3rdQ Worksheet Week 7 Health

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R epublic of the P hilippines

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Sc h o o l s D i v i s i o n O f f i c e o f La s Pi ñ a s C i t y

Name : ________________________________________ Score : ____________________

Grade & Section ______________________________ Teacher: ____________________

Third Quarter
Week 7 – Day 1

Activity 1: Fill It!

Direction: Write if the manifestation of stress is PHYSICAL or BEHAVIORAL.

1. Trouble in breathing
2. Irritability
3. Upset stomach
4. Headache
5. Inability to focus
6. Wanting to be alone
7. Fatigue
8. Sudden or increased smoking
9. Hypertension
10. Sleep patterns

Activity #2 Enumeration
Direction: Enumerate the six research-proven ways of managing stress.

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________
6. _____________________
Name: ________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________Teacher: ________________

Third Quarter
Week 7 – Day 2

Activity 1: Let’s Define!

Direction: Define the following based on what you have learned.



Activity 2: Identifying Stressors

Direction: Write down the categories of stressors and give situations that cause feelings of
anxiety or stress.

Categories of Stressors

1.________ 2.________ 3.________

Name: ________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________Teacher: ________________

Third Quarter
Week 7 – Day 3

Activity 1: Enumerate!
Direction: Write down the fourteen medical conditions caused by or worsened by stress.

Activity 2: Finding Support.

Direction: Write the three people whom you can seek support from and include how they can
help your well-being. Write your answer in the box below.
Name: ________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________Teacher: ________________

Third Quarter
Week 7 – Day 4

Activity 1: Ways to be Healthy!

Direction: Give at least six (6) unhealthful and healthful coping strategies on the space given.


Activity 2: Stress Relief.

Direction: Enumerate the four mental stress relief techniques.

Mental Stress
Relief Techniques
Name: ________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________Teacher: ________________

Third Quarter
Week 8 – Day 1

Activity 1: Fact or Myth about grief and grieving.

Direction: Below are some of the situation about grieving. Write Fact is the statement is true
and Myth if it is wrong belief. Write your answer on the separate sheet of paper.

___________1. There is no specific time for grieving. How long it takes differs from person to
___________2. Crying is a normal response to sadness.
___________3 Moving on from sadness means you are accepted your loss.
___________4.If you don’t cry ,it means you aren’t care or feel sorry for your loss.
___________5.The pain will go away faster if you ignore it.

Activity 2: Enumeration:
Direction: enumerate the following:

A. Importance of grieving


B Coping skills in managing loss and Grief


Activity #3: Journal Making “My Personal Experience”.

Direction: Make a journal about your own experience of grieving. Consider the following
questions. Write this in your notebook.

1. When was the last time you grief?

2. What are the factors that make your grief?

3. What are the effects of grieving in your personality?

4. How did you deal with the situation?

5. How did you manage to cope loss and grief?

Name: ________________________________________ Score: __________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________Teacher: ________________

Third Quarter
Week 8 – Day 2

Activity 1: My thinking ability….

Direction: Write inside the circle the causes of mental disorder. Below each , write their

2. 3.

______________________ _______________________ __________________

______________________ _______________________ __________________
______________________ _______________________ __________________
______________________ _______________________ __________________

Activity 2: My healthful ways

Direction: Write and explain your healthful ways on how to help yourself with the warning signs
of common mental disorder. Do this in your notebook.

My healthful ways

NAME: ___________________________________________ Score: ______________________
GRADE & SECTION ____________________________ Teacher: ___________________

Third Quarter
Types of Mental Signs and Prevention Treatment
Disorder symptoms







Week 8– Day 3 and 4

Activity 1. Completing a chart
Direction: Fill in the chart with the correct information. Write the types of Mental Disorder, The
sign and symptoms, prevention and treatment?

Activity 2. Arrange me!!!!

Direction: Rearrange the letter to identify what is being described.

1.S E R D I P O N E S_________________ a condition which a person feels discouraged, sad,

hopeless, unmotivated or disinterested in life.
2.Z P O S I C H H I E N R A _________________ a serious brain disorder and is characterized
by a profound disruption in cognition and emotion.
3.T I E X A N Y __________________ Characterized by feelings of fear of a certain thing,
situations or people
4. I M U L I B A ___________________ have recurrent and frequent episodes of eating
Unusual large amount of food and feeling lack of control over these episodes.
5.R I L A P O B ___________________ Also known as manic-depressive illness. It is a brain
disorder that causes unusual shift in mood, energy, activity levels, and ability to carry out Day-
to-day task.
6.T E A I N G I R O R E D S D _______________ a serious and often and fatal illness
that cause severe disturbances to a person’s eating behavior with food, body weight and
7.S O L P R I T E Y A N A type of mental disorder in which you Have rigid and unhealthy
pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving.
8.E B N E G I T A G E N ____________________ Behavior that compensates for the
overeating such as forced vomiting , excessive use of laxatives, fasting , excessive exercise.
9.A M T A R U _______________________ A mental health condition that is triggered by
terrifying event –either experiencing it or worsening it.
10. I X A R N A E O______________________ People with this condition may see themselves
as overweight even they are dangerously underweight

WEEK 7 Day 1
Activity 1
1. Physical
2. Behavior
3. Physical
4. Physical
5. Behavior
6. Behavior
7. Physical
8. Behavior
9. Physical
10. Behavior

Activity 2
1. Physical Activity and exercise
2. Healthy eating
3. Adequate sleep
4. Relaxation, Mindfulness and Meditation
5. Laughter, Self-expression and social support
6. Cognitive Reconstructing

WEEK 7 Day 2
Activity 1
1. Stress - a reaction to situations that we find problematic. It may be positive or negative
which helps us become a better person.
2. Distress - is the form of stress most commonly known. It is felt when we view the
situation negatively, thus making us feel overwhelmed and out of control.
3. Eustress - helps us face a challenge head-on. It happens when, instead of thinking
negatively, we choose to focus our energy into finding solutions to solve the situation.
However, eustress can turn into distress if something causes us to feel that the situation
is unmanageable.

Activity 2
2. The feeling that an outside
1. The unsettling source is challenging or
3. The feeling that you
effects of change have lost personal control.
threatening you

(Examples may differ, (Examples may differ, (Examples may differ,

refer to the module) refer to the module) refer to the module)

WEEK 7 Day 3
Activity 1

8. Chronic pain or pain that lasts for

1. Asthma
more than 12 weeks
2. Premenstrual syndromes (PMS)
9. Migraines
3. Obesity
10. Ulcers
4. Infertility
11. Heartburn
5. Autoimmune disease such as lupus
12. High blood pressure
6. Irritable bowel syndrome
13. Heart disease
7. Skin problems such as acne
14. Diabetes
Activity 2

Family and friends. Family and friends are

usually always around and ready to listen to
even to your most burdensome situations.

Doctor. If you are feeling overwhelmed by

stress and there are certain symptoms of
diseases that you feel in your body, you can
talk to a doctor. This way, your doctor can
help you confirm if you are in need of medical
help or if you just need some time to rest.

Therapist or Counselor. A therapist or

counselor can also be a friend who listens,
the plus factor that they have is that they are
licensed to listen to you and to help you
navigate through your stress. They can help
you identify what causes your stress and
may give you advice as to how best you can
handle it.

WEEK 7 Day 4
Activity 1


- Exercise - Drug or alcohol use
- Talking about your problem - Overeating
- Healthy eating - Procrastination
- Seeking professional help - Sleeping too much or too little
- Relaxation techniques (e.g. deep - social withdrawal
breathing) - self-harm
- Using social support - aggression
- Problem-solving techniques

Activity 2

Altering the

Avoiding Mental Stress Accept things

unnecessary Relief Techniques you cannot
stress change

Expect ongoing
change; understand
the stages

Week 8-day 1-Activity 1:Fact or Myth

1. Fact 2. Fact 3. Fact 4. Myth 5. Myth
Activity 2: Enumeration
1. To accept the finality of the loss.
2. To acknowledge and express the full range of feelings we experience as a result of the
3. To adjust to a life in which the lost person, object, or experience is absent.
4. To say good-bye, to ritualize our movement to a new peace with the loss.
5. To allow him or herself to face and experience in order to begin the journey toward
B. Coping skills in managing loss and grief
1. acknowledge your pain
2. Express your feelings in a tangible or creative way.
3.Try to maintain your hobbies and interests.
4. Don’t let anyone tell you how to feel, and don’t tell yourself how to feel either.
5. Plan ahead for grief “triggers.”
6. Look after your physical health. 
Activity 3: Journal making-(answers may vary at student opinion )

Work sheet #2-Week 8 day 2

Activity # 1-My thinking ability
Causes of mental disorders Description
1.Life situation and experiences - these include insecurities in early life like broken homes,
loss of loved ones and financial difficulties.
2.Genetic(Heredity)-Mental disorder sometimes run in families, suggesting that people who have a
family member with a mental illness may be somewhat more likely to develop one themselves.
Susceptibility is passed on in families through genes.
3.Physical Conditions-Include fever, intoxication from alcohol or drugs, trauma like head injuries,
and disturbance of the endocrine glands.

Activity #2- My healthful Ways

( Answers may be vary at student opinion )

Worksheet #3- Week 8 Day 3 &4

Activity 1- Completing a chart ( See chart below)
Activity 2 –Arrange me
1. Depression
2. Schizophrenia
3. Anxiety
4. Bulimia
5. Bipolar
6. Eating disorder
7. Personality
8. Binge eating
9. Trauma
10. Anorexia

Types of Mental Signs and Prevention Treatment

Disorder symptoms
Feeling of panic, Connect with others, Understanding of family
1.Anxiety disorder fear, and manage stress, members and friends,
uneasiness, sleeping exercise regularly, get counselling, cognitive
problem, shortness enough sleep, Stop and behavioral therapy,
of breath and worrying and too much self-help.
palpitation, not being thinking.
able to be still and
calm, numbness and
muscle tension.

Trouble Exercise regularly, Psychotherapy

concentrating, build a strong interpersonal treatment
2. Depression withdrawing from relationship with your lifestyle changes.
people, tiredness or family, minimize your
lack of energy, daily choices, reduce
changes of appetite, stress, get enough rest
feeling of and sleep, stay away
worthlessness, from toxic people,
weight loss/weight maintain a healthy
gain, changes in lifestyle, reduce alcohol
sleep pattern. and drug use, and plan
for unavoidable known

Hallucinations, There's no sure way to Proper medication,

3. Schizophrenia delusions prevent schizophrenia, psychological
disorganized thinking but sticking with the counselling.
(speech), extremely treatment plan can help
disorganized or prevent relapses or
abnormal motor worsening of
behavior. symptoms.

Feeling sad, Regular and Medication, therapy,

4..Bipolar mood hopeless and empty, continued use of lifestyle changes, social
disorder irritability, fatigue or medication can help support.
loss of energy, reduce episodes or
physical and mental
mania and
fatigue, appetite or
weight changes, depression.
concentration or
memory problem.

Difficulty in There is no known Seek medical help

5. Personality Disorder relationships, prevention for this
increased condition.
withdrawals from
socialization ,mood
swings, depression,
suicidal thoughts,
decline of physical
health due to lack of

-Intrusive memories Get moving ( exercise Professional

6. Trauma Disorder or --Negative changes regularly), Don’t isolate, medication, Explore
Post- Traumatic in thinking and mood Self- regulate your your thoughts and
Disorder -Changes in nervous system, Take feelings about trauma,
emotional reactions. care of your health. Learn how to cope with
-Have suicidal intrusive memories,
thoughts, Feeling of Address problems for
mistrust or betrayal, Post-traumatic disorder
Guilt ,shame or self- has caused in your life
blame. and relationships.

Self –discipline Therapy, Nutrition

7.Eating disorder Eat balance diet Counseling, Meal
Exercise regularly Support

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