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published: 30 July 2019

doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00526

State of the Field: Differentiating

Intellectual Disability From Autism
Spectrum Disorder
Audrey Thurm 1*, Cristan Farmer 1, Emma Salzman 2, Catherine Lord 3 and Somer Bishop 2
1Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Phenotyping Service, Office of the Clinical Director, National Institute of Mental Health,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2 UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California,
San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3 Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior, David Geffen
School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The topic of this special issue on secondary versus idiopathic autism allows for discussion
of how different groups may come to manifest autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or ASD-
like symptoms despite important etiological differences. A related issue is that, because
many of the social communication deficits that define ASD represent a failure to acquire
developmentally expected skills, these same deficits would be expected to occur to
some extent in all individuals with intellectual disability (ID). Thus, regardless of etiology,
Edited by: ASD symptoms may appear across groups of individuals with vastly different profiles of
Manuel Fernando Casanova, underlying deficits and strengths. In this focused review, we consider the impact of ID on
University of South Carolina,
United States
the diagnosis of ASD. We discuss behavioral distinctions between ID and ASD, in light
Reviewed by:
of the diagnostic criterion mandating that ASD should not be diagnosed if symptoms
Mathijs Vervloed, are accounted for by ID or general developmental delay. We review the evolution of the
Radboud University Nijmegen, autism diagnosis and ASD diagnostic tools to understand how this distinction has been
Jane McCarthy, conceptualized previously. We then consider ways that operationalized criteria may be
The University of Auckland, beneficial for making the clinical distinction between ID with and without ASD. Finally,
New Zealand
we consider the impact of the blurred diagnostic boundaries between ID and ASD on
Audrey Thurm
the study of secondary versus idiopathic ASD. Especially pertinent to this discussion
[email protected] are findings that a diagnosis of ID in the context of an ASD diagnosis may be one of the
strongest indicators that an associated condition or specific etiological factor is present
Specialty section:
(i.e., secondary autism).
This article was submitted to Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry, Keywords: differential diagnosis, developmental delay, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, DSM-5
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychiatry

Received: 31 March 2019 INTRODUCTION

Accepted: 03 July 2019
Published: 30 July 2019 Whereas the rest of this special issue is devoted to specific factors that relate to secondary versus
Citation: idiopathic autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in this focused review, we discuss a diagnostic concern
Thurm A, Farmer C, Salzman E, that cuts across this discussion: When and how should ASD be diagnosed in the presence of
Lord C and Bishop S (2019) State of
intellectual disability (ID) of varying degrees? This discussion is relevant because of the high rate
the Field: Differentiating Intellectual
Disability From Autism
of ID in what is being termed “secondary” or non-idiopathic ASD, similar to what was previously
Spectrum Disorder. described as “complex” ASD; see Miles et al. (1), where specific genetic etiologies are identified as
Front. Psychiatry 10:526. contributing to the manifestation of ASD. In fact, genes associated with ASD are often the same genes
doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00526 that are associated with ID (2, 3), validating both the phenotypic and genotypic overlap between

Frontiers in Psychiatry  |  www.frontiersin.org 1 July 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 526

Thurm et al. Differentiating ID from ASD

these conditions. In addition, the rate of genetic abnormality are likely to be changed as a result of treatment (such as social
associated with ASD is significantly higher in the presence communication abilities or IQ) difficult. More proximal to the
of comorbid ID (4, 5). Thus, when it comes to discussions of everyday lives of individuals with these conditions, similar issues
primary/idiopathic versus secondary autism, considering the must be considered with respect to behavioral therapy goals
role of ID in diagnosis and phenotyping is critical. and even educational categorization for classroom placements.
In this review, we focus on the impact of ID on the diagnosis Finally, from a theoretical perspective, exploration of the
of ASD. A few important trends underscore the importance of differences between diagnoses of ID and ASD begets questions
reviewing the clinical distinction between ID and ASD. One of these about how to operationalize criteria for the ASD diagnosis itself.
trends is the very large increase in ASD prevalence, accompanied That is, the concept of deficits in social communication implies
by a strikingly similar decline in ID (6–8) (see Figure 1). The other that these are unexpected or significantly more impairing than
related trend is the increase in research on genetic conditions, delays observed in the context of the individual’s other functional
many of them previously considered to be disorders associated abilities. Whereas ID is associated with general deficits across
with ID (e.g., Fragile X Syndrome and Williams Syndrome), where developmental domains, ASD is in fact defined by the observation
increasingly high rates of ASD features and/or diagnoses are that social communication deficits are particularly impairing.
reported (6, 9). These trends lead to questions about how context
and measurement may influence changes in diagnostic practice
and also suggest inconsistencies in how individual clinicians and HISTORICAL CONTEXT
researchers distinguish ID from ASD.
Before proceeding, it is important to underscore the reasons Kanner’s first description of children with autistic disorder
for understanding how and when a distinction is made between included delay in intellectual development as an associated feature
ASD and ID, and when the two conditions are diagnosed in several of the cases described (11). Moving forward to formal
simultaneously. As we approach the realization of treatments recognition of autism as a disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical
for the root cause of specific neurodevelopmental problems, Manual of Mental Disorders, Third Edition (DSM-III), criterion
such as preventative gene therapy (10), we must identify C specified gross deficits in language, and criterion D stipulated
specific endpoints that will be used to evaluate their efficacy. peculiar patterns of speech, if present (12). Thus, early descriptions
The considerable etiologic and phenotypic overlap between of ASD assumed that a significant proportion of children would
ASD and ID makes the identification of relevant endpoints that be minimally verbal, which overlaps considerably with ID (13).

FIGURE 1 | Number of students (in thousands) in the US who receive special education services pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act,
adapted from a previous publication (6). Numbers are plotted by the beginning of academic year (X-axis) and by diagnostic group, which are mutually exclusive.
Other diagnoses not explicitly labeled include deaf-blindness, developmental delay, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, multiple disabilities, and orthopedic
impairment. The most common diagnoses, specific learning disabilities (in 2014, n = 2,278), and speech or language impairment (in 2014, n = 1,332) are not
shown. Figure produced from data obtained from the U.S. Department of Education (7).

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Thurm et al. Differentiating ID from ASD

In fact, earlier epidemiological reports indicated that as many as above-average IQ, clinicians working with the “contemporary”
70% of individuals with ASD had co-occurring ID (14, 15). It was ASD population may be far less experienced with ID (especially
only recently that epidemiological reports reversed this trend, with in the severe to profound range) than previous generations. It
some suggesting that ID was present in as few as 30% of children is worth noting that “With or Without Intellectual Impairment”
with ASD (6, 16). However, methdology may artificially deflate is included as a specifier to be considered when assigning an
these rates (17). Recent studies have found that both minimally ASD diagnosis under DSM-5; however, while this specifier
verbal and ID subsets of the ASD population are disporpotionately can be made independently of an ID diagnosis, this specifier is
and increasingly underincluded in ASD treatment studies (18), redundant when an independent diagnosis of ID is made.
neuroimaging studies (19), and ASD research in general (20). Specifiers for ID severity differentiate individuals based on ability
The systematic exclusion of individuals with ID in ASD-focused to function independently across conceptual, social, and practical
research may affect the validity of current estimates for rates of ID domains. The conceptualization of intellectual functioning as a
in ASD (20). Further, it raises concerns about how clinicians are generally normal distribution suggests that the majority of people
trained to diagnose ASD in the context of ID. Studies up to the with ID should be in the mild range, a supposition borne out by the
early 2000s often focused on how to differentiate ASD from ID data (34). Individuals with mild ID typically achieve verbal fluency
(without ASD), as this was a predominant referral question (21– and are often able to function with independence in at least some
24). However, recent literature on ASD screening and diagnosis domains, whereas those with profound ID (representing a very small
has shifted to reflect the changing referral trends, focusing more percentage of those diagnosed with ID) require 24-h care for all
on differential diagnosis among children with average IQ (e.g., activities of daily living (35). Of particular relevance to the diagnosis
differentiating between ASD and ADHD or ASD and language of ASD in ID is the fact that social function is included in the
disorder) (25, 26). Studies that have continued to explore conceptualization of ID severity, as it is expected that degrees of ID
differentiation of ASD and ID are primarily focused on genetic will be associated with increasing immaturity in social interactions.
syndromes (27–29), since ASD geneticists are looking to specific As described in the DSM-5, verbal or nonverbal modes of social
genetic conditions with increased rates of ASD for clues about how communication may be observed, but the content will be limited.
to derive treatments for ASD symptoms (30). In addition, ASD- Expectations for social abilities decrease as severity increases; in or
focused research within rare genetic syndromes has been fueled to beyond the moderate range of ID, “individuals may not perceive
some extent by specialized funding resources targeting ASD. or interpret social cues accurately” (p. 35) (33). Thus, as described
below, clinicians are presented with the difficult task of determining
when observed social deficits are attributable to an individual’s ID,
DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL and when an additional diagnosis of ASD is warranted.
OF MENTAL DISORDERS (DSM) At all levels of ID, the social communication deficits and
interfering repetitive behaviors/restricted interests that confer a
While diagnoses akin to ID were in earlier versions, beginning with comorbid diagnosis of ASD result in even greater reductions in
DSM-III (12), the American Psychiatric Association introduced functional independence than if the individual only had a diagnosis
a multiaxial conceptualization. This system was maintained in of ID. This is reflected in studies showing that adaptive behavior
DSM-IV, which placed mental retardation (the term previously skills are lower than expected based on IQ for individuals with ASD
used for ID) on Axis II. ID therefore served as a sort of “add (36–39). Furthermore, data from clinical populations suggest that
on” that could be assigned in the presence of many other Axis I the distribution of ID severity among people with ASD is skewed
diagnoses, including ASD. This had an advantage of encouraging downward, such that the rate of severe-to-profound ID is higher
clinicians to consider each axis, and provided a clear structure among those with ASD and ID than in those with ID alone (40). This
for reporting different, though potentially associated, difficulties. is consistent with the detrimental effects of ASD on both attainment
However, this structure effectively invalidated a conceptualization and measurement of cognitive and adaptive abilities (41, 42). With
of ID as a primary or autonomous mental disorder. While other respect to the severity of ID, the fact that individuals with both ASD
organizations already had nosology for ID as a distinct condition and ID are particularly likely to have a specific genetic etiology, and
(31, 32), the DSM-5 rid the multiaxial system so ID could be that severe to profound ID is more common in such cases of rare
recognized as a primary diagnosis (33). genetic syndromes than in the general ID population (43), results in
ID is now included as a freestanding diagnosis within the a theoretical and non-hereditary “bump” in the normal distribution
Neurodevelopmental Disorders section of the DSM-5. It may at the very low end of IQ (44).
therefore be diagnosed alongside any other neurodevelopmental
disorder (although cautions are given relating to diagnostic
distinctions for several conditions, including ASD). The DIAGNOSING ASD IN THE CONTEXT OF ID
DSM-5 defines ID based on deficits in intellectual functioning
and deficits in adaptive functioning. The option to assign ID Diagnosing mental conditions in individuals with ID presents
as its own diagnosis, not in the presence of ASD or any other challenges in general. For this reason, a separate diagnostic manual
neurodevelopmental disorder, requires that clinicians have has been created to provide guidance about when DSM-5 criteria
sufficient understanding of the clinical manifestation of ID. Given should be modified for the ID population (45). The Diagnostic
the shift in composition of ASD referrals to include a significant Manual-Intellectual Disability-2 highlights complexities in
proportion of individuals with borderline range, average or distinguishing ASD in individuals with ID, but does not indicate

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Thurm et al. Differentiating ID from ASD

any adaptations for the ASD diagnostic criteria beyond utilizing the DSM-5 criterion E that “disturbances are not better explained
DSM-5 requirement that deficits “exceed impairment consistent with by intellectual disability or global developmental delay” (33),
the level of intellectual disability” (p. 131) (45). Similarly, Criterion diagnosticians need to keep in mind the possibility that severe
E of the DSM-5 ASD criteria requires that “disturbances are not ID might prevent valid assessment of certain ASD symptoms.
better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental One convincing reason for not advising a minimum mental
delay” (p. 51) (33), though it does not specify how this should be age requirement for the diagnosis of ASD is the need to diagnose
determined. Thus, neither manual gives instructions about how or children as young as possible. ASD is diagnosed as early as the
when ID may or may not “explain” symptoms of ASD. In addition, second year of life (55), so requiring that toddlers meet a mental
as discussed later, the ability to make such determinations may age threshold of 18 or 24 months (for example) could preclude
depend on the severity of ID and the age of the individual, as certain an ASD diagnosis in very young toddlers and/or those with even
distinctions may be increasingly challenging at more severe levels of slight cognitive delays (56). In addition, the symptoms of ASD may
ID and/or at certain ages/developmental periods. themselves deflate cognitive scores, creating circularity where young
Research on specific genetic conditions associated with ASD has children with ASD cannot be diagnosed with ASD because their
highlighted some of these diagnostic challenges, because ID is much ASD has caused their test scores to be artificially low. The limited
more common when a genetic etiology is identified than in the social responsiveness, interfering repetitive behaviors, and other
idiopathic ASD population (46). There are examples from several behavior problems (e.g., hyperactivity, aggression, and inattention)
genetic syndromes, including Fragile X Syndrome (47, 48), Dup15q common in children with ASD complicate cognitive testing in this
Syndrome; (49), and Smith–Lemli–Opitz Syndrome (50), wherein group (57), potentially leading to lower scores (58). On the other
lower IQ is associated with increased rates of ASD diagnosis. An hand, given longitudinal data showing that early (i.e., at or before age
exception may be when the ID is so severe that clinicians apparently 3 years) nonverbal IQ scores below 70 usually persist into adulthood
find it impossible to identify relative deficits in social communication (41), clinicians need to be careful not to dismiss the prognostic
and play, given the extremely low mental age (51). significance of low IQ scores in young children with ASD.
Variability in rates of ASD diagnosis within and across genetic Although diagnostic criteria do not explicitly state a
syndromes may also depend on the clinician’s degree of reliance on developmental level under which a diagnosis of ASD is not
standardized instruments versus clinical judgment (9). Moss and advisable, ASD-focused research studies have begun to introduce
Howlin (28) provide a comprehensive review of the literature with specific thresholds for inclusion. The Simons Simplex Collection
respect to diagnosing ASD in individuals with genetic syndromes, (SSC) required a mental age of 18 months for probands with ASD
urging even more caution when attempting to differentiate (59), and a large case–control cohort study of young children
clinically relevant symptoms of ASD from ID. Results of studies that excluded children with mental ages under 24 months from
rely exclusively on scores or cutoffs from standardized measures analyses of the data (60). These decisions were based on research
without following manual-based instructions to carefully consider findings that widely used diagnostic instruments for ASD (i.e., the
expert clinical judgment are likely to be especially misleading Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised and the Autism Diagnostic
(52, 53). It is essential that clinicians use all available information Observation Schedule) are far less specific when used for individuals
about the individual to decide whether social communication with nonverbal mental ages below 15 months (21), as well as
skills that are below chronological age expectations are also lower recommendations from the test developers that the instruments be
than mental age/developmental expectations. This is challenging, used cautiously (or not at all) with children with very low mental
especially when there are discrepancies in various aspects of mental ages (61, 62). Such limitations in age and developmental level extend
age (e.g., verbal, nonverbal), when the individual’s mental age is to other commonly used measures of ASD symptoms. The manual
lower than the minimum mental age assumed for the measure itself for the Social Responsiveness Scale states that all validation data were
(27, 54), or when the clinical picture is complicated by comorbid obtained from individuals with IQs above 70; therefore, “additional
sensory or other medical concerns. Therefore, depending on the clinical judgment” is needed to interpret scores for individuals with
study methodology and the clinical training and experience of ID (63). Both a thorough review of autism screening and diagnostic
the diagnosticians, rates of ASD diagnosis can vary tremendously instruments (64) and a recent review of diagnostic instruments for
between samples of individuals with the same syndrome. preschoolers (65) suggested caution regarding how IQ can affect
performance of these measures in general, with several examples
of lower specificity in ID groups. For example, although limited
ASD DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT OF sensitivity and specificity data for diagnostic measures such as the
INDIVIDUALS WITH ID Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders
(DISCO) (66) and the Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic
When considering if and how to make a diagnosis of ASD in Interview (67) exist, two studies of the DISCO showed over-
an individual with ID, it is imperative that severity of ID be classification of individuals with low IQ (66, 68).
considered carefully. The mental age associated with ID in the A common approach in research has been to proceed with
severe to profound range of ID may not exceed 18 months, an an abundance of caution by restricting the participation of
age before which it may not be possible to assess certain abilities individuals with ID, although this reduces the generalizability
(e.g., spoken language, which is not expected to develop until 12 of results. However, research on genetic syndromes cannot
to 18 months of age). Thus, while there is no agreed-upon mental realistically employ mental age cutoffs for inclusion. They can
age that automatically triggers the exception described in the employ minimum mental age cutoffs for individuals they deem

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capable of completing ASD diagnostic instruments, and apply (79). However, ASD-focused assessment tools for individuals with
even more stringent thresholds regarding whether scores from fluent language were developed primarily with non-ID populations
diagnostic instruments should be considered valid (28), but these (61, 62, 80, 81), reflecting the fact that most individuals with ASD
practices have not been consistently adopted up to this point. who are capable of producing complex sentences also have average
In addition to the complicating factor of cognitive impairments, or above average nonverbal IQ (82). This also highlights the
individuals with ID associated with genetic conditions are likely problem of identifying appropriate comparison groups for ASD
to have physical disabilities. Sensory impairments affecting research, because the degree of language deficit (or nonverbal-
vision and hearing are among the most frequently identified, verbal IQ discrepancy) that occurs in some individuals with ASD
along with other neurologic conditions that include ataxia and does not occur as commonly outside of ASD (83). Therefore, in
epilepsy (69). The implications of this are twofold. First, these addition to expanding standardization of tools such as the ADOS
comorbidities confer further limitations to the standardization to capture individuals at older ages who are not able to verbally
(and therefore validity) of ASD diagnostic instruments and are respond to modules traditionally designed for an older population
themselves often difficult to differentiate from symptoms of (84), it will also be important to further develop our understanding
ASD. Second, individuals with such sensory impairments are at of individuals with ID without ASD. Specifically, assessing large
increased risk of ASD (70, 71). Interestingly, the DSM-5 states groups of individuals with ID without ASD will be critical to
that it may be difficult to specify the severity of ID in individuals develop tools that can detect subtle differences in higher-level
with sensory impairments due to limitations in administering social communication skills even if the groups differ significantly
and interpreting standardized measures in this population in language and/or nonverbal cognitive skills.
(33), but there is no consideration of sensory impairments in
the differential diagnosis section pertaining to ASD criteria.
As a result, there have been recent efforts to develop specific Severe to Profound ID
autism diagnostic measures that can be validated in samples of The data required to inform the differentiation of ASD from
individuals with ID and specified sensory impairments (72). ID, especially in the severe to profound range, are limited. For
individuals with severe or profound ID, the term profound
intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) is often used, to reflect
Assessment of Individuals With Mild to the accompanying physical disabilities and/or sensory deficits (e.g.,
Moderate ID vision and/or hearing impairments) (85). Individuals with PIMD
Focusing on those individuals with ID who are in the mental age are the least common generally, but this group is overrepresented
range appropriate for standardized ASD diagnostic instruments, in many genetic conditions implicated in the etiology of ASD (46).
one way of conceptualizing the diagnostic features of ID + ASD Despite the interest in measuring ASD symptoms in this group,
(versus ID alone) would be to separate basic social communication the fact remains that standardized measures of ASD symptoms
skills, which are relatively ASD-specific, from the more advanced are generally not appropriate for this purpose (21, 61, 62). ASD
social communication skills that may be difficult for individuals diagnostic measures were designed to identify individuals with
with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders, including ID (73). ASD primarily, and therefore they assume profiles of ability that
Analyses of instruments like the ADI-R and ADOS indicate that are more traditionally characteristic of ASD. For example, motor
nonverbal communication behaviors that typically emerge in early skills tend to be relatively preserved in ASD even among those
development, such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, as with very low IQ and language abilities (86, 87), as are other
well as the capacity to share enjoyment and participate in simple, basic sensory abilities such as vision and hearing. As a result,
back and forth games (e.g., peek-a-boo), are most specific to ASD standardized diagnostic instruments like the ADI-R and ADOS
(74, 75). This is consistent with older literature showing that, were not validated for individuals with interfering vision, hearing,
compared to children with ASD, children with ID show greater or mobility limitations or other significant motor impairments
capacity for joint attention behaviors, showing and directing (e.g., ataxia, dystonia), which are common co-occurring problems
attention, range of directed affect, as well as use of socially for many individuals with PIMD, especially those with genetic
appropriate eye gaze to social communication purposes (76–78). syndromes and/or neurological conditions (e.g., epilepsy).
Although these deficits in basic social communication behaviors Restrictions placed on use of standardized diagnostic tools
tend to be relatively more specific to ASD, their diagnostic utility have had downstream effects on our ability to conceptualize ASD
may decrease over time, as individuals with and without ASD in the context of ID. As the use of these tools in research on ASD
acquire more skills. Consequently, as individuals progress in age and neurodevelopmental disorders becomes more widespread,
and developmental level, and achieve higher levels of language, results are fed back to inform clinical and policy decisions, shaping
ASD instruments will necessarily focus more on higher-level social diagnostic systems like DSM-5. Thus, an unintended consequence
communication skills (e.g., conversation, ability to modify behavior of the fact that these tools were not designed or validated for
to match social expectations). This complicates assessment of individuals with PIMD is that people with PIMD may not be
social communication in individuals with ID with fluent language included in ASD research (other than studies that focus on specific
abilities; for many individuals with mild to moderate ID who do genetic conditions), and empirical data about which behaviors best
not have ASD, their language skills are at least commensurate with differentiate ASD in the context of severe to profound ID are not
nonverbal ability, and it would not be uncommon for them to be available. The need to operationalize specific differences between
capable of completing Module 3 or 4 of the ADOS, for example ID with and without ASD is clearly apparent, but the data to do this

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are limited in part by who was able to undergo valid standardized At very young ages, it may be difficult, or even impossible, to
assessment of social communication and repetitive behaviors determine social communication “delay” from “deviance,”
using currently available tools. Fortunately, there have been recent since uneven developmental profiles are more subtle when
attempts to actually create diagnostic tools that are specifically children are too young to have developed many skills.
tailored and standardized in samples of individuals with ID that iii. Related to the above, it is important to distinguish between
include severe-to-profound ID (88), as well as modifications of the when a symptom is present, but criterion E is met (the
ADOS that are more appropriate for minimally verbal and older disturbance is accounted for by global developmental
individuals with a nonverbal mental age of at least 18 months (84). delay or ID so it should be considered “not applicable”),
including when it is not possible to determine whether a
symptom is present. In other words, each symptom should
APPLICATION OF CRITERION E: CLINICAL be considered “present,” “absent,” or “not applicable.” For
instance, if motor impairments such as ataxia or motor
GUIDELINES apraxia interfere with a child’s ability to make purposeful
Best practice clearly encourages clinical judgment over prescriptive movements such as pointing or other gestures, a rating of
algorithms for the differentiation of ASD and ID at various “not applicable” may accurately capture the criterion of
chronological and mental age levels. Nevertheless, the following deficits in specific nonverbal communication behaviors.
guidelines may be helpful to consider: Similarly, as discussed previously with respect to minimum
mental age requirements, it may not be possible to judge
a) When evaluating an individual with ID for a potential diagnosis presence/absence of a symptom if an individual has not
of ASD, it is necessary to be aware of the child’s cognitive achieved certain developmental skills. In such cases, a child
ability (based on IQ or developmental test scores) and to may be observed to “grow into” his/her ASD symptoms
understand any sources or clinical manifestations other than in later childhood, once he/she acquires the cognitive,
cognitive ability that may have influenced those scores. Thus, language, and/or motor skills required to assess social
the diagnosing clinician should either directly administer the communication and play. A simple example of this would
measure of cognitive functioning or obtain a detailed account include a child who lacks necessary motor or cognitive
of the behaviors that contributed to the IQ scores. Along with skills to play with toys in any capacity, but then begins
measurements of adaptive behavior, this information will exhibiting highly repetitive play once these skills develop.
provide context not only for the individual’s developmental level, d) In the case of older individuals, the developmental trajectory
but also for the behavioral, motor, and/or sensory impairments may be particularly useful. Specifically, the clinician should
that may be contributing to the overall presentation. consider whether social communication delays have always
b) An assessment of potential motor and sensory impairments been approximately commensurate with other domains of
(e.g., vision, hearing) should be incorporated into the development, or whether social communication delays have at
differential diagnosis, especially given the increased prevalence times been an isolated or more significant impairment. It is also
of these impairments in individuals with a neurogenetic important for clinicians to consider that ASD diagnostic status
condition and/or severe to profound ID. If sensory or motor may change. For example, as noted above, it may not be possible
impairments are present, it is important to consider tools to judge the presence of ASD in a child with very significant ID
that are validated in these particular populations, and also until he/she attains a certain mental age equivalent. On the other
to consider using a team approach to diagnosis that includes hand, in cases of mild to moderate ID, clinicians must be careful
experts in the relevant sensory and/or motor deficits. when assigning ASD diagnoses in later childhood, adolescence,
c) Given that Criterion E states “to make comorbid diagnoses or adulthood. It is unlikely for any individual (with or without
of ASD and ID, social communication should be below that ID) to suddenly manifest social communication deficits and
expected for general developmental level,” the diagnostician repetitive behaviors beyond the early childhood period that
must evaluate his/her ability to determine whether observed warrant an ASD diagnosis. In cases when ASD is suddenly being
deficits are consistent with expectations for the individual’s considered in an older individual with ID, the clinician must
developmental level. carefully consider whether observed social communication
i. The clinician must consider the behaviors expected at a difficulties (e.g., difficulty related to same-aged peers, minor
given developmental level. However, the chronological age conversational difficulties, mild social disinhibition) are simply
of the child is also relevant, as the effect of life experiences a reflection of social immaturity attributable to their ID or
on behaviors cannot be ignored. For example, expectations potentially changes in mental state in reaction to life transitions
for an 18-month mental age differ in the context of a 4-year- (e.g., more limited social exposure post high school).
old versus a teenager. As a result of more life experiences, e) While the administration of autism screening and diagnostic
the teenager may be able to sit for longer periods or time; tools may be helpful in a variety of situations, clinicians must
have more expertise with certain devices, objects, or toys; first consider the consequences of scoring and interpreting the
and be more compliant with routines and simple daily results. For both research and clinical purposes, interpretations
living tasks. of the data may be significantly limited by characteristics
ii. In the case of young children, the DSM-5 warns that commonly observed in individuals with ID, which may
distinguishing ID from ASD may be particularly difficult. affect scoring on autism symptom tools. Examples are ataxia,

Frontiers in Psychiatry  |  www.frontiersin.org 6 July 2019 | Volume 10 | Article 526

Thurm et al. Differentiating ID from ASD

recent onset of independent walking, significant dysarthria or complex referrals for ASD diagnostic assessment. Indeed, the
motor apraxia, and visual or hearing impairments. Thus, even complicating presence of ID has been recognized since diagnosis
if the clinician intends to rely upon qualitative behavioral of autism was first proposed. Further, ID is as heterogeneous as
observations, the use of a given tool in any capacity may still ASD, so strategies that may be helpful in distinguishing ASD
be problematic if the tool is not appropriate for an individual. from ID in individuals of a certain age and/or level of severity
f) When applying clinical judgment, biases and other motivations may not be applicable to others. Nevertheless, the specific
must be considered. The use of a multidisciplinary team may be considerations outlined above may be helpful to enhance both
most helpful to allow for multiple observers and perspectives. research and practice when evaluating and treating children with
For clinicians whose primary training is in ASD, it may be neurodevelopmental disorders.
necessary to seek substantial consultation when an individual Although the focus of this work was to help clarify the distinction
presents with certain medical problems, neurological issues, between ID and ID + ASD, we must also emphasize the commonalities
motor impairments, etc. that are less common in individuals of the two conditions, which indicate that many interventions may
with ASD without ID. Clinicians must recognize that be beneficial regardless of which neurodevelopmental disorder is
standardized tools perform differently in different populations diagnosed. Early intervention services (90) and services focused
and that their own biases and/or idiosyncrasies in how they on improving communication (91) are indicated for children with
normally “weight” certain scores or observations will not any significant developmental delay and should be initiated at the
apply in the same way to all clinical groups. Further, clinicians time this concern is identified, rather than waiting for a diagnosis of
must have sufficient understanding of the individual’s social ASD or ID to be made (92). Although, depending on locality, service
history, including factors relating to family, socio-cultural, and provisions may differ considerably between individuals diagnosed
service-related needs that may be important in teasing out with ASD versus ID, the perception is that individuals with ASD are
caregiver’s responses to questions about the individual’s ability generally afforded more comprehensive services (93, 94). This has
to respond to different social situations. motivated many parents to seek out an additional ASD diagnosis
in order to secure additional services and has further muddled
the question of when and for whom a comorbid ASD diagnosis
is appropriate. To advance our understanding of the diagnostic
RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS distinctions between ID with and without ASD, there is an urgent
need for changes in service provision that emphasize individual
There are important research implications for the preceding
needs over diagnostic classification.
clinical discussion. The differentiation between ID and ASD is
perhaps especially important in the research setting, where studies
of genetic conditions associated with ID and ASD are proliferating
(89). In order to decide between ASD features versus ID as a DATA AVAILABILITY
primary outcome of a trial, for example, the research team must
The datasets for this manuscript are not publicly available because
be able to adequately assess both and understand which is more
consents allow for limited data sharing. Requests to access the
prominent. Further, this discussion highlights the importance of
datasets should be directed to Somer Bishop, Somer.Bishop@
systematic inclusion of individuals with all levels of intellectual
ability in the development and validation of instruments, diagnostic
or otherwise, for measuring ASD symptoms. As mentioned
earlier, some studies may choose to use measures even if they are
not validated for ID, but for research purposes only. Even if this AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
tiered approach is employed, some members of multidisciplinary
teams may not be privy to the important issues that they must AT and SB initially drafted this manuscript, and CL, CF, and ES
consider when interpreting scores from instruments not validated provided extensive editing and specific contributions.
in individuals with ID. Thus, it is essential that a knowledgeable
member of the study team is involved in any analysis or report
that includes such phenotypic findings. Finally, the difficulty of FUNDING
differentiating ASD and ID highlights the need for further research
on the operationalization of DSM-5 ASD criteria (and other This work was partially supported by the Intramural Research
classification systems) in the context of moderate-to-profound ID. Program of the NIMH (1ZICMH002961) to AT and CF, as well
as R01HD093012 to SB.

As diagnostic tools for ASD are distributed and used more widely,
and as awareness (and prevalence) of ASD continues to rise, The authors wish to thank all of the families who have participated
researchers and clinicians are increasingly faced with extremely in research that contributed to this work.

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