Managing The Learning Environment: Education Is The Art of Making Man Ethical
Managing The Learning Environment: Education Is The Art of Making Man Ethical
Managing The Learning Environment: Education Is The Art of Making Man Ethical
This chapter encourage teachers to develop a classroom management plan that shapes a sense of
community which encourages learning in an environment that is both productive and humane. It also
addresses the components of classroom management.
Subject Matter Knowledge Teachers know the subject matter they teach and make it accessible to
Planning Teachers consider their goals for students learning and their
knowledge of students and the subject matter as they develop and
sequence learning.
Instruction Teachers address learning goals through meaningful activities that
draw on students and encourage powerful learning.
Assessment Teachers collect varied kinds of information related to learning goals
and involve students in assessing their own progress.
Classroom Management and Teachers establish and maintain safe environments that promote
Discipline fairness, respect and responsibility.
Personal Growth Teachers engage in self-analysis to foster their own development, and
they act as members of learning communities.
There are several strategies to discipline students. However, no expert- and no books- in the
world can tell you the appropriate plan for disciplining your students. As a teacher, you must teach
authentically by means of developing your own discipline program based on your personality,
preferences, and philosophy. Your lesson plans need to consider the particular ages, characteristics, and
strengths of your students and their families, and reflect your genuine appreciation for your students as
However, there are several strategies to create and maintain a warm and respectful classroom:
Every individual deserves courtesy and kindness. Given their lesser size and status, children in
our society sometimes receives less thoughtful treatment than adults. Within the classroom, the teacher
must emphasize the importance of maintaining student dignity. They must feel that you respect them as
an individual, are concerned about their needs, and understand their perspective.
Six proactive strategies that can help you forestall much students’ misbehaviour:
Description Benefits
Professional Meetings Meetings can directly address your
Meetings range from general and specific areas of interests or need.
conferences to focused workshops on Meetings can present practical
working with particular student needs, on strategies for immediate
specific teaching or assessment strategies, implementation, which makes them
and on subject matter areas. With time, you especially appealing to new teachers.
may be ready to provide workshops that Effective speakers can inspire and
showcase your own expertise. restore enthusiasm.
Professional memberships Joining an organization can increase
National, local and international your feelings of belongingness to a
organizations focus on educational concerns. professional community.
You can select your level of
participation, which can vary from
minimal (pay your dues and read the
literature) to extensive (take on
leaderships roles).
Most associations’ membership fees
include both practical and research
Members receive benefits such as
discounted conference fees and
opportunities for travel and
Professional Literature Electronics searches allow you to find
Abundant educational resources include large amount of information
practical texts, scholar texts, research specifically related to your needs.
journals, trade magazines, and Internet You can read at your own
resources. Check teachers supply stores, convenience.
university and local libraries, and the Reading can allow greater depth that
teachers’ lounge for relevant resources. can shorten workshop sessions.
You can draw conclusions if you read
primary resources.
Professional Travel Travel broadens our experiences and
Local travel opportunities include visits to view good practice.
nearby classrooms, schools, and field trips Travel can provide you with empathy
sites. More extensive travel includes trips to and skills addressing diverse learners.
faraway sites to examine schooling practices. Travel can increase your subject
Educationally-related field trips to distant matter base and the resources you
sites to study the culture, language, history, draw from in your classroom teaching.
or natural phenomena can provide course
Advance Study Advance study is often particularly
Advanced study through a university can meaningful for teachers because they
result in advanced credential, certificate, or can draw from background of their
a graduate degree. own teaching experience.
Advanced study is professionally
satisfying when it is results in a
specialized set of skills and attitudes
that can be used to serve students
and the profession.
Advanced study provides for a greater
number of professional options.
Advanced study is typical mechanism
for advancing on the salary scale in
public schools.
Professional Writings
Informal writings by teachers include private
journals and handbooks for local and
national distribution. Many education
journals and magazines welcome
contributions from practicing teachers.