Mold Powders Continuous Casting

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Study of the behaviour of mold powders for continuous casting by

using the heating microscope

ing. Chiara Venturelli

Expert System Solutions Srl, Modena, Italia


Mold powders, initially fly ash based, were introduced about 40 years ago in the steel
continuous casting process. Nowadays, also synthetic powders consisting of mixtures of
various minerals are used. Depending on their production technique, these powders are
supplied in different forms: for example, it is possible to mention spray dried, extruded and
fritted powders [1].
Considering the chemical composition, the powders are made up of complex mixtures of
carbon, some oxides (SiO2 , Al2 O3, Na2O, CaO) and other materials [2].

The aims of the powders, when added to the free surface of the liquid steel in the mold,
can be summarized as follow:

- thermal isolation of the steel surface, in order to prevent its solidification;

- protection of the steel surface from the oxidation;
- lubrication and heat transfer control between the mold wall a nd the solid steel shell;
- absorption of non-metallic inclusions coming from the steel [1].

fig. 1: Various layers formed by the powders into a mold [1; 2].

Referring to fig. 1 and references [3] and [4], it is possible to explain the role of these
powders into the mold.

When mold powders are fed onto the top of the mold, they heat up and the oxidation of the
particles of carbon present takes place. The powders enter in contact with the liquid steel
and form a sintered layer and a molten one. This molten flux spreads over the free surface
of the steel and, thanks to the mold oscillations, it infiltrates into the gap between the mold
wall and the solidifying steel shell, acting as a lubricant. The infiltrated flux partially
solidifies in contact with the mold, whose wall is water-cooled: the formation of a slag
occurs. Its thickness increases just above the steel surface, where it is called slag rim.
This layer allows an adequate heat transfer between the solid steel shell and the mold.

The aim of this work is to characterize the thermal behaviour of some mold powders for
continuous casting, when they are subjected to different heating cycles. In particular, we
want to concentrate us on the melting temperature, the eventual presence of
crystallizations , and, in general on the observation of the phenomena that occur in the
material, by studying its dimensional variations.

Experimental method

The heating microscope used to perform the analyses is the model MISURA HSM,
manufactured by Expert System Solutions.
This instrument is able to acquire and store the images of a specimen subjected to a
heating cycle, at predetermined time or temperature intervals. All the dimensional
parameters (height, length…) are measured automatically during the test, in order to
identify some characteristic points of the material.
The heating microscope MISURA HSM consists of a kiln equipped with an automatic
programmer, which can reach a heating rate of 80°C per minute and a maximum
temperature of 1600°C [5].

Referring to fig. 2, the following characteristic temperatures are defined:

- “sintering temperature”: the specimen height, H, assumes a value of 95% with

respect to its initial height;
- “softening temperature”: the specimen roughness reaches a defined value;
- “half sphere”: W=H;
- “sphere”: it is possible to find five equal radii in the specimen shape;
- “fusion”: W=3H.

fig. 2: Dimensions of a specimen for heating microscope

From the memorized data, the instrument provides also the curve of the dimensional
variations of the sample as a function of the temperature, which is called “flattening curve”.


Two different types of mold powders for continuous casting have been studied. In
particular, spray dried (“D”) and not spray dried (“A”) powders are analysed.
Spray dried powders present a homogeneous particle size, while the others are coarser
and have a non-homogeneous particle size.
In order to study the effects of the application of different heating rates, we carried out a
comparison between the behaviours of the two samples of mold powders, when subjected
to three different thermal cycles:

- heating rate of 30°C/min up to the sample fusion;

- heating rate of 80°C/min up to the sample fusion;
- instantaneous or “flash” heating. The kiln is always kept hot at the desired
temperature and then it slides over the sample in few seconds thanks to a
motorized slide.

With the addition of some water drops for increasing the plasticity, the powders were
pressed with a manual press, in order to obtain a little cylinder 3mm high, with a diameter
of 2mm. The support for the samples consists of an alumina substrate; the data acquisition
was carried out every 5°C.
The results relative to powder “A” are shown in the following graph (fig. 3). The curve
obtained applying a heating rate of 30°C/min is represented in red, the one obtained with a
heating rate of 80°C/min in blue and the curve obtained with an instantaneous heating in

fig.3: Flattening curves of powder “A”.

In all cases, the instrument has identified only the sintering and fusion temperatures,
because the specimens assume irregular and unusual forms.

When a low heating rate (30°C/min) is applied, it is possible to see a horizontal plateau
between 1000 and 1100°C in the flattening curve. In correspondence of it, the specimen
dimensions remain constant as the temperature varies. This indicates that a crystallization
process is occurring inside the material, which is transforming. The fusion temperature of
this specimen was identified at 1150°C.
The same powder melts much earlier when the heating rate applied is higher. This is due
to the fact that the elements that constitute the material have no sufficient time to react in
order to give compounds with higher melting temperatures.
The three flattening curves are very different.

Some of the shapes assumed by the specimen during the test carried out with flash
heating are represented in fig. 4.

fig. 4: Shapes assumed by the specimen during the test with instantaneous heating.

In the following graph (fig. 5), the results obtained for the powders “D” are shown.

fig. 5: Flattening curves of powder “D”.

Analysing powder “D”, it is possible to see a difference between the behaviour shown in
the case of “flash” heating with respect to the one shown in the other two cases.
Applying an instantaneous heating, in fact, the material starts to shrink earlier, but after
1100°C it shows a bloating, due to the development of gases inside it.
Such bloating is not present when the tests are carried out with lower heating rates. In
these two cases, the flattening curves are very similar.


The thermal behaviour of the materials tested depends strongly on the heating cycle
applied. The instantaneous heating is the analysis modality which permits to reproduce
better the thermal stresses that actually occur into a mold.
When low heating rates are adopted, they favourite crystallizations inside the material,
which change its thermal behaviour.
For this reason, the fusion temperature obtained for a material in industrial conditions
could be different from the results obtained in a laboratory applying low heating rates.
This is due to the fact that, with a very high heating rate, the new crystalline high-melting
compounds have not sufficient time to form.


The automatic analysis of the images provided by the heating microscope allows to obtain
accurate information on materials subjected to a heating cycle [5].

A more complete information is provided observing the general behaviour of the flattening
curves, which represent the dimensional variations of the material as a function of the
A limit of the old heating microscopes is that the thermal behaviour of the materials is
studied by subjecting them to heating rates too low, far from the real industrial conditions
of utilization.
The possibility of new generation microscopes to reach high heating speeds permits to
reproduce the actual thermal stresses industrially present.
Finally, it is important to underline that the heating microscope MISURA HSM was the first
able to reach heating rates so high and it is still the only one which can apply the
instantaneous heating.


[1] Kenneth C. Mills: Casting Volume, Chapter 8, “Mold Powders for continuous casting”
[2] Kempro International: Estratto bibliografico (dal sito internet)
[3] Ya Meng, Brian G. Thomas: “Modelling transient slag-layer phenomena in the
shell/mold gap in continuous casting of steel”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B,
Volume 34B, October 2003-707
[4] Kenneth C. Mills, Alistair B. Fox, Maria Carolina Bezerra: “A logical approach to mould
powder selection“
[5] Studying frits with the heating microscope (studio delle fritte col microscopio
riscaldante) M. Paganelli - CWR (Ceramic World Review) n° 24 1997 Pag 48

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