Get Smart Year 5 Text Book
Get Smart Year 5 Text Book
Get Smart Year 5 Text Book
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ISBN 978-967-18342-2-0
Eve's Food Photography), 60 (fanily,Tetra Images), 72 (hike/Zero Creatives),
First published 2021 78 (volleyba11/Kate Mirchell); press Association Inages pp57 (Missy Franklin/
Michael Sohn/AP), 57 (Claudia Fragapane/At Widak/Demotix); Rex Features
English PIus 1 2nd Edition Year 5 (Workbooh) was originally published in p24 (walking to school/HAp/euirky China News); Shutrerstock pp14 (smiling
English in 2016. This edition is published by arrangement with Oxford woman/MJTH), 23 (family dinner/RonTech3000), 30 (short eared owl/Mark
Universiry Press. My Bookstore Sdn Bhd is solely responsible for this Bridger), 30 (springbok/Johan Swanepoel), 71 (Sydney Opera House/Nadezda
adaptation fi'orn the original work and Oxford University press shall have Zavitaeva); South West News Service pp64 (Chris Hesford/S\,\T{, 64
no liability for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies or ambiguities in such (Chris Hesford/S\
adaptations or for any losses caused by reliance thereon.
Printed by C.T. Book Makers Sdn Bhd, Lot S30 and 531,
Jalan perusahaan 3,
Bandar Baru Sungai Buloh, 47000 Selangor, Malaysia
Cover photographs reproduced with pennission
from: Alamy Images (cookery class/
Juice Images); Getry Images (teen boys skateboarding/altrendo images).
Illustrationsby: I,]an Rowe pp.4, 10, 31, 45; Clive Goodyer pp .g,12,22,37,53,
68; David Oakley pp.70, 74; Joanna KerI p.7 (teacher, bag, pen, book, table);
KJA Artists pp.17, 106; Mark Draisey pp.15, ZO, 29, 38, 46, s4, 6Oi Mark Ruffle
pp.6, 7(Mobile, house), 21, 44, SZ, 1.07,102,103, 104, 105; Martina Farrow
pp.100; Paul Daviz pp.8, T 4,26, 50, SS; Stephanie Stdckland p.39.
publisher wouldlike to thankthe
forlotuitrgfor permission to reproduce photographs:
123RF pp6 (coat/Arina Zaiachin), 13 (Natural History Museum/Sung Kuk Kin),
14 (teensnhdim Guzhva), 16 (building blocks/\4adrmir Nenov), 18 (school/
Hongqi Zhang), 22 (giving flowersAr'y'avebreak Media Ltrl), 28 (panda/Christian
Musat), 30 (bluebird/Steve Byland), 30 (brom bear/Jan-ren percy), 30 (hippo
and cub/Eric Isselee), 30 (bears/Michal Kadleaek), 33 (serval wild cat/Duncan
Noakes), 48 (washing salad/petro Feketa), 49 (fruit salarl/margouillat); Alamy
Images ppS (girl smiling/itanistock), 5 (friendsfietra Images), 16 (Miniland/
Greg Balfour Evans), 20 (having breakfast/Juice Images), 25 (costume/Veryan
Dale), 25 (World Book Day costumes,Veryan Dale), 27 (marching band/
CIaIence Holmes Events), 76 (Chester/eye3s.pix); Corbis pp5 (boy/peter
Griffith/Masterfile), 14 (young man/Leland Bobbe/lmage Source), 19 (market/
Eurasia Press/Photononstop), 32 (butterfly group/Ingo Arndt/Minden pictures),
41 (clirrbers/Robeft Niedring), 56 (wheelchair basketball/Zak Hussein), 57
(Brazil v Croatia 2014/Chris Bmnskill), 62 (World,s smallest and tallest nan/
Facunda Arrizabalaga/epa), 65 (J.K. Rowling/Alessia pierdomenico/Reuters),
73 (rock pool/Alex Robinson/Robert Harding World Irragery), 75 (pleasure
boats/Kim Kirby/LOOP IMAGES); Getty Inages pp4 (smiling girl[^/estend61),
40 (sailing/Michael Blann), 59 (Andy Murray/Dan Istitene), 6Z (Johanna
Pauline Musters/Sean Sexton), 67 (Taylor- Swift/Bruce Glikas/FilmMagic), 77
(giraffe/kali9), 79 (Scouts/Andreas Rentz); OUp pp6 (dictionary/Mark Mason),
6 (pen/Prapann), 6 (bag/Dennis Kitchen Studio, Inc), 6 (book/Juclith Coliins), 6
(laptop/Yulia Nikulyasha Nikitina), 7 (boy/hage Source), 8 (boy with laptop/
BananaStock), 14 (student/michaeljung), 14 lrnature wonan/photodisc), 30
(large crocodile,A,/olodymy,r Burdiak), 30 (rabbit/BradleyvdW), 30 (cheetah/
Photodisc), 32 (butredy/photodisc), 42 (student looking through microscope/
Lisa F. Young), 42 (r'ed notebook/cooperr),42 (teacher and students/STEEx),
42 (maths equipment/Sergio Stakhnyk), 42 (Ancient Greek helmet/A,/artanov
Anatoly), 42 (computer/Dems Rozhnovsky), 49 (fast food/Mindscape Studio),
s0 (smiling boy/Ed1ta Pawlowska), 50 (smiling girl/KidStock), 51 (tndian food/
zLt lsrl sqto^ reln6a.u;
OLL saserqd fey
001 IsrlproM
08 o)rl)eJd pue o)uora+al sn)o; a6en6uel
9L A ArnoJ a^rlelnun)
89 (enne 6u;o9 8 llun
09 dn 6urnno,r9 Z llun
z9 1tod5 9llun
nn tlrleeq pue pool I l!un
9E ptJom 6uru,rea1 7llun
8Z aJ!l pl!M E llun
0z sle6 z l!un
ZL sarlr) pue su^ oI [ ]!un
i llun rouels
the pictures. Complete the crossword with hobbies and interests. Find the extra word.
A ",;;;,,,,:,,,i;,,,',',;;ii;:ii!i
Complete the text with the words. & :::: .jt,:, ".;:;::t:::;..i::::
Complete the Sentences with the wOrds.
my.:p.!i.0t!S.::0f ,::an |m Ai$'.,ai;d:,'gn'Od'].,:,:My l:,b'tOth er WWrite sentences about the interests of your
Ro bqr.t:.,],s,,ii nto, rn.u s,i e-,1 .J
friends and family. Use the words on this page and
. He isn't interested the phrases to help you.
ryeati,nE, hi i,
in video s
or chatting on the
my brother my dad my friend(s)
my mum my sister my parents
K a
.;t,I\},,. W
.w .,ift ffi,
.:-;r--=M _
U D s M T W
ffi,l ffi
P K F H L S o a T a E X U
E P S Z E G C K o D B N
A K H C F ) K W P R o ) E
L1 .ff|ia*&;,
K G E ) X P G A o P L Ia) I
.J J i '1:*."4
E L H T A B L E W K M N q1: w3
R H F W P D K o C E H N B 16j111:i1i!|*q:ili'/1"f
A o
The coat is near the notebook.
B G F G P S T E R T )
1 The clock is the shelf.
M o B I L E P H o N E F K 2 The bag is ...... . the chair.
3 The dictionary is. .. ......the drawer.
X:i'.iiiti;:1lititriicorrectthesentences. 4 The desk is the table.
5 The mobile phone is .. . the laptop and
the speaker.
6 The poster is .. . the board.
Use prepositions.
It's a laptop. 1 It's a notebook.
tf fs*'t a i*pt*p" {t'*
* di*fi*ltary-
4 lt's a pen. 5 lt' s a bag.
6 Starter unit
'{004 S U?qoU pr.rB u,{?pv
dt|?h?l? rlaA 3)v
'ag qll,v\ suorlsanb alrJM *luopnls aq) g
'ssef ) rno^ u! sr luapnls /v\au e aurbeul t*il,;{i.i,,,.;i, g
Z/ oqr / auoq rnol 9
!ooL{)s l€au
./)lsnuTrepoo6TnoI 9
e/ 6pq ull uad rno{ 7
a7 saue6 oapr^ ur palsaJalur 7 spual4lnor( g
uopuot Luol}/raqrealrnol z
i/ uaagry/ no( 1 sraq)Pa} aLll t
'tilv l 'rrA ruods a,ru! ro,t tiv
a / uods 7 otu;7 nor(
]raqou pue uepv
'no{ rol anrl
are teql srernsue elp/\ 'ag qlr/v\ suollsanb afum
ffiffik i iaqleel elqel ued
auoqd alrqou asnoq l1eeq 6eq
I! tI Zlaqlealaqt
,(aqr7no,( I lno( | elrsoddo,(aqr7no,( 'no{ dlaq o} xoq
^eql no( aLll u! sprorv\ eql esn'spefqo aq] pue q anlssassod aql
1 am lno( 'oN I / ann 7 no('sa1 | 1 am1 9
ql!/v\ ssueu aql atu/vl uaql'saurl aql /v\ollol ffi
' sl! I ' ,]! I ePreoqaLllreau
/eqs/eq'oN I laqs/aq'sa1 | rtlaUs/aU € 'looq slLll ur s,oloqd 7 soloqd aql olll | 9
.puau, 'lPua) puP
'' ''.2I Jauef ale sauJPu
'oN ,| 'saA I Iu ol lxau I HV s(puauJ / (spualrl oanl r(61 I
anlle6eN e^!te]ur!#v luad senl /s(PAf s<araLlM t
'6ur;:fu sr
yods elgrnone; s(ue6 pue pl / s(ue6 pue s(pl €
)sap aql uo sr looq s(raqleal / sreq)Pal aql z
sr aJe l(ust alv lou '6eq suods ,s(uo17 s.(uo1sl slql !
{l*v sl r,lrP }(uarP
laMerp aq] ul slrlooq6F@/ (sp!^eo
'spro/yr aql qly'^ alqel aql a1a;duol g 'splo/rAl)arro) eql
W# esootl)m:) l
suollsanb:ag 5r AAISSaSSOd
3 'i:':|,i;;,i1t:'i:1,;:ii:'Look
at the pictures. Complete the words.
1" .a-
r&. YiY
\4L #ifl
n6 w 1o 2 sm--l 3 ex
4 i-t-r-s-i-g
5 p-p-l-r 6 b-r-n- 7 h-r-i-l-
ti,,'.',!:;'.:!;!;;:;ji: co m p ete t h e d i a I o g u e s w i t h t h e
I ru i'.,,;;:i.,;;','i1i1:.i:r, Complete the text with the words.
big fast good €{d new popular small
bad boring cheap interestiftg
nice old slow small unpopular [,lift6,,this,'e001, lapt'op;.,but,,,,
my computer is very
3 'ls that camera expensive?'
This laptop is 5
for games but my
'No, it's quite
4 'l like basketball - it's really fast.'
'Yes, l'm not into sports -
they're boring.'
5 'That video game is very popular with
students.' ffir Complete the sentences with nof
ye ry, quite, very
'Yes, but it's with teachers or really, and adjectives from this page.
and parents!' My sister is v*{v ni**".
6 'Your brother's mobile phone is very good.' 1 My friend is
'No, it isn't! lt's really l'
2 My cousin is
'Are your speakers new?' 3 Our school is
'No, they're
4 Shopping is
'l really like this bag.' 5 Sport on TV is
'lt's 0K, but it isn't very big. it's quite 6 My favourite film is
7 London is
8 New computers are
8 Starter unit
6 llun ralrels
aM'asnoq lno ul L
l! / aqs / aLl 'oN 1! / aqs / aq 'sa
1'6eq {uu u; 9
IaqtT no,( 1 ervr 1 no( 1 1'satr
aqs / all ')sap s,raqlea] {u ug g a^!leur#v
| ')sap ILu ug 7 e aq
2euoqd elrqou ro6 ll / alls / e
zprel cl ue b
1 '1a>1rod (uu u; t ,(aql 7 noX 1 artrt 1 noAl I a^eH
agttruwvr Y +u\t
+ aakeq g 4nq sso4*a*$ *-e.r 4c# ** 1
'uuoor (uu u1
'sued,o relsod e E ].usPrl ]l / aLls / aH
'pb aaoq lo srurol anlle6au 'Iooq e to6 z
pue allleuJr;;e 6ursn sa)ualuas alpl .: . (aq17 no17 aM/ no / |
iuopuol ur puau, e euew lnoqe e Lll/eqs/aH
'6eq anau e
irad e qore; pue (uo1
;1ad e Puew
s. ].uaneq aneq seH ]ob ,I
sdordel e qo:ei pue (uo1 l.uaneq aABg 1.useq seq to6 ,
A,l;,ffv\ieq# "#fs adoldele g*S eupW spf.f
'sproM aql ql!/v\ alqpl aql a1alduo1
x uopuol ur pueu, e
]ed e ##S seeq
x lr
x do1del e
/l 'xaly'ursnor {u sr s
qo:e; pue Iuol Puew 'anrsuadxa alrnb sr eratupf b
'staAAsue 'ue6ay1
Uoqs pue suorlsanb alu1 'alqel aql le Iool ,;,;,;',1;,,;1,,,ii.,:,;..:;::it:,',,.::, puP elaplllrW 'spuarrl mau Iu ale E
';oor I;;ear srauue6 oaprn Z
P ]t 'ssep {Lu ur are sloq
x'pieoq Mau L
y''s)sap Mau r.uoolssel) lno 9 'arru I;lear sr oloqd
,/r ')n aq] ul sulsno) aM
x 'erlerlsnv ur sursno) a/\s
x ralllorq e aH wtr.+1
y''raisrs e a^als t
gu ffiw* "#
x'Plauel p no
l')awup rnol ur prel Cl uP nol t
y'')sap lleLus e aqs G
X 'tt.toor raq ur alqe] 6tq e trllow z .s:.
^ &ff\ il-f,lf w
y'')ooqatou e I
w-'cwuu w(ffi
w--5 We *zh eN: J l.;l$ ./
X'6Pq {u ur uad e It =*{
Y WVffi w&-t#
X'sleulrue ]noqp )ooq e 4*S 43iiie*q aM
'asoql )o asaql'ptll ?r# t{Urvr safua}uir
y' 'auoq ]e uods Inoqe )ooq e A*S aa, ann
eql ale;duo1 'sarnlrd aql le lool GS t
'p6 aaoq p suu;o; anrlebau
lo a^lletuJl}le 6utsn so)ualuas aql a1a;dtuo) . ..
,.,.;i,:lll, Choose the correct country.
o lioly c Jopon d Spoin * ::'::,..,,..:::;,.,.,'.',:,:,:i:i.;.ii;',: lntroduce the people and their nationality.
lo the UK c Austrolio d the USA My name's Naomi.l'm from Japan.
Spain / Spanish the UK/ British cousin currency flag film star food
the USA / American sports star friend school friend teacher
'Where's your mum from?"5he's from Naples. lt's My **l'roof frt*,nd, &,hr**d, is frcr* f,gypt"
a place .' in {t;*iy ?fte Tsrkfsh ttars ix r*& and wkiil e,.
'l 'Are you from Neylr York?' 'Yes, that's right. l'm
10 Starter unit
t, lrun ralrels
T b 2rt 3c 4l:1 5i:
i;3ulp 3 rcliOp q ua^ *
'uoos au lrEtre eoESSelA
I atrl
allBqloIsEq L lleqloo] u sl ,uods ourno^B,t rno^ *Ut Srl iHSr)
]e poo6 {ran 1ou uu,;
s,]Er.1M iU srQr*.,,*o oLlI
e 'lleq}o}seq
o>ltl | 'lleqlooi [;;ercedse
'yods e Ue o]ul rl,l ^fu:ajin)-
reqoeel syods e sr pep {u 6u!r3^3 f rr,q+axr.:Jr.:l;:;
n roqcee]
qsruedg E sr LUnLU {6 ';ooqcs {uu 1e
sreqceal 1,uere {eq1 e 'srolloea} e;e sluered Iy1
'nno6se;g ur ioor..los uollrN le sluepnls ere Jp[s rolndod 0 s,aqs
I a{puy
'relsts e 1oG l,ueneq |
, - ApuV
aOnod0Jolis orJpw
sr aLueu srr..l - roLllorq e 1oO en,1 'puelloos ur mobse;g
tlorl tu,l 'p;o sree{ anlom} [rt,1 prav >1crp s,eLueu {y1 vs{-t oLi+ 3 o3lxow q 0rpul ()
. u1 s,ll
a^+req!l +o an+o+s eq+
'lnq to n'puD rllr/v\ lxal aqi alalduo) ,:;;",,;,;,,:
.,.,,,,,' 3
uo6o)a JnoA u!a4 ol MoH q
'e)rssaf ro pup uarp) are saueu
/ ,spuau;,(y1 ,., .: .. ::: ...:....,.,.......:t:..,,,,::::..;.,;.,,:,,,. .'.uQZ.-qJ.J. ()
'dotdel e lob
],uspq aqs ro / lnq 'auoqd airqour e 1o6 seq pu,r.ul
,iorrdelr6 opreuoal lnq / ro o)uarmel ,, rUtl!} eUl +O,rSJ,o+s aq+,eJ.AAqA
raluua[ ]! sl irp]s ulq a]unolp; rnol s,oq6, aouuv puo osl=
e 1o6 l,uaneq I lnq / ro 'alu qlrm )ooqalou e 1o6 an.1 g
!or..l6uoqs f, 6u!!!a8 q
.'tuool {ru ur s.1r lo 7
pue 6eq {tu ur s,}; 'arns }ou LU,l, ,Zleo) rno{ s,araqn1, 7
'6urpear aou!qf +o l0lrd0) aLl+
pue / lnq (qder6oloqd a>1r1 Illear I 1
'6ur;r{r ur pa}sara}ur
]ou r.r,l to ffilutpreoqalpls olurur,l pllor+snv 3 )n aq+ q vsn aql
I p
'sploMl)allo) aql asool.l) ," . .: . W
xy? 6q+ LUorJ s.oH j
9*A isA
-du rerr6
-F"p{d{r *F*ce,**"r*f""** aLUorJ uo+l!LUoH s!^ a-l
df ras ;s {,eq.} E&*B u EE g {"e LsJ
JP+S l- olnLuJol aL{+ $.'#J?tiid
'sJaMs u e
lrarJo) aql osooq) uaql'a/D ro s, puP otllA )o lDLl,,ttt
'ilalll1 ql!/v\ suollsanb zrnb atll alalduo3 , f
a{r1uno: }eq}}o I:ualtn> aq} s,}eqM / oqAl
i6eq looq)s ftu s,oqry17 araqA\
"{,{!'p$i s,+! d?e$8e{ i*sa $.}#q&4 Zralllea] qsr16u3 rno{ s,oq6 7 1eq41
i,;;76;;;I',,;;;E;;; 1aupu rno{ s,yeq1111 7 oq41
rels suods / rels LUIU alunone; rno{ ZLUor, puau, rno{ s,ataq6 / }eqA\
aureu:no( euoqrno{ puau;rno( lsaplno{ zsspl) rno ur ]uapnls A au aq]s(leq^ / oqM
2uorlsanb srr.l] o].raMsue aqt s.{riQry1, oq41
'no( ro; anrl arP leql
'spJoA ])arJo) oql asoorl)
sroMsue alul 'xoq eql ur spJoM aql pue oqlyl
ro tD tl ItA' aD qll 6u1sn s uorls enb
aw 111 W&
W: ;(;i":::wwWMrffiYYWWWffiYf,WWffiWW
WtrWT. ffi"WWWW- ;' 1
ft Wlookatthe pictures. Correct the words.
*ffi& o |Jr,]l
wtwl /u\
u uf.,;ti
WiWq #"";wt
Ws | "c":";:? i'
:; ::. iri:"":l :"ffi
prrvys *t'st*ls*em* 1 market 2 cinema 3 park
'l l.::li-'l-J
I I: :::::
#, ,::,,..,;,:,1..,,,,,1L;1,;:,:.;;;;,rt;,i.:,
Read the clugs and write the places. :1,: Look at the map. Writg five more
.,:,:tlt ,,".i.:l:::i,,,t11;',,
) FlFlol
la:&l hj I
', : : ' :
T&aral* a brg ttgw Sff[ee hletldimg. {t]q pp_p1rg{ta t$rg etatiqlE"
7. , Ihere ire, diff.erent thopi. here, ,'.
,'.:.:. .:.:. .:. .. .. ,
't s
',' :a ::
- '1t--1, 2
='"'"r I H
a r:" il".?.t
.t. ia:.,
:')') -&"""' "j;')"""
c,d twww)
" .twffit. ) .. .. ).. . ..:
,:..::, 1.. ..). .
,!il.,ifum.i@ff''"',.ffi r^*-. from London's Paddington Station and it's D . There aferabout,4O million'br:icks,ih,Minlland. One
fr.f*.*,, open March to November from 1o a.m.
bu ildlng, has ig'ot 20O;O00 rblicks:,- thatl$: the,Canary Wh arf
ffi':,P office building.
i.,,,'Visit,the,.,ptaoAi_,in,, Mi,niland,,.ano,take,,photos of
X. ,1;,,',,1ti1,'.,,.';,;iri;i1i:,;; Read the text again. Match sentences 1-4 l,Londonlrr foi,:yoUr farni ly; it,'s not,r:eal, London,r but re lax -
with paragraphs A-E. you're a good tourist!
Parks and buildings - all in Lego bricks. ', : a,'',:.,::': : : l,:'
4 How many bricks are there in Miniland? s ri;, . r,,",;.y,;; ;;;;;;.; rot or peopre in the
WffiX%WWL&WW W&aq*s&m mtwwwa ww x&Kg *&WffiW&ffiW" W*ffiW% 8s *#zsr* ... ?u &Y# *&x*rw
... ?, *#ww svxffixsy ,-, ?
5 The people on the ship like the food. lt's ! 5i j climbingwall e noisy
a horrible b comfortable c fantastic 6[ swimming pool f modern
6 'ls there a sports centre?' 'No, but there are five nice
I can understand people comparing places.
& t!). ,..t....:,.:4, ...:3 :..
.;,' ,'ii:,i;:tir Complete the table with the words.
3 Choose the corlect answers.
We usuallY breakfast at 7.15 qn'.
do my homework ge+up go to bed a so b watch {*"Il::} d get up
go to school have classes sleeP 1 I always mY face in the morning.
have breakfast have dinner relax on the sofa a watch b wash c brush d help
We lunch at school at 1 P.m.
ffi4ffi a help b go c relax d have
f fii th6m6'rii'thg :
;Y; gat uP
a study b brush c do
I video games with mY friends.
d get uP
because I live
.. is onlY two minutes from mY
. -tr3"4
. kry
3l after school. ;.. r"' vk#
.,ik W
at about 3.30 P.m.
5l in my bedroom.
6l before dinner.
20 Days
LZ s[e6
; saue6 oapr^ / Ield 7 untu Itu 9
y' )roMasnoq aql qltm / dlaq 7 noI S
; {;rea / paq o} o6 7 sraqlorq rap;o ILu y
'*.;*lx#c $*i*d$ *{dt s$ s66S ie+$,$ "4W
raqtelpuerO raqioupuerb sluared y' pua)aam aq] ]p / ]spllearq aIeLil / pep {u g
pPp LUnu spuaul looLl)s
puau}lsaq ralsrs raqiorq I I slepuo111 uo / atel dn 1eb 7 I 7
'no[ dleq o] sprom aq] asn
y' pl e A1/ tl)]e^ 7 talsts ILu t
'sa)ualuos engle6au pue allleur#e alu/l1 ipualoam "il;va ;a*,.ttp Bh€q &.:,t*W -d{,1
aql le op i(;;ue1 pue spuau1 rno{ op teqMW
I I;rea / rauurp a^eq / aM
'uooulaue all] ur
'aldurs ]uasard eql 6ursn
Pur.ul pue fiey 6 sa)uoluos arr11e6au lo alrleutUJp alu;1 :ili:ii;ilii:,: :
]e loollls
'uoouraue aq] ur
]e looLl)s r{so[ 8 ,treql/no /a A
'6uruana aql u1(pnls
'looq)s le
'pua)aaM aqi te ,(pn1s
pue qsr;6u3 eruurl pue Ale\ t
]e pue qsr;6u3 qso[ 9
{q gooq:s or euul pue &eX s
Iq ;ooq:s o1 rlsol t
'spuaul qllm 4ed aql ul
Pultill pup Ae) €
s{e;d (e1d 4ed }.uop }.uop }.usaop
'spro^ oql qllM alqe] aql atalduo)
411ii1!1i,:,:1;,,t,:;:;;;, l
LlllM )red aq] u! qsor z
'6ururou aq] ur e&X&ffiffiBas pe.sffi' e&A&ffiae.siX#g# ;#ffdL&*$$ S&,cssar 6
]e euul pue lley t
'6ururou aq] ur **'i ]e dn slr$ Llsoi
i / uauo / ]arnb 1 s1 1 noll ssep 9
aM/ a^Pq 7 (1;ensn / rauulp S
are / ale!/ ellnr pue pulrPw / uauo t
op /l lliomauoq 7(;;erurou I Aw t
ere / s{em1e 7 {eq17 Ilpua1r1 7
la^au / uaqou 1 s(ep / lleqloo; I
'Fsspirl trs+grlt $rva\awas eSS
{pn1s {e1d o6 dn le6 qstug aM/ soapr^/ qrle^ / saurlauos
'so)ualuos alpru ol spro^ oql raprg
'sqran oql Jo ruJoJ eldtu;s luesotd eq1 6ugsn Wfi t
sa)uoluas olllpru,t!#e aly11 'sornl)ld eql te \oo1W Smax*x'chmx6 gm
ld "!
''*{l;ii.:# Look at the pictures. Complete the SXJ Complete the words in the text.
22 Days
€Z sle6
.loi1}o:q ;nod ,tt.,tt
,le1doad o] sluasard
sluared rno( . 9
all 'sa^,
paq o] raqtert tnol ,s
rno( noI
'8p &sqi"6s1 ea$et dn 466' et&{V pur q?lu5 0Q aLl'oN,
raqle;puer6 rnol ,
x r' aM'sa^,
soaprA LlfleM
,a x ,isau nlso)
a1e; dn 1a6 ralsrs rnol pue noI ,z
x ,1
t{- i uuv l'oN,
,i"w I prn qrrn5 ,2s6uos no( t
'sra^ sue uoqs pue suoltsanb a1u;y1;s(eprloq looq)s $*:ew aqs's41,
aql u! op no( pue a;doed asoql op leqm::;;i W ,ZasnoLI rno( o] a;doad
84!ee{! raLl}ou rno[ $psQ
. ..:," i... ...,::
;(epuoy11 uo ryed aq] ol oLUo) atpparl :
ilooJ .: : .2fr e6: i i egA,rvra6l, qo; op:h oI op:p.q.4'4
fi1oat s,aqpuy ' aq 'sa1
e ))el reo^ qllpM ]!sl^-.--^----- ,
(;leqtool alrl / aq) Zooi
s ::: 1''1 :ry :: "^,: _
zLuol ]noqP leqg'uu'd 7 }y arpparl 'sqJaA aql pue l,usaop )o saop'J,uop'op
(lre1s 7 no( 7 auu11 leqm) q]!M sJaA sue pue suorlsanb eql a1a;duo1 ,:ili.,,:,..:.,..,.".... 7
'>1red aqt ur {ep {rana Xelo a6 ilear j arpparl
, raql 2d1aq Xaq:
']r a^ol | '
e | 'so^ aler
(lteqlooJ (e1d 1 no( 1aM 'sa1 noX 7 ann .
7 noI) i
z'unu Iur q]!/v\ le) r(q o6 I arpparl b 2dlaq r17 a-'
'rxol'raqlorq Iu qr;m snq (q ob I aI er 1! / aqs / aq 'sa^ /aq :
(looqrs o17 o6 7 no( 7 nnoql '
id;aq nc
nor( 7 1 'se1 /l *Q
'8 reo ur .u.l lnB ilooq)s X* ,.lnqj 0rpparl
'Ltea^ ur loor.{ls peou uolqsv ]p ru.l aI ei e^!lelur!#v
oi 7 o6 1 nol 1 areqnn) Al*eqss rS cS yls,{
$p a"*?tdnA 'arpparl s.aureu 161 ;a1e; rp arpparl
'araq punorp Mau r!,1 'a)ef 'ollaH LU,l aler
op saop l.uop oc i
'slaMsue uoqs aql alu^ I
].rop ],usoop saoc op ,oa :
.spro^ aq] qll/v\ alqel aqt a1a;duo3
;;:li:itll:\ii,l;i,""',. t
3 t,',,',,,'!,:iili*,i::r Read the text. Choose the correct words.
The children go to school 1 on foot / on foot and by minibus.
The journey is 2 easy / difficult.
The children of Genguan vi[age in the south of China get up The children walk behjnd,,Mi Xu for an hos!', Ih.ey go::throUgh
:thev rwelk'
early every day and have breakfast. AfLer breakfast, they start tu nnets an d on, a, ve,ry.,dan0erotls pa rL' of .,the,p ath
their l"ong journey to school. But these boys and girls don't There. js a qaferr rpeth ts the schooli,rbut it takes two.hqUrs.,,fhe
go with their parents - they atways go with thejr head teacher, ichoot is ,cn[ed Banpo,Sc]roorl 36{ it?5 in]a nice,place:in thel
:snl't:ve,rrv,rbig,and',th.ere ,ar:e on.[y,foity;11,inrgr'stud
Mr Xu. m'odntainSt,:rlt
Mr Xu doesn't take the students by coach or minibus. He goes At school, the ch.iLdren a[ have ctasses with their teachers anC
the chjldren on foot and they watk on a path to their
'uvith in the break, the boys and girLs pl.ay or chat with friends. Wher
scnooL in the mountajns. The mountains are very quiet and iahoot fi nishes; itli rtime: to. go ho mi;::and, th€ stttdehts ita rt
pretty. But the journey is dangerous because the path is otd tonq and difficultj,6.u]rney, agaj,n;
and small.
X t::i Read the text again. Write frue or false next 3 What is the name of the school?
to the sentences about the school.
It is in china. tra* 4 What do the children do when school finishes?
1 lt is near Genguan village.
2 lt has got a head teacher called Mr Xu. 5 How long is your journey to school?
3 lt is in the mountains.
4 lt has got a lot of students. Do you like the journey to Banpo School? Why /
Why not?
Mark is William's and Betty is
Who do the children go to school with?
Michael is Sally's and Sally is
Tfu*V ** ti: c*&**{wit& Mt Kcd" Michael's
1 Why is the journey slow and dangerous?
Betty is Sally's and Mark is Sally's
24 Days
'no{ dlaq o} g aslltoxa u!
lxal aql asn 'loor{)s rnod }e (ep ;er:ads
e;o uorldrr>sap e alu1 #
,o +ol e osle s,ll 'iuerol]rp puE
s(]r esnecaq {ep ;erceds slr.{} alll s}uopn}S
;,{eq qoog plro a{H s}uapnls op,(q11
s osle W
{eqi pue seue6 {e;d {eq1- sosseto
Jror..ll o^eL.{
lensn },uop uolpltr.{c aqf
*:l ,
f{:; ,,,,,.,, ',.i^o
'epcue )o )ea1 uo76wppe4')allod
Iaeg arc Iaql 'epdLuexo roJ - loollcs
o] e
sluopnls ]o ]ol v
;z(eg 4oog plro l uo ,r1ila^ol pue pl^ec ,
op uarpllrlr Iooqrs op lraqll
PUe e
oleiqoloc uoiplrLlc looqss .,,..,,..,,-',,. .',;;;;;;;:;:.# .
{e6 yoog plroM uO
u1 s6u;s
.apered aql
en3 t
;i(uq 4oog plro,1t sI lBUAt
"6urgi$Na 43peal s$EB s,+5 '6tq st le^rure) aql
zeuo 'soaprn )rsnlu alrl aM "z
{1;eLurou s,}r pue t
slaaMs anr6 {aq1 'ar}eaq} e s.araql
ur s{enn;e sr Iep lerceds srql t
'sa)uep oqs 6{4+pxa4J+ai*}l
&w4. q{:}*& I
Wtr}#W pollec uor}erqole3
e s,orol{} yn oLl} ur lee{ fuen3 I
: fi:Yf1:::r 1ryTit1llr:t1ll!
;,teq 4oog pIJo,{& sr uarl l 'oslD
qlrm e>e;d l)aJJo) aql u! so)ualuas aql a4tp11;1i7ltiiii;",',";li;1:;',",;;1t: ?
a- %*
: .M{k,,,,.wn%..;lil:r;,fu"sl1,*,a1: #!e"
deg lfoofl pI 'anlsuadxa l(tan
t. , ale osle Iaql'atru alp saulnlsol aqt 9
'1ted aql lrsln u
uill 'Fln(.rl)lut ;u;ndod st li \r{11 , i oslP no^'ooz aq] o1o6 no1 g p
sa:zrnb ,-lp , ,. 'zrnb e osle s(aJaqj'an)aqleq e s,atoql ,
i:-3LLil1-lSOf 'spuarJJ ql!/!r oslP
,iEJA\ , oP sluaPnls ]sli^t
,1, sleq) aqs 'le^turel aq] saq)lem aqs
. )i( )ilLl ul .", E o
aitkrad sll()rup,l 's{(rt-)g :lerqalar ')rsnru (e;d osle (aq1 oc
s}uapn}s le{i,&\
t | 'apered aql ur o6 LUol pue uaB Z
(u1...rrrq1 'rlll:l\ uJrl.\.\
,. I '&lard (1;ear sr osle ll'p1o sr unnol (y11
L r
.\|L] )1()t)U l\I.r,)a\ ^lep 1er:ods rt-r.rEN
,o 1,,W, 'sbuos osle 6urs aM')rsnur Ield anli
'lxal aq} alalduor uaqi'salou orll ppa,U i:tiii;i],:i: ,
)o (y') l)atJo) so)uoluos aq] alv ,:.,";:-,,1,.. L ?,
&59#:&esg*d affiwms*xe1
, j , .'.
can do this very wel!.
W) * ffi @ I coutc do this bener. :,., ,, a -,.) 1.,.,;, .,.,r:i|l !
MY trV&LUAYIO'{ *r)
W#fl&ffie"$L&ffiY &Pdffi Lg$"fffiruEruffi %p*x&m6 dmys
& ffi.":ffi Listen and draw lines from names 1-6 to
ffiffi&ffi?ru& & heasY dmy people a-f in the Picture.
1 Dad 2 Emma 3 Grace
ffi- Complete the words in the text.
I can understand the general idea oftext. ;l I can understand an interview about a celebration'
: l:,4"Y'{:.e;kL*WWru t"' '
26 Days
'6ururor"u aLll ur uor]rladLuot 6ur>loot
aq] ur s'llaM uag
zop o] z l)er
'sr.l] ]e 1oo1 's6urql tuara#rp
Jo slol uag
,'sa{q6 l)ef
'Iepun5 uo
umo] ur (ep un; {11rue; e s,araql uaB
.uo S.]PLIM ]uerrn no( op lPqM
'(ep lerreds ro uollerqalar e;o uorldr.r)sap e altJM ue) | ]noqe ieq^ ob s.1a1
palsaralur I;;ear lou Lu.; punos oLll a)tl I
VSn aq] ur {ep 1er:ads y
vsn aq] ut suorlerqalar (epqtrlg
vsn aqi ul looq)s }e uollerqala) v
Which animal is the odd one out?
'3 :;:;;i:i;.'fiii;: Read the clues and write the animals.
E*and *mia*afs
T her-g aW tw a ostric-hag.
2 ...
28 Wild life
6Z alil ptlM
r,r i and now ... the amrwerri 1b 2c 3a 4c 5b
-.wy suPd (l "'' 'ur1,rbg 1q anbui;.
,',''.,,'',"..,,.,,. J.l3u'lT.*:li:
uoll llur aerLll lnoq€ eje eJeql'
-,.::::.: ::;i;,.:;: :t :;tli,:,..,.,:.,1,:,,,',r.,..," "',,,
ur sg ado;n1 u1 ooz 1[snq1
|,,,7';,,,,t,t.,,,::tli;it.r.;f ill j..,"-
,:,:.,:..:,,.:,-:,:.,-: L::l': ::ra::::.:1,.. ta:i::: ::r::j:r:ll:rt l i:r i::iil l:li:.::r:
Etsv +sEaqlnos (l irtlr:l':.,tr:';.ts.lpr'i:,,t,i,qr.rli:,i.llgl.lltrv
plrom aql ur saleus (6uol) - "at
)'tti_.ts (,-) ;?-rCi l! tiqqE.r
eli:i si >i il alii ur siELu
piri'n (Lrci.uLuo-1) all rro ai.
'q?8a4 r}asq8es $l e,sss4 *$6.trelmh s&{J
cqz (j r,lsl (q 00r
'r{rds+ ix?e{ aq+ u! ru a"rtupt 6slddsrys +ssq Ac{3 'p;o s"te:I
upql aJou.J sr 1l'plrlsnv'puuar,1 Lrr sr pIJCA\ 3i.
rels suods arlual 6urddoqs apered iearls :, Ui coz(pio) 3t.
uea] lleqloo} /tl) euaur) Iluqa;a: alise)
Ll)eaq eore ro])e .iEa,q u/v\Orq (l alEli/v\ anlq (o gLreqde;a uElL.r+V r:
pi.rc,^ aql Lil lpLLirup (brq) 3ll
talnb Iuerd plo aru
urapou 6urlsaralu! poob snotueJ I.a++Y.ttb'': () Li-1r;lso (q iueqd;; . ;eA
*i:':T :L - :
?:,iil: r::l ?i: _llliii::: l iJi-lcM OLii Lil ieLUlul? (itzll )ii iiry4 alr-
'no( dlaq (r
ol spro/v\ aql asn 'sse1r rno( ur luopnls /uau e
o] fulunor pup umol rno( lnoqe uolleuroJur ffiffiffim ffiffiffiElrv
enl6 ol so)ualuos anlle;.redns a1:')MffiW' w9,4*
'znj puttuv or.ll op ueql'en;}re[pe
ieare aql ur aJel
anllelradns e qllm suorlsanb aql alalduo) WW&
s.]l 'peq 111ear sr aJe) ]eLlI g Waffi#
'6ururoru aq]
Jo uossal
s.]l '6urlsaralur (ren sr uossal srqf la
'abe;;rn rno ur Ioq I
': , ::..,' ':
,,.:ti,prn6eill '{oq (1puar.r1 e sr ue^l raqtorq 161
I* U
'{}o rno ur }uaunuour i
s,ll 'plo,(;;ear sr ]uaunuour srLll I
'rea( aqt;o ,(ep sanll:afpe 6uo'1 \rt
s.]l 'Iepog Iep 1oq {ran e s.11 I ]uPuosuo) + la^ oA + luPuosuo) spul
+ lueuosuor spuj l-
'doqs aqt ur auoqd I
I ,.+'
, a- qllM spul
s.11 'auoqd anrsuadxa ue sr ]eLlI
'looLl)s aq] u! ]uapnls
s,aqs']uapnls poo6 e sr e6;g
'ryed aqt ur{praunq
a6uerls {srou
s.]l 1{gra11nq ln}rnolo) slrl} }e Iool
]oll poo6 Jpl snouPj 6urlr:xa
'{r}unor aLl} u! u!e}unotu 1stqffitrt4 uor! pl@) ln,!]neaq peq
pq+ s,]l 'q6lq (ran st utelunou ]eLlI
'anrlrafpe 'sanrlrafpe
enrle;ladns e tll!/v\ sa)utsluas aqt ala;duo) t1;;:;,;i;;;1;t;'.;.|1i,..'',:t1::
*h.- --l
Look at the photos. Complete the words. ru,,ii'.,',:,;ii',':,',ri,iij.i;,i, ffiW L i st e n an d co m p l e te th e s en te n ce s.
American Crocodiles
Where do they live? They live in
1 How many? There are crocodi les.
2 How big? They can grow to metres long.
3 How heavyT They can be kilogra ms.
4 How fast? They can at sixteen kilometres
an hour and they can rdt,.thirrtv
kiiometres an hour.
5 Food? Thev eat or small
tt'..,'::,:.1,i;,::,ti;,,,, C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e s w it h the wo r d s.
the water.
flv 9row
swim Choose one of the animals on this page.
30 Wild life
r€ aM pll^
']se] (rqr L
,"w ; dli :;7
Y. :"ff*'n":
i# '@";"' #WW:
'q****g qs*** 4"ww* s14s &wq rt**ttas*g qw*&* aw* u.*r:** Ary
',I(uD) pue up, tllr/v\ r(11ue; 'luaunrlsur le)]snu e aqs s
pue spuarJJ lnor( lnoqe salualuas aluA .,:...,:".,,..:..,,..:, aH iou qo t
i/ ue I r*o16 1 q)ulso / MoLl /lle] / uel S
./)n aq] I w I deloraL{} / MoLl la;doad 1 Auew y I idtaH z
i I e I st7 epued r*oU rn^nn,
'saqloll aqs t
i / Moq / st / alod quoN aq] / plo) z
rulr s leads unl ,(e;d
)oiE- pp+lea{O*+neqe o @u aleu IU a)uep
6>t OOt uorllrrrr t9 JnoLl ue
ull 0t saJlaul l'Z
'qJaA e pue LUD) to uD) tlll^ sa)ualuos
'sraMsuP aql q)leu uaql
eq1e1e;duo) uaql'selnlld aql le lool W
'suoglsanb aleu ol sprom aql rapl6 . . . W
... $4#$d q&Bdlj! sus*&s#*?& s
(aql 7 no,( / aM / no{ 7 ar,,,
d i ,
iltlaqs7aq7noI7l'o11 / ^alll
L I ftlt7 sndopo ue y
€XaLll/ no{7 onn/ }l / aqs 1 aq 1 no( 1 1
i / sleluluP q]!/v\ ale)lunuulol7 noI g
'LUTMS ,Iaq17 no1 'LUIMS {,,8s {aq17 nol
a / q)uo4 leads 7 sluared no( 7 /aM/11/aLls /eH / no / | / eM/\ / a\s /"t-t z nolz I
L I $e! unr / Pualrl lsaq rnol t
'4,xv* X '#Fj dAicd{A?X$wg tvg* x*rt *up r.lll^ s ue) l.uef ue] l.ue) u€9
i / llpqlalspq (e1d 7 noI
'spro^ aql ql!/v\ alqel aql ale1dtuo1 ilriti1L1l;7lfrr|,,,','., L
'suollsanb aql
JaA sue uaql'uD) LlllM suollsanb a1u;y1 ,:,,i:,,,iil;,1,"r'..,,,
SAEggq*.!s$ sin,
3 W Read the text again. Correct the informationG
CI Read the text. Choose the correct answer'
inthesentences. G
Ihe butterflies are famous because they . "
The butterflies have got ve+Fsmatt wings'
a ffytoverycold Places. 3
b go on a long journeY.
fly from south America and canada t"I
c always move south on the same daY.
1 Tl',';T:[:Hies
2 Th;ronrr.hrmakethefastestjourneyofallthe E
, iJ:l':'l]::ll.["#"1];,
;;;;;o,.ir,un roo If
4 When it is very hot, a lot of the butterflies die'
knagine lho Lls.0nds:,i' : I
ond,1,1$ousondS of : ;:. : 5 You can't find a lot of information about monarch
coloitif uir butterfi ies', '' ::;:':r:;, :e!:,i:|rzax
::::;.':r:;,:e!:,i:lrzaX i..i;i:it.;.:i'ti
i..i :. ;,'r'): 1 .. : :r r :' 1@
;i:i.,. ;.. i'ti :.;,'r'):1..::
Monarch butterf lles In the sl<Y
&*ffi"m"";'**"" I
These ore ihe fomous monorch bulterflies ond they How many butterflies are there in thesky? I
0re 0n o ver'y specioi journey. Every yeor, they fly Tftsr-a are,thq$s-ahds ahd tllg{rsa!!d$". I
more thon 4,500 kilometres from Conodo ond Norih
1 What colour are the butterflies?
Americo down to 0n 0reo rn the mountoins of Mexico' I
It is the longest journey of ony butterfiy in the world'
, H"*i*;"rtt"vt I
Their journey usuolly siorts rn September or October
ond it tokes oboul two months.These beouliful
butterflies con sometimes fly more fhon 100 # 3 il;;;il.ffi*ril;;;il;i;j";;";;, t
kilometres in one cloy ond they often fly very high loo ttit': butterflies
- perhops ot 1.6 kilometres in the sky"
4 How high in the sky do the 3
sometimes 9o?
But not oll the butterflies gel to the mountoins of t
Mexico, Mony don'i survive the long ond dongerous
journey becouse they become very cold.
32 Wild life
E€ alll pl!A
'noI dlaq ol € as!)raxa u!Ixa] aql asn 'lptulue
p;rm 6ullsalalu! ue lnoqp allll)e} E allrrlA ,:,1',';';i;r',,,,,:i.:,,,r'.,)i,: W
(a;duexa ro;) selltrob
t{:;;:t!#,,ffi#.t"rji' i pue slueqdala T re6uep ul/ aq / sleLuf ue alr.ros
zt. .,
a1r1 rilLnrl:e upunq sr r.r:alqotd 1saE61q aq1 :a6uep
--r'* illou 1se qxs)11elt
ur 6eq1 pue slellas i0
.f,, ere araul
sroLl+ elutv 10 stred
EJtrrV rw r+rLq auos ut zwww&ffiw&& pue {a4n17 sau}uno) }uara#tp o17 o6 7 a1:un Iu
"r. ,i
ltl iool sprrq (aldruexe lo;)11o1
n{; ot an u [a ulapou aLuos
aN pue uopuol 7 61q,ta aq / salll) E
pue 1 se qlns salnJ ^ i
raLllo puP 'slEi a)tl slPtxtue lPa slP^ri
(se Lllns)
tlsnu pue (qderOoloqd Tslsarotul/]06eneq 7i0e61 7
1e unl uEi [aq1 'sleurLue ]se] alp sle^tas ?.WWT
q6lant uer slenias aauo:
uel sre^ias (o)tl) rouod hrcg 1s1ooq 6ut1r:xa/a^ol/aqs L
/\lru.lEj +EJ dq+ ur
;; ) lcurug
r;, .;, ;,fi:I , "lpE+s6sr pe,rp ,!Bq&6q$Bq sB q*m$ $+ieds sa)itl I?Bf
alitr Jo auo aie [aq1 pue sbal 6uo1 aneq daql (se qlns)
'6uo1 ag uel sle^ras ruwq%,
e lleqloo, pue lleqla)seq 7 suods / alll/IrPf
,PuP I
sP qlns elulv ut saulunol luaia+]tp ut ur seselqd oql asn 'sa)ualuos aqt ollIM WWfr
antl faqf ir*"" "$t.i'"e a1'tta;+r' a]E sle^las
t,|.,.:,t.)..:,-::.);::. :.
-.... . .
'n prl pup e!lerlsnV sareld loq tlsl^ uauo laq- -:
(se q:ns) 'sepued pu:
sreaq )lelq sipaq ]uaJaJJ p oos uel no['ooz slq] i: ;
v;ffiwwwwffiwm',wwww*wffi:w (a)ill)'sa#Prr:
ro slaLue) sleu up 6gq rnoqe sauilprOord nl r^o :
Eullunq - wolqord'aroqwnu ..til;:l
(a;duuexa ro;)'e11lro6 e ldopa
)ellevus -oeceydowooul'eo^ ira6uep u! slelres elv
ilil'. up) no1's{em }uara# p u! sleul!ue dlaU uet nO :
e4lqlll>,pue dwnluec
so\euq'aEot7'a1w leqn ,,,i: alee slenJos op
rnoque sor+owo111R1qbp 2unl Ieql ue) lsPJ oH
^ ij*:{ (se q)ns
ao114uae1q0ye ileql are {neaq nno;1 .,f".*
s+velaowueq+railex is]lqqer sarnleall lleus ui palsaralul noi( alr
Waw #%Witli6* s;v Ei*q4 "#ldw*d: ,: -
Euoletleweuo 2(aqt ere 6lq mog iffi
*W."# "xp*aq #w41*kp 8.&w #*#E& "'4.*wd pca*ry*#. G4i ,
eyezuel -il;;l;;"
(aqt op eraq^ (alduuexa .rort) 'sa;6ea pup saq)ulso arP a.r: --
/ eeu+vq1no9o\\eaplunoc lanrl *f# 'sprrq 6ut1t:xa are araq]'4ed leuotleu aq- -
slw ?llMuecu+v isleilas aIP leqM
'lxal oqt uaql.'salou aql peau
ql agegduor ,rqg't"1o, ur saserqd aql qllm sa)ualuas aql atltmeg ,;;r
*vEws#6# ffiUgngr} :ec;E#d ASCn 6_ i-
/: .,.j tl,4..
pffiffiffiffiffiss ffiffivsffiqff
can jump.''lt's a f
- - -!' (big) pizzas in town!
3 'The animal has got eight arms and it lives in the 3 The museum in our capital city is fantastic.
water.''ls it an o - -----?' It's one of (interesting)
4 'What is this animal? lt lives in a hot place and it can museums in the world.
walk far without water.' 'lt's a c 4 They never go to that swimming pool. lt's
5 'We think this creature is beautiful. lt can fly.' 'ls it a b
(bad) swimming pool in the area.
--_-----?, 5 This office building is horrible. It's.
6 'These creatures live only in the water. They can swim (ugly) building in the ciry.
fast."They'ref---.' 6 'Do you like this park?''Yes, it's one of
34 Wild Iife
sE aM pll^
I @' fiaz.ff",Gi NO!IVft]VA3
N*rLW{\iW&m }\W I ^lA,
'serulrqe lnoqe Ilel uP)
'Ja6upp ur sleurup lnoqe alu/V\ ue)
.'^ ou pUoM aqt ur {gr; {;uo
alP alaql, ,isleurue asaq] ale , g
,'oA I, .iooz all] u! alaq] are
sepued , s
iopuDd aql a^0s I q)ns
.'soll) 001
I se I wor:} lsa]lsqaM / ]a6 / uolleu )olul /no^ / up) g
ueq] arow, .zq)ulso ue sr , n
.'lnoq up
aql sailaurolr) {1xr5, ,;unl }lom e upl t
I a>il /trllnll:e ueurnLl / aqi / ]sro^ 7 Lua;qord 7 sr g
al]ar.u auo, (iraqlorq replo lnol sr .Z
aq]/ plroM / lo / ul aLfi
Jo spuesnoLll, .ir.ur^ s alPqM e ue) t
I / ]sarpr /s(u /auo/ sarnlear) v
aqr { ttet arer Iupr.u Ineaq ]seJ rpJ
aq]/sl Mou eaq
Tra6uep I I epued 7 ur E
tl, hX
sepued 1;npy aql Jo auo pue rAoH ql!^ suo!]sanb aq1 a1a;duo; ,
uerTdn 7 ot7 q6ram7 sepued ]lnpe/so;: 09L Z
sPpued .1t.
eulLll / ul I ]o lsurplunour aqt 7 sepued 7 anrl t i / lleqla)sPq ,(e|d 7 aley pue puuV 9
'so)ualuas aleu ol splo^ aql laplo
i#**"scF} elT egwLffieb$W , ) i,no,r,,rnq {e1d T rrpprt s
*wfi k"*ffi {*t
NSUVr}IVA; AK' 3 Z / q)uarl >1eads 7 ale) pue euuV t
...,:....:.,.:: ,:,&.
's6u;ql op ol uolsslr.urad ro;1se ue: Ir J
s')eal9 ualaH i / Ll)uarl leads 7 atpparl €
',nw , no( asrno) ro 'sa un11t1
ZUarl] uo
esnoq raq o1 ob uP)')o
n^eprnles qo ualaH LUrMs
i/ / oie) pue euuv z
'A Orotuo] ;ooq:s 1o6
an,no{ pue a}el s.}r s'(uos un6 tu,;
'le; l(usr osnoq iaH 21ou (qan 'LunW ]nB ualaH
./ r.urMs / arpparj L
'],uer nol . LU.l 'oN un6
irnoLl up loJ
asnoq s,qere5 o1 o6 I 1r , ]! sl ualaH aa x 1;eqtalseq Xe -
i ualaH'sa unw q)uarl I ea. :
'unw x /f
LUI'. ,
aa x
pualaa^ quPql oqs ro )o
ele) pue euuv l
I l.ue) uPl op lnq p!e4e
'uD) ql!/vl sJoA sup uoqs pue suorlsanb elrr6 q
'.:...rr,tt,'..,....... .,: r. i.',..., . :5pJO/v\gJIXO
a !l a*e araq1 'sploffr arll ,q{an sn6o[p]p aq] a]a1druo1 f_ : j &,,. $w$f.diqllit
u#3s$1r.8.8.{#d xo$ 6e* gqsry sru!Hv3d5 f,,;:wteg;,Wegei&y,e,,&q,gpgq,w,aw;6;:W:Ws:,",,$ffi*ffil&i,,.,**W{A*gUtl-I
1 ::i:-;i:*{titi:, Find seven more school subjects in ru ','
Read the definitions and write the words.
the wordsearch.
class eNare genius homework
a{t notebook teacher textbook
English geography history
ICT maths PSHE science
You need to study a lot before you do this.
ft ) H X R B U C
1 You learn about your school subject from this special
Z E K 5 W M o U F F
P N ) C F A M I a R Thls person helps you to learn new things.
S G H I S T 0 R H E
Z N M 5 T H E F B
Thi; ;;rt;; ir r.,y, very good at a subject!
G E o G R A P H o S
6 The time when you learn something at school with a
[i * teacher.
a rt En g
lish ;;;il;-h;*v
SpanishPE PSHE
ffiffiffiWrite sentences about the school subjects
that you like and that you don't like. Say why. Use
phrases from exercise 2 to help you. E.
Ilike S#s$rep&iy because w*'l ar&t
in?aree?ietg f$limgs ahcext i*s$t!faiffi e,
the most interesting subject
for me is
My favourite subject is 1
because'ffi 3il;;";.i;;;';;;;,u,.l..r",,,"''
I'm very interested in computers. I'm also good ut Wr
, -tw|r&.
lm interesLed in 3
. My friends call me
because I love
, ,,,,,,, , and 6, - ./
"2; i
:i J".
" I
LE plrom 6uru;ea1
lllM I
Iddod pue elw I
txEPV 9
Lulpe1 pue ro61 g
,,.,,,.'',.',. , |
,(qnu g
'$p&€?,J* *?{d r+ SNlAie$ +"e{$i ,.,,
3r _]:Y3 f:Y : ,qY:r?:i :;iYq tYiT' :Yt yi :l ia+s';s';tH lernw puP qelLul z
raburs alrrnone; ILU ralleqloo, alrrnone; {Lu as
ro1:e alunonerr (iu Iu qeres I
pep ILU uunu spuau}
{u ;ooq:s Itu '5ruua{ Fxr.{rgd s1 lane6
puau; ]saq (uu ialsrs raqlorq (uu
{ru tl
]uasard aql6ulsn sa)ualuas a1u6 26urop (aql
1utql no{ op Ieq11 2aldoed oql are aJalll . .. _"'..'""
fueuol:tp alt] ul loot U Usyl6u: leads 1ou 7 am 9 - cx,.,:iffiffi
t /'-
h1q !2=;:.:
)ooqalou str{
ul atliv\ iou / relndLuo) aq] uo )lio n rt|ruu s i nt,]rrn^ snq aqr uo ]rs 6uos e 6urs
I qtrua#W EU
lrno aq] u! uni saqlol) a)ielu
! qrunlaleq op a)uep
I IioMaLUoq
]uapnls Mau 'sqraA
e dlaq 7 suorlsanb aq] ra^ sue tou 7 (1:ln pue {rey1 y
aqlJo ruJo; snonulluo) luasatd eql 6ursn sa)uoluas
olrr1 'sarnl);d aqt pue saueu aql q)le6 ..i,:_,,,;,',..
" T
umop ]ls ]ou / raq)ea] oLll o])le] 1 nol g
,{aql/no1/aA /nol
9t -*-' bltlaqs/aH
I sl
preq)lu 911,u atue6 e 7 uars1l tou / I z
^eld W lP!
W -t
I ,Aat11/nol/aA /nol
I rltlaqs/aH
pear ]ou 7 uorlsanb e )se / paLUqV
e*B I
leq:7Ipn1s ]ou / arel) pue (ruy
in t'*:--'-'-^'-'
i,:rlrl':,l:,l.,:.l: ;{Sno:{.}.an:lit,:.s,}.ei: O buruunt ].us! s, ],uale ]ou ul, ol, r"r.L ':
| )
'snonulluor luesald eql 6u1sn
'splo/v\ aql qllM olqel aq] e1alduo3
so)uoluas anrlebau pue aAIleuJUJe alul
.:;'.')' ;.;.,,: # ,,,,,,.:....
3 {;":WW;Complete the words. 'l:"::j:,.iilir,;,ffiW, Match the people with how they
learning languages.
check concentrate know learn listen a listen to songs
make notes practise read repeat
1 I c. Sam
2 I ,Yusuf b read books
revise understand
c practise on the bus
3 , : Layla
jacobalwaysr s v i s * s forhisexams. 4 | Rebecca and Kim d revise with friends
1 Doyouusuallym---n- inlessons?
e make notes
2 She always c----- her answers. f learn at evening
3 We often r----- new words in class.
6 ; .sylvie
2l a question.
3 Tony a book.
4 Ella and Lily
They're chatting.
5 Max and Joseph
6 Arjun
38 Learning world
6€ plrom 6urureal
L/\pM/yadng 9
z / q)unlteo / uelew pue s
{;;ensn raqlea} rnO S
spuauJ looL{ls {u anop y i/aorlaqlrapun /\s /e^l I
uauo puap; isaq {y1 g
Z / sruua] Ie;d T ranrqg pue sauef E
uunu lu 'luaLUoLU aLl] lV Z
si(em1e I 'rauurp raryy t i / )lsnLu 01 ual:l! / ]]ew z
"gt"& 4s $frE
?s*r{*$ *9,4 4*# ann '6ururoru fuan3
'ruJo, snonurluo> luasatd aql lo agdurs
luasald aqt 6utsn sa)ualuas eql elelduo) ,,,":),,",.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,
z / laq)ea] aq] o] llel / uel{}l I
'$l otis "S;,oA;6uzcu*p 4v4 s1
g:;:i:; iuoos -roMSUV
:ffi:;: .sqleLu ]e
E poo0 no{ ary ;auu dlaq ue: no{ sdeqred lnnou (op
$ z no,{; oL }e9M lsuorlsanb
€ 1o {ue (raMSUe }ou) 6
$ ^, eq pue lualuour aL{} }e puau} str.l rj}lM aule6
,& ralndLror e (,iegd) I
}nB 'eu (dlaq)
&',,;; t
ffii;::il:i {1;ensn roLl}o.rq {61 innou uorlsanb t.lnr#rp
u{1;ear e uo (}om) s I
W,i: 'sra^ sue uoqs
aPUo)ooM oLl] ]e )roMoLuor..{+o }ol e no{ 1anr6 pue suorlsanb a1u/y1 'atnlrrd aql lp ,iili1.!i,i.ii',,.,
Iool l
Wir;;:,/ uauo / -raL1treo1rno{) s
"ffi|!|i ipua)aam aq] ]e )roMaurorl (aneq {;lensn
8, L
]ou) roM-6urq+ (aql no{ Iaqt no{
pooO euo seraL.i] 1ng '{epsrnql {q }l (qsluti) 7 7 26ursrnar Iaql '
7am7noI'o5 j 7ann7no{'sa1 1 artrt 1 noA
,,,(;;eurou 1 pue s{epuo111
uo )roMaLLroq sn (anl6) z sl 26urpear lr =-
s{ennle reqtreo} sr-{}eur rno ')roMou-roq {Ll (op) ]t / aqs / eq rt / aqs / eq 'sa1
'oN ! /aq
I PUe ]uaLUoLU OLI] ]e
uroorpoq {ru ur (f1s) S**i&+ts rq. .l'oN : Ll'saA 26ur1er1uaruo) | +;
;no{ ate nno;1 angte6ep I "nlrr*rUlV so:
'oolLl) !H
sl ale l.ust
alv lou r,u( u*v st ue l(uale
'sqJa aql Jo luto, e;duls luasald eql to snonulluol
lueserd aq1 6u1sn lreua oql a1a1druo1 W 'spro^ aqt qlrm alqel aLll e1a;duol ,til!,:;iiiii,i:til:,,
alduls luasaJd pue sn&mu!*$e) a&iasts,rd $LEeg&sea3 h ;sffi ffi s? as t&##3 ee6esat a
elduils luasoJd pue snonu
luosard . suollsonb:snonulluo) luasaJd . sn)oJ
ft ,:1;i',;i.:ji:N!:,!;i1!1i;,
Read the text. Choose the correct answer. gX- Read the text again. Match the information
b have all their lessons on boats. 1 The location of the school in the UK.
c go out on boats in the school day. 2 The name of the lake next to the school.
3 The name of a girl at the school.
4 The time of breakfast.
5 Some of the subjects at the school.
6 Where the students climb.
students in Year 7 at
Windermere boarding Wffiffiffi Answerthe questions. Write complete
school are having sentences.
breakfast. They're all
What are the students doing at B a.m.?
wearing school uniform,
Y3teylrs &lavin$ bna-akf-qst.
ready for their first
iesson at 8.45.
1 What are the students wearing?
W :lThat
Pernaps you're thinking:
soi'Lnds: l.ike,thre, l
2 Why is Lake Windermere special?
the .daYI al:':,' t,'
start o.f :'
40 Learning world
ol E asllJaxa ul lxal aqt asl 'puauJ P ol lteuo uP atlJrl
, {s p1 .1gstunS,,E,uo,:i1e,,na;S,gig1jfi:i*t,ggru!,::,
.i;; ;,;]*ii W
\';;r\' \28r.'L4;e-. F r'r:..e);": . .r:. \
aur urseT
'uoos au..] lteLU: tiJ
ano{ ]noqe ]eqM 'arol{ eurl 1eer6
e 6urneq lle ar,aM 'dnor6 {Lu 1o oloqd e s,aroH
i].usl ]l 1nq 'snora6uep
sPUnos ]l - ,, sr {1rnr1te alunonel {6
SE Llf,ns selll^r}tre oP artn 'uoou;aue ,Lan3 L-
'aroLl punore surelunoLU aLll
,Lo soloqd elqnn
PUe )trelq $ eM PUe ]UaLUOLU aq] }e +
os I ot ltuerqll aq]/ | /06 1 sr 1'Astou 1 Aw 1 w;s
nllo;d e zL oM dqder6oloqd u1
spelqns ]uaro#rp op oM aA(aM
an,ann 7 6u1s1nar / os / ar(al / 'uexa ue 7 1ob
'00'L ]e
b aH
s{em1e aan pue 0t'01 ]e
s.oraLlI '0t'B }e oM uoql 'gr'l l:usptl aq atlw
I / /'uad e7].ue) oslto6/aq
10 U'l
+L 1e^eq pue dn 1a6 11e e11
o] / LU,l
I euauo aqt 7 o6 I otul l'sLulu / os / I
i{;rea s,teqt - s ]e suels {ep rng
leql unr / wt4t lll / os / I:ue) / sl plo
/ / ]ueqdola z
lnoqP qlun du-re: pazrs- o e s,];
'oraLl U'l
E Pue . {;en
s.]r os L
ol1] ur q6rq sr ciLue: 1 1ye 1 Aw / dlaq / rarsls I uJ I 've I poo1 L
aql' 8#g*f& ur dure: ialrLuns e ]e ur.l "qW#, #N *15'*W& + e{Ss }**qfs rn0
os / aA I l,usr 1 'leJ / loorl)s / )no l\leh\
;no{ ere lnog
'sa)ualuas aletu ol splon aql laptg :'::":,"
aLl] asn ua]rto oM os / ]nq 'iooqls 1e g3g 6ur{pn}s ar<a6 g
Dwqwlc - f,11rr4ce oltrna^vJ
']re pue / os
Euruu'u'EuLqa11 uooulauv 36 'a:uaos op oA uooulage {epr.r1 Itanl 1
DutwwrnE'Eut4ulc - eat1,t^t+cv ap ']ueJnelsal ezzrd uel;e1; lpq] ol
ob s{em;e {aq}.ro 1 os'sezz.d alr; sluared Iy1
eolau1C ollq \ pL;" 4o sV a 4el
,,t14eLootolo s6u;ql;er:ed5 '6uru.roru (rana gg'9 ]e dn ta6
lJtfo-c € uc \)ot^ -
o] paau I os / asne)aq Ienne re; sr looq>s (yi1
f.qde "tE o a A' yt e' f,qd e t0 o1o qa s1>e[qn5
1)l 'to I os
OA' . L"?unl)^E) a)uans {qdet6oa6 ur pa}sala}ut fuan 1ou ru.;
oq at \€rrq ? a^PLl'oQ B ue |) 'uetssnu pue
qxlh\ ' {ep eq1 1o 3rey5 qsr;6u3 [pn1s am os l)o 'sabenOue;anolaM
9r'L $eJ\sorq oo'L
'fuo1srq os pue
e+uo?nae Lunl?qu) ezls /
oaz - sLlleu 'q)uar1 are sltafqns ]lnluJtp ]soul aq] )ulLl] I Z
latnb'pS4neeq ']oo} uo loor.l)s
)Utelunaw'aavM o] sao6 s{em;e aqs os ro 'a)tq e
/ 1o61.useq eltuoran t
'dtue: Jauuns p lnoqe ']uaunrlsur lp)rsnu e 6ururea; LU,llnq
($:1snr"u anol I
lreura aql a1a;duo> 'spJo/v\
uaql'salou or{} peau ::..;; :;' . :,' tr- l)ojlo) aql asooLl) .il;i,,,:;":-,,.,. I
bTflU E
#s:&es*#d m#wmffiue1
pffiffiffimffiss ffiffivgmw
',"#.*' W, W' t;W, !,;1 eed,,t*- try th is'agai n. t anr fiappy with this"
'.ti*):84:t|:l:,.1;ff3':t?ffi{,,r,leg.e.,}d,rde,thishe*ter; I can do this very well.
E* **^i**e
Hh&EiEizu{s be*"**&ES prffij*{{ ef#eem U L,&,ffiY &ru m L&STfiF{ ruG X
I can identify the writer's opinion. i I can listen to interviews about learning a language.
42 Learning world
E? plroM 6urureel
'";){;#{Y"} &i*r:wfilV&x?ts/$ j
-- -- - -1"::::::::l'-::::!:!t:
o rLU ef 'nnou 6urop
'uoos e1t-t171 a.r.[aq] ]eq^ pue sourlnor Jleq] ]noqe eldoad Ise ue)
ueLuraD pue qsrued5 {pn1s 1 os se6en6uel ']uauout alli ]e raLl)ea] aq] o]
se6en6uel a>1r1 slre[qns
. aH 'pueq srq ur auoqd srq tob seq pi^ec /
raqlo 'Lueql {pn1s o1 Paou aM ' 'Iep fuana urerl lq looq)s o] ur.usel 9
sqleLU pue qsr16u3 e>1r1 slra[qns oLUoS 'gV'ZL w sl
(z)lroMauoq s!Ll
qrunl PUe 0t'01 }e e e EaraLlI Ot't }e
r pue Ot'B }e uels sXer,,n1e oroLl sassell
aq , ('Luoorpoq srq ur sr sauer, s
'1oo,t uo 'uMol ]xau aLl] u! sl asnoq
looLlrs o1 o6 I E
'l1]lal orlual aLll ur sr osnoq {6 'sluepn}s OOZ'L Iaqi']aarls rno ur uec pup Llrol t,
qlr^^ looqls ,'])a[qns a]unoAP] fuu s.l1
. e sr e6a1;ol q]lal
'sa1,,iIto1stq noI ,[
)oaM lxou looL{rs rno }rsrn PUe puel}ors
ol oLuor ue: no,{ 1eL1} , {;en u.;
am os' r.llpxa ue io6 aA(aM z
'uen; t;1
.]oq s(]l
uall^ eas aqi u! uago pep {yr1 L
I alu^ s!r..|] os ;euorldo plo )ool Iddeq
I qstu!, fuoslndLuo: )parq 6tq ]noqe ultMS ast^al
a^rliou uaisrllou aI!l o6 op
'sp.roM Prlxa L
a^U arp araql'sprom aql qllm lxal aql aplduuo1 'sqran aql Jo ruro] aldurs luaserd c .r
snonurluo) luaserd eql 6ursn sa)ualuas aql ale;druo_r
t6eq3s srses &moq€ EEsura uv srua&trufffi
:^""", '"i.---. i\!ftr IYnTVF{X AIAJ ,",:::1": *u
!,4.} sl MouU 6ulop 9
-: .!l ;.:./ \': :.? ;,H{ L I I / uaqou / ]eq/n
'sa6en6ue; 6ur(pngs u,l uaq/vt d;aq lo11se ue: j
i / asoql7 6u o6 7 araqM / sleLu ue I d2 :
2eseald 'urebe 1eq],(es nol ue) O ]
Zqluail ur (re), {es no{ op nnog 3 |
26urop noI are ]eq6 I i
'q L I ue I o] / I kLlM lOuluunr 7 no,{ ;
iteql llads no{ oP /v\oH V i looll)s
'a)nl s)upqf ']par9 ua8
'l-u-n-t-t-o-A alnt Z / salou / sr / auros / e^j l6urleu- ;
b uaB
'(atnlrol, s,]! 'sa1 a)nl
r 2firo5 uag
27 ourureal / asaq] / Mau / a^ / are / spro^' :
'(aJnltoA, zleJ alnl
z.tlluau ]e
poob ar.no1'salou Ll)uart (tu 6u1pea,
L / e / \euq7 7
are burneq / asoll] / sluapnls
yl-19 ^::!
lH alnl
'romsue q)Pa roJ (O-V)teUel e 'suorlsanb aleur ol spJol a{} rapr l ,l
alrJAA ra/nsue lsaq aq] asoor.{) pue an6o;erp aqr peau *
ffic ra Chmee s , mnd triaeP Bt*6r**LasSgls s d * av @we{3
: src q3 E"E L,E
!,r8qtrr trl8r{ r@} BE"r!4sY Sru!HW*dS 6B&8#3 BLE&5aB.ed 5 gj 3#* * *k'' [-l t
3 ;:l;:,,':,:!i:iii:iii.iliir, Look at the pictures. Correct the words. ru Read the clues and complete the crossword.
Find the extra word.
1 This famous food from ltaly is very popular.
2 This is the most common drink in the world. people
also wash their face in it.
3 These are vegetables. They are sometimes long and
eggs vagatabla-* 1 fish 2 crisps green.
4 People make sandwiches with this.
3 juice 4 burgers
5 soup
5 Children like these. But they are bad for
your teeth.
In the UK, people eat thesewith fish. They,re not ver^
healthy. They are made from potatoes.
This is white. lt is very popular in countries like China
and Japan.
This is yellow or white. lt is on top of a pizza.
radf i|iiie:,iy,,iAi/r;ootdinntersso!takeay:n;6hbax
E.a!,;;i::it,t'l;:;tO ri* p*t..:t.,.,'.
t,::;ai,*ai e, i* llri,ba a A : r The extra word is:
.,,,,.,,:,.;,'t,i...,,,',,:,:,..,.,;,;,:,:.,;a-11..tthink Nhiee a1e bgpgr fer,y.o,u., , ,,,..,,
l ry {;|iifiit,lmagine you have a speciat tunch with you
every day. What is in your perfect lunchbox?
makeA,il:hem,:.Ntth',vhibb,,ai,brpwn:bleAd;:sy6,:sfif,,:,: ,. ,):.'.
im z*y p*rf e*$ lw**kb*x tk*r* arr" tw* *kae,*s. a*d s*l*d
:eually VuNs somea 'ln*h'em,ltke *a*&z*,ti**t** iviffu ffi*a br*"ad"
,,:l:cKen, or perhaps eome nlce cheese, or somehealthy
::3e? . AL our school we can'Lhave
liVe cola. so I alway. tal e some sVp e
.We can drinka Lac,
-=.. : ,ie'u home every day I waeh my lunchbox.Then ii'e
- ''. dinner.We always
-..: a"trcl rneal - perhaps
- : ,iane
.. :',,,eqelable,c cr a biq pizza
ft ,,:i;,;',:,11;i11;11";:;:1:.;r:;
Look at the pictures. Complete the words. ,),:.',;it: :':':":lii!iiriii.i:
Wi;,,i.6,', Listen to Poppy and Ben answer
I'm OK today, but my sister is 1 Julieisverya_ _ _ _ - , ll s o hot doy ond you're ihirsty, Whot do you drink?
veryt i r *, $. but her sister is l---. ," fi Some cold woter
- ,,,r,, , A very cold frzzy drink
you a sandwich.'
'ls Sifa ?"Yes, she swims and 5 I eat healthy food like
plays basketball every week.'
6 I sometimes eat unhealthy food such as
complete sentences.
What is Phoebe doing with the pasta?
*h*'* **rt'*.i*g the. pa*!a
'l How old are the children on the TV show?
Twelve-year.oldr Ph:q,ebe, Ri[ey:ris :ve ry:'busy- Sh e:s,]wash ing'''a
lot. o1 ve getab ies,,in,co d,watbq.ShelS coo,kin$ :so m e pasta
UttEveiy Vea r, :3,:rl61,,t1,ro rn€: p6o0le aSli: to.l€o on J-r n i$i v "
. : ! c*uki ei* this [:*tter. .,1...i.) ,,::;,) '\."..-:) t ja;,t ! *** d* this ver3r weii,
wffi{"&ffi13L&W:{ &Wffi L&%TffiW&XW&e ed
READIruG Sumo style
2. Complete the text with the words.
& Wlisten and draw linesfrom namesl-7to
people a-g in the picture.
bowls desserts 1 Dad 2 David 3 Helen 4
dish enormous train vitamins
WK ru*-w 3 You can play golf, tennis or hockey with this thing.
This person is the best at his or her sport.
Pete 0h l'm terrible at that! And what about I don't like playing
sport on TV?
Johnny I iike watching japanese sumo
! But it isn't on TV
very often.
My friend is really into
Pete Yes, that's really cool. I love watching fast
team games like s -my
favourite team is Chelsea. I also enjoy
watching it's great when
the players run with the ball. I'm into winter
sportslike1 . too.
Johnny Yeah, I like doing dangerous sports outside. I
love8 . . ande
in the mountains in
52 Sport
€s uods
/a q)lPU aq] ur s;eo61o lol P I
'{,{e+ 3s BS8 ?ed4 &F 5l$,Ee{44 A,Es4 s+il! ,q'}Es* sr*e I lf unrpels aql ol }xau doqs suods ]ear6 e 9
ur palsaraiur olur (;;ear eq
I jouP,eaq udl / dulu dJd/v\ aA
,o ue] e dq ual/auruara^ d/v\ /IuaqM
/ I uot{^ x unrpels aq] ul aler a)ru e 5
s{epr;oq rouuns }sel ;o a6e aqt te
'no( dlaq ol splom aql asf'l ita6uno(
a.rem noI uaLlA ur palsalalur nor( ataan 1rUM
y' weol.laqlo otl] uo ra(eld Poo6 tuene 1
';ood 6urtuutA S aLl] ]e
aq5 'Iepun5 uo {rerqrl aq} }P ,te) s X uea] rno u1 snotueg{1e f
'arlua) ;re{e1d
slrods aq] le {eq1 (epun5 uo >1red
aql ]e lnquv pue peulueqnw , x unrpels aq] rPau uorlels urerl eu
'untpPls lleqlool aLl] ]P
ag 'Iepun5 uo eLuautf aq] ]e lluled €
'>1red aqi le /r suerr LlllM sasnq Jo ]ol P .
aq5 'Ieprn1e5 uo fuerqr; aqt "rie+p6r,i ?qi fiJqta ?)a t
le Aey 7 +s sJ*+s+rads 3c 401 e
aLlI la LI)]PLU aq] ]e srole]:eds,o io .
]P {aq1'{eprn}es uo ar}ual s}rods 'J(uatatA
ataql pu?
aLI] ]e lnquv pue peuueqnw t ' at a n at a ql' J, tt s D AA a D Lll's D lA an q l 6utsn sal u al u a s
'orlua) suods aq] te ssru anlle6eu puea^ueurryJe alul'Ioo/v\ lsel unlppls :
a;1 ',(epln1e5 uo,te:qr; aq} lp +.uspm llu}pd le q)leu lleqtoo] lueuodrur up le ara^ no1 1"
'uorlrladuo: aq1 'Itp -' -
ur sLuea] poo6 L qlleLu lleqlooJ
I lernld ,re;n 6 - J
,rrro o,, 'uunrpels 6rq 'ureatlleq(a1lo'.-.
peuueqnw aql le sue; Xstou € raXeld 6ur1r:xa
-l lernld
,r,rrro I
](uara^ araql araM aJa[]I ](useM araql
r€rA-aJaqt auos ,(up uP P
' JlataAA )o aDrA'J,usDM'sDfl ql!/vl
sa)ualuas aql ala;duo)'alqer aql le lool { 'sprom aql qlyv\ olqpl or.ll a1e1duo1
Wrc 3
* g= *a f,rm*g
a{j exged*'Srfi
3 ,:\::t,:.;i:;::i!/lli::::;, Write the past simple form of the verbs. &
d&,,,., "@tr .-^.,Li sten a ga i n a n d com p ete th e
..,.:.,,,,.,.,,.",.1.,,. l
".;:,.),,.,',,|;ii,.;ii;t;t Tom did a lot of different things last week.
When I was eleven years old, I w*xt to my friend Sara's Look at the picture. Write sentences about Tom usi
house one evening, and we our homework. the past simple form of the verbs.
After that we 2 an Olympic basketball match on
TV - it was really excitingl I then 3 more about
basketball in my PE lessons at school and I a very
interested in the sport.
After that, I 5 to play after school with my friends
at the local sports centre. Soon, I was in the under-fourteens
basketball team in my town.
Last month, our team by bus to a city 100 km
away and we' in a big competition. We
it and I now have a gold medal in my bedrooml
54 Sport
ss uods
' *s "*&kw * eW Ww dwm{ sl&W s }t
"fi?q+a4 paAsfi
Bi6 pr{s ArpJn'tB$ i$s} asfri**l $"pusr"A* 6*a *i +*aru |
f-* .6" I {**---'t, rtenue;
Lna^e,rrnr*iLvLoz i
', ' !
[t '/Alpn]oat 7 real 7 >;aaan / pua)aa^
l1 aaiqrTslep I I '-
,, fiepul/ )tl61u 1se;
T:yj:l-,, \.- _;
u!/v\ q)leM la^erl lJe]s oro)s
unr esrpprd (e;d aas o6 op
'no( dlaq o1 suogssardxa
eru!t lsed pup sqra^ aql asn 'a;du;s tsed eql 6ursn
lepou e ur^ suorlrladuo) aql q)IeM
no{ rol enrt are leql salus}ues elu6 ffi 9'
sallau 002 r.ur/v\s
1eo6 e arors sarlau 00[ unr
'(eprn1e5 fuana (q6nr Ield I anop
r(e1d saa+tr+€AA+du*n{
11eqIa1;on ]
'uai Jo a6e aql 1e (qbnr paIeld I9
.SLOZ 'saserqd aql 6ursn
]ptll S
uro; aldugs lsed aql qllm sa)ualuas alUM ,:*'i;,,;;.,,.,,., t
leparu plob e uom uordr-ueqr 6ur;lsarm snouel
e s:rduu,{19 aL{} }noqe urlU Mau all} Mes sluared 16 y
ur unrpels eql ol / noL/ aM
')aaM ^^eu
sruua]lo aLueb 6urlr:xa ue paLl)]em I pue a)llv €
'lq6tu b {
nI uo rulq poo6 e /aqs/aH
srea( onn] lepaLu :rdLu(lO ue uoA aqS Z nol
']q6ra senn I s{ep om1 11eq{a1;on /i
qrlpr.u lleqlooj ]sr!, {tu u1 pataduo: I t
' a^!leull!#v
l'.,{er*e,*e1- ul UnlpPls Mau aql pallsl^ aM
uaqm IaaM lsel {*€flJ€f ur }sr!J obe ]uam paq)]e^ pa(e1d $el ,(lnf 1 o6e
'spJoM aql qll/v\ sa)ualuas aql alagduol,l:1i:i:li:,".. F 'spro^ aql qll/v\ olqel oql alalduof it:,ii,it/|;{iii:i::.'
sue!s$atdKa e[&r E& &ssd #&8BSeer"E E$#€ ;BAdeA$ g5 Bs e (
3 ;l:r',,,,::,;,:iii'.tii,:,,j::i;i,t,, Read the text. Choose the correct answer. ffiW Read the text again. Write frue or folse.
The text is about... Wheelchair basketball is slow.
a famous wheelchair basketball players. 1 Wheelchair basketball is never dangerous.
b different information about 2 The first wheelchair basketball match was
wheelchair basketball. in 1950.
c the history of British wheelchair basketball. 3 The first Paralympics were in ltaly.
4 Swimming was one of the first Paralympic
5 Wheelchair basketball is very different to
ffi n'tone of the mos.t exciting
mode.!:n sportS: fot:.boft',.plgr€{sl :r.:.l
6 Wheelchair basketball is popular in different
and spectators. lt's fast, it's noisy
and sometimes dangerous. What
i!: it?:.jtfS,:whAe,khair: basketbal:[;:,,, '
W**ffi;,W Answer the questions. Write complete
€ffi eutwheelchair basketball isn't sentences.
,4,.,hoW,'sp0it,,','ThQ,,f,i ist,.Otg,anlzed Wheelchair basketball
Why is wheelchair basketball good to watch?
wheelchair basketball match was at the Paralympics
If's fast ai?d exeifierg.
in November 1946 and it was 1 Where was the first wheelchair basketball match?
betweeh tw0 teami,.ih th€:,[J.gft ,,',:,
ffi nthe 1950s, wheelchair basketball became more and more 2 When were the first Paralympic Games?
.19!ghtsportsihthe,,f lril
of the fiist':
l,,q.l'a,lrn piCr'Fa,iltesl:i:h:rFq,me1,lla,l1r,Thr!,,winhels, How many sports were in the first Paralympic
gold medalwere the British team.' Games?
ffi 'bximpte,.,the1u.,a'i6.;flrelUtalt*.,.ih,:$ack'!e8m',a,nd
Wheelchair basketball isn't.very different to basketball. For
5 How long are wheelchair basketball matches?
the hoops
are three metres high. The match is forty minutes long with
four parts of ten minutes. These things are all the same as
6 What other Paralympic sports do you know aboutl
the information? Write the paragraph. 1 Two thousand.. watched the race
The name of a fast and exciting sport. &
1 The number of wheelchair basketball 2 She was a gold at the 2012 Olym
players in the world. 3 I was the best person in the competition. I was the
2 The date of the first wheelchair I
56 Sport
a F ts !4rIF
g"H +if,-e(rl5
:,,,,,,,:,t,,,.:., ilia;eq.,c'r''!.latrite*g,'lt1;.it+i1nU,p, €
allJlreJ Jqr asp,,iqr,,6ufsh,,a111i[ort,inoq,e.91:1ye uoqs e z
alUM 'Jels sUods snotueJ e are no{ aurbeut.r;; ;lj;.;;;" 'i;26*$ *uo4 Jaeepd SlEE*os* r si arl palB
i0tup{'$6{&,sS Bilfl5 Cp ie*#Aaru $i *&i{s{* NimJ e"isr,r{Arl* t
'piro^/, a',l ur srerpqlooi
lllSS;)lrlS lSOL.ij Wt
'ado;n1 ur ralleqloo+ ueilrzprB lsaq alil ro] EI0Z
ur^^E ploS EqLUes aq+ uoM osli? 3H 'zToz pue
IIOZ ul rea,( eq1 +o rallegloo+ uplr.iaLUV LllnoS
s pue'0I02 ur pzprg
;o1 pe{e1C 1s.rg;eu,(ayLUea} }srg so}upS eql
ur .ro,4e;d P aLr-letaq aq 600Z ur puE
soluPs roj t
aH'solues Lueal uErlrzerB snoLUej aLll
ur r0o eq11o {rlouosrod suods 0uno13gg uom oslo I
L.itlan;a{eld rolunl p aLUefaq aq ualele
lsroaA ,{1ql)ro ur lsouuuA0 qsrlug rr oUl
, pue'rioq ituno,(
0LU030q I uoaluo^os soM I
- uoll^
or E-r
e sPM Jq ueqM
ur r,ro0so13 rJt soLU0o r.lll0aMUoulriJoS oL.ll +0
;eur{a11 'araq} llEq}oo1 s,(e1d pue;ado.ln] ut 14 :"''
6 uoM I uoq^\ s0M +uouJorx +se+oel0Ihl
sanrl ,t,nou oq lnq 'yzesg ur olned oes )eau z66T
sluauou Felner0 It t ri;en.rqa1 ,rE r 'lze)A
i r.,rlUaOl-XlS:S0l{ uuo,rl;ai{eJd lleqloo} E sr aq puE rolu!r so}ues
u0LlM 1 5q1u1'trsouuril0
E^lrS ep ;eu;,(ary $Z @W,gA #nj*;";gqA6,ey4
0,'orxooaq sffiaA ...:'
{sJl} |,pu0'pfo r,1 !|0QM
suorlr+edLrjos luoil0duJt ul oladuoc 0i pou0+s I'plo sr0o/1
e i uailfl\ s3tls0uLuI6 0p o+ ucoaq lslrl I
#ods AY6
s+aure u 1ni.ry+tu*ap uo uloq spm aH
n itt-u puo s+ucl0d /iLU aq] jo auo sr aH pale;d lsrr;
q+rM 00rl lo+sug 0rl+ ut e^tl Mou l' , .. :., ,,:; Olj{
JO leld o1 panurluo) 1o a6e aql
le uoM arl ]eql raij
+soM or..l+ ur c'lolsug ur s laQo{cQ q1f[
,,, :,
:,,,,r :,.,, 0, ul;t,:,pun, ou0q0ts01
Ji. sf ilnnlc: sI rrauCIu /(y!
58 Sport
6S UodS
,.*. \:5' , ;' fr'nrlvnlvA3Aw
'.-.,.'.".t .::s ilI
":-t ilI
'puelea^^ or,{} le prp I leq/vr }noqp )tet up) I ll
ar,nol 6 aur ]xal itou {qn7i'sa1 alnl
lxau auo: no( , (qryi'pep (61 aruef
noX arann oqln ; , poo6 s.]eq1 alnl
'pua aq] ur 9-1 uonn sra611
uolqbug 's1eo61o 1o; e s
araql' seM ]t 'saA a!uer
L , ]! se7171 2I11eag arn-l
'(epun5 uo q)]eu (a1roq a:r ue
's)ueql']uerlluq seM ]l
E | e!uer
2pualaam rno{ z
MoH'sIUeLl]gearg'aruep'Ia;1 alnl
2s6urql are L'aInl !H atuer
*r'' ,',ffi
W& NorrvnlvAa Atn, . e-{:41
q]!nn uaqM araM ]uaM spM ]ou sMau
'aUsqe^ eroJrelsslrods e;oalgord,ualpm ue: Ii /noq ollaq o6 poob ](uop peq
'spJoA erlxa
S.OH rnoJ aJp araql'sprol^ aql qlr^ an6o;erp aql ela;duuo3 :
pLEffiHffi#*e esryT *ru{HUl c -:
7 sra(e1o I u:t1lts i tsoLu / / aql / auo /
]e/s)1dtu,t1o aUl/aq7 e7 pyo6/ uo 9 ruO;XVftIYA3 AN4'
lepaLU/ ^ 'lsed aqt ur sluene lnoqe Ilel uE
}V t
aq] / aq 'lea,( 1se1
7 uad6 51 rolunf aq] / uo M lo / veeluenas 7 e6e g uotltladr.uor sruua] e ur I
I l: 11ear6 s.1eq1
(errn61 ;{epralsa{ ;eob e no
se^ / Iooll)s / aq /w / uoqM 'obe sreal
/ saq)]eLu uuar / ul 7 paiaduo: TIernw / ? oM] snouej lsrrrt ra{e1d sruuo} }elll
:f 11 'reaI1sel uedef ot roqtorq dyg
aH 'plo) sEM
se n 11
'(epretsa{ eas aq} ur ai,,
uo / Leot A,e,w q$[ / aq / uroq E
I 'tq6qu lse; uoqlereW )rc.
''S,oH MaN aq] ]noqe auuei6ord 111eql
LUorJ/ puello)S / e / s(aq / sruuat 1 nrtep 7 q)le^ la^er] uilMs
arols aleduo: auo)eq
'sqJa/, :;
uorsg MaJpuV / iln, / sr 7 s.{ern61 r(puy 7 aweu L ,o ruJoJ a;durs lsed aq1 6ursn sarualuas aql a1a1d *:;
: : :salu?luas a{,Pru ol sproJn aq} Japro & $ffiffigsse-6dxe eL{,rl}
e&g&€"s*6#* ;#Edee*Fs assd sffi3ffid x*v
' :i.',,iiii:iiiili;li;, M atc h se n t e n c e ha I ve s'l -7 w it h a - g. & ,,,;,;';';;L,'-),,;ii:;;ii;,Complete the text with the words.
1 Your face isn't round, il's-"...----"..,,,. a tall. bald blue glasses light +,rftg
2 Jack's eyes aren't brown, '.'---b square.
moustache overweight round
they're c straight. short slim spiky tall
3 That singer isn't short, she's d blue.
4 Daisy's hair isn't dark, it's e slim.
5 Ed hasn't got a beard, f blonde. & 6mmH&y ph*t#
he's got a g moustache. ,?hi$..ris,A.,,,ph0td- flom'seVen, )rCarS].ag0-:lr'm the girl in
6 That man isn't overweight, he's ihe ptroto.andd$atrtimal.trad,,.:..,,.....,.,rt,:,..,.,,t* i;;,..:.:,. hair,
,NoWl., er:eht.;.irs,short
7 My hair isn't curly, it's rny, hal i :!s diff and,1 ..,,:,.,:,: .:;,, .
Josh * { i and's-*-with's----
ist darl<
3c--- hair,big brown eyes and a os- -
- - --- face.
Benis5a-- * h-
tight brown l:air,7g
and a 8t- * face.- -
60 Growing up
t9 dn 6urnno.r9
'Bsii?!^J auoqd t.uFlF aU$
']*afoid sc uare$ @t/,+ paq$r
ur; aq$ 'Sururoru
slql soloqd ,(ue {eq17 no17e6
400q aDy )tJ\) J0 1r0t1t, ytfil
v.tu.ttJs 47tt11 stwal fiv14 ,a 'Xeprloq uo rLUZI ]t/eqs/aH
l.too1zsno\ -r4l 4ltu dleg 'reaX lse;
yv tol so1o4r) zwos nlal / t^j uMo] slql ul no
tJunl) tn}qv s110v
l..fll,XJ Jlllll4.l Jl1}.{r1., .rsl,t,ru y' '6uru.rolu srq]
tJs\aw )u04ct soloqd alru aLuos i(aq17 no17 ;
l.r;lo.r,l y'
;:u,rr:s ?W 1etutl '(eprloq
uo lnquelsl t llleLis :-
t b. I:, r.: X 'rea{ 1se; a6e;;rn
luere#rp P ur paA!, no.
lsed aql,o sruroJ anrle6au pue anrleurrge aq1 6ursn
sa)ualuas alrr1 'lle uoql op l,uplp aqs lnq 'Iepralsa( )oo] palrsr^ PaAtt
s6urql luaralJrp op ol papaau er6roeg "". """ :" , # ]rsr^ ](uprp ale] ](uprp a^rl l(uplp
'spro/v\ oql ql!/vl olqel oql a1e1duol
'1;ru {ue aleq }(up!p no,( 1nq W*
'lsqlearq rnor( ql;rvr a>rnfauos noi I afi!*86e&, p{.,! e ts&!&Br.E r,, !$*8 :atd u !s
aq lnq lea,( tsel rfio1s;q lqbnel ro;,(eg ry11 L laLl ) LUaLI] q LUlq P
'unasnu aq] ; 1nq'1ted aq] paltstl I I
'sueaq {ue
i l ou)i no( o6 '1116 nnau ]eq] MouI ](uop I a
aul ) q sn
nor( e
]pa ](uprp aLls ]nq 'e1sed;o 1o1 e er(ar1 I 'Iepug uo lnoI lo6 an,; g
o] ]r anr6 ue: I '6eq
'aJrel) (aql lnq 'el6 pauoqd {aq1 n
sn ) uaql q LUILI e
'ueuso aas ](uprp aM ]nq ' o)ll l.uop ; asnp)aq s:a6lnq ]pa ](uop 7
';ood buruururMs aqi ie ]aLUqaW aM € no( r ulq q uaq] e
'q)uarl ' s(]eql'arnpld slq] ursra;:un,(rrr, i
aqs ]nq ';ooqrs ]p uptilrag parpnls raqloupuer6 {y1 7
sn ) raq q uaq] e
'Uassap aqt Iofua t.uprp
Hllnn auo)'euaur) aql o] 6uro6 ar.a4, ;
| ]nq 'leaur ftu,to asrnor ureu aq] I t ulq ) uaq] q ]l E
'Ieprntes uo IJo^
i aas o] ]ueM no( o6 'o1oqd poo6 e sr srr_
l,up;p {aqt 1nq Xepul uo paryisr,l sro})e aLlI ]!) raqq
'Puaur) aqt o] 06 +.idB!p
i dlaq aseald ']lnrUJrp sr ) -
aM ]nq '1aann 1se1 arleaq] aq] o] ]ua^ aM
'sral sue l)arro) aql asoor,l) w
'a;durs lsed aq1;o sturo; enrle6au pue
aluetuJr#p eql 6ursn sa)ualuas aql ala;duo) '. . . '. tr sL{m{B&B#,{d
3 Put the life events in the correct order.
,:',t:::itiltt!,t;iiii:i m ,|;:.:.,,:!i':tli;7ii;i;
ffi.y/*r Listen and complete the answers to
Number the phrases 1-8. the questions.
a , lget a university qualification
b r? beborn :,,;',','[,,yy6s Piulint,,Mriiuru,$:t y6?":',' , ,'
c : lgetajob
d tieave school
e , ldie
., ','She gia*' up,,i vi|tase in,qhe.'...,,-,,,,.,,,,.:,',,.':,,,.i' ; ol
f r- lhave children ''',
the Netherlands.
g i,,'g"t married ,t',:,,1t;*tiiltrwairiii. *lie*,ih;'w;irt;t,iJult?',5ie was
h - -1gotoschool cm tall,
rcre ,
Yes, she did. She went to different
countriei s,uth
Britain and
;'Gariia nir.l.tFrEnee,, ,,,,,;,
Tollestreffi & ;.;,.:ti:,:;il ;i ffi;i*#} L
i ste n a g a i n an d w r te tr u e or fa l s e
i .
The world's tallest iiving man is Sr"rltan l(osen.
He was born in 7982 and he {i{evi uP in "..
a: Ir/lardin in south east Turl<ey. When he was a was thirty-six centimetres long when she was
boy he 1 near his home. But he a baby.
early i:ecause it was difficult for 1 was good at dancing.
him bccause of his helghl. He 3 tc 2 often had very nice clothes.
university and he a .After schocl, he 3 only became famous when she was older.
and he r,vorl<ed from time to time 4 appeared at a theatre in NewYork on
as a fai'mer. NewYear's Day.
He first became famous 5 died because she became ill.
in 2009.This was when 6 was eighteen when she died.
he first got the title ::i:ii't:l::tl:L:':2..:i2;'a.l:i:.
Living Man'. In March your life using the past simple. Use the verbs to
2014 he visited Australia, you.
and in November 201-4, be born get a job grow up
he6 to go to school leave school go to universit)
London and he met get a qualification in travel
the world's shortesL
living man at the time { w*s fu*rm im &qr*a amd I gr*w up th*,r*"
- Chandra Bahaclur
Dangi from Nepal.
Sadly, Chandra died in
September 2075.
62 Growing up
€9 dn 6urnno.r9
{ 5-6 'yes' answers. You had a great day!
e a-o'yes' answers. Your day was oK. :j
@ 2 'yes' answers. You didn't have a very good
I day! There's always tomorrow!
zloor.lrs r)]Je eJos Eq] uo
;*p sgaa-**d J$#& plp taq*A
l;tiorM,iruoU,,5,U1'lSeiaiut Aue noI
lanpJ) (pnls laquaual [e;d dn anor6
lrom / looq:s ot ob suotle:gl;enb 1a6
qof 4J-ulJ},,1Ja.JJ]oJr:}UI::}€:,:{OO'U)5,:lQJr
e 1a6 a^!l loor{)s a^eal op
'no( dlaq ol spJol^ oql (dn 1a6 / noA) 2eu11 lJalor eql ]e
as61 'a;durs lsed eq1 6ursn suorlsanb a1rr1y1'altlJtoql .plp es?A
lnoqp uostad laplo up A atntalut ol paau no 'loot{)s (}^eq / noA) 2qrung roj poo+ eJru @*,v\in*A piq
le l>afold fuo1srq e 6urop ale no( eur6eu; ilii.':.. .,",.::: i.:
:." ; : w
.'6urp;no9 allll 6uos y,
.Zo] ^q ]egm,
.'6uruJoLu srql )tsnu 1eat6 auos o] paualstl l, 9
.'0t't ]v, 'sraMsup lJoqs allrfi
( atut] leqM, uaql'e;duns lsed eq1 6utsn suollsanb a4tylWl*
.'i(epo1{;rea alrnb looqls paLlstuU aM, S
.'Iurq] upq] alow,
{ueu mo;1, L e
xaql 1 no( 1 aM /\ leLls / aq / nc'
',(epo1 ssel: ut sprom Mau Jo ]ol e pauipal aM, t
.'Iaryn1ur e{;eluy ol,
,i alaqM ilealD, ' ;{eqtlno(lal'l./\/aLls/aq 1no(11'q
,;{epr;oq )t}se}ue} e uo }ual aM, E en;p6aa
.'0t'01]v, ' .[aq1j no( 1 oM/]l /aqs/aq 7 no{7 1'q
,L uaLlM,
,'Iepol a1e1 (ran dn lo6 plnpc, Z
('Uassap alplo)o11) e pue ezzrd snoutoua uV,
]eqM, i t{aq17no(1am/\/eqs/aq1no(11 r-
('rauurp ]e poo,,o ]ol e alP l, I tuo!l53n0
('uoJ}l )pZ, ,L *ws &*qlr:iw oqM,
('latllpa lo])e snoupl e mes spuau; 161,
]eq^ ul/v\ ulM ].uplp plp plp ptp
'a;durs lsed aql
ur suorlsanb 6ursn san6olelp aq] a1e;duo1 i,,.....-'," ,"." ., 'sprom aql qll^ alqpl aql ela;duro1
. WD
words. z ii'.,'l:iiiri, Read the text again. Put the story in the
,ti:':|i?iiliiiW; Read the text. Choose the correct
correct orJe,' UrrU"r afre sentences.
This is a story about a 1 phone / camera. The end of the
a chris's friend saw the photos on Facebook.
story is , sad / happy. ,,.,,
b Chris went on a boat in Byron BaY.
c I t rChris Hesford visited the USA.
A tfUg StOfV d
,i stevl carmody found the camera.
e rChris's camera went into the water.
Eii Bffiffi;ffig t:i:::?g::W f l--_]ttowchrisisintheuK.He'ssotthephotos.
E* Wj ii:,:;l:!k& g i :steve put the photos on Facebook.
'&,$#:i h l l Next, Chris went to Byron Bay in Australia.
+*tii:U* :5+4l1..sqnr"lef h,$" 4e,.r:*'pt ofps i.j. 1. 4
,"n"*t #l;:r-E:.w*rrgo'.p::ri".e:+e"rttitc;'it#rs,"" ,':'* W 3 WffiRead the text again. Write rrue or false.
Chris Hesford is a teacher. falsP
W,: l chris's holiday was long.
Sii.dii#'#$Aet,$6#dti ib*';i,effiA,Wefu{j,4 :.9 2 Chris went on a boat with Steve.
itirifte,vrat6*'.Cra1*i1qioe-bi ii;i, ,@$ tri:biif]:,;!;.$;,,;,$ 3 Steve is from Australia.
he didn't flnd it. He was sad because his hoiiday 4 Chris is a short man.
photos were on it. : 5 Steve put five photos on Facebook.
Srx months laler, an AustraLian man, Steve ft
carmody. found. the camera' But he didn't ' i; "))': ''t"':
Answer the questions' Write
flnd it in Byron Bay, he found it ninety-seven complete sentences.
kilometres awayl How old was Chris Hesford?
llei49,1ied,a!,thglghotos'1tlr_r,9;*,gta,a, qtgt' i
1 Why was Chris very sad about the camera?
- sometirnes with sunglasses. He was often in
ffffii\#lE; t *E$1i;;;;:,i7t;;;;;;;$7;;$ 2 Where was the camera when Steve found it?
3 Where was Chris in a lot of the photos?
and asked 1Do yoa,know' thisiman?l'rMo1e
'#- 4 Where is Chris now?
Ctrris's friends,saw themrand he to-ld Chris
Chris is at home in the UK. Because of Steve's
help he's now got ail his amazing photos.
Thank you, Steve!
ffi:,W Therearethreeextraverbs.
ffi Wnen Dad was young he Elad curly hair.
1 Paul is tall. He
W a lot last year.
W. z I.
W 3 My aunt me some money.
+ Mymum
s r
a photo of me.
photos of my favourite film star.
l've got a lot of them!
64 Growing
59 dn 6urnno.r9
'nort dlaq ol € as!)Jaxa ut lxal oql
asn 'alupp noi( uoslad e lnoqe al)lue JaAAsup
pue uollsanb 1e:r qd e.r 6o!q e alunltlit,,.,::,,,.li,,,::.r
r.ulU Mau e ro1 lro1s aq1 nul| r,r s,aUS
uaisnv 3uu I sl sr0ilr,{^ e} rn0^?}.taq +0 0u0
1006 ul rxtu
E 0r!?c0q l00q lslU lsq u0ql s?t^ ]u0rLt0rx luEU0dut Li?'s0A
'rzlndod oLu!ooq ou0lS s )atld0s0ttrld oql pue t0ll0d
il.teg ryoq tsrU roq u0qM 166 L ut r01t,tm u su 0rq lt ap?u 0qS
,lo srte,( x s sE,A 0qs uoq/r l00q lsrU roq 0l0r^ oLlS oo] LulLl a)11 nor on s
t iu,
/r11s-tarlun t? sc ss!lc puE Llcu0rl pstpnis 0qS l uplp aqs'0N
]ot e qilurs o
z lll^.)il I
's0lEM ut,r,ro1sdeq3
+0 umo] aq1 ur dn /,\o_10 0qS
*olll^ s1 aLueu raq ralq6nep e 1o6 seq g
tnB 61q0ll'puEl]0cs
q0rnqurpl ut sa^tl oqS ecey,{lpuer.r1e pue sela 0nlq ,nEq
p";;; ;'; ; ;";"";;i saq z
0pu0lq ]00 s aqg'(erg-Ayts 0t10r1l 0u0)]q0r0q aoera,^? s,0LlS ll'aroor '
ds$l p*r ut ext, 5{{,1,q*X")'l s.itpqjl,l
sale6ue so;1o {1rr aq} ul sa^!l aq t
')ol?e uex!)owv sn,u.4e] ? si r{+trlt'
JOpe ue)uaule snoulej e st Jlrn,
'uoltenpund qllm so)ualuas aql allr/v\ou
Iooq ]srlJ loq / aluM / 3qs / uaqM ffil I
(lrsranrun 1e 7 6ullunn / {pnis 7 aqs 6 'CAC eq] Ll)]eM uaq] Slooq
raale) 6urllnn / Iooq all] peou I
.)n aLl]
raq ur / sluauoul ]ue]:odrur raqto i{ue / alaLl} / aq }
r.uorJ s(aH Jol)p /'tol)p snorueJ e st a#tl)peu
ralirm e sp 6tq ]l a)eu / aqs /uaq^ a latuec /
slalljM aulnoAeJ laq Al Llstlrnl / qsllrnl re;ndod e st stq_L g
2aurze6eu Mau ]eq] e>1r1 no,( oO / op S
]noqe / 6urqilue I moul / aM p
'Lu;;11ear6 e sr uol6ulppe4 uo16u1ppo4
&#Jps*"{q-g),tl.t/.6qp*og,y++*eqnn r 1 s
'6uos allrnone, s(eqses spr{sps sl slql
/ E
ou/aluM Iaqs/ ]eqM q
^ 21e;nb 7;1ernb aB 'orper aqi o] 6urualsll ru,l Z
dn mo;6 I aL$ lI;nexa / araq^ e
iaJll / ia,!l lear u! a)ll ro]re ]eq) s! lpllM .
'6ul;r'nog'y'1 lnoqe 'els /t-9polle) sr lg uo raburs 1er*
sJamsue pue suotlsanb ;e:rqde;6orq aq1 a1a;duor
ol uaq] asn uaql.suollsanb allJ,.lA
t)orro) aql asooq) ffiW ;t
:iiilli: tr
&r0!*en&3e, md :lr.!!sd a6en 6rr1
r,:.. ,:-' .-., r;, i ne*sl t* iry {:his ag*i*. .!.. i *m happy urith th!s.
, rr'.i ' i t.: .:--l t i i;, i e*xld d* thls betten i..!r, i qam d* th!s veny we*!.
W**-eWWL&,ffiY Sescx'*fu $rng Pe*P&* LANGUAGE F*CUS Fast s ! r:: pEe: a$$irsxat&we
I can describe people. I can talk about situations and events in the past'
ffi K&ffi $&qS eh&$d*x*md P*"a*€*s k$*e&ffi &i $-&, mY e&q m €-$ SYKN X €\{ & tu6$* &}"r*$}t s
3 Complete the sentences using the past simple form of 4. W Listen and choose the correct answers.
the verbs. 1 Where was Jeanne Calment born? She was born in
66 Growing up
Lg dn 6urnno,r9
ai{!t!t{tt!v4l llt"
'uos;ad snoueJ e qy^ a!^Ja1ur ue (e;d-alor ue)
ftu .
p l)l| ,
Jol sJa^ sue pue suorlsanb 1e:rqder6o!q elrJ/v\ up)
I auo }lnruJrp e s(IPqf H )
'peaqe 09'arns I
W ,,'ff[il:l#i;x1'Jt i
'uorlsanb arou au6 O
'Surcuep pue 3ur>1ooc ')o s(IeqlJ! 'no/( roJ suorlsanb A aJ e ]06 a^(l )
selrl eqs ,1 i6urs ol ureal no^ plp uaql I
isatqq0q raq fi0qe luorlsanb pooD V
er/vl0u\ A/il 00
'oo1 'sp,leme reqlo {ueu
ieql tji;
'utD)tts,trrxoq rqr rr^;l,r,,ir]PM
1oB anou sell aLlS 'OIOZ ur spJeme
ujerc rno+ zr auS u;r; 6urlsaralu! ]soru rno( senn ]pgM u e;tre'1
uaues )aq 'o)sr)uerl ues ul a)Pl
ut sluaw)w rt )aLlJ0 Iue ant1tr ata1y1 elIe'1
ilootl)s o] ob no{ prp araq6 iloof
'MueJW LulJ- pallec Suos eq1
'looq)s le se^ | uaqM papr)ap I
r alp[
qlrM ln+ssa3f,ns seM aqs uaLlM 'uaalxrs 1o e8e aq1 .rol)e ue auolaq oi ap!)ap noi( prp uaq6 e1^e"]
z alpl-
le 9ooz ur uMoul or et!eJaq .!H ]aau o1 poo6 s.]l eg(e-1
L. .,J! alea, fi1eat atls plp uaLtAL
'slal sue
'3uno{ sel aqs uaqm
erlxa oA l are aJaql'romsue q)eo JoJ (g-y) tag1al e
suossal 3u rlce pue s peq eqs 'se^ alUM'ra/nsue lsaq aqt asooq) pue an6o;elp aql ppau g
iJa?u$ e LoJ fpn4s aLls prg
u0sJad SnoLL e-
'uaeuno] 1o eBe aLl] ]e aessauuol
e qa*&q &4a!&ia*&ex es8:K*xd eteM srxxxxv!c5
allr^LlseNl o] pa^our orls ]nq 'vsn aLl] Jo ]sea
aq+ ur erue^;{suua; ur dn s aUS
idn saLls ptp 'v aJaLl/U
r':.',:, l{*!:Yn-}Yr\3 At&}
I anlq pue req opuolq 1oB s,eqs
'1sed eql ur sluala lnoqe suorlsanb 4se ue:
pue lAlqEra arleLU euo) . elrnb s,aqg
i 1leil ut atl!l ll/vls n1r{e1s,\et1t i rorpea 6uos poo6 e o1
ilq6lu tsPl paq o] uaLlM
iburuane aq] ur Af uo lPqtu\
iloorlls rouP lleqlalseq
#E *,S"ofiyl zulPxa stq] ro,
2{epo1 }se})iearq ro} ]eqAt
uoM lla/v\ llP] Sur6urs !
,(a) mor6 nnar6 {;uexa sa(a o6 T
i 6tq aurolaq ,(;luaredde 6urqV(ue
relsrs rno{ q)}em / spuarrtr rno{ astnar i r:
ualsr;7no{ lea 7 noI Ield 7 euuy
'spJo/v\ aql qllirn sra/vlsue pue suollsanb aqt ala;duo1 d 'sprol/\ aql 6ursn suorlsanb aql ata;dtuc; ;
SJE "*"-r**!-,*-","-n*
i{t}r,&tf iJeiH }Lrq,!l}r,IrLr "e^,-
Itf.,*{I(4trc!JL,}tH *}l\tI I I}dfin s&xe$&see'?h :e$de&$$s &s€d s$33s* xsvng
r;x Ur,&
$is$7 }"*.:
| . ._:' .t
3,fr.WCompletethe crossword. 3 flKW Read the clues and write the objects.
4 Girls wear this when they swim in the sea.
68 Going away
69 Aenne 6uro9
aM I AL I 6u1o6 7 o] / q)]em / l.uare g
sr 7 soloqd I ot I a\et I 6uyo6 1 A,w lralsls Z
ot I op l6u1o6 7 ,:l/ rou 1 A,ue llromauoLl 9
tphts (it trritoo lueJs d^,l 'r]td a$ U! llB4l00]
I?id 0i 611100
oi,ovtpn| Spurtll lur +ra*r of 6u;06 rir.g (tu 71.usr 7Ipn1s / raLlloJq 7 6u;o6 7 o1 g
qrle^ Ils!^ trpnts lels ]ls xelar
peal (e1d ]aau o] ualsrl ur aladuor ob 7 6uro6 7 sluared 14ton 1 A,w I ol l\uare / ot t
'seapl uI o rno( ro sp,rol aql asn epualaa/v\
,(rre: 7 ;;er"us / e I ot />peErytm / wrl l6u1o6 e
oql te op ol 6uro6 no( 1.uare/ erp leq1
ot / e ls / ase)t ns7 a>1er7 6u1o6 1 1 wnw Z
(i!sl^ / a/v\) |w
auA ol lsaleau aql s
ol7 6u1o6 1 Aq 1 at,am/ lo^er] / uter] t
(d;aq 7 no{)
'ADprl0r{ ub o0 oi 6uto6 u,r.l
iI)Pq)nJ {uu q}rnn au b
o6 7 uo I ol / w,l 1 6uto6 7,{eprloq
1(op 7 ann)
'sa)ualuas aleu ol spJoM aql lapJo J .
sarlr^r])e rooplno )erlM € I
i(aq / ol) ]ua] (u ur z
o, r{aql I f
2(daels 7 1) araqM t
1 no(,7 am 7 nor('op Aaql 1 no( laan 7 no,{ 'sq1
(rnd 7 1; 2araq sburqt,{uu ;md c4 Sl,lios, I *ly
zr I! / aqs / aq 'oN ru 1!/ aqs / oq'st
(dn 1a6 7 am) ' " '
26ururoru ,tana dn +aS o+ S&rro6 ars a"ip aLul] ]pqg "l'S
an11e6ap aA!leturgil
'),lse sluapnls aql suollsanb
oql olu1 'dupr loor.{)s e;o Iep }s4 aLl} s! }l : ' ..'" . .' * iloo) o] 6ur::
,(aqf 7 nor( 1 a^ry no(
'qurl) oI Ierllsv puerelso s
iuels ot6uro6U/oLls/aq
'sutelunou aql u! (sre6 7
ino{ aas ol 6uro6 I
.6ur1oo: eql qllm rP)so €
'sruua] ralad pue er(e61 'an3 7
'qurl) ol 'pPor oi 6upl
aler I
ra^u orll ur rfl,r,ts 0t 6'ut0s, alg Jerqsv pue re)so ,treq1/no^/eA/nql
(e1d o] 6uro6 ,ll / eL{S / ail
',(pn1s ol6uro6 -11
/nDd | 6ur1oo: aqr qrrnn d;eq
a\'Jf qurllf, o1 ureal 'lual e ur Xels ol 6ufl
$lntea surelunour oL{} ur )leM .{aql /no1/elrynC
j' n1a4'a,(ayy'ao1 sruuel Xe;d 'ees aql u! LurMs ol 6uro6 L it / aqs /{
r-' ,(eprloq uo ))eq)nJ e elel
Jott4sV lolr7 Jo^rJ aLl+ ur LIIMS
, 'op ol lup^ noA {11lrlce aq1
: o1 lxau seupu rnol allran asEald
S( OJ. lOU LU( IOU tU( t*l? ].USl l(USl
sl sr l(uare ](uare olv alP ulv ue
iduer filnl1re pue erntue^pe eql le
op o1 6u;o6 uarplr.l) osaql t(uarp / aJe leql 'splo/v\ orll rlllM alqel aql
ffi € r
X r,.ii:llllil* Look at the pictures' Choose the correct 3 tii:]$$ ffi* Andy, Andv's mum and Ben are
words. talking about their holiday plans. Read the sentences
first. Can you guess any of the answers? Then listen
#d# ,d-wdx
d w
and answer the questions.
Ben is going to visit San Franclsco in
il )At 6
The weather
lt's hot / cold.
information in the sentences.
Ben is going to visit his grandmother's b{otl1e{.
1 Andy's mum worked in San Francisco for two years'
6 lt's snowy / windy. 7 lt's icy / stormY. 2 The weather in San Francisco never changes'
4 The weather is sometimes snowy in San Francisco
8 lt's windy / cloudY. 9 lt's cold / hot. 5 Andy is going to stay in the north of ltaly.
6 Andy's tent is verY small.
rr.-':,.r l Complete the dialogues with the adjectives
S {;}#1$;i Complete the sentences about the weathe'
in exercise 1.
at different times.
'l think it'll rain Iater this afternoon.''Yes, it's clark and -t'e
really $tot axd sfirltty
ln the summer holidays,
e ic*dy outside.'
1 This morning / afternoon / evening,
1 'Are you going to go skiing in the mountains?''Yes,
it's very ... . there now.' 2 This week,
2 'ls it a good idea to put sun cream on my face?' 'Yes'
It's very today.'
the now."Be careful'You
3 At New Year,
3 'We're going out in car
can't see far todaY. lt's ..
. .' ..
4 On my birthdaY,
4 'ls it cold in your area in May?''No. lt's quite
.. .... sometimes.'
5 ln April,
5 'Do I need my waterproofs today?"Yes, it's really
,.,,,,,'..,, outside.,
6 ln the winter holidaYs,
6 It's very cold - it's -4"C. The roads are very
. todaY.
70 Going away
LL fenne 6uro9
y' Lawwe]5ord AI ]eq] alrl spuauJ rnol llr^^ I
x'Moilouro] looq)s ]P aq llrM ulsl /
7r'Ieprloq uo raLllea^ a)ru aneq l(uol aM 9
i sbeq eql qt$ dlaq ll1 pfe6 t
;*as* Apva; s.+r * ?r?ri paayaLlL ?Ill ll.n0.4
'l(uorL pue illlvl tll!/\A sa)ualuas
oluM'rourruns srql aur] lsr!, aqt rol r(rlunor rno( x ralel q)eaq aq] o] o6 ,
]!sr^ ol 6uro6 sr yn aql uorJ puau]
r' zsuexa raL{ ul llaM op /islea lliM €
,,{s1e6 luny
'lru)rd aq] roJ sdsu) or.uos 6uuq ;;.no1 7
')eeM lxeu nor( ee5 ,
, nor{ pue y''no( q)!M eruau!l aq] ol auo) ].uoM I t
e-req {e1s rno{ ({ofue) 'rAolJcr*{o* x&nr}?s 8q +"no*.r1
L nor( e;ns 'A oilotuol aq
x 11,11
el,e7171 LUoLll 6urlrsrn (enol) , no{ - 'ruroJ uollsonb ro anrleoou ^uuns
{eup{5 ur seceld leerO eqt;1e o+ no,,t o)e} upf aM
os 'oroq e;,noX uaqM oo-lrr. ore I pue olf un rno1 aql 6ulsn sa)ualuos oql alp/vrou W I
ipoo6 X1leor s.1r - z(e.rds
rno +o euros noX (enr6) soM r ' ,(aql/noi/aM o(aql -:
esneloq ,(erds lcesur ,(ue 6ur"rq +.uop ]ng /Il/aqsTaqTnor(71'op aur/ll/aqs7aq7nol :
'oLr-.rnlsol 6urr-ur.urans e osle pue soqlolr .roLUurns anrle6ap SAllPLL.-r
jo lol e (peou) ono,{'se1 r.,li:r'ri,i,i.ri.I:.i,,i.irtiltr,rrr,Sl9/lJtSUe UO{6
}e asoql a^eal
(peeu) ilaMo]e €r(aql 7no' =
ueo noz{ - sloo.rdrelenn r{ue
nod o5 '(ure.r) z ]r pue euJr] eql : illaqs 1aq1no(11
11e {uuns pue }oLl fuen (eq) L }l
'}uoLuour oql }e poo6 sr roq}eoM eL1I
)ulr.{} I 'euoq ]e r(els
;{eprloq e "ro1 eoeld 1ee;6 , /aM/llleqs /ai -
n s,1! -,{eup{5 (e)ll) s{l}i!, nol, 'no{ ees o} }reM
].uef eM 'eleq ltstn.;noi( lnoqe {ddeq {1;eej a-].ery1
'{;r1 reeq
/a^ /l;";Jlj:Hl
'qra^ aql pue
JltorL )o ll< t{l!M lteua aqt a}alduo)'ellpJ}snv'(aup^5
It? ](uoM aI el
u!ol)un pup lune laq l!s!^ ol6u!o6 st4n W g 'spro^ aql qllM olqet aql alaldLuo) .:-,r
Broi,t'illree $clrool 3 tl] text again. Complete the sentence
Read the
with one or two words from the text.
Wednesdoy 5th June The adventure day is in the month of '}utls
Deor students ond Porents, 1 They're going to meet at the
A l'm writing to tell you oboui the plons for our exciiing
2 The students are going to travel in
different buses.
odventure Ooy on Fridoy 14th June ot the Woodlonds 0utdoor
Adventure Centre in Ashom. 3 lt's important for students to wear
ond teochers to get on the buses. s ni,r.,l uJ"..,r,.'LtLiX IX** .an learn to ctimb
C Students need to weor ouldoor clothes ond toke o smoll
rucksock with woterproofs, sun creom 0nd some sondwiches
in it. Don't toke woter bottles - you con get drinks ot the
& laj*$ Answer the questions. Write
complete sentences.
outdoor centre.
What is the teacher writing about?
DWe'regoingtoorriveotoboutg.l5ondbegintheoctivities Tlr* p{ams ferr ths advant{,{r* SaY"
oi 9.30. getore tuncf,, oll the stucients ore going to leorn iree
climbing This is o sofe octivity - the students oll weor helmets
1 Why do the students need to be at the school
ond they con leorn to climb wilh the speciol teochers ot
The cen'"e
2 Who is going to teach the students about
E After lunch, the students ore going to study mop reoding ond
tree climbing?
ihen spend the ofternoon wolking in the huge woods oround
the centre.
3 Where are they going to walk after lunch?
ot oround S.i-S.We think you'll oll hove on omozing doy - we
eeds 1.uel lll s.aLl 1r; rfuan
'Lutr lH 'saserqd au:
&sw---exwwi:i : qllM sa)ualuas aql e1alduo1$1;:.
pue arnprag ql!,r
I t:t r tr.l trf) it.l .ffid
& t=t i-.: .***e**;,* tr'a ".
oo'g 1e awaq ra^u aql uo ]poc
asoo.tdnleta 7wtq e aIe) osne)oq1 /7 ro 6urddoqs o6 uet noI',(eptt1 u6 ;
Rvu ut 1no oE (epun5 roJ sueld 'q)uarl 1:a;rad s>1eac ;
+€aq llewe o ,PeP
e\unrl?oaD aq os / asne)oqq ''a)ue.rJ ur uroq s?M raqlplpuer6 ,(;', ;
l(ep,tnge5 Jol sueld 'uns aLl] ut6utpts pu:
qceoqaqluo awgpuado
eos oq1_
6ururlurms {o[ua) II lnq / asne)aq si(eprloq q)eaq al r
(e1s o1 a:e;6 'sluau
unuou snotueJ atuos puP / asne)ac
vrpd rnrnnp;
eeq p ]rsrn oi 6uro6'uopuol - J
)noque - feu::nol 'araq]
IleM l(uP) aM asne)ai
lol sueld 7 os'(emeI si
sarlaulolrl xrs sr ;ood 6urtul,utms : -- ;
OS' g - aonoq Lnof, o+ owoc 6uluena (ePtr1
'I1r: aqt Moul ](uop aM pu:
uoll)nporlul :,
du1 eq1 ns oue4 - ?uo\aaM +xau uetsl
/ asnP)aq lnque ro1 looqaprn6 e {nq ol paau :','
burdue) o6
'rauuns slq] 6urdtuer o0 ol
ot ;;--. (
'lleua aql
alaldtuor ueql'salou aql peag 'A11ue; s(allreq) aq{asne:eqJ7 os 6eq 6urdaals nnau p }o6 seL -.
q1/vl dlrl puataerv\ e uo o6 o1 6ulo6 s; ulf 1$$ [ 'sproM l)aJlo) aql asooq) ,fl
xs,vi" asnrrsaq:lulod a6er'
t -"*
I need to try this again. '- I Orli ha^nrr
lrGpFy \r.rth
vvrtlr tht.
,,.:-l,l ..:.; l l;:l l;i;i i eou$d d* t!'lis bettcr. .- I r:n rin rhi<.rot., trroll
some s in her washbag.'
(your sister / buy)
I can talk about the things I need for a holiday. a guidebook?
ror\ /r.1/.i\
'C/ \J V I can talk about future plans and intentions.
: - " ,1. -va'
2 Read Holly's email. What thing in the photo does she
talk about?
4 eW Holly is on the schooltrip in Chester. Listen to
Hi Katarina, conversation between Holly and her friend 5arah.
two places do theY want to visit?
How are you? l'm really happy because there's
a school trip on Friday. Every year, we visit a
different city with our class. We haven't got any
lessons for the day and itt always a lot of fun! ffi Listen again and complete the sentences with
1 What is the name of the town or city? Where is it?
2 What is it like?
3 What can you see or do there?
4 Give one more piece of information about the towr
Read Holly's email again. Then find six more mistakes citY.
in the text below. 2 and the writing
C WRITE Use the text in exercise
; tf'r, g.:*: ::9. 1,::::, ::, 1!:l, P:::1....,,.,.. .,,.,,.,,. .,.,.,1 r Paragraph 3: Thsre ara "". I Thsre is '..
1 4
2 5
Didyou know...
3 6
There are about six hundred castles in the UK, including
Chester castle.
Speakimg Listening
1 took at the photo. What are the people doing? Do 4 # fS Jasmine talks to her friend Sia about the
you like the look of this sport? Why / Why not? beach volleyball competition. Who were the
Soturdoy 25th June 5 ffi.*&l Listen again and write true or false.
tde r ftd"!
=f,{ # C WRITE Use the text in exercise 2 and the writing g
It's a lot of (fun).
Wg rdirrq ah*ttt i,,rlrEt'f
l'm a student at ...
l'm into ... , especially ... Lik*s amd dlslllces
Email or message me in (English) ir{s*ti{srinm t!*inae I love ...
illlllt lilllll I lll ililil|I
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