PHCP Finals
PHCP Finals
PHCP Finals
Loss of nephron = ↓calcitriol → ↓ ca reabsorption (GIT,
Kidney) → Hypokalemia → hyperparathyroidism →
breakdown of bones (bone resorption) →
OSTEODYSTROPY (nagiging weak ang bones)
- Retention of nitrogenous waste in the blood
- AZOTEMIA (not severe) → Uremia
DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY - What would happen when there is uremia
1. Mesangial expansion o Neurologic problem
- Cannot filter well o Anorexia, vomiting
Mesangium o ↓of estrogen → amenorrhea
- Removes the trap residues of protein para o ↓ testosterone → impotence
kapag nagfifilter ang glomerulus maayos pa din o Skin changes (rashes)
- Keeping the filter free from debris - In the later sage
2. Podocytopathy o ↓renin → ↓ BP
o ↓EPO anemia → anemia
- Podocytes
o ↓ calcitriol → renal osteodystrophy
o Prevents protein from entering the
3. Glomerular Basement thickening STAGES OF CKD
- Inflammation and scarring Stage GFR/ CrCl (ml/min)
- Can lead to nephron death 0 > 90
1 ≥ 90
1. Na and H2O balance 3 30-59
- Dec GFR = Na & H2O retention → HTN → 4 15-29
Peripheral edema 5 (End-Stage
- Restrict fluid intake < 15
Renal Disease)
2. Potassium balance
- Dec GRF = increase K retention → (140 − 𝑎𝑔𝑒) × 𝑘𝑔
Hyperkalemia 𝐶𝑟𝐶𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 =
73 (𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒)
- Muscle weakness, arrhythmia (140 − 𝑎𝑔𝑒) × 𝑘𝑔
𝐶𝑟𝐶𝑙 𝑓𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 = × 0.85
- Loss of nephron = ↓renin production = 73 (𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒)
↓aldosterone → DCT will not work → K RISK FACTORS
retention 1. age > 50 y/o
INHIBTOR 3. Male gender
3. Metabolic acidosis 4. African American / Hispanic race
- ↓ capacity to excrete H ions and generate 5. Family history
bicarbonate → acidosis 6. Smoking
7. Obesity
- Acidosis leads to bone decalcification
8. Long term analgesics (NSAIDS)
4. Kidney
9. Diabetes
- Release renin, erythropoietin, calcitriol 10. Auto immune disease
COMMON SIGNS & SYMPTOMS - STATINS: additional therapy: has
1. Fatigue cardioprotective effect in px with CKD and
2. Anemia → dec EPO in < 50 ml/min cardiovascular disease.
3. Edema – Na & H2O retention o GOAL: LDL <70mg dL
4. Nausea & pruritus – accumulation of waste product o Non-dihydropine CCBs
5. Infection For patient experiencing cough,
6. Arthralgia – masakit ang joints angioedema, hemodynamic decline
of renal function and hypokalemia
OTHER DIAGNOSTIC FACTORS Has more proteinuric-lowering effect
1. BPH than other antihypertensive agents
2. Foaming appearing urine (protein) o STATINS: additional theraoy for cardio
3. Cola color urine protection
4. Rashses - Adjunct therapy
o If the target BP is not achieved with the
use of non-dihydropyridine CCB
o HCTZ: maximum of 50 mg/day
1. Microalbuminuria
o Atenolol: max. of 25-50 mg/day
2. Proteinuria > 300 mg//day
o Metoprolol: max. of 100
3. Hematuria
Aliskiren – renin inh
STAGES OF RENAL DYSFUCTION Hydralazine – vasodilator
Metabolic Action
Stage Description GFR Minoxidil – vasodiator
consequence Plan
1 Normal or ↑ >90 At ↑ risk of CKD: 1. Screen Clonidine – a2 agonist
GFR- people 1. HTN for CKD
with ↑ risk or 2. Diabetes risk Metabolic
Stage Description GFR Action Plan
with early 3. Obesity 2. Establish consequence
renal damage diagnosis 3 Moderate 30- • Decreased • Monitor
3. Treat renal failure 59 calcium GFR monthly
underlying (CRF) absorption • Avoid
diseases (GFR <50) nephrotoxic
4. Retard • Lipoprotein drugs
progression activity falls • Prescribe
2 Early renal 60- Concentration of 1. Control • Malnutrition antiprotenuric
insufficiency 90 parathyroid BP • Onset of drugs
hormone starts 2. Control anemia (↓EPO) •ACEI or
to rise DM ARBs
3. • Adjust drug
Protenuria dose
Treatment: Identidy co morbidities such as anemia and
For stage 1 and 2 WITHOUT UREMIA: secondary hyperparathyroidism
- ACE inhibitor / ARBS Anemia maybe treated with erythropoietin
o If px has proteinuria > 500mg/day: reduce replacement if Hb falls to <1-g/dL
BP to <125/75 mmHg and proteinuria to < o Target Hb: 11-12g/dl
500 mg/day Hyperparathyroidism, calcium phosphorus levels
o ACEI and ARBS are the first line treatment should be intact
for controlling BP to a goal and proteinuria o Dietary restriction and/or phosphate
is < 500mg/day, control BP to a goal of binding medications
- Both drugs are associated with hyperkalemia in
patients with acute renal failure, this is
reversible once medication has been
Metabolic STAGE 5 with UREMIA
Stage Description GFR Action Plan
consequence First line: Dialysis
4 Severe renal 15- • Triglyceride • - Renal replacement therapy is initiated once
failure (Pre- 29 concentrations Preparation
End stage start to rise for renal patient has stage 5 and or signs of uremia
renal failure) • Hyper replacement o Weight loss
phosphatemia therapy o Lack of appetite
• Metabolic o Nausea
acidosis o Acidosis
• Tendency to o Hyperkalemia
hyperkalemia - Peritoneal dialysis: peritoneal catheter is
inserted in the abdomen
STAGE 4 - Haemodialysis: prescribed 3 times a week for 4
Educate px about renal replacement therapy hours each session
such as dialysis and kidney transplantation Second line: Kidney transplantation
Kidney transplantation is recommended once
GFR falls under <20mL/min Treatment for the underlying risk factors:
Parathyroid hormone with active vitamin D3 Glycemic control
must be maintained at 70-110 nanograms/L Goal of BP: <130/80 mmHg with ACEI/ARBs
<125/75 for patients with proteinuria >
ACEI/ ARBS Tobacco cessation
STATINS Protein restriction in stages 4 & 5
contraindicated to patients with diabetes Monitoring
because of the risk of renal impairment, - Annual evaluation of serum creatinine
hypotension, hyperkalemia - Estimation of GFR
Avoid also in patients with moderate to severe - For Established CKD
renal impairment. - Rate of progression should be serially assessed
Patients with ANEMIA starting Stage 3
- ADJUNCT: recombinant erythropoietin - Screening anemia and bone mineral disorders at
therapy least every 6 months
Erytropoeitin Alfa - Annual lipid profile
Patients with SECONDARY
- Dietary modification + Phosphate
binding drugs
Calcium acetate
Calcium carbonate
Ergocaldiferol: Dose dependent
Active 1, 25 vitamin D therapy:
Metabolic Action
Stage Description GFR
consequence Plan
5 ESRD (End- <15 • Azotremia • Dialysis
Stage Renal develops or Pre-
Disease) emptive
UREMIA transplant
or palliative
HYPERTENSION - Obstructive sleep apnea
- Hyper parathyroidism
- Pheochromocytoma
- Primary aldosteronism (increase aldosterone)
- Hyperthyroidism
• Corticosteroids
• Estrogen
• NSAID’s – would inhibit the prostaglandin
• Amphetamines- centrally acting agent
• Sibutramine – diet pills
• Cyclosporine
• Tacrolimus- Organ transplantation
o lowers the immune system
• Venlafaxine - mental disorders
SYMPATHOPLEGICS – decrease venous tone, BETA BLOCKERS: initially reduce cardiac output
decrease heart rate, decrease contractile force, - Chronic use: decrease by reducing angiotensin
decrease cardiac output, decrease peripheral level because they can reduce the renin
vascular resistance. release4 from the kidney.
o A2 selective agonist: (clonidine, o Prototype: PROPRANOLOL
methyldopa) o NEBIVOLOL: with vasodilatory action
▪ Decreases sympathomimetic due to nitric oxide release
outflow by activating a3 receptors o Selective (asthma): BEAM (Bisoprolol,
(via negative feedback) Betaxolol, Acebutolol, Metoprolol)
▪ Crosses BBB when given orally VASODILATORS:
- high compensatory response 1. Reduction of calcium influx via L type calcium
a. METHYLDOPA: converted to channel
methylnorepinphrine o Dihydropyridine (amlodipine,
- DOC for pregnant (with Reno protective o Non-dihydropyridine (verapamil,
property) diltiazem)
2. Release of Nitric Oxide from the drug or the
- may cause hematologic immunotoxicity
vascular endothelium
(false positive Coomb’s test)
o Hydralazine- older vasodilator
- may cause sedation ▪ Systemic Lupus erythematosus
at dose >200mg/day
o Nitroprusside: mixed vasodilator
▪ Light sensitive, short acting
▪ Used in HTN crisis
3. Hyperpolarization of vascular smooth muscle
through opening of potassium channel
o Minoxidil (for severe HTN)-
compensatory response (tachycardia
and water retention)
▪ Co-administration of Beta-
blockers & diuretic
▪ May cause hirsutism
o Diazoxide: thiazide derived but lacks
diuretic properties
▪ Reduce insulin release and cam
be used for hypoglycemia cause
by insulin producing tumors.
4. Activation of the dopamine 1 receptors
o Fenoldopam- arteriolar vasodilator for
HTN crisis
- CONTRAINDICATED: to pregnant
- TOXICITY: hyperkalemia, angioedema
- reduction of coronary blood flow due to stenosis Right Coronary artery: Posterior wall septum and
(abnormal narrowing/hardening of the blood vessel) papillary muscles
- abnormal constriction and dilation of the vessels Blocked: 30-40% MI
- reduced oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
Left Circumflex artery: Lateral wall of the left
ATHEROSCLEROSIS: most common cause of ventricle
epicardial coronation artery stenosis. 15-25% MI
ST Elevated MI
Fibrinolytic: Streptokinase
- causes lysis of thrombus if given < 6-12 hrs.
• Atherosclerosis
• Tachycardia
• Anemia
• Hyperthyroidism
• Arterial hypoxemia
• HypotensioN
Angina: Chest pain
- Blood volume
- Venous tone
4. CORONARY ANIOGRAPHY & CARDIAC HEART RATE Reflex increase Decrease Decrease
Decrease Decrease Decrease
- specific and sensitive but this is invasive, risky PRESSURE
No change/
Collecting duct Intra-renal:
- Diuretics: K sparing diuretics 1. Acute glomerulonephritis
o it inhibits the excretion of K - Inflammation of the glomerulus
- Vasopressin is anti-diuretic hormone - Can be infection (S. pyogenes) or SLE
o It will open pores in the collecting duct, 2. Acute tubular necrosis
habang bumababa, ang filtrate - 50% of the intra-renal
bumabalik - The cells in the tubules are damaged
- High ADH means dehydrated 3. Acute interstitial nephritis
- Spaces between the tubules become
Creatinine, by product of muscle (muscle waste). High inflamed causing decrease kidney capacity to
serum creatinine & high urea (Blood urea nitrogen) filter properly
means a kidney problem. - Vasoconstriction lead to obstruction
- Urine can’t pass because of the obstruction
Acute renal failure - Can cause backflow of urine
- Sudden, reversible decrease in GFR (glomerular
- Characterized by: 1. NSAIDs
1. Increase in serum creatinine of about 0.3 - Inhibits prostaglandin production
mg/dl. Normal values: (vasodilator)
o Male (0.9-1.3 mg/dl) - Also a renal vasodilator in the afferent
o Female (0.6-1.1 mg/dl) tubule, if we don’t have vasodilatory action in
2. Increase in serum creatinine of 50% the afferent it will be constricted and the
greater than the baseline renal blood flow will decrease and will cause
3. Reduction in urine output (0.5ml/kl) for 6 low GFR and can cause kidney damage.
hours - Limits afferent arteriole vasodilation
o Polyuria – plenty
o Anuria – none 2. ACE inhibitor
o Oliguria – decrease urine output - Best medication for HTN in the CKD
- Contraindicated for AKI
3 TYPES OF ACUTE RENAL FAILURE - Limits renal efferent constriction
1. Pre renal - Efferent constriction is needed to maintain
- Before the kidney GFR due to lower renal perfusion
- There is severe decrease in BP/ there is flow
obstruction 3. Aminoglycosides
- Atherosclerosis - Accumulate in the renal cortex
- Ischemia - AKI present within 5-7 days of discontinuation
- When left untreated can damage the kidney - Hypomagnesia is common
2. Intra renal
- in the kidney 4. Contrast Media
- direct damage - Galodinium – MRI
- inflammation - Oral Sodium Phosphate
- infection 1. Hypoxia in the renal medulla
- drugs 2. ROS (radioactive oxygen species)
- autoimmune (SLE) 3. Tubule obstruction with precipitated
- When left untreated can lead to CKD contrast material
3. Post renal
- After the kidney 5. Amphotericin B
- Obstruction of urine flow - ROS
- BPH - Dose and duration dependent
- Kidney stones
- Cancer / tumor 6. Acyclovir
- When left untreated can damage the kidney - Precipitates in tubules
- Obstruction when given 500mg/m2 IV bolus
- Acute interstitial nephritis 1. Myoglobin
- Released by injury muscle cells
8. Chemo (Cisplatin & Carboplatin) 2. Hemoglobin
- Accumulation in PCT which cause necrosis - Due to massive hemolysis
and apoptosis - Pigment nephropathy
3. Rhabdomyolysis
9. Ifosamide
- Fanconi’s syndrome (as well as tetracycline) Isosthenuria
- Failure to concentrate / dilute urine
10. Bevacizumab - Diagnostic factor
- Proteinuria o Pre-renal
- Bawal and protein sa urine because if that is a > 500 mOsm/kg urine Osmolarity
macromolecure hindi makakalagpas sa o Intra-real damage
bowman’s capsule. If amino acid, > 300 mOsm/kg urine Osmolarity
marereabsorb sa PCT. If Albumin, is negative
charge and kidney also is a negative charge RECOVERY FROM AKI
therefore if both negative leads to repelling 1. Pre-renal – restore GFR
action. 2. Intra-renal – restore GFR, remove toxin, initiate
- How to know there is proteinuria? therapy
Microscopic if turbid or puss. 3. Post-renal – recovery depends on the size of the
- How to know there is blood in urine? Cola functioning nephron
colored or brown urine.
- How to know there is glucosuria? DIAGNOSTCIS
Nilalanggam, sign of diabetes. 1. Angiography
- Cannot be in urine: 2. Renal biopsy
o Protein 3. Urinalysis
o Albumin - Presence of RBC:
o Ketone o Eumorphic: collecting system
o Sugar o Dysmorphic: glomerulonephritis
o Blood - Presence of WBC:
o Pyelonephritis
11. Mitomicin & Gemctabine o Acute interstitial nephritis
- Thrombotic micropathy - Presence of Uric acid:
o Ethylene glycol poisoning
TOXIC INGESTIONS o Calcium oxalate crystals
1. Ethylene glycol 4. Bladder Pressure
- Automobile antifreeze - >25 mmHg
- Can cause tubular injury - Abdominal compartment syndrome
o Oxalic acid - AKI
o Glycoaldehyde 5. Biomarkers
o Glyoxylate - NGAL: neutrophil gelatinase associated
2. Diethylene glycol lipolactin
- 2 hydroxy ethoxy acetic acid - Serum cystatin C
3. Melamine 6. Ultrasound
- Infant formulation - Doppler echography
- High proteins - For thromboembolic / renovascular disease
- Can cause nephrolithiasis obstruction 7. Nuclear scanning
4. Aristocholic acid - TC-99 MAG 3: Technitium 99 Mercaptoacetyl
- “Chinese herb nephropathy” triglycerin
- Balkan nephropathy - TC-99 DTPA: Technitium 99 Diethylene
- Iodine 131
1. Correct fluid overload/edema
- Furosemide IV – minutes (onset)
- Furosemide Oral – hours
- Contraindicated: Aminoglycosides & NSAID
2. Correct acidosis (bicarbonate)
3. Correct hyperkalemia
- Decrease K intake
- Give potassium binding resin
- Sodium polystyrene sulfonate
- Promote K intracellular shift:
o Insulin
o b-agonist
o dextrose solution
4. Correct hematologic deficiencies
- Transfusion, estorgen, desmospressin
5. Correct hyperphosphatemia
- Give IV calcium: chelation
- Oral calcium: binds to phosphate in the gut
- Sevelamir: non-ionic polymer that binds to
phosphate in the gut
- Aluminum hydroxide
- Dialysis
6. For hypocalcemia
- Calcium gluconate
7. For hyponatermia
- Fluid restriction
- NaCl – slow IV to avoid pulmonary edema
8. Avoid nephrotoxic drugs
- N-acetylcysteine for contrast media
- Give vasodilators: Fenoldopam
- Give CCBs: Nifedipine
(140 − 𝑎𝑔𝑒) × 𝑘𝑔
𝐶𝑟𝐶𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 =
73 (𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒)
𝐶𝑟𝐶𝑙 𝑓𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 = (𝐶𝑟𝐶𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒) × 0.85
Thickening of Afferent Arteriole
- Chronic renal failure
- Pathological abnormality of the kidney
Decrease Renal Blood Floe
- Characterized by:
o Hematuria
Decrease Filtration
o Proteinuria
o Reduction of GFR / Creatinine clearance
Decrease GFR (kidney will produce renin)
≤ 60 ml/min
- Irreversible
Activation of RAAS
Causes of CKD:
Increase Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
1. Acutre renal failure
2. HTN - 2nd most cause
3. Diabetes – most common cause
Chronic Activation of RAAS and thickening of AA would
- Diabetic nephropathy
cause damage to nephron and lead to glomerulo
4. Kidney disease
sclerosis (scar inside), there would be ischemia (loss of
- Cancer, obstruction
oxygenation).There is healing in portion but loss of
Pre renal Chronic: Glomerulosclerosis → Ischemia → death of
- Can cause renal artery stenosis (hardening) nephron
o No more contraction and dilation
- Heart failure HTN
- Hemmorhage - Loss of nephron
Which cause decrease the flow of blood going to the - Glomerular hyperfiltration lead to overworks
kidney ↓
↓ Sclerosis
Intra renal → CKD ↓
- Glomerulonephritis Too much death
- Acute tubular necrosis ↓
- Acute interstitial nephritis Decrease GFR
↑ ↓
Post renal Retention of waste
- BPH ↓
- Renal stone Toxic to the body
- Tumors
AKI/ARF CKD High blood sugar → ROS (free radicals)
↑ SC 0.3 mg/dl Hematuria ROS → activates growth factor
↑ SC 50% of baseline Proteinuria (Cytokines & oxidative stress)
Urine output < 0.5 GFR < 60 ml/min ↓
ml/kg/h for 6 hours Diabetic nephropathy
(changes in the nephron)
- hours to weeks - long standing
- reversible - irriversible
- can be CKD if left
Loss of nephron = ↓calcitriol → ↓ ca reabsorption (GIT,
Kidney) → Hypokalemia → hyperparathyroidism →
breakdown of bones (bone resorption) →
OSTEODYSTROPY (nagiging weak ang bones)
- Retention of nitrogenous waste in the blood
- AZOTEMIA (not severe) → Uremia
DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY - What would happen when there is uremia
1. Mesangial expansion o Neurologic problem
- Cannot filter well o Anorexia, vomiting
Mesangium o ↓of estrogen → amenorrhea
- Removes the trap residues of protein para o ↓ testosterone → impotence
kapag nagfifilter ang glomerulus maayos pa din o Skin changes (rashes)
- Keeping the filter free from debris - In the later sage
2. Podocytopathy o ↓renin → ↓ BP
o ↓EPO anemia → anemia
- Podocytes
o ↓ calcitriol → renal osteodystrophy
o Prevents protein from entering the
3. Glomerular Basement thickening STAGES OF CKD
- Inflammation and scarring Stage GFR/ CrCl (ml/min)
- Can lead to nephron death 0 > 90
1 ≥ 90
1. Na and H2O balance 3 30-59
- Dec GFR = Na & H2O retention → HTN → 4 15-29
Peripheral edema 5 (End-Stage
- Restrict fluid intake < 15
Renal Disease)
2. Potassium balance
- Dec GRF = increase K retention → (140 − 𝑎𝑔𝑒) × 𝑘𝑔
Hyperkalemia 𝐶𝑟𝐶𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 =
73 (𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒)
- Muscle weakness, arrhythmia (140 − 𝑎𝑔𝑒) × 𝑘𝑔
𝐶𝑟𝐶𝑙 𝑓𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 = × 0.85
- Loss of nephron = ↓renin production = 73 (𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑚 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒)
↓aldosterone → DCT will not work → K RISK FACTORS
retention 1. age > 50 y/o
INHIBTOR 3. Male gender
3. Metabolic acidosis 4. African American / Hispanic race
- ↓ capacity to excrete H ions and generate 5. Family history
bicarbonate → acidosis 6. Smoking
7. Obesity
- Acidosis leads to bone decalcification
8. Long term analgesics (NSAIDS)
4. Kidney
9. Diabetes
- Release renin, erythropoietin, calcitriol 10. Auto immune disease
COMMON SIGNS & SYMPTOMS - STATINS: additional therapy: has
1. Fatigue cardioprotective effect in px with CKD and
2. Anemia → dec EPO in < 50 ml/min cardiovascular disease.
3. Edema – Na & H2O retention o GOAL: LDL <70mg dL
4. Nausea & pruritus – accumulation of waste product o Non-dihydropine CCBs
5. Infection For patient experiencing cough,
6. Arthralgia – masakit ang joints angioedema, hemodynamic decline
of renal function and hypokalemia
OTHER DIAGNOSTIC FACTORS Has more proteinuric-lowering effect
1. BPH than other antihypertensive agents
2. Foaming appearing urine (protein) o STATINS: additional theraoy for cardio
3. Cola color urine protection
4. Rashses - Adjunct therapy
o If the target BP is not achieved with the
use of non-dihydropyridine CCB
o HCTZ: maximum of 50 mg/day
1. Microalbuminuria
o Atenolol: max. of 25-50 mg/day
2. Proteinuria > 300 mg//day
o Metoprolol: max. of 100
3. Hematuria
Aliskiren – renin inh
STAGES OF RENAL DYSFUCTION Hydralazine – vasodilator
Metabolic Action
Stage Description GFR Minoxidil – vasodiator
consequence Plan
1 Normal or ↑ >90 At ↑ risk of CKD: 1. Screen Clonidine – a2 agonist
GFR- people 1. HTN for CKD
with ↑ risk or 2. Diabetes risk Metabolic
Stage Description GFR Action Plan
with early 3. Obesity 2. Establish consequence
renal damage diagnosis 3 Moderate 30- • Decreased • Monitor
3. Treat renal failure 59 calcium GFR monthly
underlying (CRF) absorption • Avoid
diseases (GFR <50) nephrotoxic
4. Retard • Lipoprotein drugs
progression activity falls • Prescribe
2 Early renal 60- Concentration of 1. Control • Malnutrition antiprotenuric
insufficiency 90 parathyroid BP • Onset of drugs
hormone starts 2. Control anemia (↓EPO) •ACEI or
to rise DM ARBs
3. • Adjust drug
Protenuria dose
Treatment: Identidy co morbidities such as anemia and
For stage 1 and 2 WITHOUT UREMIA: secondary hyperparathyroidism
- ACE inhibitor / ARBS Anemia maybe treated with erythropoietin
o If px has proteinuria > 500mg/day: reduce replacement if Hb falls to <1-g/dL
BP to <125/75 mmHg and proteinuria to < o Target Hb: 11-12g/dl
500 mg/day Hyperparathyroidism, calcium phosphorus levels
o ACEI and ARBS are the first line treatment should be intact
for controlling BP to a goal and proteinuria o Dietary restriction and/or phosphate
is < 500mg/day, control BP to a goal of binding medications
- Both drugs are associated with hyperkalemia in
patients with acute renal failure, this is
reversible once medication has been
Metabolic STAGE 5 with UREMIA
Stage Description GFR Action Plan
consequence First line: Dialysis
4 Severe renal 15- • Triglyceride • - Renal replacement therapy is initiated once
failure (Pre- 29 concentrations Preparation
End stage start to rise for renal patient has stage 5 and or signs of uremia
renal failure) • Hyper replacement o Weight loss
phosphatemia therapy o Lack of appetite
• Metabolic o Nausea
acidosis o Acidosis
• Tendency to o Hyperkalemia
hyperkalemia - Peritoneal dialysis: peritoneal catheter is
inserted in the abdomen
STAGE 4 - Haemodialysis: prescribed 3 times a week for 4
Educate px about renal replacement therapy hours each session
such as dialysis and kidney transplantation Second line: Kidney transplantation
Kidney transplantation is recommended once
GFR falls under <20mL/min Treatment for the underlying risk factors:
Parathyroid hormone with active vitamin D3 Glycemic control
must be maintained at 70-110 nanograms/L Goal of BP: <130/80 mmHg with ACEI/ARBs
<125/75 for patients with proteinuria >
ACEI/ ARBS Tobacco cessation
STATINS Protein restriction in stages 4 & 5
contraindicated to patients with diabetes Monitoring
because of the risk of renal impairment, - Annual evaluation of serum creatinine
hypotension, hyperkalemia - Estimation of GFR
Avoid also in patients with moderate to severe - For Established CKD
renal impairment. - Rate of progression should be serially assessed
Patients with ANEMIA starting Stage 3
- ADJUNCT: recombinant erythropoietin - Screening anemia and bone mineral disorders at
therapy least every 6 months
Erytropoeitin Alfa - Annual lipid profile
Patients with SECONDARY
- Dietary modification + Phosphate
binding drugs
Calcium acetate
Calcium carbonate
Ergocaldiferol: Dose dependent
Active 1, 25 vitamin D therapy:
Metabolic Action
Stage Description GFR
consequence Plan
5 ESRD (End- <15 • Azotremia • Dialysis
Stage Renal develops or Pre-
Disease) emptive
UREMIA transplant
or palliative
CONGESTIVE HEART DISEASE/CONHESTIVE HEART • AFTERLOAD: force or load against which the heart has
FAILURE to contract to get the blood.
→ eject
Deoxygenated blood – blue – vein except for pulmonary
• STROKE VOLUME: amount of blood pumped out of
vein (which carries oxygenated) the heart from the left ventricle
Oxygenated blood – red – arteries – except for
pulmonary artery (which carries deoxygenated blood) • TOTAL VOLUME: total amount of blood in the
chamber (lahat ng napupunta sa left ventricle)
NY HAFC Thiazides
Class I – mild • Infrequently used alone.
Class II – physical activities but SOB • Preferred in patients with mild fluid retention
Class III – Comfortable at rest but physical activity may
be limited * mark limitations Loop Diuretics
Class IV – even at rest • Good for maintaining euvolemia
Beta blockers
• Proven overwhelmingly by various studies that
they reduce morbidity and mortality.
• Studies were done on large populations using
placebos. Almost all those studies were stopped
prematurely due to overwhelming reduction in
mortality (35-65% Carvedilol, Metoprolol)
• Metoprolol CR/XL, carvedilol, and bisoprolol
are the only β-blockers shown to reduce mortality in
large heart failure trials.
• Though the mechanism by which β- blockers exert
their therapeutic benefit is unclear. *
• Though it is clear that β-Blockers would antagonize
the detrimental effects of the SNS
• Potential mechanisms to explain the favorable
effects of β-blockers in heart failure include:
• antiarrhythmic effects, *
• attenuating or reversing ventricular remodeling,
• improving left ventricular systolic function*, Carvedilol, Bisoprolol, Metoprolol → chronic stable failure
Natriuretic peptide → inc releasse of sodium
• decreasing heart rate and ventricular wall stress
Class I pwede pa mag exercise || II, III, IV restrict exercise. All
thereby reducing myocardial oxygen demand,
stages → salt restriction
• and inhibiting plasma renin release. *
Long term use can inhibit release of renin
• To explain the pathophysiology of Autonomic
Nervous System Disorders
• To identify factors that may induce and potentiate
the disorders
• To discuss the clinical presentation as well as the
diagnosis and laboratory evaluation
• To create a therapeutic outcome
¤ Right hemiparesis:
n Weakness of the portion or side of the body
¤ Right hemisensory loss
¤ Left gaze preference
n Tonic deviation of eve towards the side of injury.
¤ Rightvisual field cut
¤ aphasia
Clinical Presentation
¨ One-sided weakness
¨ Inability to speak
¨ Loss of vision
¨ Vertigo / Falling