Recommended Practices
Annex 16
to the Convention on International Civil Aviation
Volume III
CO2 Certification Requirement
Various draft versions of the standard exist on the Internet. The version published by EASA seems
to be the most recent one and was published shortly before the adoption of the standard by ICAO. It
can be assumed that this text is very similar (if not identical) to the final version of the 1st edition.
The text of the standard is highlighted in grey. This shows that all text if new. All text is new,
because this is a new standard (1st edition). No previous edition exists.
"The 36-State ICAO Council has adopted a new aircraft CO emissions standard"
(Annex 16, Volume 3, CO2 Certification Requirement) on 2017-03-06.
However, this important standard has so far (July 2017) not been released by ICAO to the public for
further open discussion. Therefore, it seems important to make this standard available in a form
easy to read, to foster such a discussion in the wider aviation and scientific communities.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
Historical background
Standards and Recommended Practices for Environmental Protection were first adopted by the
Council on 2 April 1971 pursuant to the provisions of Article 37 of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944) and designated as Annex 16 to the Convention. This
Volume III to Annex 16 was developed in the following manner:
At the 36th Session of the ICAO Assembly in 2007, Contracting States adopted Assembly
Resolution A36-22 Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to
environmental protection. This resolution provided for the establishment of a process which led
to the development and recommendation to the Council a Programme of Action on International
Aviation and Climate Change and a common strategy to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions
attributable to international civil aviation.
The development of an aeroplane CO2 standard as part of the range of measures for addressing
greenhouse gas emissions from international aviation was one of the recommended elements
within the ICAO Programme of Action on International Aviation and Climate Change. This was
subsequently endorsed by the ICAO High-level Meeting on International Aviation and Climate
Change in October 2009.
In line with the ICAO Programme of Action, the Eighth Meeting of the Committee on Aviation
Environmental Protection (CAEP/8) in February 2010 agreed to develop International Standards
and Recommended Practices for Aeroplane CO2 Emissions. This was approved by the ICAO
Council in May 2010. Subsequently the 37th Session of the ICAO Assembly in 2010 adopted
resolutions A37-18 and A37-19, requesting that the Council develop a global CO2 Standard for
aircraft. The CAEP developed draft International Standards and Recommended Practices for
aeroplane CO2 emissions and, after amendment following the usual consultation with the
Contracting States of the Organisation, this Annex 16, Volume III was adopted by the Council.
Table A shows the origin of amendments to the Annex 16 Volume III over time together with a
list of the principal subjects involved and the dates on which the Annex and the amendments were
adopted by the Council, when they became effective and when they became applicable.
Part I of Volume III of Annex 16 contains definitions and symbols. Part II contains Standards
and Recommended Practices for certification of aeroplane CO2 emissions based on the
consumption of fuel applicable to the classification of aeroplanes specified in Part II of Volume
III of Annex 16, where such aeroplanes are engaged in international air navigation.
Notification of differences. The attention of Contracting States is drawn to the obligation imposed
by Article 38 of the Convention by which Contracting States are required to notify the
Organization of any differences between their national regulations and practices and the
International Standards contained in this Annex and any amendments thereto. Contracting States
are invited to extend such notification to any differences from the Recommended Practices
contained in this Annex, and any amendments thereto, when the notification of such differences is
important for the safety of air navigation. Further, Contracting States are invited to keep the
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
Organization currently informed of any differences which may subsequently occur, or of the
withdrawal of any differences previously notified. A specific request for notification of
differences will be sent to Contracting States immediately after the adoption of each amendment
to this Annex.
The attention of States is also drawn to the provisions of Annex 15 related to the
publication of differences between their national regulations and practices and the related ICAO
Standards and Recommended Practices through the Aeronautical Information Service, in addition
to the obligation of States under Article 38 of the Convention.
Use of the Annex text in national regulations. The Council, on 13 April 1948, adopted a
resolution inviting the attention of Contracting States to the desirability of using in their own
national regulations, as far as is practicable, the precise language of those ICAO Standards that
are of a regulatory character and also of indicating departures from the Standards, including any
additional national regulations that were important for the safety or regularity of international air
navigation. Wherever possible, the provisions of this Annex have been written in such a way as to
facilitate incorporation, without major textual changes, into national legislation.
An Annex is made up of the following component parts, not all of which, however, are
necessarily found in every Annex; they have the status indicated:
a) Standards and Recommended Practices adopted by the Council under the provisions
of the Convention. They are defined as follows:
b) Appendices comprising material grouped separately for convenience but forming part
of the Standards and Recommended Practices adopted by the Council.
d) Definitions of terms used in the Standards and Recommended Practices which are not
self-explanatory in that they do not have accepted dictionary meanings. A definition
does not have an independent status but is an essential part of each Standard and
Recommended Practice in which the term is used, since a change in the meaning of
the term would affect the specification.
e) Tables and Figures which add to or illustrate a Standard or Recommended Practice and
which are referred to therein, form part of the associated Standard or Recommended
Practice and have the same status.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
2.— Material approved by the Council for publication in association with the Standards and
Recommended Practices:
a) Forewords comprising historical and explanatory material based on the action of the
Council and including an explanation of the obligations of States with regard to the
application of the Standards and Recommended Practices ensuing from the
Convention and the Resolution of Adoption.
c) Notes included in the text, where appropriate, to give factual information or references
bearing on the Standards or Recommended Practices in question, but not constituting
part of the Standards or Recommended Practices.
Selection of language
This Annex has been adopted in six languages — English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and
Spanish. Each Contracting State is requested to select one of those texts for the purpose of
national implementation and for other effects provided for in the Convention, either through
direct use or through translation into its own national language, and to notify the Organization
Editorial practices
The following practice has been adhered to in order to indicate at a glance the status of each
statement: Standards have been printed in light face roman; Recommended Practices have been
printed in light face italics, the status being indicated by the prefix Recommendation; Notes have
been printed in light italics, the status being indicated by the prefix Note.
It is to be noted that in the English text the following practice has been adhered to when
writing the specifications: Standards employ the operative verb “shall” while Recommended
Practices employ the operative verb “should”.
The units of measurement used in this document are in accordance with the International
System of Units (SI) as specified in Annex 5 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Where Annex 5 permits the use of non-SI alternative units these are shown in parentheses
following the basic units. Where two sets of units are quoted it must not be assumed that the pairs
of values are equal and interchangeable. It may, however, be inferred that an equivalent level of
safety is achieved when either set of units is used exclusively.
Any reference to a portion of this document which is identified by a number includes all
subdivisions of that portion.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
Aeroplane. A power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from
aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight.
Cockpit crew zone. The part of the cabin that is exclusively designated for flight crew use.
Note.— Where the certificating authority finds that the proposed change in design,
configuration, power or mass is so extensive that a substantially new investigation of compliance
with the applicable airworthiness regulations is required, the aeroplane will be considered to be
a new type design rather than a derived version.
Equivalent procedure. A test or analysis procedure which, while differing from the one specified
in this volume of Annex 16, in the technical judgement of the certificating authority yields
effectively the same CO2 emissions evaluation metric value as the specified procedure.
Maximum passenger seating capacity. The maximum certificated number of passengers for the
aeroplane type design.
Maximum take-off mass. The highest of all take-off masses for the type design configuration.
Performance model. An analytical tool or method validated from corrected flight test data that
can be used to determine the SAR values for calculating the CO2 emissions evaluation metric
value at the reference conditions.
Optimum conditions. The combinations of altitude and airspeed within the approved operating
envelope defined in the aeroplane flight manual that provides the highest specific air range
value at each reference aeroplane mass.
Specific air range. The distance an aeroplane travels in the cruise flight phase per unit of fuel
State of design. The State having jurisdiction over the organization responsible for the type
Type Certificate. A document issued by a Contracting State to define the design of an aircraft,
engine or propeller type and to certify that this design meets the appropriate airworthiness
requirements of that State.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
Where the following symbols are used in Volume III of this Annex, they have the meanings, and
where applicable the units, ascribed to them below:
AVG Average
CG Centre of gravity
CO2 Carbon dioxide
g0 Standard acceleration due to gravity at sea level and a geodetic latitude of 45.5
degrees, 9.80665 (m/s2)
Hz Hertz (cycles per second)
MTOM Maximum take-off mass (kg)
OML Outer mould line
RGF Reference geometric factor
RSS Root sum of squares
SAR Specific air range (km/kg)
TAS True air speed (km/h)
Wf Total aeroplane fuel flow (kg/h)
δ Ratio of atmospheric pressure at a given altitude to the atmospheric pressure at
sea level
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
1.1 The provisions of 1.2 to 1.11 shall apply to all aeroplanes included in the
classifications defined for CO2 emissions certification purposes in Chapter 2 of this part where
such aeroplanes are engaged in international air navigation.
1.2 CO2 emissions certification shall be granted or validated by the State of Registry
of an aeroplane on the basis of satisfactory evidence that the aeroplane complies with
requirements that are at least equal to the applicable Standards specified in this Annex.
1.3 Contracting States shall recognize as valid a CO2 emissions certification granted
by another Contracting State provided that the requirements under which such certification was
granted are at least equal to the applicable Standards specified in this Annex.
1.4 The amendment of this volume of the Annex to be used by a Contracting State
shall be that which is applicable on the date of submission to that Contracting State for either a
Type Certificate in the case of a new type, approval of a change in type design in the case of a
derived version, or under equivalent application procedures prescribed by the certificating
authority of that Contracting State.
Note.— As each new edition and amendment of this Annex becomes applicable (according to
Table A of the Foreword) it supersedes all previous editions and amendments.
1.5 Unless otherwise specified in this volume of the Annex, the date to be used by
Contracting States in determining the applicability of the Standards in this Annex shall be the date
the application for a Type Certificate was submitted to the State of Design, or the date of
submission under an equivalent application procedure prescribed by the certificating authority of
the State of Design.
1.6 An application shall be effective for the period specified in the airworthiness
regulations appropriate to the aeroplane type, except in special cases where the certificating
authority grants an extension. When the period of effectivity is extended the date to be used in
determining the applicability of the Standards in this Annex shall be the date of issue of the Type
Certificate, or approval of the change in type design, or the date of issue of approval under an
equivalent procedure prescribed by the State of Design, less the period of effectivity.
1.8 Where the provisions governing the applicability of the Standards of this Annex
refer to the date on which the certificate of airworthiness was first issued to an individual
aeroplane, the date to be used by Contracting States in determining the applicability of the
Standards in this Annex shall be the date on which the first certificate of airworthiness was issued
by any Contracting State.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
1.9 The certificating authority shall publish the certified CO2 emissions evaluation
metric value granted or validated by that authority.
1.10 The use of equivalent procedures in lieu of the procedures specified in the
Appendices of this Volume of Annex 16 shall be approved by the certificating authority.
2.1 Applicability
Note.— See also Chapter 1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.11.
2.1.1 The Standards of this chapter shall, with the exception of amphibious aeroplanes,
aeroplanes initially designed or modified and used for specialised operational requirements,
aeroplanes designed with zero RGF, and those aeroplanes specifically designed or modified and
used for fire-fighting purposes, be applicable to:
a) subsonic jet aeroplanes, including their derived versions, of greater than 5 700 kg
maximum take-off mass for which the application for a type certificate was submitted on
or after 1 January 2020, except for those aeroplanes of less than or equal to 60 000 kg
maximum take-off mass with a maximum passenger seating capacity of 19 seats or less;
b) subsonic jet aeroplanes, including their derived versions, of greater than 5 700 kg and less
than or equal to 60 000 kg maximum take-off mass with a maximum passenger seating
capacity of 19 seats or less, for which the application for a type certificate was submitted
on or after 1 January 2023;
c) all propeller-driven aeroplanes, including their derived versions, of greater than 8 618 kg
maximum take-off mass, for which the application for a type certificate was submitted on
or after 1 January 2020;
Note. – Aeroplanes initially designed or modified and used for specialised operational
requirements refer to aeroplane type configurations which, in the view of the certificating
authority, have different design characteristics to meet specific operational needs compared to
typical civil aeroplane types covered by the scope of this Volume of Annex 16, and which may
result in a very different CO2 emissions evaluation metric value.
Standards of Annex 16, Volume III for time-limited engine changes. These changes in type
design shall specify that the aeroplane may not be operated for a period of more than 90 days
unless compliance with the provisions of Annex 16, Volume III, is shown for that change in type
design. This applies only to changes resulting from a required maintenance action.
The metric shall be defined in terms of the average of the 1/SAR values for the three reference
masses defined in 2.3 and the RGF defined in Appendix 2. The metric value shall be calculated
according to the following formula:
CO emissions evaluation metric value SAR
Note 2. —The CO2 emissions evaluation metric is a SAR based metric adjusted to take into
account fuselage size.
2.3.1 The 1/SAR value shall be established at each of the following three reference
aeroplane masses, when tested in accordance with these Standards:
b) mid gross mass: Simple arithmetic average of high gross mass and low gross
2.3.2 CO2 emissions certification for MTOM also represents the certification of CO2
emissions for take-off masses less than MTOM. However, in addition to the mandatory
certification of CO2 metric values for MTOM, applicants may voluntarily apply for the approval
of CO2 metric values for take-off masses less than MTOM.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
2.4.1 The CO2 emissions evaluation metric value shall be determined in accordance
with the evaluation methods of Appendix 1.
2.4.2 The CO2 emissions evaluation metric value shall not exceed the value defined in
the following paragraphs:
a) For aeroplanes specified in 2.1.1 a), b) and c) with a maximum take-off mass less than
or equal to 60 000 kg:
b) For aeroplanes specified in 2.1.1 a) and c) with a maximum take-off mass greater than
60 000 kg, and less than or equal to 70 395 kg:
c) For aeroplanes specified in 2.1.1 a) and c) with a maximum take-off mass of greater
than 70 395 kg:
d) For aeroplanes specified in 2.1.1 d), e), f) and g) with a maximum certificated take-off
mass less than or equal to 60 000 kg:
e) For aeroplanes specified in 2.1.1 d), e), f) and g) with a maximum certificated take-off
mass greater than 60 000 kg, and less than or equal to 70 107 kg:
f) For aeroplanes specified in 2.1.1 d), e), f) and g) with a maximum take-off mass of
greater than 70 107 kg:
2.5.1 The reference conditions shall consist of the following conditions within the
approved normal operating envelope of the aeroplane:
b) a combination of altitude and airspeed selected by the applicant for each of the
specified reference aeroplane gross masses;
Note.— These conditions are generally expected to be the combination of altitude and
airspeed that results in the highest SAR value, which is usually at the maximum range cruise
Mach number at the optimum altitude. The selection of conditions other than optimum conditions
will be to the detriment of the applicant because the SAR value will be adversely affected.
g) fuel lower heating value equal to 43.217 MJ/kg (18 580 BTU/lb);
j) applicant selected electrical and mechanical power extraction and bleed flow
relevant to design cruise performance and in accordance with manufacturer
recommended procedures;
Note.— Power extraction and bleed flow due to the use of optional equipment such as
passenger entertainment systems need not be included.
ICAO Doc 7488/3 entitled “Manual of the ICAO Standard Atmosphere”.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
2.5.2 If the test conditions are not the same as the reference conditions, then
corrections for the differences between test and reference conditions shall be applied as described
in Appendix 1.
2.6 Test procedures
2.6.1 The SAR values that form the basis of the CO2 emissions evaluation metric value
shall be established either directly from flight tests or from a performance model validated by
flight tests.
2.6.2 The test aeroplane shall be representative of the configuration for which
certification is requested.
2.6.3 The test and analysis procedures shall be conducted in an approved manner to
yield the CO2 emissions evaluation metric value, as described in Appendix 1. These procedures
shall address the entire flight test and data analysis process, from pre-flight actions to post-flight
data analysis.
Note.— The fuel used for each flight test should meet the specification defined in either
ASTM D1655-1512, DEF STAN 91-91 Issue 7, Amendment 313 or equivalent.
ASTM D1655-15 entitled “Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels”.
Defence Standard 91-91, Issue 7, Amendment 3, entitled “Turbine Fuel, Kerosene Type, Jet A-1”.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
The process for determining the CO2 emissions evaluation metric value includes:
b) the determination of the certification test and measurement conditions and procedures for
the determination of SAR (see Section 3), either by direct flight test or by way of a
validated performance model, including:
2) the correction of measured data to reference conditions for SAR (see Section 5); and
3) the validation of data for calculation of the certified CO2 emissions evaluation metric
value (see Section 6);
c) calculation of the CO2 emissions evaluation metric value (see Section 7); and
Note.— The instructions and procedures ensure uniformity of compliance tests, and
permit comparison between various types of aeroplanes.
2.1 Specific air range may be determined by either direct flight test measurement of
SAR test points, including any corrections of test data to reference conditions, or by the use of a
performance model approved by the certificating authority. A performance model, if used, shall
be validated by actual SAR flight test data.
2.2 In either case the SAR flight test data shall be acquired in accordance with the
procedures defined in this Standard and approved by the certificating authority.
3.1 General
This section prescribes the conditions under which SAR certification tests shall be conducted and
the measurement procedures that shall be used.
Note.— Many applications for certification of a CO2 emissions metric value involve only
minor changes to the aeroplane type design. The resultant changes in the CO2 emissions metric
value can often be established reliably by way of equivalent procedures without the necessity of
resorting to a complete test.
3.2.1 Pre-flight
The pre-flight procedure shall be approved by the certificating authority and shall include the
following elements:
b) Aeroplane weighing. The test aeroplane shall be weighed. Any change in mass after the
weighing and prior to the test flight shall be accounted for.
c) Fuel lower heating value. A sample of fuel shall be taken for each flight test to
determine its lower heating value. Fuel sample test results shall be used for the correction
of measured data to reference conditions. The determination of lower heating value and
the correction to reference conditions shall be subject to the approval of the certificating
2) Recommendation.— The fuel sample should be representative of the fuel used for
each flight test and should not be subject to errors or variations due to fuel being uplifted
from multiple sources, fuel tank selection or fuel layering in a tank.
d) Fuel specific gravity and viscosity. A sample of fuel shall be taken for each flight test to
determine its specific gravity and viscosity when volumetric fuel-flow meters are used.
Note.— When using volumetric fuel-flow meters the fuel viscosity is used to
determine the volumetric fuel flow from the parameters measured by a volumetric fuel
flow meter. The fuel specific gravity (or density) is used to convert the volumetric fuel
flow to a mass fuel flow. The flight tests shall be performed in accordance with the following flight test
method and the stability conditions described in 3.2.3.
a) the aeroplane is flown at constant pressure altitude and constant heading along
isobars to the extent that is practicable;
d) there are no changes in trim or engine power/thrust settings, engine stability and
handling bleeds, and electrical and mechanical power extraction (including bleed
flow). Any changes in the use of aeroplane systems that may affect the SAR
measurement should be avoided; and
g) difference in ground speed at the beginning of the test condition from the ground
speed at the end of the test condition within ±2.8 km/h/min (±1.5 kt/min); and
ASTM D445-15 entitled “Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (and Calculation of
Dynamic Viscosity)”.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017 Alternatives to the stable test condition criteria listed above may be used
provided that stability can be sufficiently demonstrated to the certificating authority. Test points that do not meet the stable test criteria defined in should
normally be discarded. However, test points that do not meet the stability criteria of may
be acceptable subject to the approval of the certificating authority, and would be considered as an
equivalent procedure. The procedure for determining the mass of the aeroplane at each test condition
shall be subject to the approval of the certificating authority. Recommendation.— The mass of the aeroplane during a flight test should be
determined by subtracting the fuel used (i.e. integrated fuel flow) from the mass of the aeroplane
at the start of the test flight. The accuracy of the determination of the fuel used should be verified
by weighing the test aeroplane on calibrated scales either before and after the SAR test flight, or
before and after another test flight with a cruise segment provided that flight occurs within one
week or 50 flight hours (at the option of the applicant) of the SAR test flight and with the same,
unaltered fuel flow meters.
4.1.1 The following parameters shall be recorded at a minimum sampling rate of 1 Hz:
a) airspeed;
b) ground speed;
c) true airspeed;
d) fuel flow;
e) engine power setting parameter (e.g. fan speed, engine pressure ratio, torque,
shaft horse power);
f) pressure altitude;
g) temperature;
h) heading;
i) track; and
a) latitude;
4.1.3 The value of each parameter used for the determination of SAR, except for
ground speed, shall be the simple arithmetic average of the measured values for that parameter
obtained throughout the stable test condition (see
Note.— The rate of change of ground speed during the test condition is to be used to
evaluate and correct any acceleration or deceleration that might occur during the test condition.
a) fuel flow;
b) Mach number;
c) altitude;
d) aeroplane mass;
e) ground speed;
h) centre of gravity
4.1.6 The accuracy of the individual elements that comprise the overall SAR
measurement system is defined in terms of its effect upon SAR. The cumulative error associated
with the overall SAR measurement system is defined as the root sum of squares (RSS) of the
individual accuracies.
Note.— Parameter accuracy need only be examined within the range of the parameter
needed for showing compliance with the CO2 emissions standard.
4.1.7 If the absolute value of the cumulative error of the overall SAR measurement
system is greater than 1.5 per cent a penalty equal to the amount that the RSS value exceeds 1.5
per cent shall be applied to the SAR value corrected to reference conditions (see section 5). If the
absolute value of the cumulative error of the overall SAR measurement system is less than or
equal to 1.5 per cent no penalty shall be applied.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
5.2.1 Corrections shall be applied to the measured SAR values to correct to the
reference conditions specified in 2.5 of Part II, Chapter 2. Corrections shall be applied for each of
the following measured parameters that is not at the reference conditions:
Apparent gravity. Acceleration, caused by the local effect of gravity, and inertia, affects the test
weight of the aeroplane. The apparent gravity at the test conditions varies with latitude,
altitude, ground speed, and direction of motion relative to the Earth’s axis. The reference
gravitational acceleration is the gravitational acceleration for the aeroplane travelling in the
direction of true North in still air at the reference altitude, a geodetic latitude of 45.5 degrees,
and based on g0.
Mass/.. The lift coefficient of the aeroplane is a function of mass/δ and Mach number, where δ is
the ratio of the atmospheric pressure at a given altitude to the atmospheric pressure at sea
level. The lift coefficient for the test condition affects the drag of the aeroplane. The
reference mass/δ is derived from the combination of the reference mass, reference altitude
and atmospheric pressures determined from the ICAO standard atmosphere.
Reynolds number. The Reynolds number affects aeroplane drag. For a given test condition the
Reynolds number is a function of the density and viscosity of air at the test altitude and
temperature. The reference Reynolds number is derived from the density and viscosity of air
from the ICAO standard atmosphere at the reference altitude and temperature.
CG position. The position of the aeroplane centre of gravity affects the drag due to longitudinal
Aeroelastics. Wing aeroelasticity may cause a variation in drag as a function of aeroplane wing
mass distribution. Aeroplane wing mass distribution will be affected by the fuel load
distribution in the wings and the presence of any external stores.
Fuel lower heating value. The fuel lower heating value defines the energy content of the fuel.
The lower heating value directly affects the fuel flow at a given test condition.
Altitude. The altitude at which the aeroplane is flown affects the fuel flow.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
Temperature. The ambient temperature affects the fuel flow. The reference temperature is the
standard day temperature from the ICAO standard atmosphere at the reference altitude.
Engine deterioration level. When first used, engines undergo a rapid, initial deterioration in fuel
efficiency. Thereafter, the rate of deterioration significantly decreases. Engines with less
deterioration than the reference engine deterioration level may be used, subject to the
approval of the certificating authority. In such a case, the fuel flow shall be corrected to the
reference engine deterioration level using an approved method. Engines with more
deterioration than the reference engine deterioration level may be used. In this case a
correction to the reference condition shall not be permitted.
Electrical and mechanical power extraction and bleed flow. Electrical and mechanical power
extraction and bleed flow affects the fuel flow.
Note.— Post-flight data analysis includes the correction of measured data for data
acquisition hardware response characteristics (e.g. system latency, lag, offset, buffering, etc.).
5.2.2 Correction methods are subject to the approval of the certificating authority. If
the applicant considers that a particular correction is unnecessary then acceptable justification
shall be provided to the certificating authority.
5.3.1 The SAR values for each of the three reference masses defined in 2.3 of Chapter
2, Part II, shall be calculated either directly from the measurements taken at each valid test point
adjusted to reference conditions, or indirectly from a performance model that has been validated
by the test points. The final SAR value for each reference mass shall be the simple arithmetic
average of all valid test points at the appropriate gross mass, or derived from a validated
performance model. No data acquired from a valid test point shall be omitted unless agreed by the
certificating authority.
6.1 The 90 per cent confidence interval shall be calculated for each of the SAR
values at the three reference masses.
6.2 If clustered data is acquired independently for each of the three gross mass
reference points, the minimum sample size acceptable for each of the three gross mass SAR
values shall be six.
6.3 Alternatively SAR data may be collected over a range of masses. In this case the
minimum sample size shall be twelve and the 90 per cent confidence interval shall be calculated
for the mean regression line through the data.
6.4 If the 90 per cent confidence interval of the SAR value at any of the three
reference aeroplane masses exceeds ±1.5 per cent, the SAR value at that reference mass may be
used, subject to the approval of the certificating authority, if a penalty is applied to it. The penalty
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
shall be equal to the amount that the 90 per cent confidence interval exceeds ±1.5 per cent. If the
90 per cent confidence interval of the SAR value is less than or equal to ±1.5 per cent no penalty
need be applied.
Note.— Methods for calculating the 90 per cent confidence interval are given in ICAO
Doc 9501 Volume III.
7.1 The CO2 emissions evaluation metric value shall be calculated according to the
formula defined in 2.2 of Part II, Chapter 2.
Note.— The information required is divided into: 1) general information to identify the
aeroplane characteristics and the method of data analysis; 2) list of reference conditions used;
3) the data obtained from the aeroplane test(s); 4) the calculations and corrections of SAR test
data to reference conditions, and 5) the results derived from the test data.
The following information shall be provided for each aeroplane type and model for which CO 2
certification is sought:
b) general characteristics of the aeroplane, including centre of gravity range, number and
type designation of engines and, if fitted, propellers;
e) serial number(s) of the aeroplane(s) tested for CO2 certification purposes and, in
addition, any modifications or non-standard equipment likely to affect the CO2
characteristics of the aeroplane.
The reference conditions used for the determination of specific air range (see Part II, Chapter 2,
2.5) shall be provided.
The following measured test data, including any corrections for instrumentation characteristics,
shall be provided for each of the test measurement points.
b) fuel flow;
c) pressure altitude;
g) engine performance:
i) fuel specific gravity and kinematic viscosity if volumetric fuel flow meters are used
(see 3.2.1d);
j) the cumulative error (RSS) of the overall measurement system (see 4.1.6);
m) description of the instruments and devices used to acquire the parameters necessary
for the determination of SAR, and their individual accuracies in terms of their effect
on SAR (see 4.1.5 and 4.1.6);
The measured SAR values, corrections to the reference conditions, and corrected SAR values
shall be provided for each of the test measurement points.
The following derived information shall be provided for each aeroplane tested for certification
a) the specific air range (km/kg) for each reference aeroplane mass and the associated 90
per cent confidence interval;
b) the average of the inverse of the three reference mass specific air range values;
a) for aeroplanes with a single deck determine the area of a surface (expressed in m2)
bounded by the maximum width of the fuselage outer mould line (OML) projected to a
flat plane parallel with the main deck floor; and
b) for aeroplanes with an upper deck determine the sum of the area of a surface (expressed
in m2) bounded by the maximum width of the fuselage outer mould line (OML) projected
to a flat plane parallel with the main deck floor, and the area of a surface bounded by the
maximum width of the fuselage OML at or above the upper deck floor projected to a flat
plane parallel with the upper deck floor is determined; and
c) determine the non-dimensional RGF by dividing the areas defined in 1(a) or 1(b) by 1 m2.
2. The RGF includes all pressurised space on the main or upper deck including aisles,
assist spaces, passage ways, stairwells and areas that can accept cargo and auxiliary fuel
containers. It does not include permanent integrated fuel tanks within the cabin or any
unpressurized fairings, nor crew rest/work areas or cargo areas that are not on the main or upper
deck (e.g. ‘loft’ or under floor areas). RGF does not include the cockpit crew zone.
3. The aft boundary to be used for calculating RGF is the aft pressure bulkhead. The
forward boundary is the forward pressure bulkhead except for the cockpit crew zone.
4. Areas that are accessible to both crew and passengers are excluded from the definition
of the cockpit crew zone. For aeroplanes with a cockpit door, the aft boundary of the cockpit crew
zone is the plane of the cockpit door. For aeroplanes having optional interior configurations that
include different locations of the cockpit door, or no cockpit door, the boundary shall be
determined by the configuration that provides the smallest cockpit crew zone. For aeroplanes
certified for single-pilot operation, the cockpit crew zone shall extend half the width of the
5. Figures A2-1 and A2-2 provide a notional view of the RGF boundary conditions.
ICAO Annex 16, Vol. 3, 2017
Forward Tapered outer skin width, Permanent integrated fuel Aft boundary
boundary measured at the frame station tanks within cabin
Forward boundary
boundary with non-
crew seat
zone area