distant past, a cunning or stealth, they be given experience just
prior Duke engineered an extradimensional space, as though they had vanquished them in normal
allowing him to duplicate the second floor without combat. Some of these opponents may be more
making the building any larger. Over time, the two trouble to defeat without killing them than to just kill
second floors were renovated, so they no longer them outright; the GM should award bonus XP for
share a floor plan. The main towers are each such encounters regardless of what is indicated
connected to the two second floors by means of either in this adventure or in the rulebook. Players
separate doors, marked “a" and “b" on the maps; who take added pains to avoid killing should
the twin floors also connect to each other and to definitely receive bonus XP, perhaps even double
the first (ground) floor by means of magic or triple in extreme cases.
passageways and staircases, marked “a", “b", and
“1" on the maps. For the GM's convenience, the Also, this adventure has a way of degenerating
second floor rooms of the other parts of the castle into sheer comedy. Don't fight it. In fact, I suggest
(such as the towers) are shown on both the 2A and you give XP bonuses of 100, 200, or even as much
2B maps. as 500 XP to any player whose role-playing is
particularly entertaining. Do this on a per-event
The first dungeon level contains the stables, basis, of course. This applies equally to clever
accessible by a ramp to the outside, as well as handling of insane NPCs in the castle and to good
some storage facilities (including the wine cellar). role-playing of whatever delusion a player
The first dungeon level connects to the second by character may end up suffering from.
means of a ramp at the south side and a staircase
on the north. The second dungeon level contains In an early playtest, one player character was a
the regular laboratories of the various wizardly Fighter with below-average Intelligence and
family members. The third dungeon level is not Wisdom. When he failed his saving throw against
connected to the second, as you might expect, an insanity wave, I notified the player that his
but is rather accessed only through secret character now thought he was the smartest
stairways hidden in the bases of the two main member of the party. The player took that ball
and ran with it, and it was glorious. Such play
deserves an XP bonus.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Random Encounters
The GM should roll for a random encounter each turn the adventurers are in a corridor, and every other
turn when they are not. Roll 1d6; on a 1, one of the following encounters will occur.
1. Sevras D'Angelo, Third Cousin to the Duke: a dead-or-alive bounty, but despite that Neva
Human Magic-User 7, AC 13, #At 1, Dam 1d6, won't really hurt her sister; so if she does
Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 735 manage to catch up to her, she'll fall
INT 16 (+2), CHA 13 (+1) catatonic for 2d6 rounds, giving her sister time
Spells: hold portal, magic missile, levitate, to flee. If asked about it later, she'll make up
web, haste, clairvoyance, wall of fire some elaborate story about how Julianne
Equipment: Cloak of Protection +2, Staff of escaped.
Healing (11 charges)
HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ 3. Julianne, Second Daughter of the Duke:
☐☐☐ Human Fighter 3, AC 19, #At 1, Dam 1d6,
Mv 20', Ml 9, XP 145
Sevras believes he is a high priest, and is INT 13 (+1), WIS 15 (+1), DEX 14 (+1),
dressed in the robes of the castle's priest and CON 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
carrying his staff. Of course, Sevras cannot Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1,
use the staff as anything more than a stick to Shortsword +3, Shortbow with 20 Arrows +1
hit something with. However, his knowledge HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
of the fortress pre-insanity is fair. He has no ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
idea about the location of entrance to the
secret 3rd level of the dungeon, but he does Julianne takes after her mother, in
believe it exists. appearance and in manners, and looking at
her ability scores, its obvious she was born
Sevras is an adventuring companion to Valor under a lucky star.
True, and has been staying at the castle as a
guest; though he is older, he and William are Julianne presently believes she is a fish. She still
good friends. talks and acts just like a human, but she is
certain she is a fish, and wants everyone to
2. Neva, Eldest Daughter of the Duke: know about it. If she is talking to someone,
Human Fighter 5, AC 19, #At 1, Dam 1d6, that will be the only topic of conversation she
Mv 30', Ml 9, XP 360 is interested in discussing. A character who
INT 15 (+1), WIS 17 (+2), DEX 13 (+1) agrees with her that yes, she is a fish, may
Equipment: Chain Mail +3, Longsword +2, (25% chance) be able to get her to answer
Longbow +1 with 14 Arrows +1 and 1d4 questions about the castle or its
6 Arrows +2 inhabitants before she returns to the topic. This
HP 30 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ should only be rolled once per encounter.
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Neva is an example of what happens when
two magic-users get married, have a
daughter, and push her to become a fighter.
She's adequate, especially at ranged
combat, but without magical assistance (and
some good hit die rolling) she wouldn't be
anything to write home about. Sadly, she
knows that; she is good friends with Valor True,
but is not-so-secretly envious of the renowned
and charismatic adventuress.
Neva currently thinks she's a bounty hunter
trying to bring in a dangerous highwayman
(her sister Julianne, #3 below) for a bounty. It's

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

4. Sharana, Lieutenant of the Guard Now, however, she is massively paranoid, and
Human Fighter 7, AC 21, AB +6/+7, #At 1, her jealousy is uncontrolled. She spends her
Dam 1d8, Mv 20', Ml 9, XP 670 days prowling the castle questioning people
INT 7 (-1), DEX 14 (+1), CON 14 (+1), CHA 8 (-1) to find out what side they are on, spying on
Equipment: Plate Mail, Shield +2, Longsword their movements and writing them up in an
+1/+2 vs. Spell Users elaborate journal.
HP 43 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ She does not know where Valor True is, but if
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ she finds her she will attack immediately.
Should she succeed in killing Valor, she will
Sharana has a barely-restrained hatred of have a breakdown from extreme remorse and
other women, and she is cruel to the warriors become catatonic.
under her command whenever she thinks she
can get away with it. She will take any 6. Wesley D'Angelo, Distant Cousin to the Duke
opportunity to be cruel to another woman, Human Magic-User 4, AC 11, AB +2, #At 1,
especially an attractive and/or virtuous one. Dam 1d4 or by spell, Mv 40', Ml 7, XP 280
She particularly hates Valor True, the Captain INT 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
of the Ducal Guard (located in area 41, Spells: charm person, floating disc,
below). locate object, web
Equipment: Dagger
Presently, Sharana is suffering from a powerful HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
urge to eat meat; it is the only subject of
conversation interesting to her. Every 1d6 Wesley is one of those lesser members of the
turns she will feel a powerful compulsion to eat D'Angelo family, a cousin who never really
meat, and will demand any PCs near her give mastered magic. He is in his fifties, and is
her some. If no meat is available, she'll distinguished-looking and well-spoken. His
attempt to kill and cook the nearest animal; normal duty in the castle is to be the chief
failing that, she might consider resorting to librarian; he knows in general what books are
cannibalism. in all the libraries (areas 23, 36, 73, and 75) and
takes great pride in the extent and rarity of
Note: Sharana appears in adventure module the collection.
AA1 Adventure Anthology One, in the Slaver's
Fortress adventure. As that adventure could His delusion is that he is the reincarnation of
quite reasonably come after this one, she is Roland, the original Duke D'Angelo, and that
included here. If that adventure has already he has Roland's awesome powers. But when
been played, she may be omitted here, or he says he's casting a spell, unless it's
her name changed, at the GM's option. accidentally one of the few he knows, he just
pretends it goes off: "A fireball! Boom! You're
5. Cherry Obreen, Knight Retainer dead!"
Human Fighter 7, AC 20, #At 1, Dam 1d8+4,
Mv 30', Ml 10, XP 670 He still knows everything he knew before, and
STR 17 (+2), WIS 15 (+1), CON 13 (+1) will volunteer information if a player character
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield, Longsword mentions something that can be answered
+2, Shortbow, 12 Arrows +1, 8 normal arrows with a book in one of the libraries. But if he
HP 39 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ isn't treated with the proper respect, he'll
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ (pretend to) cast something nasty on the
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ miscreant, and then throw a tantrum if the
adventurers don't act like it worked.
Cherry is thirty-four years old, has short tawny
hair, and is muscular and somewhat stocky.
She is a good and honorable person, and
when she was sane she ruthlessly repressed
her jealousy of Valor True's greater fame.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

7. Fayne Morthan, Thief 8. 5 Frogmen: AC 17, HD 3, #At 2 swordspear or

Human Thief 11, AC 15 (plus cloak), #At 1, 1 stonebow, Dam 1d8+1/1d8+1 or 1d8, Mv 40',
Dam 1d8, Mv 30', Ml 9, XP 1,575 Sv F3, Ml 10, XP 145 ea.
DEX 13 (+1), CHA 16 (+2) HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
Equipment: Leather Armor +1, Longsword +1, 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Cloak of Displacement 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
HP 23 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
Fayne is a short, slightly stocky woman of
about forty, with dark hair and brown eyes. Note: Frogmen are found in the Basic Fantasy
She normally behaves in an open, friendly Field Guide Volume 1.
fashion, and she speaks as well as any high-
born person. It's all an act, though, as she can A party of adventurers captured these
just as easily present herself as any sort of creatures and brought them to Duke
person she wishes. D'Angelo; he was studying them in a
laboratory in the 2nd dungeon level, but after
Fayne slipped into the castle right after the Khaadk's power was unleashed they were
green glow appeared, believing that the able to escape. The minds of these
confusion would give her the perfect Nazgorean frogmen are so alien that they are
opportunity to steal the most valuable items in immune to the power of Khaadk. However,
the castle. Unfortunately for her, she was for the same reason they will not parley with
affected by the insanity right away. adventurers. They are simply trying to leave
the castle, but being unpredictable aliens
As a consequence, she now believes the most they have a 35% chance of attacking
ordinary items are the most valuable. When immediately when encountered. If they do
encountered, she will pretend to be one of not attack, they will attempt to avoid the
the women warriors and offer to assist the adventurers.
adventurers in any way she can. She will then
pick the pockets of any unsuspecting party
member, keeping the least valuable items she
finds and hiding the rest as best as she can in
the rooms they pass through. She will do her
best to avoid detection as long as possible.
Fayne is a master thief, skilled and careful,
and so should be able to fool the player
characters for a long time.

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Fortress Key, Level 1 (Ground Level)


The main doors to Castle D'Angelo stand open,

flapping slightly in the breeze. On the inner face
of the left hand door, someone has painted the
word "WELCOME!" in bright pink letters.

The inner doors (at the north of area #1) are closed
but not barred, and will open with gentle pressure.
They pull towards the party.
Any character entering the gatehouse corridor will
hear porcine squeals and the clatter of trotters
against flagstones from within the castle. The walls
have been liberally daubed with graffiti in bright,
clashing colors. Tangerine letters inform the party
that THE PASSWORD IS "CAMEMBERT" (NB: this is not
true); in lime green, another graffito says TURN
BACK! THIS IS NOT THE WAY; and in sky blue, a third
DRIVE YOU MAD. Other graffiti is less coherent,
and all of it is completely unhelpful.


As the door opens, wild boars charge through it

directly at you! 9 Wild Boars: AC 13, HD 3, #At 1, Dam 2d4, Mv 50',
Sv F3, Ml 9, XP 145 ea.
Charlotte La Neve is the Duke's Sergeant and
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Huntswoman. In her madness she has decided it
15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
will be easier to hunt the boar if she keeps them in
10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
the castle, reasoning that the boar can also serve
13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
as gate guards and will be very tasty! She has
17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
somehow acquired nine wild boars (even though
12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
hunting outside the castle is not possible now) and
16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
has been amusing herself by stampeding them
12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
along the corridor and back, so they are both
19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
terrified and angry. When the party opens the
door, she takes them for marauders or bandits and 2a. STATUE:
stampedes her boars straight through it. They will
attack the party at once. This depicts a seated woman, wearing a mailshirt
and a conical helm. Her sheathed sword is on
Charlotte herself will retreat to area #3 her lap. She is flanked by two leopards, with her
immediately on seeing the party. The party will find hands resting on their heads. The statue gazes
the brazier and torches that she was using to drive into the middle distance with a haughty,
the boars. There is nothing else of interest or value dignified expression. Someone has painted a full
in this area. mustache on it.

There is nothing special about this statue.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo


This statue depicts a woman in a toga, bent over

to pick a flower. Her hair is piled up on top of her
head. A bow is on her back and a quiver at her

There is nothing special about this statue.

By the time the party gets here, Charlotte will have
shut and locked the door.

The door is made of dark oak, stoutly bound with

iron. On the left hand side there is a handle, with
a keyhole immediately below.

Charlotte is on the other side of the door, holding a

slim poniard, which is much like a knitting needle
with a dagger hilt. She can see the party through
a small knothole in the door. If someone actually
says they are inspecting the door, then that person
will automatically see this knothole; otherwise, no
one in the party will notice it. If a character tries to
look through the keyhole, she will drive her poniard shape of a dragon, and it is worth another 50 gp.
through it, trying to poke out an eye. The target In her satchel are 43 gp in change, a whetstone, a
must roll a saving throw vs. Death Ray; if this roll block of beeswax, and the key to her door.
succeeds, the victim will only take 1d4 points of
damage. If the save fails, the victim suffers 2d4 This room is normally an armory, and in fact a large
points of damage and loses a randomly-selected rack of longbows, shortbows, and arrows occupies
eye (which means that if using a missile weapon at the north wall; however, in her madness Charlotte
medium range or greater, the character suffers a has moved in, and so the room also contains
penalty of -1 on attack rolls). Restoration of a Charlotte's rope hammock, a hand lamp with oil,
damaged eye requires a regenerate spell or similar and sixteen assorted pelts. These are mostly hare,
magic. wolf, boar, deer, or badger worth no more than 10
gp each, but there is also one fine bearskin worth
If the party opens the door, they will have to fight 60 gp.
Charlotte. She wears a mailshirt and carries a great
axe. 4. ARMORY:
Charlotte La Neve: Human Fighter 5, AC 17, This room is filled with helms, polearms, buckler
#At 1 greataxe, Dam 1d10+1, Mv 30', Sv F5, Ml 10, shields and daggers, except along the south
XP 405 wall, where two large copper cauldrons rest
STR 13 (+1), DEX 14 (+1), CHA 13(+1) atop unlit braziers and beside them is a stack of
wooden crates. Stairs in the east wall appear to
HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
go up to the first floor of the gatehouse.
Of the helms, polearms, bucklers, and daggers
Charlotte's high, hard boots are lined with walrus
there are thirty each. The copper cauldrons are
fur, which makes them both very warm and very
used to heat water to pour through murder holes
waterproof. They are worth 50 gp. Her belt is two
and scald invaders. They are empty. Each of the six
inches wide, of tooled leather in intricate knotwork
wooden crates contains five suits of mediocre-
set with brass studs and a big brass buckle in the
quality brigandine armor (treat as leather).

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

If the party spends more than five rounds exploring 7. EAST TOWER:
this cluttered little room, then the two women-at- During his madness, Pons has tried experimenting
arms from room #42 (q.v.) will come down the with conjuration magic, and through a bizarre
stairs. If the party has set someone to watch the combination of castings he has called up a pair of
staircase, then they cannot be surprised. weird creatures called pangotheria. They now live
Otherwise, the party may be surprised but the in this tower. Whether the pangotheria comes
women-at-arms will not be. from an alien world or plane, or from another time
5. WEST GATE TOWER: in this world, or somewhere even stranger, can only
be a matter of conjecture, and their behavior is
This twenty foot square room contains a stove, a highly unpredictable.
table, five chairs, and some sacks and chests.
The stove is unlit, and from the coating of soot, This twenty foot square room contains a weird
has not been cleaned for some time. On the creature, like a ground sloth the size of a man,
table stands a large clay jar. It emits foul, acrid- but with the head and scales of a giant
smelling fumes. pangolin. Its claws are huge! It seems to have
made a nest of some kind out of fabric and
The clay jar contains oil of vitriol (which is the upholstery.
alchemical name for sulphuric acid). At the time
when everyone went mad, it was being used to A second pangotherium is hiding behind the door.
clean the Duke's silverware, and since this is a Each has an effective Strength of 18. They are
smelly process, it was being done away from the intelligent animals, with similar cognitive ability to a
Duke's family in the guard tower. If inspected, the gorilla, but extremely chaotic. Determine how
jar will prove to be full of knives, forks, and spoons. each one reacts to the party by rolling 3d6. A
They have a total value of about 30 gp. A vialful of score of 3-6 means it charges; a 7-8 means that it
acid will do 1d6 points of damage to a creature it attacks; on a 9-12 it approaches without attacking;
hits, or 1d2 points of splash damage from a near on a 13-14 it retreats; on a 15-17 it flees, and on an
miss. It will dissolve small amounts of wood or 18 it takes an immediate liking to the party and will
metal. A Magic-User can use the stove and other roll on its back waiting for its belly to be scratched.
equipment in the room to boil away some of the If attacked, of course, they will certainly retaliate!
water and produce concentrated sulphuric acid,
The pangotheria can operate doors and other
but the quantity produced will be very small; acid
simple mechanisms but they have no language. If
able to do 1d6 points of damage or to dissolve a
the Duke regains his sanity he will wish to study
small amount of wood or metal is the maximum
them, and he will be pleased if one has survived. If
effect achievable.
both have been captured for him, then he will be
The sacks contain rice, dried beans, and dried delighted and will either forgive the party for an
peas, and the chests contain wooden plates and error or a certain amount of damage they might
bowls. have caused, or else if there is nothing to forgive,
he will increase their reward by 500 gp.
2 Pangotheria: AC 16, HD 7, #At 2 claws,
This room is surprisingly empty. There is a ladder Dam 2d4/2d4, Mv 40', Sv F7, Ml 9, XP 670 ea.
leading up to a trap door into the upper level.
HP 41 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
The floor shows signs that a variety of furnishings
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
were in this room but have been removed.
36 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Valor True is hiding in the room above this one ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
(#41). If the player characters make much noise or
Full details on the pangotherium can be found in
engage in conversation, she will hear them and will
the Basic Fantasy Field Guide Volume 2.
open the trap door to talk to them. Please refer to
room 41 for details of her behavior.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

8. WEST TOWER: ceremony. If he is buried with his mailshirt and

helm, he will advise the player characters of the
The door ahead is open, and sprawled in the location of his buried treasure hoard (which
doorway is the corpse of a dwarf. A single- contains loot worth 650 gp). If the mailshirt and
bladed battleaxe protrudes from his back, and helm have been taken, he will not do so. He can
the flagstones beneath him are brown with dried also describe the arrival of the clockwork at the
blood. castle, and the moment when everyone went
Five dwarves were in the castle when the demon mad.
was released. They were the sons and daughters of 2) If his body is despoiled or desecrated (meaning
a friend of the family. When the madness came his actual body—searching him or taking his stuff
over them, they suspected the humans of plotting doesn't count), he will appear and pronounce a
to murder them for their gold, so they fled to a curse on the desecrator. The curse will instantly kill
defensible tower. But once locked within, they fell any mount or beast of burden the player
to arguing, suspecting one another of plotting character owns, acquires, or touches until lifted.
treachery to take all the gold for themselves. Hostile creatures are not subject to this curse.
Several of them stabbed each other in the back.
The victorious dwarf, Magnus Mourngrim, is a Hilda Steelcaster (HP: 31)
redoubtable fighter. He is in area #44 above with
The dwarf in the centre of the room, who wears a
the gold. The ground floor contains the corpses of
mailshirt and carries a morning star flail. She has a
the four losers, and is haunted by their ghosts.
curved dagger stuck in her side. Her ghost will
NB: For the purposes of this encounter area, the appear in the following circumstances:-
word "ghost" does not necessarily mean a hostile
1) After dark when the constellation called The
monster. The dwarves were insane when they
Crucible rises above the horizon. If the party has
died, but their ghosts are no longer affected by
been respectful towards the bodies then she will
the curse. The ghosts have forgiven each other,
speak to them. Hilda was a Cleric in life, and she is
and forgiven Magnus; they are initially lawful and
highly religious; she will spend all her time trying to
helpful. Each ghost can be communicated with,
convince the party to convert to the worship of
under the correct conditions.
(an appropriate deity associated with dwarves). If
If the players try to Turn the ghosts, or if they are anyone already follows this god, or claims to, then
stupid enough to insist on fighting them, then they she will seek to make them more devout.
are treated as spectres.
2) If any party member blasphemes against a
4 Spectres: AC 17, HD 6**, #At 1, dwarfish deity. In this case she will appear and
Dam drain 2 levels, Mv Fly 100', Sv F6, Ml 11, pronounce a curse on the blasphemer which
XP 610 ea. causes him or her to experience uncontrollable
sneezing fits when trying to spot something or listen
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
for something; all attempts to spot, search, or hear
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
things will automatically fail until the curse is lifted.
31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ Ulrich Ringsmith (HP: 26)
26 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ A dwarf by the ladder up to room #44; he was in
25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ the process of climbing when he was killed. His
☐☐☐☐☐ head has been caved in with a blunt instrument of
some kind (perceptive player characters may note
Arnold Pitprop (HP: 28) the matching bloodstains on Hilda's flail). His body
wears leather armor and carries a club. He was a
The dwarf in the doorway, who wears a mailshirt
Thief and a renowned locksmith, and his magical
and a full-face, flat-topped helm. His ghost will
lockpicking tools (which are in a leather wallet in
appear in the following circumstances:
his belt pouch) give a bonus of +5% to lockpicking
1) If the axe is removed from his back and his body attempts. They are worth about 150 gp to a high-
given a respectful burial with a lawful religious level thief, although there's the obvious risk that

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

any prospective purchaser might decide it's more inscription in chalk. There are double doors
convenient to steal them than pay for them! directly ahead in the north wall, a total of four
Ulrich's ghost will appear in the following doors in the south wall (two to the east and two
circumstances: to the west), and in both directions the corridor
1) If his lockpicking tools are taken by a Dwarfish seems to turn northwards. All is brightly lit by
Thief. Ulrich will speak to the Thief, explaining that continual light spells on the walls; each has a
he is glad the tools will be used by a Dwarf. He can little curtain which can be shut off to dim it if
answer the same questions that Arnold can. desired, but all the curtains are open.

2) If his lockpicking tools are taken by an Elven or When you look to the east, you see that
Orcish Thief. Ulrich will pronounce a curse which someone has set up a long chain of bone or
causes the Thief to suffer extreme flatulence while ivory dominoes. It runs along the passage and
attempting to hide or sneak (-10% to chances of around the corner.
success until the curse is lifted). The text reads, "Scream for me!" in Common. The
Hakon Ironoath (HP: 25) chain of dominoes runs around the corner all the
way to room #28. Any loud noise in this corridor will
A platinum blond dwarf wearing a mailshirt. Hakon cause the shrieking tarantula in room #21 to
carries no weapons (because his dagger is in scream in response, and this will in turn knock down
Hilda's side and his axe is in Arnold's back), but the chain of dominoes, with the consequences
carries a round shield with the icon of an anvil, described in room #28.
which is a Shield +1. Hakon's ghost will appear in
the following circumstances:- 10. GRAND HALL:

1) If someone speculates about what happened This is evidently the grand hall. On the dais to
here, Hakon will appear and confess that he killed the right you see the throne of the Duke, with
his brother and his sister. Hakon is consumed with smaller thrones at either side for the Duchess
guilt and will apologize repeatedly to the bodies and, you assume, his son. Standing motionless
until the party goes away. before the dais is a man... but as you look, you
see that it is in fact a machine, a thing of
2) If anyone sneers or laughs at the dead dwarves, clockwork in the shape of a man. It faces away
Hakon will appear and he will be furious! He will from you, toward the throne.
speak a curse on the insulting character which
causes him or her to feel ghostly, grasping hands This is the clockwork man described in the
rising up from the ground to snatch at his or her introduction. Its chest plate stands open, the
feet in combat situations. The effect of this curse is cavity within empty. It will not respond to any
to make the character act last in any combat questions or orders, or indeed move or respond at
round (irrespective of the initiative die) until it is all, even if attacked. Anyone pressing an ear to its
lifted. casing will hear the clockwork mechanisms slowly
None of these Dwarves have any gold; Magnus
Mourngrim has taken it from them. If the player characters examine the room more
fully, they will see:
Any of the Dwarves' ghosts will be able to warn the
party about Magnus, who is one level up. They will The walls of the hall are decorated with
explain that he is a very dangerous fighter and will tapestries and paintings of the D'Angelo family
attack on sight unless his madness is cured. and relatives. Some have been vandalized with
streaks of paint in green and pink and blue.
There is nothing of interest in this room. However,
This passage is ten feet wide and a hundred and
the GM should roll a random encounter check
ten feet long, running east-west, with the twenty-
each time the room is revisited.
foot-wide passage in which you stand joining it
near the middle. On the floor directly in front of
the entrance someone has scrawled an

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

11. CLOAK ROOM: radiates magic because it devoured a mage

wearing a ring that generates a useless magical
You see a sign over the door that reads CLOAK aura on the wearer (the entire purpose of the ring
ROOM: RING BELL FOR ATTENDANT. A small brass was to trick others into thinking something magical
bell hangs on a wooden beam over the door, was going on) and said ring is stuck in its gullet.
with a silken cord hanging down to ring it by.
A silken bag hanging on a peg behind it is
Ringing the bell has no effect. Inside the room, a embroidered with the name Count Dickers (see
skinny, short man in hose and house livery sits on a room 48). It contains 200 gp, 50 pp, and 4 gems
stool, continuously chewing on some unidentifiable worth 50 gp each. The silk cord tying it shut has a
material (gummy tree sap), gazing off into poisoned needle cleverly hidden in its knot,
nowhere. He will respond to any comments with requiring the equivalent of a Thief’s find traps roll to
barely a change in focus and a grunt of disinterest. discover it (anyone unaware of it and unties the
Two tables are pushed up against the east wall cord will be pricked; the victim must save vs.
with more stools: sitting on the tables are stiff Poison or die).
brushes, wooden tubs of boot polish and fats, rags Cloaker: AC 19, HD 10** (+9), #At 1 tail + special,
and other things for grooming clothes and shoes. Dam 1d6 + special, Mv 10' Fly 40', Sv F10, Ml 7,
One table has a scent of perfume about it and XP 1,390
cluttered by needles stuck into pin cushions,
scissors, cloth, buttons, and other items. HP 50 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Various sorts of clothing hang from wooden racks ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
on the west side of the room, or rest on the floor.
Much of it is shabby and should not be in the room. 12. MEETING ROOM:
The inventory includes:
You see three large, darkly-varnished tables
• 8 cloaks (five of low quality) positioned in this room (running from east to
west), each surrounded by twelve chairs. A
• 3 lady's jackets (thin and ornamental, fireplace rests against the west wall, running up
intended to be worn for show over winter through it.
This room is otherwise empty and unlit.
• 1 robe (thick and useful but nothing
important) 13. KITCHEN:
• 3 sets of stockings Before you is a wizardly kitchen. A fire burns
without fuel on a central hearth. The room
• 2 trousers
contains several large tables, each bearing a
• 3 shirts knife block with many knives thrust inside. The
walls are lined with shelves full of herbs and
• 12 pairs of boots (5 mismatched and three utensils. All is neatly organized with everything in
worn out) its place. You can see no creatures or treasure
• 16 pairs of lady's shoes (6 pairs are
mismatched and 4 pairs are poor quality) The room contains a permanent magical effect:
• 8 pairs of shoes (not gender specific) all an invisible, unseen servant which will fetch any
mismatched kitchen utensils from the kitchen or foodstuffs from
the pantry (room #14) if a creature requests them
• 2 pairs sandals in Common. The servant will also tidy, clear, and
clean up any spills in the kitchen or pantry.
• 6 shoes, sandals, and boots in a pile
Count Dickers has been doing the cooking here,
One long, luxurious looking black cloak is lined in and may be encountered in this room 20% of the
gold and silver and radiates magic if detected. It is time. See room 48 for more details.
actually a cloaker (see the Basic Fantasy Field
Guide Volume 1 for details of this monster). It

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

14. PANTRY: This effect is of no particular significance and exists

merely because it amused one of the wizards.
This room is filled with foodstuffs and comestibles
of all kinds. Sides of pork hang from the rafters, 16. LEONORA'S ROOM:
barrels of fish and pickles line the walls, and
Leonora was a maidservant in the kitchen. She
sacks of beans, oats, rice, and barley are piled
now believes herself to be a medusa.
on the floor.

There is nothing of interest or value in this room. The door is made of dark oak, stoutly bound with
iron. On the right hand side there is a handle,
15. BACK HALLWAY: with a keyhole immediately below.

The rear hallway is dark and quiet. Ahead of you This door is not locked. Leonora used to have a
a tapestry can be seen hanging from the south key but in her madness she lost it. If she hears the
wall. party outside (chance to be determined by the
GM according to how stealthy they are), Leonora
The tapestry is on the 20' section of wall will call through the door to warn them not to enter
immediately to the north of the double-staircase. It her chamber, for her gaze will turn them to stone.
depicts seven men, each with an obviously fatal If they actually enter, she will certainly cry out this
wound, standing on a ferry across a river. The warning. It is false and she is a normal human
ferryman wears a robe the color of rain; his back is woman. However, she wears a bulky hood ("to
to the viewer of the tapestry, but his hand is visible contain the snakes!") and her face is concealed
holding the tiller and it is skeletal. Their destination within its shadows. She is wearing a beautiful gown
on the far side of the river is shrouded in shadow. of silk and taffeta (which she has purloined from
The scene is a depiction of the journey to the one of the castle noblewomen).
afterlife. Anyone who spends more than a few Though there is no reason to attack her, should
moments watching it will find that the river seems Leonora be attacked, then naturally her beautiful
to move as if it were really flowing, and the gown (worth 100 gp) will be ruined.
ferryman's robe seems to flap slightly in the breeze.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

If the party proves to Leonora that she is not a 18. FEMALE SERVANTS' BATH:
medusa, then she will start to believe that she is a
dryad instead. She will try to flee into the woods in The masculine symbol is painted in pale green
search of her tree, though of course she cannot on this door.
really leave. There is no end to her madness, and The reason the female servants' bath has
although she will never believe herself to be the masculine symbol on it is because
something violent, there is also no way to get her
to talk any sense.
mad people have an unusual sense of ♂
Aside from Leonora's hammock and her few The room is fully tiled, with some of the ceiling tiles
personal effects (a tinderbox, a couple of candles, having continual light spells cast on them. There is
a clay mug, a wooden bowl, and her eating knife a bronze bathtub in the shape of a swan, a bronze
which doubles as a dagger) the only other thing of brazier of charcoal (unlit), a copper pot for
interest in this room is a copper bathtub that hangs heating water, and some fine-quality soap
from one wall. It is large and bulky but well made, scented with rose hips. Three of the wall tiles have
with feet shaped like those of a duck. been painted pale green.
Leonora: Normal Woman, AC 11, #At 1 dagger, These tiles originally had lettering that said what
Dam 1d4, Mv 30', Sv NM, Ml 7, XP 10 they do, but the letters have been painted over.
STR 8 (-1), WIS 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1) Touching the left hand colored tile causes the
brazier to be lit and the copper pot placed on top,
HP 3 ☐☐☐ as if moved by an invisible person. Touching the
17. STOREROOM: middle one causes a similar effect to fetch more
water, and the right hand one has a depilatory
Listening to the door reveals constant chewing that magically removes all hair below the toucher's
and gnawing noises as if something is busy eating eyebrows. Only dwarves get a saving throw (vs.
wood in the room inside. The door is locked but Spells) to resist this effect.
can be forced easily enough, being shabbily
installed. 19. MALE SERVANTS' BATH:

The feminine symbol is painted in dark green on

Inside are wooden barrels and boxes. You see
this door.
occasional rodents darting around and piles and
scatterings of what appear to be raisins on the The reason the male servants' bath has
floor. the feminine symbol on it is because
The small raisin-like objects are mouse droppings.
mad people have an unusual sense of ♀
Inspecting the barrels and boxes will reveal small
holes near the floor. They were once full of dried The room is fully tiled, with some of the ceiling tiles
fruit, mops, linen, and other items but are now having continual light spells cast on them. There is
overrun by numerous but harmless mice (rifling a bronze bathtub in the shape of a seashell, a
through the chewed up debris will set off an bronze brazier of charcoal (unlit), a copper pot for
endless squeaking as nests of mice babies are heating water, and some fine-quality soap
disturbed). The mice are able to enter and leave scented with lavender. Three of the wall tiles have
through several small cracks in the walls even been painted dark green.
when the door is shut.
These tiles originally had lettering that said what
they do, but the letters have been painted over.
Touching the left hand colored tile causes the
brazier to be lit and the copper pot placed on top,
as if moved by an invisible person. Touching the
middle one causes a similar effect to fetch more
water, and the right hand one has a grooming
effect that magically trims all the toucher's hair to
a maximum of one inch long. Only dwarves get a
saving throw (vs. Spells) to resist this effect.

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery


Sounds of rattling and thumping can be heard

from behind this door.

The room beyond contains assorted washtubs and

a huge mangle (also called a wringer) which is
perpetually running without a visible source of
power. (A minor elemental provides the motive
force.) A metal humanoid resembling an
animated statue is forcing garments through it.
This is a tin golem (full details in the Basic Fantasy
Field Guide Volume 2), a custom creation of the
D'Angelo family. As soon as any party member
steps into the room, the golem decides that their
clothes are dirty and attempts to grab them and
put them through the mangle. Because nobody
has been maintaining its spells, the golem is 21. THE SHRIEKING TARANTULA:
malfunctioning and it does not register that the
This room was formerly a storeroom, but it is now
clothes have someone inside them.
the lair of a shrieking tarantula. The Duke used to
A successful hit from the golem does no damage keep it in a glass tank in a permanently-silenced
in game terms but indicates the target has been area, but one of the madmen felt sorry for the
seized. If one of the golem's arms has hit, then the creature and let it out.
other arm attacks as if the target is AC 11. Once
both arms have grasped a character, the golem A gigantic spider, like a Giant Tarantula but as
lifts him or her off the ground and (next round) will big as a warhorse and with reddish joints on its
feed him or her into the mangle. Characters with legs, is poised just beyond the door. It attacks at
16 or greater Strength have a chance to resist this once!
effect (10% per point of Strength in excess of 15).
The creature is ravenous; it can be stopped from
If a character is actually placed in the mangle, attacking by throwing it a substantial lump of fresh
then he or she takes 3d6 points of damage per meat. It is a new monster and its stats are fully
round (no saving throw) until the mangle is detailed at the end of the module. In summary
stopped. This can be done by dispel magic, which form they are:
stops the mangle for 3d6 rounds, by verbal
Shrieking Tarantula: AC 18, HD 7*, #At 1 bite or
command from someone the mangle recognizes
shriek, Dam 1d12+poison or special, Mv 50', Sv F7,
(most people who live at the castle count for this
Ml 9, XP 800
purpose), or by wedging it with a large metal or
stone object. HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
Note that trying to wedge the mangle with a thin
metal object such as a sword blade will lead to the There is no treasure in its lair.
object being snapped! Magic items get a saving
throw against this effect, needing an 11 to save
(with a bonus of +1 on the saving throw per "plus"
of the magic item).
There is nothing of value in the laundry.
Tin Golem: AC 19, HD 7*, #At 2, Dam see below,
Mv 30', Sv F7, Ml 12, XP 800
HP 40 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

22. SITTING ROOM: of parchment on which is scrawled: "the first cellar

Anyone listening at the door to this room will hear a password is Tamallamat."
rhythmical ticking sound. The books include: K. Carran's Palaeontological
Bestiary (mammoths, woolly rhinoceros etc.;
You see several comfortable chairs and two includes a detailed description of a possibly-extinct
divans, as well as several small side tables. A lycanthrope, the weresabre, which was a
large grandfather clock stands against the south caveman that turned into a sabretooth cat at the
wall, its pendulum swinging methodically. full moon; worth 150 gp); Beatrice Duchamp's
Studies of Certain Mechanisms Pertaining to the
The clock weighs 300 pounds. Anyone who spends
Wizard of Clocks (the infamous paper that, sixty
any time with it will find it simply does not keep
years ago, led to Ms Duchamp being awarded
time; it is alternately very slow at some times and
10,000 gp of research funding by the now-defunct
very fast at others.
Council of Elevated Thought – the paper was not
23. THE LESSER LIBRARY found to be a hoax until six months after
Duchamp's disappearance; worth 35 gp to a
This smallish room has no obvious exits. It is lined collector of curiosities); an untitled, unattributed
with bookshelves, and contains dozens of books essay comparing and contrasting the mystical
and scrolls. They are in disarray, as if someone gestures used in charm spells, which has been kept
had searched through them frantically, throwing only because it was the first document ever
the unwanted ones on the floor. published by Pons himself (no cash value);
Obette's Sufferings (the diary of a wealthy teenage
The scrolls include: A Clerical Scroll of neutralize girl in which she documents the difficulties and
poison, cure disease, cure blindness and raise problems she has faced, such as unreasonably
dead; another Clerical Scroll of locate object, small allowances, servants who can't seem to learn
speak with dead and dispel magic; an anatomical to fold her clothes in the way that she wishes, and
drawing of a pegasus (worth 50 gp to certain being asked to muck out her own pony; worth
researchers); a map of an unknown continent 125 gp only because thirty years later, Obette
(which is actually on another plane); a schematic wrote a series of groundbreaking philosophical
showing how to design a flush toilet with the treatises on epistemology and phenomenology); a
assistance of a small water elemental; a legend Common-Treantish dictionary (worth 100 gp); A
about the origin of knotweed, written in an ancient Treatise on Trolls: Their Nature and Powers by
dialect of elven; a star chart; and a folded scrap Thaumerion Daelant (the owner of the eponymous
tower in the final adventure of this book,
Thaumerion's Tower, which begins on page 101),
and a spellbook containing 2d4 randomly-
selected Illusionist spells (or Magic-User spells if the
optional Illusionist class is not in play) of levels 1-4.


A sign proclaims, "Shhh! Funeral in progress!"

Dozens of muddy boots have trod through the
hall and into the room behind the door, leaving
an obvious trail. The trail of dominoes which you
saw in the front hall continues through this room.

There is nothing else of interest here. See area 28

for results of knocking over the dominoes, and also
room 21 for the effect of making too much noise in
this area.

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

6 Ghouls: AC 14, HD 2*, #At 2 claws/1 bite,

Dam 1d4/1d4/1d4, all plus paralysis, Mv 30', Sv F2,
Ml 9, XP 100 ea.
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
6 Human Minions: AC 11, HD 1, #At 1, Dam 1d6,
Mv 40', Sv F1, Ml 12, XP 25 ea.
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ 5 ☐☐☐☐☐
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ 4 ☐☐☐☐


When the doors to the tower are approached from
the keep side, read the following:
These large, ornate double doors have been
Magical illumination from the ceiling reveals crudely-jammed shut by an unevenly cut
brightly-painted walls and hanging decorative wooden bar dropped into braces sloppily nailed
tapestries. A strong smell of death comes to your to the polished front. Dirt and leaves spill out
noses, as you notice three corpses lying on onto the floor in front of the doors to this room.
tables at the foot of the steps leading up to the You notice that each of the doors is engraved
altar. A single figure in robes is performing some with the same large rune.
ceremony on the dais, chanting in a shrill and
garbled voice. Five more cloaked figures stand The "rune" is actually Roland D'Angelo's sigil; it may
behind it, moaning reverently. Rows of benches be described as a sigil if a Magic-User or other
line the room on the north and south; on each character familiar with the old customs is present.
side are twelve mourners hunched over in silent
If any of the adventurers listen at the door, read
reverence, wearing mourning cloaks.
the following:
This funeral is actually a feast. The six figures on the
dais are ghouls working themselves up into a frenzy You hear squealing and grunting and hooves
before they tear into the three corpses. The leader clattering on the stone.
will yell "Fresh meat!" as soon as they become Opening the door reveals a room paneled by dark
aware of anyone looking at them from the wood that is obviously well-kept, with plush rugs on
doorway. Six of the mourners in the pews are the floor, and furniture piled near the south wall. Six
berserkers driven insane by the gem. They are loyal wild boars are rooting amid a thick layer of leaves,
to the ghoul leader and will join in with the ghoulish branches and debris cast haphazardly around
feasting if allowed. The other people present are what would otherwise be an elegant sitting room.
harmless, although they will watch any feasting
with macabre fascination and flee in terror if Three of the "boars" are wereboars, who have
combat erupts. infiltrated the castle thanks to Huntswoman
Charlotte's obsession with boar hunting. They are
The lead ghoul is carrying a Mace +1 on a silken searching for any loot they can find, and will
cord as a sign of office (like a scepter) and each attempt to avoid confrontations unless it benefits
ghoul has a golden necklace with gems worth them, controlling the other boars and sending
200 gp. them to distract attackers while they flee.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

The room is something of a mess due to the 27. ARCAN'S TOWER:

presence of the swine. Various chairs and divans
When this room is approached from the corridor,
are sitting (some upside down) along the south
read the following:
wall as if they were once ready for guests. Several
empty clay pots rest amid the furnishings; they are The door before you is engraved with a large
full of loam, and whatever plants were in them rune of some sort.
have been eaten away by the pigs.
The "rune" is actually Arcan D'Angelo's sigil; it may
Along the west wall are tables with various
be described as a sigil if a Magic-User or other
alchemical beakers and glass jars. This is NOT a full
character familiar with the old customs is present.
alchemical set up; it seems to be something used
to entertain waiting guests. A brazier full of red hot This room is an office, with a desk and chair set
coals sits atop the center of the table: five glass into the nook of the staircase and another desk
jars are suspended by handles on a steel rod over and chair in the northwest corner. The walls
it. They contain: were lined with paintings; some of them lie
1) A clear liquid that is water (but the PCs smashed on the floor, while others have been
have to experiment to find out). defaced with colored paints or hung upside
2) Green, bubbling, goo. As the PCs watch down. Several paint pots are on the desk to the
it begins to froth and overflow. If they take northwest, with paint-laden brushes scattered
it off the heat, it explodes and showers the around them. The other desk is in immaculate
room with shards of glass (everyone in the order, with a sealed inkpot and a fresh quill lying
room is attacked as if by a 1 HD monster atop a neat stack of papers in the center.
and suffers 1d3 damage if stricken). If they The ink in the inkpot is magical disappearing ink; it
let it bubble over it turns to acid, eating takes about a turn to dry properly, at which point it
through the brazier and table underneath can no longer be seen by normal vision. Detect
it, ruining the potion described below. If magic will reveal it, as will detect invisible.
they add water, wine, or any liquid it turns
into a useless wax-like substance, 28. BARRACKS ENTRANCE:
congealing on the sides of the glass
In this room you see a man crawling around on
the floor setting up an elaborate chain of
3) A black, tarry substance (ink). dominoes. As soon as you approach, he looks
4) A yellow, milk-like substance. If cooled up and says, "Stay back! Don't disturb my
off and consumed, it serves as a Potion of dominoes!"
The man is Vernon the Verger. Vernon has
Suspended back underneath the table (not easily extreme OCD which causes his obsession with
found by eyesight) is a secret compartment with a setting chains of dominoes. If the chain begins to
Potion of Healing in a wooden flask. fall before he is done, he will fly into an insane rage
and attack the responsible party.
3 Wereboars*: AC 16†, HD 4*, #At 1 bite, Dam 2d6,
Mv 50' Human Form 40', Sv F4, Ml 9, XP 280 ea. He is a normal man with a dagger, but Vernon has
HP 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ a few things he's picked up around the castle. He
☐☐☐☐ has a bottle containing a fireball which will
20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ explode if he's struck by fire or lightning, doing 9d6
26 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ points of damage to all within 20', and a bottle of
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ alchemist's glue which he will throw at someone.
Anyone struck by it will certainly end up with
3 Wild Boars: AC 13, HD 3, #At 1, Dam 2d4, Mv 50', something stuck permanently to something else.
Sv F3, Ml 9, XP 145 ea.
Vernon the Verger: Normal Man, AC 11,
HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ #At 1 dagger, Dam 1d4 or special, Mv 40', Ml 10,
14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ XP 10
12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ HP 3 ☐☐☐

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

29. NORTHEAST TOWER: Equipment: Plate Mail, Shield, Longsword +1

HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
A single table with three chairs has been pushed
11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
out of the way against the west wall. Otherwise
10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
this room is empty but for cobwebs and dirt. An
12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
iron ladder affixed to the north wall leads up to a
16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
wooden trap door.
11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
The trap door is designed to be lifted, not lowered, 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
and is apparently blocked; no amount of pushing 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
and heaving will open it. Listening at the trapdoor 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
of this tower may reveal loud, strident voices 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
arguing in some grunting, savage-sounding 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
language (see room 38 below for more 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
information). 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
30. BARRACKS: 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
This is obviously a barracks room. The beds have
been pulled out from the walls and arranged like 31. BARRACKS:
pews in a chapel; they are occupied by
guardswomen, in armor with their dress surcoats This is obviously a barracks room. The beds have
on. The women are crying, and the reason is been pushed back against the wall, and the
obvious: on a sheet-covered table at one end of women warriors are having a party, dancing
the room, one of the guardswomen lies dead. wildly though there is no music. As you enter,
She is in her armor and dress surcoat, with her several of them turn smiling faces toward you,
sword laid on top of her body, hands clasping and one says, "Boys, come in, join the party!"
the hilt, helm resting beside her head.
Note: The guardswoman addresses the party as
The deceased guardswoman isn't actually dead, "boys" even if that is inappropriate.
just catatonic, but the other guardswomen firmly
If the adventurers remain within the room more
believe she has died. So long as the player
than a few rounds but none of them dance, the
characters are respectful, they'll be ignored. But...
women will become enraged and attack them.
the table she is laid upon is actually a desk, that of
the duty officer (used by whomever has that job in 14 Warrior Women: Human Fighter 2, AC 18, #At 1,
a given watch). Within the desk is a Ring of Spell Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', Ml 9, XP 75 ea.
Storing containing remove curse, detect invisible, Equipment: Plate Mail, Shield, Longsword +1
and hold person. The desk also contains a Dagger
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
+1, which is generally used as a letter-opener, and
16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
the keys to the sally port (area 33, below).
9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
Touching the desk or the body of the "deceased" 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
woman (who can be seen to be breathing very 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
slowly if examined) will cause the mourners to leap 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
to their feet, draw their swords, and attack in a 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
rage (their morale being raised to 12 for the 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
duration of the battle). Actually moving the 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
catatonic woman's body will cause her to awaken 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
and behave in the same way. 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
In the following list, the catatonic woman is the first 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
one listed (the one with 17 hit points). 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
16 Warrior Women: Human Fighter 2, AC 18, #At 1,
Dam 1d8+1, Mv 30', Ml 9, XP 75 ea.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

32. OFFICER'S QUARTERS: tread of boots can be heard walking back and
This is a bedroom. It is arranged in a neat and forth on the floor above. Otherwise this room
orderly fashion, with a bed, nightstands, a large appears empty.
but quite plain armoire, a footlocker at the foot The trap door is designed to be lifted, not lowered,
of the bed, and a large rug patterned in an and leads to room #37 on the level above. It is
exotic foreign style. The rug is the only barred shut from above and knocking on it loudly
decorative item in the room. will attract attention of the guard on watch in
This is the residence of the Knight retainer, Dame room #37.
Cherry Obreen (see Random Encounters on page A large wooden box can be found under the cot,
6 for details about her). The armoire contains a but contains little more than boots, trousers, a
few plain dresses, one somewhat fancy, and a suit blouse, and two skirts.
of chainmail armor. The footlocker contains a
variety of trousers, blouses, stockings, and 35. CORRAL:
undergarments. Each nightstand has a single The corral is connected to the stables (area 82) by
drawer; one contains a journal, inkwell, and a means of a ramp; at present, the gates into the
couple of quills, while the other contains a wooden lower level stand open. The following may need to
jewelry box. The jewelry box contains 10 or so gp be modified depending on how the adventurers
value in random "costume" jewelry items. approach the corral, and of course if it is night
The only valuable item in the room is the rug, which when they do so the description should be
she acquired in trade from a traveling merchant amended appropriately.
from the Southern Gulf. The rug is worth 400 gp to
a collector of such items. You see a corral, lit strangely by the sunshine
passing through the green glow. The corral
33. SALLY PORT: contains a single light warhorse which has been
splattered with green and orange paint.
This short corridor allows defenders inside the castle
to go outside during a siege, potentially surprising The warhorse is an entirely ordinary creature. It has
the enemy forces. However, due to the constant recovered from being pursued and painted by
presence of wizards in the castle, the sally port some madman who has since returned to the
hasn't been used in over a hundred years. The castle, and will thus be approachable by any
gate and secret door (which is plainly visible from player character who wishes to do so. Stats are
the inside) are both locked, and the keys are kept not given, but can be easily looked up if needed.
in the desk in area 30, above; in addition, both are
wizard locked by a 12th level caster. If all of those
conditions are overcome, both gate and door are
stuck, due to poor maintenance and disuse, and
must be forced just as with any stuck door.
And having done all that, any adventurers who
attempt to leave will encounter the green force
field... the effort to open the gate and door is a
complete waste.


A plain cot, neatly made, rests against the east

wall. An iron ladder affixed to the north wall
leads up to a wooden trap door. The occasional

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Fortress Key, Level 2

36. ROLAND'S TOWER – ADJUNCT LIBRARY: the arrow slits in the wall. She has a sword on one
A luxurious polished oval wooden table hip and dagger on the other.
dominates the center of this room; a chair is A cautious listen will reveal:
placed at each end and three on each side. A
brightly glowing brass orb hangs from a chain You hear the sound of boots on wood as if
over the table. A thick mattress has been rolled someone is walking back and forth on watch.
up against the west wall. A tall set of book cases
line the south wall, thirty feet long and six feet The guard, Mercia Aethelred, believes the castle is
high, packed with many ancient-looking scrolls actually a ship, and she is the captain. She further
and bound books. believes that the ship (which she calls the Gravy
Maid) is being attacked by a sperm whale. She
Rolled up inside the mattress is a blanket, sheets will issue orders to the player characters as if they
and a pillow. are her crew, and will respond poorly to any
insubordination (including anyone who refuses to
There are over 1,500 books and scrolls on the
call her Captain).
shelves, making this room something of an adjunct
to the main library. However, all the books and The trap door leads to room #34 on the level
scrolls found here are of poetic, fictional, or below. A pair of heavy iron bolts have been laid
historical nature. Specifically, there are no atop it; they won't prevent anyone from opening
magical works here. the trapdoor, but they will rattle loudly if disturbed.

A careful search of the floor around the bookcase The walls have several pegs driven into them; three
reveals faint scuff marks as if the west end has hold crossbows while from a fourth a case of 20
been swung out. Pulling said end out will reveal a quarrels is hung. Five more boltcases lie scattered
hollow space in the wall about 15' east of the on the floor, empty. Another peg holds a bag with
window in the south wall. The niche is 3' high and dried meat, bread, and cheese; hanging from two
wide and 3' deep. Inside is a wooden treasure others are gallon-sized water/wine skins. One is full
chest bound in brass, locked, and covered by of water, the other has cheap wine in it.
dust. It is protected by a sleep gas trap, which fills Mercia Aethelred: Human Fighter 3, AC 15,
the air within a 20' radius if the chest is disturbed. #At 1 weapon, Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', Ml 9, XP 145
All within the area of effect must save vs. Poison or STR 16 (+2)
sleep 2d6 turns.
HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
Inside the chest is a bag with 500 pp, 100 gp, and
a scroll that is a deed to a distant house referred to 38. NORTHEAST TOWER:
as "Parkinson Manor." This treasure is long Listening to the door of this tower may reveal loud,
forgotten; if found, and the curse is subsequently strident voices arguing in some grunting, savage-
broken, the Duke will give the contents of the chest sounding language. A careful inspection reveals:
to the heroes as an addition to any other reward
he might grant. Any mention of Parkinson Manor You see a rather confused group of ogres in this
will be greeted by shudders and a comment like room, arguing over why they are here: one
"That place is haunted." claims they are members of the guard and
supposed to protect the castle; another is
37. NORTHWEST TOWER: arguing that they are here to loot it; and the
Both doors to this room (east and south) are thick largest one is claiming he is the king and owns it.
oak bound by iron, with a bolt that can be thrown
Depending on what the PCs do, the ogres might
from the inside. They are shut but not bolted. A
attack outright or try to embroil them in their
careful peek inside will reveal:
You see an older, plain-faced, blond-haired The largest ogre has a soft rawhide bag with
woman in chain mail and a helm, constantly 500 cp, 400 sp and 200 gp in it. One of the other
treading back and forth on watch, looking out ogres has a long bow and two dozen flint-tipped

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

arrows; three are tipped by what looks like glass 2 Bugs! – The victim believes he or she is
but are actually gem stones (valued at 100 gp as-is covered in insects, and strikes self/attacks floor
and 250 gp if re-cut and polished by a gem cutter area to kill them. (The victim will not use
for about 25 gp each). weapons to attack the insects, and so will not
be injured by this behavior.)
A rope hangs out an arrow slit in the north wall,
showing where they entered; the arrow slit has 3 Diminution – The drinker believes he or she has
been broken out to permit them access. They shrunk to one inch in size.
have gathered an assortment of furniture into this 4 I Can Fly – The victim will insist he or she is flying
room. A set of wooden boxes (full of rocks) and at all times.
chairs rest on the trap door that allows access to
5 Fire! – The victim believes he or she is on fire,
the tower below (see room 29).
and runs around, screaming, rolling on floor.
3 Ogres: AC 15 (12), HD 4+1, #At 1 weapon, 6 Surrounded – The drinker perceives
Dam 2d6, Mv 30' Unarmored 40', Sv F4, Ml 10, companions as hostile monsters.
XP 240 ea. 7 I’m Melting! – The victim believes he or she is
HP 30 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ melting, and stands howling and "holding self
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ together."
17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 8 Green Fairy – The drinker sees innumerable
23 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ green pixies flying around, and tries to catch
☐☐☐ them without success.
39. GAME ROOM (ARCAN'S TOWER): The game board and pieces are exquisitely
Rich wood panels the walls of this room, upon carved of black jade and ivory. The set is magical
which are mounted various hunting trophies and and quite valuable; the pieces move upon
plaques bearing the heads of beasts, some of command and engage in wonderfully animated
which are quite unusual; these latter include a mock battles. Unfortunately the set no longer
giant stag, griffon, sabre-tooth cat, and wyvern. functions as both pairs of knights are missing,
A thick, brown bearskin rug lies before a large purloined by Lady Tia D'Angelo (see area 82) who
fireplace in the south wall, above which are had long-coveted the “horsies." Upon discovering
crossed a pair of broad-bladed spears. that their magic did not work when removed from
the board, she tossed them into her closet (in room
The bearskin rug is worth 300 gp. One of the spears 57) and promptly forgot about them. Sold
is Swine-Skewer, a Spear +1/+3 vs. Porcine individually each game-piece would be worth
Creatures. The other is not magical. 10 gp (160 gp in all) and the board 50 gp. As a set
the value is much higher, perhaps 2,000 gp to the
Two high-backed leather chairs flank a low table
right buyer.
with a chess set on it. Nearby, a wheeled serving
cart holds five glass tumblers, a fat-bottomed A large cedar trunk in one corner of the room
crystal decanter (20 gp value) filled with apricot contains several leather helmets, suits of padded
brandy, and a tall, thin bottle filled with a cloth armor, and an odd, oblong leather ball. If
translucent green liquid. This latter substance is given to the sports enthusiasts in the Grand Hall
Elven absinthe; non-Elven characters taking even a (Room 10) they will eagerly don the equipment
single sip will suffer vivid hallucinations for 1d4 turns and begin a new, less destructive game.
unless a saving throw vs. Poison is made to resist.
See the following table for suggested 40. EAST TOWER:
hallucinations, or the GM may make up something Note that the room below this one, area 7, is
as desired. occupied by a pair of pangotheria which might
climb up through the trap door if they hear activity
Typical Elven Absinthe hallucinations (roll 1d8):
in this room.
1 Drowning – The drinker believes he or she is in Also note that the pile of blankets mentioned
water, and strips off armor (if any) and drops below hides the trap door from view.
heavy items to stay afloat.

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

The floor of this tower room is littered with arrows, the party for bandits, thieves, and murderers, and
but there are no bows or quivers visible. Blankets will assume that any attempt to persuade them of
are scattered haphazardly in the northeast the party's innocence is a diversion or a trap of
corner. In the center of the north wall is a purple some kind. They wear mailshirts and conical helms,
handprint. The green glow coming through the and wield halberds. They also have crossbows and
arrow slits casts everything in an eerie light. quivers of quarrels.

The handprint is purple paint, and is quite large. As soon as they see the party is strong and
There are a total of 219 serviceable longbow numerous, Hortense and Monique will fire their
arrows on the floor, as well as five heavy blankets. crossbows, preferring to aim at anyone who
There is nothing else of interest in this room. appears to be a Magic-User. They will then take up
position at the top of the stairs into room 42. There
41. EAST GATE TOWER: are barrels of oil by the staircases – they were
supposed to be for pouring through the murder
Valor True is hiding in the upper level of this tower.
holes in room 42 – so Monique will roll a barrel of oil
She sees verminous creatures, alternately rats or
down the stairs while Hortense reloads her
snakes, all over the floor in the lower level (room 6,
crossbow. There are no lids on the barrels, so one
above), regardless of what's actually there. 50% of
barrel will coat the stairs liberally with oil but not do
the time, she's sitting on the trap door to keep it
much damage to anyone at the bottom; any
closed, requiring a strong character to push it
character in the path of a barrel must make a
open; the rest of the time, she'll throw the trapdoor
saving throw vs. Death Ray (with Dexterity bonus
open as a character approaches and say, “Hurry
applied) or take 1d6 points of damage.
up, get in here, don't let them follow you!”
After apprenticing to the castellan of a nearby Once a staircase is coated with oil, each
keep, Valor struck out on her own, forming an character will need to make a save vs. Death Ray
adventuring party. One of the men who joined her (or a Dexterity ability roll, at the GM's option) to
party is Sevras D'Angelo, who is the Duke's third ascend it any further. Failing the check means the
cousin. Sevras told Valor of the strange ways of his character falls down the stairs, suffering 1d3 points
family, and the thought of being "just one of the of damage as well as doing 1d3 points of damage
girls" rather than the oddball woman with a sword to each person behind him or her, and forcing
appealed to her. She had already earned a them to make a similar check or fall also.
knighthood for, well, valor, and she rose quickly to
If nobody makes it to the top of the stairs, then
the position of guard captain. This has led to some
Hortense will have the chance to ignite the oil with
jealousy and hard feelings among some of the
her torch. This will do 1d6 damage to each person
longer-term residents.
on the stairs (no save) and fill the staircase with
Valor True, Captain of the Guard: thick black smoke. Under the cover of the smoke,
Human Fighter 8, AC 21, #At 1, Dam 1d8 +1, Hortense and Monique will seek to flee down the
Mv 30', Ml 10, XP 875 other side of the stairs and lay another trap for the
party elsewhere.
STR 15 (+1), WIS 17 (+2), DEX 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1)
If the party makes it to the top of the stairs:
Equipment: Plate Mail +1, Shield +1, Longsword +1,
Shortbow, 15 Shortbow Arrows +1, 5 Shortbow
Five murder holes are cut into the flagstone floor
Arrows +2
of this room. There are mountings for cauldrons
HP 35 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ over the murder holes, but the cauldrons
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ themselves are absent. There are crossletted
arrow slits in the south wall. Also here are two sets
42. GATEHOUSE: of sleeping furs, an empty wineskin, and a flint
Unless the party has already encountered them in and steel.
room #4, this room contains two women-at-arms in
the Duke's employ. Their names are Hortense and The sleeping furs belong to Monique and Hortense,
Monique, and both suffer from the delusion that and consist of sheepskins sewn into a sack with the
the castle is under attack by bandits. They will take fur on the inside, like sleeping bags. They are warm

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

and comfortable. The wineskin is from a previous 240 gp, and an enameled golden pledge pin
night, and the flint and steel are unremarkable. worth 175 gp. This last object bears a rune which
There is no treasure here. represents membership of a dwarven secret
society, which promotes Dwarven superiority over
Hortense: Human Fighter 3, AC16, #AT1, all other races. There is a 25% chance that any PC
Dam 1d10+1, Mv 30', Ml 10, XP 145 dwarf or gnome will be aware of this society. A
STR 14 (+1), DEX 13 (+1) dwarf or gnome wearing the pin will receive a -1
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ reaction roll penalty when dealing with non-
member dwarves or gnomes, but a +2 reaction roll
Monique: Human Fighter 3, AC 16, #At 1, when dealing with members. A non-dwarf or
Dam 1d10+1, Mv 30', Ml 10, XP 145 gnome wearing the pin will get funny looks or even
STR 13 (+1), DEX 14 (+1), CON 15 (+1) laughter from non-members, and will be subject to
extreme rudeness, hostility or even attacked by
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ any member encountered.
43. WEST GATE TOWER: Magnus Mourngrim: Dwarf Fighter 10, AC 22,
#At 1 axe-pick, Dam 1d8+4, Mv 20', Ml 11, XP 1,300
This room is empty... completely empty. There
are no furnishings, nor items, nor rubbish, nor STR 17 (+2), CON 18 (+3)
even dirt. The floor appears recently swept, and Equipment: Plate Mail +2, Shield +2, Axe-Pick +2
there are not even cobwebs in the corners of the
ceiling. HP 67 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
There is, in fact, nothing whatsoever in this room. ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

The foot of the ladder leads up to a closed

trapdoor. From above, you can hear the sound
of coins clinking. Someone is counting in the
dwarvish tongue.

The voice is Magnus Mourngrim, repeatedly

counting his treasure, for his particular insanity is
insatiable greed. He will attack the party both to
stop them from getting his gold, and to take theirs
if possible.
He will try to hit characters climbing up through the
trapdoor. Any character struck while trying to
climb the ladder must make a save vs. Death Ray
(with Dexterity bonus applied) or fall, suffering 2d6
points of damage. If more than one character is
attempting to climb the ladder, the ones below
the falling character must likewise save or fall,
though the damage is only 1d6 for characters
below the initial victim.
Magnus has a substantial treasure, including
1,371 gp, a golden cloisonné figurine of a turtle
worth 100 gp, a jeweled golden pectoral worth

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Fortress Key, Level 2A

45. HALLWAY: contains trousers and blouses, and has a large box
in the bottom containing stockings and
This hallway is decorated by tapestries and undergarments.
paintings of ancient members of the royal family.
You are approached by a man wearing crude One nightstand contains a stack of letters from a
looking plate mail and wielding a clumsy sword, number of different men, all of whom tried to win
which he pulls free from his rope belt and Valor's heart fruitlessly. The other contains a dog-
brandishes, announcing, "I am Gerald eared holy book, a silver holy symbol (25 gp value),
Hannamaker, Captain of the Castle Guard! a charcoal pencil, and a handful of scraps of
What business do you have here?" paper with notes on them about various mundane
matters Valor wishes to remember to take care of.
Any sensible reply will be met by a passing
The footlocker is locked with a large, impressively
comment like, "You will have to talk to my second
detailed padlock; both the footlocker and the lock
in command and loving wife Valor True."
appear dwarf-made, and are very strong. Anyone
Gerald is, in fact, a member of the Duke's army, trying to pick the lock suffers a -20% penalty due to
not the castle guard. He was visiting the castle on its complexity.
business when the calamity struck. Inside is Valor True's treasure:
Gerald is a skilled fighter and brilliant in his own 1,233 sp, 1,089 gp, 368 pp, 14 Light Crossbow Bolts
way, but he is also extremely jealous of the all- +1, a Potion of Levitation, a Longsword +1, and a
woman castle guard. He is particularly jealous of Potion of Delusion (appears to be a Potion of
Valor True's fame and position, and was known to Flying) with a tag tied to the top reading "Delusion
bicker with her. He now believes he is both in of Flying" in Valor's own handwriting.
command of the castle guard and her husband,
neither of which is true. 47. CLEANING SUPPLIES:

His armor is made from thick paper painted gray This long, narrow room is cluttered with brooms,
(rugged enough to count as leather but bulkier buckets, mops, towels, and linen sheets on
and heavier) and his sword is wooden –- but his skill shelves. Against the back wall you see a few
in fighting makes up for both. Though it is wooden, random chairs and tables stacked on each
the sword is both heavy and strong, doing 1d6 other.
points of damage on a successful hit. Other than the items noted, this room is empty.
Gerald Hannamaker: Human Fighter 6, AC 13,
#At 1, Dam 1d6+2, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 500
STR 16 (+2), DEX 15 (+1), WIS 8 (-1) You see a plain room lit by a thick candle atop a
wooden table; also inside are two chairs and a
HP 26 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
cot. There are sacks of potatoes, jars of wine
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
and water, mugs, and other items scattered
46. VALOR TRUE'S QUARTERS: around. Sitting at the table is a man dressed in
elegant (but torn and dirty) clothing busily
This is a bedroom. It is neat and orderly, with a peeling potatoes.
bed, nightstands, two armoires (one on each
side of the room), a footlocker at the foot of the If anyone enters, the man turns and asks in a
bed, and a large, rather plain but very soft- startled voice, "Are the nobles hungry, mi'lords? Did
looking rug. Several tapestries hang on the walls, they run out of wine? They celebrate night and
depicting various martial scenes. One shows day. They keep a poor scullery lad like myself busy
dark-skinned elflike creatures doing battle with fetching food and drink for them."
light-skinned, dark-haired elves; the style and The fellow is Count Dickers, who has come to visit
detail mark it as being elf-made. the family and investigate possible romantic
involvement with the female members, always on
One armoire contains a variety of dresses, the hunt for a wife. The madness of the gem has
including several rather nice gowns. The other

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

driven him to believe he is a mess attendant. He Knocking will result in a metallic noise as someone
spends all his time cooking meals (in the kitchen struggles with the lock.
elsewhere) and taking drink to the revelers in room
50. He will give his silken bag and its contents (in Note: The following description is long and covers
the cloak room 11) to anyone who frees him of the perhaps a turn's worth of time. The GM should be
madness. In his madness he might be bullied out of prepared for the possibility that the players may
the Dagger +2 he is using to peel potatoes; he interrupt the events described.
might also be willing to give it as a reward to a
The door opens and you see a woman in a ball
rescuing party at the end of the adventure.
gown (or perhaps it's a man... you're not sure)
This is not Count Dicker's proper room; he was who turns immediately to join the dancing group
housed in rooms 53, 54, and 55, and his property is in the center of the room.
still there. Rather, this room was previously the
quarters of some of his retinue. Ten people are in this room: five men are
lounging on pillows playing fifes and drums while
Count Muglin Dickers: Human Fighter 10, AC 16, five women are dancing a spirited country jig,
#At 1, Dam 1d4+4, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 1,300 whirling wildly around on the floor in front of
STR 16 (+2), INT 13 (+1), DEX 18 (+3), CON 14 (+1) them and laughing madly.
Equipment: leather armor under clothing, jeweled As you watch, they cease dancing and playing
Dagger +2 used for peeling potatoes (three jewels long enough to drink from cups and jugs
worth 200 gp, 100 gp, and 50 gp), torn and dirty scattered around the room. Breathing hard,
courtly clothes. they chat briefly about how much fun they are
HP 58 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ having. Then a man with a fife says, “Let's have
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ another go! Only we get to dance now and you
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ have to play us a song!"
49. GUEST ROOM: The ten people trade places, going so far as to
strip their outer clothes off and exchange them.
This is a plainly furnished guest room with a bed, They seem unable to distinguish between
table, and armoire. Items of clothing, genders and appear to have no interest in
apparently the attire of a gentleman, are anything but their dancing and music.
scattered on the bed. A sword in a fancy sheath
hangs on a belt on one of three iron hooks When the player characters have an opportunity
beside the door. A stout wooden cross-tree to look around:
holds a suit of plate mail.
The room is furnished with shelves protected by
Additional articles of clothing are in the armoire glass doors. They contain a wide and varied
along the south wall. All the clothing in the room is selection of knick-knacks – statuettes of animals,
of high quality, but very plain in design (without people, wagons, plants and other items, made
embroidery or other fancy details). The sword is of glass, ivory, wood, or ceramic; a few appear
very well made and has the initials “GH” burned to be metal. Two tables and a dozen chairs
into the belt. The items here belong to Gerald have been pushed to the side by the dancers,
Hannamaker (see area 45) who is misguidedly and a thickly-cushioned divan is pushed against
patrolling the castle halls as if he is one of the the south wall. There is also a desk with writing
residents. Under the bed is a leather pouch quills, paper, and an ink well beside the window
containing 100 gp, 25 sp, and 4 cp. in the east wall.
50. LORD WILLIAM'S QUARTERS: Other than the items described, there is nothing of
The door to this room is locked. Anyone standing interest in the room. The dancers are all servants
near the door will trigger the following illusion: and are Normal Men having 1d4 hit points each;
as it is not likely the player characters will fight
You see a young man's face appear as if sticking them, their statistics are omitted, but may be filled
out of the door. He smiles, then says, "Knock. I'm in as needed.
home but busy."

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

51. LORD WILLIAM'S CLOSET: This room is also furnished with a dressing screen,
two hanging lanterns (illuminated by magic, of
This small room is lined with rods for hanging up course), and other items appropriate to a
clothing, but all the clothing seems to have been bachelor gentleman. Under the mattress on the
thrown on the floor, leaving the rods empty save bed is hidden a sheaf of paper tied by a red silk
for a handful of empty hangers. ribbon. They are love letters, and while they seem
The closet is full of Lord William's clothing. Though to be from Lord William to a young lady, they are
many of his outfits are expensive, it would be all written in a fancy, feminine handwriting. The
difficult to get more than 100 gp selling them last page examined will say, "Quit trying to cause
second-hand. me trouble, Marlie," written in a blunt, square
masculine scrawl.
The book is a notebook containing writing in some
The central feature of this room is a large, esoteric code; read languages will reveal that
ornately-decorated bed centered along the these are a journal Lord William is keeping which
south wall. At either side of the headboard are includes sundry notes on magic. The personal
oddly-designed tables in the form of crouching parts of the journal largely concern whether
lions with polished stone planks attached to the William is serious about a girl named Marlie and
tops of their heads. A book lies upon the table whether or not he'd be wise marrying her (she can
to the east, with a pair of spectacles folded up be brilliant, erratic, exciting, and annoying all at
beside it. The other table is bare. the same time). The handwriting is the same
masculine style as the last love letter above.
The lion-statue tables were a gift from a minor 2 Stone Living Statues: AC 16, HD 5*, #At 2 lava
noble from Nisenria; they are a traditional item sprays, Dam 2d6/2d6, Mv 20', Sv F5, Ml 12,
there, but William considers them eyesores. XP 405 ea.
Unfortunately, Khaadk's magic has caused them to
become animated. When any character steps HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
into the room, they shift and seem to straighten up ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
in interest. If more than one character enters, or 23 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
any character approaches the bed, they come ☐☐☐
thumping across the floor to attack, dislodging 53. HONORED GUEST QUARTERS, PARLOR:
their tabletops (which shatter on impact) and
throwing the book and spectacles to the floor. This room is evidently a fancy parlor, with two
These stone living statues squirt lava from their eyes bookshelves, library table, several comfortable
rather than their forelimbs. chairs, and a long, low couch scattered against
the walls of the room. A large rectangular
carpet woven in the flowery style of the Southern
Gulf covers much of the floor; it is marred by a
large patch of pale pink paint with an
overturned bucket lying in the middle. Several
paintings of landscapes hang in the room, but all
of them have been turned upside down.

The books in this room are all works of fiction,

mostly older works no longer in fashion (in other
words, neither classics nor recently popular works).
As this room is part of the guest quarters, there are
no personal items here.
Anyone approaching the door to room 55 will hear
the men inside. Read the following:

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

You hear the rattle of stone skipping across stone The bookcase contains all sorts of books. Many
along with men laughing and yelling at each have never been pulled out and are dusty. The
other; it seems to be coming from the west. most used books are oriented more towards
younger readers. A hand-written booklet with
54. HONORED GUEST QUARTERS, CLOSET: crude illustrations has been made by sewing pages
together, telling a childish story of fairies and
This room is fitted with rods for hanging clothing, unicorns; the subtext is how the little princess in the
but other than a few hangers it is entirely empty. story is being too selfish and needs to think of other
people now and then.
There is nothing of interest in this area.
On the table are scattered papers and several
55. HONORED GUEST QUARTERS, BEDROOM: exercise books covering math, geography, and
literature. Several different hands have scrawled
You see three men wearing the pointed hats,
frustrated and angry comments in them
hose, and jerkin of castle attendants. They are
concerning schooling and parents over a space of
using plain sticks to knock around stone balls
many years. Three pots of ink (red, black, and
(each perhaps three inches in diameter), aiming
gold) and ivory-tipped writing pens are near the
for buckets resting on their sides, while keeping
the others from scoring a hole. Each ball has
been crudely painted a different color. Each 57. LADIES' CLOSET:
man has a few bruises and one a broken nose
but they are having fun. They urge you to join This closet is crammed full of feminine clothing
them in a hearty game. The furnishings of this items, mostly sized for a girl of perhaps twelve
room have been pushed back against the wall, years. The floor is littered with shoes, dolls, and
and you have no idea where the bed has gone. toys of all sorts.

These men are attendants of Count Dickers: their This closet is almost entirely filled with clothing and
uniform is not what locals would wear. One is older toys owned by Lady Tia (see area 82). Her sisters
with graying blond hair (and teeth broken from keep their clothing in armoires in area 58.
many fights) and the other two are middle aged.
In the middle of this crowded space is a dollhouse;
They are all Normal Men; no statistics are given, as
due to a wish Tia made (see area 82 for details), it
they pose no real threat.
is now a magical artifact. When and if a party
There are no rules nor sense to the game they are member touches or interacts with the dollhouse,
playing and anyone who joins in will be punished then he or she will be shrunk to miniature size and
with repeated body slams and clouts from the drawn into it, appearing in room 110. "Interacts
sticks. Their madness has driven them to be with" includes casting spells at the dollhouse or
obsessed with sports and they are competing with casting spells that have the dollhouse within the
no real goals or rules. area of effect, touching the dollhouse (not
necessarily with skin – even touching it with a stick
56. LADIES' QUARTERS: or weapon or other implement counts), or
The Duke's daughters live here; each has her own attempting to damage or harm the dollhouse in
bed in area 58, below. any way. Even the mere act of inspecting the
dollhouse from a safe distance has a 25% chance
This elegant parlor contains a round table and of drawing the character inside. The magic of the
three chairs to the left of the door, a large dollhouse is powerful, and it wants to be used.
bookshelf to the right, and a tidy arrangement of
Note that the missing chess pieces from room 39
comfortable chairs with side tables in the far left
have been thrown into the pile of toys. If searched
corner. The walls are hung with beautiful
for, they may be found after a turn with a roll of 1
paintings, mostly of feminine subjects; a few
on 1d6; this roll may be retried each additional turn
depict women in armor wielding swords,
the closet is searched. It will, of course, be difficult
generally in heroic poses.
to search the closet without accidentally
interacting with the dollhouse.

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

58. LADIES' BEDROOM: There are four dressing tables with thickly
Anyone listening at the door to this room will hear padded chairs; the tables are covered with
loud, deep barking sounds. When the door is bottles and jars of makeup, lotion, and perfume.
opened, the GM should check for surprise both for The first is neatly organized, as if little used. The
the player characters and the dire wolves inside second is further cluttered by stuffed dolls with
the room. fancy dresses and a china tea set. On the third
dressing table is a large silver jewelry box in
If the wolves are not surprised:
addition to the other items.
Three huge wolves lunge at you, barking and Four spacious armoires hold all sorts of feminine
growling! clothing. Two additional wardrobes hold leather
jerkins and trousers, studded leather gloves with
If the wolves are surprised: falcon claw marks on them, leather hats and
You see three huge wolves circling each other in face masks, wooden sticks for practicing sword
the center of the room. You notice that one play, several metal helms and a suit of chain
wears a wide pink collar, another a yellow collar, mail. Hanging on one wall are two shields, two
and the last one a pale purple collar. crossed spears, two unstrung bows with quivers
of arrows, two swords, four daggers, and a war
If they have the advantage of surprise, the hammer. A glass-fronted wooden case rests on
adventurers may attack once as normal before a small table near the entrance; inside are a
the dire wolves turn and attack. They are starving, bundle of arrows tied with a red ribbon.
and so will fight with intensity and fervor.
The women depicted in the paintings are all
Actually, the dire wolves are the girl's hunting female members of the family, mostly from the
hounds, transformed somehow into monsters. past; all attempt elegance, with varying success.
When any one of these dire wolves are killed it will The mirrors have been enchanted with a curious
revert to its original form. Adventurers may receive illusion. Any character looking into them will see in
extra rewards from the girls (at the end of the the reflection a ghostly hand overhead with a
adventure) if they manage to not kill all of them. marionette control bar, with strings linking the
3 Dire Wolves: AC 14, HD 4, #At 1 bite, Dam 2d4, control bar to the hands, feet, and head of the
Mv 50', Sv F4, Ml 9, XP 240 ea. character's reflection. As the character moves,
the hand will also move in perfect synchronization,
HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
seemingly controlling the character.
14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ The first dressing table is presently unused. The
second belongs to Tia. The third is Julianne's; the
After the battle is over, the adventurers may jewelry box is worth 75 gp, and contains lower-
examine the room: value jewelry items having a total value of perhaps
This room is the epitome of posh elegance. On 150 gp. The last is Neva's, and while obviously used
regularly by her, it contains no items of special
each wall are two or three paintings of women in
fine clothing. There are four beds, each a four- significance.
poster with lace drapes, satin sheets, thick Each quiver mentioned above has two bow strings
mattresses, and fluffy pillows. A group of dressing tied around it. The arrows in the wooden case are
mirrors stand behind folding screens. six Shortbow Arrows +1.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Fortress Key, Level 2B

59. "CRECHE": 60. PARLOR:

This room contains a random assortment of cots This room contains a number of comfortable-
and beds, and in each there appears to be a looking chairs and two couches. There are a
child sleeping. Seated in a fancy rocking chair number of paintings on the wall, most depicting
at the far end of the room is a woman in a dress dragons of various colors in flight. Lying on one
which, though made of fine material, is rather of the couches is a man who appears to be fast
dirty. She sees you and raises her finger to her asleep; many papers are scattered on the floor
lips, indicating silence. around him.

The “children” in the beds are actually the The man on the couch is Rodrick Gilder, a Magic-
animated dolls from Lady Tia's enchanted User who was visiting the castle when the curse fell
dollhouse. One of the castle's regular inhabitants, upon it. His madness is a form of bipolar disorder.
Claudette Pineau, the castle's official Blazoner, He has dismantled several folios all over the floor,
entered the dollhouse and brought them out with and if he is awakened, he will switch to the "manic"
her. She is convinced she is their mother, and will mode and begin talking at top speed. He will
fight to defend them. alternate between offering the player characters
wine or tea (being unable to decide what he
The only problem is that the dolls will attack wants), rambling about his obsession with illusion-
anyone other than Claudette or Tia on sight. If the casting, and trying to put the books back together
player characters make any noise (including (which he will not be able to do because he
attempting to speak to Claudette), they will cannot focus for more than a minute).
awaken and attack.
After 1d4 turns of this behavior, he will switch to the
They are wooden dolls, originally tiny but now the
depressed mode, lying back down and going to
size of children. They wear dirndls (old-fashioned
sleep, remaining that way for 2d4 turns or until
dresses) with matching polka dot capes and clogs.
deliberately awakened. He is of no use to anyone
Their names are Lucy Lavender, Mary Strawberry,
in this state; if he is cured of his madness, he will
and Sue.
offer to help, but he knows very little about the
Claudette Pineau, Castle Blazoner castle and is not very proficient at magic either.
Human Fighter 3, AC 11, #At 1 dagger +1, Gilder is a large man, about 6' 6", and is very
Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 145 muscular. He is dressed in ordinary clothing, with
Equipment: Dagger +1 nothing odd or wizardlike in his attire.
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
Rodrick Gilder, Visiting Wizard
3 Animated Dolls: AC 16, HD 5*, #At 2 fists, Human Magic-User 3, AC 11, #At 1 dagger or spell,
Dam 2d6/2d6, Mv 20', Sv F5, Ml 12, XP 405 ea. Dam 1d4+3 or by spell, Mv 40', Ml 7, XP 175
HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ STR 18 (+3), INT 13 (+1)
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Spells: detect magic, shield, continual light
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ HP 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

61. BEDROOM: tucked into the drawer of the side table. They will
only use these weapons if forced to do so; even if
This tastefully-decorated bed chamber is she is called out regarding the poisoned wine,
furnished with a large four-poster bed with heavy Elouise will still not take any offensive action.
drapes drawn around it; on either side are
nightstands with shuttered lanterns atop them. A As Hector questions the adventurers about their
large armoire stands against the right wall, near activities, Elouise will open the wine bottle and
the sole window. There is a door in the corner to pour wine for everyone, being sure to hand the
your left, and beside it stands a writing desk; the poisoned wine to the player characters first. She
desk top is open, revealing a mess of papers with will not drink, of course, and if she sees that Hector
a spilled inkpot lying on top of them. The desk is going to do so she will "trip" and cause him to spill
chair is lying tipped over on the floor beside the his drink.
desk. Two comfortable-looking chairs are Anyone sipping the wine must save vs. Poison or
positioned in the corner to your right, with a small suffer 2d8 points of damage and be rendered
side table between them. A tray containing a unconscious for 1d4 turns.
bottle of red wine, a cork screw, and eight wine
glasses rests on the table. Hector will frequently interrupt anything the player
characters say in answer to his questions,
A couple are sleeping here, hidden by the drapes interjecting increasingly obvious lies about his
on the bed. The man is a merchant, Hector power, prowess, wealth, and fame.
Kreyling, who was negotiating with the Duke. The
woman is his wife Elouise. Unfortunately, he is now Hector and Elouise will both deny that the castle is
a pathological liar (believing he is a baron from under the effects of any sort of curse; they believe
the south) while she is a homicidal maniac. that all is well, and cannot be convinced otherwise
without first curing their insanity.
They will awaken in 1d4 rounds unless the player
Elouise will not leave the room without Hector, and
characters are utterly silent. When they awaken
Hector does not wish to go out. There is a purse
Hector will introduce himself and his wife. He will
containing 119 gp in the drawer of the nightstand.
apologize that there are not enough chairs for
None of their other personal items are in this room.
everyone as he takes the largest chair for himself.
His wife will behave in as charming a fashion as she Hector Kreyling, Merchant
can, gravitating toward any characters who Human Fighter 2, AC 11, #At 1 dagger,
appear to be of higher class; if no other means of Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', Ml 8, XP 75
deciding this is visible to her, she will choose elves
or Magic-Users over other characters. HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Neither Hector nor Elouise will notice the fact that Elouise Kreyling, Hector's Wife
they are still in their night clothes, and if this is Normal Man, AC 11, #At 1 dagger, Dam 1d4,
pointed out they will deny it. Hector has a dagger Mv 40', Ml 5, XP 10
tucked into the back of his pajama trousers, while
Elouise is unarmed but is aware of a dagger HP 2 ☐☐


This closet is fitted with rods to hold clothing, and

hanging inside are clothes suitable for a
merchant and his wife.

In the back of the closet behind the clothes is a

stuffed macaque, worth 25 gp. It has been
stabbed in the back with a dagger of some kind.
The resulting damage has been hastily repaired by
someone inexperienced with a needle; it will need
a better repair job before it can be sold for full

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

63. BEDROOM: task... she will not release Markus nor stand down
from guarding him until either the Duke or the High
This bedroom is a bit less grand than some others Priest appear and tell her to do so.
on this floor, but still fairly nice. A large, rumpled
bed with a single nightstand is located in the far Markus Senarius-Corvalis: Human Magic-User 5,
left-hand corner, and a desk and chair are in the AC 14, AB +2, #At 1, Dam 1d6+1, Mv 40', Ml 8,
far right-hand corner. An armoire stands in the XP 405
corner to your left. Two easy chairs face each Equipment: Ring of Protection +2, Walking Staff +1
other at either end of a large rug that angles
across the floor. Spells: detect magic, floating disc, invisibility,
knock, hold person
As you consider the room, you see the bed HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
covers move...
Maliha Raval: Human Fighter 3, AC 18, AB +2,
A very, very drunk male warrior, bodyguard to the #At 1, Dam 1d10+1, Mv 30', Ml 9, XP 145
merchant in room 61, is sprawled in the bed here.
His madness is dipsomania; if he awakens, all he Equipment: Plate Mail +1, great sword
wants is another drink. Nothing else interests him. HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
He has piled his armor and weapons in the bottom
of the armoire. 65. SERVANT'S QUARTERS:

Bodyguard: Human Fighter 2, AC 11, AB +3, #At 1, This room contains a three-tiered bunk bed
Dam 1d8+2, Mv 30', Ml 9, XP 75 against the far wall. Three rather plain armoires
are lined up along the left-hand wall, while a
Equipment: plate mail, longsword (in the armoire)
dressing table and chair stand along the right-
HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ hand side. The beds are all neatly made and
the room appears spotless.
Three male servants bunk here, but they are not
As soon as you open the door of this fancy present at the moment. Somehow, a giant crab
bedroom, you see a surprising and somewhat spider has gotten into this room and is hanging
disturbing sight: A man in robes is tied spread- over the door. It will surprise on 1-3 on 1d6.
eagle on the bed, gagged with a knotted scarf.
Beside the bed stands a warrior, a woman like Giant Crab Spider: AC 13, HD 2*, #At 1 bite,
most of the other warriors you've seen in the Dam 1d8 + poison, Mv 40', Sv F2, Ml 7, XP 100
castle. When she sees you, she lowers her visor HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
and draws her greatsword. "Get back," she says.
"I won't let you have him!" 66. SERVANT'S QUARTERS:
The man on the bed is Markus Senarius-Corvalis, This room contains a two-tiered bunk bed
one of the visiting wizards. Amazingly, he is not against the far wall. Two armoires are lined up
insane, having successfully resisted all the insanity along the left-hand wall, opposite a pair of
waves thus far. The woman, Maliha Raval, was not dressing tables with chairs along the right-hand
so lucky; she was guiding Markus to his room when side. The beds are all neatly made and the
the first insanity wave hit. Now she believes he is room appears spotless.
possessed, which is why she knocked him out and
bound and gagged him. She further believes that Two female servants bunk here, but they are not
other possessed individuals are searching the present at the moment.
castle for him, and that she must protect him from
them. She is waiting for the Duke or High Priest to
come and exorcise Markus.
She will tend to believe any characters who enter
the room are possessed, and will have to be
convinced they are not before she will lower her
sword. However, she cannot be deterred from her

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

67. CHATTERING MASK: Within these limits the spirit will be quite willing to
tell the party what it knows and what it has seen. It
The door opens to reveal a room ten feet wide does not know where Pons is, nor can it reveal any
north to south and twenty feet east to west. command words or passwords, but clever
Hanging from the east wall is a large bronze questioning by the players can still teach them
mask, in the form of a humanoid face with a quite a lot.
tapir's nose. A circle is inscribed on the floor In
front of the mask. The spirit is quite happy in the mask and does not
wish to be released.
The mask is inhabited by a strange spirit from the
distant past. It is the ghost of something pre- If the mask is destroyed the spirit will have nothing
human, and it has no real language; the magic tying it to this plane and will dissipate. This will
circle on the floor is what enables communication make the Duke very unhappy if he hears about it.
with it, translating its strange and atavistic thought
patterns into something a speaking creature can 68. GLASSBLOWER:
understand. Bizarre sounds come from behind this door. You
The mask is attached to the wall by means of hear a voice saying, "Clippety-clop! Clippety-
magic similar to a wizard lock, cast at the 15th clop!" As you listen, another voice yells: "Whoa
level of ability. Even if the player characters boy!", and then there is a crash of shattering
succeed in removing it from the wall, it is necessary glass.
to stand in the magic circle in order to talk to it. Opening the door will reveal the castle's
This spirit is one of the only things in the whole glassblower, an elderly gnome called Yunkers,
castle that's both intelligent and sane (as it is riding on the back of the castle's alchemist, a
effectively immune to the magic of Khaadk). If slender middle-aged man called Rablett. Owing
questioned correctly, it can tell the players what to their complementary madnesses, Rablett
has happened around it in a relatively coherent currently believes himself to be Yunkers' horse, and
way. However, there are several kinds of query it Yunkers believes himself to be Rablett's jockey.
will not answer: When he sees the players, Yunkers will tell them: "I
1) The spirit comes from a time before there were need a saddle!" There's no point answering him,
names. It has no name itself and knows no names. though. If asked a question (any question at all),
To it, Khaadk is "Mad-spirit," Duke Pons is "Friendly- he will answer: "Under the elephant's hatstand!"
man," and so on. It will not understand questions (50%) or "It's turtle o'clock!" (50%) Otherwise he will
about names. ramble on endlessly about how much his fine new
horse reminds him of his old friend Rablett, but
2) The spirit has endured so long it has lost all periodically making peremptory demands for a
concept of time. It gets sequences muddled and saddle. He does need one: Rablett is really too
when relating stories it will often invert cause and bony for an elderly gnome to ride without one,
effect. It will not understand questions about time and Yunkers is getting sore. (There are saddles in
or sequence. the stables.)
3) It has a very limited concept of number — it can There's no point talking to Rablett because he has
manage "one", "a few", "some", and "many." It will a rope in his mouth. This is serving as his bridle, and
not understand questions about number. it makes his speech totally unintelligible. He won't
take it out unless Yunkers gets his saddle (in which
4) It thinks in terms of primal urges: hunger, thirst,
case Rablett will spit out the rope bridle while the
sleep, will to live, will to hunt, desire to mate,
saddle is put on). In this event Rablett tells the
comradeship/pack-membership and revenge. It
party the code word for room #101.
has no concept of love, duty, honor or courage. It
also doesn't understand ownership — its atavistic The glasswork in this room comprises an assortment
mind cannot grasp ideas like property or money. of test tubes, boiling tubes and flasks, pipettes,
alembics, crucibles, burettes, pycnometers, retorts,
desiccators, funnels, dropping funnels, vials,
beakers, and jars of all shapes, sizes, and kinds.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Much of it is broken owing to Yunkers and Rablett's the available potions is a Potion of Silence, which
antics but that which survives is worth a total of owing to the admixture of potions in his stomach,
about 1,200 gp. had a permanent effect on Marcel. If the party
can remove curse or dispel magic they can get
Yunkers: Human Magic-User 6, AC 11, #At 1, him talking again and he can explain what he's
Dam 1d3, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 555 done; however, casting either spell to remove the
STR 7 (-1), INT 17 (+2) silence will not also cure his insanity, so each time
Spells: detect magic, hold portal, magic missile, he's asked what a label means, there's still a 25%
detect evil*, invisibility, dispel magic, protection chance that he'll lie.
from evil 10' radius* The room contains 3d6 randomly-determined
Equipment: robe, eating knife, Wand of potions, each containing 1d3 doses. Each potion
Petrification (19 charges) has a 20% chance of being a "special" from the
following table:
HP 19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
1d4 Result
Rablett: Human Magic-User 6, AC 12, #At 1,
Dam 1d3, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 555 1 Potion of silence

INT 16 (+2), DEX 13 (+1) 2 Potion of blueness

3 Potion of bloat
Spells: sleep, 2x detect magic, detect evil*, web,
dispel magic, fireball 4 Potion of liquid form

Equipment: doublet, hose, eating knife If the potion is not a "special" as shown above, use
HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ the standard BFRPG potion tables. Roll each potion
☐☐ twice: once to determine what it is, and another
time to determine what label it displays.
The Potion of Silence works like a potion of
If an adventurer listens at this door, complete invisibility except that the drinker is imperceptible
silence will be heard. to hearing instead of sight. Note that no one can
When and if the party opens the door: cast spells while silenced.
The Potion of Blueness makes the drinker's skin
This room is an alchemist's potion-making room. It become permanently cobalt blue. If the drinker
contains a young man in a blue robe who is imbibes a second such potion, roll his or her new
peering at one of the potions. There is also a skin color on the following table:
large number of assorted potions in glass flasks,
an owlbear skull, a large glass jar of gray liquid, a 1d8 Color
big brass pot of yellow mold, a jar of embalming 1 Red
alcohol containing a dead octopus, a magic 2 Orange
Bunsen burner of some kind, and an apparently
3 Yellow
ordinary apple with one bite taken out of it.
4 Green
The large glass jar of gray liquid is concentrated
5 Blue
wraith ectoplasm: anyone who drinks from it suffers
one level of energy drain (no saving throw). The 6 Indigo
big brass pot is full of actual yellow mold, which will 7 Violet
of course release its spores if disturbed. The magic 8 Returns to original skin color
Bunsen burner produces a hot blue flame or a
bright yellow flame on command, and the apple is The Potion of Bloat causes the drinker to inflate like
the young man's lunch. a helium balloon, causing the character to rise into
the air while bursting his or her armor-straps, tight-
This young man is Marcel, the alchemist's
fitting clothing, belts, etc. The drinker will ascend
apprentice. His madness has made him swap
10 feet per round until he or she meets an obstacle
around all the labels on the potions. Marcel then
(probably the ceiling) or the potion wears off.
went around swigging potions at random. One of

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

The Potion of Liquid Form resembles the Potion of 71. CLASSROOM:

Gaseous Form save that while in liquid form, the
affected character cannot move uphill. This is evidently a classroom or schoolroom of
some kind. Three child-sized writing desks are
Among the various items of equipment in the room arranged facing north, and a huge slate has
is an appropriate size and type of crucible, an oil- been nailed to the north wall as a chalkboard.
fired burner, and enough scraps of both lead and At the central table, a boy of about eleven or
silver to melt to seal a metal box. Characters who twelve years stares at the writing on the board,
participated in the Fortress of the Iron Duke apparently lost in thought.
adventure, or who are just very clever, may be
looking for such items. However, there are no silver The boy is Philippe Beauclerc, the son of one of the
boxes in this room. senior castle staff. His madness is a monomania: he
can think and talk about nothing else until he has
Marcel: Human Magic-User 2, AC 11, #At 1 punch, answered the question on the board.
Dam 1d3, Mv 40’, Ml 8, XP 75 Unfortunately, even though it's an easy question, in
INT 13 (+1), CHA 7 (-1) his madness he can't work it out.
Spells: shield, magic missile. Note that Marcel The question is:
cannot presently cast spells, as described above.
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ Five girls took part in a race. Annette finished
before Beatrice but behind Chantal. Dorothée
Yellow Mold: AC nil, harmed only by fire, HD 2, finished before Élise but behind Beatrice. What
#At spores, Dam save vs. Death Ray or take 1d8 was the finishing order?
points of damage per round for 6 rounds, Mv 0,
If the players work out the answer (which is 1.
Sv NM, Ml n/a, XP 100
Chantal, 2. Annette, 3. Beatrice, 4. Dorothée, 5.
HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ Élise), then award the party 100 xp (you may wish
to divide this between those players who actually
worked to solve the problem). Philippe will
This is a nicely furnished guest room with a bed, immediately begin a new madness: he will be
table, and armoire. A suit of clothing is scattered insanely hungry and thirsty after his long stint of
on the bed. Lying on the rug beside the bed is a thinking. If given food and water, he will become
man in his undergarments, curled up and asleep. obsessed with sleeping. If allowed to sleep for at
least ten hours, then he will develop another new
The man is a footman named Gilbert. He now insanity of the GM's choice, and so on ad infinitum.
believes himself to be a dog. If disturbed, he will There is no way to get Philippe to tell the party
approach on all fours and bark at the intruders anything helpful.
until they leave the room; if challenged, he may try
to bite, or he may run away and hide under the Philippe's desk contains six blank sheets of vellum
bed. and a magical pen. This is a large flight feather
from a black swan which has been enchanted so
Gilbert the Footman: Normal Man, AC 11, that its nib never wears out and it has an eternal,
#At 1 bite, Dam 1d3, Mv 40' Crawl 10', Sv NM, Ml 6, magically-replenished supply of ink. The pen will
XP 10 not write magical scrolls or other magical writings
HP 3 ☐☐☐ of any kind since it does not use the exotic inks
such scrolls require, but it is nevertheless of
considerable value to a Magic-User or scribe and
could be sold for 500 gp.
Philippe Beauclerc: Normal Man, AC 11,
#At 1 dagger, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', Ml 6, XP 10
HP 2 ☐☐

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

72. TEACHER'S ROOM: The desk is beside the east door, with an overfull
A man in a deep blue robe sits slumped over a bookshelf next to it. An armoire stands against
desk in this bedroom. The desk is covered with the west wall, directly opposite the desk. A
papers, and more papers are scattered on the large, plain bed covered with an elaborate quilt
floor around it. is centered against the back wall, with a two-
drawered nightstand on the east side and a
The man is Luis Aureliano, who works as a teacher chest to the west.
in the castle. His insanity is an obsession with
creating a textbook on the history of the great Painted papers and canvases are hung all over
families of wizards; the papers scattered all around the walls; most the artwork is quite poor, as if
are mostly scrawled notes, incomprehensible to done by children.
anyone else (and likely even to him, were he in his Bad paintings (done by students) line the walls
right mind). He has exhausted himself working and here.
passed out. If he is awakened he will immediately
return to his work, muttering random names and Luis Aureliano, Teacher: Human Magic-User 2,
facts, writing on one paper and then digging for AC 11, #At 1 dagger, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', Ml 7,
another, and so on. XP 100

Whenever the player characters continue Spells: read languages, sleep

examining the room, read the following: HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐

Fortress Key, Levels 3 to 5

73. ROLAND'S TOWER, 3RD LEVEL – MAIN LIBRARY: There are many books in the room containing a
broad variety knowledge, primarily historical and
This is evidently a library, as the room is filled with magical works. There are no actual spell books
bookshelves. A woman stands beside a table present.
near the staircase, sorting books. She is dark
haired and pale skinned, and though middle- One book is titled "On the Transferability of
aged is still quite attractive. When you enter, she Enchantments." It describes the design and
looks at you briefly and whispers, "Quiet please, operation of the Engine of Enchantment, which
this is a library." can be found in room 89. Without guidance from
the Duchess, this book will be unlikely to be found;
The woman is the Duchess, but she believes herself assume a 1% chance per character, rolled each
to be just a librarian; she will admonish any noisy turn the room is searched.
characters to be quiet, and will viciously attack
Maricela, Duchess D'Angelo: Human Magic-User 6,
anyone she sees mistreating a book. Also, she will
AC 12, #At 1 dagger (AB +5), Dam 1d4+2, Mv 40',
not allow any books to be removed from the room.
Ml 9, XP 555
Besides the library table and the bookshelves lining
STR 8 (-1), INT 16 (+2), CHA 17 (+2)
the walls and filling the south part of the room, this
room contains a desk. Lying on the desk is a large, Spells: detect magic, hold portal, sleep, detect
thick folio entitled "Sigils of the House of D'Angelo." evil*, invisibility, dispel magic, protection from evil
It contains the sigils, or personal marks, of the 10' radius*
various members of the family from the very Equipment: Dagger +2, Ring of Protection +1
beginning; the first page depicts the sigil of Roland,
HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
while his brother Arcan's sigil is on the opposite side
of the leaf. The sigils of the current family members
are, of course, near the end of the work; most do
not take up a whole page, but rather only a fourth
or a sixth of one. For the last few hundred years,
only a Duke has been afforded a page of his own.

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

74. ROLAND'S TOWER, 4TH LEVEL: worth a total of 900 gp. Again, these are just the
items of jewelry most worn by the Duchess, and
This large bedroom is draped in rich red, from the others are stored elsewhere.
velvet curtains hung over the windows and the
cherry-framed bed to the tapestry along the wall The books in the glass-fronted cabinet are all the
depicting a bloody war between a D'Angelo same sorts of books as the ones scattered around
ancestor and the gnolls that lived nearby the room, except for two which are the spell books
centuries ago. Facing the door are the mounted of the Duke and Duchess. They are covered by
tusks of an elephant on a wooden plaque, illusions which make them appear to be books of
looming over a small table with an empty bowl fairytales. Detect magic will not reveal them, but
made of red-tinted glass. detect illusion will.

The bed stands upon a low carpeted dais 75. ARCAN'S TOWER LIBRARY:
against the south wall of the room, with a
nightstand on each side. A large armoire stands This room is a library. The walls are lined with
in the southwest corner, and a fancy dressing floor-to-ceiling bookshelves loaded with books.
table with an elliptical mirror stands opposite it in As you enter the room, you hear a humming or
the southeastern corner. Cabinets with glass buzzing noise coming from the west side of the
doors line the north wall of the room, filled with room. The books on one of the shelves appear
books and knick-knacks. to have been damaged, perhaps by insects,
The room is rather more disheveled than you'd and the noise seems to be coming from there.
expect a nobleman's private chambers to be. A swarm of wasps has made a nest in the
Papers and open tomes lie scattered among the bookshelf on the west side of the room. Exposure
the rumpled bedsheets and on the floor. to high levels of magic has mutated them; they
Note that there is a trap door in the ceiling, with a are about six inches long, marked in all the colors
ladder leading up to it, in the northeast corner of of the rainbow, and individuals have from four to
the room. It is not immediately visible when the nine legs and anywhere up to seven pairs of wings.
room is entered via the staircase. Characters stung by the wasps will suffer a variety
of effects (see table below).
Closer inspection of the papers will reveal that
Pons and his wife have been collaborating on If left alone, the wasps may not attack at all. For
something, though on cursory examination the each turn that the room is occupied but the wasps
player characters can't make heads or tails of unmolested, they will attack on 1 on 1d6. If the
what. If a Magic-User takes the time to sort bookshelf where their lair is located is disturbed,
through the notes (1d4+1 turns, minus the they will attack on 1-3 on 1d6; if the nest itself is
character's Intelligence bonus, minimum 1), it will bothered, then naturally they will attack
become apparent that they are attempting to immediately.
unlock the secrets of a ritual to ensure that they will
Visible in the pile of damaged books of which the
conceive twins.
lair is composed is one entitled "Secrets of Castle
The scattered books, however, are all novels, D'Angelo." Naturally, touching this book is a sure
collections of folklore, and other such things that way to make the wasps attack. If it is removed
the duchess has been reading for pleasure in her and examined, the remaining pages will be found
spare time. Atop a pile of books on the nightstand to be entirely blank.
lies a pair of reading glasses belonging to her.
Swarm of Rainbow Wasps: AC 13, HD 4**, #At 1,
The armoire contains the clothing of the Duke and
Dam 1d3 (double vs. unarmored foes) + magical
Duchess. It contains only their clothing worn day-
effect (see below), Mv 10' Fly 20', Sv N/A, Ml 11,
to-day; clothing that is out of season is stored in a
XP 320
different room.
HP 19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
On the dressing table are a variety of cosmetic
powders and creams, and a silver box worth 20 gp It is recommended that the GM review the Insect
which contains various necklaces and earrings Swarm entry in the Basic Fantasy RPG Core Rules
for the details of combating these creatures.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Table Of Wasp Sting Effects (roll 1d10): Curses (roll 1d10):

1-3 Victim confused (as 4th-level Magic-User 1 Blinded
spell) for 1d6 hours 2 Body odor (50%) or halitosis (50%); if victim
4-5 Victim feebleminded (as 5th-level Magic- hides or goes invisible, 50% chance of
User spell) for 1d6 hours detecting them
6-7 Victim partly polymorphed (as 4th-level 3 Deafened
Magic-User spell) into a random creature 4 Flatulence; in any stressful situation,
(see sub-tables below) including any attempt to move silently, 50%
chance they will make an involuntary noise
8-9 Victim polymorphed (as 4th-level Magic-User
spell) into a random creature (see sub-tables 5 Goes bald
below) 6 Height increased (50%) or reduced (50%) by
10%-60% (1d6x10); clothing and armor no
10 Victim cursed (see sub-tables below)
longer fit
Partly Polymorphed – body part affected (roll 1d8): 7 May never tell the truth
1 Right leg 8 Must always speak in rhyme
2 Left leg 9 Mute; may not speak or cast spells
3 Abdomen/buttocks 10 Weight increased (50%) or reduced (50%)
by 10%-60% (1d6x10); clothing and armor no
4 Chest/back longer fit
5 Right arm
The partial and full polymorph and curse effects
6 Left arm are permanent but can be removed by dispel
7 Head magic. The partial and full polymorph effects can
8 Two body parts, roll again twice. be reversed by polymorph other and the curses by
remove curse.
Polymorphed Into? (roll 1d20):
1 Armadillo
2 Badger
3 Bugbear
4 Dryad
5 Dwarf
6 Elephant
7 Elf
8 Gnoll
9 Gnome
10 Goblin
11 Halfling
12 Horse
13 Human
14 Kobold
15 Lizard Man
16 Orc
17 Ostrich
18 Rhinoceros
19 Troglodyte
20 Troll

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

76. ARCAN'S TOWER, 4TH LEVEL: single nightstand on one side and a dressing
As you enter the room, you hear a high-pitched table on the other, and rounding out the
cackle. "Look lively, girls, we've got visitors!" You furniture are three armoires. The walls are full of
see an old woman in a fancy nightgown facing paintings and tapestries, and the general feel of
you, with a large green jewel held in front of her the room is very feminine.
eye. Two other old women sit on beds near her,
Elena: Human Magic-User 5, AC 11, #At 1 dagger,
and both begin to speak at once. "Give me the
Dam 1d4, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 405
gem!" says one, and then "No, me, I want to see
CON 14 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
them! Are they men? Are they handsome?"
asks the other. Spells: light, shield, continual light, wizard lock,
The three women are Elena, Elona, and Elana, HP 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
three sisters who came to the castle fifty years ago
as "Aunt" Fleta's ladies-in-waiting. See area 77, Elona: Human Magic-User 5, AC 10, #At 1 dagger,
below, for details of Aunt Fleta. They are not just Dam 1d4, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 405
companions to a Magic-User, they are Magic-Users STR 7 (-1), WIS 15 (+1), DEX 7 (-1), CHA 14 (+1)
themselves. All are suffering from psychosomatic Spells: light, magic missile, levitate, wizard lock,
blindness. They have a large green sapphire of dispel magic
crystalline clarity which they believe is a “stone of HP 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
seeing;" whichever of them has the stone will look
through it, believing that it grants the power of Elana: Human Magic-User 4, AC 11, #At 1 dagger,
sight. The others will, of course, clamor for their turn Dam 1d4, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 280
with the stone. The jewel is not actually magical, INT 14 (+1), WIS 13 (+1), CON 13 (+1)
but is worth at least 500 gp. Their blindness has Spells: hold portal, magic missile, knock, mirror
made them fearful, and as a result they may image
respond in a hostile fashion if they feel threatened. HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
When the characters have a chance to look the 77. ARCAN'S TOWER, 5TH LEVEL:
room over, read or paraphrase this description:
As you open the door and turn the corner into
This room contains three single beds, one against the room, you see that it is a beautifully
each of the north and west walls and the last appointed, femininely decorated bed chamber.
positioned beside the staircase. Each has a An old, somewhat portly woman sits in an easy
chair near the north wall, leaning back asleep.
She snores loudly, in fact. On a table beside her
is a haphazard pile of books. A large four-poster
bed is centered against the west wall, with a
nightstand visible on the near side, and at the
south end of the room is a dressing screen. You
can see a ladder attached to the south wall,
rising up from behind the screen and leading to
a trap door in the ceiling.
The woman is "Aunt Fleta," AKA Lady Fleta
D'Angelo. When the room is entered, roll for
surprise as normal; if she is not surprised, then she is
only pretending to be asleep. If she is surprised,
then obviously she really is sleeping.
Despite being called "Aunt," she is actually the
Duke's second cousin. In defiance of family
tradition, Fleta is a Magic-User of some power. The
ladies-in-waiting in area 76 are her attendants.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Fleta is suffering from megalomania... she believes value). Finally, on her desk is a jeweled letter
she is the Queen of Enterone, and any characters opener worth 1,400 gp. The box is made of
who enter her room are servants to be put to work. imported wood, but is only worth about 50 gp.
Among her personal effects is a Scroll of Five Lady Fleta D'Angelo: Human Magic-User 9, AC 15,
Magic-User Spells, containing anti-magic shell, #At 1 walking staff (AB +5), Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40',
detect evil, dimension door, feeblemind, and Ml 9, XP 1,150
remove curse. She also has a box of assorted INT 14 (+1), DEX 17 (+2), CON 8 (-1), CHA 6 (-1)
jewelry: an anklet (1,000 gp value), a bracelet Spells: magic mouth, read languages, sleep,
(1,100 gp value), a bracelet (1,500 gp value), a levitate, web, wizard lock, fireball, invisibility 10'
clasp (700 gp value), a comb (400 gp value), a radius, charm monster, ice storm, cloudkill
pair of earrings (900 gp value), a pair of earrings
Equipment: Walking Staff +1, Ring of Protection +2
(1,100 gp value), a pair of earrings (1,200 gp
value), a pair of earrings (1,300 gp value), a HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
necklace (600 gp value), and a necklace (700 gp ☐☐

Dungeon Level 1 Key

78. ROLAND'S TOWER: There are 43 potion bottles containing a clear
liquid, which is Potion of Obedience. Anyone
This large room is lined with shelves. On the drinking such a potion must save vs. Poison or
shelves are many unmarked potion bottles, become docile and obey all commands from any
various laboratory glassware, stoneware pots, source for the next 3d6 turns.
and glass jars of various sizes, numerous small to
medium-sized wooden boxes, and the Most of the materials in the jars and pots are
occasional pile of papers. All of the contents of ingredients for various potions, including such
this room are covered in dust, and much of the things as a glass jar full of orcs' anklebones.
room is draped in cobwebs as well.
Most of the wooden boxes contain odd and
In the center of the south wall, a sturdy ladder generally useless knick-knacks, but one contains
leads up to a large trapdoor in the ceiling. It nine bronze trepanning chisels of assorted sizes.
seems likely that it grants access to the roof Another box contains a mallet and an an iron vice,
area. while yet another is filled with random lumps of
mica. In another place is a crate of rusty but still
Handling the search of this room may be a bit usable iron spikes, 144 in total.
tricky. Below are listed a variety of odd items that
are in this room. The players may decide to search There are eight bottles on one shelf marked "fruit
the room in general, or to target certain items, and wine," which tastes of citrus and is only very mildly
the GM should determine by whatever method he alcoholic. Hidden among the various items is a
or she prefers what to reveal and how to reveal it. pewter pitcher with three mugs. The pitcher holds
It is suggested that no more than one of the a pint of holy water.
special items below be revealed per each
character-turn spent searching (that is, no more
than one per turn for a single searcher, no more
than two for two searchers, and so on).
The shelf behind the staircase is in fact a secret
door (as shown on the map). It is covered with
items as random as those listed above, but the
door is opened by removing a small sack of flour
which is positioned to hold down the latching
mechanism. The secret door may be found at the
usual odds, or may be found by accident if any
character searches that wall and moves the bag
of flour.

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

79. ARCAN'S TOWER: The secret door has a tiny keyhole and requires the
correct key to open it. The correct key is, in fact,
The walls of this room are lined with clocks. inside one of the clocks in this room. For each turn
Some are floor-standing grandfather clocks, a character searches, there is a 1 on 1d20 chance
while others are lined up on shelves. A table and of finding the key; if multiple characters search, roll
two comfortable-looking chairs are positioned in once per turn with a range from 1 to the number of
the crook of the staircase, and several more characters searching. For instance, if three
clocks stand on the table. characters search for one turn, the key is found on
You notice a scrap of paper lying on the floor a roll of 1-3 on 1d20. Add an additional point to
under the table. the range for the number of turns the characters
have been searching (so if the group searches for
The paper says "Do not wind this clock!" It was a second turn, the range is 1-4 on 1d20).
affixed to one of the clocks, but has been torn
loose, and yes, someone has wound the clock that 80. STABLES:
should not have been wound. As there are This area is, very evidently, the stables. There are
hundreds of clocks in the room, it is unlikely the several horses here, and a middle-aged man
player characters will be able to identify the "bad" who appears to be tending to them. He turns to
clock. Worse yet, most of the clocks are magical look when you enter, and you suspect from his
in some way or another, so even detect magic slow, somewhat vacant smile that he is rather
won't be of much help. simple. You also notice his right hand is missing.
The clocks have all been "corrected" by the same The man tending the horses does, in fact, have a
mad person who wound them, and so no two of very low Intelligence, which is why the madness of
them show the same time. For each turn the Khaadk has not afflicted him; the stablemaster
characters spend in the room, there is a 1 in 6 and the other apprentice who normally work in this
chance that the cursed clock will sound. If this area are absent, having succumbed to the
happens, roll 1d10 for the effect on the table madness. The remaining stableman knows that all
below. All characters in the room must roll a save the others in the castle are mad. He also knows
vs. Spells or be affected by the clock. Lady Tia is in area 82, below, and he is very afraid
If the cursed clock is somehow identified and of her. He does not know what became of Regal,
stopped no further effects will occur, but any curse the Duke's griffon, but if he did he would not
already in effect will play out as described below. approach it as he is afraid of it.
No statistics are given for the stableman, as he is a
1-2 08:00 AM: Morning Joy! The character will
Normal Man with no particular ability.
be charmed by the chiming and stand
immobile listening to it for 1d4+1 rounds. 81. WINE CELLAR:
3-4 12:00 Noon: Lunch time! The character only Note: The heavy iron gate to this area has no lock,
wants to eat a full lunch and refuses to do but is secured by a wizard lock cast by the Duke.
anything until he or she has eaten it or until
1d4 hours have passed. This room is lined with wine racks filled with
5-6 4:00 PM: Tea time! The character will bottles. Roughly in the middle of the room you
prepare a tea party during which he or she see a grossly-fat man seated on a barrel. Before
will behave with extremely good manners. him, on another barrel, are set about a dozen
If any character refuses to participate, the bottles of wine and a number of goblets.
afflicted character(s) will not speak with him "Come and sit down!" the fat man shouts. "Join
or her for the rest of the day. The tea party me for a drink!"
will require 1d4+2 turns to complete.
7-8 10:00 PM: Bed time! The character is This is Herman de Groot, a High Priest who lives in
afflicted as if by a sleep spell (which may the castle. His madness is dipsomania, and he
affect any character regardless of level). wants both the player characters and himself to
drink copious amounts of alcohol — but despite his
9-0 3:00 AM: Bad time! The character suffers drunkenness, de Groot is too wise to drink faster
2d4 points of damage from the loud sounds. than the others around him.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

De Groot's Blackthorn Cudgel appears to be no Stage Effects (cumulative)

more than a normal walking stick. It is in fact a +2
Stage 5 -3 to hit with missile weapons, -
weapon, and on an attack roll of natural 20 it
Double- 1 Charisma, -1 Intelligence, -
conjures a treant which will fight for the wielder, to
vision 1 Wisdom, -1 Dexterity. Strong urge
the death if necessary, disappearing at the end of
to eat greasy food, is anyone
the fight. If the wielder rolls several 20s during the
selling kebab here? Also, you
same fight, then several treants can appear at the
notice that a randomly-
same time, up to a maximum of 5.
determined person of the opposite
De Groot wants to get into a drinking competition sex is much more attractive than
with the whole party. He will offer to raise a dead you thought. 35% chance you will
character if the party wins. Failing that, he will offer sing a song.
"information you will need" (actually an Stage 6 A further 20% chance of spell
explanation of how to draw the sigils that open Falling down failure. -2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence,
rooms #99 and #100). The rules are simple: -3 Wisdom, -2 Dexterity. You're my
everyone drinks at the same time, until either de best friend. Best. Friend. Best friend
Groot or the last party member can no longer take ever. I really love you, man. No,
another drink. Whoever drinks that last glass wins. listen to me. I really love you. I
If De Groot loses, then he will cast raise dead or mean it. Are you listening, dammit?
describe the sigils, as he promised. If he wins, he Stage 7 -2 Charisma, -3 Intelligence, -3
will cast bestow curse on the party member who Throwing up Wisdom, -1 Dexterity. Regretting
passed out first: either drink any alcoholic that kebab now. Oh no, did you
beverage you see, or be unlucky (suffer a -1 put the triple-hot chili sauce on it
penalty on all attack and saving throw rolls) for the again? You seem to think you did.
rest of the day.
Stage 8 You have passed out. You will
Drunkenness Rules Unconscious wake up desperately thirsty in the
After each drink, the drinker should save vs. Poison. early afternoon. 85% chance you
Modify the roll by the character's Constitution will swear never to drink alcohol
bonus or penalty. A success means no effect, but again. 1% chance you mean it.
a failure means the drinker advances to the next
stage of drunkenness. These are, in order: The effects of increasing levels are cumulative.
Drunkenness lasts for 50 turns, after which time the
Stage Effects (cumulative) character's penalties are reset to -4 to Dexterity
Stage 1 Tip of your nose goes numb and Charisma for another 30 turns (due to
Happy hangover).
Stage 2 You're talking a lot: light, witty
Jovial banter trips effortlessly from your
tongue. -1 Dexterity.
Stage 3 Increasingly self-confident and
Tipsy generous. +1 Morale. You wonder if
Herman de Groot: Human Cleric 10, AC 11,
you might have had a bit much to
#At 1 cudgel, Dam 1d4+2 (special), Mv 40’, Ml 9,
drink. Also, your companions are
XP 1,390
clearly too drunk for their own
good. It's time you took charge. CON 16 (+2), WIS 16 (+2)
Stage 4 10% chance of spell failure. - Spells: cure light wounds (x3), bless*, hold person,
Slurring 1 Charisma, plus a further - silence 15' radius, locate object, bestow curse,
1 Dexterity. You've had nowhere neutralise poison, dispel magic, raise dead
near enough to drink. Also, you've Equipment: robe, holy symbol, Cudgel +2
just experienced an important
philosophical insight. Begin a deep HP 41 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
conversation with the most ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
intelligent person present. ☐

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

82. STABLES: Tia is selfish, mischievous, contumacious, and

unpredictable. She'll certainly think it's funny to use
This area is part of the stables. There is a young her charm person on all the male humans and try
woman here, really just a girl, dressed in a fancy to get them fighting each other, and she'll
party dress. She is feeding grain to an certainly try to acquire any small magic items the
astoundingly garish purple unicorn in the largest party might have if she becomes aware of them.
stall near the ramp that appears to lead outside.
In another stall near the ramp is a pegasus, The metal horse is actually a clockwork horse,
which stands as still as a statue staring at you. In made by the Wizard of Clocks and acquired by
the pen beside it is a horse that seems to be the Duke relatively recently. It's motor unit has
made of metal plates. Most of the remaining been deactivated, and only the Duke knows how
stalls are empty, though there are warhorses in a to turn it back on, so it is of no use to the player
few of them. characters.

The young woman is Tia D'Angelo, who is afflicted The pegasus, being more intelligent than many
with a sort of megalomania. She sees power as people, was unfortunately subject to Khaadk's
something she should just reach out and take, and madness and is now afflicted with catatonia. It is
accordingly she walked into her daddy's bedroom thus also of no use to anyone.
and took the Ring of Three Wishes from his bedside Leaning against the wall near the door to room 83
table. She used all three wishes inside of ten is a broom, which is actually a somewhat
minutes. unpredictable Broom of Flying. The Duke was
Being a not-very-bright thirteen-year-old girl with a trying to repair it before he went mad – anyone
mental age of about seven, her first wish was: "I getting on it should be ready for an exciting ride!
wish for my own pet unicorn who lives in the The Broom of Flying is in the stables because the
stables. He's got to love me, and he's got to be Duke's wife Maricela put it there. In her madness,
purple, he's got to be able to talk, and his name's she thought: the broom is something you sit on with
got to be Twinkle Starlight!" And thus Twinkle your legs either side and it takes you places; other
Starlight, the purple unicorn who is her friend and things like that belong in the stables; thus the
guardian, was created. He talks like a character broom belongs in the stables.
from a children's cartoon, but if he thinks anyone's Tia, Third Daughter of Duke D'Angelo:
threatening Tia, then he will gore them through the
heart with his horn. Human Thief 2, AC 11, #At 1 dagger (AB +1),
Dam 1d4, Mv 40', Ml 8, XP 75
Since there were certain things her mother had
STR 7 (-1), WIS 8 (-1)
always denied her, her second wish was: "I wish I
had my own house where everything's pink and Equipment: Dagger +1
purple, with a room full of makeup, and a room full HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
of sparkly shoes, and a million dresses!" The wish
enchanted Tia's doll's house. What Tia hasn't yet Twinkle Starlight, the Unicorn: AC 19, HD 4*,
worked out is that anyone who touches the #At 2 hooves (AB +4)/1 horn (AB +7),
dollhouse becomes magically doll-sized, and can Dam 1d8/1d8/1d6+3, Mv 80', Sv F8, Ml 7, XP 280
explore it and play with Tia's treasures. The HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
dollhouse may be found in area 57, and is detailed
in areas 110-116. 83. CATACOMBS ENTRANCE:
Tia's third wish ("I wish that I could make boys fall in The large doors here are each marked with a
love with me whenever I want!") gave her the symbol depicting two wheat-heads crossed.
special ability to charm person at-will, once per
round, provided the target is a male human (who Any cleric, or any character with historical
does receive a saving throw vs. Spells to resist, as knowledge would recognize the symbol as
normal). Only one character at a time will be so representing the god of death, Mors Kain (the
affected; if she successfully charms another, any wheat heads represent the harvest, and Mors Kain
previously charmed character will be freed. is the harvester).

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

84. COLD STORAGE: Regal is a proud and noble animal that's

desperately hungry. When the madness first broke
Before you is a stout wooden door which is out, Regal tried to eat Twinkle Starlight (who
securely barred, with the bar on the same side smelled deliciously horse-like). The unicorn lured
as the party. A little water trickles under the door Regal into this room and then used dimension door
from the other side. to escape while Tia dropped the bar into place.
This room contained specimens of various magical If not released within a few hours, Regal will die of
creatures that the Duke had encountered during thirst and hunger. If his thirst is slaked, he will then
his life, and had frozen ready for when he had time be ravenous. He will not attack a human or demi-
to study them. He knew that not all of the human, being too well trained to do that even
creatures were actually dead, and he always used now, but if released he will certainly go for any
to come down every few days and fill the room nearby animals that might be edible. Most forms of
with another wall of ice spell so as to keep them all rations will also do (exception: elves' rations tend to
frozen or dormant. For obvious reasons, that has be too vegetarian for a griffon).
stopped of late, and the ice is now largely melted.
If released and fed, Regal will be loyal to whoever
The room contained various large carnivores, all fed him for the next several days, or until Pons is in
locked into a small space together, and the results the same room at which time Regal will return to
were predictable. Now, only the largest and his master's service. In any combat situation the
fiercest carnivore remains: a hydra! Because of the griffon will fight for its new master/mistress until at
cold, it is still a bit sluggish, so the party will 10 hp or below, at which time he will withdraw.
automatically surprise it, and only half its heads will
attack in any given round. Regal the Griffon: AC 18, HD 7, #At 2 claws/1 bite,
Dam 1d4/1d4/2d8, Mv 40' Fly 120', Sv F7, Ml 9,
During the surprise round, a quick-thinking XP 670
character could slam shut the door and drop the
bar, sealing the hydra back in again. Otherwise HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
the party will need to fight it. ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

The room contains the mostly-eaten corpses of 86. CATACOMBS:

various magical creatures: a manticore, a
In the dimness of the catacombs you see a
displacer, and an owlbear. The party will be able
figure limping toward you. He calls out, "You!
to extract a nearly complete displacer hide. The
You trespass in my domain! I am Morak the
Duke knows how to make this into a Cloak of
necromancer, and I call up the souls of the
Displacement, if the party can supply one or two
unquiet dead to battle you!" You see him raise
other ingredients determined by the GM.
his hand and point a wand or rod of some sort
Hydra: AC 21, HD 10, #At 5 bites, Dam 1d10x5, toward you, and then translucent figures begin
Mv 40', Sv F10, Ml 9, XP 1,300 to ooze out of the walls.
HP 63 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Morak the necromancer was the arch-enemy of
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Arcan D'Angelo, and was slain by him in battle
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ centuries ago. This man is not him... in fact, this
☐☐☐ man is Rodolf D'Angelo, a distant cousin of the
Duke and apprentice to Aunt Fleta. Rodolf,
85. A STEED IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED: naturally, believes himself to be Morak, and he is
The door in the south wall is barred on this side. A using the Wand of Illusion in his hand to create the
wooden manger has also been pushed up effect of spectres coming out of the tombs.
against it to ensure it cannot open, and the Rodolf D'Angelo: Human Magic-User 1, AC 11,
words "Never open! Scary monster!" have been #At 1 dagger, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', Ml 7, XP 37
scrawled on it in crayon. A faint scratching
sound is audible from the other side. Equipment: Wand of Illusion, dagger
Spells: shield
This sound is the feeble scratching of Regal, the
Duke's pet griffon. HP 2 ☐☐

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Dungeon Level 2 Key

DUNGEON LEVEL 2 NOTE: This level contains all the If anyone asks how he can actually fulfill this
laboratories shared by the family members. Each contract, he will frown and say "Good point!
door has a hook beside it; when a laboratory is Thanks for asking me that question." Then he will
reserved by a family member, he or she hangs a pause and think for several moments before
sign on the hook depicting that family member's admitting that he is in fact a perfectly ordinary
sigil. There is a book in the library listing all the sigils footman, and if anything bad happened to
used by the family since the very beginning. anyone in the party, then there is nothing at all
that he could do about it.
Fortescue has nothing of value, and he's never
A harried-looking man in footman's uniform been able to get anyone to buy his insurance.
rushes towards you. He is clutching a quill and a
scroll. Fortescue Fauntleroy: Normal Man, AC 11,
#At 1 dagger, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', Ml 6, XP 10
This is Fortescue Fauntleroy, a footman who (thanks
to his madness) now believes himself to be an HP 3 ☐☐☐
insurance salesman. He wants to know if anyone 88. LABORATORY:
has a few moments to go through a short survey
with him. William D'Angelo's sigil hangs beside the door of
this laboratory.
If anyone says yes, Fauntleroy will thank them and
ask his questions: You see a long covered table in the center of
this laboratory. The room is dark, save for
• What is your name?
candles in stands at the corners of the table.
• What is your profession? Beneath the cover you see the form of a
• Are you concerned about the health and woman. A faint scent of foulness is in the air.
safety aspects of your work?
Suddenly a hooded figure strides forth from the
• What worries you most: capture, petrifaction, gloom at the far side of the room. It holds a
level drain, or death (with or without your wand in one hand, and a staff in the other. "You
corpse/brain being eaten)? must go," it says in an unsteady masculine voice.
• If you didn't come back from an adventure, "My experiment is at a critical stage... I must not
who would look after your henchmen? be interrupted!"
• How much money would it cost to look after
This is William D'Angelo, the Duke's first and only
son. He still answers to his own name, but believes
• If plans were available that could pay for he is a powerful sorcerer. He believes he is
the cost of ransom, stone-to-flesh, creating a woman by means of magic, but if the
restoration, or resurrection in the event the cover is drawn back (or even examined closely
worst should happen and pay wages for without being withdrawn) his "creation" will be
your henchmen in the meantime, would you revealed to be made of garbage... half-rotten
like to know more about them? vegetables and fruits, mostly.
If anyone says yes, he will produce an insurance If left to his own devices, William will begin to circle
proposal form and start going through it (name, the table chanting nonsense in a very sonorous
age, gender, normal place in the marching order, tone. At some point he will stop at the head of the
do you find and dispose of traps?, how many table, raise his arms, and shriek loudly. Then he will
dragons did you fight last year?, have you been draw back the sheet covering the "body," and on
resurrected before and if so how many times?) If discovering it is still not alive he will take a
anyone fully fills out the proposal he will ask candlestand and retreat to the back of the room.
whether they would prefer to pay a single There he will resume studying a massive tome
premium (11,458 gp) or a low-cost monthly entitled "Practical Methods in Golem Construction."
contribution (133 gp/month). If someone does Eventually he will resume circling and chanting,
actually pay then he will give them the contract.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

convinced he has finally mastered the technique. 89. LABORATORY:

At no point will he succeed, of course. The Duke's sigil hangs outside this laboratory.
William presents no real risk for an adventuring
party, though he may fight if adventurers bring This room contains two booths connected by
additional light into the room and begin searching some kind of magical machinery. There is what
it, or otherwise interfere with his "experiment." seems to be a glass wand about a foot long on
the floor in front of the booths.
William, Son of the Duke:
Human Magic-User 4, AC 11, #At 1 staff (AB +3), Two men and a woman are standing in the
Dam 1d4 +2, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 280 middle of the room, arguing loudly. They are all
speaking at the same time, making it hard for
STR 13 (+1), INT 16 (+2), CHA 13 (+1)
you to understand what they are saying.
Spells: hold portal, magic mouth, levitate, web
Equipment: Walking Staff +1 The three NPCs in this room are Sanzo D'Angelo,
Beatrice Gilder Yokley, and David Mercado. All
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ three are first level magic-users; Sanzo is a cousin to
William is still young, and is working hard at his the Duke and is his apprentice, while Beatrice and
studies while simultaneously trying to master the David are apprentices of Duchess Maricela. All
arts of leadership. The older castle residents worry three are convinced they are powerful wizards of
he won't be up to the challenge of being Duke; the past. Sanzo believes he is actually Roland
fortunately, his father still appears in good health. D'Angelo, Beatrice believes herself to be Lambda
Senarius, and David thinks he is Malin Tarseus,
Prince of the Deveron Isles. Any Magic-User in the
party of adventurers would recognize those
names, of course, and should know that they are
not who they say they are.
Each apprentice is also convinced that the other
two are insane (which is of course true) and is
trying to convince them of their mistake.
Fortunately for everyone, they have all expended
their spells and so pose little risk to each other or
the player characters. However, so long as the
adventurers remain in the room, the three "great
wizards" will try to enlist their aid in convincing the
others of their insanity. This will very likely prevent
the adventurers from investigating the room
Even if cured of their insanity, the three
apprentices cannot help the adventurers with the
device in this room, as it is beyond their
This device is the Engine of Enchantment, and the
wand is the Designator. The Designator has 44
charges when found. Together, they can be used
to transfer enchantments from one item to
another. For example, a character who has a
Shield +2 and a non-magical sword can use the
Engine of Enchantment to make a Sword +2. The
process works as follows:

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

First stage: The user puts the source item into the Sanzo D'Angelo ("Duke Roland D'Angelo"):
left-hand booth. The source item must hold an Human Magic-User 1, AC 11, #At 1, Dam 1d4,
enchantment. The user also puts a Matrix into the Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 25
right-hand booth. The Matrix must be a gemstone,
but the type varies according to the enchantment INT 13 (+1), WIS 5 (-2)
to be transferred: Spells: magic missile (expended already)
+1 item: emerald worth at least 500 gp Equipment: dagger
+2 item: sapphire worth at least 1,000 gp HP 2 ☐☐
+3 item: ruby worth at least 5,000 gp
Beatrice Gilder Yokley ("Lambda Senarius"):
Miscellaneous magic item: diamond worth
Human Magic-User 1, AC 11, #At 1, Dam 1d4,
at least 2,000 gp
Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 25
Cursed item: lump of coal
INT 13 (+1)
Second stage: The user touches the Matrix with the
Spells: darkness (expended already)
Designator. The source item crumbles to dust (no
saving throw). At this point the Matrix holds the Equipment: walking staff
enchantment that was previously within the item. HP 2 ☐☐
Deduct one charge from the Designator.
David Mercado ("Prince Malin Tarseus"):
Third stage: The character puts the Matrix in the
left-hand booth and the target item into the right- Human Magic-User 1, AC 11, #At 1, Dam 1d4,
hand booth. The target item must not already be Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 25
enchanted. CON 15 (+1), CHA 7 (-1)
Fourth stage: The user touches the target item with Spells: magic missile (expended already)
the Designator. The Matrix crumbles to dust and Equipment: dagger
the target item becomes enchanted. Deduct
another charge from the Designator. HP 3 ☐☐☐

If the wrong Matrix is used, then the source item is 90. LABORATORY:
destroyed and the Matrix remains non-magical. Fleta D'Angelo's sigil hangs beside the door to this
Certain items will require multiple matrices, so for
example if the character has a Sword +1, +3 vs. This room is so packed with tables covered in
Trolls then it can be made into a Mace +1, +3 vs. laboratory equipment that you can barely move
Trolls but the process will require both a 500 gp through it. There must be three or four times as
emerald and a 5,000 gp ruby. many items piled on the tables here as in any
The characters may be able to figure out how to other room you've seen so far... bottles, jars,
work the Engine of Enchantment, particularly if they boxes, complex apparatus of tubes and flasks,
have the benefit of magical assistance, but failing cauldrons, ladles, utensils, books and scrolls and
that, Pons understands the process. Also, there is a scraps of paper, the list goes on and on.
book in the library in Roland's Tower (room 73) that Anyone attempting to move through the room
describes the process. If the characters conclude with a drawn two-handed weapon, or any larger-
this adventure successfully then Pons will permit than-man-sized character regardless of what is
them to use the Engine of Enchantment, although carried, must make a saving throw vs. Death Ray
they must supply the gems from their own with Dexterity bonus applied each time he or she
resources! moves. Failure indicates that something has been
At the GM's option, the Engine of Enchantment knocked from a table; whatever it was (the GM
may be able to recharge wands using garnets or should feel free to make something up) is 50% likely
peridots (minimum value 100 gp per gem, one to be breakable (and thus will break), 10% likely to
charge per gem). It may also be able to create be breakable and explosive (causing 1d6 points of
Potions of Healing from pieces of amber, Potions of damage to the character), and 10% likely to be
Extra-Healing from pearls, etc. breakable and poisonous (creating a 10' radius

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

cloud of vapor that does 1d6 points of damage brazier is cold and has obviously not been used in
per round to those in the area of effect, with a several days. Beside the cauldron on the table is a
saving throw being allowed each round to resist rack of 8 potion vials. As the player characters
the effect; the cloud persists 1d6 rounds). watch, the vials fill and then empty over and over,
There is a large glass-fronted cabinet with multiple with a delay of 1d4 rounds between each change
shelves just to the right of the entryway. The glass is of states (so 1d4 rounds full, then 1d4 rounds
actually some sort of steel-hard magical material, empty, and each vial is 50% likely to contain
and so not particularly breakable. The cabinet is something or to be empty at any moment).
filled with jars and vials of liquid and semi-liquid The liquids change color when the vials refill, giving
substances; these items are more dangerous than a hint as to the effect the liquid has. Should a
usual for this room. Roll 1d6 on the following table character drink the contents of a vial, roll
if any of them are opened, shaken, or dropped: percentiles on the following table to determine
1-2. Corrosive gas is released, doing 2d4 points of what it contains at that moment:
damage per round to anyone within a 10'
01-02 Blue potion that transforms the drinker into
radius of the container, with a successful save
a goat (as polymorph other, save vs. Spells
vs. Dragon Breath reducing damage by half.
to resist).
The gas will continue to leak out of the
container for 2d8 turns, unless the characters 03-04 Blue potion that transforms the drinker into
can discover some way to seal it back up. a mule (as polymorph other, save vs. Spells
3-5. Explosive substance blows up, causing 1d6 to resist).
points of damage to whomever handled it 05-06 Blue potion that transforms the drinker into
(no saving throw), and the same damage to a toad (as polymorph other, save vs. Spells
all within a 10' radius (with a saving throw vs. to resist).
Dragon Breath being allowed to avoid this 07-08 Blue potion that transforms the drinker into
damage). a pig (as polymorph other, save vs. Spells to
6. Blinding flash of light, all within 10' must save resist).
vs. Death Ray or be blinded 1d4 turns. 09-10 Blue potion that transforms the drinker into
On one of the work tables there is a shallow metal a sheep (as polymorph other, save vs.
tray, which is filled with a dark green liquid. If it is Spells to resist).
spilled onto the wooden table or the floor, a green 11-12 Blue potion that transforms the drinker into
slime will rapidly grow, reaching maturity in 4 a cow (as polymorph other, save vs. Spells
rounds. Every 4 rounds afterwards, it will grow to resist).
enough to split off into another creature. For 13-16 Ale, dark.
convenience, several sets of hitpoints are
17-19 Blood.
provided, but the GM should note that not all of
them may appear. 20-22 Holy water.
23-25 Urine.
8 Green Slimes: AC can always be hit, HD 2, #At 1,
Dam special, Mv 1', Sv F2, Ml 12, XP 125 ea. 26-29 Wine, red.
HP 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ 30-34 Cow's milk.
10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ 35-37 Water.
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 38-43 Pale orange potion that is almost a potion
9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ of invisibility. It doesn't make the drinker
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ invisible, but just transparent, granting the
14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ drinker the effect of an Elven Cloak for
8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ 1d6+3 rounds.
10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
44-50 gray murky potion that grants the drinker
On a work table in the very back of the room is a darkvision with a range of 60', or adds 30' if
large cauldron; a brazier stands nearby, with an the drinker already has darkvision. This
obvious cauldron-hook extended over it, but the potion lasts 1d6 turns.

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

51-56 Musky-smelling purple potion which causes 91. LABORATORY:

1d6+1 illusionary bats to appear around the No sigil hangs outside this laboratory.
character, flapping and shrieking. The bats
circle the drinker's head for 2d6 rounds, This dim laboratory is almost empty. It is
making the victim unable to hide in illuminated only by seven tall brass candlesticks,
shadows, surprise enemies, and so on. which are covered in wax drippings from the
57-63 Yellow-green potion which causes the candles which are beginning to gutter out. On
drinker to exude a stench like a troglodyte. the floor in the midst of the circle of candlesticks
Unfortunately, the drinker cannot stop the is an elaborate summoning circle in chalk. From
stench from exuding, and in fact can be your vantage point at the doorway this is all you
affected by his or her own stench. This can see.
effect lasts 1d6+1 rounds.
After the adventurers walk into the room:
64-70 Reddish-brown murky potion that makes
the drinker's head shrink to half size, making To your right you see a man in a dark hooded
the victim look like he or she has a shrunken robe standing over a small table. Only his hands
head. A saving throw vs. Poison may be are visible, but they are large and strong-looking.
made; if successful, the effect lasts only 1d6 He is sharpening an ornate knife, an athame
rounds. Otherwise a remove curse spell will perhaps, while looking over an open book on
be required to restore the victim's head. the table before him.
71-77 Pale blue-green potion which grants the The man is 17-year-old Heiro Damask, a broad
drinker the ability to detect enemies (as the shouldered youth only just entered into his
wand) for 1d6+1 rounds. apprenticeship (and thus, not yet able to actually
78-81 Swirling purple and green potion which perform magic). Heiro thinks he is the Duke, and
cures 1d6+1 points of damage. that he is about to summon a powerful infernal. He
82-88 Clear, strong-smelling potion which causes is stuck in repetitive behavior, preparing for the
the victim's hair to grow profusely. 90% of ceremony. He puts on or takes off magical robes,
NPCs who encounter the character will prepares candles, sharpens the athame, and so
mistake the victim for a wererat or some on, never actually beginning the ceremony;
other sort of were-creature, and react something like stage fright always overcomes him
accordingly. A saving throw vs. Spells is and he starts over. He is the nephew of Duke
allowed, and if successful the effect lasts Tarkin, one of the Pons' co-regents.
only 1d6 days; otherwise, remove curse will Heiro Damask, Apprentice
be required to reverse the effect.
Human Magic-User 1, AC 11, #At 1, Dam 1d4,
89-97 Yellow-green, citrus-fragranced potion Mv 40', Ml 8, XP 25
which tastes sweet, and which grants the
Spells: read languages
effects of a potion of speed for 2d6 rounds.
HP 3 ☐☐☐
98-00 Swirling purple and green potion which
causes 1d6+1 points of damage. 92. WEST CORRIDOR:
Once a vial is consumed, it does not refill; Standing in this corridor is a party of adventurers.
however, if one is poured out, the liquid inside will There are seven of them: a female Dwarf with a
disappear before it hits the floor, tabletop, or hammer who is wearing plate mail; a male Elf in
whatever it might have been poured out over, and a very shiny mailshirt with a longbow; a female
in 1d6 rounds (if the vial is put upright again) it will Elf in a green silk gown, holding what looks like a
refill. Note that the same potion may appear wand; two male humans in plate mail; a huge
multiple times, and in fact two or more vials might male with protruding tusks who appears to be a
even contain the same one at any given moment. full-blooded ogre; and a female Halfling with a
shortsword who is wearing a leather coat.

They see you, and the male elf yells: "There they

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

These characters appear to be an adventuring should only occur once (so that duplicates are
party. They will claim to have been sent to rescue rerolled), except for the empty cookie result which
the player characters; their story is that the may happen more than once.
characters have gone mad and are, in fact,
wandering around a local town, opening people's Roll 1d4 twice:
front doors and looking around in their houses. 1 Bad Fortune
They will say that nothing the party can see is real.
They want the party to sheathe their weapons and 1 "You will soon be surrounded by the
come quietly to see the local healer. laughter of friends"
The holder takes 1 hit point of damage
In reality these seven are minions of Khaadk. They from a bad paper cut.
want to confuse and bamboozle the party, as part 2 "Tell them, before it's too late"
of a ploy to delay them until they fail a saving The holder automatically fails the next
throw and go mad. The seven dopplegangers will saving throw he or she must roll.
try to lock the party in one of the laboratories if
possible. 3 "Before you wonder 'Am I doing things
right?', wonder 'Am I doing the right
7 Dopplegangers: AC 15, HD 4, #At 1, Dam 1d12 or thing?'"
by weapon, Mv 30', Sv F4, Ml 10, XP 280 ea. The holder automatically misses the next
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ attack he or she attempts.
11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ 4 "You can fix it with a little energy and the
18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ proper attitude"
16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ The holder finds he or she has lost 3d6 x
27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ 10 gp.
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ 2-3 Good fortune
24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐ 1 "Your future is as sweet as this cookie"
The holder heals 1d2 hit points (if not
93. LABORATORY: presently injured, the healing is deferred
until the holder is injured).
Maricela D'Angelo's sigil hangs on the wall beside
the door of this laboratory. 2 "You will overcome difficult times"
The holder automatically makes the next
Anyone listening at this door will hear continuous saving throw he or she must roll.
chirping and squeaking, as if from small animals.
3 "You will soon emerge victorious from the
maze you've been traveling in"
A large collection of wooden and steel bird
The holder automatically hits the next
cages can be seen on tables or hanging from
time he or she attacks (even if magic
steel hooks screwed into the ceiling. Inside are
weapons are required and the holder is
numerous song birds, mice, turtles, large spiders,
not using one).
and lizards.
4 "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of
Another section of the room holds beakers, alcohol others cannot keep it from themselves"
burners, strips of paper, and other laboratory items. A gem worth 3d6 x 10 gp falls from the
There is a collection of esoteric books (some little cookie.
more than sheets of random paper sewn between
odd strips of leather) covering various magical
theories; none are unique, and most will already 4 No fortune (cookie is empty)
be known by PC Magic-Users.
On one table is a bowl of fortune cookies. Picking
one and opening it (reading it is not necessary)
causes one of the following effects. Each result

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

94. LABORATORY: Unfortunately the mermaid, Nerianne, speaks only

There is no sigil hanging outside this room. her own language, and does not understand
Common. She is a friend to the Duke and his wife,
The tables in this laboratory are covered in and was visiting for purposes of research when
complicated apparatus of glassware and Khaadk's curse descended on the castle. The
beakers; whatever it's all supposed to do is far chaotic magic of Khaadk is blocked by bodies of
from obvious. As you look on, a single large jar water which has protected her; however, trapped
on one table begins to bubble and pop even as she is in the room, she does not really know
though it isn't over any sort of burner. what is going on. Despite her big smiles, what she
has seen and the lack of contact with the Duke
In 2d4 rounds the liquid contents of the jar will has left her very scared. There are a few fish in the
surge up over the rim and grow, forming into an room, providing her with food for a few more days,
ochre jelly. but she is still very worried.
Ochre Jelly*: AC 12 (only hit by fire or cold), HD 5*, The room includes many laboratory items: tables,
#At 1, Dam 2d6, Mv 10', Sv F5, Ml 12, XP 405 shelves, glass beakers, and so on. Several
HP 32 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ notebooks and loose sheets of paper are on the
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ tables, but they are bone dry. It seems the water
does not permeate items in the room. Despite this
95. LABORATORY: fact, the water is still water, and so characters not
able to breathe water will not be able to breathe
The Duke's sigil hangs outside the door to this room.
while in the room.
If the adventurers listen at the door:
Nerianne the Mermaid: AC 12, HD 1*, #At 1,
You hear faint splashing and bubbling noises. Dam 1d6 or by weapon, Mv Swim 40', Sv F1, Ml 8,
XP 37
If the door is opened: HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

The room seems to be full of blue-green water, 96. LABORATORY:

and for a moment you expect to be
Note: From a distance, sounds of repetitive
inundated… but in defiance of the usual way
screeching and whimpering interspersed with the
things work, the water doesn't come out, but
occasional overly slow mechanical ‘cuuuuckoo,
rather remains in place. A candle on a table just
cuuuuckoo’ can be heard emanating from this
inside the door burns in a seemingly normal
fashion, and some other source of illumination
glows overhead. The water is a bit murky, limiting The sigil of the Duke hangs outside this laboratory.
vision to just a few feet, and the rest is just a blur.
This room is a mess. The cupboards which line the
The water stays in place exactly as if the gravity in walls hang open. The tables which stand against
the room was 90 degrees out of kilter; however, the walls list drunkenly to one side. A broken
nothing else in the room is so affected. The water cuckoo clock hangs from one wall. Almost every
can be scooped out, but otherwise will remain piece of glass in the place has been smashed
where it is, gently flowing about the room as if and broken glass shards cover every surface.
moved by a gentle current. The room is
illuminated by a continual light spell cast Standing half-crouched in the middle of the
overhead. room is a wiry old man, bleeding from a couple
of glass cuts and wearing only breeches.
After a few moments of viewing: Around him is a circular area swept free of glass.
He is the one crying and whimpering.
A blurry shape about the size of a human
approaches the water's surface, and you find As you peer into the room, you see a test tube
yourself face to face with a wide-eyed mermaid. filled with some light green fluid rolling toward
She actually sticks her head out of the water and the edge of one of the tilted tables.
says something to you in a musical language.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Once a day, as long a there is a forest or wood

within sight, the staff can be used to summon three
bow and lance armed centaurs (shake the staff
thrice so that the manes shake and intone,
"Bellenoir, Bellenoir, Bellenoir!") The centaurs do not
speak but carry out instructions of the staff holder.
After they have carried out one task they depart
back into the nearest wooded area, after which
they cannot be found. If a centaur is killed on a
task, then there are only two next time, etc.
(Obviously the staff is not useful in this adventure,
except as a stick to hit things with.)
There are three corked glass test tubes still intact in
the room, two on the shelf of a cupboard at the
back: a Potion of Levitation (pink and fizzy) and
some cobra venom (transparent and slightly
viscous). The third is the light green Potion of
Healing rolling slowly towards the edge of one of
the tilted tables, as noted above. If not caught, it
will fall and break.
Ricardus Gerrus: Human Magic-User 8, AC 11,
AB +3 (+4 melee), #At 1, Dam 1d4+1, Mv 40', Ml 9,
XP 875
STR 13 (+1), INT 15 (+1), CHA 14 (+1)
Spells: none at present; GM's choice if he is able to
regain them.
Equipment: dagger, Staff of Centaur Calling
HP 19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

The sigil of Maricela D'Angelo hangs beside the
door of this laboratory.

The floor of this laboratory is covered in broken

glass, and creeping gingerly across it is a
This is Ricardus Gerrus, a once powerful and barefoot orc in leather trousers and a vest.
respected human mage. He was visiting the castle Ricardus Gerrus (see area 96) smashed up all the
with his entourage when the disaster hit. His glassware in this laboratory. The orc will be afraid
madness is amnesia, which has wiped out all of the party, and will surrender or flee as
memory of the last 40 years. He was already appropriate if challenged; he has resisted the
massively vain and self-important, but now he insanity up to this point, probably because he isn't
believes himself to be a darkly handsome young very smart. He wandered into the castle at night
mage of just twenty-six years. Each time he sees and now cannot get out.
himself (for example, reflected in glass), with gray
hair and wrinkles, he goes off on a hysterical Orc: AC 14, HD 1, #At 1 longsword, Dam 1d8,
rampage. He has no spells at present and his spell Mv 40', Sv F1, Ml 7, XP 25
book is lost somewhere in the castle. He still HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
possesses his "smashing stick," a 5' staff topped with
a horse's skull and bound near one end with three
centaur's manes: a Staff of Centaur Calling.

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

98. LABORATORY: spell, except that the saving throw to avoid is a

The sigil of Maricela D'Angelo hangs outside this save vs. Wands rather than vs. Spells.
laboratory. Unfortunately for anyone so unwise as to accept
this bag of cash, after 1d6 rounds she will "realize"
A swarthy, older woman wearing an old- that the recipient has become irredeemably evil
fashioned toga is seated at a desk. The desk is owing to all the money they have. This will cause
almost completely covered by an enormous her to attack. The only way to leave the room
book, which the woman is reading with one without a fight is to refuse the money.
hand propping up her head and a worried frown
on her face. She looks up at you and sighs. If she is cured of her madness she will of course be
embarrassed by any harm she might have done to
This woman is Chameli Prentice-Despan, a visiting her would-be rescuers, and will be willing to pay for
wizard from the southern part of Enterone. the resurrection of any character she might have
Unfortunately, she believes she is actually Maricela killed, but she will want all the rest of her money
D'Angelo. The colossal book on her desk is a returned, please, together with her Greater Wand
ledger of the accounts of the estate, which she is of Paralyzation and her Bag of Holding.
studying with a look of sorrow. In her madness she
has become fervently religious. She firmly believes Chameli Prentice-Deshpan: Human Magic-User 8,
that money is the root of all evil, so she will try to AC 11, AB +3, #At 1 dagger (AB +4), Dam 1d4+1,
give all of hers away to anyone who will accept it. Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 945
She has 14,522 gp in a Bag of Holding. INT 17 (+2), WIS 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
She carries a Greater Wand of Paralyzation. A Spells: hold portal, sleep, ventriloquism, detect
conventional Wand of Paralyzation affects one evil*, invisibility, locate object, fireball, invisibility
target, but this wand emits a cone 60' long and 30' 10' radius, confusion, ice storm
in diameter at the base. Every creature within the Equipment: Greater Wand of Paralyzation, Bag of
area of effect is affected as if by a hold monster Holding, Dagger +1
HP 19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

Dungeon Level 3 Key

Notes On This Level: secret doors, swing shut automatically (without
Unless otherwise noted, all the pits on this level are much force) if left unattended, and all are
20' deep and flat-bottomed. They are exquisitely lightproof (no glow shows around the edges of a
designed, and will open on a 1-2 on 1d6 if any closed door if there is illumination on the other
character steps on one, 1-3 if two characters do side).
so, 1-4 if three, and 1-5 if four (which would be Except for areas 107 and 109, there is no light in this
about the maximum number that could step on a dungeon level, other than whatever the players
pit trap if they are marching in a normal bring with themselves.
formation). If a pit opens, all potential victims must
roll a save vs. Death Ray (with Dexterity bonus All the gates are made of "dwarfmetal," a
applied) or fall into the pit, suffering 2d6 points of rustproof, non-sparking light gray metal at least as
damage. strong as steel. They are plain and undecorated.

All the doors on this level, including the false ones, 99. ROLAND'S GATE:
are made of solid bronze four inches thick and
outfitted with large bronze doorknobs. They have You see a heavy iron gate. Where you would
only the slightest traces of verdigris on them. expect to see a lock, or at least a hasp for a
padlock, there is just a flat black panel of what
This dungeon level is immaculately clean. There is appears to be slate. Looking closer, you see a
no dust, muck, or other debris that can be used to piece of chalk hanging by a string beside the
see signs of passage. All the doors, including the slate.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

The gates in areas 99 and 100 are opened by

drawing the sigils on built-in chalkboards. 99 is
opened with Roland's sigil, 100 with Arcan's. There
is a book in the library which depicts all the sigils of
the house of D'Angelo; Roland's is on the first page,
with Arcan's on the next. The sigils appear in a few
other places in the castle and dungeon, such as
on the reservation boards outside the laboratories.


You see a heavy iron gate. Where you would

expect to see a lock, or at least a hasp for a
padlock, there is just a flat black panel of what
appears to be slate. Looking closer, you see a
piece of chalk hanging by a string beside the

The gates in areas 99 and 100 are opened by Kosuke and Fujiko were bound to this secret door
drawing the sigils on built-in chalkboards. 99 is many years ago when they crossed Duke D'Angelo
opened with Roland's sigil, 100 with Arcan's. There one time too many. He is still very angry with them
is a book in the library which depicts all the sigils of and will not mind at all if they are killed. They hate
the house of D'Angelo; Roland's is on the first page, him in return. Over the years they have ambushed
with Arcan's on the next. The sigils appear in a few quite a few people at this door and have amassed
other places in the castle and dungeon, such as considerable treasure, which they keep in room
on the reservation boards outside the laboratories. #102.
101. TRAP: Upon seeing the party they will realize these are
adventurers of considerable strength and will not
The chamber before you is twenty feet square, immediately attack. They want to know whether
with corridors entering from west and east. There the party is here to help the Duke or kill him. If the
is a door in the center of the north wall. Before party says they are here to kill the Duke, the ogre
the door, facing it, the body of a servant lies magi will let them through; but if they say they are
face down. The back of his head has been split here to help him, they will frown and begin
open, apparently by a heavy but sharp object muttering and chanting. Kosuke is casting his cone
wielded with considerable force. of cold and Fujiko her darkness, so it will not
The body has nothing of interest or value. necessarily be obvious that they are attacking until
the icy blast hits the party and all the lights go out.
The secret door is magical. It opens harmlessly if
Kosuke and Fujiko are clever and sneaky. They
the password "Tamallamat" is spoken. If the
prefer to attack from ambush and will want to
doorknob of the false door to the north is touched,
leave at least one character alive to reveal the
it will conjure monsters to deal with the intruders!
command words to the party's magic items, and
Two ogre magi will step through the secret door;
then go and return with a large ransom for the
see the Basic Fantasy Field Guide Volume 1 for
return of the party's bodies.
information on these creatures. Note that they will
only appear if the false door is touched… they are Kosuke, Ogre Mage: AC 19, HD 5+2*, #At 1,
not actually "in" room 102, but rather bound Dam 1d10+5, Mv 40' Fly 40', Sv M7, Ml 10, XP 540
magically to the secret door itself. HP 30 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Kosuke, the husband, wears ornate laminated ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
wooden armor and carries a curved Two-handed Fujiko, Ogre Mage: AC 19, HD 5+2*, #At 1,
Sword +2. Dam 1d10+5, Mv 40' Fly 40', Sv M7, Ml 10, XP 540
Fujiko, his wife, wears a cloth robe and carries a HP 27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
curve-bladed Polearm +2. ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery


Beyond the secret door, a twenty-foot-long Note that the player characters can see through
corridor leads to a twenty foot square room. In the gate without opening it. Read the following
the room you see a large chest in the center of description when one of them looks:
the floor; its decorations are ornate, but beneath
the fancy details you can see that it is a very The room beyond the gate is twenty feet wide
solid wooden chest bound with steel and and thirty feet deep, and has a door at the
secured by a lock requiring three separate keys center of the far wall. It appears entirely empty,
to open. and surprisingly clean.

This is the treasure of the ogre magi, secured within The gate to this room requires a single key to open
a very tough chest. It is so strong that no ordinary it; the key is long lost (as the gate is never opened
character, even wielding the most powerful by anyone who knows their way around this
magical weapon, can breach it. As for the lock, it dungeon level) but can be picked at the standard
will require three separate rolls to open locks (at a chance or opened with a knock spell.
penalty of -15% on each roll) to open it. The chest The pits in this room are standard for the level, as
is enchanted to deflect knock spells, and can noted at the beginning of this level's key. The false
withstand 5 castings before being affected at all; door is a complete fake and does not open, being
thenceforth each additional spell will open one of screwed to the wall.
the three locks. If all are not unlocked within a
turn, the ones that have been unlocked will re-lock 104. STATUE GALLERY:
with an audible click.
Four ten foot square alcoves are set into the
Within the chest are the following: a Ring of X-ray walls of this corridor, and in each alcove stands
Vision, a Staff of Healing, a huge fire opal with a the statue of a beautiful dancing girl.
flaw in its heart that resembles a dragon worth
5,000 gp, a bone-handled silver dagger with a The statues are smaller-than-normal stone golems,
pearl in its pommel worth 250 gp, and 4,112 gp. except for the one in front of the secret door which
The Duke makes no claim to this treasure; anyone is just a statue. The stone golems stand perfectly
who vanquishes the ogre magi are free to take it. still until any of them, the statue, or the door to
area 105 is touched, at which point they attack.
The secret door is opened by turning the statue in
front to her left, which is actually quite easy as it is
on a well-made turntable. When the statue is
turned, both it and a section of the wall behind it
sink into the floor for 2d4 rounds, after which time
both return to their original positions. On the back
side of the secret door is a well-marked stone
which must be pushed to open it from that side.
3 Stone Golems: AC 25‡, HD 10, #At 1 + special,
Dam 2d8, Mv 20', Sv F7, Ml 12, XP 2,730 ea.
HP 40 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
43 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
35 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

105. CHOOSE A DOOR: standing just on the other side is a robed man.
This oddly-shaped room features a set of heavy Lit from behind as he is, you see just his silhouette.
double doors in the center of the far wall. The He raises his hands and says, "Begone,
two short side walls each contain a similarly interlopers! What I guard is far beyond your
heavy single door. Other than the doors, this meager powers!"
room is largely featureless and empty.
Pons is, of course, convinced that only he can
All three corridors leading onward from this room
handle the dangerous gemstone. He does not
are traps, intended to delay any interlopers long
want to fight, but he will attack the adventurers if
enough for the defenders of the fortress to finish
they make a serious effort to open the gate, or
them off.
take some offensive action against him. Even
106. CORRIDOR: insane, he's a good and honorable man.
This corridor involves no magic. The pit is fifty feet The gate in area 109 has three keyholes, all of
deep, and the trap door opens when two hundred which must be turned (with different keys) before
pounds of weight is placed on it. The trap door the gate can be opened. It's also wizard locked
resets automatically after 1d8 rounds, but as it is by Pons for good measure. Pons has the only set of
purely mechanical it can be jammed from above keys. Note that opening the gate by magic will
(such as with iron spikes). The trap door can be require four separate knock spells.
detected as if a secret door when closed. The illumination in the room is from continual light.
107. CORRIDOR: Khaadk's jewel is in the center of a table pushed
back against the center of the back wall; bits of
This corridor is lit by continual light magic. An
magical equipment, some books, and quite a lot
illusion causes it to appear to extend far into the
of broken glassware are piled at the ends of the
distance. The pit is covered by a clever illusion
table where Pons pushed them off to make room
that causes anyone who falls into it to appear to
for the gem. The table itself is entirely empty
walk onward into the illusionary corridor; the magic
except for the jewel.
even covers any yelling or screaming the victim(s)
may do, as well as the loud thumps when they hit Lined up against the left and right walls are several
bottom. large chests full of treasure. In total there are more
than 20,000 gp in cash, plus another similar amount
The pit is fifty feet deep, and the sides of the pit are of gems and jewelry. It's not likely that the player
covered in grease. characters will steal any of this treasure; if they do,
108. CORRIDOR: detailing what they get is left to the GM.
There are two pit traps in this corridor. The first one If Pons is incapacitated, it falls to the adventurers
is covered by a thick stone lid, and will support the to secure the stone. If instead the adventurers
weight of the whole party when walking over it. remove his insanity, he himself will deal with it by
The second pit is uncovered, although the stone lid placing it back in the chest of the clockwork man.
can be seen on the opposite side. When the Pons III, Duke D'Angelo: Human Magic-User 13,
players search the rest of the corridor, they will see AC 13, #At 1 staff (AB +8), Dam 1d4 +3, Mv 40',
a large handle on the wall near where they came Ml 9, XP 2,275
in. When it is pulled, the large stone lid on the first
STR 13 (+1), INT 15 (+1), DEX 13 (+1), CHA 13 (+1)
pit will open, while the second one will close,
allowing any party in the middle to reach the end Spells: floating disc, light, magic mouth, shield,
of the corridor; this takes 1d4 rounds to complete, detect invisible, invisibility, mirror image, web,
thus blocking progress in either direction. darkvision, invisibility 10' radius, slow, water
breathing, bestow curse, hallucinatory terrain,
109. VAULT: polymorph self, animate dead, passwall, invisible
Through the secret door you can see a thirty- stalker, reincarnate
foot-long corridor leading to a gate. The room Equipment: Walking Staff +2, Ring of Protection +1
beyond the gate is illuminated by magic, and HP 27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Tia's Dollhouse Key

There are two floors, each consisting of three 111. ROOM OF BROKEN DOLLS:
rooms side-by-side. Each room has a back door in
the north wall that goes into a corridor. This room is littered with broken dollhouse
furniture. It also contains nine assorted broken
110. ENTRANCE: dolls: seven dolls of humans, one doll dog and a
homemade thing, as if made by a childish hand,
You find yourselves in a room containing a that might be supposed to represent a papier-
chaise lounge and two arm chairs. A wooden mache pony.
marionette, roughly the size and shape of a
human and dressed in a farthingale gown like a Whatever weird magic has been placed upon
wealthy lady, is seated in one of the arm chairs. this dollhouse has animated the broken dolls.
The wall you are facing is the front of the They lurch and totter towards you, fixed grins on
dollhouse and looks as if it will swing open, but a their wooden faces.
shimmer of magical energy implies there is a
The broken dolls will not attack Tia if she is with the
transparent force wall between you and it. There
party. They hate all other life that is not as crippled
are doors in each of the other three walls.
or broken as themselves.
The marionette is Jessica, Tia's favorite doll. She is
5 Human-dolls: AC 16, HD 5*, #At 2 appendages,
not in any way magical, but of course you don't
Dam 2d6/2d6, Mv 20', Sv F5, Ml 12, XP 405 ea.
have to tell the players that fact.
HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
The force wall prevents any access to the front of ☐☐
the dollhouse. It stops characters within the 24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
dollhouse from interacting with the front wall in any ☐☐☐☐
way, including by means of spells. 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
A dispel magic spell cast within the dollhouse
18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
might temporarily eliminate all the magic and
permit the characters to leave safely, but the wish Dog-doll: AC 16, HD 4*, #At 1 bite, Dam 2d6+2,
that enchanted the dollhouse is equivalent to a Mv 30', Sv F4, Ml 12, XP 280
spell cast by a 22nd level Magic-User, so the
HP 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
chance of failure is very high.

Pony-doll: AC 16, HD 6*, #At 2 hooves,
Dam 2d4+4/2d4+4, Mv 30', Sv F6, Ml 12, XP 555
HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
The dolls have no treasure.

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo


This room is packed from floor to ceiling with This room is packed from floor to ceiling with
dresses; most of them appear to be pink or sparkly shoes. Each shoe seems to be made of
purple. mirror and crystal.

These dresses would be worth an average of 20 gp Each of these shoes fits Tia. There are tens of
each (some more, some less), but if brought out of thousands of them, but if brought out of the
the dollhouse they remain doll-sized, so their actual dollhouse they remain doll-sized so they are of no
value is zero except to a mad dollhouse enthusiast. value except to a mad dollhouse enthusiast.
If inspected, each dress has "Tia's dress!" written on
a label inside it. There are exactly one million 115. ROOM OF MAKEUP:
dresses in the room. This room contains six mirrors on the walls. In front
113. CORRIDOR: of each mirror is a table, and on each table is a
wide array of makeup.
This space at the back of a doll's house was only
meant to be seen from the front. It is made of The makeup is of no commercial value and has no
plain, unvarnished wood and coated with dust. magical effect.
There are steps at one end, presumably created 116. EXIT ROOM:
by whatever magic affected the doll's house to
allow passage from one floor to another. As you enter the room, you feel a tugging at
your garments which seems to drag you
On the wall above the party lurks a centipede. forward...
Relative to the shrunken party, it is large and
ferocious! The creature is ravenous and must eat The djinni who granted Tia's wish designed this
soon, so it attacks without fear. room as the way out of the dollhouse. Anyone who
enters the room appears back in Castle D'Angelo
Centipede: AC 17, HD 7*, #At 1 bite,
Area #57 (no saving throw). They are no longer
Dam 3d6+poison, Mv 30', Sv F8, Ml 10, XP 735
affected by the dollhouse's enchantment and may
HP 40 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ not re-enter it. (Exception: Tia, if for some reason
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ she is with the party, may go back in as often as
she wishes.)

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

Sigils Found in Castle D'Angelo (Sigils)

Castle D'Angelo Strongholds of Sorcery

Sigils Found in Castle D'Angelo (Names)

Strongholds of Sorcery Castle D'Angelo

The Tower of Light Strongholds of Sorcery

The Tower of Light

GM's Background impregnated with a powerful but deadly
substance he called aqua lumina (because the
The Tower of Light is set in the author's campaign substance, once extracted from the sand, appears
world of Glain, and more specifically in the as a glowing liquid). He was convinced that aqua
northern wastes of the land of Kel. The lumina could be put to some use, and he began
background materials provided herein may need to process the sand, extracting the “liquid light"
to be altered in order to use this adventure in and collecting it in a large cauldron.
another campaign.
Something went wrong one night, and his
The Tower is Built and Destroyed processing apparatus exploded, killing him
instantly and destroying the above-ground part of
Hundreds of years ago, a wizard came to the small
his tower. He was performing the processing on
Kelic village of Marul. Liddan Nu Madar, the
the ground floor of the tower, and the floor of that
wizard, built a tower atop a rocky outcropping and
level was destroyed also, dropping the cauldron to
settled down to his research. Marul is a small
the level below. The cauldron, though broken, still
village on the edge of the Great Desert, long
contains a significant amount of the aqua lumina,
known as a haven for the unwanted of Kel, and so
which is what produces the glow at night.
the villagers largely ignored the wizard in hopes he
would likewise ignore them. Rurik Evidur has somehow acquired a copy of
Liddan's notes, and learned of aqua lumina. He
Things went along fine for many years, until one
wants to retrieve what is left of the substance,
night Liddan's tower simply exploded. The
expecting to be able to sell it to other wizards and
townsmen discovered a bright, clear white light
thus make himself rich. Unlike Liddan, he has no
streaming from the broken stump of the tower.
illusions that the deadly stuff is in any way useful,
Those of the townsmen who visited the scene
but he fully expects to be able to convince others
sickened and died within a day, and after that
of its value.
point the tower was declared off limits to all. The
wizard was never seen again. He has learned the hard way that he cannot
approach the tower without suffering harm. In
The Nosy Wizard order to carry out his plan, he has kidnapped the
A few months ago, another wizard, Rurik Evidur, son of the local blacksmith, a young man named
came to Marul. He asked the villagers a number of Gil, to make him metal containers to hold the
questions about the tower, and after being told aqua lumina as well as helping to prepare the
the story of the tower he expressed interest in special undead (see below) which Rurik is using to
investigating it. The headman of the village, a actually retrieve the awful stuff. Rurik also
man named Obar, strictly ordered Rurik not to kidnapped the tailor's daughter Ritabi to use as
approach the tower, and after an argument, the leverage against Gil, as the young man is in love
wizard agreed to leave the village. with her.

He did leave, but he immediately returned under Leaded Skeletons

cover of darkness. He discovered a way into the
Rurik has learned that the deadly emanations of
tunnels under the tower by means of a secret
the aqua lumina even destroy undead monsters.
entrance in the hillside, and he began to
He learned this while attempting to use skeletons
to recover the liquid. Now, he is preparing his
skeletons by having them clad with lead, courtesy
The Rest of the Story
of Gil. These leaded skeletons move more slowly
Liddan Nu Madar was studying the Great Desert. It than normal skeletons, but they have a better
was his belief that the sun-scorched, lifeless armor class due to the metal covering, and more
wasteland which comprises most of the Great importantly to Rurik they can survive the radiation
Desert was created by a horrific magical incident. twice as long as “normal" skeletons... long enough
He discovered that the sand of the desert is to recover one, or perhaps two, small bottles of

Strongholds of Sorcery The Tower of Light

aqua lumina each before being destroyed. Rurik is About Aqua Lumina
finding it necessary to repeatedly raid the tombs of
Aqua lumina is a transphysical material. It comes
Marul to provide enough “fresh" bones to animate,
from another plane of existence, and normally
and the process of recovery is taking much longer
should not exist on the material plane at all. It
than he would prefer.
glows as brilliantly as the sun, and produces both
Note: Detailed game statistics for Leaded warmth and deadly, invisible radiation. This
Skeletons may be found in the Basic Fantasy Field radiation causes progressive withering; on the days
Guide Volume 1. following the initial exposure, any affected
character will suffer additional damage.
Coming to Marul Specifically, for a number of days equal to the
total points accrued the first day, the victim will
Marul is a Kelic village with a population of about suffer an additional 1d6 points of damage; for the
400, located a few miles from the outcrop and the sake of simplicity, apply this damage at dawn
tower. The town elder, Obar, will welcome the each day.
party. He will tell them that the wizard Rurik and
For example, Rodrick the Foolish has suffered 11
several of his accomplices have taken up
points of damage due to the radiation over the
residence in the tower base and are suspected of
course of the adventure. The day after the
kidnapping two of its young people. He will instruct
excursion, Rodrick suffers 1d6 points of damage.
the party that if they succeed in killing or
Each subsequent day he suffers an additional 1d6
apprehending Rurik, they may keep whatever they
points of damage, until all 11 dice have been
can find in the place. However, they will not be
welcome to return to Marul after this has
happened. A cure disease or remove curse spell will negate
any remaining future damage from the radiation,
Obar and the town elders believe that the illness but will not heal damage already sustained; a heal
that afflicts those who go near the outcrop is a spell will work as usual, and will also negate further
disease that will spread through their community. damage.
Therefore, going within a mile of the tower is
completely forbidden, and anyone who does so is Touching any quantity of aqua lumina with a bare
unwelcome to return. hand, or one protected only by leather or cloth
gloves, requires a saving throw vs. Spells to avoid
If the party stays in town and asks a few questions being disintegrated instantly; success means that
before they leave for the outcrop, they may soon the victim has taken 1d100 points of damage
end up speaking with Gallin, the father of the instead. Anyone touching the liquid while wearing
young blacksmith Gil, who has been kidnapped. metal gauntlets takes 1d20 points of damage.
He does not know anything about the entrance to
the complex beneath the tower, but he will point About the Dungeon
them in the direction of Derk, the father of Ritabi, The Tower of Light is a rather unusual dungeon, in
who was also kidnapped the same night. Derk has that the characters will most likely enter through
been out to spy on the tower outcrop several times the lowest level. Therefore, the lowest level is
in recent weeks, against the strict orders of Obar. presented first.
He has seen a human figure by night, walking
Due to the powerful, deadly radiation of the aqua
towards a particular cave in the outcrop, and he
lumina in the tower, anyone standing within 20' of
believes that this is where the secret entrance lies.
the tower itself will suffer 1 point of damage per
However, he is reluctant to reveal this information
round. Being within 100' of the tower, but more
to the party if Obar or any other loyal townsfolk are
than 20' away, results in 1 point of damage per
present. Good role-playing is required to get Derk
turn. Anyone foolish enough to enter the tower will
to reveal this secret.
suffer 2d6 points of damage per round, with a save
If the party go directly to the cave mouth and vs. Death Ray for half if the character realizes his or
proceed inside rapidly, they will avoid the 2 hit her mistake and attempts to jump out. The GM
points of damage they would otherwise have must keep track of how many points of damage
suffered from searching the hillside (as described are accumulated by each character, as this will
below). determine their fate later (as explained above).

The Tower of Light Strongholds of Sorcery

Finding the Hidden Entrance As it turns out, the secret entrance is not
particularly difficult to find. There are four small
The Tower of Light stands on a low rocky outcrop caves in the outcrop and one of these - which is
(about 150' high) at the edge of a desert plain. The about 100' up the hillside (and therefore 50' below
local townsfolk know that Liddan Nu Madar built the base of the tower) turns into a narrow tunnel
an underground area within the outcrop to that leads for about 40' into the hillside until it
conduct his research, because local legend tells of reaches area 1. The party will find this cave with a
how their forefathers were involved in the search of the hillside, but they will take 2 points of
construction of the place. But no one knows how radiation damage in the process due to being
to access it other than through the tower itself, and outdoors while within 100' of the base of the tower.
the villagers are all too scared to go near it.

Below are listed most of the NPCs and monsters Rurik also owns a blue dragon hatchling, which he
found in this adventure. Because of the nature of raised from an egg. Somehow it has developed its
this adventure, many of these foes might be breath weapon a little early, so it may be more of
encountered in any of several different rooms a challenge than it appears.
within the tower dungeon, so for convenience they
are all listed and described here. Blue Dragon Hatchling: AC 20, HD 6**, #At 2 claws/
1 bite or breath/1 tail, Dam 1d4/1d4/2d6 or
Rurik Evidur: Human Magic-User 9, AC 14, AB +4 6d6/1d4, Mv 30' Fly 80' (15'), Sv F6, Ml 8, XP 1,225
(+6 dagger), #At 1 dagger or spell, Dam 1d4+2 Breath Weapon: 5' wide line, 70' long
dagger or by spell, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 1,225
HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
INT 18 (+3), WIS 8 (-1), DEX 15 (+1) ☐☐☐☐☐
Spells: hold portal, magic missile, protection from
evil, read languages, ventriloquism, detect evil, Finally, Rurik is assisted by an apprentice named
invisibility, levitate, locate object, phantasmal Jendrich (normally encountered in room 5), and
force, clairvoyance, haste*, invisibility 10‘ radius, two henchmen: Anita the thief (found in room 9)
lightning bolt, hallucinatory terrain, massmorph, and Caldamere the fighter (located in room 3).
polymorph other, wizard eye, animate dead Jendrich, Apprentice: Human Magic-User 2,
Equipment: Dagger +2 Casts Light on Command, AC 12, #At 1, Dam 1d4, Mv 40', Ml 9, XP 75
Ring of Protection +2, Wand of Trap Detection, INT 13 (+1), CON 15 (+1), CHA 7 (-1)
Scroll of Protection from Magic
Spells: detect magic, read languages
HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐ Equipment: walking staff, Ring of Protection +1
HP 9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
Rurik has a “pet" shadow which remains with him
almost all the time, hiding in his real shadow. It will Caldamere, Henchman: Human Fighter 6, AC 18,
come out to fight for him at his command. The AB +5, #At 1, Dam 1d8 +1, Mv 20', Ml 9, XP 500
shadow is released by Rurik every night to hunt, as INT 5 (-2), CON 14 (+1)
it must consume energy in the form of Strength
points regularly. The shadow has been trained to Equipment: plate mail, shield, Longsword +1
take only from sleeping victims, to flee if detected, HP 35 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
and only to sip a little from each victim so as not to ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
kill anyone.
Anita, Henchman: Human Thief 8, AC 14, AB +4,
Rurik's Shadow*: AC 13‡, only harmed by magical #At 1, Dam 1d8, Mv 30', Ml 9, XP 875
weapons, HD 2+2*, #At 1, Dam 1d4 + 1 point
STR 17 (+2), DEX 15 (+1), CHA 16 (+2)
Strength drain, Mv 30', Sv F2, Ml 12
Equipment: Leather Armor, Longsword
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Strongholds of Sorcery The Tower of Light

Lower Dungeon Level Key

This dungeon level is entirely safe from the wizard and/or his allies; the right-hand gate swings
radiation, excepting the lowest room of the tower, almost silently, and is only 5% likely to attract
where damage is accrued at the 100' rate (1 point unwanted attention.
per turn).
This room was designed as a defensive position by
There are no random encounters as such here, but Liddan Nu Madar, but it is not being used that way
if the adventurers manage to enter unnoticed, by the current occupants; for the most part, they
there is a 1-2 on 1d6 chance each turn that they keep the gate locked and ignore it.
will encounter Rurik, accompanied by his shadow
at the very least. Check for surprise as normal. 3. GUARDROOM:

1. ENTRANCE: The door opens onto a fair-sized but very messy

room with a bed, a long table, and a large
A small dingy room lies at the end of the tunnel. ornate wooden chair with tatty velvet cushions.
On the northern wall is a portcullis, leading to a There is a strong smell of tobacco smoke in the
larger area containing black stone pillars. A room, and the remains of several half-eaten
simple wooden stool stands close to the tunnel meals on the table.
The human fighter Caldamere is to be found here
The human fighter (Caldamere) is supposed to be 75% of the time, with his feet up on the table, and
stationed on guard here at most times, but he is without his armor on. If alerted by noise, he will
lazy and prefers the greater comforts of room 3, begin to arm himself at once. He also sleeps here,
and is only to be found in this room 25% of the and his personal stash of 380 sp and 84 gp is in a
time. If the party is lucky, they may be able to locked chest by his bed. See the Foes section on
enter the room quietly, spot the secret door on the page 72 for his statistics.
eastern wall, and sneak into the complex through
areas 4 and 5. 4. SECRET ROOM:
This room has not been discovered by the wizard
2. GAUNTLET: or his minions. The walls are lined with weapon
This area can be viewed before it is entered due to racks, mostly containing spears but with a few
the gates, so read or paraphrase the description other non-magical weapons represented. In the
below once the player characters can actually middle of the floor is the desiccated body of a
see the room: warrior; the remains of an arrow protrude from his
back. Lying on the floor beside his outstretched
Beyond the heavy gates you see a large room right hand is a Longsword +1, +3 vs. Undead, while
that would be forty feet square were the corners beside his right hand is a rotten bag of gold coins
not cut off. In the center of the room are three (97 gp in all).
large pillars arranged left to right; behind them
you can see a wall set in ten feet or so from the 5. BARRACKS:
back. You can't quite see what lies behind that This is a medium-sized room with 4 sleeping
wall, owing to the pillars and the difficult angle. ledges built into the east and west walls. It
The gates are made of heavy iron bars, and the contains nothing else.
hinges of the one on the left are badly rusted and This was a former barracks when Liddan Nu Madar
in need of lubrication; the hinges of the gate on controlled the tower. It is currently occupied by
the right have been oiled recently. The gates are Rurik's apprentice, Jendrich. Jendrich is only a 2nd
held shut by a chain which wraps around the end level Magic-User and has no useful combat spells
bars of the gates and is secured with a strong, because Rurik has not taught him any. His sole job
recently-made padlock. It may be picked as is to use his detect magic spell on various areas of
normal. Attempting to open the left-hand gate will the lower dungeon and the other occupants to
make a loud squeal that is 85% likely to alert the ensure that the magic radiation has not
penetrated down below. He is frightened and

The Tower of Light Strongholds of Sorcery

dissatisfied, and may be persuaded to leave the

dungeon or give up information if he can be
encountered on his own.

He is 30% likely to be here, 30% with Rurik, and 40%

in a random location on the lower level,
performing his duty (i.e. detecting magic). He will
flee combat. Despite sleeping in here every night,
the young mage still has no idea about the secret
door in the south wall.

Jendrich's statistics are given in the Foes section on

page 72.

The door to this room is locked. Rurik carries the key
on his person. The lock is difficult to open; apply a
penalty of -10% to the normal chance.

A carved wooden double bed is the central

feature of this room. There is also a large chest, a
tall wardrobe, and a desk with two small
drawers. Geometric tapestries have been hung
on two of the walls, worth a potential 400 gp, but
weigh 40 pounds in total. A book lies on the desk,
suffered this fate once already (he almost died the
opened at one of the final pages.
next day) and so he is careful to stand there only
The wizard Rurik is likely to be found here 33% of the as long as he has to.
time, sleeping or researching. 33% of the time he
If they have not been encountered elsewhere,
will be in rooms 9 or 10, working, and the remaining
Rurik is 33% likely to be here, and if he is, it is 30%
third of the time he will be in room 7, supervising
likely that Jendrich is here, and 25% likely that Anita
is here as well. See the Foes section on page 72 for
The book on the table is his spellbook, opened to their statistics.
the spell animate dead, which he has been
The blacksmith Gil is found here at almost all times.
studying recently. The chest contains his monetary
When not working to make leaded skeletons or
treasure (160 ep, 380 gp, and 100 pp), and also a
metal containers, he sleeps on a simple mat on the
book of lore containing notes about the Magic-
floor. He is given only basic food and is not in
User Liddan Nu Madar and his work. The book is in
good shape, as he has inadequate time for rest or
a strange language of the GM’s choice. The
grooming. He is not chained up, but a leaded
drawers are both open, and contain candles,
skeleton stands on guard over him at the southern
paper, ink, and a glass eye.
end of the room, so he knows escape is impossible.
Leaded Skeleton: AC 16 (half damage from
It is in this room that Rurik creates his skeletons. In edged weapons, 1 point only from projectiles),
the southeast corner there is a fireplace which still HD 1, #At 1, Dam 1d8, Mv 20', Sv F1, Ml 12, XP 25
works, and which is used to melt the lead; in the
Leaded skeletons move slowly like zombies, and
space in front of it is a metal table where Gil pours
thus always lose initiative.
molten lead over the skeletons. A pile of lead
bricks lies on the floor just to the east of the table. HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

The space directly in front of the fireplace counts

as if it were in room 13; that is, anyone remaining
there will suffer a point of damage per turn. Gil has

Strongholds of Sorcery The Tower of Light

8. PANTRY/STOREROOM: 2 Leaded Skeletons: AC 16 (half damage from

Stone shelves line the walls of this larder room. A edged weapons, 1 point only from projectiles),
variety of dried and preserved food stands on the HD 1, #At 1, Dam 1d8, Mv 20', Sv F1, Ml 12,
shelves in addition to rudimentary cooking gear. XP 25 ea.
There is the distinct smell of grease, smoke, and Leaded skeletons move slowly like zombies, and
mold in here. thus always lose initiative.
The original pantry storeroom of the former wizard HP 4 ☐☐☐☐ 5 ☐☐☐☐☐
is used for much the same purpose by Rurik and his
team. They have food to last another three weeks,
by which time Rurik expects to have gathered all This is where Gil's beloved, the young woman
the aqua lumina. Simple cooking is also done in Ritabi, is kept chained up in manacles. She is
this room. visited sometimes (25%) by the thief Anita, who likes
to torment her. See the Foes section on page 72
9. KITCHEN: for her statistics.
An old kitchen with a fireplace and storage The door to the room is kept locked and Anita has
shelves stands before you. A bed has been the key on her person. There are also 2 leaded
placed against the north wall, and on a table skeletons on guard in the hall outside the room.
against the south wall are a large number of
small locks of various sizes, together with lock- 2 Leaded Skeletons: AC 16 (half damage from
making equipment. edged weapons, 1 point only from projectiles),
HD 1, #At 1, Dam 1d8, Mv 20', Sv F1, Ml 12,
This place was a former kitchen, and has a XP 25 ea.
chimney that goes 40' up to an outlet in the hillside.
It has been commandeered by Anita the Thief, Leaded skeletons move slowly like zombies, and
who is a close companion of Rurik and has been thus always lose initiative.
with him on many previous missions. The door is HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐
locked with a high-quality lock (-10% to any open
locks roll) and she carries the key on her person. 12. LABORATORY:
She is likely to be found here 50% of the time, either This room serves as lair for Rurik's “pet" blue dragon.
sleeping or playing with locks. 25% of the time she It is a hatchling (-3 hit dice) but it just developed its
is in room 11, and the other 25% of the time she will breath weapon, so it may be more of a challenge
be with Rurik. See the Foes section on page 72 for than it appears. See the Foes section on page 72
her statistics. for her statistics.
Two gray skeletal figures stand in the far right This is the lowest level of the tower proper. Note
corner of this room. As the door swings open, that any creature in this room suffers 1 point of
they lurch forward, scimitars upraised! damage from the radiation every turn, as the
broken cauldron is immediately overhead.
After the battle is over:
This room appears entirely empty, except for a
In the northeast corner of this ruined laboratory layer of fine gray-white ash on the floor; it seems
are a number of bones, at least four human to be concentrated mostly near the walls.
skeletons’ worth, rudely piled.
The air in this room is uncomfortably hot.
Rurik uses this space to animate the skeletons, and
also to store animated skeletons he is not yet ready There is nothing of value in this room.
to use.

The Tower of Light Strongholds of Sorcery

Upper Dungeon Level Key

Each turn that the characters are on this level, have stoppers and may still contain something.
apply 1 point of damage, except when any On the shelves also stand various brass funnels
character enters the tower (this gives 2d6 and tubes; a large copper distillation vat rests on
damage, save vs. Death Ray for half as described a lower shelf. On one shelf you see a large
in About the Dungeon). If the door to the tower wooden box with many small drawers.
room is left open, the rate of damage application
rises to 1 point per round for anyone within 40' of The 4 bottles with stoppers contain:
the open door.
1: A Potion of Healing, which is tasteless
2: Another tasteless liquid that does nothing
This room is brightly illuminated by the broken 3 & 4: A bad-tasting liquid that protects against the
cauldron lying in the middle of the floor; the effects of aqua lumina radiation for 4 hours (but
liquid inside is so bright that looking at it is like provides no protection against direct contact with
staring into the sun. There are several fragments the substance)
of the cauldron lying scattered around; there is
nothing else in the room except for a layer of The box contains a variety of alchemical powders,
fine gray ash. You notice numerous marks in the each in different drawers. These include salt, lead,
ash that you realize must be the footprints of basalt, crystal, sandstone, soapstone, and a small
animated skeletons. There is also some rubble amount of sand from which the aqua lumina has
scattered near the walls, obviously having fallen been removed.
when the tower exploded. Looking up, you can
see the sky through the open stump of the tower 16. BARRACKS:
above. Note: The door to this room is unlocked and opens
There is a stone staircase in this room which
appears to have once ascended to ground This medium-sized room is mostly empty. It has
level, but the uppermost five or so feet of steps interesting markings on the floor, including a
are missing, and the steps nearest to them magical pentagram in the northeast corner and
appear unsafe. a series of 'range marker' lines drawn on the floor
The ash is all that remains of the materials stored in at two-foot intervals in the northwest corner. On
this room, as well as any bits of wood from the floor the eastern wall there are a variety of blast and
of the room above which fell here when the burn marks. Various notches have been carved
cauldron exploded. into the walls as though someone was keeping
score of a contest.
There is nothing here, other than what is listed.
Note also the radiation damage of 2d6 points per The radiation damage in this room is only 1 point
turn caused just by being near the aqua lumina. per turn.


Note: This is the first room encountered after Note: The door to this room is open.
coming up the stairs from the lower level. The door Four leaded skeletons are present in the corridor
is within 40' of the open door to the tower itself, so outside this room, bringing containers of aqua
remember to apply radiation damage here at the lumina to room 18 to the west. They will ignore the
rate of 1 point per round. The door is locked, but is party, as their mission is more important; however,
not sturdy and may be opened with a standard assuming they are allowed to leave, the four
roll to open doors on a d6. leaded skeletons in 18 will arrive here in 1d4 rounds,
and these four will return in another 1d4 rounds.
A small storeroom stands before you. The shelves Since at that point they will not be carrying vials of
are piled with an array of glass and pottery aqua lumina, they will attack on sight.
containers of all different sizes. Four of these

Strongholds of Sorcery The Tower of Light

4 Leaded Skeletons: AC 16 (half damage from cauldron right next to the door, with four skeletal
edged weapons, 1 point only from projectiles), figures clustered around it. They are illuminated
HD 1, #At 1, Dam 1d8, Mv 20', Sv F1, Ml 12, brightly by a glow arising from it.
XP 25 ea.
This room was where Liddan Nu Madar was testing
Leaded skeletons move slowly like zombies, and
the resistance of various substances to the effects
thus always lose initiative.
of aqua lumina. Four leaded skeletons are in the
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐ room, pouring aqua lumina into the cauldron from
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 5 ☐☐☐☐☐ metal vials. Anyone within 10' of the cauldron will
When the room is entered: be affected by the aqua lumina just as if they had
entered the lowest tower room. The skeletons will
Inside this room stand the crumbling remains of attack, but only after delaying one round to
an ancient four-poster bed, covered with once- complete their task.
fine silks of the type used by desert sultans in The leaded skeletons may be encountered at the
olden times. There is also a large desk in the same time as the squad outside room 17, as
room which appears to be in only slightly better explained in that area.
condition than the bed.
Radiation damage in this room is 1d6 points per
This room was where Liddan Nu Madar slept turn, due to the unshielded aqua lumina in the
hundreds of years ago, separate from the rest of open cauldron. There is a lid for the cauldron lying
his staff who occupied the lower floor. near it; placing the lid on the cauldron will reduce
The desk is locked but not trapped, and may also the damage to 1 point per turn, the same as for
be bashed open with a regular open doors roll. the rest of this level. Rurik plans to have the
Inside is a well-known fortune telling book in the skeletons cover the cauldron and bring it to room 7
language of the desert people called the Kabal when it is full; Gil will seal it with lead, and Rurik will
Unatah. It has no actual value for fortune telling, then be able to transport it to his buyer, whoever
but radiates considerable magic, possibly leading that might be.
the adventurers to believe the book has magical
4 Leaded Skeletons: AC 16 (half damage from
powers. In truth, it is one of Liddan Nu Madar's
edged weapons, 1 point only from projectiles),
spellbooks containing 1st to 6th level spells
HD 1, #At 1, Dam 1d8, Mv 20', Sv F1, Ml 12,
(determined by the GM), which has been
XP 25 ea.
magically transformed. Changing the book back
to its true form will require casting dispel magic Leaded skeletons move slowly like zombies, and
against a spell cast by a 14th level wizard. thus always lose initiative.

The desk drawer also contains a Quill of Scribing. HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐

This item reduces the user's costs for transcribing 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
spells into his or her spellbook by 50%. It has 18 19. LABORATORY:
charges, and cannot be recharged.
Note: The door to this room is stuck and must be
18. LABORATORY: forced.

This large square room has six items spaced out It's obvious this was once a wizard's laboratory,
in the back two-thirds of the room in two rows (in but the various flasks, jars, boxes, and apparatus
other words, centered in each of the back six on the three work tables here are covered in
ten-foot squares): an old metal bucket, a large dust and cobwebs. It does not appear that
pottery jar, a glass tube, a leather sack, a anyone has been here in a long time.
wooden box, and finally, a pile of notes on
paper or perhaps parchment. Around each There is nothing of value in this room.
item is a circle of blue chalk with some runes
inscribed in each circle. There is also a large iron

The Tower of Light Strongholds of Sorcery

Lower Level

Strongholds of Sorcery The Tower of Light

Upper Level

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

House of Coldarius
Background Information to the tower. Getting this adventure started may
require some effort on the GM's part.
This adventure begins when the player characters
meet the tavern girl Rafaela. She is a student at a One option would be for the player characters to
school of magic (in the author's campaign, she meet Rafaela before going on another adventure
was a student at the Academy of Sorcery in (perhaps a short one – see the Adventure
Corillica, Glantra), working her way through school Anthology series, available free on the Basic
as a serving girl. She is beautiful, with long dark Fantasy website, for some good choices). Upon
wavy hair, pale skin, and dark eyes, and she is witty their return, the adventurers could hear of her
and charming as well. Though she is trying to focus disappearance and decide (or be encouraged)
on her studies and avoid pointless dalliances, a to investigate.
particularly charming character who happens to
be human, male, and not too old for her tastes Predmore's Plan
might succeed in turning her head.
At half an hour before midnight the next night,
She has come to the attention of the ancient which will be the first night of the new moon and
wizard Predmore Coldarius. His research into the thus very dark, Predmore will send Nerstly (if
material called nocturnium is an obsession; when available, or he'll go in person otherwise) to bring
he found himself growing old without having Rafaela to the laboratory on the 6th level. He will
solved the riddle of that arcane metal, he give her a cup of wine containing a sleeping
arranged to become a free-willed vampire by draught, then lay her out on the large worktable
means of a complicated arrangement with a (now and bind her hands and feet. At midnight, he will
long dead) party of adventurers. Thus freed of his cut open her blouse, then lay the black sword on
mortality, he continued his research. He has her bare skin. The nocturnium will drain her life
carefully hidden his true nature, with the aid of a energy as he chants the final spell to empower it.
single trusted servant: Nerstly the wererat. He preys If completed, the sword (which he will name
on the poor who live on the far side of the city, Nocturnia) will be a sentient weapon with the
never taking a middle-class or high-born victim, ability to transfer hit points from a character struck
thus avoiding the attention of the city watch. by the sword to its wielder (as explained below).
Predmore's research has finally yielded results, and Nocturnia will have Rafaela's voice and some of
he has created, or at least somehow acquired, a her memories, but will be purest evil in nature.
substantial quantity of that dark metal. He has Should the player characters fail to save Rafaela,
fashioned it into the shape of a sword and plans to here are the statistics for Nocturnia. See the
enchant it, but to create the sort of intelligent Sentient Weapons Supplement, available on the
sword he has envisioned he must sacrifice a basicfantasy.org downloads page, for more details
spellcaster. about intelligent swords.
Predmore will wait until Rafaela leaves work, then
intercept and charm her. She will willingly return Nocturnia: Vampiric Longsword +3
home with him, and he will place her in room 29 of Intelligence: 12, Ego: 24
the tower to await her fate. Of course, he won't
Lesser Powers: detect illusion, detect invisible,
tell her what his plans are, but charmed as she is,
detect magic
she will trust that he has her best interests at heart.
Greater Powers: ESP, flying
When she fails to appear for class the next day,
one of her friends will come by the inn looking for Each time Nocturnia scores a hit against a living
her. Another NPC will tell of seeing her with an old creature, it heals its wielder 1 point for each full 3
man on the streets near the tower of Coldarius. points of damage done (remainders being lost).
This will not increase the user's hit points above
If the adventurers don't appear interested in their normal maximum. This power adds 2 points
finding out what happened to her, the GM may to the weapon's Ego score.
wish to offer a reward, or drop hints guiding them

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius

About Nocturnium learn is that aqua lumina and nocturnium destroy

each other on contact.
Nocturnium is a transphysical material, similar to
aqua lumina (described on page 71 in the Tower Should the sword be lowered into the remaining
of Light adventure). Similar to it, but completely aqua lumina found at the bottom of the ruined
opposite in nature... aqua lumina is liquid, hot, and Tower of Light, there will be an earth-shattering
bright, while nocturnium is solid, cold, and dark. kaboom... a fireball doing 40d6 points of damage
to all within a 200' radius of the site (with the usual
Touching any quantity of raw nocturnium with a save allowed for half damage). The explosion will
bare hand, or one protected only by leather or be sufficient to collapse the hill, burying the
cloth, causes a 2 level life energy drain (just as with dungeon and anything (or anyone) within it.
the touch of a spectre). Touching it with a metal- Characters trapped inside will suffer 1d6 points of
gloved hand causes a 1 level life energy drain. damage from crushing and suffocation each
Only living creatures are subject to this effect; round, unless they can think of some clever way to
undead, constructs, and so on are unaffected. escape (at the GM's option, as always).
If Predmore succeeds in the creation of the sword Foes
Nocturnia, the process of enchanting it will render
the metal safe to handle, though it will still feel very Below are listed most of the NPCs and monsters
cold to the touch. found in this adventure. Because of the nature of
this adventure, many of these foes might be
If any quantity of nocturnium comes into direct encountered in any of several different rooms
contact with any quantity of aqua lumina, a within the tower dungeon, so for convenience they
devastating explosion will occur. It is left to the are all listed and described here.
GM's discretion as to the area of effect and
Predmore Coldarius, Vampire Wizard
amount of damage done, but it should be
equivalent to at least a double-radius fireball AC 20 ‡, HD 9**, AB +8 (+10 with dagger), #At 1
doing 12 or more dice of damage. weapon or spell or special, Dam 1d4+2 (Dagger
+2) or by spell or special, Mv 40' Fly 60', Sv F9, Ml 11,
Note that the sword Nocturnia is no longer "raw" XP 1,225
nocturnium, and thus does not cause life energy Spells: detect magic, hold portal, sleep, detect
drain on contact. invisible, knock, mirror image, 2x lightning bolt,
confusion, dimension door, animate dead
Aftermath of the Adventure
Equipment: Dagger +2, Amulet of Proof Against
When this adventure is over, the player characters Detection and Location, Wand of Petrification (turns
will have hopefully prevailed, either slaying or one target to stone, save vs. Wands to resist, 11
driving away the vampire. There may, however, charges remaining), Scroll of Four Magic-User
still be some loose ends to tie up. Spells: detect invisible, haste, polymorph self,
Whether or not the adventurers manage to rescue sleep, Scroll of One Magic-User Spell: hold portal,
Rafaela, they may wish to destroy the sword; it will Potion of Fire Resistance
either be an unenchanted sword made of deadly Abilities: charm by gaze (-2 on saves), summon
nocturnium, or the intelligent, evil weapon 10d10 rats, 5d4 giant rats, 10d10 bats, or 3d6 giant
Nocturnia. bats (there are no wolves in the city which can be
summoned), assume giant bat form, assume dire
If unenchanted, the sword can be broken up into
wolf form
pieces with the application of enough force, but
even after being so treated it is still deadly. If HP 38 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
enchanted, the sword is functionally indestructible. ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

But there is one way to destroy it, enchanted or Nerstly, Wererat Servant/Thief
not. Aqua lumina in sufficient quantity will utterly AC 13, HD 3, #At 1 bite or 1 Longsword +1,
annihilate the sword. If your adventurers have not Dam 1d4 bite or 1d8+1, Mv 40', Sv T3, Ml 8, XP 175
yet visited the Tower of Light, the adventure found Nerstly has the abilities of a 3rd level Thief.
on page 70 of this book, a sage or other Equipment: Longsword +1, thief’s tools
knowledgeable NPC might tell them about it. If
HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
they've already been there, then all they need to

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

Random Encounters About the Tower

Every turn the adventurers are moving through the Like the other maps in this book, the maps for the
tower, or every half hour they are inside but staying tower are scaled at 1 square equals 10 feet.
in a single room, roll 1d6. On a 1, they will
encounter one of the following inhabitants. If the There is a torch bracket near every doorway into
party is being particularly loud, an encounter the stairwell, and one halfway around the stairs
happens on a 1-2 on 1d6 (that is, double the between every set of levels. Most do not have
chances). torches in them any more, as the inhabitants of this
tower all see just fine in the dark.
1. Nerstly (see Foes, above)
Strategy Notes
2. 1d4 Giant Crab Spiders (4 total)
AC 13, HD 2*, #At 1 bite, Dam 1d8 + poison, If you are running this adventure "off the cuff," you
Mv 40', Sv F2, Ml 7, XP 100 ea. may not have noticed an important detail above.
HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Predmore has an Amulet of Proof Against
10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Detection and Location. This will make scrying on
9 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ him impossible for player characters in this
8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ adventure; furthermore, those physically close to
him will be effectively protected in some cases, if
3. Amiphelia, Ghost of Predmore's first love, killed scrying on them would reveal him as well.
by a demon he summoned but could not
control; she holds him responsible but cannot Note also that Nerstly and/or Predmore can call on
harm him, and so haunts the tower looking for the skeletons in area 9 at will, if needed;
a way to get her revenge. furthermore, Predmore can call upon any of the
AC 20 ‡, HD 10*, AB +9, #At 1 touch/1 gaze, various undead monsters in the tower at will, and
Dam 1d8 + special, Mv 30', Sv F10, Ml 10, has the power to summon rats and bats (including
XP 1,390 the giant varieties) as explained in his statistics on
HP 49 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ the preceding page. Lastly, Predmore can
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ summon the flesh golem from level 7, though he
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ must spend a round concentrating to do so. All in
☐☐☐☐ all, overt attacks on the tower will be met with
substantial force.
4. Skeleton, carrying a mop and a bucket of
water On the other hand, Predmore is unlikely to consider
AC 13, HD 1, #At 1, Dam 1d6, Mv 40', Sv F1, invading adventurers as a threat until they
Ml 12, XP 25 advance above the 3rd floor. He is just too busy on
HP 4 ☐☐☐☐ his project. Nerstly will not be so confident, and will
summon all the forces he can muster as soon as he
can. He can summon and control the giant rats
found in the tower, as well as the skeletons found in
area 9 (as noted above). (His control of these
skeletons is granted by Predmore, and is not a
special power of some kind.) If directly attacked,
Nerstly will always seek to flee, transforming into a
giant rat and attempting to either reach Predmore
or hide somewhere in the tower.

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius

Level 1
It's assumed the adventurers will be approaching You see a table and four chairs in the south part
the tower by night, and the text below is consistent of this room. The walls are bare stone. This room
with that situation. is very dusty; the table and chairs are covered in
cobwebs, and cobwebs hang from the ceiling
The main entrance to the tower is a heavy as well.
double door. The right-hand door has a large
brass knocker in the shape of an animal skull. On If the adventurers look at the floor, they'll notice a
either side is a large window made of multiple clear path in the dust between the entrance from
small glass panes set in a grill made of metal room 3 and the door to room 5.
bars. Curtains are drawn inside, and it appears
On the table, covered in dust, is a deck of cards;
that no lights are lit inside the building.
the cards are old and very fragile.
The knocker is in the shape the skull of a great cat, The door to room 5 is not secured at present, but is
perhaps a mountain lion. The door is locked with a fitted for a bar which is leaning against the wall in
common sort of lock, picked at normal chances. the northeast corner of this room. The door to
The south window of the tower is curtained the room 6 has not been used in years and will squeal
same as the two facing west. loudly if opened, unless it is oiled first.
This room is paneled in dark wood and hung with This heavy door reveals a room being used as a
numerous paintings of men and women in very makeshift cell. There is a pile of dirty, moldy hay
old-fashioned clothing. A small table stands by in one corner and bucket overflowing with
the door; a large, chipped white bowl with a lid human waste in the other. The whole room stinks
is on it. An armchair is in the northwest corner, of a combination of bodily waste, human sweat,
and one just like it stands in the southwest corner. and decomposition.
The room is clean and neat, but the furnishings
are timeworn and a bit shabby. Nerstly uses this room to hold prisoners on those
occasions when he is able to grab more than one.
Nerstly will only be here if summoned by the However he often neglects them, so many of them
knocker; otherwise, he'll be somewhere else within have died here before he could hand them over
the tower and this area will be vacant. to his master. This fact did not keep him from
The portraits are of Coldarius family members, but eating their remains.
are of course all from the distant past. The room also contains a few empty burlap sacks
and a broken barrel indicating that this may have
The white bowl is full of "petty cash" used for tipping
been used as a storeroom at one time.
delivery people; inside is 146 cp and 29 sp.
Giant rats have recently nested in the hay, and if it
3. GALLERY: is disturbed they will attack. In their nest buried
inside the hay is a belt with a pouch still on it and a
This room is paneled with dark wood and
tarnished silver cup engraved with reliefs of
contains two ornamental suits of armor against
dancing girls. The pouch contains 6 gp, 12 sp, and
the west wall, one on each side of the door.
5 cp; the silver cup is beautifully made and is worth
Various paintings hang from the walls, many of
900 gp.
them portraits.
7 Giant Rats: AC 13, HD 1d4, #At 1 bite,
The portraits depict people who were, if not royal,
Dam 1d3 + disease, Mv 40', Sv F1, Ml 8, XP 10 ea.
at least all well-to-do. One of the paintings depicts
Predmore as a man of about thirty. All of the HP 3 ☐☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐
paintings are obviously quite old, at least a 3 ☐☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐
hundred years. The armor is not magical, and 3 ☐☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐
there is nothing of any particular value here. 3 ☐☐☐

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

6. GREENHOUSE: The dogs are plague hounds (Basic Fantasy Field

This room is a complex encounter with two Guide Volume 1, page 57), and there are six in
independent monsters; please read the whole total. The lever does indeed open the cages, and
description below before running it. the single skeletal guard posted in that location
has been ordered to open the cages and release
This semi-circular room with large windows is the hounds if any group not including Predmore or
apparently a disused greenhouse. What once Nerstly enters the room. The hounds will attack as
was a beautiful place filled with flowers and soon as they are freed.
bushes is now a wild, forbidding tangle.
Nerstly will occasionally throw scraps from the
You smell the fragrance of roses in the air... kitchen into the cages, but he otherwise avoids the
hounds (as they will attack him). Predmore, being
This room is occupied by a blood rose, in a clear a vampire, can command the hounds. If Predmore
space right in front of the window, and its is near this chamber, he can mentally command
fragrance fills the room; characters who enter must the skeleton to release the hounds and open the
save vs. Poison or become befuddled and door, allowing them to deal with any intruders that
surrender to the plant-monster. may be present. The skeleton will accompany the
The place is currently used for gathering hounds in such a situation, opening any doors they
ingredients for the master's experiments. There was must pass through.
once a gardener here, a man named Giles, but he The chamber is filthy from the hounds, but they do
died long ago. In a fit of irritation at this dereliction not mind. The stench is overwhelming, affecting
of duty, Predmore animated his corpse as a any living creature in the room just as the stench of
zombie; this was fifty or more years ago, and the a troglodyte. Each character entering the room
zombie's flesh has rotted away, leaving Giles as an must save vs. Poison; those failing the save suffer a
animated skeleton. He brings water to the plants -2 penalty to attack rolls so long as they remain.
daily, and ignores Nerstly should he enter in search Leaving the chamber negates the penalty after
of ingredients, but will attack any other living 1d6 rounds; leaving and then re-entering the room
creature which enters the room. The blood rose will require new saving throws.
ignores the skeleton, as it does not have any blood
to attract the plant-monster's attention. The hounds have no treasure, but Nerstly has
placed a small pouch under a loose stone near
In the soil under the blood rose is the decomposing the southern corner of the room; a successful
body of a human fighter, who was too far gone for secret door check in that area is required to
Nerstly's tastes by the time his body was discover it. The pouch contains 20 pp, 3 gems
discovered. Nerstly did strip the body of valuables, worth 100 gp each, and a silver ring set with
but missed a Ring of Animal Control stashed in the hematite which appears to be worth 100 gp, but
dead man's boot. which is actually a Ring of Lightning Protection (like
Skeleton: AC 13, HD 1, #At 1, Dam 1d6 or by fire protection, but affecting lightning or electrical
weapon, Mv 40', Sv F1, Ml 12, XP 25 attacks instead).
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ Skeleton: AC 13 (half damage from edged
weapons, one point only from arrows or bolts),
Blood Rose: AC 13, HD 4, #At 3, Dam 1d6/1d6/1d6 HD 1, #At 1, Dam 1d6, Mv 40', Sv F1, Ml 12, XP 25
or blood drain, Mv 1', Sv F2, Ml 12, XP 280
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
6 Plague Hounds: AC 14, HD 4*, #At 1 bite,
7. KENNELS: Dam 2d4 + paralysis, Mv 50', Sv F4, Ml 9, XP 280 ea.
Lining the walls of this chamber are a number of HP 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
cages, each holding some kind of horrid dog 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
with ragged fur and patches of skin peeling 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
away. Across the room you see a skeletal figure, 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
its hand on a lever connected to an apparatus 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
of chains and pulleys; at a glance, it appears 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
that they operate the doors of the cages.

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius

8. CORRIDOR: important matters to attend to than that one small

This small bit of corridor is lined with paintings.
They appear quite old and dusty, and many of 9. CISTERN:
them hang crookedly. The subject matter is
This room contains the cistern which provides water
broad... landscapes, people, street scenes, and
for the inhabitants of the tower. Predmore has
a number of images depicting horses. One
placed a group of animated skeletons here as
painting, a picture of an older, severe-looking
guards; they will come to any room on the first
woman, catches your attention; her eyes
level of the tower if called by Predmore or Nerstly,
appear to follow you as you move. Then you
and attack anyone other than those two. They will
realize that it's not just her eyes... her head
naturally also attack if anyone enters other than
actually appears to turn as she gazes at you!
those two:
The painting of the severe woman is enchanted
with a harmless, but undoubtedly creepy, illusion. As you open the door to this room, you see five
Behind it is a small safe, but the safe itself is skeletal figures standing at attention against the
covered by another illusion so that it appears to be far wall. With an unsettling rattle they lurch
just another part of the stone wall; the safe can toward you, raising longswords threateningly.
only be found if the painting is moved and the wall There is a well-like opening in the back part of this
actually touched by a character. room, with a rope, bucket, and crank
The safe is secured with a key, which was lost long arrangement to draw water. The water is drawn
ago. It may of course be picked or opened with a from an old cistern which collects rainwater from
knock spell, at which point the treasure inside may the roof. The water is safe to drink but has a strong
be revealed: 212 cp, 17 sp, 351 gp, and 85 pp, all mineral flavor.
held in a number of dry-rotted leather purses. Piled against the south wall are buckets, pans, and
Predmore knows this treasure is here, and often washboards once used by the women of the
thinks he should move it, but he can't remember house to do laundry; they have not been disturbed
where the key is; besides, he thinks there are more in some time.
5 Skeletons: AC 14 (includes shields; half damage
from edged weapons, one point only from arrows
or bolts), HD 1, #At 1 sword, Dam 1d8, Mv 40', Sv F1,
Ml 12, XP 25 ea.
HP 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
5 ☐☐☐☐☐

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

Level 2
10. CORRIDOR: The figurines on the mantel depict the traditional
knave, knight, queen, and king found in an
This narrow corridor seems to be nothing but Argossean deck of cards. The knave statuette is
doors. worth 400 gp, the knight 500 gp, the king 800 gp,
While player characters are in this area, encounter and the queen is worth 1,200 gp. Careful
chances are 1-2 on 1d6. examination of the figures by an expert will show
that their faces are modeled after the faces of the
11. GAME ROOM: king, queen, and crown prince of Glantra from
over a century ago; the face of the knave also
A square table covered with green felt stands appears to be the face of some actual person, but
just south of the center of this room, with four who exactly it is, no one will know.
chairs arranged around it. Seated on one of the
chairs is a slender, hooded man; he is facing The crystal decanter radiates magic. It is
away from you, and does not seem to have enchanted so that any liquid kept within it remains
heard you enter. fresh – these decanters are designed for drinks
made with milk or cream, such as egg nog.
The "man" is an animated skeleton in a hooded Predmore, of course, keeps blood in it. This
robe; it will leap up and attack as soon as any particular blood belongs to an elven maiden who
character approaches. The skeleton does not had had a few glasses of wine before she was
pose much of a threat, but it serves as an excellent bled, so drinking it will cause a vampire to become
distraction for the pair of giant crab spiders hiding pleasantly intoxicated. Any living character who
in the northern part of the room; if no player tries it will likely just throw up. The decanter
indicates an intention to look around the room contains up to a pint of liquid and is worth 500 gp.
before someone approaches the skeleton, the
crab spiders will surprise on 1-4 on 1d6. The two silver goblets have inlaid stars made of
gold around their rims. They are worth 1,800 gp as
Once the combat is resolved, the adventurers will a set or 800 gp each.
be able to examine the room further:
The book on the table beside the comfortable
On the table near each of the chairs is a slate chair is a book of elven poetry. The entire book is,
and chalk, possibly for recording the score of the in fact, one poem extolling the virtues of a certain
ongoing game. A deck of playing cards made long-lost elven princess. The book is water-
of stiffened vellum is in the center of the table, damaged and worm-eaten, and thus has little if
and five cards lie face down in front of the chair any value. However, underneath the cushion of
recently occupied by the skeleton. the chair is a scroll tube containing a Scroll of One
Magic-User Spell: Mirror Image. This will be easily
A fireplace is set into the section of wall between found if the chair is searched; if a character merely
the center and northern windows. On the sits in the chair, the chance of discovery is 40%,
somewhat crowded mantel is a pair of goblets, plus 10% for each +1 Intelligence bonus (or minus
a crystal decanter containing a viscous crimson 10% for each -1 Intelligence penalty).
liquid, and four statuettes made of gold and
silver. Skeleton: AC 13 (half damage from edged
weapons, one point only from arrows or bolts),
There is a comfortable chair and side table in the HD 1, #At 1 sword, Dam 1d8, Mv 40', Sv F1, Ml 12,
northern part of the room; a book lies on the XP 25
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
The cards are a standard deck of Argossean
2 Giant Crab Spiders: AC 13, HD 2*, #At 1 bite,
playing cards; if turned over, the five cards will be
Dam 1d8 + poison, Mv 40', Sv F2, Ml 7, XP 100 ea.
revealed as the knaves of cups, wands, and
swords, and the ten of each of coins and cups. HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius


This is obviously a pantry area. Straight ahead of This room is filled with the hides and taxidermied
you is a door, and to either side are deep shelves heads of a variety of monsters, including blue
lined with boxes, jars, and sacks. Everything is and black dragons, a troll, a giant frog, and so
very dusty, and there is a faint smell of decay. on. You see the hide of some really large
serpent rolled up on a table against the left end
Predmore no longer eats food, and Nerstly prefers of the curved wall ahead of you, with several
more or less fresh kills, so this area is no longer used large skulls of strange animals piled beside it.
except as a way into the kitchen. Another table toward the right end of the
A few giant rats are here, eating what remains of curved wall contains only a single object, a large
the foodstuffs. They do not wish to fight, and will try ball of stone bigger than a man's head with a
to remain hidden in the shadows at the backs of kind of honeycomb pattern cut into its surface.
the shelves. If they are not surprised, then they Everything in the room is dusty and draped with
surprise on 1-5 on 1d6; if they in turn receive cobwebs.
surprise, they will remain hidden unless the The stone ball is actually a petrified compound
adventurers disturb the contents of the shelves eye, once belonging to what is thought to be the
(such as attempting to search them). Of course, If very First God from the dawn of time, who was
the rats are surprised, they will be plainly visible on worshiped by a long-extinct species of intelligent
the shelves. trilobite. Learning this information will require
4 Giant Rats: AC 13, HD 1d4, #At 1 bite, consultation with a sage, costing at least 1,000 gp;
Dam 1d3 + disease, Mv 40', Sv F1, Ml 8, XP 10 ea. the eye is worth at least 20,000 gp to the right
purchaser, but such wealthy and eccentric
HP 4 ☐☐☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐ characters are very rare indeed (and may be
2 ☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐ dangerous).
13. KITCHEN: After seven days of owning this item, the possessor
This room appears to have once been a kitchen, will begin to hear whispering inhuman voices and
but the floor, walls, and twin work tables are experience disturbed sleep, and will require a
drenched in half-dried blood. The smell of remove curse within a further three days to avoid
decay is stronger here, and there are several being drawn out of time into a carboniferous era
large, bloody knives strewn about the work of high oxygen levels, giant tree ferns, and
tables. Across the room is a fireplace with the dragonflies as long as your arm, where the trilobite-
usual arrangements for cooking, but it does not people are looking for new ways to please their
appear to have been used in some time. ever-hungry deity. The victim may actually recall
prophetic dreams of this event in the days leading
Nerstly butchers his master's kills here, then eats up to his or her disappearance (thus receiving
them. Under the right-hand work table is a large warning of the curse).
pile of bloody clothing, in various sizes and for both
Undead creatures are immune to the effects of the
sexes; buried underneath is a backpack made of
eye, as is anyone who has been affected but has
heavy cloth containing 540 ep, 703 gp, a golden
then received a remove curse spell; such
anklet set with small panels of jade (worth 1,400
characters will be immune to the eye's curse
gp), and a pair of dangly gold earrings set with
teardrop-shaped orange sapphires (worth 1,000
gp as a set, or 400 gp each). Nerstly discovered If the characters search the room, they will
the treasure on the persons of several of his discover the taxidermied head of the troll bears a
master's kills, and he decided the safest place to label on the back of its plaque, which reads
hide it was in this pile of cast-off clothing from "Property of Thaumerion Daelant."
those same dead people.

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery


This large, oddly-shaped room appears entirely The door to this room is secured with a wizard lock
empty. The floor is tiled in a checkerboard spell cast by Predmore.
pattern in lighter and darker gray shades; the This plain room contains several racks of swords
walls are painted a gloomy gray color, as is the and axes; one rack on the far wall contains
ceiling. If there was ever furniture in this room, it shortbows and quivers full of arrows. Several
has been gone for a long time. shields hang from the wall on either side of the
If a detect magic or detect invisible spell is used in door. Everything in the room is very dusty, and
this area, one of the white tiles on the floor will be the room does not appear to have been visited
seen to faintly glow; if inspected further, the in a long time.
wielder of the aforementioned magic will see a The swords and axes are rusty and dull, and the
five-pointed star marked out in fine glowing lines. bows are dry rotted and have no strings at all
This marking will remain unseen by anyone not (where they went is anyone's guess). The quivers
able to see invisible or magical things. are likewise dry rotted, but most of the arrows (160
If the star is traced with a finger, the tile will pop in all) are still serviceable.
open, being revealed as the hinged cover of a Mixed in among two dozen swords is a dirt-
small compartment. Inside are 337 gp, 503 pp, encrusted, cobweb-covered longsword which is
and an elven-made silver anklet (worth 1,000 gp). actually a Longsword +1/+3 vs. Undead. In
Predmore has completely forgotten about this addition, one of the shields is a Shield +2. There is
particular treasure hoard. also a belt made of wide, flat links of platinum
(worth 1,100 gp) hanging behind one of the shields
(not the magical one).
The windows of this room appear to be glass but
are made of a material as hard as steel; they are
permanently fixed in place, with no way to open
them. Predmore has forgotten about this room,
having no need for the items stored here.

Level 3

The door at the top of the staircase opens This chamber contains a table and some chairs,
southwards onto an oak-paneled hall, twenty all worn and old. Hanging on cords strung on
feet east to west and ten feet north to south. In the walls are various odd items... keys, papers,
the north wall immediately to your right there is ornaments, articles of clothing, and various other
another door resembling this one, and you items.
presume the staircase continues behind it. There
is a pair of double doors in the south wall The items hanging on the wall are various
opposite you and archways to the left and right. belongings from past victims of the vampire,
collected by Nerstly, who is a bit of a pack rat. The
If the party investigates the oak paneling carefully, papers include such things as grocery lists, writs
then they will discover that one of the panels is and decrees, and even military orders. None of
removable. Behind it is an iron key with an amber the items hanging up are particularly valuable.
stone set in the handle. The key is for the box in
area 19, below. If the adventurers are moving through the tower
without the occupants being aware of it, there is a
1-2 on 1d6 chance that Nerstly is here, eating or
tending to his property.

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius


Ahead of you is a small cupboard containing A brushing sound comes from behind this door,
two besoms (brooms made of twigs tied to a like a floor being swept.
stick), a hooped wooden bucket made of half a
barrel with a rope handle, a mop, a scrubbing The crematorium is tended by an outcast fire giant
brush, several cakes of lye soap wrapped in called Calbani. He was born a misshapen runt,
pigskin, a broken lantern which is presumably with very short legs and a crooked spine. One of
awaiting repair, some long-disused jars and string his shoulders is more than a foot higher than the
which you recognize as the raw materials for other. The left side of his face hangs limply, the eye
making tallow candles, half a hide of leather, staring into space, with a string of drool running
some linen twine, and a leather-sewing needle. from the left corner of his mouth through his beard;
A rolled up rug stands in one corner, tied with but the right eye is alive with a penetrating, restless
rope, and you can just see a closed wooden intelligence.
box behind it. Calbani thinks of himself as small and weak,
because other fire giants always told him he was.
The items stored here are regular household stuff In fact, he has all the strength of a full-sized fire
except for the rug, which if unrolled will prove to giant, and twice the malice.
have a pattern of lime green, terracotta orange,
and pale blue that's amazingly disharmonious with When the party arrives in the tower, the stunted
the decor in the castle. It is in fact a Flying Carpet. giant will be sweeping up ash in the crematorium.
Unfortunately even Predmore does not know its He lives and works here, and sleeps in the embers,
command words (he keeps meaning to work out which are pleasantly warm for a fire giant. His
what they are). Discovering this information will battle armor and two-handed warhammer will be
involve a visit to a sage, who will pull his beard and behind the door.
ask for 2,000 gp to fund the purchase of rare and If Calbani has heard the party coming (e.g. they
recondite tomes from distant lands. These will made loud noises on the ground floor), he will be
reveal that the carpet was made by the ancient fully armored when they arrive at his crematorium.
wizard Nuradin, but will not reveal the command He will attack them if they come in. If they bypass
words, and the sage will ask for another 2,000 gp the room, then he will come out and attack them
for the cost of further research. If this second while they are on the stairs to the next level.
2,000 gp is spent then the command words will be
revealed. If the adventurers have approached with stealth
and caution, then they will open the door to find
The box is locked. It is in fact a trap which him wearing a light cotton smock and carrying a
Predmore has set for Nerstly, who the vampire large broom. Calbani will cower and cringe and
suspects is stealing from him. If the key from the apologize, feigning servile stupidity, and he will
corridor (area 17) is inserted into the lock and beg the party to spare his life. If they do not attack
turned, then this will trigger a jolt of electricity, him then he will invite them into his crematorium
inflicting 3d6 points of damage. A successful save where he will promise to share "Master's secret"
vs. Death Ray reduces damage to half; if the with them. In fact, this is simply a ploy; Calbani is
person turning the key is wearing leather gauntlets, trying to get the characters into the room such
damage is half automatically and a successful that he is between them and the door. If he
save results in no damage at all. Within the box succeeds he will grab his colossal hammer from
are a few blocks of beeswax and a piece of cloth behind the door and attack, focusing on the most
(total value: a few copper pieces). Nerstly has lightly-armored character first. After this he will try
found the trap and wisely left the box undisturbed. to get out of the door and hold it closed while
yelling for his master.
If he is reduced to 12 hp or fewer, Calbani will flee
if he can, and surrender if he cannot. His sack
contains 19,330 sp and a silver bauble set with
chalcedony. The bauble sounds hollow if tapped.
The silver bauble is actually the prison for the Seven

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

Wraiths of Amuscar. They cannot get out unless 21. BATH:

the bauble is broken, but if someone is so unwise as
to do that, the wraiths will feast. A patterned curtain hangs across the doorway
to this room. Moving it aside reveals a room
The bauble is cold to the touch. If held up to the containing a large barrel full of water, a copper
ear, the listening character will be able to faintly bathtub and matching copper jug, a brazier full
hear the wraiths' voices; they will tell whatever lie of charcoal, two towels of coarse linen, and a
or story seems likely to get them released, loofah. The floor is beautifully tiled with a mosaic
pretending to be the innocent spirits of children or of a mermaid.
some such thing.
These items are commonplace and of little value.
A local temple of good (in my world of Glain, a The water in the barrel is clean rainwater. Reddish-
temple of the moon goddess Cluvia) has been brown stains on one of the towels suggest that
looking for this bauble for quite some time. A Predmore likes his guests to be nicely warm and
bounty of 5,000 gp has been offered for its safe relaxed when he feeds on them, believing that
(intact) delivery to the temple, which wishes to their blood will then make him calm and mellow.
question the Seven Wraiths concerning certain
events that took place at Amuscar many years 22. DRESSING ROOM:
ago, and then arrange for their safe and
Obviously a dressing room, this area has clearly
permanent dispatch.
long been neglected. The robes of taffeta and
Calbani, Fire Giant: AC 17 or 13 (see above), silk that hang from a rail along the back wall are
HD 11+2, #At 1, Dam 5d6, Mv 20’, Sv F11, Ml 9, in last century's fashions. They would once have
XP 1,670 been sumptuous and costly, but time and moths
HP 44 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ have taken their toll. There is a dressing table, on
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ which are a range of seashells containing
☐☐☐☐ smudges and powder; presumably, these were
once cosmetics of kohl and henna, now long
7 Wraiths: AC 15‡, HD 4, #At 1, Dam 1d6+level since dried out and useless. On the dressing
drain, Mv 80’, Sv F4, Ml 12, XP 320 ea. table is a dusty mirror, a bone comb, a razor with
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ a tarnished and rusty blade, and a badger-hair
17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ shaving brush.
17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
On one of the dresses is a platinum pin in the
17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
shape of a rampant unicorn with a tiny sapphire
17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
for the eye (worth 1,100 gp); it was the property of
17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
a paramour of the vampire in his former life long
17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
ago, and is long forgotten.

Level 4

Upon reaching the landing of this level, you 24. BARRACKS:

notice a sharp smell of smoke. Within this chamber are a number of bunks, and
If the players ask, the GM should tell them that the on each lies the skeletal remains of a warrior
smoky smell has elements of both wood and oil. wearing tattered chainmail armor. Beside each
lies a rusty but serviceable longsword.
These skeletons are not currently animated, but
The burnt smell becomes strong in this area. hidden in one of the bunk chests is a Scroll of
Scorch marks and soot radiate away from the Magic-User Spells containing the spell animate
southern door, which is blackened and charred dead that Predmore is reserving for an emergency.
Other than the odor, there is nothing of interest

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius

The spell scroll can animate up to 16 skeletons, and completely. If struck again, the fire damage resets
Predmore has ensured that there are exactly that to 1d6 on the following round and the process
many remains in this room, ready for use. Statistics starts over.
are provided below for these skeletons in that
event. The chamber contains a bunk bed, table, and
three chairs, all of which are burned beyond
16 Skeletons: AC 14 (tattered chainmail; half usability. Under the bunk bed is a large, shallow
damage from edged weapons, one point only iron box (about 30" wide x 24" deep x 15" tall)
from arrows or bolts), HD 1, #At 1 sword, Dam 1d8, covered with soot; inside is as much of the
Mv 40', Sv F1, Ml 12, XP 25 ea. monsters' treasure as Predmore permitted them to
HP 1 ☐ 5 ☐☐☐☐☐ retain. The box is not locked, and contains the
5 ☐☐☐☐☐ 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ following: 2,655 cp, 2,094 sp, 798 ep, and 394 gp.
5 ☐☐☐☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐ 3 Pitch Skeletons: AC 15 (half damage from edged
5 ☐☐☐☐☐ 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ weapons, one point only from arrows or bolts),
4 ☐☐☐☐ 4 ☐☐☐☐ HD 6*, #At 1 punch + special, 1d6 + special, Mv 40',
1 ☐ 2 ☐☐ Sv F6, Ml 12, XP 555 ea.
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
5 ☐☐☐☐☐ 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
25. OFFICER'S QUARTERS: 32 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
The first thing you notice when you open the 21 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
door to this room is the smell of smoke, indeed ☐
the smell of burning wood and tar. The floor,
walls, and ceiling of this room appear to be 26. BARRACKS:
covered in ashes and soot, and everything is so
dark that for a moment you have difficulty Within this chamber are a number of bunks, and
seeing things in the room clearly. on each lies the skeletal remains of a warrior
wearing tattered chainmail armor. Beside each
Then you see three blackened skeletal figures lies a rusty but serviceable longsword.
advancing on you. There is more than the usual
mindless violence in their approach... it’s almost These skeletons are animated, but they have been
as if they are looking at you with evil intent. ordered to lie still and do nothing. They will not
react at all to anyone or anything, even if
The monsters are a trio of pitch skeletons (as prodded, though if any are actually attacked,
described on page 68 of the Basic Fantasy Field they will all rise up to do battle.
Guide). They are the "officers" of the guard, having
However, if the "officers" in room 25 become
somehow been given the power to command the
aware of intruders, the skeletons jump into action
skeletons in area 26. If Predmore uses the scroll in
at the mental commands of the Pitch Skeletons.
area 24, he might choose to place those skeletons
under the control of these monsters as well. As There are sixteen skeletons total in this area.
soon as they see unauthorized creatures, they
advance to fight them while calling on all the 16 Skeletons: AC 14 (tattered chainmail; half
ordinary skeletons under their control to attack as damage from edged weapons, one point only
well. Noisy characters nearby will also attract their from arrows or bolts), HD 1, #At 1 sword, Dam 1d8,
attention, such as if the player characters start a Mv 40', Sv F1, Ml 12, XP 25 ea.
fight with the skeletons in area 26, below. HP 2 ☐☐ 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
3 ☐☐☐ 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
When a pitch skeleton strikes successfully, it leaves
8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ 7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
behind a patch of sticky, oily goop which
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
immediately catches fire. The victim suffers 1d6
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 4 ☐☐☐☐
points of fire damage in the next round, 1d4 on the
6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ 3 ☐☐☐
round after that, 1d2 on the fourth round, and 1
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐
point on the fifth, before the fire burns out
5 ☐☐☐☐☐ 1 ☐

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

Level 5
Level 5 Notes: This level is largely abandoned. 27. CORRIDOR:
Predmore used to come here to consult the library This room contains a giant black widow spider,
in room 28, but it had been years since the last which is hidden on the ceiling above the door from
time. That all changed when Rafaela came to the stairwell. The spider will surprise on 1-3 on 1d6
visit; Nerstly has placed her in room 29, as ordered. unless the first character entering the room
On the landing of the 5th level is a torch bracket declares intent to check the ceiling. The GM
that controls a trap mechanism on the stairs going should describe the spider's attack in the creepiest
up to level 6. A successful Secret Door check on way possible, of course.
the landing will locate the mechanism (but does Other than the spider, there is nothing else of
not indicate what it controls). A Thief's Find Traps interest in this room.
ability will lead him or her to believe the trap
mechanism connects to the stairwell. Pulling the Giant Black Widow Spider: AC 14, HD 3, #At 1 bite,
bracket down locks the trap door (detailed below) Dam 2d6 + poison, Mv 20' Web 40', Sv F3, Ml 8,
closed for about a minute to allow safe passage. XP 175
An identical mechanism is located on the landing HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
of the 6th level.
About mid-way up the stairs between the levels,
there is a section of stairs that easily gives way to a This room is obviously a library; the walls are lined
shallow compartment filled with sharpened stakes. with bookshelves overloaded with books. Heavy
A Thief searching for traps in the stairwell will locate dark curtains cover the window; a comfortable-
the trap. Once located the trap is easily stepped looking chair and side table stand in the far
over. Otherwise, the first rank of characters coming corner to the right. The room is quite dusty and
up the stairs will succumb to the trap on a failed appears disused for quite a long time.
saving throw vs. Death Ray, taking 2d6 points of
damage from the spikes. Predmore rarely uses this library anymore. The
books present are largely on subjects of history and
Additionally the sharpened spikes are covered in science; there is a particularly well-stocked but
filth, feces, and worse, so after an hour any victims out-of-date section of books on plants, gardening,
must also save vs. Poison or take an additional 1d4 herbology, and so on. On one of the shelves is a
points of damage from infection; characters will book entitled "A Treatise on Plants Inimical to Man"
not know this until the end of the first hour after by Fil Kesson which includes a detailed description
falling victim to the trap (so the second saving of the Blood Rose; that section of the book has
throw should be delayed until then). been annotated in the margin by Predmore after
his study of the one in room 6.
While the fever is upon a character, he or she
suffers a penalty of -1 on attack rolls and saving 29. BEDROOM:
throws. The saving throw vs. Poison is made each
hour, and if successful the progression of the How this room is found by the adventurers
disease is halted; otherwise, an additional 1d4 depends on whether they enter it while Rafaela is
points of damage is applied and an additional -1 still present, or after she has been removed. The
penalty is added to the character's attack rolls first boxed text below applies if she is present when
and saving throws. Of course, the cumulative the party enters:
penalty to saving throws means the chance of
When you open the door, you see Rafaela, the
spontaneous remission decreases every time the
girl you have come to rescue! She is holding a
save fails.
broom, caught in the act of sweeping the floor,
A cure disease spell will halt the infection (as will and she smiles when she sees you. "Hello!" she
heal or similar magic). says. "It's so nice to see you. Did my dear
Predmore invite you? Never mind. Oh, where is
that Nerstly with the mop and bucket I asked him

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius

Predmore has placed Rafaela here until he is symbol of Galataia lying upon it stands before
ready to sacrifice her. She is charmed, and the window. The walls are white, trimmed with
believes he has only good plans for her. She has painted green vines; the ceiling is a pale yellow,
spent her time in this room cleaning and tidying up. and the floor is covered with fine hardwood,
She will not believe anything the player characters inlaid with designs of leaves and insects in
tell her about Predmore unless it is complimentary contrasting colors of wood. The customary small
to him, and she will not willingly leave with them ceremonial brazier has been pushed back
either. against the left wall, and the pitcher and cup
Rafaela has no spells prepared at present, as she normally used in worship are entirely missing. You
discharged them at Predmore's instruction. Her also notice tapestry hooks on both side walls, but
spell book (which is in her apartment) contains the the tapestries are missing. The entire room is
following spells: detect magic, floating disc, and dusty and shows no sign of having been used in
protection from evil. a very long time.

If Rafaela is already gone, or if the players ask The candlesticks are worth 100 gp each. The holy
about the contents of the room, read the symbol is silver, and is worth 50 gp to a collector of
following: antiquities; a priest of Prolethra could use it were
he or she in need of a holy symbol, but such an
This is obviously a bedroom, and is visibly cleaner out-of-date item would not be used otherwise.
than much of the rest of the tower. The room is
furnished with a bed, a side table with a drawer,
a wooden commode (cabinet used to conceal A strong, foul smell of excrement assaults your
a chamberpot), a dresser and a chair, and a rug noses as you open the door to this bedroom.
lies rolled up against the wall. There is a The bed, side table, writing desk, and chair in this
mandolin, which doesn’t appear to be room are all covered in a grayish white
serviceable, hanging from a hook by the door to substance; the floor is likewise befouled by it. A
this room. draft blows in through the broken window but
does little to abate the smell.
An urn with Shellan designs on it is being used as a
chamberpot, but is actually worth 100 gp if The substance covering everything is guano, from
cleaned up and sold to a collector of antiquities. the giant bats which normally occupy this room.
The drawer of the side table contains a comb and Note that they will not be present if it is night!
a brush of no particular value, and a single Under the guano-covered bed are two wooden
platinum shoe buckle set with an emerald (worth boxes. They are locked with substandard locks
800 gp, or 2,100 gp as part of a set if the other (+20% to the chance to pick them) and can be
buckle can be located; it is presently in room 40). forced open manually as if forcing a door. Inside
Rafaela found the buckle under the bed while the first is 400 cp and an antique bronze medal
cleaning the room, and put it in the drawer for depicting the stylized face of the ancient King
safekeeping. Argo (worth 200 gp to a collector of antiquities);
the second contains 300 sp and a ruby-encrusted
Rafaela: Human Magic-User 2, AC 11, HD 2d4,
silver belt buckle (worth 700 gp).
#At 1, Dam 1d4 (dagger) or by spell, Mv 40', Ml 8,
XP 75 4 Giant Bats: AC 14, HD 2, #At 1 bite, Dam 1d4,
Mv 10' Fly 60' (10'), Sv F2, Ml 8, XP 75 ea.
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
HP 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
30. SHRINE: 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
The door to this room is locked. 11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
You can see that this room is a shrine; in fact, it
appears to be a shrine to the goddess Galataia,
the old name of Prolethra, goddess of life. A
small altar with two silver candlesticks and a holy

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

32. OFFICE: professional historian of the area, or someone

doing genealogical research, might be willing to
This was once an office. It has clearly been pay 50 gp for these papers at the absolute
disused for many years. There are several dozen maximum.
pigeonholes in the walls, each containing a
bundle of papers, two desks with chairs, and a If the party continues to open the parcels, the
bronze brazier full of charcoal which stands on a ninth one opened will turn out to relate to the
metal tray. purchase of a number of rare items, all acquired
about fifty years ago. It includes an invoice for
The bundles of papers are sealed with wax seals. If 2,000 gp for one blood rose, paid to a gardener
these are broken, each will be found to contain a named Florencio.
lease, a cadastre (a register of property showing
The seventeenth one opened contains a long-
the extent, value, and ownership of land for
forgotten Scroll of Five Magic-User spells: animate
taxation), and a rent record, but these are only of
dead, fireball, ice storm, magic jar, and teleport.
historical interest because the associated estate
The scroll must have been sealed up a hundred
has long since been sold off and the deeds are
years ago or more and the ink is quite faded,
now in the hands of the new owners. A
although still clearly legible.

Level 6
Level 6 Notes: On the landing of the 6th level is a This particular mimic has engulfed an Amplifying
torch bracket that controls a trap mechanism on Earring, also called an Earring of Hearing by those
the stairwell below (going down to 5th level). A wizards with a poor sense of humor. If killed, the
successful Secret Door check on the landing will earring (which appears as a simple hoop made of
locate the mechanism (but does not indicate a copper-gold alloy) will be expelled from the
what it controls). A Thief's Find Traps ability will lead corpse, but will only be found if the adventurers
him to believe the trap mechanism goes to the state that they are examining its remains.
stairwell. Pulling the bracket down locks the trap
door (detailed below) shut for about a minute to The earring doubles the wearer's hearing
allow safe passage. This mechanism is identical to effectiveness, giving him or her a 50% chance to
the mechanism found on the 5th level landing and detect invisible creatures within 30 feet, and the
controls the same spiked trap. Details for the trap same chance to notice a stealthy character or
are given in the Level 5 notes. creature sneaking up on the wearer. Whenever
the wearer detects an invisible creature using this
33. CORRIDOR: device, the wearer suffers only a -2 on his or her
attack rolls against the invisible creature. However,
The door at the top of the stairs is actually a mimic
very loud noises (such as a lightning bolt spell)
(as found in the Basic Fantasy Field Guide Volume
within 30 feet will stun the wearer, incapacitating
1, page 49). The mimic was charmed by
him or her for 1d6 rounds.
Predmore, and will attack anyone other than the
vampire or Nerstly who touches it, unless either Note that the mimic has full use of the magical
Predmore or Nerstly opens the door first. earring, even though it does not have "ears" as
such in which to wear it.
If the mimic rolls a natural 20 on its attack roll, its
target will be knocked down the stairs and suffer Mimic: AC 13, HD 7**, #At 1, Dam 3d4, Mv 10',
1d6 points of damage; any characters lower on Sv F7, Ml 10, XP 800
the staircase than the victim must save vs. Death
HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Ray (with Dexterity bonus applied) or suffer the
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
same fate.

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius

34. BEDROOM: You see a well-stocked magical laboratory. A

A bed stands at an odd angle against the waist-high wooden table six feet long by three
curved wall of this room, and lying atop the bed feet wide stands in the middle of the room; it is
is a plain wooden box wrapped in chains and outfitted with metal eyes at the corners,
secured with a large padlock. The box is large obviously intended to be used to restrain a victim
enough to be a coffin, but is not in the on the table. Indeed, the table itself has an
customary shape, and the wood has the patina irregular dark stain near the center of the table
of age. There is also a chest on the floor at the top. Shelves line the walls between the heavily-
foot of the bed and a writing desk and chair draped windows, filled with books, scrolls,
standing before the single large window, so that glassware, tools, bones and skulls of men, almost-
whoever might use the desk would have a view men, and animals, and all the other sundry bits
of the city. and pieces used by wizards in their magical
research. The straight wall is lined with work
As you consider your next move, you hear a tables of old, dark wood, which have scars and
thump. Then another, and then another. The marks of various sorts, but at the moment they
sound seems to be coming from inside the are completely empty.
coffin-like box on the bed.
A narrow metal box over four feet long lies on
Predmore purchased a mummy trapped in a the floor beneath the central table. The box is
coffin for his research long ago, put it in this room, plain, but is secured with a heavy, fancy-looking
and forgot about it. It is thumping at the lid of the padlock.
locked casket, hoping that someone will free it. If
As you might guess, the unfinished sword is in the
released, it will of course attack immediately.
box. The padlock has been enchanted with
The mummy wears a necklace of braided gold, wizard lock so that, even if someone were to steal
silver, and copper chains, which show no signs of the key from Predmore, it would not open for
tarnish or verdigris (worth 600 gp). If the mummy is them. If the adventurers open the box anyway,
released, the necklace will be obvious to anyone remember that the still-unfinished sword is made of
viewing it. pure nocturnium; review the notes on page 81 if
someone dares to touch it.
On the flat wall to the left of the door is graffiti:
rows and columns of numbers, scratched on the If the adventurers arrive here substantially before
wall with charcoal. They are a record of midnight, Rafaela will obviously not be here yet. If
transactions which Predmore entered into with a the adventurers engaged in a major battle with
group of adventurers fifty or so years ago; the last the mimic in area 33, Predmore will be alerted to
transactions are marked "M" and "V" and were for their approach and will have had time to prepare;
2,000 gp each. his statistics are found on page 81. He will summon
his flesh golem by striking the ceiling three times
Mummy: AC 17‡ (harmed only by magic weapons, with his walking staff, then cast mirror image on
fire, or spells), HD 5, #At 1 touch + disease, himself as soon as he sees signs that the door is
Dam 1d12 + disease, Mv 20', Sv F5, Ml 12, XP 450 opening. When the battle begins, Predmore will
HP 22 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ use his confusion spell first, holding out his lightning
☐☐ bolt spells until the flesh golem joins the fight (since
the lightning bolt spell will both damage his
35. LABORATORY: enemies and heal the golem at the same time).
This room is the key area of the entire adventure. If Predmore is caught off-guard, he will still try the
Please review Predmore's Plan on page 80 for strategy given above if he can, but if he does not
details on the situations described below. think he has time, he will use his dimension door
spell to go to area 37 (the corridor upstairs where
First, here is a general description of the room as it
his flesh golem is stationed). He will then order the
would be if it were empty. The GM will have to
golem to advance down the stairs, and will follow
amend this description based on when and how
along behind in relative safety.
the room is entered.

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

If the adventurers do not find Rafaela before Nocturnia is a sword, of course, and thus will wish
Predmore sends for her, then he will carry out his to be held and used by a true warrior. She will
plan. Nerstly will remain in the room, curious about speak kindly to her "Father" at first, trying to win his
the whole operation; if the adventurers enter favor, but Predmore does not wish to give the
during the ritual, he will try to hide beneath one of sword away; rather, he wants to study it, to learn
the work tables before turning into a giant rat to about its powers, and every now and then (but not
escape. Nerstly will only fight if he must. nearly often enough to suit Nocturnia) he will use it
to slay a foe or two. If the adventurers manage to
If Predmore completes his plan before the
defeat Predmore and acquire Nocturnia, she will
adventurers reach this room (i.e. midnight arrives
promise anything to convince a Fighter in the
and they have not found and rescued Rafaela
group to keep her. But she cannot be trusted, for
yet), read the following:
the only thing Nocturnia wants is to slay the living,
You hear a scream. You've heard screams and she does not care who she kills.
before, but this one is different... it seems to cut
36. STUDY:
you like a sword, like a spear rammed into your
heart. The scream is pain and fear to a degree This room is furnished with a desk and chair, a
you never imagined could exist in the world. It small bookshelf, and several maps on the wall at
goes on and on, and you cannot move, you just varying scales depicting the local area as well as
stand and listen to the horrible sound. the nation and the entire region. On the desk is
a magnifying lens, a few books, and a number of
Then it's gone, and the silence afterward hits you
rocks. The books appear to be volumes of
like a blow, like a slap from some angry god, and
geological information, and the rocks a small
you realize your breathing is hard and fast and
collection of geological specimens.
you feel the urge to run away, to flee from
something, but you know not what it is. The lens is worth 50 gp. The geological specimens
include 2 bloodstones (worth 50 gp each), a large,
Predmore will lift the black sword from the ashen
irregular chunk of blue quartz (worth 20 gp), and a
husk of Rafaela's body, and it will speak to him,
small, rounded piece of chrysoprase (worth 50 gp).
calling him Father in a voice of pure sweet poison.
There are also assorted small fossils.
Of course, the adventurers might not be fortunate
enough to witness this event, but the next thing On the bookshelf are a number of books on
Predmore does is strike Nerstly with the sword, subjects of geological interest, and an engraved
hitting him and doing 8 points of damage. Nerstly wooden box depicting a realistic heart; the box
will flee, confused by his master's sudden turn (but contains a pair of knives with silver blades and
Predmore never trusted the little wererat, and with golden hilts. The blades have scalloped serrated
the gateway in room 39 he no longer needs him). edges, while the hilts are set with large blood-red
He will seek out the adventurers, throwing himself rubies in the pommels and crossguards. Each knife
at their mercy (for he knows his master has none) is worth 900 gp each, and the box is worth 300 gp;
and telling them all about how Predmore has all together as a boxed set, they are worth
completed the creation of the sword. 2,800 gp. Predmore received these knives years
ago as payment for some long-forgotten magical

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius

Level 7
37. CORRIDOR: The table to the south is, of course, for making
more of them – they are formed of a core of
A huge, muscular, scarred man stands before enchanted hepatizon which is dipped in melted
you. He wears only a ragged pair of dark pants, lead. Enchanted hepatizon is very valuable and
and though his eyes are vacant, he raises his the small amount on the table is worth 1,500 gp.
hands and advances menacingly upon you. There is a further 2,000 gp worth of enchanted
This is Predmore's flesh golem, standing guard with hepatizon in the enchanted toy solders, if the party
orders to kill anyone who enters other than its can somehow extract it from the lead.
master or Nerstly. The potted plants on the table to the east are
Flesh Golem: AC 20‡ (only hit by magical Agonax, a species native to a dark region in the
weapons), HD 9** (+8), #At 2 fists, Dam 2d8/2d8, plane of Tarterus. Their leaves have incredibly
Mv 30', Sv F5, Ml 12, XP 1,225 sharp edges, and glisten with some noxious
substance. Anyone brushing up against the plant
HP 52 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ will take 1 point of damage from the leaves and
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ suffer a burning itch, which after 1d6 rounds will
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ become intense, incapacitating pain. The pain
lasts for 1d10+10 rounds during which time the
character may either scream, or curl up in a fetal
This cluttered room contains three large tables. ball and whimper (player's choice but they can't
The northern one has several hundred tiny lead do anything useful). A successful saving throw vs.
soldiers standing on it. They are animated, and Poison reduces this time by half.
as you watch, they can be seen marching about
The black petals of the Agonax can be crushed
the table in drill formation. A tiny sergeant
into a paste and dissolved in unholy water. If this is
gestures with his swagger stick. In a glass-sided
done and a darkness spell cast on the resulting
tank mounted on the wall nearby are several
fluid, it emulsifies and forms an ointment which can
white rats, one of which has several scars on its
allow an undead creature such as a vampire to
face and body.
survive the sunlight for up to 2d4 turns. Two plants
The eastern table has six potted plants on it. can make one dose. Predmore is aware of this but
They have jet black flowers. is not clear on the exact procedure, and so is
working on it at the moment.
The last table, which is to the south, is of black
granite. On it are several nuggets of some kind 39. PARLOR:
of black metal, a small bellows-powered The door to this room has been wizard locked by
charcoal furnace, a crucible, a small anvil and Predmore.
various tongs, hammers, and other metalworking
tools. Within this room is a free-standing arch of black
metal with inset silver runes, about seven feet
The tiny lead soldiers will ignore the characters
high and four feet wide. Within the arch you can
unless an attempt is made to take them from the
see an impossible space and then a rock wall –
room, in which case they will try to fight, although
the gate seems to open into a cave.
this is not very effective (they attack as one
creature, as a Magic-User with a penalty of -1 to This is a gate to another world. It opens into a
hit, and can inflict at most 1d2 hp damage to an cave behind a waterfall. Beyond the waterfall is
unarmored character). If actually taken from the the Moonmist Moor. A human culture at about a
room they become inert, their magic dispelled. Bronze Age level of technology lives there – fewer
The scars on the rat are from wounds inflicted by than a thousand people in total. They live in round
tiny lead swords. thatched huts and herd cattle and horses.

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

The Moonmist Moor is dotted with standing The chest at the foot of the bed contains
monoliths called Spires. These are important additional bedding, but it is old and decrepit and
because they keep the spectres at bay. When the will fall apart if handled. The bedding on the bed
sun sets on Moonmist Moor, spectres fly down from itself is in a similar condition, and the bed is very
the night sky and hunt for human life force to feed dusty. In the bottom of the chest is a long-
upon, but they cannot approach within 300' of a forgotten bag containing 964 cp and 343 sp.
Spire. Thus each of the human villages on the
moor is clustered around a monolith. The nightstand nearest the door has a single
drawer which contains a handful of old scraps of
No one can pass through this gate without paper marked with illegible scrawls, a pencil in the
speaking the Secret Word; it is otherwise blocked form of a tube that holds an actual piece of lead,
by an invisible barrier that feels cold to the touch. and a silver dagger (the common sort, as found on
If the GM is interested in expanding on Moonmist the equipment list). The drawer of the other
Moor as an adventure locale then the party may nightstand contains a fancy silver comb with a
be able to learn the Word; otherwise, it is merely a dragons-head handle set with tiny diamonds as
hunting ground for Predmore. He thinks of it as his eyes (worth 1,500 gp), a single platinum shoe
"larder." Nerstly has never been in this room, and buckle set with an emerald (worth 800 gp, or
believes it is where his master keeps his greatest 2,100 gp as part of a set if the other buckle can be
treasure... and perhaps it is. located; it is presently in room 29), all hidden
underneath several used handkerchiefs as old and
The window is covered by a heavy, dark curtain; decrepit as the bedding.
besides that, the gate is the only thing of interest in
the room. Note that the gate is not fixed in place, The armoire is overstuffed with wizard's robes in
but in fact can be moved, though it weighs about varying states of wear, but all of these are currently
2,500 pounds and will not fit through the door of in use and thus not prone to falling apart if
the room. Predmore did not actually create the handled. In the inside pocket of one robe is a bag
gateway, but rather took it from another wizard containing 7 pearls (worth 100 gp each) as well as
after slaying him many years ago. 26 sp and 20 gp in coins.

40. MASTER BEDROOM: The armoire seems to be fixed to the floor, but if
successfully searched (as for secret doors) a catch
As it's unlikely that the adventurers will find
inside may be found; operating it allows the entire
Predmore in his room; the description below does
armoire to be swung open on noiseless hinges,
not include him. The GM will have to improvise if
revealing shelves recessed into the stone wall.
for some reason he is here.
Two shelves are lined with white stoneware jars, ten
It's fairly obvious to you that this is the master in total, each of which contains exactly 500 gp. A
bedroom, though it is somewhat different than third shelf contains two black stoneware jars, each
most. A large bed stands to your left, in the of which contains exactly 500 pp. On the same
inside corner, with a large chest at the foot and shelf is an unlocked wooden box; inside it are four
a nightstand at either side of the head. Heavy, heavy gold neck chains, each linked in a helical
dark curtains cover the single large window. A pattern (worth 900 gp each). Finally, on the last
wooden coffin lies on the floor just to the right of shelf are two sacks, one containing 376 gp and the
the door, its lid lies askew. Tipped back against other 125 pp.
the wall, you can see the bottom of the coffin is
filled with dirt which still shows the impression of a
body. Finally, an armoire stands against the
short south wall; its doors are closed, but you can
see bits of clothing sticking out between them.

Strongholds of Sorcery House of Coldarius

House of Coldarius Strongholds of Sorcery

Strongholds of Sorcery Thaumerion's Tower

Thaumerion's Tower
Introduction The book will tell you that trolls are effectively
immortal; if their flesh is not destroyed utterly, such
Thaumerion Daelant was a mighty wizard, once as by fire or acid, a troll can survive indefinitely.
upon a time, but that was long ago. He built a Thaumerion coveted this power for himself.
tower in the mountains far from civilization, where
he could carry out magical research undisturbed. In order to learn these things, he needed many
trolls upon which to experiment. He paid
Then, he just disappeared. Some said he had adventurers, some of them the sons and daughters
died, others that he was traveling in some strange of his former comrades, to capture them and bring
plane of existence. For decades, nothing was them to his tower. Knowing the king would not
heard from him. permit him to keep captured trolls within the walls
Finally the temptation was too much, and a group of any city in the kingdom, he had a tower built on
of adventurers raided his tower. They brought a mountain slope far from civilized territories. Over
back treasure, and lots of it, but did not discover the years he had the dungeons beneath the tower
what had happened to the wizard, nor did they expanded by a number of different architects and
find any of the legendary items he was said to builders, some human, some dwarf, even some
possess. After all, everyone knew that he had hobgoblins, so that no one would know all the
owned a staff of power, though some said it was secrets of his sanctum.
actually the superior staff of wizardry. Some stories Thaumerion acquired a Ring of Regeneration at
even hinted that he might own several of the one point, hoping that it would give him the power
fabled rings of Samaron. he so desired, but while it could heal any injury it
After a time, another party of adventurers tried the could not truly give him the immortality of a troll.
dungeon, and then more, but though some did Still he wore the ring until he could devise a better
find hidden treasures missed by earlier expeditions, way.
none ever learned what became of the wizard or Eventually, he did.
his fabled hoard of magic. Some parties did not
return, and some returned telling stories of strange, Thaumerion developed a procedure, combining
heretofore-unknown monsters. specialized magical items with a ritual of his own
devising, which could transfer a troll's own
What's Going On Here? regenerative ability to him. It was difficult and
error-prone, and it took him almost a decade and
Thaumerion Daelant's was a wizard like many, first the lives of more than a dozen trolls before he
an apprentice, then an adventurer. He and his succeeded. But then, as he wrote in his journal, he
comrades were successful, and eventually he only needed to succeed once.
became an ally of the king himself. There are
those who will tell you his allegiance was one of He did not learn the full consequences until much
political necessity and not patriotism, loyalty, or later. The details of his current condition are found
even friendship, and it's true he was well paid for in room 23 on level 8b, below.
the various works he performed for the king, but all
in all he was well respected in the kingdom. Thaumerion still lives, though he has been believed
dead for many years. His tower and dungeon
He grew old, as men do, and in his latter years he have been looted, repeatedly in fact, though only
became obsessed with the regenerative powers of a few have managed to discover the secret door
trolls. He wrote the definitive book, A Treatise on at the bottom of the pit in area 9 which gives
Trolls: Their Nature and Powers, which is still used in access to the secret parts of levels 5 through 7,
wizarding schools to this day, but his research went and no one has yet discovered the secret way
far beyond the things he wrote in his book. from level 7 to level 8b. Thus the old wizard still lives
in his office and laboratory on level 8b,
undiscovered and undisturbed for a great many

Thaumerion's Tower Strongholds of Sorcery

Adventure Hooks magic is transferred to the wand. The Gilderwand

can contain up to 20 levels of spell; if the wand is
There are many possible reasons why a group of full, it will not destroy a scroll it is touched to.
adventurers might enter Thaumerion's dungeon, However, if the wand is not full, and the scroll
and an enterprising GM should thus have little absorbed contains more levels of magic than the
difficulty enticing them. In particular, the old wand can contain, the spells that cannot be
wizard has a number of valuable magical items in contained will be lost as the scroll is annihilated.
his hoard. First of all is the Ring of Regeneration,
which he no longer wears as he no longer needs it. Each time the wand is wielded and its command
He owns a Staff of Power, which he always keeps word is spoken, it will release one spell. Spells are
near him. Most valuable of all is the Gilderwand, a released in the order they were stored, first in, first
special item created by an even more ancient out; there is no way to change the order, and no
and renowned wizard, the great Socran Gilder. way to find out what spells are stored in the wand
other than to keep track manually. When a scroll
The Gilderwand containing multiple spells is "loaded" into the wand,
the spells will normally be loaded in the order they
This wand is a simple, unassuming stick of dark appear on the scroll; however, there is a 1 in 4
wood, tapered slightly from base to tip. Two chance they will be loaded in reverse order, and
command words are inscribed on it in magical the user will not know which way they are stored.
script, visible to anyone using detect magic. One
translates as "activate" or "go" while the other is The wand was reputedly created by the
"consume" or possibly "acquire." Archmage Socran Gilder as an experiment ("just to
prove I can" he supposedly said).
If the Gilderwand is touched to a Magic-User spell
scroll and the second command word is spoken,
the scroll will suddenly burn to a fine ash as its

Dungeon Key
This is a ten level dungeon. Yes, that does sound from living stone. The walls of the entire dungeon,
impressive... but there are just twenty-five on the other hand, are cut from the living stone, as
numbered encounter areas. For that reason, is the ceiling.
rather than breaking the dungeon key up by levels
as is usually done, the twenty-five areas will be The rooms of this dungeon were once lit with
detailed one after another as if they were all one continual light spells, but it has been so long since
dungeon level. The map level will be noted after those spells were cast that most of them have
each room name, in hopes of avoiding confusion. expired. The only rooms which are illuminated are
those so indicated in their descriptions.
The ceilings in the rooms on levels 1 and 2 are
gently vaulted, about 8' high at the edges and 1. ENTRANCE: GROUND LEVEL
rising to only about 12' high at the center of each The front door of the tower is closed, secured with
room, or 10' in the corridors. Levels 3 and lower are a wizard lock cast by Thaumerion years ago, and
different; each of the 50' square rooms has a further warded by an enchantment of lightning on
peaked ceiling that starts at 10' high at the edges the brass door handle. Any character touching
of the room and rises to 30' in the center. Smaller the door handle takes 3d6 points of electrical
rooms have lower peaks, as do the corridors, but in damage, with a successful saving throw vs. Death
all cases the ceiling is no less than 10' up at the Ray reducing damage by half.
lowest point. At the peaks of all the rooms are 1'
square holes which run a meandering path The back door stands open, and in fact is broken
through the stone, functioning as ventilation and such that it can no longer be closed.
as chimneys where needed.
The floors of almost all of the rooms in this dungeon
are covered in flagstones, the main exception
being room 23 on level 8b, where the floor is cut

Strongholds of Sorcery Thaumerion's Tower

The following description is intended to read 17 Stirges: AC 13, HD 1, #At 1 bite, Dam 1d4 +
correctly regardless of which door is entered. 1d4/round blood drain, Mv 10' Fly 60', Sv F1, Ml 9,
XP 37 ea.
This room is nothing more than a thirty-foot-
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
square space filled with stairs. The stairs descend
1 ☐ 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
to your right and ascend to your left; looking up,
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐
it appears they make two full turns before
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ 5 ☐☐☐☐☐
reaching the ceiling. The rear door of the tower
8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ 6 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
is about ten feet higher than the front, and the
8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ 2 ☐☐
stairs between them are broad, so that the
2 ☐☐ 3 ☐☐☐
staircase spans the space properly, but the stairs
5 ☐☐☐☐☐ 5 ☐☐☐☐☐
are steeper going up from the rear door and
7 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
down from the front. The ten-foot-square space
in the center appears to be open from the roof 2. CAVE BEAR LAIR: LEVEL 1
down, though how far down you cannot tell
without stepping up to the uncomfortably-low The walls of this room appear to have been cut
railing and looking. from the living rock, while the floor is covered in
flagstones. Where the staircase ends there is a
A swarm of stirges make this room their home, door to your right, which appears to be the only
nesting high up on the walls. They will attack exit from this room.
adventurers immediately, delaying only if surprised.
You smell a strong, musty animal odor in the air...
The railing is low because this part was built by
dwarves. At the top of the stairs is a trap door This area is the lair of a mated pair of cave bears
leading to the roof; it is stuck, and must be forced. who have a nest under the stairs, out of sight of the
adventurers. They are aggressive and likely to
The desiccated body of a Fighter lies on the stairs attack on sight. Note that they almost certainly
just before the trap door to the roof. He was killed heard the adventurers descending the stairs and
by the stirges relatively recently, and as he was the thus will not be surprised, but you should still check
last of his party, he still carries his treasure: 740 cp, for surprise for the player characters.
1,885 gp, a suit of Chain Mail +1, and a Potion of
Clairaudience. He has a non-magical silver 2 Cave Bears: AC 15, HD 7, #At 2 claws/1 bite +
dagger at his belt, as well as an empty sword hug, Dam 1d8/1d8/2d6 + 2d8 hug, Mv 40', Sv F7,
scabbard; of the sword there is no sign. Ml 9, XP 670 ea.

There is no map or key provided for the roof, but HP 45 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
the GM may populate it as he or she sees fit, or ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
leave it empty. ☐☐☐☐☐
28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
The staircase descends from the front door 30' to ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
the floor of room 2, below. Note that this area and
room 2 are effectively one open space; the cave 3. SECRET ROOM: LEVEL 1
bears that lair below are almost certain to hear the
As you open the door, you see huge black
adventurers entering this area, and so will not be
skeletal monsters with clawed hands and
surprised. In fact, they will move up the stairs to
pointed teeth charging at you!
attack 2d4 rounds after this room is entered. The
stirges have learned the hard way not to attack Don't forget to check for surprise as normal for the
the cave bears, so if both are attacking at the adventurers.
same time, they will effectively be working
together. These are animated skeletons made from the
remains of trolls who died while being studied by
the wizard. Their bones are blackened from
exposure to fire. He animated them to use as
defenders, then put them in this room and forgot
about them.

Thaumerion's Tower Strongholds of Sorcery

After the threat has passed, the adventurers may The pouch contains a gold necklace worth 1,300
examine the room more completely: gp, a silver pin depicting a hawk with emerald
eyes worth 1,400 gp, and a pair of gold earrings
The walls of this room are cut from the living made to look like loops of rope, worth 450 gp as a
stone, as is the gently-vaulted ceiling which is set or 175 gp each.
perhaps twelve or so feet high at the center.
The floor is covered in flagstones, the same as in 5. RECEPTION ROOM: LEVEL 2
the previous room. The room also contains a few
The first thing that catches your attention upon
empty crates; the wood appears dry-rotted and
entering this room are the intricate mosaics on
the left and right walls. The mosaics form
5 Troll Skeletons: AC 13, half damage from edged symbolic patterns of five- and seven-pointed
weapons, 1 point only from arrows, bolts, and sling stars done in white on a background of
stones, HD 6, #At 2 claws/1 bite, horizontal wavy stripes of red and black. The
Dam 1d6/1d6/1d10, Mv 40', Sv F6, Ml 12, XP 500 ea. ceiling and the end walls of the room are
painted black, though the paint is cracked and
HP 37 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
peeling with age. The flagstones covering the
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
floor are of black marble.
14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
24 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Long, padded benches line the side walls, dark
☐☐☐☐ wood upholstered with moth-eaten red fabric.
26 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ The room contains no other furnishings.
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
32 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ If the opposite door is touched, it will open
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ suddenly and four wraiths will enter. They are the
spirits of the last group of adventurers to enter the
4. SECRET ROOM: LEVEL 2 dungeon, who were slain and then transformed by
The secret door to this room appears to be an Thaumerion. He trapped them on this level of the
irregular cracked section of wall; the cracks have dungeon to act as guards so that no other
been cleverly engineered to hide the secret door, adventurers would disturb his research.
which swings back to the left when a certain The secret door in the right-hand wall is hidden
section of the right-hand side is firmly pressed. cleverly within the mural, and is of course opened
by pressing a certain slightly discolored tile.
This small room appears to be entirely empty.
4 Wraiths: AC 15, HD 4**, #At 1 touch, Dam 1d6 +
One of the flagstones in the floor at the far end of energy drain (1 level), Mv Fly 80', Sv F4, Ml 12,
the room is loose and can be lifted out with a XP 320 ea.
prybar of some sort; this is detected as a secret
door. If the flagstone is removed, a hole 2' deep HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
and 2' x 2' square is revealed, at the bottom of 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
which is a small pouch. 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
The pouch is tied to a wire, which is hidden
underneath it. If the wire is pulled (such as by lifting 6. SECRET ROOM: LEVEL 2
the pouch), a cloud of mist will puff out of the hole,
This small room, really just a hidden closet, is
filling the back 10' section in one round and the
empty except for a large bronze-bound chest in
front 10' section in the next. Anyone within the
the far left corner.
cloud must save vs. Poison or die; each round a
character remains within the cloud, he or she must The chest is very heavy, and does not rattle if
make another saving throw. The cloud will shaken or struck. It has a poisoned needle trap in
dissipate after one turn. the lock, which will be activated by anyone
attempting to pick it (save vs. Poison or die). Once
unlocked and opened, a secondary trap will be
sprung, as a gout of flame will spurt out of the

Strongholds of Sorcery Thaumerion's Tower

chest, filling the room and doing 5d6 points of fire 8. BEDROOM: LEVEL 4
damage to all within. A successful save vs. Dragon
Breath reduces damage from this second trap by This room was obviously once a truly grand
half. bedroom, with a huge bed and chest in the far
left corner, a large bathtub in the far right
There is nothing in the chest except for the fuel corner, a round table and six chairs in the near
tanks for the flame trap. Both traps will reset left corner, and a pair of large armoires and a
automatically if the chest is closed (though dressing screen in the near right corner. A few
disarming one or both of them will prevent this). paintings once graced the left and right walls,
The flame trap has enough fuel to be activated 5 and a large tapestry once hung from hooks
times, while the poison needle can only affect at centered on the far wall.
most 3 victims before the poison is too worn out to
work again. All of those fine furnishings lie in a shambles now.
The bedding has been torn from the bed and
7. GALLERY: LEVEL 3 the frame partially dismantled; the table and
chairs have been broken apart, with the
This room is a shambles. Lying on the floor or upholstery of the chairs having been cut with
leaning against the walls are numerous knives; the dressing screen lies broken on the
paintings, mostly torn or broken apart. Scattered floor, with the clothing from the armoires
around the room are various broken pieces of scattered and trampled nearby; and the curtain
what appears to have been fine furniture at one that once surrounded the tub has been torn
time long ago... chairs, tables, and a few from the frame that once held it and likewise
couches, with their upholstery torn, legs broken, tossed to the floor. Of the tapestry there is no
and so on. You also notice broken urns and sign; only the hooks that once held it are still
vases of various types, and a few toppled present.
statues. The only unbroken item in the room is a
dark purple vase nearly six feet tall and almost This room has been thoroughly looted and
four feet across at its widest point, which stands contains nothing of value.
in the near corner to your right.
The destruction in this room is the result of repeated
looting by adventurers. There is literally nothing of The secret door opens into a corridor that runs
value left in the room. ten feet and then turns left. Looking around the
corner, you see that it runs another twenty feet
The vase contains a black pudding, which will or so to a door.
erupt out (surprising on 1-3 on 1d6) if anyone
approaches within 10' of the vase. The door is a fake; it opens easily, revealing a blank
stone wall.
Black Pudding: AC 14, immune to weapons and
lightning, splits if thus attacked, immune to cold or The pit trap will open on a 1-2 on 1d6 chance per
ice but paralyzed one round per damage die if so character that walks on it, 1-3 if the character is
attacked, affected by other attack forms normally, large. Roll a check for each character. If the pit
HD 10*, AB +9, #At 1 pseudopod, Dam 3d8, Mv 20', opens, every character in the square must save vs.
Sv F10, Ml 12, XP 1,390 Death Ray (with Dexterity bonus added) or fall 50'
to the bottom, suffering 5d6 points of damage.
Note: The check boxes below have been
arranged to make splitting the pudding easier. If The floor of this corridor is covered in flagstones.
the pudding is damaged before being split, be One near the pit, and close to the far wall (on the
sure to distribute the damage between the blocks "front" side of the pit, i.e. the side nearest the secret
of boxes more or less evenly. door) has a crack across one corner; that corner is
HP 52 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ actually a secret catch. Stepping firmly on the
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ secret stone opens the pit, opens the secret door
☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ at the bottom, and causes the floor of the pit to
rise at a rate of 10' per round until it is level with the
floor. After 1 round, it descends at the same rate

Thaumerion's Tower Strongholds of Sorcery

back to the bottom; the secret door at the bottom

of the pit remains open for an additional 2d4
rounds. At that point, the secret door and the pit
trap both close and reset. The secret door at the
bottom of the pit can only be opened normally
using the secret catch, or by working a lever on
the back side of that door (in area 11, below). Of
course, a knock spell will open it.
This pit and secret door arrangement shows signs
of dwarven manufacture, should anyone with
appropriate knowledge study it.


The outer door of this room is secured with a wizard
lock spell cast by Thaumerion.

This room is outfitted with four large cells, each

twenty feet square. The one immediately to your
left appears to be empty, though there seems to
be some sort of mist or fog in the back corner. allying itself with adventurers for a short time (as
The one immediately to your right contains the short as possible, of course). The troll does know
charred carcass of a really large humanoid, a hill about the gelatinous cube, but will not volunteer
giant perhaps. The one in the far right corner of the information.
the room contains two very large black dogs,
which appear to be asleep. The last cell, the 2 Hellhounds: AC 15, HD 6**, #At 1 bite or 1 breath,
one in the far left corner, contains what could Dam 1d6 or 1d6 per Hit Die, Mv 40', Sv F4, Ml 9,
only be a troll hunkered down in the back XP 610 ea.
corner. When you open the door, he stands up HP 35 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
and raises his clawed hands palms forward, ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
while babbling something in trollish. 33 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
If any character in the party can speak Troll: ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
Gelatinous Cube: AC 12, HD 4, #At 1, Dam 2d4 +
"No, stay back!" says the troll. "The dogs will burn paralysis, Mv 20', Sv F2, Ml 12, XP 280
HP 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
The large dogs in the right rear cell are hellhounds.
They've been trapped here for a long time, Troll: AC 16, HD 6, #At 2 claws/1 bite,
spending most of their time asleep; as creatures of Dam 1d6/1d6/1d10, Mv 40', Sv F6, Ml 12, XP 500
the nether planes, they can survive for a very long HP 28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
time without food if they choose to hibernate. ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
They have been terrorizing the occupants of the
other cells, as their breath weapons can reach well 11. STAIRCASE OF SECRETS: LEVEL 5
into the other cells. They killed the hill giant in the
You find yourself on a ten foot square landing at
front right cell a long time ago, in fact.
the top of yet another long staircase descending
The "mist" in the front left cell is a gelatinous cube. into the darkness. There is a small lever sticking
It has been burned before, and so stays in the out of the side wall, near the secret door;
back corner of its cell, out of reach of the perhaps it operates the door?
The lever does, in fact, operate the door. When
The troll in the left rear cell is likewise very cautious. pulled down, the secret door opens, as does the
Though it is no less evil than any other troll, it will do pit trap above; one round later, the floor begins to
anything to escape its interminable captivity, even rise at a rate of 10' per round, and thus in 5 rounds

Strongholds of Sorcery Thaumerion's Tower

is level with the floor of area 9, above. It remains The woman is, of course, a succubus, and she has
there for 2d4 rounds, and then descends at the been trapped in the pentacle for a very long time.
same rate, with the pit trap and the secret door in Thaumerion doesn't even remember she's here.
this area both closing after the first round of She will do anything, promise anything, to be freed
descent. When the floor returns to its normal level, from captivity. Since the pentacle is not merely
the lever moves back into the "up" position. drawn but actually made of metal, she can only
be freed by covering part of it, as with a cloak; she
12. CAMP: LEVEL 6 will then be able to walk out.
You have no idea what the original purpose of She will promise anything, and if the character who
this large room was, but you can tell what it was frees her secures a promise from her first, she will
used for most recently... this is where the last absolutely obey that promise. The letter of the
adventuring party camped. Maybe two or three promise, at least; she will do nothing that violates it
parties in a row. A large brazier stands in the directly, but she will do whatever she can within
middle of the room, with a small, toppled pile of the confines of that promise to undermine and
wood nearby. A variety of mismatched chairs destroy the one she made the promise to. Her
stand around a table off to one side, with promises do not survive the death of whomever
playing cards and wine bottles scattered on and she has made a compact with, so should that
under the table. A cleared area on the other person die, she is free to do as she wishes.
side of the brazier may have been used for
Of course, if that character fails to secure a
sleeping; a single blanket, partially torn into strips,
promise not to hurt him or her, whatever else the
tells the tale of someone whose wounds were
succubus might promise likely will not matter at all.
bound there. In the far left corner is a dressing
screen, looking somewhat damaged but still Nylin the Succubus: AC 20‡, immune to lightning
serviceable. A couple of large kegs and one and poison, and takes only half damage from
small keg stand together in the far right corner. acid, cold or fire-based attacks, HD 7**,
#At 2 claws + special or by weapon, Dam 1d4/1d4
There are playing cards from three different decks
or by weapon, Mv 30' Fly 50', Sv C6, Ml 7, XP 800
(with different back designs) but none of them are
complete. The wine bottles are all open and She can use the following powers at will, as if a 12th
empty. level caster: charm person, suggestion, darkness
15' radius, dimension door, ESP, clairaudience (as
The dressing screen hides a bucket, the purpose of the potion), shape change, energy drain (one
which is obvious from the old but still present smell level per kiss, transfers hit points to her, excess hit
of excrement. points are retained one day)
The two large kegs were for water, but there is only HP 46 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
a little slime on the bottom of each now. The ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
smaller keg is half full of rancid oil which smells bad ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
and will not burn correctly.
This room is a library. Bookshelves nine feet tall
You are startled at the sight of a beautiful line all the outer walls of the room, and on either
woman standing near the center of this room. side of the room are three tables with six chairs
She has raven hair and green eyes, and a face each. The floor in this room is covered by the
that you swear could start a war as easily as the largest rug you've ever seen, which if it weren't
old stories say. She wears a long black gown so moth-eaten might be worth something. The
with a low-cut bodice; it clings to her form, ceiling is hung with red and black striped cloth
showing rather than concealing her curvaceous all the way up to the peak. Sounds in this room
hips and legs. are strangely muffled, and you feel an urge to
Then you realize she is standing in the center of a
pentacle, inlaid into the marble-tiled floor in This is an incredibly well-stocked library, having
gold. books from all over the known world. There are

Thaumerion's Tower Strongholds of Sorcery

many thousands of volumes, with some whom Thaumerion was experimenting on when the
duplication, but there are no rare editions nor any procedure finally worked. Kragnact thus has the
secret or magical knowledge hidden here. The same trollish regenerative powers as Thaumerion.
books cover both natural history and politics, and
there is a large section of fictional works. The kobold was a prisoner, of course, and when he
realized that Thaumerion was not going to kill him,
15. ANTECHAMBER: LEVEL 7 he did what any good toady would do... he
sucked up to the wizard. Eventually Kragnact
The far wall of this room is painted with a mural became the wizard's assistant, showing a particular
depicting a bearded wizard in long red and expertise at building golems, and Thaumerion
black robes holding a glowing staff, facing a became rather fond of him. They worked on three
group of what are apparently angry trolls. The bone golems together as their last project before
art quality is quite good, but there is something Thaumerion conceived of the idea of troll
off about the way the trolls are depicted... you're mummies; Kragnact, being still afraid of trolls,
sure their teeth and claws aren't quite that long asked permission to remain in this workroom and to
in real life. work on finishing up the bone golems. He ventures
out from time to time with one of the golems to get
In the center of the far wall, and thus in the
food and water, but otherwise remains in this area.
center of the mural, is a large pair of double
In fact, he sleeps in room 17, below, where he will
doors. Looking closely, you can see that each of
usually be found. The three bone golems are kept
them has the face of a troll engraved in relief on
in room 18, below, but will come immediately if
the upper section.
called by Kragnact.
The other three walls of the room are covered in Thaumerion, it seems, has forgotten what
dingy gray ceramic tiles about a foot square; the happened to Kragnact, and the kobold has not
low-vaulted ceiling is natural stone, and as usual seen his master in many years.
the floor is covered in flagstones.
The double doors are barred from the other side,
requiring a successful roll to force the door on 1d20 This room is obviously a bedroom. A modest-
rather than the usual 1d6; if two characters try at sized bed is angled out from the far corner, with
the same time, use the weaker character's a chest at the foot; sitting on the chest is a large
Strength bonus but make the roll on 1d12. kobold, who jumps to his feet as you enter.
The secret door is opened by pressing down on the Kragnact is very old, kept alive by the regenerative
flagstone in the corner nearby. powers granted by his master. He has thus been
able to advance in strength until he is equivalent
There is nothing else of interest in this room.
to a kobold chieftain in physical power; his work on
16. LABORATORY: LEVEL 7 the bone golems has caused him to become fit
and strong. He is armed with a magical
This strangely-shaped room is obviously a Warhammer +2 and has a suit of Chainmail +1
workroom of some kind. Tables and shelves line which he will put on if he has time; the second
the walls, covered with tools and instruments of armor class below reflects this. Kragnact is no fool,
all sorts. The flagstone floor is covered with small however, and will always attempt to parley with a
white chips and fragments of some hard stronger group if he must. He will not admit to
material. being in control of the golems; if asked, he will
claim that he just built them and that his master
This room is used for the construction of golems. controls them. Of his master's whereabouts he will
Thaumerion hasn't been here in years, but the say that he knows nothing.
room is still in active use by Kragnact, a kobold.
Kragnact doesn't want it to come to that, though,
Kragnact was one of the test subjects for the and he has taken time to prepare. He has
procedure which gave Thaumerion the power of excellent hearing, and when he hears adventurers
regeneration; more importantly, he's the one in room 16, he will use a speaking tube hidden in
the right-hand wall of his room (behind a loose

Strongholds of Sorcery Thaumerion's Tower

stone) to order the bone golems in room 18 to There are 154 crates, and they are filled with all
move out and attack. By the time any survivors sorts of things; for each crate opened, roll
make it through his door, he will be in his chainmail percentiles once on the following table:
with his hammer in hand, ready to meet them.
01-10 Hemp rope, 500 feet
Besides the furnishings mentioned above, there is a
11 Silk rope, 1,000 feet
kobold-sized writing desk in the front-left corner
which is strewn with papers written in a strange 12-14 Woolen fabric, woven in checkered black
combination of Common and Kobold, mostly and red pattern
detailing his maintenance schedule for the bone 15-20 Woolen fabric, natural color
golems, as well as an inkpot and three good quills.
21 Silk fabric, blue
There is also a small table beside the bed with a
rather dirty glass half full of water and a small bone 22-25 12 Bottles of Wine, red
lying on it. The chest contains several badly- 26-30 Flour, 3 small sacks
altered outfits of clothing, originally made for 31-37 Sugar, 3 small sacks
humans but adjusted by Kragnact for his use.
38-39 Dried beef, 6 wrapped packages
In addition to his weapon and armor, Kragnact has
40-45 Salt, 4 large jars
1,475 cp and 1,153 sp stored in bags under his bed.
50-60 Charcoal, full crate
Kragnact the Kobold: AC 11 (16), HD 2*,
61 200 Wooden soldier toys
AB +2 (+5 with hammer due to magic and
strength), #At 1 warhammer, Dam 1d6+3, 62 250 Steel mirrors
Mv 40' (30' in armor), Sv F2, Ml 7, XP 100 63-69 32 Ceramic jars with steel lids
Note: Kragnact regenerates 1 hit point per round, 70 Dried cow dung, full crate
as if he were a troll. 71 White elephant statue
HP 16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐ 72-80 Cowhide leather, one skin, soft
18. STORAGE ROOM: LEVEL 7 81 10 Pitchfork heads (no handles)
The description below assumes the player 82-93 Empty crate
characters have not yet fought the bone golems. 94-96 32 Horseshoes
97-98 256 Bottles of Ink, sealed
As you open the door, a strange skeletal figure
rushes toward you, its four arms brandishing four 99 Ledger books, 10, blank
swords! Behind it you think you see more of the 00 Treasure: 1,100 sp, 1,100 gp, a small
creatures advancing! pouch of 20 pearls worth 100 gp each,
and a pair of Boots of Traveling and
3 Bone Golems: AC 19‡, HD 8*, #At 4 swords, Leaping.
Dam 1d8/1d8/1d8/1d8, Mv 40' (10'), Sv F4, Ml 12, Can only be rolled once, if rolled again,
XP 945 ea. ignore and re-roll.
HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐ The items in the crates are quite old; there is
38 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ generally a 40% chance that any hard item is still
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ usable, but only a 15% chance for soft items (feel
32 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ free to rule on any specific item as you see fit).
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ Food and drinks are completely spoiled at this
point, as they are so old that even wine would be
After the bone golems have been dealt with, and vinegar by now. The sealed jars of salt are fine, as
the room is examined further: is, of course, the treasure.

This is obviously a storeroom. The far wall and the

wall to the right are both piled from floor to
ceiling with wooden crates. Dust lays heavy
over everything.

Thaumerion's Tower Strongholds of Sorcery

19. HAREM: LEVEL 8A Several of the beds appear to be occupied,

When the party approaches the outer door of this covers drawn up over forms curvaceous and
room: feminine.

This heavy door is covered in iron fittings which, The figures in the beds were once slave girls
though cast in the appearance of flowers, are brought here by the wizard, but when he grew
obviously intended to make the door much tired of caring for their needs he turned them all
harder to break down. into wights. Fortunately for the adventurers, there
are only seven of the thirteen original slave girls left.
The door to this room is secured with a wizard lock They will not respond to characters entering the
spell cast by Thaumerion. When it is opened: room, but if any are approached, all will rise up to
The room beyond the door is large, another
square room fifty feet on a side. It is filled with Anyone who drinks the wine must make a saving
large, beautiful beds, five on each side of the throw vs. Poison 1d4+1 rounds after drinking. If the
room plus three more against the far wall. A saving throw fails, the character will see monsters
long table angles across the middle of the room, of any sort as non-threatening things (so a troll
set with beautiful golden plates and cups and might appear to be a large, friendly man); in
candelabras. A large wine bottle stands at the particular, if the wights have not yet attacked,
near end of the table, with the cork still in place. they will be recognized not as horrid monsters but
as beautiful, willing young women. Should the
drinker not be interested in young women, he or
she will still see them as non-threatening. This
effect lasts for 2d8 turns, and during this time the
character will take no offensive action of any kind,
even if injured by a monster.
Treasure: Each of the thirteen gold plates is worth
100 gp; each of the thirteen gold cups, 75 gp;
each of the two candelabras, 150 gp. The thirteen
golden spoons, forks, and knives are each worth 10
gp individually. If sold as a complete set, the
place settings might bring up to 25% more at the
GM's option. In addition, one of the wights (the
most powerful one below) wears a platinum
bracelet set with seven large jacinth stones which
is worth 3,000 gp. The smallest wight below wears
a necklace made of cracked, badly worn leather,
supporting a wooden medallion with a relief of a
griffon on one side and a castle on the other. The
significance of this item is left to the imagination of
the GM.
7 Wights: AC 15, HD 3, #At 1 touch,
Dam energy drain (1 level), Mv 30', Sv F3, Ml 12,
XP 175 ea.
HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
11 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
16 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Strongholds of Sorcery Thaumerion's Tower

20. ENTRYWAY: LEVEL 8B valuable. The GM is encouraged to allow any

character who spends a day searching the room
This octagonal room appears empty. The walls to find 1d10 rare books, each worth 1d10*100 gp.
are covered in rough clay tiles in a red and
black checkerboard pattern. The floor is One of the books on the bookshelf is the wizard's
covered in flagstones made of black marble, own book, A Treatise on Trolls: Their Nature and
and the vaulted ceiling is painted red. Powers; standing beside it on the shelf is another
book with the same title marked Volume 2.
The wizard placed an invisible stalker here and
There is in fact no second volume to the series;
ordered it to stand guard. It is very, very unhappy
inside the book is a hollowed-out space
about this situation.
containing a large silver key.
Invisible Stalker: AC 19, HD 8*, #At 1, Dam 4d4,
Mv 40', Sv F8, Ml 12, XP 945 Behind the books on the third shelf up from the
floor at the left end of the far wall is a polished
HP 37 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ silvered steel safe door with a large keyhole; the
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
key hidden in the book fits it and opens the safe.
21. SECRET LABORATORY: LEVEL 8B Picking the lock is done at a 35% penalty due to
the excellent design of the lock, made by one
The walls of this room are lined with work tables, of the finest elven crafters. Inside the safe are
which are overflowing with all the various the wizard's spell books; see his statistics in room
complicated equipment used by wizards. Jars, 23, below, for a list of his spells. The GM might
flasks, tubes, braziers of various sizes, boxes, and wish to add one spell of each level to the book
so on are piled everywhere in haphazard to represent those spells he does not have
fashion. Excess equipment is even piled under
the tables. In addition you see a number of
books here and there, along with a few inkpots 23. THE WIZARD'S OFFICE: LEVEL 8B
and used quills. Lastly, in the front left corner you
see an X-shaped rack; from its size and the This room is dominated by an altar at the far
massive appearance of the shackles attached end, on which lies the body of a very old man.
to it, it was apparently used to restrain a very His long beard trails over the nearer side of the
large humanoid. altar, and his hands are folded over his chest.
He appears dead.
All of the books in this room are written in
Thaumerion's secret language (see area 23, below, The room is lit only dimly by candles on tall
for details). They are lab notes for his various stands, one at each end of the altar. The back
projects, including one volume that details his wall appears to have a mural of some sort on it,
successful creation of troll mummies. though you can't quite make it out. The long
walls to the left and right are covered in ancient,
All of the various items in this room are very old and tattered curtains that might once have been red
worn out, but the entire fragile contents of the and black.
room might bring as much as 5,000 gp if the right
buyer could be found. The body lying on the altar is actually Thaumerion
Daelant, and he is not dead, but only almost. The
22. SECRET LIBRARY: LEVEL 8B trollish regeneration which he conferred on himself
keeps him from dying, but it does not keep him
This room is a library, the walls lined with
from aging. Thaumerion is well over two hundred
bookshelves overloaded with books and scrolls.
years old now, his hit points reduced to just one per
An old, moth-eaten but comfortable-looking
level, and his breathing is so slow that he does
chair with a side table can be seen near the far
indeed appear to be dead. This does not mean
right corner of the room; books are piled on the
he is not a formidable opponent.
side table, under it, and all around the chair.
Furthermore, the hidden alcoves behind the
This is the wizard's personal library. Searching this
curtains contain one of his last and most horrible
room could take days; the books are on all
creations: troll mummies. Thaumerion made
subjects, and many are old and potentially

Thaumerion's Tower Strongholds of Sorcery

animated skeletons out of some of those he killed inkpots. Thaumerion had a lot of time on his hands
while studying them, and he found it mildly after achieving immortality, and one of his projects
fascinating that it was not possible to make was creating his own language. He is the only
zombies of them (since, if their flesh was not person in the world who can speak or read it; thus,
destroyed, they would regenerate). Not long after when he dies, everything written in that language
achieving "immortality" he decided to experiment will be indecipherable by read languages (as there
with his remaining trollish captives. will then be no living creatures who know the
language). All the books and papers in the desk
After suitably immobilizing one, he locked a steel are written in this language. His spell books are not
collar around its neck, clamping it tightly enough stored in the desk, but rather are kept in room 22.
that it cut off the troll's breathing. Even trolls need
air, and so the troll thus treated died. Of course, if Inside the bottom left drawer of the altar-desk is a
the collar were removed, the troll would pile of scroll cases and a tapered wooden wand,
regenerate again, but so long as it remained in which is actually the Gilderwand. The wand
place Thaumerion noted that you could not tell it contains the following spells (in this order):
was not truly dead. feeblemind and growth of plants. There are three
scroll cases containing the following scrolls:
So he performed a ritual of mummification on the
body of the troll. It should not have worked, yet • Scroll of Three Magic-User spells:
somehow he made it work anyway, and the troll locate object, wall of fire, wizard eye
arose as the wizard's mummy servant.
• Scroll of Two magic-user spells:
He repeated the procedure with all of his invisibility 10' radius, magic jar
remaining trolls, and then ordered them to wait in
the hidden corridors and defend him if anyone • Scroll of Two Magic-User spells:
entered the room. They will move forward and phantasmal force, sleep
attack as soon as one or more party members These scrolls were intended to further charge the
crosses halfway to the altar. wand, but Thaumerion never got around to it.
If a troll mummy is killed, and the collar is then In the same drawer is a small wooden box; inside it
removed, that troll will begin to regenerate. This is the wizard's Ring of Regeneration. As mentioned
may not be noticeable at first, as they are previously, he no longer needs it, and so has
wrapped in burial cloths. 1d10 rounds after the mislaid it along with the wand.
collar is removed, the troll will awaken with 1 hit
point, and will regain 1 point per round thereafter Thaumerion Daelant: Human Magic-User 14,
as normal. These trolls are insane from their long AC 13, AB +5, #At 1 Staff of Power or spell,
enslavement, and will thus attack without Dam 1d6 + 1d6, 2d6, or 3d6, Mv 20', Ml 10, XP 2,845
checking morale. The GM should keep track of Note: Regenerates 1 point per round, except for
damage done to the mummies from fire or acid, damage caused by fire or acid.
and reduce the maximum hit points of any
restored trolls accordingly. Equipment: Staff of Power (7 charges), Ring of
Protection +2, Chime of Opening (casts knock on
Removing the collar from an active troll mummy all locks within a 20' radius when rung; 3 charges
will cause it to immediately fall "dead" to the floor; remaining)
it will then arise in 1d10 rounds as explained above. Spells: 2x charm person, magic mouth, read
Thaumerion carries a Chime of Opening which he languages, magic missile, knock, continual light,
can use to free all of the troll mummies from their web, lightning bolt, invisibility 10' radius, haste,
collars. He will do this if he is reduced to zero hit slow, confusion, 2x wall of fire, animate dead,
points, and upon regenerating discovers at least conjure elemental, feeblemind, invisible stalker,
two of his troll mummies have been defeated. wall of iron
HP 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
The altar is outfitted as a desk; the back side has
several drawers and compartments, mostly filled
with books, papers, quill pens, and dried-out

Strongholds of Sorcery Thaumerion's Tower

4 Troll Mummies: AC 16 ‡ (harmed only by magic 24. TROLL CAMP: LEVEL 9

weapons, fire, or spells), HD 7**, #At 2 claws/1 bite,
Dam 1d12/1d12/1d12 (all plus disease), Mv 20', This room resembles the one up on the sixth level
Sv F7, Ml 12, XP 800 ea. that was being used as a camp. There are two
differences... this room is a camp for trolls, and
HP 31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ there are three of them here!
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
33 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ The trolls in this room came to the dungeon to
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ search for their relatives; each of them lost a
27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ parent to the adventurers who were working for
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐ Thaumerion. Despite their normal cruelty and evil
33 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ temperament, they might actually work with the
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ adventurers if asked, though it would be best not
to trust them too much. One troll, Beedling, speaks
These statistics are provided for use if any of the Common, and he will hold out a hand to stop the
troll mummies have their collars removed: others from advancing and try to parley.
4 Trolls: AC 16, HD 6, #At 2 claws/1 bite, They are aware of the troll trapped in the prison
Dam 1d6/1d6/1d10, Mv 40', Sv F6, Ml 12, XP 500 ea. (room 10 on level 5, above) as they could hear him
Note: Regenerates 1 point per round, except for calling, but they were unable to force the door.
damage caused by fire or acid.
3 Trolls: AC 16, HD 6, #At 2 claws/1 bite,
HP 29 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Dam 1d6/1d6/1d10, Mv 40', Sv F6, Ml 12, XP 500 ea.
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
Note: Regenerates 1 point per round, except for
31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
damage caused by fire or acid.
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
25 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ HP 34 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
28 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ 33 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
31 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
Thaumerion might choose to conjure an elemental ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐
to assist with his defense. As the room is carved
from living stone, he will summon an earth
elemental, making it create a 10' deep pit
between him and his opponents as it forms. The
statistics below are for that elemental, if he
summons it:
Earth Elemental: AC 22 ‡, HD 16*, AB +12, #At 1,
Dam 3d6, Mv 20' (10'), Sv F16, Ml 10, XP 3,385
HP 86 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐

Thaumerion's Tower Strongholds of Sorcery

25. FINAL VAULT: LEVEL 10 not have the special abilities of the original
The door to this room is stuck, and must be forced. character. They are true mirror images, wielding
weapons in the opposite hand from the original
This magically-illuminated room is lined with character, and so on.
shelves which are mostly empty; more For convenience, statistics are given below for a
immediately interesting to you than their scanty large group of these magical monsters. The GM
contents are the various scattered bones littering may roll up additional monsters if the party is
the floor. A quick count of the skulls you can see particularly large.
suggests that they are the bones of at least a
dozen dead men, or perhaps elves or orcs, on This room was thoroughly looted many years ago,
the floor of this room. and nothing of value remains; even the dead
characters on the floor (7 humans, 3 elves, 1 dwarf,
Across the room, centered on the far wall, is a and 2 hobgoblins) have been relieved of anything
rectangular object of some sort, a cabinet or valuable.
wardrobe perhaps. Its front is covered by a dark
curtain, which is not so damaged as you might The magic mirror is made of some heavy, very
have expected in the depths of a dungeon. hard, silvery metal; it cannot be broken by any
normal means. It is secured to the floor with strong,
Behind the curtain, inside a shallow case, is a large rust-covered bolts, and even if released somehow
mirror, 4' wide by 6' tall. Anyone looking into the it weighs close to 500 pounds.
mirror will see his or her reflection smile, revealing
sharp canine teeth, then draw its weapon and Mirror Doppleganger: AC 15, HD 4*,
walk forward, stepping out of the mirror and doing #At 1 weapon, Dam 1d12, Mv 30', Sv F4, Ml 12,
battle first with the person whose reflection it is, XP 280 ea.
and then with any other person in the room. HP 27 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
The reflection creatures are dopplegangers ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
created by the magic of the mirror; they are not 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
truly real, and will disappear if killed. The mirror can 17 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
only spawn one such doppleganger per person 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
per day, but it can duplicate as many people as 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
are foolish enough to look into it. 18 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
If one character uncovers the mirror while others 20 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
watch, all who state they wish to look away after 13 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
the first character declares that he or she is 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
uncovering it must save vs. Death Ray or glance 8 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐
into the mirror; one glance is all it takes. One 23 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
doppleganger will step out each round thereafter. ☐☐☐
The character uncovering the mirror saves at a 14 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
penalty of -5. 15 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐
19 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐
Fortunately, these creatures are not actually
duplicates of the characters, but merely
magically-created dopplegangers. Thus they do

Strongholds of Sorcery Thaumerion's Tower

Thaumerion's Tower Strongholds of Sorcery

Strongholds of Sorcery Thaumerion's Tower

Thaumerion's Tower Strongholds of Sorcery

Strongholds of Sorcery Open Game License

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Open Game License Strongholds of Sorcery

9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents Ice devil, Vermen, Wolverine Copyright © 2009 Aaron W.
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Blade Spirit, Bone Horror, Great Orb of Eyes, Owlbear (Fire-
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Bunyip Copyright © 2009 MtBlack
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12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply Hyena, Hyenodon, Necrotic Ooze, Praying Mantis (giant),
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Guard Fern, Mosquito, Giant, and Spider, Giant Trapdoor
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if Copyright © 2013 J. D. Neal
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Bog Crone, Heucova, Odeum, Skeleton (Crimson Bones),
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
Tentacled Horror, Wogg, Worghest Copyright © 2014 Ross
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the
extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Banshee, Barghest, Boggart, Celestial, Solar, Death Dragon,
Dinosaur, Compsognathus, Dolphin, Dragon, Brown,
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Elemental, Cold, Elemental, Lightning, Elemental, Metal,
Coast, Inc. Elemental, Wood, Flying Man-of-War, Hippocampus/Kelpie,
Inferal, Lemure, Infernal, Vega, Infernal, Vrock, Iron Snapper,
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards Linnorm, Seahorse, Giant, Thulid, Great Brain, Vermin Queen
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Copyright © 2014 Rachel Ghoul
Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich
Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, Armorollo, Chasenet, Derej Pit creatures, Drat Copyright ©
James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax 2014 Jered Taikith
and Dave Arneson.
The Basic Fantasy Field Guide Copyright © 2010-2017 Chris
Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll Gonnerman, R. Kevin Smoot, James Lemon, and
Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden. Contributors.
Castles & Crusades: Monsters Product Support, Copyright The Basic Fantasy Field Guide 2 Copyright © 2015-2020 Chris
2005, Troll Lord Games. Gonnerman, R. Kevin Smoot, James Lemon, and
Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright © 2006-2016
Chris Gonnerman. Thaumerion's Tower Copyright © 2017 Chris Gonnerman.
New Monsters: A Basic Fantasy Supplement Copyright © Strongholds of Sorcery Copyright © 2007-2020 Chris
2008 Ray “maddog” Allen, Chris Gonnerman, Ola Berg, and Gonnerman, Stuart Marshall, J. D. Neal, and Steve
James D. Jarvis. "Longman" McKenzie.
Anubian, Bisren, Boglin, Canein, Chelonian, Cu-Sidhe, Faun
(Ibex), Flederkatze, Flying Fox (giant bat), Gerbalaine,
Harem Door - Khas Mahal Complex - Agra Fort - Agra 2014-
Headless Horseman, Jack O'Lantern, Nazgorian, Digester,
05-14 4175 is copyright © 2014 Biswarup Ganguly, and is
Nazgorian, gray Render, Phaerim, Plague Hound, Ram, wild,
licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Ram, War, Rat Dog, Red Cap, Skeleton (Pitch), and Tapper
Unported license.
Copyright © 2009 R. Kevin Smoot
Aboleth, Cheetah, Cockroach (giant), Cockroach
(balroach), Dinosaur (Deinonychus, Velociraptor), Haunted
Bones, Hippopotamus, Lerini, Lycanthrope (Were-
Cockroach), Orc (Snow), Poludnitsa, Skum Copyright © 2009
Omer Golan-Joel



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