Sci-Notes Compress
Sci-Notes Compress
Sci-Notes Compress
2. sPinothalamic tract- contralateral decussates 2-3 4. pulmonary impairments- diaphragm (phrenic nerve
segments above the SC (c3-C5) may not be active affecting pts breathing
Ant- pressure and touch (APL) (stimulated by tens) (inhalation)
Lat- pain and temp (LPT) enters Sc Affectation of Intercostals and abdominal ms- impair
lamina 2 – substantia gelatinosa- where lat. And ant forced expiration and inhalation
spinothalamic tract meets (gate control theory of pain) Tidal volume and vital capacity reduced
MC cause of death p SCI- respiratory dysfunction
3. corticospinal –contralateral voluntary movt (inability to cough effectively-secretion build up,
Drawing sc and tracts inadequate inhalation, exhalation- decr. Ventilation of
lungs- atelectasis pneumonia respiratory insufficiency)
Clinical syndrome: Above c4- ventilator or phrenic nerve stimulator
1. Brown sequard- spinal hemisection; penetrating C4- capable of respiration diaphragm trapz scapular
injuries gswounds, stab elevation
Ipsi: paralysis(corticospinal) , loss of vibration and Breathing: glossopharyngeal (frog) breathing 6-7 gulps
proprioception, 2 pt discrimination (DCML) or air
Contra: pain and temp “contra ni brown sequard and C5- needs assistance for manual cough technique
pain and temp” C6 indep manual cough
Coughing: T1-T3 non functional cough
2. Ant. Cord syndrome: worse prognosis T4-T8 weak(4) coughing(8)
Damage to ant 2/3 of Sc; MC Cause: flexion (naiipit) T10 and above- functional (10)
Only DCML intact all others affected loss of motor fx
(corticospinal), loss of pain and temp (spinothalamic) Vital capacity:
C4 30-50%; C5 40-60%; C6 60-80%
3. Central cord syndrome-Walking SCI Airshift maneuver- to ventilate lungs; maximal
MOI: compression, Hyperextension inspiration, hold and feel air in lungs
Damage to spinothalamic, corticospinal, DCML
EU> LE; Motor> sensory 5. sexual dysfunction-
Bladder dysfxn: urinary retention Erection UMNL>LMNL; incomplete>complete
Female fertility is unchanged
4. Posterior cord syndrome Male- likely to become infertile
Least frequent; loss of proprioception and epicritic Reflexogenic erection (from external physical
sensation (DCML) stimulation of genitals or perineum) – UMNL, intact
Seen with tabes dorsales (slow degeneration of all reflex arc s2-s4
parts of the body and progressive loss of DTR) from Psychogenic erection (cognitive activity, erotic
syphillis fantasy)- LMNL
5. conus medullaris 6. Cauda equine 6. Bowel and bladder dysfunction- loss of voluntary of
umnl Lmnl/ peripheral nerve control urination and defecation due to damage to
L1 Injury below L1 sacral cords S2-S4
spastic flaccid Spastic bladder UMNL Flaccid bladder LMNL
Regeneration possible Reflexive bladder nOn reflexive bladder
automatic autonomous
Primary impairments: Failure to store-unrinates Failure to empty-
1. Spinal shock-temporary phenomenon after trauma even if bladder is not full can’t urinate even
where SC ceases to fxn below level of lesion; when full
(+) incontinence Retentive bladder
Above micturition reflex Damage to conus 2. DVT- formation of bld clot dislodged (embolus)
center S2-S4 (above medularis or cauda serious medical condition since can obstruct artery
conus medullaris) sacral equine, s2-s4 sacral sci- incr risk for dvt d/t decr. Or loss of active pumping
reflex arc intact micturition reflex action of contracting ms
Parasympathetic damage Homan’s sign- sp test
innervation to detrusor ms Prevention: anti coagulant therapy (heparin warfarin),
and bladder neck positioning schedule, ROM, proper positioning to
sphincter (internal) intact prevent venous stasis, use of elastic stocking
Reflex emptying- Valsalva maneuver SX: swelling of LE, pain and warmth in area
triggered by manual incr. intra abdominal Test: Doppler US
stimulation techniques pressure, crede TX: no PROM AROMS, bed rest anti coagulant therapy,
stroking kneading, maneuver- manually surgery
tapping suprapubic region compress lower
or thigh and lower abdomen intermittent 3. Orthostatic hypotension- decr. bp during elevation
abdominal stroking, catheterization, to upright position caused by loss of sympathetic
pinching or hair pulling timed voiding control of vasoconstriction in combination with
program severely reduced ms. Tone, (+) venous pooling
Spastic bowel Flaccid bowel S/Sx: decr. Of BP greater than 20 mmhg, dizziness,
Suppositories and digital Straining of available light headedness, nausea and blacking out
stimulation techniques musculature and Prevention:monitor vital signs, elastic stockings, ace
manual evacuation wraps to LE, abdmonial binder, gradual progression to
technique vertical position (tilt table)
Tx: Return to supine position, elevate legs, ankle
7. Cardiovascular fxn pumps
SC Injury that blocks communication to brainstem
sympathetic input to heart is lost and parasympathetic 4. Pressure ulcers/sores- prevention most impt.
input remains- resulting in bradycardia, peripheral Proper positioning every 2 hrs, with pressure sore
vasodilation, hypotension every 30 mins; in W/C pressure relief every 15 to mins,
Significant in SCI above T6 resolves within a few sit on appropriate cushion,
weeks of injury. *review pressure sites in different position