Plate 2 Compress
Plate 2 Compress
Plate 2 Compress
Mass of soil + can before placing in oven= 96.2 g Mass of soil + can after removal
from oven=71.9 g Mass of can = 20.8 g
a. Compute the plasticity index.
b. Compute the moisture content.
c. Compute the liquidity index.
5. Laboratory test results for a sample of clay soil for the purpose of evaluating
the potential for volume change (swelling, expansion) are as shown.
Test Number 1 2 3 4
No. of blows 39 23 20 13
Weight of Wet Soil + 22.24 g 21.19 g 21.27 g 26.12 g
Weight of Dry Soil + 19.44 g 18.78 g 18.75 g 22.10 g
Weight of container 12.74 g 13.24 g 13.06 g 13.27
Test Number 1 2
Weight of Wet Soil + container 22.12 g 21.84 g
Weight of Dry Soil + Container 20.42 g 20.19 g
Weight of Container 13.07 g 13.18 g
Test Number 1 2
Weight of Wet soil + 17.53 g 16.97 g
Weight of dry soil + 14.84 g 14.36 g
Weight of container 7.84 g 7.5 g
12. Using the diagram shown with a given soil having the following properties:
Initial volume = 25 cm3 ; Final volume = 16 cm3 ; Mass of wet soil = 45 g ; Mass of dry soil = 31 kg
Mass of dish coated with petroleum jelly plus wet soil MW = 38.51 g
Mass of dish coated with petroleum jelly plus oven-dried soil MD = 32.81 g
Vol. of wet soil pat (same as volume of shrinkage dish) V = 15.26 cm3
Vol. of oven-dried soil pat VO = 12.83 cm3.
20 33.1
28 27.0
Moisture Cone
Content Penetration
(%) (mm)
32.1 14.4
41.6 16.4
51.8 18.2
64.2 21.1
72.6 22.3
Soil Wt. of wet Soil Wt. of dry Soil Water Content No. of Blows
Sample (kg) (kg)
A 9.5 6.7 28
B 7.95 5.54 20
C 8.21 5.69 18
D 12.85 8.83 13
Test Number 1 2
No. of blows 39 30
Weight of Wet Soil + container 22.24g 21.19g
Weight of Dry soil + container 20.10g 19.28g
Weight of container 12.74g 13.24g
Test Number 1 2
Weight of Wet soil + container 22.12g 21.84g
Weight of Dry soil + container 20.42g 20.19g
Weight of container 13.07g 13.18g
Then mass of soil and water was refilled so that the volume is the same as before.
Mass pycnometer + soil + water = 373.18 g
Volume of pycnometer = 250ml
a.) Compute the specific gravity of this soil.
b.) Compute the degree of saturation if the void ratio is 0.54.
c.) Compute the air void ratio of the soil.
22. The following tabulated data shows a laboratory results of a soil sample tested
for its Atterberg limits. The soil sample has been tested using a pycnometer test and
the result shows it has a specific gravity of 2.80.
23. The foil results were obtained from a liquid limit test on a clay using Casagrande
cup device.