Content Knowledge Within and Across Curriculum Teaching Areas. This Is Equivalent To 5 Points
Content Knowledge Within and Across Curriculum Teaching Areas. This Is Equivalent To 5 Points
Content Knowledge Within and Across Curriculum Teaching Areas. This Is Equivalent To 5 Points
OBJECTIVE 2: Evaluated with colleagues the effectiveness of teaching strategies that promote learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy
MOVs: Attach any supplementary materials (in print/digital) with minutes of FGD or minutes of
coaching and mentoring session with teachers
For KRA 1 - Objective 2, I have attached supplementary materials like activity sheets/on lesson
plan from a self-learning module (SLM)/lesson plan/video lesson/audio lesson and other learning
materials that highlights teaching strategies that promote learner achievement in literacy and numeracy.
Individual and group learners' critical literacy and/or critical numeracy abilities are improved by through
adjusting teaching and learning process. I also included minutes of focus group discussion
(FGD)/minutes of mentoring and vouching session with teachers under my supervision that shows that I
evaluated their teaching strategies. It is clear that I have accomplished my goal, as shown by a rating of
8 under Indicator 2 Evaluated with colleagues the effectiveness of teaching strategies that promote
learner achievement in literacy and numeracy. This is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the
RPMS Rating Scale.
Rating of 6 in COT – Satisfactory - consistent application of relevant teaching practices that promote
critical literacy and/or critical numeracy skills in all aspects of the lesson
Rating of 5 in COT – Unsatisfactory - application of relevant teaching practices that promote critical
literacy and/or critical numeracy skills in some aspects of the lesson
OBJECTIVE 3: Modelled and supported colleagues in the proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino
and English to improve teaching and learning, as well as to develop learners’ pride of their language,
heritage and culture
MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form
from an observation 1 and 2 (synchronous, recorded video lesson or demonstration teaching via LAC)
with proof of attendance
For KRA 1 - Objective 3, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet
from an Observation 1 and 2 via synchronous/recorded video lesson/demonstration teaching via LAC
with proof of attendance of my colleagues. I was able to demonstrate advanced skill in Mother Tongue,
Filipino, and/or English, which greatly aids teaching and learning, including probing questions and
comments. I clearly fulfilled the goal, as evidenced by a rating of 8 under Indicator 3 – Modelled and
supported colleagues in the proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to improve
teaching and learning, as well as to develop learners’ pride of their language, heritage and culture.
This is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
OBJECTIVE 4: Displayed a wide range of effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication
strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement
MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form
from an observation 1 and 2 (synchronous, recorded video lesson or demonstration teaching via LAC)
with proof of attendance
For KRA 1 - Objective 4, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet
from an Observation 1 and 2 via synchronous/recorded video lesson/demonstration teaching via LAC
with proof of attendance of my colleagues. I was able to adjusts and alters verbal and nonverbal
communication tactics to meet the individual and group learning requirements of pupils, resulting in
increased motivation and support. As demonstrated by a score of 8 on Indicator 4, I certainly met the
objective – Displayed a wide range of effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication
strategies to support learner understanding, participation, engagement and achievement. This is
equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Rating of 8 in COT – Outstanding
Rating of 7 in COT – Very Satisfactory
- employs a mixture of verbal and nonverbal communication tactics to establish a learning
environment that encourages individual and group inquiry and participation.
Rating of 6 in COT – Satisfactory
- employs a variety of verbal and nonverbal communication tactics that are well coordinated and
beneficial to all pupils
Rating of 5 in COT – Unsatisfactory
- employs a variety of verbal and nonverbal communication tactics that are typically consistent
and beneficial to the majority of the students.
Rating of 4 in COT – Poor
OBJECTIVE 6: Exhibited effective practices to foster learning environments that promote fairness,
respect and care to encourage learning.
MOVs: Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form
from an observation 1 and 2 (synchronous, recorded video lesson or demonstration teaching via LAC)
with proof of attendance
For KRA 2 - Objective 6, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet
from an Observation 1 and 2 via synchronous/recorded video lesson/demonstration teaching via LAC
with proof of attendance of my colleagues. As and teacher, pupils and I worked together to establish a
democratic learning environment that is inclusive of social and cultural diversity. The fact that I
obtained a rating of 8 on Indicator 6 means that I fulfilled the objective. – Exhibited effective practices
to foster learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning. This
is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
OBJECTIVE 7: Worked with colleagues to share successful strategies that sustain supportive learning
environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued
MOVs: Attach any supplementary materials with minutes of focus group discussion (FGD) or minutes
of coaching and mentoring session with teachers
For KRA 2 – Objective 7, I have attached activity sheet/one lesson from a self-learning module
(SLM)/lesson plan (e.g. DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, Lesson exemplars/video lesson/audio
lesson/other learning materials that highlights successful learning environments that nurture and inspire
learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning. I also included minutes of focus
group discussion (FGD)/minutes of coaching and mentoring session with teachers that shows sharing of
successful strategies done. I was able to recognize each other’s learning strengths and value the
contribution of other as evidenced by the in submitted MOVs. As a result, a rating of 8 on Indicator 7 -
Worked with colleagues to share successful strategies that sustain supportive learning environments
that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning were
given. This is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Very Satisfactory - Modelled varying strategies that sustain a supporting learning environment and
feature all elements of collaborative learning
Satisfactory - Modelled effective strategies that promote a supportive learning environment and engage
learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in continued learning
Unsatisfactory - Modelled an effective strategy that promote a supportive learning environment and
engage learners to participate, cooperate, and/or collaborate in class discussions
Very Satisfactory - Modelled and discussed with colleagues consistent application of teaching
practices that successfully motivate learners to monitor and evaluate their own learning
Satisfactory - Modelled and discussed with colleagues varied teaching practices that successfully
motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning
Unsatisfactory - Modelled and discussed with colleagues a teaching practice that successfully
motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning
Rating of 4 – Very Satisfactory – They are complete and show comprehensive knowledge about the
topic/question by providing accurate details
Rating of 3 – Satisfactory – They are complete and show sufficient knowledge about the topic/question
Rating of 2 – Unsatisfactory – They are either complete or incomplete and show limited knowledge
about the topic/question
Rating of 1 – Poor – They are incomplete and totally disconnected from what is asked
OBJECTIVE 10: Developed and applied teaching strategies to address effectively the needs of
learners from indigenous groups
SET A as Option - Attach your Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet or inter-observer
agreement form from an observation 1 and 2 (synchronous, recorded video lesson or demonstration
teaching via LAC) with proof of attendance
SET B as Option – Teacher Reflection Form (TRF)
***For SET A
For KRA 3 - Objective 10, I have attached my Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet
from an Observation 1 and 2 via synchronous/recorded video lesson/demonstration teaching via LAC
with proof of attendance of colleagues. I was able to use consistent, effective tactics with indigenous
pupils to help them become successful citizens in changing local and global situations. As a result, I
obtained a rating of 8 on Indicator 10 which signifies that I attained the objective – Developed and
applied teaching strategies to effectively address the needs of learners from indigenous groups. This
is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
***For SET B
For KRA 3 – Objective 10, I have attached Teacher Reflection Form (TRF) and a certification
from the school head that I have no identified learner/s from indigenous groups. For TRF Prompt # 1, I
was able to reflect that learner from indigenous groups requires teaching strategy that will affirm and
strengthen their cultural identity. Such strategy includes establishing a good relationship wherein
learners find a sense of place and belonging within schools. Teachers must be sensitive and aware to the
cultural background of each learner. For TRF Prompt # 2, I also attach a copy of Learning Action Cell
(LAC) plan wherein I assisted colleagues in adapting and using culturally appropriate teaching
strategies. As a result, a rating of 5 on Indicator 10 - Developed and applied teaching strategies to
effectively address the needs of learners from indigenous groups. This is equivalent to 5 points
(Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Rating of 2 – Unsatisfactory – They are either complete or incomplete and show limited knowledge
about the topic/question
Rating of 1 – Poor – They are incomplete and totally disconnected from what is asked
OBJECTIVE 11: Worked collaboratively with colleagues to evaluate the design of learning programs
that knowledge and skills of learners at different ability levels
1. New/Improved design of learning programs
2. Detailed recommendations on the design of the learning programs
3. Synthesis of the evaluation of the learning programs
4. Own evaluation of the existing learning programs
For KRA 3 - Objective 11, I have attached the new/improved design of learning programs for
pupils with least mastered skills in my subject. I was able to give follow-up and feedbacks as part of the
monitoring and evaluation of the learning programs. As a result, I achieved a rating of 8 on Indicator
11, demonstrating that I reached the objective. – Worked collaboratively with colleagues to evaluate the
design of learning programs that knowledge and skills of learners at different ability levels. This is
equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Satisfactory - Worked with colleagues in evaluating the design of learning programs that develop
the knowledge and skills of learners at different ability levels
Unsatisfactory - Evaluated the design of learning programs that develop the knowledge and skills of
learners at different ability levels
without the help of colleagues
OBJECTIVE 12: Worked collaboratively with colleagues to analyze and utilize assessment data to
modify practices and programs to further support learner progress and achievement
MOVs: Attached Accomplished LAC Plan with any 1 used in the implementation of the LAC Plan
1. minutes of LAC session
2, proof of collaborative review of learner assessment data
3. lesson plan with accomplished Part IV: Reflection and Index of Mastery
4. Proof of collaborative review of intervention materials
5. Accomplishment Report
For KRA 3 - Objective 12, I have attached a copy of Accomplished LAC Plan, wherein activities
were successfully evaluated by my colleagues by looking for ley success indicators as evidence by the
attached MOVs. As evident in the Accomplishment LAC Plan, in Indicator 12, I got a rating of 8,
indicating that I achieved the objective – Worked collaboratively with colleagues to analyze and utilize
assessment data to modify practices and programs to further support learner progress and
achievement. This is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Outstanding - Evaluated activities with colleagues by looking for key success indicators (p. 14, DO 35,
s. 2016)
Very Satisfactory - Implemented activities with colleagues to address the use of assessment data to
modify practices and/or programs
Satisfactory - Explored interventions with colleagues to address utilization of assessment data which
could be in the form of learning materials, instructional materials, equipment, strategies in teaching,
modality in teaching, program, etc. (p. 9, DO 35, s. 2016)
Unsatisfactory - Planned activities with colleagues to address the use of assessment data to modify
practices and/or programs
Poor - No acceptable evidence
Very Satisfactory - Consulted parents, guardians, and/or other external stakeholders on programs,
projects, and/or activities that maintain the learning environments responsive to community context to
reflect on and evaluate them
Satisfactory - Conducted FGD with teachers on programs, projects, and/or activities that maintain the
learning environments responsive to community context to reflect on and evaluate them
Unsatisfactory - Conducted survey to gather feedbacks on program, projects, and/or activities that are
responsive to community contexts as evidenced by MOV No. 4
OBJECTIVE 14: Discussed with colleagues teaching and learning practices that apply existing codes,
laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers
1. Minutes of LAC sessions
2. Learning Action Cell (LAC) Plan
For KRA 4 - Objective 14, I have attached copy of Learning Action Cell (LAC) Plan and
minutes of meeting conducted with my colleagues wherein I discussed the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers and the reviewed annotated evidence of practice of colleagues. As a result, in
Indicator 14, I obtained a rating of 8 indicating that I met the objective – Discussed with colleagues
teaching and learning practices that apply existing codes, laws and regulations that apply to the
teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
This is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Very Satisfactory - Discussed with colleagues teaching and learning practices that adhere to laws,
regulations, and responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers and reviewed
the personal reflection notes of colleagues
Satisfactory - Discussed with colleagues teaching and learning practices that adhere to laws,
regulations, and responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
Unsatisfactory - Planned for a discussion of teaching and learning practices that adhere to laws,
regulations, and responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
Very Satisfactory - Conducted discussions with teachers on the progress of implementation of certain
school policies and procedures
Satisfactory - Discussed with teacher’s certain school policies and procedures for uniform
Very Satisfactory – Implemented plan for an activity to support colleagues in enhancing their own
learner-centered teaching practice
Satisfactory – Planned for an activity to support colleagues in enhancing their own learner-centered
teaching practice
OBJECTIVE 18: Reflected on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers to plan personal
professional development goals and assist colleagues in planning and achieving their own goals
1. Updated IPCRF-DP
2. Mid-Year Review Form
3. Certification from the ICT Coordinator/School Head/Focal person of e-SAT
For KRA 4 - Objective 18, I was able to prove that I reflected professional development goals
and assisted colleagues in planning and achieving their goals based on the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers through a copy of my updated IPCRF-Development Plan during the Phase II of
the RPMS cycle as well as the results of Mid-Year Review and the monitoring and coaching conducted
with my colleagues indicated in the PMCF. As a result, in Indicator 18, I obtained a rating of 8 signifies
that I obtained the objective – Reflected on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers to plan
personal professional development goals and assist colleagues in planning and achieving their own
goals. This is equivalent to 5 points (Outstanding) in the RPMS Rating Scale.
Very Satisfactory – Conducted mid-year review with colleagues as evidenced by MOV No. 2 or 3
Satisfactory – Planned for professional development based on e-SAT results as evidenced by MOV
No. 4
Unsatisfactory – Accomplished the e-SAT at the beginning of the school year as evidenced by MOV
No. 5
Very Satisfactory – Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching-learning
process within the school / Community Learning Center (CLC) as evidenced by submitted MOV
Satisfactory – Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching-learning
process within the learning area / department as evidenced by submitted MOV
Unsatisfactory – Performed at least 1 related work / activity that contributed to the teaching-learning
process within the class as evidenced by submitted MOV