A Review of The Artificial Neural Network Surrogate Modeling in Aerodynamic Design
A Review of The Artificial Neural Network Surrogate Modeling in Aerodynamic Design
A Review of The Artificial Neural Network Surrogate Modeling in Aerodynamic Design
Artificial neural network surrogate modeling with its economic computational consumption and accurate generalization
capabilities offers a feasible approach to aerodynamic design in the field of rapid investigation of design space and optimal
solution searching. This paper reviews the basic principle of artificial neural network surrogate modeling in terms of data
treatment and configuration setup. A discussion of artificial neural network surrogate modeling is held on different
objectives in aerodynamic design applications, various patterns of realization via cutting-edge data technique in numerous
optimizations, selection of network topology and types, and other measures for improving modeling. Then, new frontiers
of modern artificial neural network surrogate modeling are reviewed with regard to exploiting the hidden information
for bringing new perspectives to optimization by exploring new data form and patterns, e.g. quick provision of candidates
of better aerodynamic performance via accumulated database instead of random seeding, and envisions of more physical
understanding being injected to the data manipulation.
Artificial neural network, surrogate modeling, aerodynamic design, machine learning, optimization
optimization algorithm. The computational resource experiments to aid the optimization. Meanwhile,
consumption grows rapidly with the utilization of reduced-ordered modeling is a similar method that
high-fidelity tools for simulations.7 In addition, most focuses on abstract regeneration of complex flowfield
aerodynamic design problems require an appropriate by modeling.17 For example, the curse of the dimen-
amount of sample points generated via distributing sionality can be relieved with reduced-order modeling
approaches of design of experiment (DoE) methods, in unsteady aerodynamics at varying flow condi-
e.g. D-optimality, Monte Carlo, and Latin hypercube tions.18 Comparatively, surrogate modeling is more
in multivariable design space, before the set of experi- applicable than reduced-order modeling, because the
mental points is sent to simulator for responses. former is more related to the input and output data of
For example, large numbers of analyses have to be optimization problem and is less involved in detailed
carried out in constructing Hessian at the design aerodynamics.19 Therefore, this paper focuses on
point by sampling the design space when there are surrogate model thereafter.
many variables, particularly when using finite differ- Artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed as a
ence methods to evaluate gradients.8 In fact, many data-driven method to transform engineering analysis
optimizations depend on some forms of internal and design.20 It emulates biological information pro-
model for design space exploration.9 For example, cessing detouring the need of any objective functions;
simulations of flow field around new airfoils for dif- thus it offers a feasible solution to the technological
ferent set of shape variables10 or newly morphed needs in aerodynamic optimization, which will be dis-
geometry11 have to be conducted to populate the cussed in the following section. It can be considered as
design space in order to find the optimal candidate. an interpolation tool for obtaining data that are not
That is to say, obtaining enough information to pre- originally present in the training data. For example,
dict a design landscape in a hypercube of increasing data-fit models are generated using regression of high-
dimensions is a barrier in many optimizations.12 fidelity simulation data from the input to the output.7
Approaches including abstraction of problem dimen- ANN has been widely applied in modern surrogate
sions and simplification of geometry topology have modeling with its advantage of consuming trivial com-
been adopted in many studies to relieve this difficulty, putational effort; thus, it can be used as the assistant for
which yet leads to the inevitable deviation from real computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculation for a
design.13 A strategy of optimization is demanded to large number of designed geometry in a short time,
be efficient, intelligent, and credible for balancing the which greatly increases the optimization efficiency.21
modeling efforts and design space scope.14 Its accurate generalization and parallel computation
The rapid advance in data science has brought new capabilities in complex engineering design problems
insights into aerodynamic design and optimization by are helpful in the rapid investigation of design space
constructing surrogate models (also termed as meta- and searching for optimalities.12 For example, ANN
model or response surfaces). The ‘‘aerodynamic has been used to expedite decision-making process in
design’’ refers to the design of airfoil, wing, engine early stages of aircraft design process and to select
nacelles, etc. that are components of an aircraft. proper combination of engine thrust, wing area, and
A surrogate model is proposed as a data-driven and the aircraft weight without going through elaborate
bottom-up approach used when an outcome of inter- details of other direct approaches.22 The applications
est cannot be easily obtained or the inner mechanism and prospects in some new frontiers of ANN surrogate
of simulation is not assumed to be known. It can be modeling will be discussed in a later section in detail.
viewed as the response of simulator to the data points
in design space comprehensively harnessing high-
fidelity simulations and experiments to aid the
Artificial neural network
optimization, sometimes dominating the whole opti- The advanced intellectual capability and processing
mization process, and sometimes functioning just as a power of human brains come from the biological
supplementary aid.15 The rise of surrogate model neural network that are composed of numerous chem-
comes with the application of inverse design. ically connected neurons.12 A neuron is connected to
Traditionally, airfoil design is important for aircraft one another with axons and dendrites; the connecting
wings, helicopter rotor blades, etc.16 Given the bound- regions between them are synapses.23 A neuron
ary conditions of coming flow, the airfoil shape deter- receives input from many sources, and then generates
mines its aerodynamic performance including the a unique output that can be passed on to other
pressure distribution over the surface. Navier–Stokes neurons in turn.24 The complexity of biological
equations are applied for obtaining the pressure dis- neural network determines the level of intelligence.24
tribution of specified airfoil shape. Then, the pressure The architecture and strengths of synaptic connec-
distribution is specified and the airfoil shape is tions often adapt to external stimuli, which is how
obtained as an output of complex aerodynamic learning takes place in organisms.25 Similarly, ANN
shape optimization procedure.11 In this circumstance, propagates the computed values from the input neu-
a surrogate model can be introduced to comprehen- rons to the output neurons, where learning takes place
sively harness data from high-fidelity simulations and by changing the weights representing the connections
Sun and Wang 3
between neurons.26 In many applications, ANN is reduce the error of prediction EðXÞ ¼ o o^ between
needed to adjust their internal structure to produce the observed value in the training sample and the pre-
correct outputs for sample inputs, thus approximating dicted outcome. Recurrent connections can also be uti-
the implicit relationship.27 lized where the predicted outputs become part of the
Various input–output functions and learning meth- next input vector. When the error value EðXÞ is non-
ods can be implemented in realizing neural networks. zero, the weights in the neural network need to updat-
The configuration of neural network is usually one of ing in the negative direction of error gradient.
the biggest problems in optimization. Figure 1 shows The configuration of the value set to each neuron
the structure of perceptron as fundamental component and weights is the result of neural network training.
of ANN architecture, which contains one input node, The operation of a perceptron lays foundation of
one hidden node, and an output node. Generally, the ANN; its interpretation as a computational unit is
paradigm of ANN is composed of a multi-layer per- useful because it allows to put together multiple
ceptron (MLP) based on feed-forward, supervised units in order to create powerful models in neural
learning, and an error back-propagation training algo- network training.25 Thereby, the basic ANN architec-
rithm. Consider a situation where each training ture comprises an input layer, hidden layer(s), and an
instance is of the form ðX, oÞ: each X ¼ ½x1 , . . . , xd output layer. Information processing, proceeding
contains d feature variables, and o 2 f1, þ 1g con- from left to right within each layer of the ANN,
tains the observed value (which is given to the designer occurs at many simple processing units or elements.
as a part of the training data). The input layer contains ANN topology is established/modified according to
d nodes that transmit d features X ¼ ½x1 , . . . , xd with the detailed situation of the optimization problem: In
edges of weight W ¼ ½w1 , . . . wd to an output node. single-layer neural networks (Figure 1), the training pro-
The input layer does not perform any computation cess is straightforward because the error can be com-
Pd its own right, and the linear function W X ¼ puted as a direct function of the weights, which allows
w x
i¼1 i i is computed at the output nodes. easy gradient computation. In multilayer networks
Subsequently, an activation function sign of this (Figure 2), the error is a complicated composition func-
value in form of real number predicts the dependent tion of the weights in earlier layers. The gradient of a
variable of X. The activation function as the source of composition function is computed using back-propaga-
nonlinearities determines the input–output relationships tion algorithm, which leverages the chain rule of differ-
of each processing unit as well as the form of the final ential calculus, computing the error gradients with
solution. Therefore, the P prediction
d o^ is computed as: respect of weights in terms of summations of local-gra-
o^ ¼ signðW XÞ
¼ sign w x where the sig- dient products over the various paths from nodes to
i¼1 i i
moidal function sign maps a real value to either –1 outputs. The principle of weight adjusting is as follows
or þ 1, which is a common approach in the ANN con- " #
figuration. Appropriate activation function can provide @L @L X @o Y k1
the desired nonlinear relationship between the input ¼
@wðhr1 , hr Þ @o ½hr , hrþ1 ,..., hk , o2P
@h k i¼r @hi
and output vectors. The circumflex on top of the vari-
able o indicates a predicted value instead of an observed @hr
, 8r 2 1 . . . k
one. The primary objective for ANN training is to @wðhr1 , hr Þ
done similar research in exploiting airfoil database of where the GA operates simultaneously with ANN.36
geometry and aerodynamic performance from accu- ANN is employed as one of the reliable and fast meth-
mulated experiment and CFD calculation results ods of predicting aerodynamic coefficients to
based on ANN.45 The proposed approach ‘‘database select optimized airfoils10 as well as a lift-drag ratio
self-expansion’’ is focused on quickly providing new optimization for airfoil46 with GA. Approximated
airfoil candidate that has better aerodynamic per- pre-evaluations based on ANN are used in a hybrid
formance (Figure. 6), which is different from other optimization procedure with GA to determine airfoil
algorithms e.g. particle swarm optimization, ant shape in three-dimensional wing design to benefit
colony optimization, etc. The database is classified from the accumulated knowledge thus reducing
for data concentration via SOM, as is shown in
Figure 7. Conclusively, the comparisons of geometry
before and after optimization are shown in Figure 8.
The corresponding comparison of aerodynamic per-
formance is shown in Figure 9.
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