Goodfellow SRMs Alloy
Goodfellow SRMs Alloy
Goodfellow SRMs Alloy
Goodfellow Corporation
125 Hookstown Grade Road
Coraopolis, PA 15108-9302
Tel: 1-800-821-2870 (USA and Canada)
or +1 724 695 7060
Fax: 1-800-283-2020 (USA and Canada)
or +1 724 695 7063
Goodfellow SARL
229, rue Solférino
F-59000 Lille
Tel : 0800 917 241 (numéro vert)
or +44 1480 424 813
Fax : 0800 917 313 (numéro vert)
or +44 1480 424 900
Goodfellow GmbH
Postfach 13 43
D-61213 Bad Nauheim
Tel: 0800 1000 579 (freecall)
or +44 1480 424 810
Fax: 0800 1000 580 (freecall)
or +44 1480 424 900
Introduction 4
Product Descriptions 5
Hazards Information 10
General Information 11
Order information 12
Company Details 15
Conditions of Sale 16
Alloy 20
Goodfellow is well known as a specialist supplier of available from stock. For ceramic components made
small to medium size quantities of metals, alloys, to customer drawings, our Ceramic and Glass
ceramics, polymers and other materials to meet the Division would be delighted to help. Please visit
research, development and specialist production for further
requirements of science and industry worldwide. information.
We realise that "small" means different things to
different people, but we consider small to mean any
quantity from a few grammes to a few kilos.
The range of polymers supplied by Goodfellow is
Goodfellow offers two distinct services to meet the broad and includes both the familiar as well as some
requirements of our customers: of the more unusual or recently developed materials.
. The first meets the needs of our customers who The Catalog details those items which are available
need small quantities of products from our from stock; please contact us if you are unable to find
standard range of materials within 24-48 hours. the item you specifically require.
Bar Fabric
A straight length of rectangular, square or oval Woven fabrics are made by the regular interlacing of
section material. two arrays of yarns at right angles to each other,
these being referred to as the warp and weft (see
Tolerances also Non-woven fabric).
Section dimensions: 410mm +10%
>10mm +1mm Tolerances
Length: <100mm +1mm Fabric thickness: +25%
5100mm +5% / -1% Number of yarns: +10%
Tex number: +10%
Size (linear dimension): <100mm +5mm
Bolt 5100mm +5%
Dimensions shown are nominal
A low density, permeable structure of cells and A single or multiple flexible strand of metal or alloy
continuous ligaments offering a high surface area to with an insulating sheath.
volume ratio, and also a high strength to weight ratio.
Owing to the nature of this material, dimensions are Tolerances
nominal. Wire diameter: +10%
Length: +5% / -1%
Insulation thickness: Nominal values only
Pellets of an approximately regular shape. Granules Dimensions shown are nominal
may vary in size and, therefore, the dimensions
stated are nominal. In addition, the shape of a
granule may vary from item to item. Mesh
Dimensions shown are nominal Mesh is available as either a woven wire or
electroformed product; in all cases, the quoted
aperture sizes are nominal. Wire mesh: a
Honeycomb material which is woven from metal wires to provide
a thin grid with a regular series of holes.
Electroform ed mesh: a product made by
A cellular structure similar in appearance to natural electroplating the mesh geometry through a mask
honeycomb. Owing to the nature of this material,
onto a substrate which is subsequently etched away.
dimensions are nominal.
Thickness: woven: +10%
electroformed: +20%
Wire diameter: +10%
Size (linear dimension): <100mm +1mm
5100mm +2% / -1%
Film which is coated with a metal. The thickness of Non-woven fabrics are made by methods other than
the metal is measured and described in terms of the weaving or knitting, the yarns and fibres being held
material’s specific electrical resistance in ohms per together, often quite loosely, by means other than
square. geometric interlacing. Due to the open and porous
nature of this material, all other dimensions are
Tolerances nominal. conventional textile fabrics. Due to the
Thickness: +10% open and porous nature of this material, all other
Size (linear dimension): <100mm +1mm dimensions are nominal.
5100mm +2% / -1%
Size (linear dimension): <100mm +5mm
Microfoil >100mm +5%
A straight length of circular section material. A high purity material used as a source for
sputtering, a cold vapourisation process in which
Tolerances atoms are physically removed from the target
Diameter: 410mm +10% surface by ion bombardment.
Polymer +20%/-10%
Ceramic +20%/-10% Tolerances
Thickness: +0.5mm
>10mm +5% +1mm Size: +0.5mm
Ceramic +20%/-10%
Polymer +20%/-10%
Length: <100mm +1mm
5100mm +5% / -1%
A hollow length of material normally circular in
section. Most tubes are straight except those
Sheet made of flexible polymer.
Flat material with a thickness >0.5mm. Outside diameter: 42mm +0.05mm
Polymer +10%
Tolerances Ceramic +10%
Thickness: +10%
Ceramic +20% 45mm +0.1mm
Composite +20% Polymer +10%
Polymer +20% Ceramic +10%
Size (linear dimension): <100mm +1mm
5100mm +2% / -1% >5mm +5%
Polymer +10%
Ceramic +10%
Single Crystal
Wall thickness: +10%
Polymer +20%
A material grown as a monocrystal, generally to a Ceramic +20%
specific orientation, dimension and surface finish. It
may contain a dopant. Single crystals are usually Length: <100mm +1mm
made to order. 5100mm +5% / -1%
Orientation: +38 Washer
Size: Sizes shown are nominal
Diameter (standard): +5%
Diameter (precision): see item
Extremely Flammable
All materials listed in this catalogue, whatever the Chemicals which when finely
quantity supplied, are sold for research or
divided (small particle size) are
development purposes. We make no warranty that
the materials are fit for a particular purpose. In Fþ liable to ignite spontaneously.
purchasing materials from this catalogue, customers Harmful
should be aware that there may be hazards
associated with their use and in the handling of
Chemicals which may cause
them. Complete toxicological or hazard death or acute or chronic
investigations are the responsibility of the Xn damage to health when
customer. Ingestion or contact with the human inhaled, ingested or absorbed
body may be harmful. The responsibility for the via the skin.
safe use of our products rests with the customer. All
materials should be handled by qualified personnel Highly flammable
familiar with laboratory procedures and who are Chemicals which will ignite after
familiar with the nature of the material and any
contact with flame, or which will
necessary precautions which should be taken in the
handling, use and storage of the products. The F evolve highly flammable gases
customer shall be responsible for the control and use in contact with water.
of the products offered in this catalogue whether
alone or in combination with other articles or
substances or in any other manner whatsoever. Non-corrosive chemicals which,
through immediate, prolonged or
HAZARD SYMBOLS Xi repeated contact with the skin or
mucous membrane may cause
Corrosive inflammation.
Chemicals which may destroy
living tissue when in contact with
Chemicals which will emit
C them.
ionising radiation without being
Dangerous when wet R subject to irradiation. General
Chemicals which, in contact precautions for Toxic chemicals
with water or damp air, evolve apply to those of low activity.
D highly flammable or toxic gases For chemicals of medium or high
and vapours in dangerous activity special regulations
quantities. apply.
Explosive Toxic
Chemicals which may react Chemicals which may cause
exothermically without death or acute or chronic
E atmospheric oxygen, quickly T damage to health when
evolving gases, and which inhaled, ingested or absorbed
under defined test conditions via the skin.
detonate, quickly deflagrate or
Very Toxic
upon heating explode when
Chemicals which in low
partially confined.
quantities cause death or acute
Tþ or chronic damage to health
when inhaled, ingested or
absorbed via the skin.
Prices Despatch
All the prices listed are total (lot) prices for the sizes Orders will normally be despatched within 48 hours
and quantities listed. Prices are subject to change of receipt.
without notice.
Prices shown include delivery except for those items
Non delivery
marked as "special offer" or dangerous goods with If we have notified you of despatch of goods and you
transport restriction. They do not include value have not received delivery within 7 days, please
added tax, any import duties or local taxes. contact us.
UK Conditions of sale
VAT will be added to the invoice at the rate ruling at All orders, contracts and quotations are subject to
the date of invoice. Where a customer is exempt, our standard terms and conditions of sale.
VAT will be charged unless we receive a copy of the Information and statements provided are indicative
exemption form at the time the order is placed. only and do not form part of any offer or contract.
EU Exclusions
Customers registered for VAT who provide their local We supply materials according to our specification.
registration number will not be charged UK VAT. All conditions warranties and representations
Customers who are exempt from VAT will not be regarding the quality, fitness for purpose or state,
charged UK VAT provided we are given a copy of size, shape, capacity or colour of goods supplied
their exemption form at the time the goods are whether expressed or implied by common law or
ordered. statute or otherwise are hereby expressly excluded.
We shall not be liable for any damage direct or
Customers not registered for VAT or who fail to give consequential arising from the use of goods supplied
us their registration number will be charged UK VAT by us however such damage is caused, nor for delay
at the current rate. in delivery.
Export Law
All exports to countries outside the EU are zero-rated Customers in the USA: Contracts between
for UK VAT unless the invoice is being paid from Goodfellow Corporation and the customer shall be
within the EU. deemed to be subject in all respects to the laws of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or the United
Return of goods States of America.
We will only accept return of goods provided we are Customers in France: Contracts between
contacted BEFORE the goods are returned. When Goodfellow SARL and the customer shall be
we agree to the return we will issue a Goods Return deemed to be subject in all respects to French law
Number and give instructions for the method of unless otherwise agreed in writing
return of the goods. Goods will not be accepted for
return without a valid Goods Return Number. Due to Customers in Germany: Contracts between
the nature of some of our materials, it is imperative Goodfellow GmbH and the customer shall be
that you check any possible transport restrictions deemed to be subject in all respects to German law
with your proposed freight company. unless otherwise agreed in writing
Goodfellow GmbH
Since 1989, this member of the Goodfellow group of
Goodfellow SARL
companies has been serving the needs of our 229, rue Solférino
German speaking customers within Europe. F-59000 Lille
Registered in Lille : RCS : B 381 486 836
Goodfellow SARL Siren : 381486836
Goodfellow established an operation in France in Numéro de TVA Intracommunitaire :
1993 to meet the needs of our French-speaking FR 06 381 486 836
customers in Europe.
7.3 Whilst the Seller will make every reasonable effort to complete the
Contract by the date or dates therein specified for delivery of Goods 10.2 If the Buyer requires cancellation of the Contract this will only be
or provision of Services such date or dates shall only constitute the accepted at the sole discretion of the Seller and unless otherwise
times by which the Seller expects to effect such delivery and if no agreed in writing only upon condition that any costs, charges or
time is agreed delivery will be within a reasonable time but the expenses (both direct and consequential) incurred by the Seller up to
performance of the Contract by the Seller shall not be the essence of the date of cancellation and the value of all loss or damage (both
the Contract, the Seller’s failure to so deliver by the due date or direct and consequential) incurred by the Seller by reason of such
dates shall not constitute a breach of Contract and the Seller shall cancellation will be reimbursed by the Buyer to the Seller forthwith.
not in any circumstances be responsible for any direct or Acceptance by the Seller of any cancellation by the Buyer will only be
consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever resulting binding upon the Seller if it is made in writing
therefrom. The Seller may wholly or partly suspend deliveries of Goods
or provision of Services and the Buyer shall accept late delivery of 10.3 In the event of the Seller other than in any of the circumstances set
such Goods or Services unless the Buyer has cancelled the Contract in out in Condition 10.1 being prevented or hindered from completing the
accordance with the provisions of Condition 10.3 Contract either wholly or in part in accordance with the terms thereof
for any reason whatsoever beyond its reasonable control which, for the
avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to the generality of the
8 QUANTITIES INSTALMENTS AND STORAGE foregoing, shall include governmental action, war, riot, civil
commotion, fire, flood, epidemic, labour disputes (including labour
8.1 Where Goods are delivered or Services are by instalment each instalment disputes involving the work force or any part thereof of the Seller or
shall be deemed to be sold under a separate Contract and the party in Supplier), restraints or delays affecting shipping or carriers,
default in respect of any instalment shall be liable accordingly, but licensing, exporting or importing restrictions, currency restrictions
no default in respect of any one instalment shall effect due and Acts of God then further performance of the Contract shall be
performance of the Contract as regards other instalments suspended for the period during which the Seller is so prevented
provided that in the event of the Contract being suspended for a
8.2 The Seller will endeavour to deliver the quantity of Goods ordered and continuous period of more than 3 months then either party may give the
every delivery shall be deemed to comply with the order. If there is a other notice in writing to terminate the Contract forthwith and in such
surplus or shortage of Goods which is no more than 10% of the quantity circumstances the Buyer shall pay for all Goods or Services supplied to
specified in the order the Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the the date of such termination such payment to be made on or before the
Goods and shall pay for the actual quantity delivered last day following the month during which termination was effected.
The Seller shall be under no liability whatsoever to the Buyer for any
8.3 If Goods or Services are to be delivered by instalments, the Seller direct or consequential loss or damage suffered by the Buyer as a
shall be entitled to invoice each instalment as and when delivery is result of the Seller’s inability to perform its obligations under the
made and payment for all delivered instalments shall be due Contract in these circumstances
notwithstanding the non-delivery of other instalments or other default
by the Seller. Failure by the Buyer to make payment by the due date for 10.4 The Seller’s rights contained in Condition 17 (but not the Buyer’s
any one instalment for whatever reason shall entitle the Seller to rights) shall continue beyond the discharge of the parties’ primary
suspend deliveries of Goods or provision of Services under the Contract obligations under the Contract consequent upon its termination
but without prejudice to any other right the Seller may have under any
of the other provisions of these Conditions 10.5 The termination of the Contract for whatever reason will be without
prejudice to the rights and duties of either party accrued prior to
8.4 Notwithstanding that risk shall have passed to the Buyer pursuant to termination
Condition 15 the Seller may in its absolute discretion arrange for
storage of the Goods either at the request of the Buyer or as a result
of the failure by the Buyer to take delivery of the Goods under 11 INSPECTION AND CLAIMS FOR DEFECTS
Condition 7. The Seller may insure the goods whilst in storage and the
Buyer shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Seller in full against 11.1 The Goods are of a highly specialised nature and must be treated with
all costs, losses, damages and expenses whatsoever arising in the utmost care. It is essential that the Buyer checks that they
connection with the storage provided for hereunder and such costs, correspond in all respects with the Buyer’s requirements. Any
losses, damages and expenses will be added to and form part of the discrepancies should be notified to the Seller immediately. The Buyer
price of the Goods undertakes to ensure that all Goods are unpacked and handled only by
persons qualified to deal with such specialised products, to safeguard
8.5 Unless otherwise agreed between the Buyer and the Seller, the Seller against injury to the Goods or to the Buyer’s personnel
shall be entitled in its absolute discretion and without giving prior
notice to the Buyer at the expiration of 3 months to sell or otherwise 11.2 The Buyer shall inspect the Goods and carry out tests to ensure the
dispose of Goods kept in storage as provided in Condition 8.4 Goods conform with the description of the Goods or Services in the
Buyer’s orders within 7 days of Delivery and whether or not the Buyer
carries out such obligation to inspect and test no claims for
9 TERMS OF PAYMENT non-delivery, shortages in quantity of units delivered, defective
Goods or Services, non-conformity to description or partial loss or
9.1 Unless otherwise agreed the price shall be due and payable at the damage to Goods will be accepted by the Seller unless:-
Seller’s offices 30 days after the date of the Seller’s invoice
11.2.1 they are notified in writing by the Buyer to the Seller within
9.2 If the Buyer does not pay the whole or any part of the price on the 10 days after the Date of Delivery (in the case of partial loss,
required day then the Buyer shall pay to the Seller on request damage, non-conforming or defective Goods or Services) or 14
interest on the amount outstanding from the required day until the days after the date of the invoice (in the case of
actual date of payment at the rate of 2% p.a. over the base rate of non-delivery);
Barclays Bank plc from time to time in force which shall accrue on a
daily basis 11.2.2 the Goods in respect of which a claim is made together with all
the relevant packing are preserved intact as received for a
9.3 Condition 12 shall apply in the event of any alleged defect or failure period of 35 days from notification of any such claim and the
in or of the Goods or Services and the Buyer shall not delay or refuse Buyer permits the Seller or its servants or agents full and free
to make payment in any such event right of access to inspect the Goods and investigate the claim;
9.4 The Buyer shall not be entitled to withold payment of any amount due to
the Seller by reason of any disputed claim by the Buyer in connection
with the Contract nor shall the Buyer be entitled to set off against 11.2.3 if the Buyer fails to give the appropriate notice as specified
any amount payable under the Contract to the Seller any amount which in Condition 11.2.1, the Buyer’s claim will be deemed to have
is not then due and payable by the Seller or for which the Seller been waived and will be absolutely barred
disputes liability
9.5 All payments payable to the Seller under the Contract shall become due 11.3 It is in all cases the responsibility of the Buyer to ensure by testing
immediately upon termination of the Contract despite any other or otherwise that the Goods are fit and suitable for the purposes for
provision. which the Buyer requires them in the conditions in which they will be
used. The Buyer acknowledges that the Seller shall be under no
liability of any description to the Buyer if the Goods prove to be
10 SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION unsuitable for whatever reason for application or use notwithstanding
that the Seller may, at the request of the Buyer, have given in good
10.1 If the Buyer shall commit any breach of the Contract and fail to remedy faith technical or other advice in relation to the proposed
the same within 7 days of receiving the Seller’s request in writing so application or use of the Goods and the Buyer shall indemnify and keep
to do or any distress or execution is levied upon any goods or indemnified the Seller in full against any and all liability of any
property of the Buyer or the Buyer makes any voluntary arrangement with kind arising out of or connected with the application or use of the
its creditors or becomes subject to an administration order or (being Goods
an individual or firm) becomes bankrupt or (being an incorporated
company) passes a resolution for winding up (otherwise than for the 11.4 Section 3 Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 shall not apply
purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction), or a Court makes an order
to that effect, or an encumbrancer takes possession, or an 11.5 The Seller will not accept the return of Goods in any circumstances
administrative receiver or receiver is appointed, of any of the unless it has first issued a Goods return number and such number is
property or assets of the Buyer, or the Buyer ceases, or threatens to quoted with the returned Goods
cease, to carry on business or is unable to pay its debts within the
meaning of section 123 Insolvency Act, 1986, or the Seller reasonably
apprehends that any of the events mentioned above is about to occur in 12 WARRANTY
relation to the Buyer and notifies the Buyer accordingly, the Seller
may:- 12.1 In substitution for all and any other rights which the Buyer might or
10.1.1 stop any Goods in transit and suspend any further deliveries; would have had but for these Conditions and subject to Condition 11,
12.3.5 the Buyer has failed to notify the Seller in writing of any 16.3 The Goods shall not be used in any country other than that for which
defect or suspected defect within 14 days of the same coming to the Seller was aware they were originally ordered without the Seller’s
the knowledge of the Buyer consent in writing
12.4 The warranty set out in Condition 12.1 shall be in lieu of any 16.4 The Buyer undertakes not to offer the Goods for resale in any country
warranties conditions or undertakings whether express or implied by notified by the Seller at or before the time the Buyer’s order is
statute, common law or otherwise howsoever which warranties, conditions placed, or to sell the Goods to any person if the Buyer knows or has
and undertakings are hereby expressly excluded, except that such reason to believe that person intends to resell the Goods in any such
exclusions will not apply to any implied condition that the Seller has country
or will have the right to sell the Goods when the property is to pass
12.5 Nothing in these Conditions excludes or limits the liability of the 17 BUYER’S WARRANTIES
Seller for death or personal injury caused by the Seller’s negligence
or fraudulent misrepresentation 17.1 The Buyer warrants to the Seller that:
17.1.1 the Buyer will install, operate or otherwise use or store the
12.6 SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS 12.4 AND 12.5 Goods strictly in accordance with the Recommendations for Use
12.6.1 the seller’s total liability in contract, tort (including and with all relevant or applicable statutory or other
negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation or regulations governing the installation, operation, use or
otherwise , arising in connection with the performance or storage of the Goods; and
contemplated performance of the contract shall be limited to the 17.1.2 any collection vehicle, container, ship or other means of
price paid for the goods or services under the contract; and transport provided by the Buyer or any agent of the Buyer will
comply with all relevant legislation and regulations relating to
health and safety requirements; and
12.6.2 the seller shall not be liable to the buyer for any indirect or 17.1.3 the storage and transport facilities and all parts thereof and
consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit, loss all equipment used in connection therewith is suitable for
of business, depletion of goodwill or otherwise), costs, storage (both short term and long term) and transport of the
expenses or other claims for consequential compensation Goods and complies with any statute, regulation, bye law or
whatsoever (however caused) which arise out of or in connection other rule having the force of law and relating to the storage
with the contract of goods of the nature of the Goods; and
17.1.4 the Buyer will ensure that the Goods are stored in conditions
appropriate to goods of that nature and will comply with any
13 CONSUMER SALES recommendations as to the storage of Goods notified to it by the
Seller from time to time; and
13.1 Where the Goods are sold under a consumer sale (as defined by the Sale
of Goods Act 1979) the statutory rights of the Buyer are not affected 17.2 The Buyer shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Seller in full
by these conditions against any claim, loss or damage (including, without limitation,
damage to the reputation of the Seller) arising directly or indirectly
from any breach of the warranty contained in Condition 17.1
14.1 Full legal and beneficial ownership of the Goods shall be retained by 18 SEVERANCE
the Seller notwithstanding that the risk in the same shall pass to the
Buyer at the time of delivery until the Seller has received payment in 18.1 If at any time any one or more of the provisions or part thereof of
full in respect of these Conditions becomes or is invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any
14.1.1 The Goods; and respect under any law or is held by a court to be invalid, illegal or
14.1.2 All other sums which become due and owing by the Buyer to the unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining
Seller on any account whatsoever provisions hereof and the remainder of such provision shall not in any
way be affected or impaired thereby
14.2 Until ownership of the Goods has passed to the Buyer the Buyer shall
hold the Goods in a fiduciary capacity and as bailee of the Seller and
shall at all times take proper care of the same and will not obliterate 19 JURISDICTION
or obscure any identifying mark or their packaging and will keep the
Goods separate from any other goods and in such manner that they may be 19.1 These Conditions and each and every Contract made pursuant to them
clearly identified as belonging to the Seller and the Buyer hereby shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the
grants to the Seller the right to enter on the Buyer’s premises at any laws of England and the Seller and the Buyer hereby agree to submit to the
time during the continuation of the Contract to check that the Buyer is non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts
complying with the obligation contained in this Condition. The Buyer
will return the Goods to the Seller if it receives a request whether
verbally or in Writing so to do prior to payment in full as aforesaid 20 NOTICES
having been made and the Seller will then repay any part of the
purchase price it has already received in respect of the Goods less a 20.1 Any notice required or permitted to be given by either party to the
reasonable amount in respect of its costs and expenses in connection other under these Conditions shall be in writing addressed to that
with the Contract other party at its registered office or principal place of business or
such other address as may at the relevant time have been notified
14.3 For the purposes of Condition 14.1, the expression "the Buyer" includes pursuant to this provision to the party giving notice
any subsidiary or holding company or associate of the Buyer (as such
terms are defined in the Companies Act 1985 (as amended)) 20.2 Any notice given pursuant to clause 20.1 shall be deemed to have been
14.4 The Seller will have the right to maintain an action against the Buyer 20.2.1 if delivered by hand, on the first Business Day following
for the price of the Goods notwithstanding that property in the Goods delivery;
has not been passed 20.2.2 if sent by post, on the third Business Day after posting if the
address of the recipient is in the country of despatch,
otherwise on the seventh Business Day after posting;
15 RISK AND INSURANCE 20.2.3 if sent by facsimile transmission, on the first Business Day
following successful transmission
15.1 The risk in the Goods shall pass to the Buyer at the time of delivery
as provided for in Condition 7 20.3 In proving service it shall be sufficient proof in the case of a
notice sent by post, that the envelope containing the same was properly
15.2 Notwithstanding the reservation of title contained in Condition 14, stamped, addressed and placed in the post and, in the case of facsimile
the Buyer shall insure the Goods and/or any products made wholly or transmission, that it was properly addressed and successfully
partly therefrom for the full amount of the price payable under the transmitted
Contract with an insurance office of repute from the time of delivery
of the Goods until the date title in the Goods passes to the Buyer 20.4 In this Condition 20, "Business Day" shall mean any day other than
pursuant to Condition 14.1 Saturday, Sunday or any other day which is a public holiday in the
place at which the notice is left or to which such notice is
16.1 In these Conditions "Incoterms" means the international rules for the 21 WAIVER
interpretation of trade terms of the International Chamber of Commerce
AG096100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 4mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
866-192-240 10 g GBP 280.00
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 10.90 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 14.84 mOhmcm
Melting point 1225 C Temperature coefficient - K-1
Mechanical Properties
Hardness - Vickers <<1 kgf mm-2
AG200300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Alloy – Silver/Gold
791-977-774 25 x 25 mm GBP 194.00 GBP 252.00 GBP 483.00
901-795-340 50 x 50 mm GBP 358.00 GBP 618.00
853-615-429 100 x 100 mm GBP 1090.00
AG207200 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 2.2mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
239-521-576 100 mm GBP 206.00 GBP 344.00 GBP 798.00
983-444-570 200 mm GBP 337.00 GBP 641.00
415-408-350 500 mm GBP 782.00
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 9.96 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 2 mOhmcm
Melting point 779 C Temperature coefficient - K-1
AG060220 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
472-790-655 50 x 50 mm GBP 68.00 GBP 84.00 GBP 112.00 GBP 141.00
970-610-812 100 x 100 mm GBP 98.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 186.00 GBP 328.00
Coil Width 100mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
186-087-664 0.2 m GBP 128.00
206-336-553 0.5 m GBP 184.00
712-229-816 1m GBP 324.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 20
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
AG065120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
585-907-719 5m GBP 81.50
Alloy – Silver/Copper
AG067910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
544-452-155 100 mm GBP 90.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 238.00
626-626-756 200 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 295.00
403-466-699 500 mm GBP 128.00 GBP 165.00
619-935-810 1000 mm GBP 156.00 GBP 222.00
AG066015 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 928-511-624 20 g GBP 144.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
AA080210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.007mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm
Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25% Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Coil Width 1mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
450-676-318 0.5 m GBP 70.00
300-677-146 1m GBP 86.50
349-571-095 2m GBP 110.00
164-151-191 5m GBP 157.00
405-420-498 10 m GBP 209.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 21
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ag92.5/Cu 7.5
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 10.4 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 19 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 788-891 C Specific heat @23C 245 J K-1 kg-1
AA150360 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
974-163-223 25 x 25 mm GBP 90.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 135.00
213-601-251 50 x 50 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 217.00
163-999-303 100 x 100 mm GBP 195.00 GBP 312.00
438-027-826 150 x 150 mm GBP 343.00
Ag97/Zr 2/Cu 1
Alloy – Silver/Copper
AA146010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 086-736-779 50 g GBP 334.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Ag99/Sb 1
AA065150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
608-346-851 0.025 m GBP 124.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 1175 C
AL106020 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.999%
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
F Xi Web Code Weight 1 Pot
156-943-534 50 g GBP 179.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 22
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Physical Properties
Melting point 1350 C
AL116010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 174-189-000 10 g GBP 108.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Alloy – Aluminium/Nickel
Melting point 860 C
AL156010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 275-274-741 50 g GBP 188.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 760 C
AL146010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 337-737-665 20 g GBP 104.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Al75/Ti25 (Atomic %)
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 3.11 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 21 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 115 W m-1 K-1
AD036100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 100mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
207-194-580 100 g GBP 257.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 23
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 2.66 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 20.4 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 577 C Thermal conductivity @23C 121 W m-1 K-1
AL130700 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
935-199-730 50 x 50 mm GBP 117.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 202.00
834-488-384 100 x 100 mm GBP 174.00 GBP 225.00 GBP 329.00
286-025-034 150 x 150 mm GBP 231.00 GBP 305.00
Alloy – Aluminium/Silicon
AL137910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
057-543-592 100 mm GBP 99.00 GBP 120.00 GBP 164.00
069-080-477 200 mm GBP 118.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 267.00
817-406-403 500 mm GBP 157.00 GBP 261.00
750-127-246 1000 mm GBP 259.00
AL136011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 543-560-140 100 g GBP 138.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 24
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
AL200300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T6
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
631-665-299 150 x 150 mm GBP 74.50 GBP 86.50 GBP 111.00 GBP 141.00
756-226-316 300 x 300 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 174.00
Al92.1/Mg 7.9
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
AD287910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
738-704-763 100 mm GBP 55.50 GBP 60.50 GBP 78.00
788-004-520 200 mm GBP 59.00 GBP 70.50 GBP 107.00
201-024-658 500 mm GBP 75.00 GBP 105.00 GBP 194.00
319-444-166 1000 mm GBP 104.00 GBP 163.00
AB200450 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T3
Cladding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aluminium
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
315-144-207 150 x 150 mm GBP 97.50 GBP 121.00 GBP 181.00
052-607-226 300 x 300 mm GBP 126.00 GBP 161.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 25
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al94.3/Ni 5.7
AD097920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 617-702-141 100 mm GBP 211.00 GBP 268.00 GBP 387.00
868-708-301 200 mm GBP 263.00 GBP 342.00 GBP 558.00
886-338-406 500 mm GBP 366.00 GBP 542.00
001-766-004 1000 mm GBP 537.00
AJ065120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Alloy – Aluminium/Nickel
544-553-513 5m GBP 105.00
Dural1 - Aluminium/Copper/Magnesium
Al95/Cu 4/Mg 1
High strength, low weight alloy; in the solution heat-treated and aged condition, mechanical properties are as good as, or
better than, low-carbon steel. Limited weldability. Used in aircraft and aerospace applications. Poor corrosion
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 2.8 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 22.5 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 147 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 5.0 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient 0.0022-0.0026 K-1 Elongation at break <22 %
Hardness - Brinell 115-135
Izod impact strength 8-22 J m-1
Modulus of elasticity 73 GPa
Tensile strength 420-500 MPa
AL047920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solution treated
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
554-622-824 100 mm GBP 78.00 GBP 92.00 GBP 120.00 GBP 155.00
327-852-857 200 mm GBP 88.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 143.00
981-600-716 500 mm GBP 109.00 GBP 135.00
700-095-453 1000 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 178.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <3000, Cu 3.8 - 4.4%, Fe <7000, Mg 2000 - 8000, Mn 0.3 - 1.2%, Ni <2000, Si 5000 - 9000, Ti <3000, Zn <2000, Al balance.
AL047105 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.53mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.051mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.428mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
604-132-173 100 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 116.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 181.00
516-512-993 200 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 170.00 GBP 248.00
564-116-033 500 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 271.00
514-506-674 1000 mm GBP 126.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 266.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <3000, Cu 3.8 - 4.4%, Fe <7000, Mg 2000 - 8000, Mn 0.3 - 1.2%, Ni <2000, Si 5000 - 9000, Ti <3000, Zn <2000, Al balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 26
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Dural1 - Aluminium/Copper/Magnesium
Al95/Cu 4/Mg 1
AL047110 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.81mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.051mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.708mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
313-329-569 100 mm GBP 90.50 GBP 110.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 170.00
166-192-502 200 mm GBP 96.00 GBP 118.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 160.00
774-063-964 500 mm GBP 108.00 GBP 135.00
757-996-478 1000 mm GBP 120.00 GBP 153.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <3000, Cu 3.8 - 4.4%, Fe <7000, Mg 2000 - 8000, Mn 0.3 - 1.2%, Ni <2000, Si 5000 - 9000, Ti <3000, Zn <2000, Al balance.
High strength, low weight alloy with, generally, better characteristics than the Aluminium alloys they were developed to
replace in aircraft and aerospace applications.
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 2.53 g cm-3 Elongation at break 5.1 %
Melting point 600-655 C Hardness - Brinell 130
Modulus of elasticity 77 GPa
Thermal Properties Tensile strength 550 MPa
Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 21.4 x10-6 K-1
Specific heat @23C 930 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @C 93.5 W m-1 K-1
AL197250 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 24mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 1mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 22mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
554-462-950 100 mm GBP 189.00 GBP 247.00 GBP 365.00 GBP 589.00
307-870-384 200 mm GBP 229.00 GBP 303.00 GBP 535.00
483-793-931 500 mm GBP 308.00 GBP 496.00 GBP 1113.00
474-239-544 1000 mm GBP 478.00 GBP 881.00
AB245130 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.12mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
942-304-460 10 m GBP 78.00
Al95/Mg 5
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 2.65 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 23.0-23.5 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 125-130 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 5.6-6.1 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient 0.0020 K-1 Elongation at break <20 %
Hardness - Brinell 60-120
Shear strength 150-230 MPa
Tensile strength 300-450 MPa
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 27
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al95/Mg 5
AL020200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
427-000-810 25 x 25 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 177.00
375-103-653 40 x 50 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 178.00 GBP 223.00
887-958-494 40 x 100 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 170.00 GBP 209.00 GBP 267.00
994-802-576 40 x 150 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 232.00 GBP 301.00
Coil Width 40mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
914-917-904 0.5 m GBP 188.00
350-324-301 1m GBP 219.00
790-543-864 2m GBP 264.00
817-977-432 5m GBP 352.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
207-295-057 4 mm GBP 175.00 GBP 196.00 GBP 247.00
911-879-490 6 mm GBP 179.00 GBP 202.00 GBP 256.00
984-928-881 8 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 208.00 GBP 265.00
116-106-057 10 mm GBP 187.00 GBP 213.00 GBP 274.00
Alloy – Aluminium/Magnesium
513-252-422 15 mm GBP 197.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 297.00
156-554-407 25 mm GBP 217.00 GBP 256.00 GBP 342.00
569-305-200 50 mm GBP 268.00 GBP 327.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <5000, Cu <1000, Fe <5000, Mg 4.5 - 5.5%, Mn <6000, Ni <2000, Pb <500, Si <6000, Sn <500, Ti <1500, Zn <2000, Al balance.
AL025130 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
405-044-072 1m GBP 84.50
AL027080 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.61mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.07mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.47mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
163-154-113 100 mm GBP 92.50 GBP 104.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 223.00
394-263-297 200 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 117.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 193.00 GBP 278.00
282-902-581 500 mm GBP 119.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 189.00 GBP 285.00 GBP 502.00
362-820-568 1000 mm GBP 138.00 GBP 169.00 GBP 270.00 GBP 472.00 GBP 876.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <5000, Cu <1000, Fe <5000, Mg 4.5 - 5.5%, Mn <6000, Ni <2000, Pb <500, Si <6000, Sn <500, Ti <1500, Zn <2000, Al balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 28
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al96/Si 4
AB036010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
D F Xi 971-731-536 50 g GBP 182.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Al96.45/Mg 2.6/Mn 0.8/Cr 0.15
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 2.69 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 23.6 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 645 C Thermal conductivity @23C 135 W m-1 K-1
Alloy – Aluminium/Silicon
Modulus of elasticity 70.5 GPa
Tensile strength 159 MPa
AD057150 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 2.1mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.6mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
453-257-179 100 mm GBP 55.00 GBP 69.00 GBP 99.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 202.00
108-716-588 200 mm GBP 66.00 GBP 84.50 GBP 124.00 GBP 188.00 GBP 336.00
631-431-195 395 mm GBP 81.50 GBP 106.00 GBP 172.00 GBP 319.00
149-892-582 435 mm GBP 84.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 186.00
Al97/Mg 3
Medium to high strength work-hardenable low density alloys. Good welding characteristics and good resistance to
corrosion in a marine atmosphere. Uses include architectural, ornamental, cans, household appliances, street lamp
standards, boats, cryogenic tanks and automotive bodies.
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 2.67 g cm-3 Elongation at break <25 %
Hardness - Brinell 45-100
Electrical Properties Izod impact strength 30-50 J m-1
Electrical resistivity 4.5-5.7 mOhmcm Modulus of elasticity 65-75 GPa
Temperature coefficient 0.0019-0.0026 K-1 Shear strength 125-175 MPa
Tensile strength 200-350 MPa
Thermal Properties
Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 23.5 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 135-160 W m-1 K-1
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 29
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al97/Mg 3
AL010210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
445-984-379 100 x 100 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 207.00 GBP 261.00 GBP 341.00
627-892-376 150 x 150 mm GBP 165.00 GBP 197.00 GBP 263.00 GBP 340.00 GBP 452.00
831-154-915 220 x 300 mm GBP 218.00 GBP 272.00 GBP 382.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
391-413-899 25 x 25 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 109.00 GBP 124.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 174.00
439-836-708 50 x 50 mm GBP 115.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 229.00
327-376-759 100 x 100 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 178.00 GBP 228.00 GBP 287.00 GBP 375.00
Coil Width 220mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
621-569-654 1m GBP 348.00
696-209-800 2m GBP 445.00
026-228-007 5m GBP 639.00
278-508-332 10 m GBP 879.00
Discs Quantity
Alloy – Aluminium/Magnesium
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
813-548-989 4 mm GBP 175.00 GBP 196.00 GBP 246.00
693-618-039 6 mm GBP 179.00 GBP 201.00 GBP 255.00
702-261-972 8 mm GBP 182.00 GBP 206.00 GBP 263.00
782-745-036 10 mm GBP 186.00 GBP 212.00 GBP 272.00
843-128-625 15 mm GBP 196.00 GBP 225.00 GBP 293.00
391-087-422 25 mm GBP 214.00 GBP 252.00 GBP 335.00
885-935-648 50 mm GBP 262.00 GBP 319.00 GBP 441.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <2500, Cu <100, Fe <5000, Mg 2.6 - 3.4%, Mn <6000, Si <6000, Ti <1500, Zn <2000, Al balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 30
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al97/Mg 3
AL010230 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
146-758-673 25 x 25 mm GBP 85.00 GBP 97.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 283.00
344-832-267 50 x 50 mm GBP 92.00 GBP 107.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 204.00 GBP 314.00
104-032-557 100 x 100 mm GBP 106.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 176.00 GBP 248.00 GBP 375.00
092-017-764 200 x 200 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 238.00 GBP 334.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
524-809-866 0.5 m GBP 181.00
484-527-005 1m GBP 217.00
565-881-691 2m GBP 269.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <2500, Cu <100, Fe <5000, Mg 2.6 - 3.4%, Mn <6000, Si <6000, Ti <1500, Zn <2000, Al balance.
Alloy – Aluminium/Magnesium
847-240-382 100 x 100 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 207.00 GBP 281.00 GBP 411.00
348-258-009 200 x 200 mm GBP 165.00 GBP 202.00 GBP 284.00 GBP 390.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
254-839-453 0.5 m GBP 222.00
302-732-633 1m GBP 268.00
841-583-764 2m GBP 332.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <2500, Cu <100, Fe <5000, Mg 2.6 - 3.4%, Mn <6000, Si <6000, Ti <1500, Zn <2000, Al balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 31
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al97/Mg 3
AL010260 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
072-463-020 25 x 25 mm GBP 68.50 GBP 78.00 GBP 104.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 180.00
429-492-997 50 x 50 mm GBP 76.50 GBP 89.50 GBP 121.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 216.00
207-949-124 100 x 100 mm GBP 92.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 205.00
527-891-803 150 x 150 mm GBP 108.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 191.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
064-786-236 0.5 m GBP 160.00
128-052-759 1m GBP 200.00
279-038-215 2m GBP 258.00
135-376-948 5m GBP 472.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
333-592-055 4 mm GBP 161.00 GBP 202.00 GBP 324.00
518-391-631 6 mm GBP 163.00 GBP 205.00 GBP 329.00
869-599-174 8 mm GBP 165.00 GBP 208.00 GBP 333.00
051-269-589 10 mm GBP 167.00 GBP 211.00 GBP 338.00
535-368-335 15 mm GBP 172.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 349.00
Alloy – Aluminium/Magnesium
097-769-316 25 mm GBP 182.00 GBP 232.00 GBP 371.00
978-281-506 50 mm GBP 207.00 GBP 267.00 GBP 428.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <2500, Cu <100, Fe <5000, Mg 2.6 - 3.4%, Mn <6000, Si <6000, Ti <1500, Zn <2000, Al balance.
AL017920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
893-207-438 100 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 95.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 240.00
829-174-011 200 mm GBP 94.00 GBP 121.00 GBP 234.00 GBP 437.00
489-261-116 500 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 230.00
938-076-586 1000 mm GBP 229.00 GBP 427.00
AL017100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.53mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.38mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
295-561-190 100 mm GBP 92.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 128.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 218.00
945-144-853 200 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 114.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 186.00 GBP 252.00
143-112-242 500 mm GBP 115.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 180.00 GBP 246.00 GBP 421.00
889-035-582 1000 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 230.00 GBP 389.00 GBP 707.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <2500, Cu <100, Fe <5000, Mg 2.6 - 3.4%, Mn <6000, Si <6000, Ti <1500, Zn <2000, Al balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 32
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al97/Mg 3
AL017250 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.5mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
340-070-828 100 mm GBP 87.00 GBP 98.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 207.00
508-850-390 200 mm GBP 95.50 GBP 110.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 260.00
606-299-354 500 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 181.00 GBP 272.00 GBP 480.00
787-416-035 1000 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 259.00 GBP 456.00 GBP 848.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <2500, Cu <100, Fe <5000, Mg 2.6 - 3.4%, Mn <6000, Si <6000, Ti <1500, Zn <2000, Al balance.
Alloy – Aluminium/Magnesium
Aluminium 6082 Alloy
Al97.4/Si 1/Mg 0.9/Mn 0.7
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 2.7 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 3.8 mOhmcm
Melting point 555 C Temperature coefficient - K-1
Thermal Properties
Coefficient of thermal expansion @10-100C 24 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 180 W m-1 K-1
AL227100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 6.35mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 1.63mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 3.09mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solution treated
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
584-077-890 100 mm GBP 77.00 GBP 89.00 GBP 116.00
250-303-698 200 mm GBP 87.00 GBP 103.00 GBP 145.00
699-890-233 500 mm GBP 106.00 GBP 138.00
395-382-558 1000 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 220.00
Al97.5/Mg 2.5
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 2.68 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 23.7 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 605 C Specific heat @23C 880 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 138 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 4.95 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <14 %
Hardness - Vickers 70 kgf mm-2
Modulus of elasticity 70 GPa
Shear strength 135 MPa
Tensile strength 210 MPa
AL215140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.5%
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
532-500-720 1m GBP 85.50
Typical Analysis : Cr 0.25%, Cu 0.05%, Fe 0.2%, Mg 2.5%, Mn 0.5%, Si 0.1%, Zn 0.05%, Al balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 33
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al97.5/Mg 2.5
AL215150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.5%
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
135-957-665 1m GBP 85.50
Typical Analysis : Cr 0.25%, Cu 0.05%, Fe 0.2%, Mg 2.5%, Mn 0.5%, Si 0.1%, Zn 0.05%, Al balance.
Al97.5/Si 1.0/Mg 0.8/Mn 0.7
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 2.70 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 24 x10-6 K-1
Alloy – Aluminium/Magnesium
Melting point 555 C Specific heat @23C 894 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 180 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 3.8 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break 11 %
Hardness - Vickers 100 kgf mm-2
Modulus of elasticity 70 GPa
Shear strength 210 MPa
Tensile strength 340 MPa
AJ047940 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extruded
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
001-280-348 100 mm GBP 69.00 GBP 79.00 GBP 91.50 GBP 108.00
160-038-423 500 mm GBP 84.50 GBP 101.00 GBP 127.00
004-806-534 1000 mm GBP 96.50 GBP 118.00
Al98/Mg 1/Si 0.6
Medium strength, low weight alloys. Although not as strong as Aluminium/Copper/Magnesium alloys, these
alloys have good formability, weldability, machineability and corrosion resistance. Uses include architectural
applications, bicycle frames, bridge railings and welded structures.
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 2.69 g cm-3 Elongation at break <20 %
Hardness - Brinell 10-100
Electrical Properties Izod impact strength 27-34 J m-1
Electrical resistivity 3.4-3.8 mOhmcm Modulus of elasticity 70 GPa
Temperature coefficient 0.0030 K-1 Shear strength 160-200 MPa
Tensile strength 150-430 MPa
Thermal Properties
Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 23.0 x10-6 K-1
Specific heat @23C 904 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 180-193 W m-1 K-1
AL035120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
478-805-025 5m GBP 97.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 34
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al98/Mg 1/Si 0.6
AL035140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
431-102-123 5m GBP 94.50
Alloy – Aluminium/Magnesium/Silicon
Typical Analysis : Cr 2500, Cu 2500, Mg 1.0%, Si 6000, Al balance.
Al98/Mg 1/Si 1
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 2.69 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 23.0 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 180-195 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 3.4-3.8 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient 0.0031-0.0035 K-1 Elongation at break <20 %
Hardness - Brinell 65-95
Modulus of elasticity 69 GPa
Tensile strength 245-325 MPa
AL087100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 6.35mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.71mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 4.93mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
982-297-747 100 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 87.00 GBP 113.00 GBP 147.00
787-222-537 200 mm GBP 84.50 GBP 100.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 219.00
402-816-231 500 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 128.00 GBP 243.00
352-030-922 1000 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 200.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <2500, Cu <1000, Fe <5000, Mg 0.5 - 1.2%, Mn 0.4 - 1.0%, Si 0.7 - 1.3%, Ti <2000, Zn <2000.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 35
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al98/Mg 1/Si 1
AL087500 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 25.4mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 3.25mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 18.9mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
601-045-409 100 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 86.50 GBP 113.00
130-677-266 200 mm GBP 83.00 GBP 97.50 GBP 136.00
334-650-906 500 mm GBP 98.00 GBP 124.00
831-369-110 1000 mm GBP 121.00
Typical Analysis : Cr <2500, Cu <1000, Fe <5000, Mg 0.5 - 1.2%, Mn 0.4 - 1.0%, Si 0.7 - 1.3%, Ti <2000, Zn <2000.
Al98/Mn 2 (Atomic %)
Alloy – Aluminium/Magnesium/Silicon
AJ186100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 10mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
349-049-091 20 g GBP 171.00
Al98/Si 2
Physical Properties
Melting point 650 C
AL166010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
D F Xi 384-406-945 50 g GBP 182.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Al98.5/Ni 1.5
AL297920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
802-179-294 100 mm GBP 258.00 GBP 329.00 GBP 475.00
272-405-115 200 mm GBP 318.00 GBP 414.00 GBP 747.00
050-639-362 500 mm GBP 438.00 GBP 720.00
329-923-198 1000 mm GBP 710.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 36
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al99/Co 1 (Atomic %)
AB235120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
0.05400g #100 mm#
0.1080g #200 mm#
0.2700g #500 mm#
0.5400g #1000 mm#
Al99/Mg 0.5/Si 0.5
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 2.7 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 23.4 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 655 C Specific heat @23C 960 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 209 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 3.2 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <16 %
Modulus of elasticity 69.5 GPa
Alloy – Aluminium/Cobalt
Tensile strength 90-300 MPa
AL185150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
251-791-839 1m GBP 96.00
AL187910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
466-558-263 100 mm GBP 72.00 GBP 79.50 GBP 95.50 GBP 117.00
627-486-920 200 mm GBP 77.50 GBP 87.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 152.00
145-778-469 500 mm GBP 88.50 GBP 102.00
830-672-285 1000 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 137.00
Al99/Si 1
An addition of 1% Silicon lowers the melting range without producing brittleness. Aluminium/Silicon alloys are used in
brazing alloys and welding wire for joining Aluminium as well as bonding wire in the semi-conductor industry.
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 2.7 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 2.6-3.5 mOhmcm
Melting point 600 C Temperature coefficient 0.0042 K-1
Mechanical Properties
Tensile strength 310 MPa
AL050600 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm High Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.998%
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
784-946-208 50 x 50 mm GBP 189.00 GBP 246.00 GBP 362.00
598-982-455 100 x 100 mm GBP 318.00 GBP 428.00 GBP 650.00
620-140-035 150 x 150 mm GBP 446.00 GBP 610.00
Typical Analysis : Please ask.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 37
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al99/Si 1
AL050650 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm High Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.998%
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
613-949-800 50 x 50 mm GBP 218.00 GBP 287.00 GBP 427.00
002-330-757 100 x 100 mm GBP 375.00 GBP 510.00 GBP 925.00
536-825-211 150 x 150 mm GBP 533.00 GBP 829.00
Typical Analysis : Please ask.
Sputtering Target
Alloy – Aluminium/Silicon
AL059300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm High Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.998%
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
342-587-768 50.8 mm POA
712-850-817 76.2 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Please ask.
AL055110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
511-931-339 5m GBP 344.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 30, Fe 60, Mn 30, Si 0.9 - 1.1%, Ti 30, Zn 100, Al balance.
Typical Analysis : Cu 30, Fe 60, Mn 30, Si 0.9 - 1.1%, Ti 30, Zn 100, Al balance.
Typical Analysis : Cu 30, Fe 60, Mn 30, Si 0.9 - 1.1%, Ti 30, Zn 100, Al balance.
Typical Analysis : Cu 30, Fe 60, Mn 30, Si 0.9 - 1.1%, Ti 30, Zn 100, Al balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 38
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al99/Si 1
AL055140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
755-230-910 5m GBP 101.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 30, Fe 60, Mn 30, Si 0.9 - 1.1%, Ti 30, Zn 100, Al balance.
Typical Analysis : Cu 30, Fe 60, Mn 30, Si 0.9 - 1.1%, Ti 30, Zn 100, Al balance.
Alloy – Aluminium/Silicon
Web Code Length 1 Reel
269-863-481 2m GBP 95.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 30, Fe 60, Mn 30, Si 0.9 - 1.1%, Ti 30, Zn 100, Al balance.
Typical Analysis : Cu 30, Fe 60, Mn 30, Si 0.9 - 1.1%, Ti 30, Zn 100, Al balance.
AL057930 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3mm High Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99.998%
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs 50pcs 100pcs
181-743-935 12 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 194.00 GBP 280.00 GBP 383.00
Typical Analysis : Please ask.
Al99.35/Mn 0.65
AD086100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 6mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Granular
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
282-405-567 20 g GBP 169.00
Al99.5/Co 0.5
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 39
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Al99.5/Co 0.5
AD195160 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
303-095-555 0.1 m GBP 90.00
Al99.7/Mn 0.3
Physical Properties
Density 2.42 g cm-3
Alloy – Aluminium/Cobalt
Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 6mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Granular
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
900-684-967 20 g GBP 169.00
Al99.9/Co 0.1
AD205140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
829-203-269 0.1 m GBP 114.00
Physical Properties
Density 16 g cm-3
Melting point 1410 C
AU010300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
649-653-929 25 x 25 mm GBP 370.00 GBP 671.00 POA
489-299-670 50 x 50 mm GBP 1255.00 POA
510-287-584 100 x 100 mm POA
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 40
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
AU017100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.7mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
283-196-329 50 mm GBP 269.00 GBP 360.00 GBP 753.00
990-117-521 100 mm GBP 352.00 GBP 616.00
040-670-306 200 mm GBP 608.00
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Alloy – Gold/Palladium
Melting point 280 C Shear strength 270-280 MPa
Tensile strength 270-280 MPa
Thermal Properties
Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 16 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 57 W m-1 K-1
AU060250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
941-266-755 25 x 25 mm GBP 178.00 GBP 242.00 GBP 414.00
951-513-489 50 x 50 mm GBP 319.00 GBP 582.00
Tolerance on thickness : +/-20%.
AU065110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
619-613-623 0.1 m GBP 125.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 41
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
AU067920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc
913-448-090 100 mm GBP 945.00
Alloy – Gold/Tin
AU050220 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
001-119-578 25 x 25 mm GBP 198.00 GBP 268.00
620-286-595 50 x 50 mm GBP 363.00
AU055125 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 016-496-626 0.5 m GBP 112.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 42
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Gold/Germanium Eutectic
Mechanical Properties
Tensile strength 0.18 MPa
AU040250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm
Coil Width 1mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
088-580-879 0.2 m GBP 109.00
072-604-548 0.5 m GBP 140.00
878-748-021 1m GBP 175.00
843-509-217 2m GBP 226.00
438-651-964 5m GBP 377.00
Supplied in random lengths.
Au93/Pd 7
AC015140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
200-501-086 0.1 m GBP 131.00
Au98/Sn 2
AU085150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
698-333-793 0.1 m GBP 183.00
Au99/Sb 1
AU145140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
151-675-726 0.05 m GBP 148.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 43
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Au99/Sb 1
AU145150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
381-323-885 0.05 m GBP 228.00
Au99.93/Fe 0.07 (Atomic %)
AU075125 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
322-192-984 0.05 m GBP 157.00
Alloy – Gold/Antimony
AU075150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.050mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
069-181-166 0.05 m GBP 146.00
Insulated Wire
AU075840 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.1mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.01mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
324-413-638 0.1 m GBP 90.50
Woods Metal
BI026100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 100mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xn 496-212-931 50 g GBP 93.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 44
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Roses Metal
BI036100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 100mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xn 459-580-789 50 g GBP 101.00
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 10.44 g cm-3 Specific heat @23C 155 J K-1 kg-1
Melting point 124 C Thermal conductivity @85C 4 W m-1 K-1
BI076100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 100mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xn 552-138-826 50 g GBP 93.00
BI166100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 100mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xn 819-688-998 1000 g POA
BI196100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 6mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
857-162-879 20 g GBP 163.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 45
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Co40/Cr20/Fe15/Ni15/Mo 7/Mn 2/C/Be
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.3 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @0-100C 12.5 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1450 - 1460 C Specific heat @20C 430 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @20C 12.5 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 95 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Modulus of elasticity 200 GPa
Alloy – Cobalt/Chromium/Iron/Nickel/Molybdenum/Manganese
Tensile strength 800 - 2200 MPa
CO125140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 810-448-720 20 m GBP 102.00
CO010210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.004mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
875-744-722 25 x 25 mm GBP 449.00 GBP 586.00 GBP 908.00
725-131-437 50 x 50 mm GBP 655.00 GBP 965.00
Typical Analysis : Be 400, Co 42.5%, Cr 20%, Mn 1.6%, Mo 2%, Ni 13%, W 2.8%, C 2000, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 46
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CO010220 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
905-935-347 25 x 25 mm GBP 389.00 GBP 501.00 GBP 774.00
391-986-510 50 x 50 mm GBP 534.00 GBP 706.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
908-197-482 25 x 25 mm GBP 467.00 GBP 601.00 GBP 929.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 47
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CO010250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
382-725-076 25 x 25 mm GBP 143.00 GBP 183.00 GBP 265.00 GBP 360.00
840-634-277 50 x 50 mm GBP 235.00 GBP 313.00 GBP 470.00 GBP 651.00
079-280-739 100 x 100 mm GBP 419.00 GBP 573.00 GBP 881.00
910-090-541 150 x 150 mm GBP 602.00 GBP 833.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 48
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CO010300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xi Xn 361-784-549 25 x 25 mm GBP 167.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 320.00 GBP 438.00
223-066-765 50 x 50 mm GBP 284.00 GBP 383.00 GBP 580.00 GBP 806.00
883-347-585 100 x 100 mm GBP 517.00 GBP 712.00 GBP 1101.00
418-440-674 150 x 150 mm GBP 750.00 GBP 1042.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Permendur 491
Co49/Fe49/V 2
CO150240 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
660-181-575 25 x 25 mm GBP 67.50 GBP 74.50 GBP 91.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 138.00
369-404-286 50 x 50 mm GBP 75.00 GBP 84.50 GBP 107.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 170.00
254-679-031 100 x 100 mm GBP 89.00 GBP 105.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 184.00 GBP 273.00
576-950-352 150 x 150 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 281.00
912-618-296 300 x 300 mm GBP 146.00 GBP 215.00 GBP 451.00
Coil Width 305mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
454-480-162 0.5 m GBP 224.00
784-441-532 1m GBP 352.00
642-055-023 2m GBP 607.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 49
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Permendur 491
Co49/Fe49/V 2
CO153025 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xi Xn 038-839-459 50 x 50 mm GBP 83.50 GBP 99.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 191.00
854-931-883 100 x 100 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 127.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 318.00
866-481-035 150 x 150 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 306.00
310-135-250 180 x 500 mm GBP 234.00 GBP 412.00
Co50/Cr20/W 15/Ni10/Fe 3/Mn 2
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 9.13 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @25-100C 12.6 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1330-1410 C Thermal conductivity @23C 9.4 W m-1 K-1
CN010300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
166-013-410 50 x 50 mm GBP 98.50 GBP 120.00 GBP 167.00 GBP 231.00
046-794-998 100 x 100 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 170.00 GBP 293.00 GBP 530.00
211-319-411 150 x 150 mm GBP 170.00 GBP 254.00 GBP 551.00
888-280-049 300 x 300 mm GBP 434.00 GBP 810.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
417-321-082 0.5 m GBP 701.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 50
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Co50/Fe50 (Atomic %)
Sputtering Target
CK109300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xi Xn 797-485-997 50.8 mm POA
Co50/W 50
Physical Properties
Melting point 1530 C
CO106010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 637-880-795 50 g GBP 234.00
Alloy – Cobalt/Iron
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1470 C
CO056010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 059-859-392 50 g GBP 232.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1550 C
CO036010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 080-934-710 50 g GBP 228.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 51
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CK226100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 5mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xi Xn 615-044-559 20 g GBP 110.00
CK266010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 048-276-635 50 g GBP 166.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Alloy – Cobalt/Iron
Physical Properties
Melting point 1400 C
CO026010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 171-361-653 50 g GBP 232.00
Co94/Ti 6
Physical Properties
Melting point 1450 C
CO086010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 489-426-929 50 g GBP 225.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Density 8.05 g cm-3
Melting point 1335-1355 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 52
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CR026010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 420micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 438-036-825 20 g GBP 129.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 1570 C
Alloy – Chromium/Nickel
CR156010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 651-389-022 50 g GBP 144.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Nickel Silver
Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <8 %
Tensile strength 460 MPa
CZ047910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
746-091-853 100 mm GBP 42.00 GBP 53.50 GBP 73.00 GBP 96.50 GBP 133.00
731-824-504 200 mm GBP 50.00 GBP 64.50 GBP 90.50 GBP 121.00 GBP 168.00
659-742-034 500 mm GBP 65.50 GBP 86.50 GBP 125.00 GBP 181.00
068-345-174 1000 mm GBP 83.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 175.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 53
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU040200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 006-066-754 25 x 25 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 190.00 GBP 236.00
758-349-845 50 x 50 mm GBP 174.00 GBP 210.00 GBP 284.00 GBP 369.00
793-725-694 100 x 100 mm GBP 258.00 GBP 329.00 GBP 472.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
153-800-742 4 mm GBP 193.00 GBP 221.00 GBP 287.00
225-088-495 6 mm GBP 205.00 GBP 239.00 GBP 315.00
136-056-237 8 mm GBP 218.00 GBP 257.00 GBP 344.00
007-035-944 10 mm GBP 231.00 GBP 275.00 GBP 372.00
879-496-255 15 mm GBP 263.00 GBP 320.00 GBP 444.00
937-028-871 25 mm GBP 327.00 GBP 411.00
128-611-541 50 mm GBP 487.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 54
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU040225 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.02mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 500-450-041 150 x 150 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 196.00 GBP 247.00 GBP 326.00
422-269-505 300 x 300 mm GBP 167.00 GBP 207.00 GBP 290.00 GBP 380.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
004-643-415 25 x 25 mm GBP 90.00 GBP 97.50 GBP 118.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 169.00
055-126-871 50 x 50 mm GBP 97.00 GBP 107.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 200.00
050-669-512 100 x 100 mm GBP 111.00 GBP 127.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 203.00 GBP 263.00
Coil Width 305mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
397-678-229 0.5 m GBP 204.00
315-155-991 1m GBP 250.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 55
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU040240 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 564-050-992 25 x 25 mm GBP 71.50 GBP 77.50 GBP 92.00 GBP 105.00 GBP 129.00
506-370-672 50 x 50 mm GBP 77.50 GBP 86.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 157.00
296-325-416 100 x 100 mm GBP 90.00 GBP 103.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 212.00
040-676-256 150 x 150 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 121.00 GBP 161.00 GBP 203.00 GBP 267.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
610-393-464 0.5 m GBP 156.00
566-114-147 1m GBP 188.00
764-264-986 2m GBP 234.00
533-121-163 5m GBP 326.00
Discs Quantity
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 56
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU040380 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 706-984-713 50 x 50 mm GBP 93.00 GBP 107.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 173.00
409-506-487 100 x 100 mm GBP 120.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 201.00 GBP 259.00
674-094-776 150 x 150 mm GBP 148.00 GBP 185.00 GBP 262.00
Coil Width 110mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
647-652-000 0.5 m GBP 207.00
837-495-950 1m GBP 261.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
781-201-654 4 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 170.00 GBP 229.00
370-308-236 6 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 176.00 GBP 237.00
CU045110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
343-644-930 10 m GBP 96.00
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
830-327-034 10 m GBP 93.50
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
600-499-311 10 m GBP 62.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 57
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU045140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
776-456-505 10 m GBP 80.50
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
714-597-259 5 m GBP 105.00
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
714-256-723 1m GBP 71.00
Insulated Wire
CU045815 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.025mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.003mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyurethane Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
121-365-203 5m GBP 94.00
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
848-833-596 10 m GBP 81.00
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
256-502-118 10 m GBP 86.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 58
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Insulated Wire
CU045840 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.1mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.01mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
880-528-346 10 m GBP 79.00
CU047906 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 069-948-175 100 mm GBP 80.50 GBP 94.50 GBP 114.00 GBP 138.00
353-704-244 200 mm GBP 89.50 GBP 107.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 166.00
258-301-213 500 mm GBP 107.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 186.00
141-311-561 1000 mm GBP 127.00 GBP 160.00
Typical Analysis : Fe 2500, Mn 7500, Ni 45%, Cu balance.
Physical Properties
Melting point 980 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 59
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU276010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 857-180-659 20 g GBP 139.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Leaded Brass
Cu58/Zn39/Pb 3
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.47 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 20.9 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 875 C Specific heat @23C 380 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 123 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 6.2 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <25 %
Alloy – Copper/Titanium
Hardness - Vickers 100-160 kgf mm-2
Modulus of elasticity 97 GPa
Tensile strength 360-580 MPa
CW147910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
650-962-317 100 mm GBP 67.50 GBP 76.00 GBP 93.50 GBP 113.00
370-299-224 200 mm GBP 74.50 GBP 86.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 154.00
287-411-812 500 mm GBP 89.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 175.00
926-486-720 1000 mm GBP 105.00 GBP 147.00
Nickel Silver
CU100400 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.30mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 946-874-750 100 x 100 mm GBP 82.50 GBP 95.50 GBP 116.00
359-343-070 150 x 150 mm GBP 91.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 135.00
407-660-698 300 x 300 mm GBP 117.00 GBP 144.00
Typical Analysis : Mn <3500, Ni 17 - 19%, Pb <300, Zn 18 - 22%, S <300, total impurities excluding manganese <3500, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 60
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Nickel Silver
CU100450 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.60mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 734-516-732 100 x 100 mm GBP 85.50 GBP 97.00 GBP 119.00 GBP 146.00
814-596-475 150 x 150 mm GBP 95.50 GBP 111.00 GBP 142.00
824-554-531 300 x 300 mm GBP 126.00 GBP 154.00
069-322-912 600 x 600 mm GBP 229.00
Typical Analysis : Mn <3500, Ni 17 - 19%, Pb <300, Zn 18 - 22%, S <300, total impurities excluding manganese <3500, Cu balance.
CU107100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.91mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.19mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.53mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
936-119-098 100 mm GBP 80.00 GBP 94.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 161.00
491-699-314 200 mm GBP 91.50 GBP 110.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 245.00
665-366-915 500 mm GBP 114.00 GBP 141.00
299-278-527 950 mm GBP 136.00 GBP 217.00
Typical Analysis : Mn <3500, Ni 17 - 19%, Pb <300, Zn 18 - 22%, S <300, total impurities excluding manganese <3500, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 61
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Nickel Silver
CU107240 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.6mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.3mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
009-762-823 500 mm GBP 110.00 GBP 136.00
220-360-256 1000 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 207.00
Typical Analysis : Mn <3500, Ni 17 - 19%, Pb <300, Zn 18 - 22%, S <300, total impurities excluding manganese <3500, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 62
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Nickel Silver
CU107400 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 4.0mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 3.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc
532-600-408 100 mm GBP 81.50
093-740-253 349 mm GBP 106.00
854-218-752 500 mm GBP 117.00
Typical Analysis : Mn <3500, Ni 17 - 19%, Pb <300, Zn 18 - 22%, S <300, total impurities excluding manganese <3500, Cu balance.
CU020200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
000-020-916 25 x 25 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 232.00 GBP 301.00
317-111-820 50 x 50 mm GBP 172.00 GBP 207.00 GBP 279.00 GBP 362.00 GBP 484.00
722-632-689 100 x 100 mm GBP 253.00 GBP 323.00 GBP 462.00 GBP 621.00
Coil Width 100mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
288-653-246 0.2 m GBP 345.00
199-582-480 0.5 m GBP 479.00
947-804-244 1m GBP 631.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 63
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU020208 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
351-274-022 300 x 300 mm GBP 193.00 GBP 237.00 GBP 326.00 GBP 428.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
261-908-845 25 x 25 mm GBP 98.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 115.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 156.00
671-733-188 50 x 50 mm GBP 107.00 GBP 115.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 194.00
087-441-376 100 x 100 mm GBP 124.00 GBP 140.00 GBP 172.00 GBP 211.00 GBP 271.00
201-166-847 150 x 150 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 211.00 GBP 266.00 GBP 348.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
071-757-419 0.5 m GBP 246.00
763-692-470 1m GBP 301.00
339-814-089 2m GBP 380.00
469-299-762 5m GBP 536.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
323-023-036 4 mm GBP 172.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 241.00
336-023-413 6 mm GBP 175.00 GBP 196.00 GBP 247.00
393-961-233 8 mm GBP 178.00 GBP 200.00 GBP 253.00
421-288-058 10 mm GBP 180.00 GBP 203.00 GBP 259.00
744-511-575 15 mm GBP 187.00 GBP 212.00 GBP 273.00
600-855-606 25 mm GBP 200.00 GBP 231.00 GBP 302.00
469-516-234 50 mm GBP 232.00 GBP 277.00 GBP 375.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Alloy – Brass
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
079-912-206 25 x 25 mm GBP 96.50 GBP 101.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 149.00
989-036-949 50 x 50 mm GBP 104.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 127.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 180.00
629-614-862 100 x 100 mm GBP 117.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 242.00
701-859-220 150 x 150 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 189.00 GBP 234.00 GBP 304.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
732-408-933 1m GBP 221.00
551-114-183 2m GBP 266.00
889-266-983 5m GBP 355.00
158-372-623 10 m GBP 457.00
796-577-789 20 m GBP 603.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
852-112-650 4 mm GBP 171.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 239.00
514-083-566 6 mm GBP 173.00 GBP 194.00 GBP 244.00
260-445-344 8 mm GBP 176.00 GBP 197.00 GBP 248.00
555-665-680 10 mm GBP 178.00 GBP 200.00 GBP 253.00
458-208-186 15 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 207.00 GBP 265.00
276-018-596 25 mm GBP 193.00 GBP 222.00 GBP 288.00
502-323-386 50 mm GBP 220.00 GBP 259.00 GBP 347.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 64
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU020230 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.038mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
858-348-957 25 x 25 mm GBP 70.00 GBP 73.50 GBP 82.00 GBP 94.00 GBP 115.00
293-622-820 50 x 50 mm GBP 74.50 GBP 80.50 GBP 93.00 GBP 109.00 GBP 137.00
702-852-042 100 x 100 mm GBP 84.50 GBP 94.00 GBP 115.00 GBP 140.00 GBP 181.00
856-505-768 150 x 150 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 108.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 172.00 GBP 225.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
063-221-046 1m GBP 165.00
902-636-174 2m GBP 197.00
829-522-756 5m GBP 261.00
690-343-612 10 m GBP 335.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
292-956-926 4 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 159.00 GBP 206.00
619-614-185 6 mm GBP 142.00 GBP 161.00 GBP 210.00
451-771-270 8 mm GBP 143.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 213.00
471-400-622 10 mm GBP 145.00 GBP 166.00 GBP 216.00
925-085-100 15 mm GBP 149.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 225.00
635-649-470 25 mm GBP 156.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 242.00
456-185-767 50 mm GBP 175.00 GBP 208.00 GBP 283.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Alloy – Brass
819-017-403 100 x 100 mm GBP 73.00 GBP 77.50 GBP 88.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 128.00
377-178-927 150 x 150 mm GBP 76.50 GBP 83.00 GBP 97.50 GBP 116.00 GBP 146.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
147-372-719 1m GBP 119.00
421-588-193 2m GBP 132.00
698-516-500 5m GBP 159.00
314-565-596 10 m GBP 190.00
320-687-731 20 m GBP 235.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
227-762-733 4 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 184.00
470-348-840 6 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 185.00
793-612-202 8 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 186.00
201-533-264 10 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 187.00
191-661-608 15 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 190.00
957-711-554 25 mm GBP 136.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 195.00
713-947-896 50 mm GBP 142.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 209.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 65
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU020260 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
456-935-792 25 x 25 mm GBP 66.50 GBP 69.00 GBP 75.00 GBP 84.00 GBP 101.00
116-963-625 50 x 50 mm GBP 68.50 GBP 71.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 90.00 GBP 109.00
620-451-311 100 x 100 mm GBP 72.50 GBP 77.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 102.00 GBP 126.00
556-422-049 150 x 150 mm GBP 76.00 GBP 82.00 GBP 95.50 GBP 113.00 GBP 142.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
552-756-004 1m GBP 117.00
094-500-641 2m GBP 130.00
812-581-270 5m GBP 155.00
572-650-492 10 m GBP 184.00
581-310-424 20 m GBP 226.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
663-805-193 4 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 184.00
975-645-953 6 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 185.00
955-737-842 8 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 186.00
467-229-336 10 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 187.00
403-663-808 15 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 189.00
457-978-111 25 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 194.00
247-274-285 50 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 161.00 GBP 208.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Alloy – Brass
579-690-408 150 x 150 mm GBP 79.50 GBP 93.50 GBP 124.00 GBP 163.00
639-084-119 300 x 300 mm GBP 108.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 188.00
632-275-839 300 x 450 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 152.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 66
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU020280 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
375-053-587 25 x 25 mm GBP 67.00 GBP 69.00 GBP 75.00 GBP 84.50 GBP 102.00
881-699-900 50 x 50 mm GBP 69.00 GBP 72.00 GBP 79.50 GBP 90.50 GBP 110.00
212-491-765 100 x 100 mm GBP 72.50 GBP 77.50 GBP 88.00 GBP 103.00 GBP 128.00
561-465-632 150 x 150 mm GBP 76.50 GBP 83.00 GBP 97.00 GBP 115.00 GBP 145.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
183-209-141 1m GBP 119.00
901-144-875 2m GBP 132.00
643-109-257 5m GBP 158.00
388-655-619 10 m GBP 188.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
000-400-933 4 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 184.00
050-112-549 6 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 185.00
264-074-814 8 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 186.00
009-361-215 10 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 187.00
170-158-241 15 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 190.00
269-780-806 25 mm GBP 136.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 195.00
722-605-245 50 mm GBP 142.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 209.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Alloy – Brass
370-751-368 100 x 100 mm GBP 72.50 GBP 77.50 GBP 88.00 GBP 103.00 GBP 128.00
848-717-501 150 x 150 mm GBP 76.50 GBP 83.00 GBP 97.00 GBP 115.00 GBP 145.00
665-022-233 300 x 300 mm GBP 88.00 GBP 99.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 197.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
009-382-028 1m GBP 131.00
099-257-132 2m GBP 149.00
184-575-996 5m GBP 186.00
612-081-862 10 m GBP 248.00
891-124-615 20 m GBP 407.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
907-872-701 4 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 184.00
104-280-384 6 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 185.00
450-244-105 8 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 186.00
220-287-342 10 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 187.00
992-916-175 15 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 190.00
996-780-097 25 mm GBP 136.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 195.00
988-491-438 50 mm GBP 142.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 209.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 67
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU020301 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
648-445-781 300 x 300 mm GBP 86.00 GBP 98.50 GBP 125.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 209.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
055-720-980 0.5 m GBP 117.00
965-114-848 1m GBP 132.00
639-354-553 2m GBP 152.00
919-313-734 5m GBP 193.00
914-224-794 10 m GBP 289.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Alloy – Brass
256-914-296 6 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 175.00
646-935-036 8 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
839-579-561 10 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 178.00
303-491-770 15 mm GBP 124.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 182.00
375-329-871 25 mm GBP 127.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 189.00
697-012-834 50 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 206.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 68
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU020600 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
689-683-116 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.50 GBP 65.50 GBP 75.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 109.00
210-389-586 100 x 100 mm GBP 68.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 90.50 GBP 110.00 GBP 151.00
298-698-686 150 x 150 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 85.50 GBP 106.00 GBP 148.00
337-328-518 300 x 300 mm GBP 96.50 GBP 122.00 GBP 224.00
166-064-145 600 x 600 mm GBP 186.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Alloy – Brass
CU025130 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
036-832-467 100 m GBP 71.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 69
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU027910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
234-948-990 100 mm GBP 57.00 GBP 61.00 GBP 70.00 GBP 80.00 GBP 95.50
368-620-504 200 mm GBP 60.00 GBP 65.50 GBP 77.00 GBP 89.50 GBP 109.00
077-573-768 500 mm GBP 66.00 GBP 74.00 GBP 90.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 163.00
696-720-881 1000 mm GBP 73.00 GBP 83.50 GBP 105.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Alloy – Brass
CU027100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.61mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.18mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
413-712-422 100 mm GBP 85.50 GBP 97.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 159.00 GBP 196.00
714-056-589 200 mm GBP 93.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 140.00 GBP 183.00 GBP 230.00
257-065-722 500 mm GBP 108.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 231.00
844-065-851 900 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 206.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 70
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU027250 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.83mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.27mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.29mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
353-900-664 100 mm GBP 71.00 GBP 80.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 166.00
237-578-686 200 mm GBP 77.00 GBP 89.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 192.00
697-325-248 500 mm GBP 88.50 GBP 105.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 198.00 GBP 317.00
165-658-230 1000 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 124.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 305.00 GBP 531.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Alloy – Brass
Typical Analysis : Cu 61.5 - 64%, Pb <3000, total impurities <6000, Zn balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 71
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Nickel Silver
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.67 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-200C 16 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 42 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 130 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <3 %
Hardness - Vickers <190 kgf mm-2
Modulus of elasticity 125 GPa
Tensile strength <620 MPa
CZ080300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 467-832-666 25 x 25 mm GBP 64.00 GBP 67.50 GBP 76.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 101.00
615-405-345 50 x 50 mm GBP 70.00 GBP 76.00 GBP 89.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 127.00
005-460-166 100 x 100 mm GBP 81.50 GBP 92.50 GBP 115.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 179.00
668-623-784 200 x 200 mm GBP 105.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 167.00 GBP 217.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
100-426-034 0.5 m GBP 156.00
549-610-836 1m GBP 186.00
287-803-976 2m GBP 230.00
CZ057120 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.8mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
399-184-825 100 mm GBP 78.00 GBP 91.00 GBP 119.00 GBP 154.00
244-716-930 200 mm GBP 88.50 GBP 106.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 221.00
359-756-058 500 mm GBP 109.00 GBP 135.00
405-370-653 1000 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 202.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 1430 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 72
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU036010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 813-578-684 50 g GBP 170.00
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.94 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-300C 16.2 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1171 C Specific heat @23C 377 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @^C 29.4 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 37.4 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <45 %
Tensile strength 410-420 MPa
Alloy – Copper/Iron
CU130700 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
258-711-603 150 x 150 mm GBP 92.50 GBP 122.00 GBP 225.00
984-998-185 300 x 300 mm GBP 178.00 GBP 330.00
CU137920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
579-250-530 200 mm GBP 90.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 177.00
406-313-186 500 mm GBP 117.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 372.00
789-141-554 1000 mm GBP 173.00 GBP 304.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 67.3%, Ni 31.0%, Mn 1.0%, Fe 0.7%.
CU137150 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.4mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
062-453-558 100 mm GBP 83.50 GBP 95.50 GBP 123.00 GBP 157.00
300-624-948 200 mm GBP 93.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 227.00
479-011-573 500 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 138.00
793-847-424 1000 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 207.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 67.3%, Ni 31.0%, Mn 1.0%, Fe 0.7%.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 73
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU137400 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 3.0mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.175mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 2.65mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
412-549-507 100 mm GBP 86.50 GBP 100.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 173.00
815-029-729 200 mm GBP 97.50 GBP 116.00 GBP 161.00 GBP 265.00
099-142-721 500 mm GBP 120.00 GBP 154.00
205-856-066 1000 mm GBP 151.00 GBP 246.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 67.3%, Ni 31.0%, Mn 1.0%, Fe 0.7%.
Physical Properties
Melting point 935 C
CU266010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Alloy – Copper/Nickel
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 033-039-082 20 g GBP 118.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
CU085110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
292-898-977 1m GBP 78.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 74
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU085300 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
028-151-749 1m GBP 85.50
CU087300 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 3.56mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.41mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 2.74mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
348-271-507 100 mm GBP 72.00 GBP 82.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 171.00
533-945-871 200 mm GBP 78.50 GBP 91.00 GBP 120.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 203.00
743-231-887 500 mm GBP 91.00 GBP 109.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 215.00
903-975-478 1000 mm GBP 105.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 197.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 68 - 72%, Fe <500, Pb <500, total impurities <3000, Zn balance.
CU086011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 100micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Alloy – Brass
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 156-139-279 0.1 kg GBP 73.00
CU086820 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +25.4mm
Sphericity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.08mm Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precision Sphere
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grade 200
Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
557-314-385 50 pcs GBP 81.50
Physical Properties
Melting point 1140 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 75
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU236010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 195-892-717 50 g GBP 188.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Cu75/Pt25 (Atomic %)
CY076100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 20mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Alloy – Copper/Zirconium
581-332-022 10 g POA
Physical Properties
Melting point 1010 C
CU156010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 108-051-166 100 g GBP 119.00
Physical Properties
Density 8.1-8.9 g cm-3
Melting point 880 C
CU226020 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 53micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 752-118-379 100 g GBP 76.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 840 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 76
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU176011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 763-090-509 50 g GBP 171.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Gilding Metal
Alloy – Copper/Silicon
Common Brand Names : Boltomet 5141, Brown metal, IMI 2151, MS 85, Red Brass
Good machineability and brazing characteristics. Uses include architectural trim, electrical conduit, fasteners and heat
exchanger tubing.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.75 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @25-300C 18.7 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1000-1025 C Thermal conductivity @23C 159 W m-1 K-1
CU115100 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.061mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
319-061-991 10 m GBP 102.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 77
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU060200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 78
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU060230 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
581-394-888 25 x 25 mm GBP 86.50 GBP 95.00 GBP 113.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 172.00
674-355-117 50 x 50 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 119.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 189.00 GBP 247.00
294-398-507 100 x 100 mm GBP 137.00 GBP 166.00 GBP 225.00 GBP 294.00 GBP 396.00
799-813-850 150 x 150 mm GBP 170.00 GBP 213.00 GBP 299.00 GBP 399.00 GBP 545.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
904-287-770 0.5 m GBP 276.00
976-736-314 1m GBP 352.00
092-038-798 2m GBP 459.00
504-842-473 5m GBP 765.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 79
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU060550 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
816-099-586 50 x 50 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 181.00
046-495-862 100 x 100 mm GBP 127.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 215.00 GBP 283.00
276-791-029 150 x 150 mm GBP 159.00 GBP 203.00 GBP 287.00
966-206-104 300 x 300 mm GBP 256.00 GBP 398.00
148-266-855 300 x 500 mm GBP 339.00 GBP 619.00
808-385-240 300 x 1000 mm GBP 615.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 86%, Mn 12%, Ni 2%.
CU065110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
789-119-380 5m GBP 65.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 80
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU065140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
713-329-831 5m GBP 68.50
Insulated Wire
CU065805 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.030mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.004mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
886-158-176 5m GBP 95.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 81
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Insulated Wire
CU065815 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.05mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.004mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
570-046-912 5m GBP 91.00
CU067910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
552-171-230 100 mm GBP 74.00 GBP 85.00 GBP 99.50 GBP 117.00
931-949-491 200 mm GBP 80.00 GBP 93.50 GBP 113.00 GBP 137.00
792-333-305 500 mm GBP 92.50 GBP 111.00 GBP 141.00
607-817-098 1000 mm GBP 106.00 GBP 131.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 86%, Mn 12%, Ni 2%.
CU066050 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 50micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 256-948-151 50 g GBP 123.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 82
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
CU066010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 420micron Min. Particle size . . . . . . . . 180micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 088-101-977 50 g GBP 122.00
CU246010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 771-960-448 50 g GBP 271.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.9 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 17.0 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 830-1020 C Thermal conductivity @23C 42-50 W m-1 K-1
CU096010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 996-937-251 100 g GBP 74.50
CY277920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
814-476-440 100 mm GBP 56.00 GBP 75.00 GBP 166.00
091-889-275 200 mm GBP 74.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 313.00
612-683-952 500 mm GBP 163.00 GBP 311.00
069-867-063 1000 mm GBP 310.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 83
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Physical Properties
Melting point 1000 C
CU256011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 597-325-904 50 g GBP 180.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Phosphor Bronze
Cu94/Sn 6
Alloy – Copper/Titanium
Good machineability. Uses include springs, clips, gauzes and architectural applications.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.9 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 17.0 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 900-1050 C Thermal conductivity @23C 50-75 W m-1 K-1
CU050200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
942-695-502 25 x 25 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 177.00 GBP 217.00 GBP 265.00 GBP 336.00
836-938-185 50 x 50 mm GBP 201.00 GBP 238.00 GBP 314.00 GBP 401.00 GBP 530.00
115-622-529 100 x 115 mm GBP 300.00 GBP 379.00 GBP 535.00 GBP 715.00
158-784-697 115 x 150 mm GBP 342.00 GBP 438.00 GBP 629.00
Coil Width 115mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
456-924-992 0.5 m GBP 553.00
848-076-144 1 m GBP 725.00
009-515-442 2 m GBP 1077.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
678-180-777 4 mm GBP 246.00 GBP 275.00 GBP 341.00
772-591-671 6 mm GBP 260.00 GBP 294.00 GBP 371.00
573-952-230 8 mm GBP 273.00 GBP 312.00 GBP 400.00
744-031-103 10 mm GBP 286.00 GBP 331.00 GBP 430.00
003-887-735 15 mm GBP 319.00 GBP 377.00 GBP 503.00
485-971-592 25 mm GBP 385.00 GBP 470.00 GBP 650.00
746-439-038 50 mm GBP 549.00 GBP 703.00 GBP 1020.00
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 84
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Phosphor Bronze
Cu94/Sn 6
CU050210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.02mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
795-756-109 100 x 100 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 239.00 GBP 306.00 GBP 405.00
783-162-307 150 x 150 mm GBP 186.00 GBP 228.00 GBP 311.00 GBP 408.00 GBP 549.00
739-731-552 200 x 300 mm GBP 247.00 GBP 314.00 GBP 448.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
310-370-266 25 x 25 mm GBP 106.00 GBP 114.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 190.00
975-378-090 50 x 50 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 167.00 GBP 205.00 GBP 261.00
164-269-311 100 x 100 mm GBP 185.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 287.00 GBP 367.00 GBP 486.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
923-655-332 0.5 m GBP 317.00
257-884-711 1m GBP 401.00
235-588-785 2m GBP 521.00
448-595-168 5m GBP 758.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
329-550-156 4 mm GBP 177.00 GBP 199.00 GBP 251.00
193-763-432 6 mm GBP 182.00 GBP 206.00 GBP 262.00
220-433-932 8 mm GBP 187.00 GBP 212.00 GBP 273.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 85
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Phosphor Bronze
Cu94/Sn 6
CU050245 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.076mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
647-587-854 25 x 25 mm GBP 69.50 GBP 73.00 GBP 81.50 GBP 93.00 GBP 114.00
948-477-219 50 x 50 mm GBP 74.50 GBP 79.50 GBP 92.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 135.00
559-659-210 100 x 100 mm GBP 83.50 GBP 93.00 GBP 113.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
957-411-857 150 x 150 mm GBP 93.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 167.00 GBP 225.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
483-827-809 0.5 m GBP 140.00
330-602-265 1m GBP 161.00
477-955-181 2m GBP 192.00
914-769-403 5m GBP 311.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
676-486-292 4 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 187.00
560-786-572 6 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 189.00
098-317-202 8 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 192.00
289-656-736 10 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 195.00
207-090-428 15 mm GBP 138.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 201.00
886-309-041 25 mm GBP 144.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 215.00
788-630-132 50 mm GBP 159.00 GBP 186.00 GBP 248.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 86
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Phosphor Bronze
Cu94/Sn 6
CU050280 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Coil Width 20mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
454-016-447 0.5 m GBP 83.00
086-090-363 1m GBP 94.00
761-289-580 2m GBP 110.00
161-188-273 5m GBP 142.00
148-528-202 10 m GBP 179.00
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
CU053150 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
559-226-322 150 x 150 mm GBP 107.00 GBP 160.00
442-572-486 300 x 300 mm GBP 282.00
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
CU055110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
439-527-444 1m GBP 166.00
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
1m, 5m and 10m reels only.
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 87
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Phosphor Bronze
Cu94/Sn 6
CU055150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
115-152-502 10 m GBP 65.50
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
Insulated Wire
CU055810 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.025mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.0025mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
731-636-402 5m GBP 80.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 88
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Phosphor Bronze
Cu94/Sn 6
CU057910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
725-796-734 100 mm GBP 37.20 GBP 47.80 GBP 70.00 GBP 97.00
787-414-455 200 mm GBP 46.60 GBP 61.00 GBP 91.00 GBP 137.00
099-043-382 500 mm GBP 65.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 159.00
975-313-648 1000 mm GBP 86.00 GBP 127.00
Typical Analysis : Pb <200, Sn 4.5 - 7.5%, P 200 - 4000, total impurities 2000, Cu balance.
Cu95/Ag 5
CY137920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
169-354-645 100 mm GBP 88.50 GBP 115.00 GBP 189.00
813-165-934 200 mm GBP 107.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 326.00
286-024-138 500 mm GBP 179.00 GBP 324.00
357-592-343 1000 mm GBP 316.00
Cu95/Au 5
CY286100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 10mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
113-334-057 10 g GBP 152.00
Cu97/Co 2.5/Be 0.5
Mechanical Properties
Hardness - Brinell 242
Hardness - Vickers 255 kgf mm-2
Tensile strength 900 MPa
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 89
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu97/Co 2.5/Be 0.5
CY267910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
037-457-950 100 mm GBP 64.50 GBP 74.00 GBP 93.50 GBP 119.00
416-562-374 200 mm GBP 71.50 GBP 83.50 GBP 109.00 GBP 167.00
075-574-530 500 mm GBP 85.00 GBP 103.00 GBP 182.00
222-785-515 1000 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 151.00
Alloy – Copper/Cobalt/Beryllium
Cu98/Ag 2
Physical Properties
Melting point 1075 C
CU186010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 103-887-634 50 g GBP 209.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Cu98/Be 2
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 90
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
To precipitation harden: heat to 315C for 2 hours or 350C for 15-30 minutes and air-cool.
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
CU070230 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0065mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
956-582-167 90 x 150 mm GBP 354.00 GBP 465.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
500-095-650 25 x 25 mm GBP 163.00 GBP 195.00 GBP 268.00 GBP 368.00 GBP 478.00
866-595-104 50 x 50 mm GBP 215.00 GBP 269.00 GBP 386.00 GBP 534.00
026-212-259 90 x 100 mm GBP 309.00 GBP 402.00 GBP 596.00
676-849-777 90 x 150 mm GBP 371.00 GBP 488.00
Coil Width 90mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
352-067-471 0.2 m GBP 402.00
008-428-573 0.5 m GBP 565.00
053-571-564 1m GBP 869.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
055-866-446 4 mm GBP 337.00 GBP 399.00 GBP 573.00
983-309-139 6 mm GBP 353.00 GBP 422.00 GBP 609.00
913-643-953 8 mm GBP 369.00 GBP 444.00 GBP 644.00
205-495-834 10 mm GBP 384.00 GBP 467.00 GBP 680.00
686-976-243 15 mm GBP 424.00 GBP 523.00 GBP 769.00
872-028-963 25 mm GBP 504.00 GBP 636.00 GBP 947.00
003-620-239 50 mm GBP 703.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 91
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
CU070260 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
224-998-931 220 x 300 mm GBP 439.00 GBP 581.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
978-271-937 25 x 25 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 148.00 GBP179.00 GBP 217.00 GBP 275.00
459-469-070 50 x 50 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 195.00 GBP253.00 GBP 322.00 GBP 423.00
537-190-612 100 x 100 mm GBP 232.00 GBP 288.00 GBP401.00 GBP 530.00
580-444-831 150 x 150 mm GBP 298.00 GBP 381.00 GBP548.00
814-364-178 220 x 300 mm GBP 461.00 GBP 610.00
Coil Width 220mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
479-953-742 0.2 m GBP 400.00
994-213-537 0.5 m GBP 561.00
276-697-742 1m GBP 743.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
401-904-207 4 mm GBP 208.00 GBP 234.00 GBP 295.00
238-037-036 6 mm GBP 218.00 GBP 248.00 GBP 317.00
754-635-110 8 mm GBP 228.00 GBP 262.00 GBP 340.00
329-390-623 10 mm GBP 238.00 GBP 276.00 GBP 362.00
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
173-825-737 15 mm GBP 263.00 GBP 312.00 GBP 418.00
728-215-053 25 mm GBP 313.00 GBP 383.00 GBP 531.00
026-876-436 50 mm GBP 439.00 GBP 560.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 92
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
CU070280 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
387-470-767 25 x 25 mm GBP 85.00 GBP 93.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 166.00
433-849-452 50 x 50 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 114.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 234.00
231-175-215 100 x 100 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 212.00 GBP 275.00 GBP 370.00
896-909-458 150 x 150 mm GBP 161.00 GBP 200.00 GBP 280.00 GBP 371.00 GBP 506.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
113-685-931 0.2 m GBP 199.00
210-743-969 0.5 m GBP 260.00
342-999-732 1m GBP 329.00
874-971-847 2m GBP 427.00
371-485-195 5m GBP 673.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
435-648-664 4 mm GBP 153.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 226.00
456-078-441 6 mm GBP 157.00 GBP 181.00 GBP 237.00
009-809-399 8 mm GBP 162.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 247.00
226-171-769 10 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 194.00 GBP 257.00
271-463-149 15 mm GBP 178.00 GBP 210.00 GBP 283.00
932-890-455 25 mm GBP 201.00 GBP 243.00 GBP 335.00
611-302-816 50 mm GBP 259.00 GBP 325.00 GBP 465.00
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 93
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
CU070330 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
325-113-054 25 x 25 mm GBP 70.50 GBP 74.50 GBP 83.50 GBP 96.00 GBP 118.00
639-127-428 50 x 50 mm GBP 76.00 GBP 82.50 GBP 96.00 GBP 114.00 GBP 143.00
890-927-057 100 x 100 mm GBP 87.50 GBP 98.00 GBP 121.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 194.00
365-886-172 150 x 150 mm GBP 98.50 GBP 114.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 185.00 GBP 244.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
735-770-987 1m GBP 176.00
971-371-536 2m GBP 213.00
421-441-842 5m GBP 286.00
680-232-891 10 m GBP 474.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
637-522-054 4 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 188.00
690-253-165 6 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 191.00
281-646-961 8 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 194.00
205-866-635 10 mm GBP 137.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 197.00
733-333-793 15 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 159.00 GBP 205.00
666-717-365 25 mm GBP 147.00 GBP 169.00 GBP 221.00
339-666-361 50 mm GBP 165.00 GBP 195.00 GBP 262.00
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 94
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
CU070360 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
253-873-537 25 x 25 mm GBP 70.50 GBP 74.00 GBP 83.00 GBP 95.00 GBP 117.00
734-194-535 50 x 50 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 81.50 GBP 95.00 GBP 112.00 GBP 141.00
774-318-664 100 x 100 mm GBP 86.50 GBP 97.00 GBP 119.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 190.00
789-825-322 150 x 150 mm GBP 97.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 181.00
214-238-666 300 x 300 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 217.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
867-286-304 0.5 m GBP 172.00
728-168-136 1m GBP 207.00
021-020-274 2m GBP 284.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
255-331-986 4 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 188.00
916-495-370 6 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 191.00
561-916-641 8 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 194.00
239-580-290 10 mm GBP 136.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 197.00
947-530-648 15 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 159.00 GBP 204.00
441-329-146 25 mm GBP 147.00 GBP 168.00 GBP 220.00
166-148-516 50 mm GBP 164.00 GBP 193.00 GBP 258.00
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 95
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
CU070451 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
504-972-960 25 x 25 mm GBP 70.50 GBP 74.50 GBP 83.50 GBP 96.50 GBP 119.00
390-423-016 50 x 50 mm GBP 76.50 GBP 82.50 GBP 96.50 GBP 114.00 GBP 144.00
120-434-717 100 x 100 mm GBP 88.00 GBP 99.00 GBP 122.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 212.00
176-444-392 150 x 150 mm GBP 99.50 GBP 115.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 213.00
884-897-152 300 x 300 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 340.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
362-121-388 0.5 m GBP 178.00
066-489-708 1m GBP 268.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs 100 discs
075-995-946 4 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 188.00 GBP 253.00
817-873-156 6 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 257.00
498-813-036 8 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 194.00 GBP 262.00
787-951-182 10 mm GBP 137.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 198.00 GBP 267.00
334-373-698 15 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 206.00 GBP 278.00
809-556-255 25 mm GBP 148.00 GBP 170.00 GBP 222.00 GBP 301.00
850-923-747 50 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 196.00 GBP 264.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
CU070450 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
301-520-676 25 x 25 mm GBP 70.50 GBP 74.50 GBP 83.50 GBP 96.50 GBP 119.00
690-083-628 50 x 50 mm GBP 76.50 GBP 82.50 GBP 96.50 GBP 114.00
260-457-486 100 x 100 mm GBP 88.00 GBP 99.00 GBP 122.00
557-185-560 150 x 150 mm GBP 99.50 GBP 115.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs 100 discs
875-903-579 4 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 188.00 GBP 253.00
487-937-758 6 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 257.00
992-218-780 8 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 194.00 GBP 262.00
027-341-741 10 mm GBP 137.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 198.00 GBP 267.00
417-715-053 15 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 206.00 GBP 278.00
214-377-820 25 mm GBP 148.00 GBP 170.00
797-231-871 50 mm GBP 166.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 96
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
CU070501 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
621-663-488 25 x 25 mm GBP 72.50 GBP 77.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 102.00 GBP 127.00
020-714-938 50 x 50 mm GBP 80.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 104.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 160.00
555-239-210 100 x 100 mm GBP 95.00 GBP 109.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 181.00
883-337-807 150 x 150 mm GBP 110.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 186.00
568-525-678 300 x 300 mm GBP 157.00 GBP 251.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
884-525-131 0.5 m GBP 243.00
001-348-627 1m GBP 397.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
532-920-564 4 mm GBP 142.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 210.00
516-474-186 6 mm GBP 144.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 215.00
053-325-756 8 mm GBP 147.00 GBP 168.00 GBP 220.00
644-854-906 10 mm GBP 149.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 225.00
154-044-424 15 mm GBP 155.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 238.00
636-306-820 25 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 196.00 GBP 264.00
841-571-409 50 mm GBP 195.00 GBP 237.00 GBP 356.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
CU070525 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
172-064-770 25 x 25 mm GBP 70.50 GBP 75.00 GBP 86.00 GBP 101.00 GBP 126.00
508-095-078 50 x 50 mm GBP 78.50 GBP 86.50 GBP 104.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 162.00
511-885-537 100 x 100 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 109.00 GBP 140.00 GBP 193.00 GBP 324.00
985-697-718 150 x 150 mm GBP 111.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 200.00 GBP 339.00
459-148-236 300 x 300 mm GBP 168.00 GBP 274.00
Coil Width 310mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
793-434-886 0.5 m GBP 267.00
212-218-403 1m GBP 449.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 97
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
CU075110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
345-956-807 10 m GBP 69.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
CU075115 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
625-951-310 50 m GBP 88.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 98
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
CU075132 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.30mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
620-530-512 5m GBP 71.50
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
Insulated Wire
CU075820 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.025mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.004mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
836-479-528 10 m GBP 72.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 99
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98/Be 2
CU077905 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Half hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
195-052-020 100 mm GBP 70.00 GBP 81.00 GBP 96.00 GBP 114.00 GBP 140.00
027-871-503 200 mm GBP 77.00 GBP 91.00 GBP 112.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 171.00
930-157-948 500 mm GBP 90.50 GBP 110.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 180.00
223-946-177 1000 mm GBP 106.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 178.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
May contain lead as a free machining additive.
Alloy – Copper/Beryllium
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
123-885-527 100 mm GBP 86.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 181.00
401-456-883 200 mm GBP 98.00 GBP 122.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 218.00
634-221-643 500 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 217.00
764-847-282 1000 mm GBP 148.00 GBP 193.00
Typical Analysis : Be 1.7 - 1.9%, Ni + Co 500 - 4000, total impurities 5000, Cu balance.
May contain lead as a free machining additive.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 100
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Cu98.9/Cr 1.0/Zr 0.1
Electrical Properties Mechanical Properties
Electrical resistivity 1-2 mOhmcm Elongation at break <20 %
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Hardness - Brinell 130-170
Hardness - Vickers 140-180 kgf mm-2
Thermal Properties Tensile strength 450-600 MPa
Thermal conductivity @23C 320 W m-1 K-1
CY257910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
463-015-872 100 mm GBP 72.50 GBP 86.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 138.00
774-720-307 200 mm GBP 82.50 GBP 100.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 208.00
305-125-065 500 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 128.00
442-599-479 1000 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 198.00
Alloy – Copper/Chromium/Zirconium
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
769-360-904 100 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 199.00
553-829-356 200 mm GBP 119.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 309.00
192-948-477 500 mm GBP 170.00 GBP 290.00
475-002-860 1000 mm GBP 280.00
Cu99.5/Te 0.5
Electrical Properties Mechanical Properties
Electrical resistivity 1.92 mOhmcm Elongation at break <12 %
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Hardness - Vickers 90-100 kgf mm-2
Tensile strength 260 MPa
Thermal Properties
Maximum use temperature in air 350 C
CY247905 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
831-854-984 100 mm GBP 73.50 GBP 87.00 GBP 111.00
512-578-976 200 mm GBP 82.00 GBP 99.00 GBP 138.00
117-871-948 500 mm GBP 99.00 GBP 130.00
343-158-719 1000 mm GBP 125.00
Tinned Copper
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.92 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 16.9 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1083 C Thermal conductivity @C 391.1 W m-1 K-1
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 101
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Tinned Copper
CU200250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sn60/Pb40 coated
Coil Width 15mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
711-797-351 0.5 m GBP 54.50
227-876-353 1m GBP 60.00
183-688-593 5m GBP 88.00
140-702-934 10 m GBP 113.00
788-459-567 20 m GBP 157.00
Weight/m shown is for the uncoated Copper only.
CU205140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pure Sn coated
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
938-870-055 10 m GBP 103.00
FE075160 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 726-090-938 5m GBP 93.00
FE076020 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 668-073-003 50 g GBP 102.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 102
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF010300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.75mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 685-698-029 25 x 25 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 104.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 187.00
712-258-727 50 x 50 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 206.00 GBP 270.00
032-341-364 100 x 100 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 247.00 GBP 323.00
042-669-638 150 x 150 mm GBP 187.00 GBP 234.00 GBP 330.00
654-244-947 300 x 300 mm GBP 298.00 GBP 438.00
Alloy – Iron/Nickel
FF015150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 198-542-548 10 m GBP 105.00
Common Brand Names : Dilver P1, Nicoseal1, Nicosel1, Nilo1 K, Rodar1, Telcoseal 11, Kovar1 (CRS Holdings Inc a
subsidiary of Carpenter Technology Corporation)
Low expansion glass sealing alloy suitable for sealing to hard (borosilicate) glasses.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.36-8.50 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-200C 4.81 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1450 C Specific heat @23C 439 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 17.3 W m-1 K-1
Magnetic Properties
Curie temperature 435 C Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break 30 %
Electrical Properties Modulus of elasticity 207 GPa
Electrical resistivity 48.9 mOhmcm Tensile strength 510-520 MPa
Temperature coefficient 0.0037 K-1
FE040205 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.015mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
781-456-230 25 x 25 mm GBP 110.00 GBP 120.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 167.00 GBP 208.00
271-506-906 50 x 50 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 186.00 GBP 231.00 GBP 298.00
383-551-272 100 x 100 mm GBP 170.00 GBP 205.00 GBP 276.00 GBP 358.00
344-187-639 200 x 200 mm GBP 251.00 GBP 319.00 GBP 578.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
221-434-176 0.5 m GBP 368.00
791-472-334 1m GBP 596.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
305-328-457 4 mm GBP 167.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 248.00
825-848-617 6 mm GBP 173.00 GBP 200.00 GBP 262.00
576-975-656 8 mm GBP 180.00 GBP 209.00 GBP 276.00
905-100-504 10 mm GBP 186.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 291.00
308-819-322 15 mm GBP 202.00 GBP 240.00 GBP 327.00
098-134-831 25 mm GBP 234.00 GBP 286.00 GBP 398.00
726-606-520 50 mm GBP 314.00 GBP 399.00
Typical Analysis : Co 17%, Cu <5000, Mn <3000, Ni 29.5%, Si <5000, C <2000, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 103
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE040210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
647-982-625 25 x 25 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 124.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 177.00 GBP 222.00
997-829-938 50 x 50 mm GBP 136.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 200.00 GBP 250.00 GBP 326.00
728-739-283 100 x 100 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 223.00 GBP 304.00 GBP 424.00
092-411-748 150 x 150 mm GBP 229.00 GBP 289.00 GBP 457.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
296-321-920 0.5 m GBP 368.00
551-468-103 1m GBP 596.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
295-847-272 4 mm GBP 169.00 GBP 194.00 GBP 252.00
980-907-697 6 mm GBP 176.00 GBP 204.00 GBP 269.00
613-460-117 8 mm GBP 184.00 GBP 214.00 GBP 285.00
682-513-727 10 mm GBP 191.00 GBP 225.00 GBP 302.00
314-218-985 15 mm GBP 210.00 GBP 251.00 GBP 343.00
277-370-063 25 mm GBP 246.00 GBP 303.00 GBP 426.00
671-257-759 50 mm GBP 339.00 GBP 435.00
Typical Analysis : Co 17%, Cu <5000, Mn <3000, Ni 29.5%, Si <5000, C <2000, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 104
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE040200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
678-984-688 25 x 25 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 172.00
873-085-018 50 x 50 mm GBP 114.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 180.00 GBP 227.00
135-629-625 100 x 100 mm GBP 139.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 205.00 GBP 258.00 GBP 337.00
953-704-751 150 x 150 mm GBP 163.00 GBP 195.00 GBP 260.00 GBP 335.00
213-090-054 300 x 300 mm GBP 237.00 GBP 299.00 GBP 424.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
676-498-226 0.5 m GBP 303.00
636-254-517 1m GBP 382.00
531-824-030 2m GBP 493.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
750-758-461 4 mm GBP 162.00 GBP 184.00 GBP 236.00
844-804-975 6 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 189.00 GBP 245.00
600-612-615 8 mm GBP 170.00 GBP 195.00 GBP 254.00
076-585-900 10 mm GBP 174.00 GBP 200.00 GBP 262.00
573-249-880 15 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 214.00 GBP 284.00
656-233-491 25 mm GBP 203.00 GBP 241.00 GBP 327.00
029-183-813 50 mm GBP 251.00 GBP 310.00 GBP 436.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 105
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE040305 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.30mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 780-150-781 25 x 25 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 186.00
117-892-861 50 x 50 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 205.00 GBP 268.00
125-212-693 100 x 100 mm GBP 149.00 GBP 181.00 GBP 245.00 GBP 321.00 GBP 431.00
215-364-906 150 x 150 mm GBP 186.00 GBP 233.00 GBP 327.00 GBP 436.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
182-944-531 0.5 m GBP 331.00
283-222-431 1m GBP 427.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
821-361-904 4 mm GBP 149.00 GBP 172.00 GBP 228.00
921-660-159 6 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 180.00 GBP 241.00
769-381-711 8 mm GBP 160.00 GBP 188.00 GBP 254.00
798-211-864 10 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 197.00 GBP 267.00
582-558-369 15 mm GBP 181.00 GBP 217.00 GBP 299.00
582-545-875 25 mm GBP 210.00 GBP 258.00 GBP 364.00
520-356-232 50 mm GBP 282.00 GBP 361.00
Typical Analysis : Co 17%, Cu <5000, Mn <3000, Ni 29.5%, Si <5000, C <2000, Fe balance.
FE043200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 893-129-912 100 x 100 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 181.00 GBP 338.00
807-911-062 150 x 150 mm GBP 174.00 GBP 308.00
628-848-394 300 x 300 mm GBP 517.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 106
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE043250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
Xn 124-666-166 100 x 100 mm GBP 148.00 GBP 238.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 107
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE045351 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.45mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straight wire
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
1.3g #1000 mm#
Typical Analysis : Co 17%, Cu <5000, Mn <3000, Ni 29.5%, Si <5000, C <2000, Fe balance.
Insulated Wire
FE045810 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.03mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.0025mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide
Length Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
499-352-353 5m GBP 93.50
FE047900 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 598-890-432 100 mm GBP 84.50 GBP 99.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 218.00
464-395-908 200 mm GBP 93.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 187.00
130-595-815 500 mm GBP 110.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 271.00
943-704-630 1000 mm GBP 128.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 255.00
Typical Analysis : Co 17%, Cu <5000, Mn <3000, Ni 29.5%, Si <5000, C <2000, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 108
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE047902 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 401-000-505 100 mm GBP 84.50 GBP 99.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 218.00
125-071-397 200 mm GBP 93.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 187.00
633-923-951 500 mm GBP 110.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 271.00
240-491-446 1000 mm GBP 128.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 255.00
Typical Analysis : Co 17%, Cu <5000, Mn <3000, Ni 29.5%, Si <5000, C <2000, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 109
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE047970 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc
Xn 357-168-995 100 mm POA
247-218-828 200 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Co 17%, Cu <5000, Mn <3000, Ni 29.5%, Si <5000, C <2000, Fe balance.
FE047100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.6mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
440-758-756 100 mm GBP 87.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 181.00
094-846-455 200 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 121.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 238.00
855-809-492 500 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 260.00
976-183-483 1000 mm GBP 152.00 GBP 212.00
Typical Analysis : Co 17%, Cu <5000, Mn <3000, Ni 29.5%, Si <5000, C <2000, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 110
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE047650 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 6.35mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 5.85mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
640-402-399 100 mm GBP 114.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 178.00 GBP 232.00
050-294-996 200 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 159.00 GBP 216.00 GBP 286.00
286-873-604 500 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 207.00
859-208-021 1000 mm GBP 204.00 GBP 262.00
Typical Analysis : Co 17%, Cu <5000, Mn <3000, Ni 29.5%, Si <5000, C <2000, Fe balance.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Low Nickel magnetic alloy. Most applications are based on the requirements of moderately high saturation and
permeabilities greater than silicon irons. Uses include the manufacture of sensitive relays and safety shut-off valves for
gas fired devices.
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 8.25 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 45 mOhmcm
Melting point 1400-1450 C Temperature coefficient - K-1
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 111
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE180400 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 573-560-286 25 x 25 mm GBP 79.50 GBP 86.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 157.00
695-036-094 50 x 50 mm GBP 93.50 GBP 107.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 168.00 GBP 220.00
879-511-230 100 x 100 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 198.00 GBP 258.00 GBP 347.00
938-906-490 150 x 150 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 261.00 GBP 347.00 GBP 473.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
363-304-871 1m GBP 308.00
413-101-228 2m GBP 400.00
637-658-277 5m GBP 582.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
707-285-212 4 mm GBP 142.00 GBP 161.00 GBP 209.00
410-650-069 6 mm GBP 146.00 GBP 167.00 GBP 217.00
331-260-619 8 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 172.00 GBP 226.00
407-580-268 10 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 178.00 GBP 235.00
947-525-917 15 mm GBP 163.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 257.00
440-748-075 25 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 220.00 GBP 301.00
093-505-350 50 mm GBP 232.00 GBP 289.00 GBP 412.00
Typical Analysis : Please ask.
Alloy – Iron/Nickel
FE187910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 688-171-456 100 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 122.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 214.00 GBP 357.00
021-427-959 200 mm GBP 120.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 203.00
678-498-354 500 mm GBP 155.00 GBP 197.00 GBP 389.00
812-288-327 1000 mm GBP 195.00 GBP 318.00
Typical Analysis : Please ask.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.11 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @30-100C 4.8 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1450 C Specific heat @23C 502 J K-1 kg-1
FE130250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
287-634-009 100 x 100 mm GBP 126.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 202.00
745-280-393 200 x 200 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 231.00
FE133150 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
208-353-560 100 x 100 mm GBP 170.00 GBP 217.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 112
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE136011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 839-136-556 50 g GBP 156.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1380 C
Alloy – Iron/Nickel
FE156010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 788-730-707 20 g GBP 172.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
FK120275 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
037-949-916 50 x 50 mm GBP 89.50 GBP 99.00 GBP 120.00 GBP 145.00
032-198-149 100 x 100 mm GBP 109.00 GBP 127.00 GBP 163.00 GBP 207.00
214-335-422 200 x 200 mm GBP 148.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 251.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
371-871-853 0.5 m GBP 217.00
952-547-916 1m GBP 269.00
025-032-571 2m GBP 342.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs 100 discs
888-626-319 4 mm GBP 144.00 GBP 163.00 GBP 208.00 GBP 282.00
216-456-601 6 mm GBP 147.00 GBP 167.00 GBP 214.00 GBP 290.00
771-001-622 8 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 221.00 GBP 299.00
202-369-688 10 mm GBP 153.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 308.00
449-851-906 15 mm GBP 159.00 GBP 184.00 GBP 242.00 GBP 329.00
740-675-433 25 mm GBP 173.00 GBP 203.00 GBP 272.00 GBP 372.00
181-134-192 50 mm GBP 207.00 GBP 252.00 GBP 349.00
Fe63/Ni32/Co 5
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 113
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Fe63/Ni32/Co 5
FK177910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 693-258-475 100 mm GBP 115.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 275.00
218-113-407 200 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 229.00
283-580-517 500 mm GBP 268.00
FK136100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 50mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nominal 100g ingots
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
952-857-842 100 g GBP 371.00
Alloy – Iron/Nickel/Cobalt
Invar1 - Controlled Expansion Alloy
Common Brand Names : Invar 361, Nilo1 alloy 36, Nilvar, NS 36, Permalloy D1, Radio metal 361, Vacodil 361
Low expansion alloy with the lowest thermal expansion coefficient of any of the iron-nickel alloys. Uses include balance
wheels for clocks and watches, bi-metal strip, glass-to-metal seals and structural components in laser systems.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.0 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-90C 1.7-2.0 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1427 C Specific heat @23C 515 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 13 W m-1 K-1
Magnetic Properties
Curie temperature 279 C Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <45 %
Electrical Properties Hardness - Brinell 160
Electrical resistivity 75-85 mOhmcm Modulus of elasticity 140-150 GPa
Tensile strength 450-590 MPa
FE020210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.008mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
892-506-770 25 x 25 mm GBP 136.00 GBP 179.00
563-341-465 50 x 50 mm GBP 166.00
Typical Analysis : Ni 36%, Mn + Si + C <1%, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 114
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE020220 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.02mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
978-141-778 25 x 25 mm GBP 79.50 GBP 84.50 GBP 95.50 GBP 111.00 GBP 137.00
267-723-419 50 x 50 mm GBP 87.50 GBP 95.50 GBP 113.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 172.00
465-426-186 100 x 100 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 117.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 185.00 GBP 292.00
178-268-807 150 x 150 mm GBP 119.00 GBP 140.00 GBP 185.00 GBP 300.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
010-248-168 0.5 m GBP 194.00
451-378-194 1m GBP 285.00
422-271-535 2m GBP 476.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 115
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE020245 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.08mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
271-328-586 25 x 25 mm GBP 83.00 GBP 89.50 GBP 104.00 GBP 122.00 GBP 153.00
809-241-609 50 x 50 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 106.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 204.00
198-578-536 100 x 100 mm GBP 118.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 180.00 GBP 291.00
482-021-966 200 x 200 mm GBP 163.00 GBP 237.00 GBP 487.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
266-078-544 0.5 m GBP 300.00
628-893-628 1m GBP 505.00
Discs Quantity
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 116
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE020350 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 017-250-160 25 x 25 mm GBP 76.00 GBP 86.50 GBP 107.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 177.00
156-272-250 50 x 50 mm GBP 86.50 GBP 101.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 166.00 GBP 225.00
534-034-103 100 x 100 mm GBP 108.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 234.00
766-849-228 200 x 200 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 274.00
582-217-494 200 x 450 mm GBP 193.00 GBP 252.00
263-549-434 200 x 900 mm GBP 246.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
125-068-802 4 mm GBP 162.00 GBP 199.00 GBP 305.00
FE023120 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
Xn 384-326-391 150 x 150 mm GBP 188.00 GBP 276.00
Typical Analysis : Ni 36%, Mn + Si + C <1%, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 117
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE023000 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
Xn 286-169-809 50 x 50 mm GBP 168.00 GBP 213.00
771-231-560 100 x 100 mm GBP 275.00 GBP 459.00
Typical Analysis : Ni 36%, Mn + Si + C <1%, Fe balance.
FE025010 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 453-514-574 5m GBP 249.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 118
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE025401 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straight wire
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
2.2g #350 mm#
6.3g #1000 mm#
Typical Analysis : Ni 36%, Mn + Si + C <1%, Fe balance.
Invar rod may contain Selenium as a free machining additive.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 119
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE027910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 605-790-411 100 mm GBP 98.50 GBP 121.00 GBP 162.00
723-802-917 200 mm GBP 115.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 205.00
552-360-451 400 mm GBP 137.00 GBP 175.00
439-586-271 800 mm GBP 169.00
Typical Analysis : Ni 36%, Mn + Si + C <1%, Fe balance.
Invar rod may contain Selenium as a free machining additive.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 120
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE027980 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc
Xn 632-451-900 50 mm POA
056-491-943 100 mm POA
061-495-509 200 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Ni 36%, Mn + Si + C <1%, Fe balance.
Invar rod may contain Selenium as a free machining additive.
FE027200 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 2.2mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.16mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.88mm
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
041-133-244 100 mm GBP 99.50 GBP 122.00 GBP 172.00 GBP 240.00 GBP 385.00
141-659-957 200 mm GBP 115.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 208.00 GBP 353.00
707-494-780 500 mm GBP 147.00 GBP 189.00
436-846-348 1000 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 303.00
FE026011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xi Xn 921-665-984 50 g GBP 125.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 121
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium
Fe72.8/Cr22/Al 5/Y 0.1/Zr 0.1
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 122
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium
Fe72.8/Cr22/Al 5/Y 0.1/Zr 0.1
FE080205 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
218-223-086 40 x 40 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 128.00 GBP 197.00 GBP 298.00 GBP 543.00
465-259-782 80 x 80 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 175.00 GBP 333.00 GBP 612.00
170-089-492 160 x 160 mm GBP 235.00 GBP 416.00 GBP 961.00
Coil Width 167mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
852-781-786 0.2 m GBP 297.00
704-944-426 0.5 m GBP 624.00
055-077-820 1 m GBP 1171.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 123
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium
Fe72.8/Cr22/Al 5/Y 0.1/Zr 0.1
FE080262 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Coil Width 20mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
985-858-922 0.5 m GBP 101.00
112-846-798 1m GBP 110.00
143-938-869 2m GBP 123.00
492-010-062 5m GBP 151.00
180-390-678 10 m GBP 182.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 124
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium
Fe72.8/Cr22/Al 5/Y 0.1/Zr 0.1
FE080600 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 970-542-961 50 x 50 mm GBP 95.00 GBP 118.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 211.00
317-863-974 100 x 100 mm GBP 116.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 203.00
623-489-021 200 x 200 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 219.00
593-189-169 200 x 500 mm GBP 238.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
FE083150 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
Xn 269-778-764 100 x 100 mm GBP 136.00 GBP 205.00
589-368-873 100 x 200 mm GBP 193.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
FE085100 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 531-871-270 10 m GBP 70.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 125
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium
Fe72.8/Cr22/Al 5/Y 0.1/Zr 0.1
FE085130 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 731-017-871 10 m GBP 70.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
FE087902 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 624-833-284 100 mm GBP 71.00 GBP 86.50 GBP 109.00 GBP 137.00
219-199-905 200 mm GBP 80.00 GBP 99.50 GBP 129.00 GBP 193.00
121-050-985 500 mm GBP 98.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 216.00
521-908-276 1000 mm GBP 118.00 GBP 180.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 126
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium
Fe72.8/Cr22/Al 5/Y 0.1/Zr 0.1
FE087945 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
Xn 225-532-760 50 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 215.00
243-077-699 100 mm GBP 203.00 GBP 362.00
464-419-535 200 mm GBP 350.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
FE086100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 50mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pellets
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xn 761-104-764 100 g GBP 70.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5.0%, C 0.02%, Cr 22.0%, Mn 0.2%, Si 0.3%, Y 0.1%, Zr 0.1%, Fe Balance.
Nominally 6mm diameter x 25-50mm length pellets.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 127
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FA185125 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
058-563-630 50 m GBP 78.50
Fe81/Cr16/Al 3
FK186010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 694-746-061 50 g GBP 104.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Fe81/Cr16/Mo 3
FK256010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 188-261-400 50 g GBP 104.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1200 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 128
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE176010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 647-670-445 50 g GBP 158.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Fe90/Cr 9/Mo 1
High Chromium heat resistant ferritic steel with good weldability. Used for boiler tubes.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.78 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @25-100C 11.3 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 26.0 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 49.9 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Shear strength 410 MPa
Tensile strength 590 MPa
Alloy – Iron/Silicon
FE010200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.003mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
137-658-225 25 x 25 mm GBP 260.00 GBP 332.00 GBP 543.00
787-280-468 50 x 50 mm GBP 448.00 GBP 807.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 9%, Mo 1%, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 129
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Fe90/Cr 9/Mo 1
FE010240 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.007mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
810-639-293 25 x 25 mm GBP 197.00 GBP 243.00 GBP 363.00
329-910-594 50 x 50 mm GBP 305.00 GBP 520.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
238-824-528 4 mm GBP 233.00 GBP 278.00 GBP 377.00
853-072-168 6 mm GBP 266.00 GBP 324.00 GBP 451.00
634-022-963 8 mm GBP 299.00 GBP 371.00 GBP 563.00
252-874-312 10 mm GBP 332.00 GBP 418.00 GBP 750.00
609-293-090 15 mm GBP 414.00 GBP 651.00
161-628-829 25 mm GBP 813.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 9%, Mo 1%, Fe balance.
Alloy – Iron/Chromium/Molybdenum
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
203-602-816 25 x 25 mm GBP 186.00 GBP 228.00 GBP 337.00
450-360-751 50 x 50 mm GBP 283.00 GBP 477.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
295-090-166 4 mm GBP 226.00 GBP 268.00 GBP 361.00
886-270-457 6 mm GBP 255.00 GBP 310.00 GBP 428.00
783-802-192 8 mm GBP 285.00 GBP 352.00 GBP 530.00
975-272-138 10 mm GBP 315.00 GBP 394.00 GBP 699.00
909-022-684 15 mm GBP 388.00 GBP 605.00
627-837-476 25 mm GBP 749.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 9%, Mo 1%, Fe balance.
Fe91/Si 9
Physical Properties
Melting point 1380 C
FE166010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 890-800-498 50 g GBP 110.00
Silver Steel
Fe98/C 1.1/Cr 0.4/Mn 0.3/Si 0.2
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.80 g cm-3 Thermal conductivity @20C 32.0 W m-1 K-1
FA217910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
381-562-720 165 mm GBP 54.50 GBP 61.50 GBP 78.50 GBP 101.00
417-417-153 330 mm GBP 59.50 GBP 68.50 GBP 89.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 130
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Stainless steels are iron based alloys containing at least 10.5% Chromium. They achieve their stainless characteristics
through the formation of an invisible and adherent Chromium rich oxide film. 15-7PH is an alloy which can be
precipitation hardened by heat treatment to form a martensitic phase.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.81 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-90C 14.4 x10-6 K-1
FE290300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precipitation hardenable
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
989-612-618 25 x 25 mm GBP 65.00 GBP 68.50 GBP 77.00 GBP 88.50 GBP 110.00
701-587-424 50 x 50 mm GBP 69.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 88.00 GBP 104.00 GBP 132.00
698-434-265 100 x 100 mm GBP 79.50 GBP 89.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 176.00
304-283-777 150 x 150 mm GBP 89.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 167.00
035-462-778 300 x 300 mm GBP 119.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 198.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 131
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FL017910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 337-859-941 100 mm GBP 69.00 GBP 83.50 GBP 106.00
418-166-621 200 mm GBP 78.50 GBP 97.00 GBP 127.00
844-904-215 500 mm GBP 97.50 GBP 124.00
007-861-808 1000 mm GBP 119.00 GBP 154.00
Stainless steels are iron based alloys containing at least 10.5% Chromium. They achieve their stainless characteristics
through the formation of an invisible and adherent Chromium rich oxide film. 17-7PH is an alloy which can be
precipitation hardened by heat treatment to form a martensitic phase.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.81 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-90C 15.3 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1435 C Thermal conductivity @23C 16.7 W m-1 K-1
FE280290 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled - Condition C
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precipitation hardenable
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
362-573-846 25 x 25 mm GBP 65.50 GBP 69.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 91.50 GBP 114.00
675-433-208 50 x 50 mm GBP 71.50 GBP 78.00 GBP 92.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 140.00
693-191-104 100 x 100 mm GBP 83.50 GBP 94.50 GBP 118.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 193.00
116-914-686 150 x 150 mm GBP 95.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 184.00
997-175-977 300 x 300 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 161.00 GBP 223.00
Coil Width 305mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
289-682-384 0.5 m GBP 175.00
059-981-685 1m GBP 213.00
497-712-009 2m GBP 279.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
214-009-406 4 mm GBP 127.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 183.00
751-187-210 6 mm GBP 129.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 186.00
898-404-361 8 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 190.00
300-546-429 10 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 193.00
568-311-372 15 mm GBP 136.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 201.00
038-923-169 25 mm GBP 143.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 218.00
865-392-477 50 mm GBP 162.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 260.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1.15%, Cr 17%, Mn 7000, Ni 7%, Si 4000, C 700, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 132
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE280300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed - Condition A
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precipitation hardenable
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
174-057-826 25 x 25 mm GBP 68.00 GBP 71.50 GBP 80.50 GBP 93.00 GBP 115.00
757-227-555 50 x 50 mm GBP 73.50 GBP 79.50 GBP 93.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 139.00
653-446-195 100 x 100 mm GBP 84.50 GBP 95.00 GBP 117.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 189.00
680-764-905 150 x 150 mm GBP 95.50 GBP 110.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 180.00
095-618-983 300 x 300 mm GBP 128.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 215.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
290-030-824 0.5 m GBP 171.00
952-368-925 1m GBP 206.00
046-122-503 2m GBP 269.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
765-318-115 4 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 185.00
664-772-919 6 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 188.00
096-613-502 8 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 191.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 133
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE280350 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed - Condition A
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precipitation hardenable
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
673-593-031 25 x 25 mm GBP 69.00 GBP 73.50 GBP 83.50 GBP 97.50 GBP 121.00
199-135-314 50 x 50 mm GBP 76.00 GBP 83.00 GBP 99.00 GBP 119.00 GBP 152.00
891-924-817 100 x 100 mm GBP 89.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 245.00
490-608-855 150 x 150 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 122.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 249.00 GBP 437.00
326-109-018 300 x 300 mm GBP 144.00 GBP 203.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
003-538-321 0.5 m GBP 202.00
763-626-667 1m GBP 318.00
453-325-461 2m GBP 549.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
665-681-916 4 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 187.00
210-249-755 6 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 191.00
281-219-586 8 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 194.00
FE285150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 128-108-998 10 m GBP 71.50
Stainless steels are iron based alloys containing at least 10.5% Chromium. They achieve their stainless characteristics
through the formation of an invisible and adherent Chromium rich oxide film. Alloy 302 is a general purpose austenitic
stainless steel with a face centered cubic structure. It is essentially non-magnetic in the annealed condition and can only
be hardened by cold working.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.92 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 15-18 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1400-1420 C Thermal conductivity @23C 16.3 W m-1 K-1
FE200201 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
217-966-238 25 x 25 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 111.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 7 - 11%, C <1600, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 134
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE200230 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
767-503-207 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.00 GBP 61.00 GBP 68.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 98.00
937-911-116 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.50 GBP 66.00 GBP 76.00 GBP 90.00 GBP 114.00
238-895-051 100 x 100 mm GBP 68.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 91.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 144.00
861-878-759 150 x 150 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 85.50 GBP 107.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 175.00
734-846-135 300 x 300 mm GBP 96.00 GBP 115.00 GBP 153.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
883-823-138 0.5 m GBP 132.00
855-768-322 1m GBP 154.00
971-042-587 2m GBP 186.00
380-314-659 5m GBP 277.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
075-037-138 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 175.00
379-639-188 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 135
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE200290 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
350-193-452 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.50 GBP 61.50 GBP 68.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 98.50
774-182-321 50 x 50 mm GBP 62.00 GBP 66.00 GBP 76.50 GBP 90.50 GBP 114.00
772-793-381 100 x 100 mm GBP 69.00 GBP 76.00 GBP 92.00 GBP 113.00 GBP 146.00
599-165-054 150 x 150 mm GBP 76.00 GBP 86.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 135.00
895-626-390 300 x 300 mm GBP 97.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 155.00
Coil Width 296mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
129-308-923 0.5 m GBP 133.00
953-289-845 1m GBP 155.00
161-234-075 2m GBP 192.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
011-288-550 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 175.00
411-065-296 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
383-161-357 8 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 179.00
FE205100 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 856-916-614 1m GBP 165.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 136
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE205116 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 698-420-651 25 m GBP 76.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 137
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE205350 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straight wire
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
0.1117g #50 mm#
Insulated Wire
FA117910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 132-914-770 100 mm GBP 63.50 GBP 77.50 GBP 96.50 GBP 120.00
343-782-965 200 mm GBP 71.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 162.00
208-675-862 500 mm GBP 85.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 178.00
726-798-541 1000 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 149.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 138
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Stainless steels are iron based alloys containing at least 10.5% Chromium. They achieve their stainless characteristics
through the formation of an invisible and adherent Chromium rich oxide film. Alloy 304 is a general purpose austenitic
stainless steel with a face centered cubic structure. It is essentially non-magnetic in the annealed condition and can only
be hardened by cold working. The lower Carbon content compared with alloy 302 gives better corrosion resistance in
welded structures.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.93 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 18.0 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1400-1455 C Thermal conductivity @23C 16.3 W m-1 K-1
FE220200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Sizes LT Quantity
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 139
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE220209 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
439-794-396 100 x 100 mm GBP 237.00 GBP 304.00 GBP 437.00 GBP 609.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
487-604-431 25 x 25 mm GBP 119.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 217.00 GBP 284.00
979-827-466 50 x 50 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 261.00 GBP 342.00 GBP 460.00
160-502-602 100 x 100 mm GBP 261.00 GBP 334.00 GBP 481.00 GBP 670.00
Coil Width 116mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
373-052-999 0.1 m GBP 273.00
780-872-687 0.2 m GBP 343.00
577-729-188 0.5 m GBP 482.00
219-642-825 1m GBP 702.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17-20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8-11%, C <800, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 140
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE220211 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.015mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
261-696-445 300 x 300 mm GBP 321.00 GBP 423.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
722-325-908 25 x 25 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 110.00 GBP131.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 198.00
186-589-526 50 x 50 mm GBP 120.00 GBP 138.00 GBP176.00 GBP 220.00 GBP 288.00
576-219-995 100 x 100 mm GBP 160.00 GBP 195.00 GBP266.00 GBP 348.00
647-346-112 150 x 150 mm GBP 200.00 GBP 252.00 GBP356.00
841-515-042 300 x 300 mm GBP 337.00 GBP 444.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
240-690-675 0.5 m GBP 417.00
086-334-935 1m GBP 548.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
916-952-025 4 mm GBP 161.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 232.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 141
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE220250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
290-517-823 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.00 GBP 61.00 GBP 68.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 98.00
314-736-486 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.50 GBP 66.00 GBP 76.00 GBP 90.00 GBP 114.00
342-055-988 100 x 100 mm GBP 68.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 91.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 144.00
756-999-490 150 x 150 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 85.50 GBP 107.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 175.00
624-925-319 300 x 300 mm GBP 96.00 GBP 115.00 GBP 153.00
Coil Width 305mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
478-445-240 0.5 m GBP 132.00
115-662-565 1m GBP 155.00
457-820-173 2m GBP 186.00
227-515-355 5m GBP 281.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
646-836-039 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 175.00
854-510-581 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 142
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE220280 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
780-475-561 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.00 GBP 61.00 GBP 68.00 GBP 78.50 GBP 97.50
559-440-416 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.50 GBP 65.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 89.00 GBP 112.00
930-053-330 100 x 100 mm GBP 68.00 GBP 75.00 GBP 90.50 GBP 110.00 GBP 142.00
256-670-282 150 x 150 mm GBP 74.50 GBP 84.50 GBP 105.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 172.00
083-775-772 300 x 300 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 149.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
569-343-116 0.5 m GBP 130.00
471-968-503 1m GBP 151.00
996-074-384 2m GBP 182.00
509-289-920 5m GBP 333.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
873-481-674 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 175.00
185-205-785 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 143
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE220320 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 314-325-863 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.00 GBP 61.00 GBP 68.00 GBP 78.00 GBP 97.00
290-736-410 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.00 GBP 65.50 GBP 75.00 GBP 88.50 GBP 112.00
342-050-261 100 x 100 mm GBP 67.50 GBP 74.50 GBP 89.50 GBP 109.00 GBP 140.00
756-284-134 150 x 150 mm GBP 74.00 GBP 83.50 GBP 104.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 169.00
535-518-301 300 x 300 mm GBP 93.50 GBP 111.00 GBP 147.00
Coil Width 305mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
167-892-690 0.5 m GBP 129.00
939-792-986 1m GBP 150.00
474-124-792 2m GBP 188.00
265-591-536 5m GBP 353.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
573-706-977 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 175.00
713-364-596 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 144
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE220326 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.40mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 487-986-465 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.00 GBP 60.50 GBP 67.50 GBP 77.50 GBP 96.00
431-891-848 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.00 GBP 65.00 GBP 74.00 GBP 87.00 GBP 110.00
324-866-211 100 x 100 mm GBP 67.00 GBP 73.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 106.00 GBP 136.00
549-103-466 150 x 150 mm GBP 73.00 GBP 81.50 GBP 101.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 163.00
241-573-139 300 x 300 mm GBP 90.50 GBP 107.00 GBP 141.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
659-644-938 0.5 m GBP 125.00
144-844-167 1m GBP 144.00
441-461-552 2m GBP 185.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
460-139-921 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 175.00
307-933-166 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 176.00
535-797-842 8 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 178.00
FE220341 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.914mm Surface treatment . . . . . . . Titanium Nitride coating 2-3 mi-
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
524-175-481 25 x 25 mm GBP 89.00 GBP 107.00 GBP 147.00
521-932-799 50 x 50 mm GBP 124.00 GBP 171.00
241-597-209 100 x 100 mm GBP 280.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17-20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8-11%, C <800, Fe balance.
This item is shown as an example of Titanium Nitride (TiN) coated material.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 145
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE220380 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 670-004-528 100 x 100 mm GBP 85.00 GBP 104.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 364.00
297-142-835 150 x 150 mm GBP 95.00 GBP 118.00 GBP 176.00 GBP 259.00
914-092-617 300 x 300 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 261.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17-20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8-11%, C <800, Fe balance.
Xn Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
530-570-990 100 x 100 mm GBP 93.00 GBP 113.00 GBP 163.00 GBP 215.00
321-365-009 150 x 150 mm GBP 105.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 189.00
170-634-909 300 x 300 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 268.00
329-370-596 600 x 600 mm GBP 210.00 GBP 279.00
171-322-395 900 x 900 mm GBP 280.00 GBP 378.00
FE225110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 640-125-199 50 m GBP 74.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 146
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE225141 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 511-502-605 10 m GBP 67.00
FE227902 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 517-685-688 500 mm GBP 42.80 GBP 50.50 GBP 66.00 GBP 86.00 GBP 119.00
078-375-221 1000 mm GBP 48.20 GBP 58.00 GBP 78.00 GBP 103.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17-20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8-11%, C <800, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 147
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE227105 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.2mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
966-857-900 100 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 118.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 202.00 GBP 252.00
857-239-261 200 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 178.00 GBP 236.00 GBP 325.00
154-907-958 500 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 163.00 GBP 226.00 GBP 357.00 GBP 610.00
363-490-499 1000 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 197.00 GBP 332.00 GBP 594.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17-20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8-11%, C <800, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 148
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE227180 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.8mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
399-953-081 100 mm GBP 92.00 GBP 105.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 214.00
994-134-992 200 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 199.00 GBP 250.00
266-862-996 500 mm GBP 116.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 249.00 GBP 386.00
357-869-533 1000 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 372.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17-20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8-11%, C <800, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 149
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE227700 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 8.0mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 7mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
768-159-519 100 mm GBP 73.00 GBP 83.00 GBP 107.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 181.00
019-942-054 200 mm GBP 79.00 GBP 91.50 GBP 120.00 GBP 159.00 GBP 242.00
492-755-353 500 mm GBP 90.50 GBP 108.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 251.00 GBP 428.00
594-419-244 1000 mm GBP 104.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 231.00 GBP 407.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17-20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8-11%, C <800, Fe balance.
FE226010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 028-638-418 100 g GBP 81.50
FE226805 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +12.7mm
Sphericity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50mm Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precision Sphere
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grade 100
Xn Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
196-747-152 50 pcs GBP 97.00
Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <58 %
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 150
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FA140230 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
884-576-866 50 x 50 mm GBP 60.50 GBP 64.50 GBP 73.50 GBP 86.50 GBP 109.00
981-503-408 150 x 150 mm GBP 72.00 GBP 81.00 GBP 99.50 GBP 123.00
186-501-234 300 x 300 mm GBP 89.50 GBP 106.00 GBP 139.00
Coil Width 305mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
894-860-617 0.5 m GBP 124.00
560-164-022 1m GBP 143.00
067-866-584 2m GBP 181.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 151
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FA145300 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straight wire
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
0.5605g #1000 mm#
FA147500 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 7.0mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 1mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 5.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
734-809-891 100 mm GBP 65.00 GBP 83.00 GBP 117.00 GBP 159.00
932-099-919 200 mm GBP 77.50 GBP 101.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 199.00
264-456-411 500 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 136.00
945-756-841 1000 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 176.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 152
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Stainless steels are iron based alloys containing at least 10.5% Chromium. They achieve their stainless characteristics
through the formation of an invisible and adherent Chromium rich oxide film. Alloy 310 is a general purpose austenitic
stainless steel with a face centered cubic structure. It is essentially non-magnetic in the annealed condition and can only
be hardened by cold working. Increased additions of Chromium and Nickel give good heat resistance.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.9 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 16-18 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1400-1455 C Thermal conductivity @23C 16.3 W m-1 K-1
FE250220 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.914mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
FE257910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 031-051-001 100 mm GBP 70.00 GBP 83.00 GBP 117.00 GBP 155.00
881-379-403 200 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 90.50 GBP 129.00 GBP 180.00
172-437-487 500 mm GBP 86.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 171.00
554-676-140 1000 mm GBP 98.50 GBP 131.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 24 - 26%, Mn <2%, Ni 19 - 22%, Si <1%, C <2500, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 153
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Stainless steels are iron based alloys containing at least 10.5% Chromium. They achieve their stainless characteristics
through the formation of an invisible and adherent Chromium rich oxide film. Alloy 316 is a general purpose austenitic
stainless steel with a face centered cubic structure. It is essentially non-magnetic in the annealed condition and can only
be hardened by cold working. Molybdenum has been added to increase corrosion resistance particulary in chloride
containing enviroments, and the lower Carbon content of alloy 316L gives even better corrosion resistance in welded
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.96 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 16-18 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1370-1400 C Specific heat @23C 502 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 16.3 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 70-78 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <60 %
Hardness - Brinell 160-190
Izod impact strength 20-136 J m-1
Modulus of elasticity 190-210 GPa
Tensile strength 460-860 MPa
FE240201 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95mm
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 154
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE240220 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
315-224-077 300 x 300 mm GBP 333.00 GBP 440.00 GBP 757.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
552-575-541 25 x 25 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 202.00
536-042-776 50 x 50 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 180.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 297.00
912-255-041 100 x 100 mm GBP 164.00 GBP 201.00 GBP 275.00 GBP 360.00 GBP 486.00
884-184-587 150 x 150 mm GBP 207.00 GBP 261.00 GBP 369.00 GBP 494.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
268-613-511 0.5 m GBP 431.00
576-693-177 1m GBP 567.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
086-638-569 4 mm GBP 168.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 246.00
829-819-967 6 mm GBP 174.00 GBP 200.00 GBP 261.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 155
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE240240 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.038mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
006-831-080 25 x 25 mm GBP 73.00 GBP 78.00 GBP 89.00 GBP 104.00 GBP 129.00
178-754-469 50 x 50 mm GBP 81.00 GBP 89.50 GBP 107.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 165.00
072-015-385 100 x 100 mm GBP 97.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 181.00 GBP 238.00
380-310-386 150 x 150 mm GBP 114.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 180.00 GBP 232.00
455-537-985 280 x 300 mm GBP 159.00 GBP 199.00 GBP 284.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
379-802-547 0.5 m GBP 214.00
853-881-141 1m GBP 266.00
735-142-248 2m GBP 393.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
445-569-259 4 mm GBP 142.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 211.00
696-152-985 6 mm GBP 145.00 GBP 166.00 GBP 216.00
019-120-251 8 mm GBP 147.00 GBP 169.00 GBP 222.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 156
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE240260 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
202-193-183 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.00 GBP 61.00 GBP 68.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 98.00
274-139-626 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.50 GBP 66.00 GBP 76.00 GBP 89.50 GBP 113.00
267-451-277 100 x 100 mm GBP 68.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 91.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 143.00
431-406-861 150 x 150 mm GBP 75.00 GBP 85.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 173.00
925-850-540 300 x 300 mm GBP 95.50 GBP 113.00 GBP 151.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
834-711-260 0.5 m GBP 131.00
731-314-989 1m GBP 153.00
414-366-159 2m GBP 184.00
795-774-431 5m GBP 291.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
976-315-340 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 175.00
039-422-771 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 157
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE240270 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
859-741-931 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.00 GBP 61.00 GBP 68.00 GBP 78.50 GBP 97.50
467-742-886 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.50 GBP 65.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 89.00 GBP 112.00
467-858-087 100 x 100 mm GBP 68.00 GBP 75.00 GBP 90.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 142.00
482-252-580 150 x 150 mm GBP 74.50 GBP 84.50 GBP 105.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 171.00
281-567-544 300 x 300 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 149.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
338-901-712 0.5 m GBP 129.00
195-942-444 1m GBP 151.00
492-812-288 2m GBP 181.00
601-527-128 5m GBP 332.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
861-599-197 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 175.00
699-888-083 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 158
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE240311 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Surface treatment . . . . . . . Titanium Nitride coating 2-3 mi-
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
208-512-757 25 x 25 mm GBP 79.50 GBP 92.50 GBP 122.00 GBP 161.00
064-094-706 50 x 50 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 124.00 GBP 199.00
011-846-779 100 x 100 mm GBP 159.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
480-847-457 4 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 203.00 GBP 302.00
105-927-598 6 mm GBP 164.00 GBP 212.00 GBP 317.00
240-946-727 8 mm GBP 171.00 GBP 221.00 GBP 332.00
118-342-655 10 mm GBP 177.00 GBP 230.00 GBP 347.00
792-827-942 15 mm GBP 193.00 GBP 253.00
103-498-505 25 mm GBP 225.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
This item is shown as an example of Titanium Nitride (TiN) coated material.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 159
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE243825 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm Bulk density . . . . . . . . . . . .
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
Xn 593-627-241 150 x 150 mm GBP 289.00 GBP 512.00
FE248705 Nominal Aperture . . . . . . . . 0.103mm Wire diameter . . . . . . . . . . . 0.066mm
Wires/inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150x150 Open area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37%
Xn Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
688-485-215 150 x 150 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 169.00 GBP 247.00
707-822-407 300 x 300 mm GBP 202.00 GBP 266.00
366-118-058 600 x 600 mm GBP 373.00
Xn Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
087-878-424 100 x 100 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 180.00
984-806-837 150 x 150 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 224.00
100-862-188 300 x 300 mm GBP 181.00 GBP 237.00
607-766-689 600 x 600 mm GBP 298.00
FE245100 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 142-882-389 50 m GBP 73.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 160
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE245130 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 258-148-975 10 m GBP 65.50
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Insulated Wire
FE245815 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.025mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.002mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyester
Length Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
394-782-819 5m GBP 94.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 161
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Insulated Wire
FE245810 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.075mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.018mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)
Length Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
383-402-006 1m GBP 99.50
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
FE247910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 961-139-762 500 mm GBP 56.00 GBP 70.50 GBP 93.00 GBP 124.00
311-859-074 1000 mm GBP 62.50 GBP 80.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 144.00
FE247200 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 3.0mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.75mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
999-643-999 100 mm GBP 73.00 GBP 88.50 GBP 105.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 156.00
919-010-338 200 mm GBP 80.00 GBP 98.50 GBP 121.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 211.00
916-996-557 500 mm GBP 94.00 GBP 118.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 234.00 GBP 406.00
215-303-933 1000 mm GBP 110.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 230.00 GBP 397.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 162
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE247600 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 11.1mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.7mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 9.7mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
625-104-193 100 mm GBP 79.00 GBP 92.50 GBP 124.00 GBP 154.00
138-014-307 200 mm GBP 88.00 GBP 105.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 194.00
251-787-556 500 mm GBP 105.00 GBP 130.00
473-439-118 1000 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 171.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <1200, Mo 2.0 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
FE246020 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 876-168-519 100 g GBP 77.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <300, Mo 2.5 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Typical Analysis : Cr 16.5 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 8 - 14%, C <300, Mo 2.5 - 3.5%, Fe balance.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
FE246805 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +12.7mm
Sphericity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50mm Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precision Sphere
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grade 100
Xn Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
955-436-807 50 pcs GBP 97.00
Xn Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
527-345-842 50 pcs GBP 95.00
Xn Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
821-001-919 50 pcs GBP 95.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 163
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE246825 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5mm Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +12.7mm
Sphericity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50mm Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precision Sphere
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grade 100
Xn Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
016-642-431 50 pcs GBP 95.00
Xn Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
931-231-544 50 pcs GBP 95.00
Xn Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
320-680-542 20 pcs GBP 70.00
Xn Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
989-391-656 20 pcs GBP 76.00
Xn Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
359-714-094 10 pcs GBP 102.00
Stainless steels are iron based alloys containing at least 10.5% Chromium. They achieve their stainless characteristics
through the formation of an invisible and adherent Chromium rich oxide film. Alloy 316 is a general purpose austenitic
stainless steel with a face centered cubic structure. It is essentially non-magnetic in the annealed condition and can only
be hardened by cold working. Molybdenum has been added to increase corrosion resistance particulary in chloride
containing enviroments, and the lower Carbon content of alloy 316L gives even better corrosion resistance in welded
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 164
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF210230 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
681-322-355 25 x 25 mm GBP 81.00 GBP 87.00 GBP 101.00 GBP 119.00 GBP 148.00
571-458-111 50 x 50 mm GBP 92.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 198.00
293-237-628 100 x 100 mm GBP 115.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 176.00 GBP 225.00 GBP 298.00
090-275-037 150 x 150 mm GBP 137.00 GBP 166.00 GBP 226.00 GBP 296.00
266-865-699 300 x 300 mm GBP 204.00 GBP 262.00 GBP 377.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
369-114-718 0.5 m GBP 267.00
630-602-417 1m GBP 339.00
612-147-342 2m GBP 466.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs 100 discs
219-314-880 4 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 221.00 GBP 302.00
026-237-998 6 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 176.00 GBP 229.00 GBP 313.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 165
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF210275 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
935-935-047 25 x 25 mm GBP 68.50 GBP 73.50 GBP 88.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 138.00
040-526-307 50 x 50 mm GBP 73.00 GBP 80.00 GBP 98.50 GBP 125.00 GBP 158.00
018-497-101 100 x 100 mm GBP 82.00 GBP 93.00 GBP 118.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 198.00
895-391-389 150 x 150 mm GBP 91.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 182.00
798-196-558 300 x 300 mm GBP 118.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 199.00
Coil Width 305mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
811-364-365 0.5 m GBP 149.00
709-474-346 1m GBP 178.00
106-257-120 2m GBP 220.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs 100 discs
083-753-287 4 mm GBP 156.00 GBP 180.00 GBP 254.00 GBP 375.00
607-926-774 6 mm GBP 157.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 257.00 GBP 379.00
438-404-697 8 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 184.00 GBP 259.00 GBP 383.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 166
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF210320 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 806-235-482 25 x 25 mm GBP 69.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 90.50 GBP 114.00 GBP 143.00
779-431-908 50 x 50 mm GBP 75.00 GBP 83.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 168.00
428-995-637 100 x 100 mm GBP 86.00 GBP 99.00 GBP 128.00 GBP 167.00 GBP 218.00
624-459-664 150 x 150 mm GBP 97.50 GBP 115.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 203.00
057-458-650 300 x 300 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 163.00 GBP 236.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
182-329-056 0.5 m GBP 165.00
791-129-651 1m GBP 202.00
891-201-789 2m GBP 290.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs 100 discs
400-218-494 4 mm GBP 156.00 GBP 181.00 GBP 255.00 GBP 377.00
027-304-844 6 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 184.00 GBP 259.00 GBP 382.00
413-110-551 8 mm GBP 159.00 GBP 186.00 GBP 262.00 GBP 387.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 167
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF210350 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 403-168-800 150 x 150 mm GBP 90.50 GBP 107.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 191.00
582-435-969 300 x 300 mm GBP 124.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 218.00
FF215105 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 278-458-717 10 m GBP 74.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 168
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF215310 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straight wire
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
0.5626g #1000 mm#
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 169
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF215317 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straight wire
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
6.3g #1000 mm#
FF217905 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.175mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 730-449-412 100 mm GBP 63.50 GBP 74.00 GBP 102.00 GBP 120.00
177-324-269 200 mm GBP 68.00 GBP 80.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 134.00
620-033-602 500 mm GBP 76.50 GBP 93.00 GBP 131.00
323-536-353 1000 mm GBP 86.50 GBP 107.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 170
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF217930 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.4mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 330-439-682 100 mm GBP 74.00 GBP 89.00 GBP 125.00
251-588-761 200 mm GBP 82.50 GBP 101.00 GBP 155.00
732-505-351 500 mm GBP 99.50 GBP 137.00
520-370-292 1000 mm GBP 130.00
FF217201 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.65mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.225mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs 50pcs
991-239-587 100 mm GBP 118.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 238.00 GBP 357.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 171
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF217650 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 9.5mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 8.5mm
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
483-798-768 100 mm GBP 62.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 109.00 GBP 145.00
026-537-035 200 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 98.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 198.00
773-325-524 500 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 135.00
226-967-131 1000 mm GBP 131.00 GBP 188.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Stainless steels are iron based alloys containing at least 10.5% Chromium. They achieve their stainless characteristics
through the formation of an invisible and adherent Chromium rich oxide film. Alloy 321 is a general purpose austenitic
stainless steel with a face centered cubic structure. It is essentially non-magnetic in the annealed condition and can only
be hardened by cold working. Titanium is added to supress grain boundary Chromium Carbide precipitation and reduce
susceptibilty to intergranular corrosion.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.9 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 18.0 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1400-1425 C Maximum use temperature in air 800 C
Thermal conductivity @23C 16.3 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 70-73 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <60 %
Hardness - Brinell 160-190
Izod impact strength 20-136 J m-1
Modulus of elasticity 190-210 GPa
Tensile strength >560 MPa
FE210210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
916-008-606 25 x 25 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 202.00
188-533-313 50 x 50 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 180.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 297.00
592-983-062 100 x 100 mm GBP 164.00 GBP 201.00 GBP 275.00 GBP 360.00
361-892-988 150 x 150 mm GBP 207.00 GBP 261.00 GBP 369.00
Coil Width 220mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
417-565-862 0.5 m GBP 384.00
501-075-204 1m GBP 500.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
515-740-027 4 mm GBP 168.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 246.00
467-511-824 6 mm GBP 174.00 GBP 200.00 GBP 261.00
438-979-555 8 mm GBP 181.00 GBP 209.00 GBP 275.00
872-446-676 10 mm GBP 187.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 289.00
055-833-930 15 mm GBP 203.00 GBP 241.00 GBP 325.00
979-241-131 25 mm GBP 235.00 GBP 286.00 GBP 397.00
405-141-944 50 mm GBP 316.00 GBP 401.00 GBP 579.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 7 - 10%, C <1500, Ti 4 x C %, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 172
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE210211 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
158-062-461 300 x 300 mm GBP 333.00 GBP 440.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
651-991-121 25 x 25 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 111.00 GBP133.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 202.00
560-353-139 50 x 50 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 141.00 GBP180.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 297.00
217-936-199 100 x 100 mm GBP 164.00 GBP 201.00 GBP275.00 GBP 360.00
938-874-874 150 x 150 mm GBP 207.00 GBP 261.00 GBP369.00
263-716-720 300 x 300 mm GBP 350.00 GBP 462.00
Coil Width 310mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
789-136-829 0.5 m GBP 436.00
372-877-825 1m GBP 575.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
321-349-686 4 mm GBP 168.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 246.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 173
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE210244 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
555-455-767 25 x 25 mm GBP 80.50 GBP 86.50 GBP 99.50 GBP 117.00 GBP 146.00
431-967-225 50 x 50 mm GBP 91.50 GBP 102.00 GBP 124.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 193.00
995-900-808 100 x 100 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 289.00
487-608-709 150 x 150 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 219.00 GBP 286.00 GBP 384.00
Coil Width 220mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
859-588-587 0.5 m GBP 235.00
951-091-500 1m GBP 294.00
886-441-780 2m GBP 378.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
827-218-195 4 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 170.00 GBP 220.00
402-274-434 6 mm GBP 153.00 GBP 175.00 GBP 228.00
284-305-134 8 mm GBP 156.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 235.00
538-147-642 10 mm GBP 160.00 GBP 184.00 GBP 242.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 174
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE210260 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
971-553-556 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.00 GBP 61.00 GBP 68.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 98.00
444-195-963 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.50 GBP 66.00 GBP 76.00 GBP 89.50 GBP 113.00
524-491-618 100 x 100 mm GBP 68.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 91.00 GBP 111.00 GBP 143.00
561-450-676 150 x 150 mm GBP 75.00 GBP 85.00 GBP 106.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 173.00
181-331-635 300 x 300 mm GBP 95.50 GBP 114.00 GBP 151.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
666-451-640 1m GBP 153.00
306-451-655 2m GBP 184.00
306-455-251 5m GBP 291.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
462-509-627 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 175.00
813-712-026 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
714-002-828 8 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 179.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 175
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE210305 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xn 957-275-619 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.50 GBP 61.50 GBP 68.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 98.50
659-454-253 50 x 50 mm GBP 62.00 GBP 66.00 GBP 76.50 GBP 90.50 GBP 114.00
431-783-391 100 x 100 mm GBP 69.00 GBP 76.00 GBP 92.00 GBP 113.00 GBP 146.00
972-923-248 150 x 150 mm GBP 76.00 GBP 86.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 177.00
615-410-294 300 x 300 mm GBP 97.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 155.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
926-281-866 1m GBP 156.00
785-227-341 2m GBP 193.00
153-415-549 5m GBP 366.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
117-850-578 4 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 175.00
731-316-016 6 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 177.00
414-500-372 8 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 179.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 176
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE210341 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Coil Width 20mm Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
645-568-602 1m GBP 96.50
752-234-585 2m GBP 104.00
777-520-750 5m GBP 120.00
100-635-618 10 m GBP 139.00
108-347-361 20 m GBP 167.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 7 - 10%, C <1500, Ti 4 x C %, Fe balance.
FE217920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 662-436-961 100 mm GBP 58.50 GBP 70.00 GBP 85.00 GBP 104.00
768-470-027 200 mm GBP 63.50 GBP 77.50 GBP 96.50 GBP 120.00
334-934-398 500 mm GBP 74.00 GBP 91.50
260-381-111 1000 mm GBP 85.00 GBP 108.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 177
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE217930 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 874-842-924 100 mm GBP 71.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 143.00
328-386-773 200 mm GBP 81.00 GBP 102.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 214.00
574-402-460 500 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 243.00
111-874-792 1000 mm GBP 124.00 GBP 201.00
Stainless steels are iron based alloys containing at least 10.5% Chromium. They achieve their stainless characteristics
through the formation of an invisible and adherent Chromium rich oxide film. Alloy 347 is a general purpose austenitic
stainless steel with a face centered cubic structure. It is essentially non-magnetic in the annealed condition and can only
be hardened by cold working. Niobium has been added to suppress grain boundary Chromium Carbide precipitation.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.93 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 16-18 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1400-1425 C Maximum use temperature in air 800 C
Thermal conductivity @100C 16.3 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 70-73 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <60 %
Hardness - Brinell 160-190
Izod impact strength 20-136 J m-1
Modulus of elasticity 190-210 GPa
Tensile strength 520-1100 MPa
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 178
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE230220 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
216-285-717 25 x 25 mm GBP 61.00 GBP 64.50 GBP 72.50 GBP 84.00 GBP 104.00
035-724-897 50 x 50 mm GBP 65.50 GBP 70.50 GBP 82.00 GBP 97.50 GBP 124.00
465-609-226 100 x 100 mm GBP 74.00 GBP 83.00 GBP 102.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 163.00
201-157-067 150 x 150 mm GBP 83.00 GBP 95.50 GBP 122.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 203.00
144-633-670 300 x 300 mm GBP 109.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 181.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
079-204-135 1m GBP 177.00
900-524-005 2m GBP 217.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
565-504-050 4 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 178.00
688-000-802 6 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 181.00
000-104-498 8 mm GBP 126.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 183.00
013-053-461 10 mm GBP 127.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 186.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 179
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FE236010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 946-777-334 50 g GBP 101.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
FE260450 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
082-361-331 50 x 50 mm GBP 109.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 170.00
149-065-058 100 x 100 mm GBP 153.00 GBP 192.00
716-196-774 200 x 200 mm GBP 241.00
FE265160 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
176-290-384 1m GBP 65.50
FE267920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
600-179-038 100 mm GBP 53.00 GBP 66.00 GBP 84.00 GBP 105.00
701-807-145 200 mm GBP 61.00 GBP 77.50 GBP 102.00 GBP 131.00
464-620-135 500 mm GBP 77.50 GBP 100.00
771-640-729 1000 mm GBP 95.50 GBP 126.00
FE266020 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 641-716-944 100 g GBP 86.50
Typical Analysis : Cr 11.5 - 13.5%, Mn <1%, Si <1%, C <1500, P <400, S <300, Fe balance.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 180
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF157960 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
627-555-229 100 mm GBP 75.00 GBP 98.00 GBP 167.00
207-541-095 200 mm GBP 92.00 GBP 138.00
655-396-370 500 mm GBP 157.00
FK110250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
395-972-052 25 x 25 mm GBP 61.00 GBP 64.50 GBP 74.00 GBP 87.00 GBP 109.00
091-458-858 50 x 50 mm GBP 66.50 GBP 73.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 106.00 GBP 136.00
774-252-740 100 x 100 mm GBP 78.50 GBP 90.00 GBP 114.00 GBP 143.00
Coil Width 110mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
287-170-501 0.2 m GBP 114.00
863-236-868 0.5 m GBP 134.00
400-967-178 1m GBP 158.00
286-074-303 2m GBP 191.00
757-341-073 5m GBP 292.00
FK113100 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 072-052-068 150 x 150 mm GBP 97.50 GBP 132.00 GBP 216.00
576-817-592 300 x 300 mm GBP 142.00 GBP 207.00
FK115160 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 610-200-766 1m GBP 65.50
FK117920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 765-653-572 100 mm GBP 53.00 GBP 66.00 GBP 84.00 GBP 105.00
770-370-829 200 mm GBP 61.00 GBP 77.50 GBP 102.00 GBP 131.00
104-091-053 500 mm GBP 77.50 GBP 100.00
766-964-534 1000 mm GBP 95.50 GBP 126.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 181
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FF230280 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
930-614-925 25 x 25 mm GBP 59.50 GBP 63.00 GBP 71.00 GBP 82.50 GBP 104.00
769-301-621 50 x 50 mm GBP 64.00 GBP 69.50 GBP 81.50 GBP 97.50 GBP 124.00
402-154-405 100 x 100 mm GBP 73.50 GBP 82.50 GBP 102.00 GBP 127.00 GBP 168.00
551-944-644 150 x 150 mm GBP 82.50 GBP 95.50 GBP 123.00 GBP 164.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
226-184-031 0.5 m GBP 129.00
061-368-267 1m GBP 150.00
022-064-821 2m GBP 207.00
FF237920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xn 338-862-995 100 mm GBP 63.50 GBP 77.50 GBP 96.50 GBP 120.00
450-148-136 200 mm GBP 71.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 112.00 GBP 143.00
172-084-916 500 mm GBP 85.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 150.00
413-092-326 1000 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 130.00
FL027910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 471-103-177 100 mm GBP 43.20 GBP 51.00 GBP 67.00
100-422-432 200 mm GBP 48.80 GBP 59.00 GBP 79.50
468-102-909 500 mm GBP 60.00 GBP 74.50
214-418-222 1000 mm GBP 72.50 GBP 92.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 182
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
FA205150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xn 638-442-747 5m GBP 70.50
Physical Properties
Density 6.4 g cm-3
Melting point 11 C
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 6.4 g cm-3 Thermal conductivity @^C 55 W m-1 K-1
Melting point 11 C
GA056100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 100mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liquid at RTP
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
C Xi Xn 254-985-142 100 g GBP 356.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Density 6.35 g cm-3
Melting point 15.7 C
GA046100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 10mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liquid at RTP
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
C Xi Xn 864-214-838 100 g GBP 306.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 183
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.30 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 20 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 125 C Thermal conductivity @23C 34 W m-1 K-1
IN080200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 %
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
359-255-218 25 x 25 mm GBP 114.00 GBP 140.00 GBP 186.00
579-266-385 50 x 50 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 231.00
494-535-663 100 x 100 mm GBP 375.00
Alloy – Indium/Tin
432-442-769 100 x 100 mm GBP 298.00
In75/Ag25 Atomic %
IN177910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
786-359-754 25 mm GBP 253.00 GBP 433.00 POA
890-054-392 50 mm GBP 432.00 POA
708-256-192 100 mm POA
IN023200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
Xn 403-514-413 50 x 50 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 263.00
656-678-420 100 x 100 mm GBP 488.00
Sputtering Target
IN029200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xn 683-224-723 50.8 mm POA
519-719-571 76.2 mm POA
These targets are normally available for immediate shipment from stock. Other sizes are available to special order.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 184
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Sputtering Target
IN029300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xn 265-412-228 50.8 mm POA
612-321-501 76.2 mm POA
These targets are normally available for immediate shipment from stock. Other sizes are available to special order.
IN027920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 719-624-873 50 mm GBP 110.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 270.00
618-732-417 100 mm GBP 138.00 GBP 229.00 GBP 466.00
688-219-374 200 mm GBP 217.00 GBP 385.00
804-378-331 500 mm GBP 452.00
In95/Sn 5
Physical Properties
Alloy – Indium/Tin
Density 7.14 g cm-3
Melting point 238 C
IN103300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
Xn 437-138-952 50 x 50 mm GBP 128.00 GBP 184.00
865-807-155 100 x 100 mm GBP 321.00
Sputtering Target
IN109300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xn 076-589-388 50 mm POA
704-706-825 75 mm POA
In97/Ag 3
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.38 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 22 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 143 C Thermal conductivity @23C 73 W m-1 K-1
IN130300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xn 542-311-393 30 x 30 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 127.00 GBP 196.00
482-541-931 60 x 60 mm GBP 151.00 GBP 252.00
508-246-381 120 x 120 mm GBP 434.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 185
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
MG097935 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
754-117-499 100 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 273.00
190-656-741 200 mm GBP 172.00 GBP 226.00
Mg96/Al 3/Zn 1
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 1.8 g cm-3 Elongation at break 15 %
Melting point 605-630 C Hardness - Brinell 73
Modulus of elasticity 45 GPa
Thermal Properties Tensile strength 290 MPa
Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 26 x10-6 K-1
Specific heat @^C 1001 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @^C 96 W m-1 K-1
MG010250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
566-112-902 100 x 100 mm GBP 83.00 GBP 104.00 GBP 150.00
678-372-819 200 x 200 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 189.00
963-383-571 200 x 500 mm GBP 222.00
MG017910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extruded
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
105-463-986 490 mm GBP 67.50 GBP 79.00 GBP 105.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 173.00
992-465-619 980 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 89.50 GBP 122.00 GBP 155.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 186
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Mg96/Al 3/Zn 1
MG017930 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extruded
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
343-517-032 100 mm GBP 90.00 GBP 104.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 177.00 GBP 255.00
684-823-679 200 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 118.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 239.00
530-215-177 500 mm GBP 120.00 GBP 146.00
628-516-195 1000 mm GBP 142.00 GBP 207.00
Alloy – Magnesium/Aluminium/Zinc
Physical Properties
Melting point 1040 C
MN106010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 462-964-568 50 g GBP 220.00
MN010200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
608-054-479 25 x 25 mm GBP 418.00 GBP 547.00 GBP 808.00
662-492-212 50 x 50 mm GBP 722.00 GBP 977.00
938-629-740 100 x 100 mm GBP 1329.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
747-547-598 25 x 25 mm GBP 836.00 GBP 1095.00 GBP 1616.00
Typical Analysis : Mn 88%, Ni 12%.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 187
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
MN010210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
734-062-806 25 x 25 mm GBP 342.00 GBP 440.00 GBP 638.00 GBP 867.00 GBP 1209.00
985-932-840 50 x 50 mm GBP 570.00 GBP 762.00 GBP 1155.00 GBP 2199.00
643-592-651 100 x 100 mm GBP 1026.00 GBP 1759.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
839-008-207 25 x 25 mm GBP 410.00 GBP 528.00 GBP 766.00 GBP 1041.00 GBP 1450.00
640-006-731 50 x 50 mm GBP 855.00 GBP 1143.00 GBP 1732.00 GBP 3298.00
Typical Analysis : Mn 88%, Ni 12%.
Alloy – Manganese/Nickel
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
715-142-668 4 mm GBP 371.00 GBP 467.00 GBP 638.00
392-830-279 6 mm GBP 435.00 GBP 558.00 GBP 783.00
103-775-700 8 mm GBP 500.00 GBP 650.00 GBP 928.00
971-965-969 10 mm GBP 564.00 GBP 742.00 GBP 1075.00
495-739-077 15 mm GBP 725.00 GBP 969.00 GBP 1436.00
967-380-471 25 mm GBP 1046.00 GBP 1425.00
Typical Analysis : Mn 88%, Ni 12%.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 188
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
MN016010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 218-233-096 50 g GBP 138.00
The addition of Rhenium increases the ductility of the cast metal. Molybdenum/Rhenium alloys have been developed as
weld filler alloys for Molybdenum and Molybdenum alloys.
Alloy – Manganese/Nickel
MO070210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.050mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
425-121-838 25 x 25 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 241.00
140-231-565 50 x 50 mm GBP 300.00
MO075125 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
668-841-256 1m GBP 116.00
MO077200 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 2mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc
859-728-762 50 mm GBP 257.00
289-036-207 169 mm GBP 418.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 189
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
MO077201 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 2mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
470-877-817 50 mm GBP 257.00 GBP 319.00 GBP 583.00 POA
866-360-542 100 mm GBP 313.00 GBP 478.00 POA
295-070-143 200 mm GBP 472.00 POA
883-767-092 500 mm POA
Mo67/W 33
Alloy – Molybdenum/Rhenium
MO157925 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
451-799-616 50 mm GBP 360.00 GBP 661.00 GBP 1501.00
030-347-184 100 mm GBP 600.00 GBP 1141.00
694-558-189 200 mm GBP 1080.00 GBP 2100.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 2520 C
MO046010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 918-633-552 50 g GBP 177.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 2600 C
MO056010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 263-374-271 50 g GBP 213.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 190
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Increased high temperature strength over pure Molybdenum although, like Molybdenum, it oxidises rapidly in oxidising
atmospheres above 500C.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 10.22 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 5.3 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 2500-2600 C Maximum use temperature in air 400 C
Specific heat @23C 305 J K-1 kg-1
Electrical Properties Thermal conductivity @23C 126 W m-1 K-1
Electrical resistivity 5.3-5.5 mOhmcm
Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <20 %
Modulus of elasticity 320 GPa
Tensile strength 560-1150 MPa
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 191
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
MO013200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc
338-106-233 100 x 100 mm GBP 347.00
Typical Analysis : Ag <5, Al 10, As <5, Ba <20, Ca 5, Co 5, Cr <10, Cu 5, Fe 50, K 5, Mg <5, Mn <5, Na 5, Ni 5, P 5, Pb <5, Si 5, Ti 5000, W 200, Zr 700,
C 500, H 5, N 5, O 20, S 5, Mo balance.
MO017910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
882-995-341 50 mm GBP 98.00 GBP 122.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 207.00
905-763-999 100 mm GBP 112.00 GBP 142.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 252.00
706-841-281 200 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 170.00 GBP 236.00 GBP 389.00
079-237-198 500 mm GBP 172.00 GBP 227.00
979-434-391 1000 mm GBP 217.00 GBP 364.00
Typical Analysis : Ag <5, Al 10, As <5, Ba <20, Ca 5, Co 5, Cr <10, Cu 5, Fe 50, K 5, Mg <5, Mn <5, Na 5, Ni 5, P 5, Pb <5, Si 5, Ti 5000, W 200, Zr 700,
C 500, H 5, N 5, O 20, S 5, Mo balance.
NB015100 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
388-901-652 0.5 m GBP 90.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 192
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NB015150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
671-543-179 0.5 m GBP 90.50
NB045130 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
839-915-942 1m GBP 131.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 2200 C
NB026010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 544-279-123 20 g GBP 139.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Nb75/Sn25 (Atomic %)
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 193
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Nb75/Sn25 (Atomic %)
NB076010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 250micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 643-335-048 20 g GBP 177.00
Nb99/Zr 1
High temperature alloy used in Sodium and Magnesium vapour lamp electrodes and for coating the inside of Stainless
Steel 316 tubes to improve corrosion resistance. The alloy combines moderate strength with excellent fabrication
properties and is used extensively in nuclear applications because it has a low thermal neutron absorption cross section,
good corrosion resistance and good resistance to radiation damage.
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 8.59 g cm-3 Elongation at break 5-30 %
Melting point 2399 C Hardness - Vickers 65-140 kgf mm-2
Tensile strength 330-620 MPa
Alloy – Niobium/Tin
NB035160 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
121-097-664 1m GBP 81.00
NB037100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.76mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.26mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
484-650-074 100 mm GBP 260.00 GBP 337.00 GBP 493.00 GBP 793.00
581-259-660 200 mm GBP 336.00 GBP 445.00 GBP 784.00
657-457-265 500 mm GBP 486.00 GBP 779.00
Introduced in 1983, Neodymium-Iron-Boron magnet materials have become the material of choice for a wide range of
permanent magnet devices and applications. The high Iron content makes them susceptible to corrosion, and they may
need to be coated for some applications.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 7.5 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 5.2 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 9 W m-1 K-1
Magnetic Properties
Coercivity (Hc) 875-1990 Am-1 Mechanical Properties
Curie temperature 310 C Hardness - Vickers 580 kgf mm-2
Remanence from saturation (Brem) 1.0-1.3 T Modulus of elasticity 150 GPa
Tensile strength 75 MPa
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 1.1-1.7 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient - K-1
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 194
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
ND013020 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rare earth magnet
Coating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parylene
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
299-258-612 5 x 5 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 120.00 GBP 221.00
Sputtering Target
ND019100 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-magnetised
Coating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uncoated
Size Quantity
Alloy – Neodymium/Iron/Boron
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
948-687-466 25 mm POA
539-347-907 50 mm POA
ND017910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rare earth magnet
Coating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parylene
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
916-769-974 2 mm GBP 74.50 GBP 90.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 233.00 GBP 408.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 195
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI127930 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 020-940-945 100 mm GBP 115.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 329.00
993-252-444 200 mm GBP 160.00 GBP 270.00
066-431-664 500 mm GBP 322.00
Alloy 825
Ni39.5/Fe32/Cr22/Mo 3/Cu 2/Ti
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.14 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-200C 14.1 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 2500 C Specific heat @23C 440 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 11.1 W m-1 K-1
Magnetic Properties
Curie temperature -196 C Mechanical Properties
Initial permeability 1.005 Elongation at break <45 %
Hardness - Brinell 100-200
Electrical Properties Modulus of elasticity 196 GPa
Electrical resistivity 131 mOhmcm Tensile strength 550-585 MPa
Temperature coefficient - K-1
NL067920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xi Xn 970-059-222 100 mm GBP 99.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 202.00
798-430-018 200 mm GBP 114.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 325.00
307-686-666 500 mm GBP 145.00 GBP 186.00
901-180-760 1000 mm GBP 184.00 GBP 309.00
Hastelloy X1
Ni49.5/Cr22/Fe18/Mo 9/Co 1/W
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.22 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @25-100C 13.0 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1260-1355 C Specific heat @23C 486 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 9.1 W m-1 K-1
Magnetic Properties
Initial permeability 1.002 Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <46 %
Electrical Properties Tensile strength 740-760 MPa
Electrical resistivity 118 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient - K-1
NE075110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 581-981-912 10 m GBP 107.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 196
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Hastelloy X1
Ni49.5/Cr22/Fe18/Mo 9/Co 1/W
NE075120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 451-180-430 5m GBP 118.00
Alloy – Hastelloy X1
NE077920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 634-821-938 100 mm GBP 161.00 GBP 233.00 GBP 488.00
928-796-674 200 mm GBP 230.00 GBP 398.00
029-442-565 500 mm GBP 478.00
General Description : This material is a single crystal of Nickel-Manganese-Gallium. When placed in a magnetic field
there is a magnetic-field-induced rearrangement of (ferromagnetic) twinned martensite microstructure accompanied by a
large macroscopic deformation. This effectively gives up to 6% fully reversible growth perpendicular to the magnetic field,
and allows this material to be used as an actuator, with cycle times of up to 1-2kHz. Similar in action to piezo-based or
magnetostrictive materials, this material however produces much higher strain outputs (typically 10 to 100 times more)
and higher energy density (8 to 50 times higher). Typical applications include actuators, energy harvesters, vibration
dampers and sensors.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.0 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 20 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1060-1100 C Crystallisation temperature 1080 C
Maximum use temperature in air 50 C
Magnetic Properties Specific heat @23C 440 J K-1 kg-1
Coercivity (Hc) 4000 Am-1 Temperature - Austenitic 55 C
Curie temperature 97-103 C Temperature - Martensitic 50 C
Initial permeability 2 Thermal conductivity @23C 16 W m-1 K-1
Maximum permeability 90
Remanence from saturation (Brem) 0.02 T Mechanical Properties
Saturation flux density 0.65 T Hardness - Vickers 130 kgf mm-2
Modulus of elasticity 20-200 GPa
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 70 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient 0.003 K-1
MA018010 Side Length . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm Side Length (of longer side)2.5mm
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shape-Memory Alloy
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 3pcs 5pcs 10pcs
803-217-340 20 mm POA POA POA POA POA
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 197
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
MA018020 Side Length . . . . . . . . . . . . 2mm Side Length (of longer side)5mm
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shape-Memory Alloy
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 3pcs 5pcs 10pcs
158-211-423 20 mm POA POA POA POA POA
NI197450 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 4.5mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.07mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 4.36mm
Size Quantity
Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
910-288-751 200 mm GBP 109.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 174.00
786-087-739 500 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 164.00
260-972-172 1000 mm GBP 160.00
Typical Analysis : Please ask.
The tubes are filled with Aluminium. This can be removed if required for an extra charge, please ask for more details.
Nimonic1 alloy 90
Ni53/Cr20/Co18/Ti 2.5/Al 1.5/Fe 1.5
NJ107940 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 665-785-300 100 mm GBP 189.00 GBP 252.00 GBP 534.00
223-169-033 200 mm GBP 245.00 GBP 437.00
896-132-769 500 mm GBP 523.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 198
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Nimonic1 alloy 90
Ni53/Cr20/Co18/Ti 2.5/Al 1.5/Fe 1.5
NJ107950 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 449-216-840 100 mm GBP 223.00 GBP 362.00 GBP 808.00
464-110-179 200 mm GBP 355.00 GBP 657.00
612-560-226 500 mm GBP 797.00
NI130250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
172-553-924 25 x 25 mm GBP 118.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 159.00 GBP 193.00 GBP 245.00
569-249-496 50 x 50 mm GBP 147.00 GBP 172.00 GBP 223.00 GBP 283.00 GBP 372.00
290-848-907 100 x 100 mm GBP 203.00 GBP 252.00 GBP 350.00 GBP 462.00
720-842-365 150 x 150 mm GBP 260.00 GBP 332.00 GBP 499.00
347-527-191 300 x 300 mm GBP 431.00 GBP 737.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
469-160-395 0.2 m GBP 391.00
890-758-188 0.5 m GBP 651.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
768-616-936 4 mm GBP 184.00 GBP 209.00 GBP 268.00
077-117-702 6 mm GBP 193.00 GBP 221.00 GBP 288.00
639-723-991 8 mm GBP 202.00 GBP 234.00 GBP 307.00
965-492-492 10 mm GBP 210.00 GBP 246.00 GBP 326.00
686-561-350 15 mm GBP 232.00 GBP 277.00 GBP 375.00
820-172-998 25 mm GBP 275.00 GBP 338.00 GBP 471.00
521-615-990 50 mm GBP 383.00 GBP 491.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5000, Cr 19%, Cu 1500, Fe 18.5%, Mn 1800, Mo 3.05%, Nb + Ta 5.13%, Ni 52.5%, Si 1800, Ti 9000, C 400, S 80.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 199
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI130350 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 770-482-647 100 x 100 mm GBP 108.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 207.00
612-814-021 200 x 200 mm GBP 143.00 GBP 186.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
666-283-675 4 mm GBP 289.00 GBP 460.00 GBP 717.00
310-016-677 6 mm GBP 292.00 GBP 463.00 GBP 723.00
NI135140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 443-099-099 5m GBP 85.00
NI137910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xi Xn 128-795-024 100 mm GBP 73.50 GBP 96.50 GBP 144.00 GBP 249.00
431-099-172 200 mm GBP 90.00 GBP 120.00 GBP 236.00
510-628-792 500 mm GBP 127.00 GBP 225.00
305-062-407 1000 mm GBP 219.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 200
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI137925 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xi Xn 103-657-791 100 mm GBP 93.00 GBP 124.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 324.00
051-413-267 200 mm GBP 112.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 281.00
782-055-418 500 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 252.00
527-286-335 1000 mm GBP 239.00
Shape memory alloy is a description applied to that group of metallic materials which show the ability to return to the
previously defined shape or size when subjected to the correct thermal procedure. Uses include blood clot filters,
cryogenic coupling rings, proportional control valves and orthodontic correction.
Physical Properties
Density 6.5 g cm-3
Melting point 1310 C
NI205101 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shape-Memory Alloy
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 203-753-007 0.5 m GBP 103.00
NI207925 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superelastic
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
655-207-279 100 mm GBP 77.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 195.00 GBP 368.00
811-779-701 200 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 362.00
722-305-544 500 mm GBP 188.00 GBP 359.00
624-123-193 1000 mm GBP 356.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 201
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI207050 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.33mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.045mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.24mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Superelastic
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
390-536-400 100 mm GBP 97.50 GBP 128.00 GBP 275.00
925-184-095 200 mm GBP 127.00 GBP 222.00 GBP 519.00
203-444-070 500 mm GBP 270.00 GBP 515.00
354-777-704 1000 mm GBP 514.00
Alloy – Nitinol
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
623-711-997 100 mm GBP 86.50 GBP 113.00 GBP 205.00
027-147-673 200 mm GBP 111.00 GBP 166.00 GBP 379.00
428-161-353 500 mm GBP 200.00 GBP 376.00
882-556-599 1000 mm GBP 375.00
Inconel1 617
Ni57/Cr22/Co12/Mo 9
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.36 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-200C 11.6 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1332-1380 C Specific heat @23C 419 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 13.4 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 1.22-1.34 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <62 %
Izod impact strength 232 J m-1
Modulus of elasticity 190-200 GPa
Tensile strength 730-760 MPa
NE067902 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 751-771-533 450 mm GBP 72.00 GBP 83.00 GBP 101.00 GBP 124.00 GBP 159.00
828-102-231 900 mm GBP 79.50 GBP 93.50 GBP 118.00 GBP 147.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 202
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI140225 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
369-238-560 25 x 25 mm GBP 115.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 169.00 GBP 220.00 GBP 304.00
154-821-342 50 x 50 mm GBP 144.00 GBP 172.00 GBP 233.00 GBP 310.00 GBP 432.00
352-672-164 100 x 100 mm GBP 201.00 GBP 253.00 GBP 361.00 GBP 490.00
084-022-174 150 x 150 mm GBP 258.00 GBP 333.00 GBP 488.00
Coil Width 190mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
502-769-212 0.2 m GBP 315.00
846-161-391 0.5 m GBP 444.00
770-172-933 1m GBP 589.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
952-828-155 4 mm GBP 216.00 GBP 280.00 GBP 409.00
103-521-803 6 mm GBP 225.00 GBP 293.00 GBP 428.00
940-226-472 8 mm GBP 234.00 GBP 305.00 GBP 447.00
528-305-366 10 mm GBP 242.00 GBP 317.00 GBP 467.00
038-168-518 15 mm GBP 264.00 GBP 348.00 GBP 516.00
771-068-102 25 mm GBP 307.00 GBP 409.00 GBP 613.00
383-515-493 50 mm GBP 416.00 GBP 564.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 13 - 17.5%, Fe 4.5 - 7%, Mo 16 - 18%, W 3.7 - 5.3%, C <1500, Ni balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 203
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI140270 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
208-969-042 25 x 25 mm GBP 101.00 GBP 112.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 230.00
121-136-489 50 x 50 mm GBP 119.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 177.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 309.00
142-051-588 100 x 100 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 255.00 GBP 339.00
756-445-019 150 x 150 mm GBP 189.00 GBP 237.00 GBP 334.00
526-802-922 300 x 300 mm GBP 295.00 GBP 386.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
555-634-974 0.5 m GBP 313.00
NI145120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 244-513-093 10 m GBP 80.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 204
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI145150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 736-691-133 1m GBP 82.50
NI147930 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xi Xn 662-977-528 50 mm GBP 83.50 GBP 100.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 212.00
155-377-199 100 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 116.00 GBP 194.00
422-141-372 200 mm GBP 110.00 GBP 159.00
767-672-833 500 mm GBP 177.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 13 - 17.5%, Fe 4.5 - 7%, Mo 16 - 18%, W 3.7 - 5.3%, C <1500, Ni balance.
NI147100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 3.2mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.9mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1.4mm
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
056-477-985 100 mm GBP 95.50 GBP 113.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 208.00
142-879-674 200 mm GBP 107.00 GBP 128.00 GBP 196.00 GBP 311.00
505-421-521 500 mm GBP 128.00 GBP 178.00
637-946-610 1000 mm GBP 172.00 GBP 280.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 13 - 17.5%, Fe 4.5 - 7%, Mo 16 - 18%, W 3.7 - 5.3%, C <1500, Ni balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 205
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI147300 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 9.5mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.9mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 7.7mm
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
595-950-473 100 mm GBP 108.00 GBP 130.00 GBP 201.00
672-218-393 200 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 161.00 GBP 309.00
583-895-424 500 mm GBP 177.00 GBP 290.00
989-617-227 1000 mm GBP 284.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 13 - 17.5%, Fe 4.5 - 7%, Mo 16 - 18%, W 3.7 - 5.3%, C <1500, Ni balance.
NI150250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
887-576-129 25 x 25 mm GBP 146.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 221.00 GBP 281.00
947-014-508 50 x 50 mm GBP 202.00 GBP 250.00 GBP 347.00 GBP 458.00
376-822-080 100 x 100 mm GBP 314.00 GBP 409.00 GBP 598.00
102-758-696 150 x 150 mm GBP 427.00 GBP 568.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
844-829-270 4 mm GBP 201.00 GBP 233.00 GBP 306.00
603-652-570 6 mm GBP 218.00 GBP 257.00 GBP 344.00
456-565-567 8 mm GBP 235.00 GBP 282.00 GBP 383.00
070-695-521 10 mm GBP 253.00 GBP 306.00 GBP 421.00
836-938-853 15 mm GBP 295.00 GBP 366.00 GBP 517.00
617-359-674 25 mm GBP 381.00 GBP 487.00
169-960-459 50 mm GBP 595.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1.2%, Co 13.5%, Cr 19.5%, Fe <2%, Mn 7000, Mo 4.2%, Ni 59%, Ti 3%, C 700.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 206
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Physical Properties
Melting point 1550 C
NI216010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 217-461-676 50 g GBP 166.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
Xn or contact us for further details.
Hastelloy C-221
Ni59/Cr22/Mo13/Fe 3/W 3
Physical Properties
Density 8.69 g cm-3
Alloy – Nickel/Aluminium
NE097951 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.8mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 644-800-464 100 mm POA POA POA
773-772-815 200 mm POA POA
253-663-386 500 mm POA
Physical Properties
Melting point 1280 C
NJ076010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 759-605-029 20 g GBP 160.00
Xn We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 207
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI040210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
275-993-058 70 x 70 mm GBP 124.00 GBP 140.00 GBP 175.00 GBP 220.00
031-462-849 140 x 140 mm GBP 156.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 249.00 GBP 363.00
014-377-134 280 x 280 mm GBP 222.00 GBP 291.00 GBP 597.00
Coil Width 292mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
705-925-209 0.5 m GBP 294.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 208
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI043025 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 626-134-137 100 x 100 mm GBP 106.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 184.00
349-868-648 200 x 200 mm GBP 157.00 GBP 203.00
Typical Analysis : Al 2500, Cr 21.5%, Fe <5%, Mn 2500, Mo 9%, Si <5000, Ti 2500, C <1000, S <150, Nb + Ta 3.65%, Ni + Co bal.
NI045150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 533-531-004 5m GBP 90.00
Typical Analysis : Al 2500, Cr 21.5%, Fe <5%, Mn 2500, Mo 9%, Si <5000, Ti 2500, C <1000, S <150, Nb + Ta 3.65%, Ni + Co bal.
NI047902 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 304-195-805 100 mm GBP 71.50 GBP 81.00 GBP 98.00 GBP 119.00 GBP 149.00
299-702-655 200 mm GBP 79.00 GBP 92.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 206.00
268-914-112 500 mm GBP 94.50 GBP 114.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 235.00
866-280-440 1000 mm GBP 112.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 232.00
Typical Analysis : Al 2500, Cr 21.5%, Fe <5%, Mn 2500, Mo 9%, Si <5000, Ti 2500, C <1000, S <150, Nb + Ta 3.65%, Ni + Co bal.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 209
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NE057920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.7mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
Xi Xn 586-350-961 50 mm GBP 83.00 GBP 115.00
330-320-784 100 mm GBP 109.00 GBP 159.00
466-048-867 200 mm GBP 153.00
NI010250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.010mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
791-686-741 25 x 25 mm GBP 272.00 GBP 350.00 GBP 504.00
960-849-739 50 x 50 mm GBP 455.00 GBP 608.00
106-220-896 100 x 100 mm GBP 915.00
Typical Analysis : C 0.006%, Co 0.12%, Cr 0.76%, Fe 5.3%, Mn 0.63%, Mo 26.9%, P 0.006%, S 0.002%, Si 0.52%, Ni bal.
Physical Properties
Melting point 966 C
NJ056011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 533-586-220 50 g GBP 188.00
Xn We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 210
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NE043050 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
Xi Xn 208-361-331 100 x 100 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 264.00
230-004-986 200 x 200 mm GBP 434.00
NI110250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
430-916-695 25 x 25 mm GBP 77.00 GBP 84.00 GBP 99.50 GBP 120.00 GBP 154.00
036-562-356 50 x 50 mm GBP 89.00 GBP 101.00 GBP 127.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 209.00
663-309-412 100 x 100 mm GBP 114.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 181.00 GBP 235.00
008-921-446 150 x 150 mm GBP 138.00 GBP 170.00 GBP 236.00
183-163-795 300 x 300 mm GBP 211.00 GBP 273.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
987-206-133 0.5 m GBP 277.00
915-729-366 1m GBP 355.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
671-041-653 4 mm GBP 148.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 224.00
478-067-139 6 mm GBP 152.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 232.00
193-356-302 8 mm GBP 156.00 GBP 184.00 GBP 240.00
205-477-618 10 mm GBP 160.00 GBP 189.00 GBP 248.00
883-975-113 15 mm GBP 169.00 GBP 202.00 GBP 269.00
201-730-818 25 mm GBP 187.00 GBP 229.00 GBP 311.00
104-118-059 50 mm GBP 234.00 GBP 294.00 GBP 415.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 31%, Fe <2.5%, Mn 1%, Si <5000, C 1500, S <240, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 211
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI110251 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.030mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
970-541-952 25 x 25 mm GBP 106.00 GBP 114.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 191.00
722-607-040 50 x 50 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 169.00 GBP 207.00 GBP 265.00
152-251-624 100 x 100 mm GBP 156.00 GBP 184.00 GBP 243.00 GBP 311.00 GBP 412.00
828-117-308 150 x 150 mm GBP 188.00 GBP 231.00 GBP 316.00 GBP 415.00
986-886-949 150 x 300 mm GBP 229.00 GBP 289.00 GBP 408.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
657-150-370 0.5 m GBP 294.00
531-391-805 1m GBP 368.00
705-072-674 2m GBP 475.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
253-389-008 4 mm GBP 177.00 GBP 199.00 GBP 252.00
067-811-369 6 mm GBP 182.00 GBP 206.00 GBP 263.00
070-292-663 8 mm GBP 187.00 GBP 213.00 GBP 274.00
503-634-788 10 mm GBP 192.00 GBP 220.00 GBP 285.00
371-773-644 15 mm GBP 205.00 GBP 238.00 GBP 313.00
776-995-929 25 mm GBP 230.00 GBP 273.00 GBP 369.00
011-845-433 50 mm GBP 292.00 GBP 362.00 GBP 510.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 212
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI110350 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.12mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 661-020-610 25 x 25 mm GBP 89.50 GBP 96.50 GBP 113.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 167.00
627-584-681 50 x 50 mm GBP 104.00 GBP 117.00 GBP 145.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 231.00
448-077-660 100 x 100 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 209.00 GBP 270.00
009-703-108 150 x 150 mm GBP 161.00 GBP 198.00 GBP 273.00
212-894-732 150 x 300 mm GBP 197.00 GBP 248.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
101-457-202 4 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 231.00
682-153-276 6 mm GBP 163.00 GBP 186.00 GBP 241.00
269-157-884 8 mm GBP 167.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 251.00
644-731-838 10 mm GBP 171.00 GBP 198.00 GBP 261.00
591-475-238 15 mm GBP 182.00 GBP 213.00 GBP 285.00
934-412-147 25 mm GBP 204.00 GBP 244.00 GBP 334.00
801-516-123 50 mm GBP 258.00 GBP 321.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 31%, Fe <2.5%, Mn 1%, Si <5000, C 1500, S <240, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 213
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI110380 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.3mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 329-593-346 25 x 25 mm GBP 90.50 GBP 98.50 GBP 116.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 173.00
941-719-781 50 x 50 mm GBP 106.00 GBP 120.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 242.00
459-951-587 100 x 100 mm GBP 137.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 220.00 GBP 285.00 GBP 381.00
622-038-905 200 x 200 mm GBP 199.00 GBP 252.00 GBP 359.00 GBP 566.00
Coil Width 200mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
283-196-545 0.5 m GBP 295.00
917-374-564 1m GBP 377.00
966-616-370 2m GBP 577.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
970-507-200 4 mm GBP 153.00 GBP 173.00 GBP 221.00
263-556-183 6 mm GBP 157.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 231.00
354-407-478 8 mm GBP 162.00 GBP 185.00 GBP 240.00
323-527-356 10 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 250.00
341-738-843 15 mm GBP 177.00 GBP 207.00 GBP 274.00
309-543-379 25 mm GBP 199.00 GBP 237.00 GBP 323.00
260-246-228 50 mm GBP 253.00 GBP 314.00 GBP 446.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 31%, Fe <2.5%, Mn 1%, Si <5000, C 1500, S <240, Ni + Co balance.
NI118710 Nominal Aperture . . . . . . . . 0.38mm Wire diameter . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Wires/inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40x40 Open area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37%
Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plain weave mesh
Xi Xn Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
839-153-657 100 x 100 mm GBP 88.00 GBP 105.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 187.00
894-208-349 150 x 150 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 226.00
776-040-596 300 x 300 mm GBP 137.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 256.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 214
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI115110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 858-474-519 10 m GBP 61.00
NI117905 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xi Xn 277-211-885 100 mm GBP 74.50 GBP 83.50 GBP 99.50 GBP 120.00
972-363-778 200 mm GBP 82.00 GBP 94.50 GBP 118.00 GBP 179.00
121-233-576 500 mm GBP 97.00 GBP 117.00 GBP 207.00
292-329-638 1000 mm GBP 116.00 GBP 177.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 31%, Fe <2.5%, Mn 1%, Si <5000, C 1500, S <240, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 215
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI117910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 493-105-132 100 mm GBP 89.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 172.00 GBP 251.00
638-139-221 200 mm GBP 99.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 239.00
767-411-392 500 mm GBP 118.00 GBP 142.00
926-422-383 1000 mm GBP 138.00 GBP 209.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 31%, Fe <2.5%, Mn 1%, Si <5000, C 1500, S <240, Ni + Co balance.
NI117105 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.146mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.208mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
500-705-741 100 mm GBP 91.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 170.00 GBP 207.00
588-222-309 200 mm GBP 98.50 GBP 113.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 237.00
527-789-200 500 mm GBP 112.00 GBP 131.00 GBP 175.00 GBP 233.00
973-661-464 1000 mm GBP 126.00 GBP 152.00 GBP 208.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 31%, Fe <2.5%, Mn 1%, Si <5000, C 1500, S <240, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 216
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI117250 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.5mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
230-370-613 100 mm GBP 90.50 GBP 104.00 GBP 134.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 217.00
796-326-690 200 mm GBP 100.00 GBP 117.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 205.00 GBP 260.00
540-832-688 500 mm GBP 119.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 198.00 GBP 265.00
604-086-601 1000 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 175.00 GBP 247.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 31%, Fe <2.5%, Mn 1%, Si <5000, C 1500, S <240, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 217
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI117600 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 6.35mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 1.5mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 3.35mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
832-031-853 100 mm GBP 121.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 208.00 GBP 284.00 GBP 480.00
003-983-253 200 mm GBP 144.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 263.00 GBP 468.00
497-907-399 500 mm GBP 192.00 GBP 251.00
238-417-503 1000 mm GBP 247.00 GBP 435.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 31%, Fe <2.5%, Mn 1%, Si <5000, C 1500, S <240, Ni + Co balance.
Hastelloy B-31
Ni65/Mo28.5/Cr 1.5/Fe 1.5/(Co + Mn + W ) 3.5max
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 9.22 g cm-3 Elongation at break <53 %
Melting point 1418 C Modulus of elasticity 216 GPa
Tensile strength 1000-1200 MPa
Thermal Properties
Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 10.6 x10-6 K-1
Maximum use temperature in air 400 C
Thermal conductivity @23C 11.2 W m-1 K-1
NK255150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 297-206-284 1m GBP 87.50
NK257910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 373-133-225 100 mm GBP 110.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 199.00
567-442-318 200 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 342.00
750-731-037 500 mm GBP 194.00 GBP 339.00
370-277-172 1000 mm GBP 337.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 218
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Hastelloy B-21
Ni68/Mo28/Fe 2/Cr 1/Co 1
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 9.22 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 10.3 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1370 C
NK247920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
Xi Xn 578-810-434 50 mm GBP 126.00 GBP 145.00
678-086-837 100 mm GBP 156.00 GBP 209.00
805-348-319 200 mm GBP 219.00
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.9 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 13.6-14.0 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1300-1350 C Specific heat @23C 420 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 26 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 48 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <50 %
Hardness - Brinell 100-260
NI076011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Purity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98%
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
F Xn Xi Web Code Weight 1 Pot
121-254-504 100 g GBP 163.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 27-32%, Fe 1%, Ni 66 - 71%, Si 1%.
NJ125130 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
554-647-120 5m GBP 37.60
Insulated Wire
NJ125825 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.025mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.0035mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
591-681-662 5m GBP 70.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 1200 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 219
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NJ066011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 733-380-930 50 g GBP 215.00
Xn We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1450 C
NJ096010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Alloy – Nickel/Titanium
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 719-177-022 50 g GBP 165.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
NI020203 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
939-275-165 150 x 150 mm GBP 128.00 GBP 154.00 GBP 206.00 GBP 267.00
077-773-233 300 x 300 mm GBP 186.00 GBP 236.00 GBP 336.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
989-906-342 150 x 150 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 169.00 GBP 226.00 GBP 294.00
098-163-850 300 x 300 mm GBP 233.00 GBP 295.00 GBP 420.00
Coil Width 306mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
218-535-828 0.5 m GBP 245.00
699-460-710 1m GBP 308.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
246-451-464 4 mm GBP 149.00 GBP 169.00 GBP 219.00
230-636-116 6 mm GBP 152.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 226.00
155-834-629 8 mm GBP 155.00 GBP 178.00 GBP 232.00
193-406-588 10 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 239.00
115-892-408 15 mm GBP 165.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 255.00
606-011-262 25 mm GBP 180.00 GBP 213.00 GBP 288.00
375-815-546 50 mm GBP 217.00 GBP 265.00 GBP 371.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 220
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI020201 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
642-603-455 25 x 25 mm GBP 79.50 GBP 85.00 GBP 97.00
339-548-359 50 x 50 mm GBP 89.00 GBP 98.00 GBP 118.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
572-647-011 4 mm GBP 149.00 GBP 169.00 GBP 219.00
023-574-891 6 mm GBP 152.00 GBP 173.00 GBP 225.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 221
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI020206 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Coil Width 76mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
230-814-200 0.5 m GBP 161.00
723-594-118 1m GBP 190.00
390-057-603 2m GBP 230.00
204-412-140 5m GBP 311.00
067-155-939 10 m GBP 440.00
NI020401 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Surface treatment . . . . . . . Titanium Nitride coating 2-3 mi-
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
294-966-066 25 x 25 mm GBP 114.00 GBP 136.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 240.00
870-758-381 50 x 50 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 197.00 GBP 279.00
844-788-879 100 x 100 mm GBP 244.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
This item is shown as an example of Titanium Nitride (TiN) coated material. Other items or your own material may also have a coating
applied, please ask for more details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 222
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI020400 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 758-666-648 50 x 50 mm GBP 105.00 GBP 121.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 195.00 GBP 255.00
245-910-907 100 x 100 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 233.00 GBP 306.00
470-804-926 150 x 150 mm GBP 176.00 GBP 221.00 GBP 312.00
Coil Width 305mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
599-615-725 0.2 m GBP 267.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 223
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI025100 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 027-137-118 50 m GBP 80.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 224
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI027902 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 856-741-897 100 mm GBP 71.50 GBP 87.50 GBP 100.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 144.00
464-859-950 200 mm GBP 75.50 GBP 93.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 129.00 GBP 162.00
454-619-431 500 mm GBP 83.00 GBP 104.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 153.00
922-109-142 1000 mm GBP 92.00 GBP 116.00 GBP 145.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
NI027100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.3mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
189-041-700 100 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 119.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 201.00
710-123-370 200 mm GBP 116.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 195.00 GBP 308.00
407-750-927 500 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 184.00
864-369-402 1000 mm GBP 180.00 GBP 291.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 225
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI027130 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.33mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.83mm
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
361-762-380 100 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 118.00
204-182-630 196 mm GBP 113.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 226
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI027660 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 25.4mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 3.25mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 18.9mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
212-365-435 100 mm GBP 126.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 236.00 POA
545-685-360 200 mm GBP 148.00 GBP 198.00 POA
210-668-142 500 mm GBP 226.00 POA
333-522-648 1000 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Cr 15.5%, Cu <5000, Fe 8%, Mn <1%, Si 5000, C <1500, S <150, Ni + Co balance.
NI160220 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.028mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
245-059-836 25 x 25 mm GBP 117.00 GBP 127.00 GBP 155.00 GBP 183.00 GBP 234.00
632-477-326 50 x 50 mm GBP 128.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 284.00
812-948-800 100 x 100 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 229.00 GBP 290.00
596-749-779 200 x 200 mm GBP 194.00 GBP 237.00 GBP 414.00
Coil Width 229mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
918-743-910 0.5 m GBP 262.00
885-333-770 1m GBP 425.00
Typical Analysis : Al 7000, Cr 15.5%, Cu 2500, Fe 7%, Mn 5000, Nb + Ta 9500, Ni 73%, Si 2500, Ti 2.5%, C 400, S 50.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 227
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI160251 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
389-688-797 25 x 25 mm GBP 129.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 183.00 GBP 226.00
561-348-631 50 x 50 mm GBP 167.00 GBP 201.00 GBP 270.00 GBP 349.00
566-013-902 100 x 100 mm GBP 245.00 GBP 311.00 GBP 443.00
777-696-570 150 x 150 mm GBP 323.00 GBP 421.00
523-945-538 300 x 300 mm GBP 556.00
Coil Width 300mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
349-328-658 0.5 m GBP 751.00
NI165120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 102-871-326 20 m GBP 81.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 228
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI165140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 463-816-192 5m GBP 87.50
NI170250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.02mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
044-880-826 25 x 25 mm GBP 149.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 290.00 GBP 385.00
610-107-724 50 x 50 mm GBP 205.00 GBP 254.00 GBP 354.00 GBP 469.00 GBP 639.00
263-463-376 100 x 100 mm GBP 319.00 GBP 415.00 GBP 608.00 GBP 914.00
Coil Width 100mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
294-266-546 0.2 m GBP 436.00
422-425-652 0.5 m GBP 623.00
665-501-810 1m GBP 919.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
932-918-356 4 mm GBP 210.00 GBP 249.00 GBP 315.00
614-789-725 6 mm GBP 228.00 GBP 274.00 GBP 353.00
848-721-226 8 mm GBP 245.00 GBP 298.00 GBP 392.00
090-160-404 10 mm GBP 262.00 GBP 323.00 GBP 431.00
270-059-705 15 mm GBP 305.00 GBP 384.00 GBP 528.00
757-473-928 25 mm GBP 392.00 GBP 506.00 GBP 721.00
684-246-884 50 mm GBP 608.00 GBP 813.00
Typical Analysis : Al 2.75%, Cr 20%, Cu 2.75%, Ni balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 229
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Physical Properties
Melting point 1240 C
NI256045 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 766-069-605 50 g GBP 234.00
Xn Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Alloy – Nickel/Manganese
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 8.8 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 55-62 mOhmcm
NI030200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0027mm
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
306-616-576 25 x 25 mm GBP 197.00 GBP 233.00 GBP 305.00 GBP 389.00 GBP 512.00
992-291-792 50 x 50 mm GBP 280.00 GBP 349.00 GBP 490.00 GBP 650.00 GBP 881.00
879-921-284 50 x 100 mm GBP 348.00 GBP 446.00 GBP 642.00 GBP 866.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
184-208-364 4 mm GBP 270.00 GBP 309.00 GBP 395.00
026-046-313 6 mm GBP 295.00 GBP 344.00 GBP 451.00
255-799-071 8 mm GBP 320.00 GBP 380.00 GBP 507.00
974-878-036 10 mm GBP 346.00 GBP 415.00 GBP 563.00
859-759-473 15 mm GBP 408.00 GBP 504.00 GBP 704.00
469-933-372 25 mm GBP 534.00 GBP 682.00
741-666-880 50 mm GBP 848.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 5%, Fe 14%, Mo 4%, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 230
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI030240 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
368-655-693 25 x 25 mm GBP 81.00 GBP 87.50 GBP 101.00 GBP 119.00 GBP 149.00
081-954-740 50 x 50 mm GBP 92.50 GBP 103.00 GBP 126.00 GBP 155.00
244-338-487 100 x 100 mm GBP 115.00 GBP 135.00 GBP 177.00
Coil Width 100mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
542-310-495 1m GBP 237.00
788-801-461 2m GBP 297.00
600-182-187 5m GBP 416.00
022-763-004 10 m GBP 551.00
845-376-361 20 m GBP 833.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
672-048-855 4 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 171.00 GBP 221.00
006-105-792 6 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 176.00 GBP 229.00
763-222-465 8 mm GBP 157.00 GBP 181.00 GBP 237.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 231
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI030271 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
157-999-223 50 x 50 mm GBP 79.50 GBP 89.00 GBP 110.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 166.00
749-907-286 100 x 100 mm GBP 97.50 GBP 115.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 189.00 GBP 247.00
738-410-690 150 x 150 mm GBP 116.00 GBP 140.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 247.00 GBP 329.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
301-327-956 0.5 m GBP 195.00
665-988-468 1m GBP 241.00
248-560-617 2m GBP 309.00
016-957-536 5m GBP 503.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
070-079-698 4 mm GBP 138.00 GBP 153.00 GBP 195.00
759-959-489 6 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 201.00
994-935-984 8 mm GBP 144.00 GBP 161.00 GBP 207.00
366-998-787 10 mm GBP 147.00 GBP 165.00 GBP 213.00
NI037910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 415-196-286 100 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 164.00 GBP 236.00
572-291-281 200 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 202.00 GBP 315.00
632-978-942 500 mm GBP 210.00 GBP 296.00
401-482-651 1000 mm GBP 290.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 5%, Fe 14%, Mo 4%, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 232
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI037920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 399-028-670 100 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 278.00
878-576-456 200 mm GBP 170.00 GBP 224.00 GBP 400.00
822-051-539 500 mm GBP 229.00 GBP 363.00
756-443-217 1000 mm GBP 351.00
Typical Analysis : Cu 5%, Fe 14%, Mo 4%, Ni + Co balance.
NI036010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 496-161-520 50 g GBP 110.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1530 C
NI226010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 294-036-262 10 g GBP 107.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 233
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI054700 Thinness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Specific density . . . . . . . . .
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Permanent Mylar 3.5mm
Web Code Disc diam. 1 disc 2discs 5discs 10discs
002-166-163 10 mm GBP 243.00 GBP 341.00 GBP 634.00 GBP 1024.00
846-120-906 25 mm GBP 373.00 GBP 536.00 GBP 1024.00 GBP 1675.00
This item is normally made to order for delivery within 4-5 weeks.
NI050200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Alloy – Nickel/Chromium
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 975-267-841 25 x 25 mm GBP 191.00 GBP 224.00 GBP 291.00
172-798-933 50 x 50 mm GBP 267.00 GBP 331.00
655-833-118 100 x 100 mm GBP 419.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
201-061-994 4 mm GBP 266.00 GBP 303.00 GBP 386.00
132-742-548 6 mm GBP 290.00 GBP 336.00 GBP 438.00
592-813-533 8 mm GBP 313.00 GBP 369.00 GBP 490.00
101-692-543 10 mm GBP 336.00 GBP 401.00 GBP 541.00
711-568-192 15 mm GBP 394.00 GBP 483.00
946-018-971 25 mm GBP 509.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 234
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI050231 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.075mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Coil Width 2mm Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
872-223-040 1m GBP 64.00
396-516-887 2m GBP 72.50
064-468-539 5m GBP 92.50
777-014-844 10 m GBP 122.00
106-772-580 20 m GBP 177.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
Alloy – Nickel/Chromium
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Coil Width 25.4mm Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
073-733-708 0.5 m GBP 155.00
483-832-868 1m GBP 181.00
622-638-070 2m GBP 218.00
427-893-703 5m GBP 291.00
159-908-579 10 m GBP 374.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 235
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI050270 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.18mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 158-502-670 25 x 25 mm GBP 88.50 GBP 97.50 GBP 117.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 180.00
589-648-776 50 x 50 mm GBP 107.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 199.00 GBP 262.00
016-511-154 100 x 100 mm GBP 143.00 GBP 175.00 GBP 240.00 GBP 316.00 GBP 427.00
861-478-719 150 x 150 mm GBP 180.00 GBP 227.00 GBP 322.00 GBP 432.00
Coil Width 185mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
567-386-945 0.5 m GBP 317.00
843-003-646 1m GBP 410.00
626-894-831 2m GBP 541.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
135-912-343 4 mm GBP 155.00 GBP 177.00 GBP 231.00
202-113-104 6 mm GBP 160.00 GBP 185.00 GBP 243.00
816-807-774 8 mm GBP 166.00 GBP 193.00 GBP 256.00
264-137-704 10 mm GBP 171.00 GBP 201.00 GBP 268.00
229-281-821 15 mm GBP 185.00 GBP 220.00 GBP 300.00
862-049-108 25 mm GBP 213.00 GBP 260.00 GBP 362.00
072-782-283 50 mm GBP 283.00 GBP 359.00 GBP 519.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
Alloy – Nickel/Chromium
NI050274 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.20mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Coil Width 1mm Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
229-795-263 1m GBP 65.50
117-417-127 2m GBP 74.50
207-003-465 5m GBP 96.00
267-228-853 10 m GBP 127.00
305-174-447 20 m GBP 184.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 236
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI050310 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.50mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Coil Width 2.5mm Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
915-934-786 1m GBP 81.50
568-731-338 2m GBP 96.50
930-100-477 5m GBP 131.00
970-733-543 10 m GBP 177.00
808-100-180 20 m GBP 255.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
Alloy – Nickel/Chromium
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
379-431-744 4 mm GBP 160.00 GBP 184.00 GBP 242.00
282-618-964 6 mm GBP 168.00 GBP 195.00 GBP 260.00
825-196-011 8 mm GBP 176.00 GBP 207.00 GBP 278.00
710-077-138 10 mm GBP 184.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 296.00
972-973-297 15 mm GBP 204.00 GBP 247.00 GBP 341.00
668-271-884 25 mm GBP 244.00 GBP 304.00 GBP 431.00
765-143-847 50 mm GBP 345.00 GBP 447.00 GBP 659.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
NI053150 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc
Xi Xn 676-939-440 100 x 100 mm POA
779-405-359 200 x 200 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Cr 19%, Cu 0.5%, Fe 5%, Si 0.5%, Ti 0.4%.
Sputtering Target
NI059300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xi Xn 157-938-034 50.8 mm POA
920-766-441 75 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
These targets are normally available for immediate shipment from stock. Other sizes are available to special order.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 237
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI055100 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 458-298-954 1m GBP 134.00
Alloy – Nickel/Chromium
Xi Xn 155-508-602 1m GBP 129.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 238
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI055117 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.08mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 659-517-254 5m GBP 94.00
Alloy – Nickel/Chromium
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 239
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI055141 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 756-017-514 2m GBP 62.00
Alloy – Nickel/Chromium
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 948-010-249 0.5 m GBP 63.50
Insulated Wire
NI055820 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.0125mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.003mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide
Length Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
624-306-569 10 m GBP 553.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 17 - 20%, Mn <2%, Ni 7 - 11%, C <1600, Fe balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 240
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Insulated Wire
NI055880 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.125mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.008mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide
Length Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1 Reel
999-166-774 5m GBP 127.00
Alloy – Nickel/Chromium
NI057910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 305-371-212 100 mm GBP 67.50 GBP 77.50 GBP 93.00 GBP 113.00 GBP 146.00
349-414-389 200 mm GBP 73.00 GBP 85.50 GBP 106.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 172.00
930-044-339 500 mm GBP 85.00 GBP 102.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 168.00
740-754-963 1000 mm GBP 98.00 GBP 120.00 GBP 161.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 241
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI057050 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.56mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.51mm
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
063-202-819 100 mm GBP 141.00 GBP 173.00 GBP 229.00 GBP 324.00
900-356-360 200 mm GBP 168.00 GBP 212.00 GBP 322.00
544-538-097 500 mm GBP 222.00 GBP 320.00
402-682-796 1000 mm GBP 316.00
Alloy – Nickel/Chromium
572-792-799 200 mm GBP 116.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 180.00 GBP 258.00
409-918-782 500 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 173.00 GBP 285.00
565-978-223 1000 mm GBP 167.00 GBP 238.00
NI056020 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 75micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 928-036-538 100 g GBP 110.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1000, Cr 18 - 20%, Fe 2000, Mn 2000, Si 1.5%, Ni + Co balance.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
NI056100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 10mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pellets
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xi Xn 785-738-208 20 g GBP 117.00
Nominally 6.35mm diameter x 6.35mm length pellets. Please ask for prices for larger quantities.
A high Nickel, magnetically soft alloy used for magnetic shielding, high quality low noise audio frequency transformers,
ground fault interrupter cores, anti-shoplifting devices, tape recorder head laminations and magnetometer bobbin cores.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.8 g cm-3 Specific heat @23C 455 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 19 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 55 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <50 %
Hardness - Vickers 115-125 kgf mm-2
Modulus of elasticity 225 GPa
Tensile strength 500-700 MPa
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 242
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI180210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0075mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
779-532-144 25 x 25 mm GBP 274.00 GBP 352.00 GBP 508.00
441-512-637 50 x 50 mm GBP 459.00 GBP 613.00 GBP 921.00
189-081-416 100 x 100 mm GBP 828.00 GBP 1227.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
635-175-967 4 mm GBP 279.00 GBP 344.00 GBP 481.00
396-998-374 6 mm GBP 336.00 GBP 423.00 GBP 607.00
624-794-792 8 mm GBP 392.00 GBP 503.00 GBP 733.00
099-345-777 10 mm GBP 448.00 GBP 583.00 GBP 860.00
418-223-993 15 mm GBP 588.00 GBP 781.00
277-990-934 25 mm GBP 869.00
Ni80/Fe15.5/Mo 4.5
Physical Properties Magnetic Properties
Density 8.75 g cm-3 Coercivity (Hc) 1.2 Am-1
Melting point 1454 C Curie temperature 450 C
Initial permeability 50000
Maximum permeability 250000
Remanence from saturation (Brem) 0.35 T
Saturation Induction 0.8 T
NJ270350 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xi Xn 563-154-599 50 x 50 mm GBP 81.50 GBP 94.00 GBP 112.00 GBP 139.00
929-209-238 100 x 100 mm GBP 92.50 GBP 110.00 GBP 137.00 GBP 190.00
979-252-933 150 x 150 mm GBP 104.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 185.00
504-711-207 300 x 300 mm GBP 148.00 GBP 234.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 243
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ni80/Fe15.5/Mo 4.5
NJ273200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc
Xi Xn 985-616-721 108 x 108 mm POA
Sputtering Target
NJ279300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xi Xn 934-571-324 50.8 mm POA
Alloy – Nickel/Iron/Molybdenum
NJ275140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 323-191-761 5m GBP 70.50
NJ277905 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
Xi Xn 861-153-483 100 mm GBP 63.50 GBP 77.00 GBP 105.00 GBP 160.00
665-902-752 200 mm GBP 76.50 GBP 95.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 281.00
424-482-591 500 mm GBP 102.00 GBP 154.00
668-173-017 1000 mm GBP 153.00 GBP 274.00
NJ277600 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 15mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 14.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Xi Xn Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
169-555-788 100 mm GBP 170.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 346.00
294-813-965 200 mm GBP 202.00 GBP 264.00 GBP 540.00
909-768-098 500 mm GBP 284.00 GBP 493.00
878-401-972 1000 mm GBP 478.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 244
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ni80/Fe15.5/Mo 4.5
NJ276100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 10mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pellets
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xi Xn 866-402-402 50 g GBP 166.00
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Melting point 1445 C Electrical resistivity 62 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient - K-1
Magnetic Properties
Alloy – Nickel/Iron/Molybdenum
Coercivity (Hc) <0.02 Am-1 Thermal Properties
Curie temperature 460 C Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 12.9 x10-6 K-1
Initial permeability 30000 Thermal conductivity @23C 34.6 W m-1 K-1
Maximum permeability 400000
Saturation flux density 0.77 T Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <38 %
Tensile strength 930 MPa
NI290400 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 196-239-558 25 x 25 mm GBP 106.00 GBP 140.00 GBP 209.00
682-521-484 50 x 50 mm GBP 175.00 GBP 298.00
660-762-294 100 x 100 mm GBP 549.00
Sputtering Target
NI299100 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xi Xn 979-504-716 50 mm POA
NI295130 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 347-062-029 1m GBP 78.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 245
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NI295150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
Xi Xn 421-010-973 0.5 m GBP 90.00
NI297910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
Xi Xn 732-313-766 100 mm GBP 98.50 GBP 119.00 GBP 170.00
539-223-049 200 mm GBP 112.00 GBP 150.00 GBP 267.00
521-657-738 500 mm GBP 163.00 GBP 266.00
207-220-255 1000 mm GBP 260.00
NI296100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 5mm
Alloy – Nickel/Iron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xi Xn 419-355-850 20 g GBP 112.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 1430 C
NJ026010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 925-928-837 50 g GBP 140.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 1445 C
NJ016020 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Atomised
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 890-929-416 50 g GBP 184.00
Xn Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 246
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Physical Properties
Melting point 1445 C
NJ046010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 767-646-398 20 g GBP 139.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Ni85/B 15
Physical Properties
Melting point 1065 C
Alloy – Nickel/Molybdenum
NI266011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 294-232-794 20 g GBP 199.00
Xn We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Xn We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
T1 - Thermocouple Alloy
NI094850 Thinness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm Specific density . . . . . . . . .
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Permanent Mylar 3.5mm
Web Code Disc diam. 1 disc 2discs 5discs 10discs
116-039-117 10 mm GBP 260.00 GBP 366.00 GBP 684.00 GBP 1109.00
111-610-660 25 mm GBP 401.00 GBP 578.00 GBP 1109.00 GBP 1817.00
This item is normally made to order for delivery within 4-5 weeks.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 247
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
T1 - Thermocouple Alloy
NI090260 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Coil Width 100mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
999-822-651 0.1 m GBP 127.00
866-228-027 0.2 m GBP 155.00
072-315-427 0.5 m GBP 211.00
523-967-132 1m GBP 275.00
096-805-421 2m GBP 397.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 9.5%, Fe 1500, Si 5000, Ni + Co balance.
Sputtering Target
NI099300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xi Xn 757-843-602 50.8 mm POA
649-616-358 76.2 mm POA
For a thermocouple pair see also T2.
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
800-777-213 10 m GBP 501.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 9.5%, Fe 1500, Si 5000, Ni + Co balance.
Stabilised. Thermocouple wire. 10m reels only.
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
526-779-739 20 m GBP 84.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 248
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
T1 - Thermocouple Alloy
NI095120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
124-207-065 10 m GBP 77.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
506-724-607 5m GBP 80.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
033-289-725 5m GBP 98.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
666-859-663 0.5 m GBP 79.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 249
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
T1 - Thermocouple Alloy
Insulated Wire
Insulating coatings of polyurethane, polyimide and Nylon are also available.
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
212-084-308 5m GBP 94.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
064-339-831 5m GBP 94.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
286-710-590 5m GBP 92.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
264-570-939 5m GBP 92.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
825-665-350 5m GBP 84.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
742-592-875 5m GBP 92.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
199-059-250 5m GBP 91.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 250
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
T1 - Thermocouple Alloy
Insulated Wire
NI095840 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.125mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.015mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyester Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
337-420-438 5m GBP 91.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
272-715-828 10 m GBP 97.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
700-719-829 5m GBP 88.00
NI097905 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
Xi Xn 052-546-353 100 mm GBP 90.50 GBP 104.00 GBP 121.00 GBP 143.00 GBP 181.00
984-697-479 200 mm GBP 96.00 GBP 112.00 GBP 133.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 205.00
920-770-273 500 mm GBP 107.00 GBP 127.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 200.00
188-351-840 1000 mm GBP 119.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 190.00
Typical Analysis : Cr 9.5%, Fe 1500, Si 5000, Ni + Co balance.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1340 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 251
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
NJ086010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 725-429-434 50 g GBP 144.00
Ni92/Mn 8
Physical Properties
Melting point 1420 C
NI246010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Alloy – Nickel/Titanium
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 563-966-948 20 g GBP 122.00
Ni93/V 7
Sputtering Target
NK209300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xi Xn 462-227-812 25.4 mm POA
823-859-721 50.8 mm POA
300-832-516 76.2 mm POA
NK206100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 10mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pellets
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Xi Xn 909-510-040 50 g GBP 120.00
Nominally 6.35mm diameter x 6.35mm length pellets. Please ask for prices for larger quantities.
T2 - Thermocouple Alloy
Ni95/(Al+Mn+Si) 5
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 252
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
T2 - Thermocouple Alloy
Ni95/(Al+Mn+Si) 5
NI100260 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Coil Width 100mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
298-448-723 0.1 m GBP 127.00
895-797-160 0.2 m GBP 156.00
876-412-318 0.5 m GBP 213.00
564-408-411 1m GBP 278.00
050-004-546 2m GBP 405.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1.25%, Mn 1.75%, Si 1.65%, Ni + Co balance.
Sputtering Target
NI109300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Disc diam. 1disc
Xi Xn 903-201-382 50.8 mm POA
For a thermocouple pair see also T1.
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
267-029-515 10 m GBP 501.00
Typical Analysis : Al 1.25%, Mn 1.75%, Si 1.65%, Ni + Co balance.
Stabilised. Thermocouple wire. 10m reels only.
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
647-449-712 20 m GBP 84.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 253
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
T2 - Thermocouple Alloy
Ni95/(Al+Mn+Si) 5
NI105120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
386-263-424 10 m GBP 75.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
964-888-813 5m GBP 78.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
550-918-538 1m GBP 75.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
775-337-133 0.5 m GBP 78.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 254
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
T2 - Thermocouple Alloy
Ni95/(Al+Mn+Si) 5
Insulated Wire
Insulating coatings of polyurethane, polyimide and Nylon are also available.
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
271-065-454 5m GBP 94.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
318-038-582 5m GBP 94.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
120-846-018 5m GBP 92.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
477-827-274 5m GBP 92.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
781-001-292 5m GBP 92.50
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
013-133-560 5m GBP 91.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
355-425-150 5m GBP 91.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 255
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
T2 - Thermocouple Alloy
Ni95/(Al+Mn+Si) 5
Insulated Wire
NI105850 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.25mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.004mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyester Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
827-173-868 5m GBP 89.00
Xi Xn Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
601-712-307 5m GBP 86.50
Ni97.5/Be 1.95/Ti 0.5
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 8.14 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-200C 14 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1195-1325 C Thermal conductivity @23C 48 W m-1 K-1
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 256
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ni97.5/Be 1.95/Ti 0.5
NI080200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
700-598-215 25 x 25 mm GBP 198.00 GBP 235.00 GBP 308.00 GBP 393.00
574-784-491 50 x 50 mm GBP 282.00 GBP 353.00 GBP 496.00 GBP 659.00
Coil Width 75mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
880-628-469 0.1 m GBP 429.00
078-560-170 0.2 m GBP 549.00
820-013-043 0.5 m GBP 791.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
207-219-230 4 mm GBP 271.00 GBP 310.00 GBP 397.00
902-402-290 6 mm GBP 297.00 GBP 346.00 GBP 454.00
800-286-603 8 mm GBP 322.00 GBP 382.00 GBP 511.00
035-834-363 10 mm GBP 348.00 GBP 419.00 GBP 569.00
479-288-531 15 mm GBP 412.00 GBP 509.00 GBP 712.00
911-065-137 25 mm GBP 539.00 GBP 690.00
Alloy – Nickel/Beryllium/Titanium
Typical Analysis : Be 1.95%, Ti 5000, Ni + Co balance.
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 9.96 g cm-3 Elongation at break <53 %
Melting point 270 C Tensile strength 23.6 MPa
PB035138 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.9mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
239-711-251 5m GBP 104.00
Antimonial Lead
Pb95/Sb 5
Physical Properties
Melting point 194 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 257
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Antimonial Lead
Pb95/Sb 5
PB126010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 250micron Min. Particle size . . . . . . . . 150micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 820-233-191 100 g GBP 94.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Antimonial Lead
Pb96/Sb 4
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 11.04 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 27.8 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 250-300 C Thermal conductivity @23C 30.5 W m-1 K-1
PB020300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
412-747-270 25 x 25 mm GBP 58.00 GBP 60.50 GBP 67.50 GBP 77.50
593-401-802 50 x 50 mm GBP 61.00 GBP 65.00 GBP 74.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
638-549-836 4 mm GBP 127.00 GBP 146.00 GBP 192.00
818-730-966 6 mm GBP 128.00 GBP 147.00 GBP 194.00
341-371-438 8 mm GBP 129.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 196.00
671-436-966 10 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 149.00 GBP 198.00
929-618-160 15 mm GBP 132.00 GBP 153.00
202-266-082 25 mm GBP 137.00
Typical Analysis : Al <10, As <10, Bi 200, Cu <50, Fe <10, Sb 4%, Sn <10, Zn <10, Pb balance.
Pb99/Se 1
PB106300 Nominal Granule Size . . . . 5mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
846-599-124 20 g GBP 169.00
Mechanical Properties
Tensile strength 1100-1150 MPa
PD120220 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
014-826-906 25 x 25 mm GBP 153.00 GBP 195.00
081-440-298 50 x 50 mm GBP 243.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 258
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PD120300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
858-391-931 25 x 25 mm GBP 271.00 GBP 356.00
240-428-779 50 x 50 mm GBP 597.00
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 11.6 g cm-3 Thermal conductivity @23C 60 W m-1 K-1
Melting point 1280 C
Mechanical Properties
Electrical Properties Elongation at break <45 %
Electrical resistivity 40 mOhmcm Tensile strength >330 MPa
Temperature coefficient 0.0003 K-1
Alloy – Palladium/Copper
PD070240 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
420-919-054 25 x 25 mm GBP 210.00 GBP 283.00 POA
614-876-358 50 x 50 mm GBP 501.00 POA
859-539-544 100 x 100 mm POA
PD075160 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
462-720-349 0.05 m GBP 134.00
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 11.7 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 35 mOhmcm
Melting point 1250 C Temperature coefficient 0.001 K-1
Mechanical Properties
Tensile strength >350 MPa
PD030210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
320-695-613 25 x 25 mm GBP 231.00 GBP 300.00
028-398-225 50 x 50 mm GBP 381.00
PD037200 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.8mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
730-392-821 100 mm GBP 190.00 GBP 315.00 GBP 695.00
474-937-604 200 mm GBP 307.00 GBP 561.00
603-115-407 500 mm GBP 676.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 259
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PD037400 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 4.7mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 4.2mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
603-466-723 50 mm GBP 172.00 GBP 249.00
545-589-623 100 mm GBP 242.00 GBP 430.00
109-054-545 200 mm GBP 422.00
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Alloy – Palladium/Silver
Density 11.16 g cm-3 Tensile strength 350-700 MPa
PD270250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
428-083-499 25 x 25 mm GBP 120.00 GBP 177.00 GBP 367.00
582-758-831 50 x 50 mm GBP 294.00 GBP 548.00
297-397-304 100 x 100 mm GBP 1036.00
Tolerance on thickness : +/-20%.
Pd94/Cr 6
PJ010240 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.08mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
351-804-455 25 x 25 mm GBP 162.00 GBP 311.00
623-946-330 50 x 50 mm GBP 608.00
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 17.0 g cm-3 Maximum use temperature in air 1700 C
Melting point 2226 C
Mechanical Properties
Electrical Properties Elongation at break <30 %
Electrical resistivity 17.5 mOhmcm Hardness - Vickers 115-150 kgf mm-2
Temperature coefficient 0.0014 K-1 Tensile strength 569-588 MPa
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 260
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT285130 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
005-278-808 0.2 m GBP 95.50
Alloy – Platinum/Rhodium
PT285155 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
195-997-447 0.05 m GBP 139.00
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 21.7 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 8.6 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 2153 C
Mechanical Properties
Electrical Properties Elongation at break <18 %
Electrical resistivity 35 mOhmcm Hardness - Vickers 280-285 kgf mm-2
Temperature coefficient 0.001 K-1 Modulus of elasticity 236 GPa
Tensile strength 980-1100 MPa
PT050210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Coil Width 0.09mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
987-566-014 0.1 m GBP 71.00
551-844-962 0.2 m GBP 79.50
216-580-794 0.5 m GBP 97.00
003-741-275 1m GBP 131.00
721-453-685 2m GBP 210.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 261
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT055120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
574-970-465 0.5 m GBP 113.00
Alloy – Platinum/Iridium
PT055160 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
172-619-394 0.05 m GBP 148.00
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 17.6 g cm-3 Elongation at break <30 %
Melting point 1920-1930 C Hardness - Brinell 130-238
Tensile strength 460-930 MPa
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 18.8 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient 0.0014 K-1
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple.
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 262
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 21.7 g cm-3 Elongation at break <20 %
Melting point 1820-2133 C Hardness - Vickers 230-240 kgf mm-2
Modulus of elasticity 218-220 GPa
Electrical Properties Tensile strength 860-1500 MPa
Electrical resistivity 31-32 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient 0.001 K-1
PT235120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
485-919-735 0.5 m GBP 113.00
Alloy – Platinum/Iridium
PT237930 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.9mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
333-906-378 25 mm GBP 506.00 GBP 955.00
596-547-400 50 mm GBP 936.00
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 21.7 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @0-100C 8.3 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1830-2123 C
Mechanical Properties
Electrical Properties Elongation at break <20 %
Electrical resistivity 31-32 mOhmcm Hardness - Vickers 190-200 kgf mm-2
Temperature coefficient 0.001 K-1 Modulus of elasticity 198 GPa
Tensile strength 680-700 MPa
PT040225 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.01mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
806-047-721 25 x 25 mm GBP 246.00 GBP 348.00 POA
762-942-770 50 x 50 mm GBP 571.00 POA
007-064-074 100 x 100 mm POA
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 263
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT040300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
748-747-632 25 x 25 mm GBP 427.00 GBP 713.00
402-716-886 50 x 50 mm GBP 1162.00
PT045105 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.015mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stress relieved
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
247-579-604 1m GBP 289.00
Alloy – Platinum/Iridium
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
803-413-215 0.5 m GBP 82.00
Physical Properties
Density 19 g cm-3
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 264
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT265150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
525-571-502 0.05 m GBP 109.00
The positive element of the type R thermocouple (see Platinum). Type R thermocouples are used when chemical
inertness and stability at high temperatures, up to 1750C, are required.
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 19.64 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 19.0 mOhmcm
Melting point 1840-1865 C Temperature coefficient 0.0016 K-1
Alloy – Platinum/Rhodium
Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <32 %
Tensile strength 330-580 MPa
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple.
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple. For high-temperature thermocouples we supply
Platinum, Platinum/Rhodium alloys, Tungsten and Tungsten/Rhenium alloys.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 13%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Supplied on 1m reels only.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 13%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 13%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 13%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 265
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT035250 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
972-503-407 0.1 m GBP 120.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 13%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Alloy – Platinum/Rhodium
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 13%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 13%, Si <50, Pt balance.
The alloy has been used in "non-standard" thermocouples, electrical contacts and for electrodes in medical research.
The alloy is harder and mechanically stronger than Platinum.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 21.56 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 8.7 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1800 C Thermal conductivity @23C 31 W m-1 K-1
PT020231 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Coil Width 0.38mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
144-992-329 0.1 m GBP 95.00
762-086-320 0.2 m GBP 107.00
255-338-845 0.5 m GBP 133.00
964-731-993 1m GBP 164.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 266
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT020240 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
899-547-796 25 x 25 mm GBP 228.00 GBP 290.00 POA
443-463-597 50 x 50 mm GBP 454.00 POA
432-938-872 100 x 100 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Alloy – Platinum/Iridium
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
PT025050 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.005mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
318-432-126 1m GBP 440.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Supplied on 1m reels only.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
5m reels only.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 267
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT025103 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.03mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
033-425-968 1m GBP 89.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Alloy – Platinum/Iridium
Web Code Length 1 Reel
470-919-996 0.5 m GBP 102.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 268
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT025145 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.38mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
372-439-421 0.1 m GBP 123.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Alloy – Platinum/Iridium
Web Code Length 1 Reel
788-646-217 0.05 m GBP 169.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Insulated Wire
Insulating coatings of polyurethane, polyimide and Nylon are also available.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 269
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT027910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
199-160-734 25 mm GBP 245.00 GBP 422.00
895-098-872 50 mm GBP 414.00 GBP 759.00
887-352-258 100 mm GBP 751.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
PT027100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.48mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.16mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.16mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
922-394-109 50 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 191.00
561-593-981 100 mm GBP 190.00 GBP 322.00
807-846-145 200 mm GBP 321.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
Alloy – Platinum/Iridium
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.30mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
559-862-611 50 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 191.00
117-360-201 100 mm GBP 190.00 GBP 322.00
670-027-570 200 mm GBP 321.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 10%, Ni <100, Si <50, Pt balance.
The positive element of the type S thermocouple (see Platinum). Type S thermocouples are characterised by a high
degree of chemical inertness and stability at high temperatures. Often used as a standard for calibration of base metal
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 19.97 g cm-3 Thermal conductivity @23C 38 W m-1 K-1
Melting point 1830-1855 C
Mechanical Properties
Electrical Properties Elongation at break <35 %
Electrical resistivity 18.4-19.2 mOhmcm Hardness - Brinell 90-165
Temperature coefficient 0.0017 K-1 Tensile strength 320-620 MPa
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple.
PT010250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
199-427-579 25 x 25 mm GBP 304.00 GBP 459.00 POA
198-188-612 50 x 50 mm GBP 855.00 POA
054-754-831 100 x 100 mm POA
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple. For high-temperature thermocouples we supply
Platinum, Platinum/Rhodium alloys, Tungsten and Tungsten/Rhenium alloys.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Wollaston wire, Silver coated. Overall outside diameter approx 0.05mm - 0.1mm. The weight shown is for the core only. The Silver outer
sheath may be dissolved in aqueous 10% Nitric Acid.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 270
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT015110 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
623-977-936 0.5 m GBP 99.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Alloy – Platinum/Rhodium
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 271
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
PT015160 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
890-725-014 0.05 m GBP 229.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
PT017920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc
473-444-170 10 mm POA
440-446-022 25 mm POA
527-005-213 50 mm POA
Alloy – Platinum/Rhodium
PT017150 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.94mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.12mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.7mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
744-686-050 50 mm GBP 339.00 GBP 611.00
428-058-523 100 mm GBP 605.00
Typical Analysis : Ag 100, Au 75, Cu 50, Fe 250, Ir 25, Na 5, Ni <100, Rh 10%, Si <50, Pt balance.
Pt92/W 8
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 21.3 g cm-3 Elongation at break <5 %
Melting point 1870 - 1910 C Hardness - Vickers 180 kgf mm-2
Modulus of elasticity 230 GPa
Electrical Properties Tensile strength 895 - 2070 MPa
Electrical resistivity 62-68 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient 0.00025 K-1
PT105120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.025mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
991-767-325 5m GBP 106.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 272
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Pt92/W 8
PT105125 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
978-660-843 5m GBP 134.00
Insulated Wire
PT105825 Conductor diameter . . . . . . 0.025mm Insulation thickness . . . . . . 0.007mm
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polyimide
Alloy – Platinum/Tungsten
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
021-742-176 1m GBP 89.00
Pt94/Rh 6
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 20.55 g cm-3 Elongation at break <10 %
Melting point 1825-1835 C Hardness - Brinell 70-130
Tensile strength 300-610 MPa
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 19.2 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient 0.0017 K-1
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple.
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 273
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
SI056100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 50mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Broken ingot
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
176-332-571 50 g GBP 619.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 183-216 C
SN076010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 75micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spherical powder
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
Alloy – Silicon/Germanium
F Xi 166-721-360 50 g GBP 88.50
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
SN076100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 100mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
500-084-075 1000 g POA
Sn60/Pb39/Sb 1
A general purpose, low melting point soft solder which can also be used as a protective coating and for metal film
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 8.42 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 14.8 mOhmcm
Melting point 183 C
Thermal Properties
Coefficient of thermal expansion @15-110C 24.0 x10-6 K-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 50.2 W m-1 K-1
SN010200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.006mm
NLT Sizes Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
328-922-282 50 x 50 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 157.00 GBP 183.00 GBP 227.00
369-557-057 100 x 100 mm GBP 144.00 GBP 158.00 GBP 189.00 GBP 228.00
050-898-445 150 x 150 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 179.00 GBP 221.00 GBP 273.00
193-996-074 300 x 300 mm GBP 201.00 GBP 239.00 GBP 317.00
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
032-782-805 25 x 25 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 128.00 GBP 141.00 GBP 160.00 GBP 195.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
539-683-938 4 mm GBP 237.00 GBP 268.00 GBP 343.00
460-499-133 6 mm GBP 239.00 GBP 271.00 GBP 348.00
562-389-030 8 mm GBP 241.00 GBP 274.00 GBP 353.00
298-633-566 10 mm GBP 243.00 GBP 277.00 GBP 358.00
329-192-404 15 mm GBP 248.00 GBP 285.00 GBP 370.00
149-059-970 25 mm GBP 259.00 GBP 300.00 GBP 394.00
632-499-140 50 mm GBP 286.00 GBP 339.00 GBP 455.00
Typical Analysis : Al <50, As <200, Bi <2500, Cu <800, Fe <200, Pb 40%, Sb 2000, Zn <50, other metals <800, Sn Bal.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 274
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Sn60/Pb39/Sb 1
SN010300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.10mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
329-604-715 20 x 25 mm GBP 66.00 GBP 68.00 GBP 73.00 GBP 80.50 GBP 95.00
346-273-274 40 x 50 mm GBP 67.50 GBP 70.00 GBP 76.50 GBP 86.00 GBP 103.00
031-934-771 90 x 100 mm GBP 71.50 GBP 75.50 GBP 85.00 GBP 98.00 GBP 120.00
550-671-827 90 x 200 mm GBP 74.50 GBP 80.00 GBP 92.00 GBP 107.00
Coil Width 90mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
353-821-918 0.5 m GBP 86.50
041-486-810 1m GBP 94.50
779-734-079 2m GBP 106.00
608-981-246 5m GBP 149.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
065-504-449 4 mm GBP 158.00 GBP 173.00 GBP 196.00
175-187-438 6 mm GBP 159.00 GBP 174.00 GBP 197.00
391-439-213 8 mm GBP 159.00 GBP 175.00 GBP 199.00
469-986-356 10 mm GBP 160.00 GBP 176.00 GBP 200.00
080-405-297 15 mm GBP 161.00 GBP 178.00 GBP 203.00
352-862-950 25 mm GBP 164.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 210.00
895-780-858 50 mm GBP 171.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 226.00
Alloy – Tin/Lead/Antimony
Typical Analysis : Al <50, As <200, Bi <2500, Cu <800, Fe <200, Pb 40%, Sb 2000, Zn <50, other metals <800, Sn Bal.
Physical Properties
Melting point 188 C
SN255150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
105-674-924 1m GBP 88.00
Sn95/Sb 5
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 7.26 g cm-3 Tensile strength 44 MPa
Melting point 232-240 C
SA056020 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 250micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 760-536-525 50 g GBP 97.00
Sn96/Ag 4
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 7.39 g cm-3 Elongation at break <49 %
Melting point 221-246 C Shear strength 82 MPa
Tensile strength 98 MPa
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 10.5 mOhmcm
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 275
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Sn96/Ag 4
SN175120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.27mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
009-983-092 10 m GBP 66.00
Alloy – Tin/Silver
SN175170 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
887-999-331 1m GBP 61.50
Ta90/W 10
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 16.9 g cm-3 Elongation at break <30 %
Melting point 3080 C Modulus of elasticity 205-207 GPa
Tensile strength 550-620 MPa
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 17.6 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient - K-1
TA030470 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
216-037-096 50 x 50 mm GBP 137.00 GBP 173.00
115-200-438 100 x 100 mm GBP 255.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 276
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ta90/W 10
TA037905 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
341-237-667 100 mm GBP 122.00 GBP 151.00 GBP 217.00
220-085-079 200 mm GBP 143.00 GBP 182.00 GBP 311.00
359-355-115 500 mm GBP 186.00 GBP 287.00
943-533-636 1000 mm GBP 279.00
Alloy – Tantalum/Tungsten
254-396-438 200 mm GBP 378.00 GBP 626.00
678-335-683 500 mm GBP 735.00
Ta97.5/W 2.5
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 16.66 g cm-3 Elongation at break <20 %
Melting point 3014 C Hardness - Vickers 115-160 kgf mm-2
Modulus of elasticity 186 GPa
Thermal Properties Tensile strength 240-310 MPa
Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-500C 6.48 x10-6 K-1
Specific heat @23C 141 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 55 W m-1 K-1
TA070300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.4mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Coil Width 20mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
880-874-493 0.1 m GBP 94.00
991-026-748 0.2 m GBP 116.00
697-123-319 0.5 m GBP 160.00
890-020-546 1m GBP 210.00
458-301-450 2m GBP 374.00
TA077910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As drawn
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
157-466-218 100 mm GBP 150.00 GBP 191.00 GBP 351.00
594-359-949 200 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 277.00 GBP 600.00
485-251-831 500 mm GBP 319.00 GBP 576.00
594-891-289 1000 mm GBP 568.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 1310 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 277
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
TI176010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 347-721-827 10 g GBP 116.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1480 C
Alloy – Titanium/Iron
TI066010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 75micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 411-936-157 50 g GBP 249.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Ti69/V 15/Cr13/Al 3
TJ110350 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.038mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
023-121-210 25 x 25 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 148.00 GBP 191.00
190-015-626 50 x 50 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 181.00 GBP 244.00
987-971-678 100 x 100 mm GBP 201.00 GBP 248.00
Titanium Bronze
Physical Properties
Melting point 1280 C
TI136010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 512-186-362 50 g GBP 162.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 278
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
One of a family of alloys developed from Ti90/Al6/V4 , an alloy which was introduced in the early 1950’s. In this alloy, Tin
is an alpha stabiliser, whilst Molybdenum is an important beta stabiliser. Zirconium is a weak beta stabiliser.
Physical Properties
Density 5.07 g cm-3
TI050400 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.42mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Precipitation hardenable
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
552-333-679 25 x 25 mm GBP 135.00 GBP 162.00 GBP 216.00 GBP 279.00 GBP 373.00
041-705-859 50 x 50 mm GBP 196.00 GBP 247.00 GBP 351.00 GBP 470.00
213-230-237 100 x 100 mm GBP 316.00 GBP 418.00 GBP 657.00
653-778-392 150 x 150 mm GBP 437.00 GBP 595.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
722-294-408 0.2 m GBP 528.00
286-810-383 0.5 m GBP 993.00
Typical Analysis : Fe <3500, Mo 10 - 13%, Sn 3.75 - 5.25%, Zr 4.5 - 7.5%, C <1000, H <150, O <1800, N <500, total of other impurities <400, Ti balance.
TI106010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 75micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 152-492-140 50 g GBP 249.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Ti78.8/Mo15/Nb 3/Al 3/Si 0.2
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 4.93 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 7.07 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 815-900 C Specific heat @23C 490 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 7.60 W m-1 K-1
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 135 mOhmcm Mechanical Properties
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Elongation at break <14 %
Modulus of elasticity 96-103 GPa
Tensile strength 930 MPa
TJ140250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
470-427-269 50 x 50 mm GBP 125.00 GBP 210.00
728-978-342 100 x 100 mm GBP 307.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 1560 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 279
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
TI146010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 75micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 264-450-010 50 g GBP 158.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1900 C
Alloy – Titanium/Chromium
TI186010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 170-221-584 50 g GBP 157.00
Physical Properties
Melting point 1660 C
TI096010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 223-195-579 50 g GBP 249.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Ti90/Al 6/V 4
One of a family of alloys introduced in the early 1950’s, since when it has dominated structural casting applications.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 4.42 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 8.0 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1600-1650 C Thermal conductivity @23C 5.8 W m-1 K-1
TI010300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 %
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
218-806-380 50 x 50 mm GBP 161.00 GBP 208.00 GBP 322.00
350-794-974 100 x 100 mm GBP 227.00 GBP 302.00 GBP 585.00
849-373-596 150 x 150 mm GBP 294.00 GBP 484.00
171-699-699 300 x 300 mm GBP 835.00
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 280
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ti90/Al 6/V 4
TI010400 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc
389-643-364 50 x 50 mm POA
705-423-016 100 x 100 mm POA
177-879-099 150 x 150 mm POA
234-884-219 300 x 300 mm POA
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 1 discs 2 discs 5 discs
712-055-221 10 mm GBP 174.00 GBP 205.00 GBP 291.00
006-905-007 15 mm GBP 183.00 GBP 218.00 GBP 311.00
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Alloy – Titanium/Aluminium/Vanadium
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
989-524-524 25 x 25 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 155.00
Discs Quantity
Web Code Diameter 10 discs 20 discs 50 discs
273-830-141 4 mm GBP 326.00 GBP 447.00
427-774-019 6 mm GBP 335.00
305-553-670 8 mm GBP 344.00
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Tolerance on thickness : +/-20%.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 281
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ti90/Al 6/V 4
TI010560 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc
805-345-271 150 x 150 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Alloy – Titanium/Aluminium/Vanadium
Web Code Size 1pc
355-510-212 100 x 100 mm POA
235-745-959 150 x 150 mm POA
991-075-787 300 x 300 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
TI015150 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.10mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
131-096-666 1m GBP 89.00
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
TI017908 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
030-337-408 100 mm GBP 95.50 GBP 119.00 GBP 156.00 GBP 208.00
445-230-972 200 mm GBP 105.00 GBP 132.00 GBP 176.00
729-093-001 500 mm GBP 123.00 GBP 157.00
523-209-898 1000 mm GBP 143.00 GBP 186.00
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 282
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ti90/Al 6/V 4
TI017910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
453-274-509 100 mm GBP 99.00 GBP 124.00 GBP 163.00 GBP 219.00
326-934-853 200 mm GBP 109.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 187.00 GBP 262.00
938-725-041 500 mm GBP 130.00 GBP 168.00
122-948-959 1000 mm GBP 154.00 GBP 211.00
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Alloy – Titanium/Aluminium/Vanadium
555-615-295 1000 mm GBP 194.00 GBP 330.00
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 283
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ti90/Al 6/V 4
TI017980 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc
284-545-752 50 mm POA
702-665-622 100 mm POA
833-368-017 200 mm POA
524-351-339 300 mm POA
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Alloy – Titanium/Aluminium/Vanadium
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
TI016021 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spherical powder
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 991-494-845 50 g GBP 212.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
TI016820 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2mm
Quantity Quantity
Web Code Spheres 1 Pot
003-057-388 50 pcs GBP 103.00
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 6%, Fe 300, V 4%, C 220, H 100, N 100, O 650, Ti balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 284
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ti90/V 10
Physical Properties
Melting point 1680 C
TI256010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 808-800-715 50 g GBP 198.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Ti92/Ga 8
Alloy – Titanium/Vanadium
TJ206100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 25mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
137-954-549 50 g GBP 287.00
Ti92/Si 8
Physical Properties
Melting point 1330 C
TI216010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 425micron Min. Particle size . . . . . . . . 150micron
Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
F Xi Web Code Weight 1 Pot
968-482-635 50 g GBP 175.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Ti94.5/Al 3/V 2.5
One of a family of alloys developed from Ti90/Al 6/V 4 an alloy which was introduced in the early 1950’s.
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 4.45 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-200C 9.66 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 1700-1750 C Thermal conductivity @23C 7.6 W m-1 K-1
TI040300 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.030mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Sizes LT Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
600-612-382 50 x 50 mm GBP 197.00 GBP 238.00 GBP 323.00 GBP 420.00
005-153-823 100 x 100 mm GBP 294.00 GBP 376.00 GBP 540.00 GBP 811.00
626-391-637 150 x 150 mm GBP 391.00 GBP 513.00 GBP 891.00
Coil Width 150mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
992-372-910 0.5 m GBP 655.00
600-306-491 1 m GBP 1170.00
Typical Analysis : Al 3%, V 2.5%.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 285
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Ti99.85/Pd 0.15
TI260400 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.45mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
096-572-324 100 x 100 mm GBP 114.00 GBP 139.00 GBP 195.00
071-548-493 150 x 150 mm GBP 140.00 GBP 177.00 GBP 254.00
944-584-155 300 x 300 mm GBP 220.00 GBP 340.00
V 75/Cr25
Physical Properties
Melting point 1850 C
V 026010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Alloy – Titanium/Palladium
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 939-436-828 20 g GBP 186.00
W 50/Co50
Physical Properties
Density 14.1 g cm-3
W 036010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 75micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xn Xi 935-325-525 50 g GBP 128.00
Typical Analysis : Co 50%, W balance.
W 60/Cu40
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 13.0 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20C 11.7 x10-6 K-1
Specific heat @25C 240 J K-1 kg-1
Electrical Properties Thermal conductivity @23C 228 W m-1 K-1
Electrical resistivity 3.7 mOhmcm
Temperature coefficient - K-1 Mechanical Properties
Hardness - Rockwell 82
Hardness - Vickers 140 kgf mm-2
Tensile strength 460 MPa
W 180210 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs
623-510-524 25 x 25 mm GBP 98.50 GBP 118.00 GBP 166.00 GBP 262.00
938-815-607 25 x 50 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 252.00 GBP 434.00
351-950-149 25 x 100 mm GBP 134.00 GBP 205.00 GBP 424.00
993-765-874 25 x 200 mm GBP 201.00 GBP 343.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 286
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
W 60/Cu40
W 180250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs 10pcs 20pcs
273-318-378 25 x 25 mm GBP 92.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 144.00 GBP 202.00 GBP 335.00
220-728-901 25 x 50 mm GBP 104.00 GBP 125.00 GBP 192.00 GBP 315.00
107-424-208 25 x 75 mm GBP 113.00 GBP 138.00 GBP 248.00
960-930-851 50 x 75 mm GBP 133.00 GBP 202.00
905-728-782 75 x 100 mm GBP 198.00 GBP 337.00
718-207-838 75 x 200 mm GBP 333.00
Alloy – Tungsten/Copper
097-162-160 75 x 100 mm GBP 184.00 GBP 309.00
145-264-462 75 x 200 mm GBP 304.00
W 185120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Straight wire
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
W 187100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.13mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.24mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc
705-123-319 175 mm GBP 146.00
W 70/Ni 20/Fe 10
W 276100 Max. Lump size . . . . . . . . . 3mm
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
456-163-492 50 g GBP 59.50
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 287
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
W 72/Cu28
W 113100 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
588-679-709 25 x 25 mm GBP 97.00 GBP 123.00 GBP 190.00
584-965-079 50 x 50 mm GBP 144.00 GBP 238.00
120-630-022 50 x 100 mm GBP 228.00 GBP 407.00
078-751-424 50 x 200 mm GBP 397.00
Alloy – Tungsten/Copper
W 117915 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
161-952-150 100 mm GBP 88.00 GBP 108.00 GBP 148.00
244-014-836 200 mm GBP 103.00 GBP 129.00
W 118100 Side Length . . . . . . . . . . . . 25mm Side Length (of longer side)25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
603-324-979 50 mm GBP 171.00 GBP 245.00
415-617-158 100 mm GBP 233.00 GBP 388.00
018-406-324 200 mm GBP 376.00
W 74/Re26
When used with Tungsten the alloy is an important high temperature thermocouple wire. The alloy can also be used as a
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 288
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
W 74/Re26
W 125120 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
300-798-633 0.1 m GBP 99.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
W 75/Re25
When used with Tungsten the alloy is an important high temperature thermocouple wire. The alloy can also be used as a
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Alloy – Tungsten/Rhenium
Density 19.7 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @0-500C 4.48 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 3100 C
Mechanical Properties
Electrical Properties Elongation at break <20 %
Electrical resistivity 29 mOhmcm Modulus of elasticity 370-430 GPa
Tensile strength 1310-2100 MPa
This material can be used in place of Tungsten 76 / Rhenium 24 alloy.
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple. For high-temperature thermocouples we supply
Platinum, Platinum/Rhodium alloys, Tungsten and Tungsten/Rhenium alloys.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 289
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
W 75/Re25
W 015125 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.178mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
870-544-086 0.1 m GBP 107.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Alloy – Tungsten/Rhenium
W 015135 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
111-792-673 0.1 m GBP 123.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 25%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 290
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
W 80/Cu20
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 15.4 g cm-3 Thermal conductivity @23C 145 W m-1 K-1
W 160450 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
473-210-071 100 x 100 mm GBP 194.00 GBP 357.00
W 167910 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
412-469-842 100 mm GBP 92.50 GBP 115.00
496-977-022 200 mm GBP 111.00 GBP 163.00
Alloy – Tungsten/Copper
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
303-093-536 100 mm GBP 111.00 GBP 165.00
000-332-319 200 mm GBP 160.00
W 167100 Outside Diameter . . . . . . . . 0.5mm Wall Thickness . . . . . . . . . . 0.13mm
Inside Diameter . . . . . . . . . 0.24mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs
861-447-999 180 mm GBP 172.00 GBP 294.00
W 90/Ag10
W 076010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 539-720-174 20 g GBP 134.00
W 90/Cr10
Physical Properties
Melting point 3100 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 291
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
W 90/Cr10
W 066010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 257-900-039 20 g GBP 144.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
W 95/Ni 3.5/Fe 1.5
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 18.1 g cm-3 Elongation at break 7%
Modulus of elasticity 31 GPa
Alloy – Tungsten/Chromium
Tensile strength 900 MPa
W 257940 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc
866-120-038 105 mm GBP 360.00
W 95/Re 5
When used with Tungsten the alloy is an important high temperature thermocouple wire. The alloy can also be used as a
Physical Properties Electrical Properties
Density 19.4 g cm-3 Electrical resistivity 9.5 mOhmcm
Melting point 3350 C Temperature coefficient - K-1
Mechanical Properties
Elongation at break <20 %
Tensile strength 220 MPa
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple.
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple. For high-temperature thermocouples we supply
Platinum, Platinum/Rhodium alloys, Tungsten and Tungsten/Rhenium alloys.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 5%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 5%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 292
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
W 95/Re 5
W 025250 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
416-807-734 0.1 m GBP 86.50
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 5%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Alloy – Tungsten/Rhenium
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 5%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 5%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 5%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, C 30, H 5, N 10, O 40, W balance.
W 95/Ti 5
Physical Properties
Melting point 3300 C
W 086010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 596-203-496 20 g GBP 166.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 293
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
W 97/Re 3
When used with Tungsten the alloy is an important high temperature thermocouple wire. The alloy can also be used as a
Physical Properties Thermal Properties
Density 19.4 g cm-3 Coefficient of thermal expansion @20-100C 2.9 x10-6 K-1
Melting point 3325 C
Mechanical Properties
Electrical Properties Elongation at break <15 %
Electrical resistivity 9.5 mOhmcm Tensile strength 1180 MPa
Temperature coefficient - K-1
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple.
W 040250 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.05mm Coil width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5mm
Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Coil Width 0.5mm Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
177-838-603 0.05 m GBP 107.00
697-442-133 0.1 m GBP 126.00
635-655-999 0.2 m GBP 154.00
456-990-478 0.5 m GBP 292.00
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 3%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, W balance.
Alloy – Tungsten/Rhenium
This material may be used to form one leg of an high-rtemperature thermocouple. For high-temperature thermocouples we supply
Platinum, Platinum/Rhodium alloys, Tungsten and Tungsten/Rhenium alloys.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 294
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
W 97/Re 3
W 045170 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Thermocouple wire . . . . . . May be used as one component of
a Thermocouple
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
533-084-369 1 m GBP 105.00
Alloy – Tungsten/Rhenium
Typical Analysis : Al 5, B 1, Ca 1, Co 5, Cr 5, Cu 2, Fe 50, K 2, Mg 1, Mn 4, Mo 40, Na 2, Ni 6, Re 3%, Si 10, Sn 4, Ti 2, Zr 2, W balance.
Thoriated Tungsten
W 98/Th 2
The presence of Thoria in the material gives higher recrystallization temperatures, imparts improved creep properties and
enhances thermionic electron emission.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 295
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Thoriated Tungsten
W 98/Th 2
W 133200 Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As rolled
Size Quantity
Web Code Size 1pc 2pcs
018-503-858 16 x 26 mm GBP 312.00 POA
812-475-521 18 x 26 mm GBP 320.00 POA
610-358-588 24 x 45 mm GBP 396.00 POA
955-855-968 65 x 65 mm GBP 1017.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
W 137920 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35mm
Size Quantity
Web Code Length 1pc 2pcs 5pcs
676-902-663 50 mm GBP 218.00 GBP 288.00 GBP 454.00
809-225-843 100 mm GBP 272.00 GBP 365.00
300-909-898 150 mm GBP 314.00 GBP 496.00
829-492-714 300 mm GBP 481.00
Thoriated Tungsten
W 99/Th 1
Physical Properties Mechanical Properties
Density 15.87 g cm-3 Elongation at break <4 %
Tensile strength 480 MPa
Thermal Properties
Specific heat @23C 146 J K-1 kg-1
Thermal conductivity @23C 6.2 W m-1 K-1
W 145300 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.125mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
091-470-565 5m GBP 99.00
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 296
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Thoriated Tungsten
W 99/Th 1
W 145400 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
519-593-248 5m GBP 112.00
Thoriated Tungsten
W 99.4/Th 0.6
Physical Properties
Density 19.3 g cm-3
W 055140 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.013mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
473-440-792 10 m GBP 94.00
Typical Analysis : Al 10, Ca <10, Cd <2, Cr <5, Cu <10, Fe 20, K 50, Mg <4, Mo 40, Na 5, Ni <10, Rb 2, Si 45, Th 6000.
Typical Analysis : Al 10, Ca <10, Cd <2, Cr <5, Cu <10, Fe 20, K 50, Mg <4, Mo 40, Na 5, Ni <10, Rb 2, Si 45, Th 6000.
Typical Analysis : Al 10, Ca <10, Cd <2, Cr <5, Cu <10, Fe 20, K 50, Mg <4, Mo 40, Na 5, Ni <10, Rb 2, Si 45, Th 6000.
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 297
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Thoriated Tungsten
W 99.4/Th 0.6
W 055250 Diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mm Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annealed
Length Quantity
Web Code Length 1 Reel
959-206-126 10 m GBP 104.00
Typical Analysis : Al 10, Ca <10, Cd <2, Cr <5, Cu <10, Fe 20, K 50, Mg <4, Mo 40, Na 5, Ni <10, Rb 2, Si 45, Th 6000.
Typical Analysis : Al 10, Ca <10, Cd <2, Cr <5, Cu <10, Fe 20, K 50, Mg <4, Mo 40, Na 5, Ni <10, Rb 2, Si 45, Th 6000.
Typical Analysis : Al 10, Ca <10, Cd <2, Cr <5, Cu <10, Fe 20, K 50, Mg <4, Mo 40, Na 5, Ni <10, Rb 2, Si 45, Th 6000.
Physical Properties
Melting point 560 C
ZN016010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 714-440-228 100 g GBP 240.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 800 C
ZN036010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 287-410-809 100 g GBP 204.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Zn95/Cu 5
Physical Properties
Melting point 500 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 298
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Zn95/Cu 5
ZN026011 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 825-946-044 50 g GBP 167.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Zr56.5/V 43.5
Alloy – Zinc/Copper
Physical Properties
Melting point 1390 C
ZR086010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 261-618-715 50 g GBP 246.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1150 C
ZR046010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 150micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi Xn 863-538-583 50 g GBP 203.00
We are able to offer powders of many other alloys, compounds and intermetallics.
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Physical Properties
Melting point 1440 C
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 299
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
ZR016010 Max. Particle size . . . . . . . 45micron Condition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alloy Pre-cursor
Web Code Weight 1 Pot
F Xi 113-318-635 50 g GBP 163.00
Hazardous goods, additional shipment charges apply which are dependent on destination. Please check the individual item on our website
or contact us for further details.
Alloy – Zirconium/Aluminium
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 300
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Chromaloy O1 - Resistance Alloy (Fe75/Cr20/Al 5) 127
A Chromel1 (Hoskins Manufacturing Company)
Chromium/Nickel (Cr50/Ni50)
Alloy 825 (Ni39.5/Fe32/Cr22/Mo 3/Cu 2/Ti ) 196 Chromium/Titanium (Cr70/Ti30) 53
Aluchrom O1 122 Cobalt/Aluminium (Co79/Al21) 51
Aluchrom O1 - Resistance Alloy (Fe70/Cr25/Al 5) 122 Cobalt/Aluminium (Co90/Al10) 52
Alumel1 (Hoskins Manufacturing Company) 252 Cobalt/Chromium (Co70/Cr30) 51
Aluminium 6082 Alloy (Al97.4/Si 1/Mg 0.9/Mn 0.7) 33 Cobalt/Chromium (Co86/Cr14) 52
Aluminium alloy 2011 (Al93/Cu 5.3/Fe 0.7/Si 0.4/Pb 0.3/B) 25 Cobalt/Chromium/Iron/Nickel/Molybdenum/Manganese
Aluminium alloy 2024 (Al93.5/Cu 4.5/Mg 1.5/Mn 0.5) 25 (Co40/Cr20/Fe15/Ni15/Mo 7/Mn 2/C/Be) 46
Aluminium alloy 5019 (Al95/Mg 5) 27 Cobalt/Chromium/Tungsten/Nickel/Iron/Manganese
Aluminium alloy 5056 (Al94.65/Mg 5/Mn 0.35) 26 (Co50/Cr20/W 15/Ni10/Fe 3/Mn 2) 50
Aluminium alloy 7075 (Al90/Zn 5.5/Mg 2.5/Cu 1.5/Si 0.5) 24 Cobalt/Iron (Co50/Fe50 (Atomic %)) 51
Aluminium/Cobalt (Al99.5/Co 0.5) 39 Cobalt/Iron (Co80/Fe20) 51
Aluminium/Cobalt (Al99.9/Co 0.1) 40 Cobalt/Titanium (Co94/Ti 6) 52
Aluminium/Cobalt (Al99/Co 1 (Atomic %)) 37 Cobalt/Tungsten (Co50/W 50) 51
Aluminium/Iron (Al50/Fe50) 22 Constantan1 53
Aluminium/Lithium/Copper (Al95/Li 2.5/Cu 1.5/Mg 1) 27 Constantan1 - Resistance Alloy (Cu55/Ni45) 53
Aluminium/Magnesium (Al92.1/Mg 7.9) 25 Copelmet1 288
Aluminium/Magnesium (Al95/Mg 5) 27 Copper/Beryllium (Cu98/Be 2) 90
Aluminium/Magnesium (Al97.5/Mg 2.5) 33 Copper/Chromium/Zirconium (Cu98.9/Cr 1.0/Zr 0.1) 101
Aluminium/Magnesium (Al97/Mg 3) 29 Copper/Cobalt/Beryllium (Cu97/Co 2.5/Be 0.5) 89
Aluminium/Magnesium/Manganese/Chromium (Al96.45/ Copper/Gold (Cu95/Au 5) 89
Mg 2.6/Mn 0.8/Cr 0.15) 29 Copper/Iron (Cu70/Fe30) 72
Aluminium/Magnesium/Silicon (Al98/Mg 1/Si 0.6) 34 Copper/Lead (Cu80/Pb20) 76
Aluminium/Magnesium/Silicon (Al98/Mg 1/Si 1) 35 Copper/Nickel (Cu70/Ni30) 73
Aluminium/Magnesium/Silicon (Al99/Mg 0.5/Si 0.5) 37
Copper/Platinum (Cu75/Pt25 (Atomic %)) 76
Aluminium/Manganese (Al98/Mn 2 (Atomic %)) 36 Copper/Silicon (Cu85/Si15) 76
Aluminium/Manganese (Al99.7/Mn 0.3) 40 Copper/Silver (Cu90/Ag10) 83
Aluminium/Manganese (Al99.35/Mn 0.65) 39 Copper/Silver (Cu95/Ag 5) 89
Aluminium/Nickel (Al50/Ni50) 23 Copper/Silver (Cu98/Ag 2) 90
Aluminium/Nickel (Al94.3/Ni 5.7) 26 Copper/Tellurium (Cu99.5/Te 0.5) 101
Aluminium/Nickel (Al98.5/Ni 1.5) 36 Copper/Tin (Cu80/Sn20) 76
Aluminium/Silicon (Al65.7/Si34.3) 23 Copper/Titanium (Cu56.4/Ti43.6) 59
Aluminium/Silicon (Al75/Si25) 23 Copper/Titanium (Cu70/Ti30) 74
Aluminium/Silicon (Al88/Si12) 24 Copper/Titanium (Cu90/Ti10) 84
Aluminium/Silicon (Al96/Si 4) 29 Copper/Zirconium (Cu70/Zr30) 75
Aluminium/Silicon (Al98/Si 2) 36 Copper/Zirconium (Cu87/Zr13) 83
Aluminium/Silicon (Al99/Si 1) 37
Aluminium/Silicon/Magnesium/Manganese (Al97.5/Si 1.0/
Mg 0.8/Mn 0.7) 34 D
Aluminium/Titanium (Al75/Ti25 (Atomic %)) 23 Dilver P1 103
Antimonial Lead (Pb95/Sb 5) 257 Dural1 26
Antimonial Lead (Pb96/Sb 4) 258 Dural1 - Aluminium/Copper/Magnesium (Al95/Cu 4/Mg 1) 26
Audiolloy1 103
Avional1 26
Awa1 60 E
Evanohm1 229
B Evanohm1 - Precision Resistance Alloy (Ni75/Cr20/Al 2.5/
Cu 2.5) 229
.. Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy 197
.. Tungsten/Copper 288 F
Berylco1 90 Fecralloy1 122
Bismuth/Antimony (Bi90/Sb10) 45 Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium (Fe72.8/Cr22/Al 5/Y 0.1/Zr
Bismuth/Indium/Tin (Bi57/In26/Sn17) 45 0.1) 122
Bismuth/Lead (Bi55.5/Pb44.5) 45 Ferry1 53
Boltomet 5141 77 Foam, Stainless Steel - AISI 316 160
Boltomet 5701 74 Foil
Boltomet L1 63 .. Aluminium alloy 2024 25
Brass (Cu63/Zn37) 63 .. Aluminium alloy 7075 25
Brass (Cu70/Zn30) 74 .. Aluminium/Magnesium 28, 30
Bronze (Cu89/Sn11) 83 .. Aluminium/Silicon 24, 37
Brown metal 77 .. Antimonial Lead 258
Brush 1901 90 .. Brass 63
.. Cobalt/Chromium/Tungsten/Nickel/Iron/Manganese 50
C .. Constantan1 - Resistance Alloy
.. Copper/Beryllium
Cartridge Brass 74 .. Copper/Nickel 73
Chromaloy O1 127 .. Evanohm1 - Precision Resistance Alloy 229
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 301
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
.. Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium 123 Gallium/Indium/Tin (Ga62/In22/Sn16) 183
.. Glass Sealing Alloy 103 Gallium/Indium/Tin (Ga68.5/In21.5/Sn10) 183
.. Gold/Germanium Eutectic 43 Gilding Metal (Cu85/Zn15) 77
.. Gold/Nickel 42 Glass Sealing Alloy (Fe54/Ni29/Co17) 103
.. Gold/Palladium 40 Gold/Antimony (Au99/Sb 1) 43
.. Gold/Tin 41 Gold/Germanium Eutectic (Au88/Ge12) 43
.. Hastelloy B1 - Corrosion Resistant Alloy 210 Gold/Iron (Au99.93/Fe 0.07 (Atomic %)) 44
.. Hastelloy C2761 - Heat Resisting Alloy 203 Gold/Nickel (Au82/Ni18) 42
.. Havar1 - High-Strength Non-Magnetic Alloy 46 Gold/Palladium (Au75/Pd25) 40
.. High Permeability Magnetic Alloy 243 Gold/Palladium (Au93/Pd 7) 43
.. Inconel 6251 - Corrosion Resistant Alloy 208 Gold/Tin (Au80/Sn20) 41
.. Inconel X7501 - Heat Resisting Alloy 227 Gold/Tin (Au98/Sn 2) 43
.. Inconel1 alloy 600 - Heat Resisting Alloy 220 Granule, Lead/Selenium 258
.. Inconel1 alloy 718 - Heat Resisting Alloy 199
184 H
.. Invar1 - Controlled Expansion Alloy 114 Hastelloy B1 210
.. Iron/Chromium/Molybdenum 129 Hastelloy B1 - Corrosion Resistant Alloy (Ni62/Mo28/Fe 5/
.. Iron/Nickel 103, 112-113 Cr/Mn/Si) 210
.. Magnesium/Aluminium/Zinc 186 Hastelloy B-21 (Ni68/Mo28/Fe 2/Cr 1/Co 1) 219
.. Magnetic Shielding Alloy 230 Hastelloy B-31 (Ni65/Mo28.5/Cr 1.5/Fe 1.5/(Co + Mn +
.. Manganese/Nickel 187 W ) 3.5max) 218
.. Manganin1 - Resistance Alloy 78 Hastelloy C1 203
.. Molybdenum High Temperature Alloy TZM 191 Hastelloy C-221 (Ni59/Cr22/Mo13/Fe 3/W 3) 207
.. Molybdenum/Rhenium 189 Hastelloy C2761 - Heat Resisting Alloy (Ni57/Mo17/Cr16/
.. Monel1 alloy 400 211 Fe/W/Mn) 203
.. Nickel Silver 60, 72 Hastelloy X1 (Ni49.5/Cr22/Fe18/Mo 9/Co 1/W) 196
.. Nickel/Beryllium/Titanium 257 Havar1 46
.. Nickel/Chromium 234 Havar1 - High-Strength Non-Magnetic Alloy (Co42.5/Cr20/
.. Nickel/Iron 245 Ni13/Fe/W/Mo/Mn) 46
.. Nickel/Iron/Molybdenum 243 Haynes1 2301 alloy (Ni62/Cr22/W 14/Mo 2) 210
.. Palladium/Chromium 260 Hecnum1 53
.. Palladium/Copper 258 Hiduminium1 26
.. Palladium/Silver 259-260 High Permeability Magnetic Alloy (Ni80/Fe15/Mo 5) 242
.. Permendur 491 49
Phosphor Bronze
261, 263, 266 I
.. Platinum/Rhodium 270 IMI 2151 77
.. Silver/Copper 20-22 IMI 2371 63
.. Silver/Palladium 20 IMI 2761 74
.. Stainless Steel - 15-7PH 131 INCOLOY1 alloy 800 195
.. Stainless Steel - 17-7PH 132 Incoloy1 alloy 800 - Heat Resisting Alloy (Ni32.5/Cr21/Fe) 195
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 302 134 Inconel 6251 - Corrosion Resistant Alloy (Ni61/Cr22/Mo 9/
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 304 139 Fe 5) 207
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 304L 151 INCONEL X1 227
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 310 153 Inconel X7501 - Heat Resisting Alloy (Ni74/Cr15/Fe 7/Ti/
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 316 154 Al/Nb) 227
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 316L 165 Inconel1 617 (Ni57/Cr22/Co12/Mo 9) 202
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 321 172 INCONEL1 alloy 600 220
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 347 179 Inconel1 alloy 600 - Heat Resisting Alloy (Ni72/Cr16/Fe 8) 220
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 410 180 INCONEL1 alloy 718 199
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 420 181 Inconel1 alloy 718 - Heat Resisting Alloy (Ni53/Fe19/Cr19/
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 430 182 Nb/Mo/Ti) 199
.. T1 - Thermocouple Alloy 248 Indium/Silver (In75/Ag25 Atomic %) 184
.. T2 - Thermocouple Alloy 253 Indium/Silver (In97/Ag 3) 185
.. Tantalum/Tungsten 276-277 Indium/Tin (In50/Sn50) 184
.. Tin/Lead/Antimony 274 Indium/Tin (In90/Sn10) 184
.. Tinned Copper 102 Indium/Tin (In95/Sn 5) 185
.. Titanium Alloy Beta 3 279 Insulated Wire
.. Titanium/Aluminium/Vanadium 280, 285 .. Constantan1 - Resistance Alloy 58
.. Titanium/Molybdenum/Niobium/Aluminium/Silicon 279 .. Copper/Beryllium 99
.. Titanium/Palladium 286 .. Glass Sealing Alloy 108
.. Titanium/Vanadium/Chromium/Aluminium 278 .. Gold/Iron 44
.. Tungsten/Copper 286, 291 .. Manganin1 - Resistance Alloy 81
.. Tungsten/Rhenium 294 .. Nickel/Chromium 240
.. Waspaloy1 - Heat Resisting Alloy 206 .. Nickel/Iron 219
.. Phosphor Bronze 88
G .. Platinum/Iridium
.. Platinum/Tungsten
Gallium/Indium (Ga75.5/In24.5) 183 .. Stainless Steel - AISI 302 138
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 302
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 316 161 .. Stainless Steel - AISI 316 160
.. T1 - Thermocouple Alloy 250 Microfoil
.. T2 - Thermocouple Alloy 255 .. Nickel/Chromium 234
Invar 361 114 .. T1 - Thermocouple Alloy 247
Invar1 - Controlled Expansion Alloy (Fe64/Ni36) 114 Molybdenum High Temperature Alloy TZM (Mo99/Ti 0.5/Zr
Iron/Chromium/Aluminium (Fe81/Cr16/Al 3) 128 0.1) 191
Iron/Chromium/Molybdenum (Fe81/Cr16/Mo 3) 128 Molybdenum/Rhenium (Mo52.5/Re47.5) 189
Iron/Chromium/Molybdenum (Fe90/Cr 9/Mo 1) 129 Molybdenum/Titanium (Mo80/Ti20) 190
Iron/Molybdenum (Fe64/Mo36) 114 Molybdenum/Titanium (Mo90/Ti10) 190
Iron/Nickel (Fe50/Ni50) 102 Molybdenum/Tungsten (Mo67/W 33) 190
Iron/Nickel (Fe52/Ni48) 103 MONEL1 alloy 400 211
Iron/Nickel (Fe55/Ni45) 111 Monel1 alloy 400 (Ni65/Cu33/Fe 2) 211
Iron/Nickel (Fe58/Ni42) 112 Monel1 alloy K-500 (Ni63/Cu30/Al3/Fe2/Mn1.5/Ti0.5) 211
Iron/Nickel (Fe61/Ni39) 113 MS 63 63
Iron/Nickel/Cobalt (Fe63/Ni32/Co 5) 113 MS 72 74
Iron/Silicon (Fe83/Si17) 128 MS 85 77
Iron/Silicon (Fe91/Si 9) 130
Iron/Titanium (Fe60/Ti40) 113
K Neodymium/Iron/Boron (Nd2Fe14B)
Nichrome V1
Kovar1 (CRS Holdings Inc a subsidiary of Carpenter Nickel Silver (18) (Cu65/Ni18/Zn17) 72
Technology Corporation) 103 Nickel Silver (Cu45/Zn43/Ni10/Pb2) 53
Nickel Silver (Cu62/Ni18/Zn20) 60
Lead/Selenium (Pb99/Se 1) 258 Nickel/Aluminium (Ni79/Al21) 233
Lead/Tin (Pb75/Sn25) 257 Nickel/Beryllium/Titanium (Ni97.5/Be 1.95/Ti 0.5) 256
Leaded Brass (Cu58/Zn39/Pb 3) 60 Nickel/Boron (Ni85/B 15) 247
Lump Nickel/Chromium (Ni80/Cr20) 234
.. Aluminium/Manganese 36, 39-40 Nickel/Copper (Ni70/Cu30) 219
.. Aluminium/Titanium 23 Nickel/Iron (Ni52/Fe48) 198
.. Bismuth/Antimony 45 Nickel/Iron (Ni70/Fe30) 219
.. Bismuth/Indium/Tin 45 Nickel/Iron (Ni80/Fe20) 245
.. Bismuth/Lead 45 Nickel/Iron (Ni81/Fe19) 246
.. Cobalt/Iron 52 Nickel/Iron/Molybdenum (Ni80/Fe15.5/Mo 4.5) 243
.. Copper/Gold 89 Nickel/Manganese (Ni75/Mn25) 230
.. Copper/Platinum 76 Nickel/Manganese (Ni92/Mn 8) 252
.. Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium 127 Nickel/Molybdenum (Ni80/Mo20) 246
.. Gallium/Indium 183 Nickel/Molybdenum (Ni84/Mo16) 247
.. Gallium/Indium/Tin 183 Nickel/Silicon (Ni62/Si38) 210
.. Gold/Germanium Eutectic 43 Nickel/Titanium (Ni60/Ti40) 207
.. Iron/Molybdenum 114 Nickel/Titanium (Ni70/Ti30) 219
.. Nickel/Chromium 242 Nickel/Titanium (Ni90/Ti10) 251
.. Nickel/Iron 246 Nickel/Vanadium (Ni93/V 7) 252
.. Nickel/Iron/Molybdenum 245 Nickel/Zirconium (Ni70/Zr30) 220
.. Nickel/Vanadium 252 Nickeloid1 60
.. Roses Metal 45 Nicoseal1 103
.. Silicon/Germanium 274 Nicosel1 103
.. Silver/Gold 20 Nilo1 alloy 36 114
.. Tin/Lead 274 Nilo1 alloy 48 103
.. Titanium/Gallium 285 Nilo1 K 103
.. Tungsten/Nickel/Iron 287 Nilvar 114
.. Woods Metal 44 Nimonic 901 198
Nimonic1 alloy 90 (Ni53/Cr20/Co18/Ti 2.5/Al 1.5/Fe 1.5) 198
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 303
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
Permalloy C1 230 .. Titanium/Aluminium 278-280
Permalloy D1 114 .. Titanium/Aluminium/Vanadium 284
Permendur 491 49 .. Titanium/Chromium 280
Permendur 491 (Co49/Fe49/V 2) 49 .. Titanium/Iron 278
Phosphor Bronze (Cu94/Sn 6) 84 .. Titanium/Molybdenum 280
Platinum/Iridium (Pt70/Ir30) 261 .. Titanium/Silicon 285
Platinum/Iridium (Pt75/Ir25) 263 .. Titanium/Vanadium 285
Platinum/Iridium (Pt80/Ir20) 263 .. Tungsten/Chromium 292
Platinum/Iridium (Pt90/Ir10) 266 .. Tungsten/Cobalt 286
Platinum/Rhodium (Pt60/Rh40) 260 .. Tungsten/Silver 291
Platinum/Rhodium (Pt70/Rh30) 262 .. Tungsten/Titanium 293
Platinum/Rhodium (Pt83/Rh17) 264 .. Vanadium/Chromium 286
Platinum/Rhodium (Pt87/Rh13) 265 .. Zinc/Aluminium 298
Platinum/Rhodium (Pt90/Rh10) 270 .. Zinc/Copper 299
Platinum/Rhodium (Pt94/Rh 6) 273 .. Zinc/Nickel 298
Platinum/Tungsten (Pt92/W 8) 272 .. Zirconium/Aluminium 300
Powder .. Zirconium/Nickel 299
.. Aluminium/Iron 22 .. Zirconium/Vanadium 299
.. Aluminium/Magnesium 25
.. Aluminium/Nickel
.. Aluminium/Silicon
23-24, 29, 36 R
.. Antimonial Lead 258 Radio metal 361 114
.. Brass 75 Red Brass 77
.. Bronze 83 Rod
.. Chromium/Nickel 53 .. Alloy 825 196
.. Chromium/Titanium 53 .. Aluminium alloy 2011 25
.. Cobalt/Aluminium 51-52 .. Aluminium/Magnesium 32
.. Cobalt/Chromium 51-52 .. Aluminium/Magnesium/Silicon 37
.. Cobalt/Titanium 52 .. Aluminium/Nickel 26, 36
.. Cobalt/Tungsten 51 .. Aluminium/Silicon 24, 39
.. Copper/Iron 73 .. Aluminium/Silicon/Magnesium/Manganese 34
.. Copper/Lead 76 .. Brass 70
.. Copper/Silicon 77 .. Constantan1 - Resistance Alloy 59
.. Copper/Silver 90 .. Copper/Beryllium 100
.. Copper/Tin 76 .. Copper/Chromium/Zirconium 101
.. Copper/Titanium 60, 74, 84 .. Copper/Cobalt/Beryllium 90
.. Copper/Zirconium 76, 83 .. Copper/Nickel 73
.. Glass Sealing Alloy 111 .. Copper/Silver 83, 89
.. Invar1 - Controlled Expansion Alloy 121 .. Copper/Tellurium 101
.. Iron/Chromium/Aluminium 128 .. Dural1 - Aluminium/Copper/Magnesium 26
.. Iron/Chromium/Molybdenum 128 .. Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium 126
.. Iron/Nickel 102, 113 .. Glass Sealing Alloy 108
.. Iron/Silicon 129-130 .. Gold/Tin 42
.. Iron/Titanium 113 .. Hastelloy B-21 219
.. Magnetic Shielding Alloy 233 .. Hastelloy B-31 218
.. Manganese/Nickel 187, 189 .. Hastelloy C-221 207
.. Manganin1 - Resistance Alloy 82 .. Hastelloy C2761 - Heat Resisting Alloy 205
.. Molybdenum/Titanium 190 .. Hastelloy X1 197
.. Nickel/Aluminium 207, 233 .. Haynes1 2301 alloy 210
.. Nickel/Boron 247 .. Incoloy1 alloy 800 - Heat Resisting Alloy 196
.. Nickel/Chromium 242 .. Inconel 6251 - Corrosion Resistant Alloy 209
.. Nickel/Copper 219 .. Inconel1 617 202
.. Nickel/Iron 246 .. Inconel1 alloy 600 - Heat Resisting Alloy 225
.. Nickel/Manganese 230, 252 .. Inconel1 alloy 718 - Heat Resisting Alloy 200
.. Nickel/Molybdenum 246-247 .. Indium/Silver 184
.. Nickel/Silicon 210 .. Indium/Tin 185
.. Nickel/Titanium 207, 220, 252 .. Invar1 - Controlled Expansion Alloy 119
.. Nickel/Zirconium 220 .. Iron/Nickel 112
.. Niobium/Tin 194 .. Iron/Nickel/Cobalt 114
.. Niobium/Titanium 193 .. Leaded Brass 60
.. Silver/Copper 21 .. Magnesium Alloy AZ61A 186
.. Silver/Zirconium/Copper 22 .. Magnesium/Aluminium/Zinc 186
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 304 150 .. Magnetic Shielding Alloy 232
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 316 163 .. Manganin1 - Resistance Alloy 82
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 316L 172 .. Molybdenum High Temperature Alloy TZM 192
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 347 180 .. Molybdenum/Tungsten 190
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 410 180 .. Monel1 alloy 400 215
.. Tin/Antimony 275 .. Neodymium/Iron/Boron 195
.. Tin/Lead 274 .. Nickel Silver 53
.. Titanium Bronze 278 .. Nickel/Chromium 241
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 304
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
.. Nickel/Iron 246 .. Aluminium/Silicon 38
.. Nickel/Iron/Molybdenum 244 .. Cobalt/Iron 51
.. Nimonic1 alloy 90 198 .. Indium/Tin 184-185
.. Nitinol 201 .. Neodymium/Iron/Boron 195
.. Permendur 491 50 .. Nickel/Chromium 237
.. Phosphor Bronze 89 .. Nickel/Iron 245
.. Platinum/Iridium 263, 270 .. Nickel/Iron/Molybdenum 244
.. Platinum/Rhodium 272 .. Nickel/Vanadium 252
.. Silver Steel 130 .. T1 - Thermocouple Alloy 248
.. Silver/Copper 21 .. T2 - Thermocouple Alloy 253
.. Stainless Steel - 17-4PH 132 Stainless Steel - 15-7PH (Fe/Cr15/Ni 7/Mo 2.25) 131
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 303 138 Stainless Steel - 17-4PH (Fe/Cr17/Ni 4) 131
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 304 147 Stainless Steel - 17-7PH (Fe/Cr17/Ni 7) 132
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 304L 152 Stainless Steel - AISI 302 (Fe/Cr18/Ni 8) 134
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 310 153 Stainless Steel - AISI 303 (Fe/Cr18/Ni 9/Mn/Si) 138
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 316 162 Stainless Steel - AISI 304 (Fe/Cr18/Ni10) 139
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 316L 170 Stainless Steel - AISI 304L (Fe/Cr18/Ni10) 150
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 321 177 Stainless Steel - AISI 310 (Fe/Cr25/Ni20) 153
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 410 180 Stainless Steel - AISI 316 (Fe/Cr18/Ni10/Mo 3) 154
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 416 181 Stainless Steel - AISI 316L (Fe/Cr18/Ni10/Mo 3) 164
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 420 181 Stainless Steel - AISI 321 (Fe/Cr18/Ni 9/Ti) 172
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 430 182 Stainless Steel - AISI 347 (Fe/Cr18/Ni10/Nb) 178
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 431 182 Stainless Steel - AISI 410 (Fe/Cr12.5) 180
.. T1 - Thermocouple Alloy 251 Stainless Steel - AISI 416 (Fe/Cr13/Mn 1/Si 0.5) 181
.. T2 - Thermocouple Alloy 256 Stainless Steel - AISI 420 (Fe86.7/Cr13.0/C 0.3) 181
.. Tantalum/Tungsten 277 Stainless Steel - AISI 430 (Fe81/Cr17/Mn/Si/C/S/P) 181
.. Thoriated Tungsten 296 Stainless Steel - AISI 431 (Fe82/Cr16/Ni2) 182
.. Titanium/Aluminium/Vanadium 282 Stainless Steel - Duplex (Fe69.5/Cr22/Ni 5.5/Mo 3/N) 182
.. Tungsten/Copper 288, 291 Superconducting Composite Wire (Nb/Ti+Cu) 192
.. Tungsten/Nickel/Iron 292
45 T
Roses Metal (Bi50/Pb28/Sn22) 45 T1 - Thermocouple Alloy (Ni90/Cr10) 247
T2 - Thermocouple Alloy (Ni95/(Al+Mn+Si) 5) 252
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 305
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon PE29 6WR England
Telephone +44 1480 424 800 : Fax +44 1480 424 900
.. Aluminium/Magnesium/Manganese/Chromium 29 .. Gilding Metal 77
.. Aluminium/Magnesium/Silicon 35 .. Glass Sealing Alloy 107
.. Brass 70, 75 .. Gold/Antimony 43
.. Copper/Nickel 73 .. Gold/Iron 44
.. Dural1 - Aluminium/Copper/Magnesium 26 .. Gold/Nickel 42
.. Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium 127 .. Gold/Palladium 43
.. Glass Sealing Alloy 110 .. Gold/Tin 41, 43
.. Gold/Palladium 41 .. Hastelloy B-31 218
.. Hastelloy C2761 - Heat Resisting Alloy 205 .. Hastelloy C2761 - Heat Resisting Alloy 204
.. Incoloy1 alloy 800 - Heat Resisting Alloy 196 .. Hastelloy X1 196
.. Inconel1 alloy 600 - Heat Resisting Alloy 225 .. Inconel 6251 - Corrosion Resistant Alloy 209
.. Invar1 - Controlled Expansion Alloy 121 .. Inconel X7501 - Heat Resisting Alloy 228
.. Magnetic Shielding Alloy 233 .. Inconel1 alloy 600 - Heat Resisting Alloy 224
.. Molybdenum/Rhenium 189 .. Inconel1 alloy 718 - Heat Resisting Alloy 200
.. Monel1 alloy 400 216 .. Invar1 - Controlled Expansion Alloy 118
.. Nickel Silver 61 .. Iron/Nickel 102-103
.. Nickel Silver (18) 72 .. Lead/Tin 257
.. Nickel/Chromium 242 .. Manganin1 - Resistance Alloy 80
.. Nickel/Iron 198 .. Molybdenum/Rhenium 189
.. Nickel/Iron/Molybdenum 244 .. Monel1 alloy 400 215
.. Niobium/Zirconium 194 .. Nickel/Chromium 238
.. Nitinol 202 .. Nickel/Iron 219, 245
.. Palladium/Silver 259 .. Nickel/Iron/Molybdenum 244
.. Platinum/Iridium 270 .. Niobium/Titanium 193
.. Platinum/Rhodium 272 .. Niobium/Zirconium 194
.. Silver/Palladium 20 .. Nitinol 201
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 304 148 .. Palladium/Silver 259
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 304L 152 .. Phosphor Bronze 87
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 316 162 .. Platinum/Iridium 262-264, 267
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 316L 171 .. Platinum/Rhodium 261-262, 265, 270, 273
.. Stainless Steel - AISI 321 178 .. Platinum/Tungsten 272
.. Tungsten/Copper 287, 291 .. Silver/Antimony 22
Tungsten/Chromium (W 90/Cr10) 291 .. Silver/Copper 21
Tungsten/Cobalt (W 50/Co50) 286 .. Stainless Steel - 17-7PH 134
Tungsten/Copper (W 60/Cu40) 286 .. Stainless Steel - AISI 302 136
Tungsten/Copper (W 72/Cu28) 288 .. Stainless Steel - AISI 304 146
Tungsten/Copper (W 80/Cu20) 291 .. Stainless Steel - AISI 304L 152
Tungsten/Nickel/Iron (W 70/Ni 20/Fe 10) 287 .. Stainless Steel - AISI 316 160
Tungsten/Nickel/Iron (W 95/Ni 3.5/Fe 1.5) 292 .. Stainless Steel - AISI 316L 168
Tungsten/Rhenium (W 74/Re26) 288 .. Stainless Steel - AISI 410 180
Tungsten/Rhenium (W 75/Re25) 289 .. Stainless Steel - AISI 420 181
Tungsten/Rhenium (W 95/Re 5) 292 .. Stainless Steel - Duplex 183
Tungsten/Rhenium (W 97/Re 3) 294 .. Superconducting Composite Wire 192
Tungsten/Silver (W 90/Ag10) 291 .. T1 - Thermocouple Alloy 248
Tungsten/Titanium (W 95/Ti 5) 293 .. T2 - Thermocouple Alloy 253
.. Thoriated Tungsten 296-297
V .. Tin/Lead
.. Tin/Silver
Vacodil 361 114 .. Tinned Copper 102
Vanadium/Chromium (V 75/Cr25) 286 .. Titanium/Aluminium/Vanadium 282
.. Tungsten/Copper 287
W .. Tungsten/Rhenium
289, 292, 294
Waspaloy1 206 Woods Metal (Bi50/Pb25/Cd12.5/Sn12.5) 44
Waspaloy1 - Heat Resisting Alloy (Ni58/Cr19/Co14/Mo/Ti/
.. Aluchrom O1 - Resistance Alloy 122 Zinc/Aluminium (Zn50/Al50) 298
.. Aluminium alloy 5019 27 Zinc/Copper (Zn95/Cu 5) 298
.. Aluminium alloy 5056 26 Zinc/Nickel (Zn90/Ni10) 298
.. Aluminium/Cobalt 37, 40 Zirconium/Aluminium (Zr90/Al10) 299
.. Aluminium/Magnesium 28, 33 Zirconium/Nickel (Zr70/Ni30) 299
.. Aluminium/Magnesium/Silicon 34, 37 Zirconium/Vanadium (Zr56.5/V 43.5) 299
.. Aluminium/Silicon 38
.. Brass 69, 74
.. Chromaloy O1 - Resistance Alloy 128
.. Cobalt/Chromium/Iron/Nickel/Molybdenum/Manganese 46
.. Constantan1 - Resistance Alloy 57
.. Copper/Beryllium 98
.. Fecralloy1 - Iron/Chromium 125
Printed prices are correct as at 27-November-2013. For current prices see 306
Goodfellow Cambridge Limited