Practice Set of Multiple Choice Questions: Subject: EHVAC Date: 26/06/2022

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Practice Set of Multiple Choice Questions

Subject : EHVAC Date: 26/06/2022

1) This high voltage recognized in India are as per

a) IS 2022
b) IS 2024
c) IS 2026
d) IS 2028

2) The Percentage Power loss in 750 kV transmission line is nearly equal to

a) 3.27
b) 4.76
c) 0.78
d) 2.5

3) By Increasing transmission line voltage to double of its original value the same power can be
dispatched keeping the line loss a) Equal to original value
b) Half of original value
c) One fourth or original value
d) Double the original value

4) Galloping in transmission line conductors arises due to

a) Asymmetrical layers of ice formation
b) Vortex phenomenon in light winds
c) Heavy weight of the line conductors
d) Adoption of horizontal conductor configuration

5) The main drawback of overhead system over underground system is

a) Underground system is more flexible than overhead system
b) More charging current
c) Surge problem
d) High initial cost

6) First mode of propagation is called as

a) Line to ground
b) Line to line
c) Homopolar
d) Both a) and b)

7) Second mode of propagation is called as

a) Line to ground
b) Line to line
c) Homopolar
d) Inter-phase
8) As the transmission voltage increase the percentage resistance drop
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Will not change
d) Will increase in random manner

9) As the transmission voltage increases the volume of the conductor

a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Will not change
d) Will increase Proportionally

10) The bundle conductors are preferred for EHV transmission line because
a) It is easy to fabricate thin conductors and combine them to make a bundle
b) Overall inductance of the line is reduced and corona loss and radio influences are
c) Height of the tower is reduced and hence cheap transmission
d) Fabrication of the conductor is cheap

11) By increasing potential of a conductor

a) Its potential gradient increase
b) Insulation required is less
c) Corona loss is reduced
d) Potential between conductor and ground decreases

12) Voltage gradient on a transmission line conductor is highest

a) At the surface of the conductor
b) At the center of the conductor
c) At the distance equal to one radius from the surface
d) None of these

13) Transmission lines are transposed to

a) Reduce corona loss
b) Reduce skin effect
c) Prevent interference with neighbouring telephone lines
d) Prevent short circuit between any two lines

14) Which one of the following statement is not correct for the use of bundled conductors in
transmission lines?
a) Control of voltage gradient \
b) Reduction in corona loss
c) Reduction in radio interference
d) Increase in interference with communication lines
15) Corona loss can be reduced by using
a) Solid conductor of diameter ‘d’
b) Hollow conductor of diameter ‘d + δd’
c) Bundled conductor
d) Both B & C

16) Charging current in a transmission line increases due to corona effect because corona
a) Line current
b) Effective line voltage
c) Power loss in lines
d) The effective conductor diameter

17) The power loss due to corona effect depends on

a) The surface condition of the conductor
b) The material density of the conductor
c) Both A & B
d) None of the above

18) The inductive interference between power and communication line can be minimized by
a) Increasing the distance between the conductors
b) Transposition of the power line
c) Transposition of the communication line
d) (B) and (C) both

19) The effect of high voltage gradient on bundled conductors are evaluated all over the world
a) Drums
b) Solid cylinders
c) Cages
d) None of the above

20) The radio interference level is governed by

a) Amplitude of single phase
b) Wave shape of single pulse
c) Repetitive nature of pulse
d) All of these

21) Reflection coefficient of voltage (Kr) for open circuit is

a) A. 0
b) B. +2
c) C. +1
d) D. -1

22) Television and frequency modulation broadcast and reception covers frequencies in the
range of
a) E. 25 – 100 MHz
b) 40 – 60 MHz
c) 50 – 80 MHz
d) None of the above
23) Transposition of power lines is done to
a) Reduce copper losses
b) Prevent short circuit between two lines
c) Prevent interference with telephone lines
d) All of these

24) The cause of reflected and refracted wave is

a) Discontinuity at the junction
b) Lighting effect
c) Switching surge
d) None of these
25) Which of the following transmission line has the reflection coefficient of minus one?
a) Open circuit transmission line
b) Short circuit transmission line
c) Long transmission line
d) Short transmission line

26) What will be the reflection coefficient of the wave of load connected to transmission line if
surge impedance of the line is equal to load?
a) Unity
b) Infinity
c) Zero
d) 10

27) The velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves on overhead line is

a) 3 x 108 m/s
b) 3 x 108 km/s
c) 3 x 1010 m/s
d) 3 x 108 km/hour

28) What does the standing wave ratio (SWR) of unity imply?
a) Transmission line is open circuited
b) Transmission line is short circuited
c) Transmission lines characteristic impedance is equal to load impedance
d) Transmission lines characteristic impedance is not equal to load impedance

29) In general method of Laplace transform the series and shunt impedance operator per unit
length of line is
a) z(s) = r + l(s)
b) y(s) = g + c(s)
c) Both A & B
d) None of the above

30) In lossless transmission line theoretically have

a) r = l = 0
b) l = g = 0
c) g = c = 0
d) r = g = 0
31) Difference between surge impedance and characteristic impedance is that in surge
impedance a) Line resistance is considered
b) Line impedance is assumed to be zero
c) Line capacitance is assumed to be zero
d) Line resistance is assumed to be zero

32) Charging current of a line is more at a) Mid-point

b) Sending end
c) Receiving end
d) One-third of line

33) For a 400 kV transmission line, the switching overvoltage crest in kV is a) 400
b) 400√2
c) 825
d) 1155

34) If the voltage as well as reactance of a transmission line is double, the maximum steady state
power limit of the
a) Remains unaltered
b) Doubles
c) Becomes 4 times
d) Becomes 8 times

35) Constant voltage transmission have the advantage(s) of a) Increase of short-circuit

current of the system
b) Large reserve of lines in case of line trouble
c) Improvement of power factor at the times of moderate and heavy loads
d) All of these

36) Voltage control in a power transmission line is achieved by a) Booster transformer

b) Tap-changing transformer
c) Injection of reactive power
d) All of these

37) The most accurate and versatile method of achieving reactive power compensation is by
using a) Switched capacitors
b) Fixed capacitor with controlled reactor
c) Saturable reactor with capacitor bank
d) Switched capacitor with controlled reactor

38) Switching over-voltages are more hazardous than lightning surges in case of a)
Low voltage systems
b) 11 kV systems
c) Unbalanced systems
d) EHV and UHV systems.
39) The over-voltage surges in power systems may be caused by a) Lightning
b) Switching
c) Resonance
d) Any of the above.

40) The protection against over-voltage due to lightening is provided by a) Use of surge
b) Low tower footing resistance
c) Use of overhead ground wires
d) Any of the above

41) Which of the following statement is true?

a) Shunt reactors are used for power factors improvement
b) Shunt reactor are used to control the line voltage
c) Shunt reactors are used to reduce the line impedance
d) Shunt reactors are used to eliminate line to ground capacitance

42) Series reactors should have a) High resistance

b) Low resistance
c) High impedance
d) Low impedance

43) Which of the following device will be preferred to control the power system voltage? a)
b) Shunt capacitors
c) Series capacitors
d) Synchronous conductors

44) The sending end voltage of the transmission line controls the a) Active power
b) Reactive power
c) Both A & B
d) None of the above

45) The frequency of the power system control the a) Active power
b) Reactive power
c) Both A & B
d) None of the above

46) The installation of a synchronous motor at receiving end of the transmission line will
a) Improve the p.f. of the line under large loads
b) Keep same voltage at sending and receiving ends
c) Help in transmitting larger power
d) All of the above

47) The difference between sending end voltage and receiving end voltage of transmission line
controls a) Active power
b) Reactive power
c) Frequency
d) None of the above

48) Which of the following method may be used to inject reactive power in the transmission
line? a) Series capacitor
b) Synchronous capacitors
c) Both A & B
d) None of these

49) Series capacitors on transmission lines are of little use when the required reactive
voltamperes are a) Small
b) Large
c) Fluctuating
d) Any of these

50) Transfer reactance of a line is reduced by a) Series compensation

b) Shunt compensation
c) Mixed series & shunt compensation
d) It cannot be compensated

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