Gas Turbine Efficiency and Ramp Rate Improvement Through Compressed Air Injection
Gas Turbine Efficiency and Ramp Rate Improvement Through Compressed Air Injection
Gas Turbine Efficiency and Ramp Rate Improvement Through Compressed Air Injection
With the transition to more use of renewable forms of energy in Europe, grid instability that is linked to the intermit-
tency in power generation is a concern, and thus, the fast response of on-demand power systems like gas turbines has
become more important. This study focuses on the injection of compressed air to facilitate the improvement in the
ramp-up rate of a heavy-duty gas turbine. The steady-state analysis of compressed airflow injection at part-load and full
load indicates power augmentation of up to 25%, without infringing on the surge margin. The surge margin is also seen to
be more limiting at part-load with maximum closing of the variable inlet guide vane than at high load with a maximum
opening. Nevertheless, the percentage increase in the thermal efficiency of the former is slightly greater for the same
amount of airflow injection. Part-load operations above 75% of power show higher thermal efficiencies with airflow
injection when compared with other load variation approaches. The quasi-dynamic simulations performed using constant
mass flow method show that the heavy-duty gas turbine ramp-up rate can be improved by 10% on average, for every 2%
of compressor outlet airflow injected during ramp-up irrespective of the starting load. It also shows that the limitation of
the ramp-up rate improvement is dominated by the rear stages and at lower variable inlet guide vane openings. The
turbine entry temperature is found to be another restrictive factor at a high injection rate of up to 10%. However, the 2%
injection rate is shown to be the safest, also offering considerable performance enhancements. It was also found that the
ramp-up rate with air injection from the minimum environmental load to full load amounted to lower total fuel con-
sumption than the design case.
Flexibility, gas turbine, ramp rate, power augmentation
frequency. This is in addition to the capability of gen- from add-on multi-stage intercooled centrifugal com-
erating full power output (PO) for a minimum of pressor modules powered by natural gas.
5 min during a 0.5 Hz frequency drop.1 These require- With regards to compressed air injection technol-
ments have caused OEMs and plant operators to ogy, a few studies have explored this for GT power
explore technologies for improving ramp rates and augmentation and ramp rate improvements. Salvini15
peaking capabilities. Based on Table 1, the average investigated a recuperated GT, considering two con-
ramp rate of an F-class heavy-duty GT is about figurations: compressed air energy storage (CAES)
25 MW/min that corresponds to 10%/min of rated air injection and CAES air injection with expanders.
capacity. This is expected to increase to a minimum The latter approach proved better as a result of pre-
of 38 MW/min, to accommodate renewable energy heating of the injected air, as well as an additional
generation, noted in Gonzalez-Salazar et al.8 expander. This study identified that the short dis-
Balling9 study is based on Siemens technology; the charge duration causes high storage efficiencies of
article explains the Fast Cycling concept that enables up to 70%, also concluding that additional expan-
faster combined cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) start-up, ders are beneficial for power augmentation but not
by combining GT and ST ramping using their Start so for the storage efficiency. Wojcik and Wang,16 on
on the Fly technology. The study suggests that they the other hand, studied the feasibility of integrating
can satisfy the frequency requirements of the UK grid adiabatic CAES systems with a CCGT. Their con-
code by fast variation of the variable inlet guide vanes figuration uses the GT compressor for first stage
(VIGVs) and an optimized fuel control system that CAES compression, a thermal energy store and air
ensures power ramp-up without adverse impacts on expanders, all of which leads to a power augmenta-
combustion. A combination of software and hard- tion of 47.5% over the recorded CCGT plant cap-
ware has been considered by General Electric (GE) acity. Salvini17 presents a performance analysis for a
as shown in GE Power.10 The upgrade includes an CAES integrated CCGT. Like the previous work of
advanced gas path installation, which involves better the author, the compression train was powered by a
turbine blade design and materials to improve aero- motor, with an air heater used to increase injection
dynamic efficiency, durability, and firing tempera- air energy. Using a modified storage efficiency equa-
tures; a DLN2.6 þ combustor system; and OPFlex tion, over 58% storage efficiency for the CCGT com-
Suite consisting of fast start, fast ramp, and turndown bined with CAES was achieved. The study also
control modules.10,11 The critical improvements which shows a trade-off between storage efficiency and
enable the faster ramp-up are the improved turbine plant cost, with a variation of initial pressure of
firing temperature and controls.12 the storage tank.
Other methods of improving the flexibility of a GT Igie et al.18 focus on the stand-alone GT with
with respect to power ramp-up have involved add- respect to an assumed CAES. This study shows the
itional system integration. The GE LM6000 Hybrid performance benefits of different injection air tem-
EGTTM (electric GT) combines the benefits of a bat- peratures, as well as the influence of the design stage
tery storage system and the fast ramping up capability pressure ratio distribution on stall margin. Though
of this engine that is related to its aero-derivative PO increased with more air injection, its value
multi-spool design. The technology features a reduced for a given rate when the injection tempera-
10 MW battery storage system which enables immedi- ture increased. However, this brought about an
ate power response and high-fidelity frequency increase in thermal efficiency due to the increased spe-
response.13 Perri14 indicates that an improvement cific heat. This work did not consider transient oper-
of 5 MW/min at International Organization for ations as presented in Kim and Kim19 that evaluate
Standardization (ISO) conditions can be achieved the potential ramp rate benefit from injecting
for heavy-duty GT with compressed airflow injection compressed air at the discharge of a 15 MW GT
Figure 1. Flow injection set-up with a dummy storage system. CAES: compressed air energy storage.
the corresponding compressor exit values. This sim- where PR is the individual pressure ratios of the indi-
plification ensures the integration of the injected and vidual compressor (comp. 1–4), whose product
compressor discharge airflow with minimum supple- amounts to the compressor overall pressure ratio
mentary compressor work and minimal distortions. In (OPR), i.e P9/P2.
addition, similar temperatures enable a constant fuel– The DP performance at which the engine is mod-
air ratio to attain the desired combustion tempera- elled is indicated in Table 2. These are typical values
ture. The average TET at station 17 is a result of based on the technology of the engine, some of which
the cooling flows. The turbine is modelled as one are public information.
brick for simplicity, as it is least prone to aerodynamic Table 3 shows the DP calculated parameters,
problems for the study under investigation. The tur- also in comparison to the OEM published data in
bine drives all four compressor bricks on the same Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems.6 This indicates
shaft, and the total driven work of the compressor is a low percentage error, and in addition, the off-
the sum of the individual bricks. The surge margin design validation was conducted. Figure 2 illus-
utilization (SMU) defines the proximity of the operat- trates the validation of the off-design calculations
ing point and the surge line of the individual lumped based on the variation of ambient temperatures at
stages. This is mathematically represented in equation fixed COT. It shows good agreement with the pub-
(8); an assumed SMU of 85% (i.e. 15% surge margin) licly available OEM data,6 having the highest per-
is specified for all the lumped stages at the DP. centage error of 2% for one temperature; the mean
error across the nine cases is 0.2%. Further details
PRworking PRmin of the design and off-design calculations are pro-
SMUð%Þ ¼ 100 ð8Þ
PRstall PRmin vided in Igie et al.,18 MacMillan,21 and Pellegrini
et al.22
870 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 235(4)
Figure 3. Effect of flow injection on engine performance. (a) Performance parameters and (b) OPR and temperatures. CDT:
compressor discharge temperature; OPR: overall pressure ratio; TET: turbine entry temperature.
Abudu et al. 871
Figure 9. SMU for existing discretized compressor model and bulk case at different VIGV opening – with and without injection.
VIGV: variable inlet guide vane.
Figure 10. Flow chart indicating the strategy for the ramp rate increase – max VIGV opening. OEM: original equipment
rate. This operation is constrained such that the CMT while the thermal efficiency increases the most, due
trend is identical to the case of no air injection on the to the OPR increase.
left-hand side. The iterative process stops when both The ramp rate obtained is analysed in different
CMT trends are identical with a root mean square likelihoods: the default case, optimistic, pessimistic,
error (RMSE) less than a Kelvin. The respective PO and average ramp rates as indicated in equations (9)
trends are compared to evaluate the improvement in to (12). As implied, the optimistic ramp rate calculates
ramp rate. the best ramp rate achievable. This is defined by the
Figure 11 indicates the differences in PO with and change in PO with time duration; for this case, it is the
without injections with the time duration. It shows no difference between the maximum POf achieved and
flow injection during the first 50 s of the ramp-up; the lowest POi(opt.) – 50% of PO, against their respect-
afterwards, the air injection valve gradually opens to ive time difference tf and ti(opt.). In a similar formula-
deliver 2% of CDF which corresponds to approxi- tion, that of the pessimistic case still considers the
mately 7.5 kg/s to the plenum. The injection rate is maximum PO and earliest time to achieve this tf,
kept constant, leading to an increase in fuel flow with reference to a higher starting PO (that does not
and OPR until the design PO is achieved. At this account for the initial gradual increase in airflow) and
point, the air injection valve closes, and the combus- corresponding time ti(pess.). An average is also con-
tion temperature increases to maintain full PO. The sidered between the two scenarios as shown.
100% PO is achieved at 44 s earlier as shown, in the Optimistic ramp rates include the benefits of the injec-
case of 2% airflow injection. Figure 23 in Appendix 1 tion valve opening period as a faster ramp is observed
shows the engine operating parameters during a when the injection flow rate increases from none to
ramp-up for both cases. The figure shows the rapid the desired injection amount. Following this, a more
increase of most parameters as the air injection valve modest ramp rate is obtained. This effect is primarily
opens, although a slight reduction in inlet mass flow. due to the increased OPR accompanying the injection
The rotational speed is also shown to be constant, and a corresponding fuel flow increase
Abudu et al. 875
Figure 11. PO and airflow injection with time – with and without injection. PO: power output.
POf POiðopt:Þ
RRðdef:Þ ¼ ð9Þ
ðtfðdefÞ tiðopt:Þ Þ=60
POf POiðopt:Þ
RRðopt:Þ ¼ ð10Þ
ðtf tiðopt:Þ Þ=60
POf POiðpess:Þ
RRðpess:Þ ¼ ð11Þ
ðtf tiðpess:Þ Þ=60
RRðopt:Þ þ RRðpess:Þ
RRðavg:Þ ¼ ð12Þ
The procedure is repeated for airflow injections up
to 10% at 2% intervals, and their ramp rates are
shown in Figure 12. These are constant rates of injec-
tion immediately after the gradual valve opening as Figure 12. Increase in ramp rate as a function of flow injec-
tion for different scenarios. RR: ramp-up rate; SMU: surge
shown in Appendix 1 (Figure 24). From the figure, it
margin utilisation.
shows that the ramp rates increase with the flow injec-
tions. These increments are presented in the three
scenarios in Figure 12, showing that for the average
case, at every 2% increase in the flow, the ramp rate
improves by about 10%. At 2% air injection, the
average response rate is 12.9 MW/min representing a
7.5% augmentation. For this case, the corresponding
maximum SMU was 86%. The injection ramp rates
increased up to 46% for the highest injection (10%),
although the SMU approached 91%. Since the CMT
schedule is maintained, airflow injection brings about
an increase in fuel consumption for every ramp rate
increase case as shown in Figure 13. This figure high-
lights the increase in fuel, in tonnes, with their corres-
ponding mass of total air injected.
The RMSE between the CMT of the default case
and the injection ramp-up cases is 1 K, and the left-
hand side of Figure 14 shows their absolute values.
That of the TET is indicated on the right of the figure.
This shows that the gradients increase with injection
Figure 13. Air and fuel quantity as a function of flow
rate, which is attributed to higher cooling flow injection.
876 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 235(4)
Figure 14. CMT and TET schedules for ramp-up – with and without injection.
Figure 15. PO, CMT, and VIGV schedules for default and injection ramp-ups. CMT: combustor mean temperature; MEL: minimum
environmental load; VIGV: variable inlet guide vane.
temperatures that occur with a rise in compressor opening of the vanes. It also consists of the scheduling
work. Figure 25 of Appendix 1 shows the RMSE of the CMT from 88.5% of its design value, at inter-
for both CMT and TET for the cases of air injection. vals of 0.05%, until the maximum value of 1786 K.
The operation consists of segment 1 that involves the
Transient flow injection from MEL to FL increase of CMT and segment 2 that consist of the
opening of the VIGV at fixed CMT as shown in
with variable VIGV Figure 15. The overall procedure for the air injection
The focus of this section is the ramp-up rate of the is as follows:
engine from the MEL that relates to the lowest envir-
onmentally compliant load that is limited by CO emis- 1. From MEL, CMT is increased from 88.5% of
sions. The aim is to reduce the time taken from MEL design value until 100% of its value (at closed
to FL, facilitated by compressed air injection. Unlike VIGV – 40 ). This is achieved simultaneously
the previous investigation, it captures the operation with compressed air injection that increases grad-
from low load (with closed VIGV at 40 ) and the ually until its respective fixed values (2, 4,. . .10%).
Abudu et al. 877
RR ¼ ð13Þ
tFL ðtMEL ¼ 0Þ
Figure 20. SMU as a function of airflow injection at end of segment 1 (left) and end of segment 2 at respective FL (right). CMT:
combustor mean temperature; FL: full load.
Figure 21. TET as a function of injection rate with time. CMT: combustor mean temperature; INJ: injection; TET: turbine entry
temperature; VIGV: variable inlet guide vane.
The simulations show the tendency of the compres- Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under
sor back stages to operate towards stall during flow grant agreement No. 764545.
injection, especially at closed VIGV position. The air-
flow injection is shown to: ORCID iD
Uyioghosa Igie
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882 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy 235(4)
Appendix 1
Figure 22. Computational procedure for transient simulation. CMF: corrected mass flow; CW: compressor; OPR: overall pressure
ratio; PO: power output; SP: surplus power; TET: turbine entry temperature; TW: turbine.
Abudu et al. 883
Figure 23. Variation in operating parameters during ramp-up – with and without injection-fixed VIGV. CMT: combustor mean
temperature; OPR: overall pressure ratio.
Figure 25. TET gradient and RMSE for CMT and TET during injection ramp-up. CMT: combustor mean temperature; RMSE: root
mean square error; TET: turbine entry temperature.
Figure 26. Fuel schedules for default and 10% injection ramp-up – varying VIGV. FL: full load; MEL: minimum environmental load.