4.5.hafta-Prospect Evaluation and Volumetrics
4.5.hafta-Prospect Evaluation and Volumetrics
4.5.hafta-Prospect Evaluation and Volumetrics
GEOE 530
METU Geological Engineering
Dr. Zeynep Elif Yıldızel
Petroleum System
• The five elements and processes being explained in the previous weeks. They
are the most important requisites of having oil and gas in place. If one of
them are lacking then you will not have any oil and gas in place. This is called
the Petroleum System.
• In order to evaluate a prospect, the defining of the petroleum system and its
timing are the critical factors to begin with.
• Each evaluation is made upon geologists knowledge and observation abilities
plus its experience. These are all comparative type of evaluations.
• In order to be rational and numerical a prospect should be defined in terms of
numbers and the petroleum system should be graded according to its
• In order to understand the petroleum system we use a “magoon diagram”
which is composed of the petroleum system elements and processes.
• Magoon diagrams are to show the relation of the formation of the source
rock, reservoir rock, seal rock, trap and their relation with generation and
migration with timing.
Magoon Diagram
• Source rock is Silurian aged and reservoir rock is Devonian aged. The second reservoir rock is Permian in age.
• The top seal rock for the first reservoir is U. Devonian to Carboniferous in age and for the second reservoir it is U
Permian in age.
• Trap formation has four stages : L Carboniferous, Top Permian, U Cretaceous and Tertiary
• During these elements were forming, oil generated in Triassic to Jurassic, and gas generated during Jurassic to U
• Critical timing is the third ans the fourt trap formation durations due to regional tectonic. This can result in either
escaping of the hydrocarbons from the reservoir or not.
Petroleum System Event Chart
Hamzah Harbol Vein
Suwaidiyah Karatchok
Cudi Prospect
Mardin Group
prospective trend of potential prospects, but which requires more data acquisition and evaluation to define
specific lead or prospects
• Lead: a possible trap where data is not sufficient to fully map it. Lead is a potential accumulation which is
currently poorly defined and requires more data acquisition and evaluation in order to be classified as a
• Prospect: a specified trap that has been identified and mapped and contains well enough data to perform
chances of risk assessment, volumetrics and economic analysis in order to calculate the risk of the investment
and has not been drilled yet.
• Why we do prospect evaluation; we want to understand the “Expected Value” of the project. EV can be expressed as
the difference between probability of failure from probability of success, which is the risk we are taken by doing
• While doing prospect evaluation we have to evaluate the reservoir, source and seal rock quality together with a
mapped trap and generation and migration pathways are in line to source the trap.
Prospect Evaluation
• Prospect evaluation is a kind of risk management
• Risk management is the science of identifying, analyzing
and responding to risk factors throughout the life of a
project. Mitigation of risk in other words.
• Risk analysis is an integrated project assessment under
conditions of uncertainty.
• Why do we do prospect evaluation is to calculate the
“expected value”
• 𝐸𝑉 = 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑠𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠 + 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑢𝑟𝑒
Play, Lead and Prospect
Proven Play Map
COS= P SR x P RR x P SR x P T x P M-C
GCOS=Play COS x Prospect Specific COS
• All of the elements are independent of each other and assigned a numerical value reflecting the assessors opinion
• They all multiplied to have a risk value which is COS
• GCOS is geological chances of success which is directly dependent on the petroleum system of the area
• Geological Risk Factor is the risk in prospect to come up with a discovery
Prospect A
Harmancık Fayı
Kemerli Fayı
Derdere Fm.
Marn, shale
650m Bioclastic
• There is fault movement of 650m this makes reservoir face to the formation 650m above itself.
• Which is marn and shale so it seals well.
East West Cross Section from Prospect
Well B
Kemerli Fayı
Üst Germav
Kastel Derdere
• At the east west direction there is an other fault with a throw of 525m. This makes the reservoir
facing with sandstone shale alternation a flyshoidal sequence.
• From this direction the reservoir also sealed. From top there is marn and shale so reservoir also
sealed from top.
Migration Pathways
• The kitchen area is northeast of the fault and migration pathways are heading the prospect.
• The source rocks are deposited as a thick sequence at the north east of Bozova fault. Their source rock quality is
concerning TOC and kerogene type is good but not perfect. Type II kerogene and ~0.5% TOCs , >445 Tmax, High
HI and good potential in yield (S1+S2).
Magoon Diagram
250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
Paleozoyik Mesozoyik Senozoyik
Kmd-sfer Karaboğaz Ana Kaya
E3 H1 E4 Gömülme
Kmd-sfer Türüm
Kmd-sfer Göç
• There are 3 source rocks in the area and all them are Cretaceous in age.
• There are 2 reservoirs in the prospect area and both of them lies on the source rock which is good for migration. As
there is usually vertical migration in South East Anatolia and horizontal migration is limited.
• There are 2 seal levels for both reservoirs which is also positive. These seal levels also help for the overburden
which is important for increasing temperature and pressure that is for generation. During the hiatus time the
generation stops which is also a risk.
• The trap formation took place in Cretaceous, and Tertiary tectonics active in the region. But generation and
migration started from Eocene and continued until today. The timing this situation, as the generation and migration
started just before the trap formation is a bit risky.
Calculation of COS
• Assigning numeric values are very critical in this calculating COS.
• All of the elements for a prospect are independent from each other;
however all of them have to work in order to have a valid prospect.
• If any one of them fails or is absent, the prospect will fail as a whole.
• Here the numbers assigned as 1 implies the Play COS. If they are
questionable like below 0.5 then the Prospect COS doesn’t have any
chance to be >0.3.
• COS helps to identify the further technical work.
• If COS for the critical element can not be increased through further
work, then the Prospect most likely will fail if drilled.
• COS is used
• Identification of critical success factor
• To create prospect inventory
• Input into the economics
• Ranking for opportunities
• Investment decision
• Must be run in multiple scenarios of different geological models that is
possible to outcome
• There might be risk of double risking of some elements more than once
• There is natural tendency of being confident with the geological
Class exercise
• COS=?
• GRF=?
• GCOS=?
Volumetric Calculation
Oil Dry Gas
• GOR: Gas oil ratio (scf/stb) • CGR: condensate gas ratio (stb/mmscf)
Net pay, Shape Factor, Sw and ø
Volume of rock
above OWC
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑘
• Formation volume Factor (B) is the reservoir volumes to surface
volumes at standard temperature and pressure conditions (14.7 psi,
• Bo values >1
• Bg values >100
• Bo calculated using expected reservoir temperature and pressure and
GOR of the crude oil
• GOR is the primary controlling factor
• Higher GOR the higher the reservoir pressure and lighter the crude
Hydrocarbon Saturation
• Hydrocarbons in gas phase not • ~100% methane (CH4) • Proporation of ethane and
condensable at standard heavier molecules > %4 - %5
temperature and pressure • CGR < 10 bbls / mmscf
(STP= 20oC (68oF) and • CGR > 7.143 bbls/mmscf (~40
• Typical value 5 bbls/mmscf m3 / 10 6 m3)
atmospheric pressure)
• Methane (CH4) • No gas shrinkage • Typical value 25 bbls / mmscf
• Ethane (C2H6) (~140 m3 / 10 6 m3)
• Propane (C3H8) • Range between 7-66 bbls/
• N-buthane (C4H10) Natural Gas Liquids mmscf (~ 40 – 370 m3 / 10 6
m3 )
• First liquid at STP
• Typical wet gas 25 bbls of NGL • Produces at a constant CGR
• N-pentane (C5H12) economically recoverable mmscf during depletion
comprises 2 forms
• Typical shrinkage factor 0.8-
• Condensate proportion of wet 0.98 (%80-%98)
gas that is liquid at STP
• Liquidified Petroleum Gas
(LPG) proportion of wet gas
that is gaseous at STP but is
readily liquidified and easily
• Mostly propane and butane
Gas Properties
Liquidified Natural Gas Gas Hydrates
• The aim of this homework is to make you understand how the results will
change depending on your interpretation of data
• This is possible in million dollar projects if you assume or interpret the data
wrong then you will loose huge amount of money
• Also neither economists, nor any other discipline can asses economic values of
the project by themselves as this is a multidisciplinary business
Resource Classification
• Prospective resources: those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a given date, to be potentially recoverable from
undiscovered accumulations by application of future development projects.
• Contingent resources: when a prospective resource is drilled and a hydrocarbon is known to be present but the commerciality of
the accumulations not known or not clear enough due to one or more contingencies.
• Reserves : clarification of the contingent resources by adding and evaluation of data for the accumulation by drilling more wells
and other technical studies.
• 1P: proven reserves
• 2P: Proven plus probable
• 3P: proven plus probable plus possible
Terminology in Reserv Base
Contingent , prospective
• Contingent: recoverable from known
accumulations but not yet considered
to be mature for commercial
• Prospective: potentially recoverable
from an undiscovered accumulation.
1P, 2P, 3P
• 1P: proven reserves
• 2P: Proven Probabale
• 3P: Proven Probable Possible
From Resource to Reserves
Terminology in Project Maturity Base
• Play and Lead need more
G&G studies
• Prospect is the one that is
viable for exploration well
• When discovery is made is it
commercial or non commercial
• If commercial then you need
more G& G work to determine
the reserve volume to make
development plans
• After development plans are
realized then you are at
production stage
From Play to Prospect
Economics undetermined
Sub Economic
Reserve Classification of U
• Reasonably Assured Resources (RAR)
include uranium that occurs in known
mineral deposits of delineated size, grade
and configuration such that the
quantities would be recovered within
given production cost ranges with
currently proven mining technology
• Estimated Assured Resources (EAR)
refers to a less well known material
associated with the same deposit
• Speculative Resources (SR) refers to
resources contained in yet to be
discovered deposits that are believed to
exits in other geologically favorable areas
• The cost for production of a kg of U is
usually a criteria for reserve calculation.
The costs above 80$/ kg U is usually
considered to be sub economic; however
this situation is definitely is dependent to
the demand
Reserve- Resource
• As the geological knowledge on the mineral increases the economy of the resources
are more confidently calculated
• Mining exploration is more or less the same as oil and any other exploration
• Licensing
• G&G studies
• Drilling
• Interpretation of the mine area, mapping subsurface and other parameters
• If it is estimated that there is economically viable ore body then production starts
Types of Uranium Deposits
Reserve Calculation
• Average Grade: The concentration of a mineral in the ore body (i.e. % or g/t)
• Strike length: The length in which the mineralization is found in the ore body
• Depth: The depth in which the mineralization is found in the ore body (vertically)
• Width: The width in which the mineralization is found in a drill hole
• Specific Gravity : The density of the ore body
• It can not be assume that the complete ore body contains the same grade
• a typical ore body does not fit into a right angled box of three dimensions. So the
structural mapping of the ore body is the major issue in order to find out the area of
the deposit.
• There is a cut off grade which is the break even grade below the economical value,
which makes the mine economically viable.
• Calculate Reserves