Bseymour Project Proposal
Bseymour Project Proposal
Bseymour Project Proposal
A working Tetris game (“random” next block, falls down and stacks, if a row is full, it is
cleared, etc). The playing field will have depth and the ability to rotate the playing field in all
directions. We will use a controller to play the game, so that will have to be mapped. And no
Tetris game is complete without the short song being played. Stretch goals are to create various
35 years ago, the world was introduced to the Tetris1. Since then, Tetris has grown
exponentially, with all various conceivable versions having been created. One of the more rare
versions of Tetris would be the 3D version. 3D Tetris was first introduced to the world in 1996
on Nintendo’s Virtual Boy console2. The failure of Virtual Boy as a console notwithstanding, the
game itself attempted to revolutionize the way Tetris was played. The next version of a 3D
Tetris would be presented to the world as Tetrisphere. Released in 19973 for the Nintendo 64,
representation of the playing field and control system implemented by the developers, a new
standard for how 3D Tetris should be played was born. Our team intends to create a version of
3D Tetris, utilizing these games as inspiration for our personal take on how 3D Tetris should
Our game will be built utilizing a Xilinix Nexys 4 DDR FPGA board to create the
game logic, graphics system, and I/O control. After research into available gamepads,
our team settled on use of Sony’s Dualshock 4 (DS4) gamepad. The decision to utilize
a DS4 was born from the convenience of availability coupled with finding reports on the
organization of output data and report generation rates utilized via USB mode. Our team
identified three major aspects requiring creation to bring 3D Tetris to life, the game logic,
a 3D graphics engine, and I/O logic modules. Each major area of design will further be
(Wikipedia: Tetris, n.d.)
(Wikipedia: 3D Tetris, n.d.)
(Wikipedia: Tetrisphere, n.d.)
Game Logic
Three FSM modules will lay at the heart of the game: block movement, line removal and scoring
(LRS), next block generation. The block movement FSM will decide based on gamepad input
how to position a tetromino within the playing field. As with all Tetris games, holding down on
the D-Pad will increase the falling velocity. Data from the block movement FSM will be sent to
the LRS FSM to determine when a line needs to be removed from play. The LRS FSM will also
tally score for placed tetrominos and cleared lines. When the LRS FSM returns to idle, the next
block FSM will activate. Taking a pseudo-random number from the generator, the next piece can
be chosen for the player. Upon completion of the update state, the game logic control module
will pass a 3D array containing all relevant RGB data for the playing field to the 2D/3D graphics
Module List.
1. Game Piece Movement FSM
a. Inputs: Button Presses, 8bit
b. Outputs: Movement Direction State
10x20 Array, X, Y format, 12bit RGB
c. Function:
1. Move the piece down (whether naturally or controlled)
2. When to stop moving down
3. Move left
4. Move right
5. Rotate
2. Line Removal and Scoring FSM
a. Inputs: Game Piece Movement FSM State
b. Outputs: Score, 16bit
10x20 Array, X, Y format, 12bit RGB elements
c. Function:
1. Remove one line
2. Remove two lines
3. Remove three lines
4. Removed four lines
tricked into seeing 3D space through use of appropriate scaling and shading of 2D objects. The
triangle is chosen as the simplest 2D object that can be drawn and accurately scaled to a given
bit numbers to represent each x, y, and z point in space. The 16 bit number will be broken into a
12bit integer with a 4 bit mantissa to allow for pseudo floating point operations to be
performed. These values are subject to change to allow for greater precision when drawing the
game field should it be required. To support the calculations, a matrix math module will be
created for ease of coding in Verilog. The goal is to create sufficient modules and arrays such
that the Verilog code can be treated in a manner similar to a higher level coding language to
create the 3D field. As a stretch goal, texture maps will be utilized to replace the RGB color
Module List.
1. Game Board to Mesh
a. Input: Array, 10 x 20 elements, 12bits per element representing RGB values
b. Output: Vector of 12bit X,Y values
Vector 12 bit RGB values for each cube at (X, Y) position
c. Function: Steps through 10x20 Array, creating 2 Byte X and Y values from each
2. Triangle from Mesh
a. Input: Vector of (X,Y) values
b. Output: 10x20 Array of (X,Y) vectors representing each field
On their own, input and output from systems is often overlooked and forgotten
about. Our game will require several independent IO modules to properly function. The design
calls for the use of a Sony Dualshock 4 (DS4) as the input gamepad. The intention is to use the
D-Pad to control block movements around a “2D” plane, similar to the way the original Tetris is
played. Additionally, two of the 4 buttons will be utilized to rotate a block within 2D
space. Finally, the analog sticks on the DS4 will be used to rotate and zoom the game board in
3D space. The UI will be drawn in 2D space, and for early testing purposes, a 2D game board
will be created to enable testing of game logic. If time allows, an audio system will be
implemented to incorporate the traditional songs of Tetris as well as block collision sounds and
line clearing sounds. These files will be stored on flash RAM for access by the game as
required. A COE file of ASCII values will be stored in BRAM for access and use by the scoring
subsystem. Separate COE files will be utilized to display the next piece the user is will receive.
Module List.
1. Controller Inputs
a. Input: DS4 input - once every 4ms
b. Parses the data dump of the controller to get the information necessary to the
game and rotation of the screen
2. Game controls
a. Inputs: down left, right, rotate movement of block
b. Output: byte with the first 4 bits representing the movements above (if rotate
button is pressed, the 4th bit would be a 1)
3. Rotational controls
a. Input: 4 byte values representing up, down, left, right , rotation of the tetris board
b. Output: 200 wide array of 12 bit representing x,y,z of each tetris block in the
4. 2D output display
a. Inputs :
1. 200 wide array of the location of each block
2. 200 wide array of the color of each block - can be black
3. Player score
4. Game level
5. Next piece
b. Output - renders the tetris game board in xvga screen, with all of the blocks and
score, level and next piece
c. Part of this module output will be overwritten by the 3d module, but it will be
useful to have a working 2d rendering of the game for testing
The following events will serve as proof for each portion of the game working:
Input-Output Modules
Being able to see and process controller data as lights flashing on the FPGA
Calculating Z location for rotation around 1 Axis - show on the FPGA digits
Calculating Z location for rotation around All Axis - 3D display
Draw Tetris Screen- UI and 2D play screen
Update screen from Game module- UI and 2D play screen
Play game with controller in 2D
Game Logic.
Show automatic falling block.
Falling blocks stop when striking bottom of screen or block.
Move a block down, left, right, and rotate.
Sound Engine.
Play Tetris sound
3D Graphics Engine.
Matrix math modules, known inputs display correct outputs in simulation
Draw a single block in 3D space
Rotate a block in 3D space
Build a 3D playing field of tetronimos
Rotate 3D field about single axis
Zoom field along Z-axis
Draw a 3D field based on given input data
Rotate field in 3D space and zoom
Block Diagram
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